The Top 10 Wordpress Plugins for the end of 2020

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hey welcome back to living with pixels my name is reno and in today's video we're gonna discover the top 10 wordpress plugins that you need to have on your website okay so if you're new here i built all of my websites with elementor and elementor pro so that's not one of the plugins that's gonna be in the list but that is the plugin that you need to have to build websites if you've never heard of elementor so far then i suggest that you watch the two basic videos that i have in my description or now in the youtube card but elementor is not in this list these are the plugins that i add on top of elementor to make the websites run smoothly so let's just get started with number 10. the first plugin that you need to have is rank meth seo most people know yoast seo yoast seo is the number one seo plugin in the world for the people that don't know what seo is seo means search engine optimization so with a plugin like that you can optimize your website for google google doesn't know how to read your website so with a plugin like that you can tell google like hey this is how my website is structures and then google is like all right thank you now we're gonna put you on number one well it's not that easy of course but that's the idea so rank math seo offers much more for free than yoast seo because with joe's seo you have to pay for a lot of things which are free with ranked math seo so for example if you go to your pages so let's go to the about and if you scroll down you can see the preview over here and here in the same way as we chose you can set up the title for this page on google so how do you want to display this page on google so i can click on this title and i can change it for example i can change the end to portfolio website if i want to something like that or something completely different and you can also change the description over here and even the link so that is super nice but now where this becomes more valuable than yours is with the focus keywords so with yours you will only get one keyword but here you can add more keywords than one so this is the main keyword where you want this page to rank for so for me that's reno the boor about because it is the about page for me alright and then this plugin also gives you some tips on how to improve your page even more so as you can see my focus keyword is not in my seo title so it's not in the main title of my page but believe me it's very hard to get to a hundred score that's maybe only possible when you have a blog a really content heavy website but for simple business websites just put in a few focus keywords uh maybe improve a tip here and there and then you're done what's also awesome about ranked math seo is that it integrates with elementor so this is a new feature and in this preview you can see how that works so actually the settings of rank math seo are embedded inside of the elementor editor and in this way you don't have to go back you can just stay on the page make a few edits in elementor click on save and then that page is also optimized for google okay and number nine is a very simple but essential plugin and it's called duplicate page and with this simple plugin you can duplicate post pages and custom posts so if you click on active and you go to your pages for example you can see that there is now an extra button uh which is called duplicate this so if you click on duplicate this then this whole page will be duplicated so let's just try this for now i'm going to duplicate my contact page and as you can see here's the new version it's a draft version so i can change that to contact 2 for example i can click on update and then if i open this with elementor because i've already built this page it has the exact same content as the contact page that i duplicated of course and in this way you don't have to copy all the sections from the other pages you could just have your old page and then make the changes to this new page very simple it also works with blog posts it also works with custom post types so a super easy and useful plugin oh and by the way all of the exact names of the plugins are in the description of this video so you can open the description and copy the names and go to your wordpress dashboard if you can't find them and the next plugin is called post types order also a very simple plugin very useful so for example if you have a webshop with a lot of products like i have on this website so here are a lot of products actually this is not a real webshop this is how it looks is the webshop of one of my clients but it's not a real webshop because these products link to other pages because she has a merchandise company but this client uses this as a webshop so let's say that she wants to change the order from this one to this one then what she or i have to do is go into the wordpress editor and you have to open every single one of them and change the time to change the order that's a lot of work not a very nice experience so with this plugin you will get the ability to just change the order by clicking and dragging so let's just say that we want these two to be switched so let's go back let's find that so i can grab this and make it on top of the other one like this and if i now go back and click on refresh you will see that they are switched super easy you can also do this with blog posts because on some website you have a lot of blog posts you want to change the order this is how you do it and by the way for this example i switched to positions because this website is multi-language so that's why i switched it to positions but if you just have a website with one language you just move it to one place and then you're done the next one is manage wp worker maybe you've already saw it in my previous video if not managed wp worker is a plugin that lets you manage all of your clients websites with ease so real quick this is the platform that i use to manage all of my clients websites it's very easy you can update the plugins from here you can send reports to your clients you can log in without having to search for the login details you can make backups from this system i have a whole video on this plugin which i will link in the card or in the description but if you have a lot of clients websites it's a lot of work if you need to update all the plugins every month i charge my clients for maintenance if they want me to update their website so it also makes me a little bit of money but you want to make that experience as nice as possible for yourself so that's why i use a platform like this super easy and the next plugin on this list is called empty spam b it's a very simple and powerful plugin that keeps most of the spam not all of course because spam is just a very hard thing to do perfect but this plugin keeps most of the spam out so if you have a contact form on your website or you have a few email addresses that are placed on your website like for example on this website then this plugin will keep most of the spam out because contact forms are a great way well actually not great for you but great way for uh google bots and other people that you don't want on your website to get into your website so you want to protect your website from that so anti-spam b is a great plugin for that i don't even understand how it works but it keeps most of it out so that's why i always use it and by the way it's also very light and it keeps your website fast faster than the other ones that i've used and as you can see the ratings also tell the same story a half a million installs and five stars and the next plugin on the list also has to do with security and that is your main security plugin for wordpress and i always use i themes security why well previously i used word fence because that is the most used security plugin on wordpress and it's really good but it makes your website a little bit slower so i want to keep everything smooth and fast and that's why i use this plugin also as you can see almost a million installs and four and a half stars so that is very very very good it's very easy to install you will get a few settings over here but there's one thing that i want to say is and that is that they will send you a lot of emails if you don't turn them off so if you have installed items you go to notification center you scroll down and my advice is to turn off this one and this one otherwise you will get a lot of emails because sometimes it happens that in one night at 10 people try to break into your website hackers or some or bots and then they will send you 10 emails and that's of course not what you want this plugin does the work for you it keeps the people that you don't want on your website outside of your website and that's all you need so i would turn these off and then click on save oh and by the way if you install this plugin you need to check on secure the site and then you can put this at no otherwise you will get more emails but i also suggest that you activate the network brute force protection because that means that your website will join a whole network that can detect security issues faster and in that way is a little bit safer so i always activate this and i also want to redirect to https and as you can see now it's perfect don't click on this button because then it's gonna run again click on close and then you're done installing the next one on the list is elementor custom skins so if you already have a little bit of experience with elementor pro then elementor custom skin is the next step to make your website a little bit more custom for example on my client's website i have a custom page here he has a magazine business so he has a lot of magazines that he wants to show but with elementor pro itself you can only display the default post widget which is very limited and i wanted something custom so this is a custom design it's just an image a title and actually one word of text but it's hard to create a custom design like this or also what i did on this shop page like i said this is not built with woocommerce this is a custom design so what i did is i created one of these blocks that's what you can do with elementor custom skin and then you can just use the elementor pro post widget to display custom dynamic content and i do understand that for beginners this is not very easy to understand so i think i'm that i'm going to make a video about it you know i will make a video about it because it's a complicated subject but if you want to display custom lists which is something that you will run into when you're gonna work with clients in the website become a little bit more custom then elementor custom skin is the way to go so again you create one of these blocks and then you use the elementor pro both widget to display a grid with a custom post and actually call this one of these blocks they call this a loop or a block like this they call this a loop so you create one loop and then you can display a custom list like that so that's also a plugin that i almost always use and the next plugin on the list is also one that you need if you want to have those customs lists because as you can see in the sidebar over here i have this magazines tab and these districts tab that is not default by wordpress so you can create a custom post type so what is actually is it's just a custom way to display blog posts because that's how wordpress works so you can create one of these blocks with this plugin called custom post type ui again i'll make a video about it if you don't understand why this is valuable but by default you can only display dynamic content with posts because wordpress is a blog platform so what i want you to understand is that these things are actually blog posts that's why they're called custom post types because a post is a blog post so it's a different type a custom type of a blog post that is what this is and then you display that in a grid so to create something like this you will need custom post type ui and then you can have your own list for example of magazines or districts or whatever you want and my client can add a new magazine if he wants to super easy and the next plugin on the list is called google analytics dashboard for wp by exact matrix i already showed this plugin in my video called how to deliver a website to a client because people liked the old version better but it's still pretty decent so if you have this installed and you have google analytics you will get a small preview of your google analytics on your dashboard which you can drag up because sometimes it's down here so you can drag that up just by clicking and dragging like this it's just a little preview of your analytics so as you can see uh yesterday i had 164 people on my website actually session so that is not people you can see the page views over here actually yesterday i had a pretty good day so it's just a little preview and then if you want to get more data from google analytics you just go to if you don't know how to set that up you can check my how to deliver a website to a client a video in the description or in the card because there i will show how to set this up and then the last plugin on this list is called resmush dot it image optimizer oh actually this is the whole name it's a very complicated name but if you just type this in you're going to find it so what it essentially is is just an image optimizer so every time you upload a new image it will automatically be compressed which is what you want because a lot of times your images can be more optimized which means a faster website i already saved 26 megabytes of space with this plugin so you can set this up by default it's at 90 so i put this one at 60 because i want more compression because i want my website to be fast i've made the decision because my website is very visually heavy and that means that my website is a little bit slower so i want to keep it as fast as possible that's why i've put it from 90 to 60. you don't want to put it too low otherwise the quality of your images will go down but at least the images will stay fast also don't upload images that are too big my suggestion always is to upload images that are at maximum 2000 pixels wide because most screens are around that size maybe 3 000 as at max but you don't want to upload the photos straight from your camera or from your iphone so that's what i suggest when you upload images so i hope that you found some plugins in this video that you didn't know if you want to learn more about how to start your own web design business than living with pixels is the channel for you you can subscribe you can hit the bell you can like whatever you want and i hope to see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: LivingWithPixels
Views: 366,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: livingwithpixels, living with pixels, wordpress plugin, wordpress plugins, wordpress plugin tutorial, wordpress plugins 2020, wordpress plugins 2021, top wordpress plugins, best wordpress plugins, wordpress plugins for business, best wordpress plugins for blogs, best wordpress plugins for ecommerce, best wordpress plugins for design, livingwithpixels plugins
Id: 156fgG0YBVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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