My Top 5 WooCommerce Plugins 2020 That Will Help You Sell More!

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hey everyone darren bellanco here founder of and in today's video i'm going to show you my top five plugins for woocommerce let's have a look now the plugins we're going to look at today are not going to be the standard woocommerce extensions because a lot of these plugins are super expensive and you can find these plugins or plugins that give you the exact same functionality elsewhere for free in the wordpress plugin library so we're going to have a look at those plugins today now the first plugin we're going to have a look at today is called cartflows now cartflows is a sales funnel plugin which will give you the ability to build sales funnels in your woocommerce checkout process if you're familiar with the software tool click funnels this is a plugin that you will really like because this plugin gives you the sales funnel functionality to your wordpress woocommerce store as you can see here they come with a lot of pre-built templates that you can use they've got landing page templates checkout templates upsell down cell templates and the build process in woocommerce is really easy as you can see you've got a drag and drop page organizer in the back of your woocommerce and wordpress dashboard where you can go and build your sales funnels set your upsells and downsells and it really is an awesome plugin to have if you are focusing on conversion optimization in your checkout process trying to increase your average order value per customer things like that so card flows is definitely a plug-in you do want to check out this plugin does have a free version which you can get off the wordpress plugin library and they also have a paid version for the plugin the paid version for the plugin is a little bit pricey it's 297 dollars for a year's license however that year license does allow you to use the plugin on multiple different websites so if you have more than one website or you're building out websites for clients this is a great solution that i would highly recommend installing if you are trying to improve your customers checkout process as well as your upsells and downsells in the back end the next plugin we are going to have a look at is called woocommerce product bundles this plugin is a very nifty little plugin which allows you to create product bundles from other products that are already in your store it's from a company called wp clever there is a free version of the plugin as well as the paid version of the plugin the free version only allows you to bundle three items together whereas the paid version will allow you to bundle multiple different items together and as you can see here from the image this is a bundled product which has four different products with a set quantity pre-entered in and that will then go and make the bundle in the front end what i really love about this plugin is when you go and create your bundle here you'll see that's the normal price of what these items would cost together and there's the bundled price if you go and then change the price of one of the other individual items inside this bundle your bundle will automatically update in your woocommerce store so this is incredibly nifty to have because having to remember which bundles to update if you have a lot of them and having to go back and update them can become an incredibly time consuming process so this is a really nice plugin to use if you have a large store and you're looking at bundling certain items together here is the actual plugin developer site wp clever and i really love actually a lot of the plugins from from these guys they have quite a few plugins here they've got the product bundles they've got a composite products plug-in which is also really cool because that will allow you to create products that can be built by your clients they can go and select different items and build their own products such as pcs or gaming machines or things of that nature so wp clever is definitely another plugin developer specifically their product bundle plugin that you definitely want to have a look at for your woocommerce websites the next plugin we're going to have a look at is the upsell order bump offer for woocommerce now this is a very useful plugin and a lot of people don't really use order bumps or upsells in their woocommerce checkout process and their sales funnels and i'm not really sure why because this is probably one of the best ways to increase the average order value of your customers on your website and what this order bump does is in your checkout at the bottom of the checkout under your totals will place a box with an additional offer for your user or your customers where you can give them a discount to create the urgency for them to make a purchase while they are in the buying process already here's a great example here that you can see where the person has selected to buy an apple iphone and in the checkout they've been offered an additional order bump here where they can get a discount on an anti-scratch screen protector so the chances of people in this particular example here taking the the order bump off of here is incredibly high and if you're going to have order bumps in your checkout process where you're going to increase the average order of majority of the customers that come through your store you're going to have a lot higher revenue at the end of the month so this is definitely one of the more important plugins that i like to use in my checkout processes and just to show you what this looks like in a checkout example here is the checkout on one of my websites and you can see here when there's a specific product in the cart over here the order bump pops up where the user is offered a 75 discount for today only and if they go and select that you will see that that offer is automatically updated and added to the cart over here with the 75 discount that should be applied so you'll see there's the discount that they're going to get applied and there we go and this is super effective because the user does not need to leave the checkout page to go and have a look at a product page or go to the cart page they can add this product to their cart and to their order while they're on the checkout page so super important and definitely something to consider in all of your e-commerce builds now the next plugin we are going to look at is mainly light for woocommerce now mailerlite is an email marketing software that will allow you to connect your woocommerce store to their email software and this is going to allow you to send out your abandoned cart emails to anyone who doesn't complete the checkout process and what's really nice about melee lite is their software is 100 free to use up until you have your first 1 000 subscribers alternatively until you've sent 12 000 emails out in a single month and as you can see from the screenshots here the integration with woocommerce is really slick it gives you all of the transactions that your users have performed on your website it gives you the revenue all your conversion rates and as well as inside their email builder when you are building and designing your email templates to send out to your users it will import all of the products that exist on your woocommerce store into the email builder so you can click those products and use them inside your email templates with the prices with the descriptions with all the product names already pre-populated for you and when it comes to having an e-commerce store a lot of people are not going to complete their checkout so the abandoned cart email is the perfect opportunity to follow up with these users and the fact that maillot lets you go and create an account and start with them for free this is a great opportunity for you to go and increase your your revenue in your store by simply just activating your abandoned cart emails now the last plugin we're going to have a look at is probably my favorite one of the bunch and this plugin is called booster for woocommerce this plugin has dozens of additional features for your woocommerce store and it is a plug-in that i install on every single one of my woocommerce websites and if you just have a look at the list of all the additional features in this plugin i would have to spend a whole day just doing a tutorial just to cover every single one of the features that this plugin has with this plugin you'll be able to change almost every single element of your woocommerce store you'll be able to change everything from your prices and currencies that you display you'll be able to change your button and price levels which is something that i find really nifty because it allows you to simply hide your add to cart button it allows you to turn your ecommerce store into a catalog website you can also list that users have to call you to get a price and there's a whole bunch more options there their product features they allow you to change when your products are displayed in your woocommerce store when they are allowed to be purchased they have got dozens and dozens of features here for almost every single aspect of your e-commerce build the booster for woocommerce plug-in also has a lot of additional features for your cart and checkout facilities in your woocommerce store these are some of my favorite features because the woocommerce checkout isn't really the most optimized checkout process in the world by using a plugin like this it allows you to really customize your store and your checkout process in a way that's the most user friendly for your visitors and in a way that's going to ensure that you generate the most profit out of your ecommerce store they also have some options here for payment gateways and last but not least one of my favorite features of this particular plugin is their pdf invoicing and packaging slips and what this allows you to do is create pdf documents that are assigned to your woocommerce orders in your store and these documents can be anything they allow you to add invoices quotes credit notes as well as customized documents the free version of this plugin though does have some limitations in terms of what you can do with all these individual settings and how much flexibility you have but i would also definitely definitely recommend even looking into the paid version of this plugin because all of the features that this plugin gives you are definitely worth the money that you're going to spend and in actual fact we'll head over to their plugin site here and you'll see that they've got dozens and dozens of features and if you install this plug-in on your website i guarantee that this plug-in will be able to solve ninety of the hurdles or the problems that you come into or even just some of the functionality that you're looking for and in particular one of the things that i love to do with this plug-in is the multi-currency payment gateway here in south africa we use a payment gateway called pay fast and pay fast unfortunately doesn't really work that well with international currencies and us dollar and things of that nature so if you want to have a store that shows your currency in south african rands when a user from south africa is on the site and then in us dollars when a user from outside south africa comes onto your website this plugin can do that and how you would do that is you would use the payment gateways extension and you would use the multi-currency here multi-currency extension how this would work is you would have the woocommerce multi-currency switcher on your website which would allow you to display your store's product prices in a different currency on your store then what you would go and do is you would use the woocommerce payment gateways by country or state extension and this would allow you to then say that if a user from your website tries to check out and their billing country is united states or any other country in the world other than south africa then only show them the paypal gateway and not pay fast and this is an extremely nifty feature and something that i've been asked how to do on dozens of occasions so if that is something that you are looking to do on your woocommerce store the booster for woocommerce plug-in is most definitely the plug-in for you that's it for this week's video today everyone if you got value from today's video please hit the like button below and leave a comment and i'll see you again next week cheers [Music] so you
Channel: Online Thinking
Views: 3,852
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Keywords: top woocommerce plugins, top free woocommerce plugins, best woocommerce plugins 2020, woocommerce tutorial, best woocommerce plugins, wordpress ecommerce, woocommerce ecommerce, woocommerce ecommerce tutorial, best wordpress plugins, must have wordpress plugins, woocommerce plugins, woocommerce wordpress, plugins ecommerce, plugins woocommerce, best plugins for wordpress, best plugins for woocommerce, top plugins woocommerce, must have woocommerce plugins, woocommerce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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