8 EASY Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website + FAST GROWTH HACK

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I know I know you have an amazing website but you just can't get any traffic to your website right that could be very frustrating especially in your website looks great so my name is Darrell Wilson and in this video I'll be showing you eight ways on how to get more traffic to your website so if you watch this video from start to finish and follow each of these methods I promise you you will be on the right path to be getting more traffic and don't worry it's not gonna be oh just make a Facebook page it's like really I've seen blogs say that and there's so much more that goes into it than that but now these eight ways are legitimate and make sure to stay till the end because I'll be showing you an experiment or trial that I am running on my website so with that said let's go to method number one number one is backlinks yes you have probably heard this before now backlinks are crucial for any website to get ranked because without backlinks your site will not rank you really need backlinks so in case you don't know what backlinks are backlinks are essentially links on other websites that link back to your websites once this happens Google recognizes that your website is quote popular and it wants to go ahead and say well you know what we have all these websites linking to this websites let's go ahead and move that up on the search engine and that's exactly how it works now this is an article right here that'll actually give you 20 different websites where you can get high domain Authority backlinks domain Authority we'll talk more about that at the end of the video but the basically higher the higher ranking a website is that links to your sites the higher your website will rank so for example if you have a bunch of popular websites that are all linking back to your website your website will shoot up in the search engines I promise you that but if you have a bunch of like really crappy websites like scammy bad websites pointing to your website nothing's really gonna happen in Google's eyes so number one is definitely try to find high domain Authority backlinks now I'm gonna show you how to do that in case you are branding which you probably are so there is two resources that I found on the internets there's this website from backlinks calm and this one from the Mavericks spirit calm and this will give you a 186 lists of high domain Authority sites to get do follow backlinks so do follow backlinks are basically links that provide points so that means when those sites link back to your websites your site will go up in the search engine do not are nofollow backlinks is you get the traffic from the website but you don't really get any ranking in the search engine so those are very two big distinctions of backlinks you have to follow and no follow and don't worry we're going to talk a little bit more about that at the end of the video but anyway so these are do follow backlinks and 186 websites to get backlinks from so essentially what you have to do guys is you'd have to go make an account you'd have to go fill in some contents talk about yourself who you are just keep a little just brief description about your website and yourself and this process takes time it does take a lot of time for your website to get ranked and it does take a lot of time to fill out all this information and provide real good info on your website now in case you don't know what a domain Authority is it ranks from 0 to 100 and if you want to know you know what how powerful the website is or what's the ranking I'll leave this in the description below so this is a domain Authority checker so for example I looked at photo bucket and the reason why I googled photo buckets or I put it on here is because this website is claiming that they are a da 95 so it goes from 0 to 100 so 1 is kind of really really crappy a hundred is like super popular website so a refs they have a checker and they're right you know the photo bucket has a domain at the rank rating of 91 so they are a pretty powerful resource to get backlinks from so I will leave all of these in the description below of this video now to be quite honest if you are a business owner or you're someone like myself who runs a YouTube channel you probably don't have the time to build backlinks guys it takes a long time you got to find web sites you have to put in all the information link it back to your website I would recommend going to websites like freelancer com and these are essentially SEO companies so they'll go ahead and link find web sites and link them back to your website and you know they'll do it for pretty cheap I've hired a freelancer back in my time and my website Darrell Wilson com the same web site that I use today it's used from freelancers and I just told them hey guys you know build backlinks and do SEO and can you also get them from some good reputable sources not just a bunch of scamming websites and the more reputable companies might charge a little more because it does take a lot more time to research it does take more time to get there but definitely check out freelancer com also Fiverr calm if you're looking for freelancers that are you know affiliate with SEO companies now one thing to note is that you're gonna find like American companies that sit there and build backlinks and I hate to say this but a lot of these American companies they just outsource everything anyways so I used to work for one I used to work for an SEO company in Calabasas California and we were just a friend we just basically got the customer we all sorts everything to India and that's what we did you know so do it yourself and if you don't have time hire a company and see if they can help you out but backlinks are a must get and it is a it is a time-consuming process so it will take a few months to get ranked at least three to six months for your website to get ranked on the front page for its name so for example if your website's name is I don't know a soda soda company $9.99 or whatever it would take a few months for your company to get ranked on the search engine for that so just keep that in mind so number one is backlinks number two is Google my business now this has become one of the most underrated ways on how to get more traffic to your website because this alone has become a new search engine and people out there don't really even take advantage of it so for example I'm sure you've probably got on your iPhone or for those Android users out there you have gone to Google Maps or Apple Maps and you put in somewhere to go or a business right this allows you to get listed on those applications and this actually gets millions if not billions of visitors however there is one other really strong benefit to this so for example if I'm going to Google and I'm looking for a web designer now right now I am in Las Vegas Nevada and what is the point of me trying to hire a web designer in of Boston do you know I don't really need one there because I want someone local so tell you what let's go do web designers web designers oh look at that near me is ranked number one so I'm gonna give you one key difference on this so these are companies right here that have just listed their self on Google my business so all they've done is just submit their fight to Google and that's it their job is done these companies right below have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on SEO backlinks content writing optimization these guys have worked their butt off to get here but you go ahead of the game on top of them because you just simply submitted your website to Google my business so you're kind of hijacking the traffic in this manner so it's an incredible way on how to get more traffic and I highly recommend it so if you have not used Google my business get on it get on it right now it's one of the best ways to do it number three is blogging yes I'm sure you've probably heard of blogging and you've probably heard everyone talk about blogging but guys blogging is so crucial I mean it's the it's the easiest way for people to find your website and just for example I typed in something like best protein shakes broke best protein powders for women you know best protein powders for men whatever best protein powders for anybody and the first page is just full of blogs these are all blogs this is a blog this is a blog this is a blog and I would not be finding these websites if they never wrote the content so just by writing contents on a regular basis people will find your articles they will visit your website and you will make money or get whatever you're trying to get you want to get traffic that's the main purpose of this now I realize that writing content can be extremely tedious I myself I'm a terrible writer guys I mean I graduated college but I am definitely not a favorable candidate when it comes to writing articles so what you could do here is you can go to websites like I write or calm and hire writers so this website they have tons of writers that you can outsource and they're very cheap actually so for example you just give your project a title tell them what you want to talk about put your put your language go ahead and write how many words so let's say for example you want article for 6,000 words which is quite a bit they'll do that for 100 bucks and here you can have the skill level of the writer do you want someone basic that'll be four to six dollars and that would probably be someone like me where I don't know where I'm just like an entry level or you can have people who have proved themselves and who have been featured on Forbes or on any of those fake news websites you can go ahead and put it right here now I'd probably go with something like premium elites yeah I know I'll go with elite elite actually but elite of elite plus that's a big gap you know but definitely paying a hundred bucks or hundred thirty bucks for a six thousand word article that's pretty cheap and if you want to do it yourself you are more than likely to but remember these people know how to write for the search engine so eyewriter is definitely a great resource on how to find bloggers for your website so be sure to check that out number four is of course this would not be complete without the social aspect so Facebook YouTube reddit's all the social media profiles and I find that social media profiles and also Facebook groups are probably like one of the most powerful ways especially groups because you can find someone with a targeted interests so for example we have Nick Roach the owner of elegant themes one of the best companies that makes page builders talking about his new feature for the Divi theme and just by poaching it he has tons of engagement you know already 400 likes 116 comments I don't even know how many clicks you got on this thing but probably thousands so finding a group that correlates to you and joining it and kind of you know engaging in it now I'm not saying to go spam the group's guys in fact that's hey that's a very quick way on how to get banned from groups where like you join a group on like I don't know a discussion of coca-cola and then you sit there and say hey go to my website about coca-cola they know what's up so when someone asks for help then you can say I got an article for you here you and this might help you out and it'll be your website obviously and who knows who that person is you just shared it with it could be the CEO of a CEO of of I don't know Apple or something you know or wafer or whatever are those companies so Facebook definitely now I'm gonna go ahead step back here I'm gonna say something a little bit more critical here but when you're using social media guys use it sparingly remember this is a business do not sit there and engage other people because we've all seen the news today we've all seen everything today and use this as a business don't give your opinion on something don't sit there and argue with anybody just go ahead and just use it as a business post when necessary don't engage other contents be helpful when necessary but don't sit there and make a point or don't try to get political with anybody because it's really never gonna go anywhere steps also be helpful when you can so Facebook groups definitely I mean I've also we've all seen the the people and Facebook groups escalate you know so just just be mindful that's all I'm saying also we have Redditt and reddit has thousands of subreddits where you can join for example one of my friends joined retropie he talked about one of his retro pry he'd be keep it like a retro pie from scratch and it got shared on like 50 different like news websites and he got millions of visitors from all these websites so this website is very popular and people will pick it up so join reddit's join something that's you want to talk abouts join that community and see how it goes remember don't spam be helpful and yeah that's how it goes from there so and also of course YouTube YouTube again is one of the free resources out there and you know just for example I'm just looking for protein powders you know I'll go to youtube and i'll type in best protein powders and we have all these videos with hundreds of thousands of views guys so I know it can be a lot of work and I know it could be tedious so hire someone hire someone from freelancer to help you out saying hey man I wanna start getting more traffic I want to go on YouTube I want to go on on reddit I want to go on this and that and this and and pay someone to do it because doing it yourself it could be very overwhelming now if you're stuck inside like me where we have nothing to do now it's a good idea you know because we have the whole coronavirus thing and everyone suck inside work on social media channels you know work on outlets you know get improve yourself there's no reason why you should just stay home and do nothing I mean I do that sometimes I play video games a lot but I do my best to get my job done okay so remember social media groups and all that stuff is a great resource next we have questions and answer websites fora Yahoo Answers there's there's a few of the few other out there now Corrib receives around 600 million visitors every single month that's a lot of visitors you know and that's a lot of traffic and for you to ignore this completely and saying you know I don't want to do anything you know you're just missing out on traffic now it doesn't matter what industry you're in there is something for everyone here so for example I'll give you a tactic - and a strategy people do on this website so for example what is the best WordPress hosting websites now what these companies do is people actually ask questions and then they have themselves or buddies answer those questions with their companies now I'm not saying to do that I'm just saying I have seen that a lot so it doesn't really matter what kind of niche uhrin there is something for everybody out there so let's do another search I'll just type in roofing roofing I don't know let's just find out we can see about roofing we have Roofing Contractors now this would be probably the last place I would think to hire roofing contractors but if you follow someone that they sound like they know what they're talking about that you feel comfortable they could potentially pick up a job a multi-million dollar contract just by simply answering a question on Quora so core is definitely a great resource on how to get traffic you can answer questions and also ask questions about your own company so for example hey is Darrell Wilson's website any good that's a question and then you can hopefully expect someone to answer that question and in a good manner so remember core doesn't get picked up a lot in the search engine so it is definitely worth posting there to get more exposure for your website's and also Yahoo Answers now personally I think Yahoo Answers is kind of depreciating in a way I mean back in the day Yahoo Answers it was popular I mean there was youtubers just going to see like what kind of questions they could find on Yahoo Answers but over time I think has slowly been depreciated because now we have reddit and we also have Korra but Yahoo Answers is still a high ranking domain authority website so no reason why you can't post there so just post there about your company saying hey is so-and-so as companies is Darrell Wilson's company any good and then see what comes up or is a you know is a I'm I don't know whatever company that you're trying to run you know though I'm just giving you an idea so definitely number five is answering questions now this next one is a 2018 and above or I think that Isles in 18 right yeah I think those 18 is influencers so influencers have become so powerful and they have become so influential that companies have dropped traditional marketing and have completely just said you know what screw Google Ads let's just go after the influencers and there there's a lot of reasons why you want to get influencers so influencers are way cheaper to get than normal traffic and the influencers they actually establish a personal connection with that audience so let's say for example we have we have this girl right here you know we have this girl and 61% are female or let's do this girl Sophia Donovan this is just an example let's say she's selling clothes right and you are something that sells clothes by hiring an influencer like this you have a lot better odds of selling that product because she's already connected with her audience her audience has kind of committed to her in a way so the odds of you selling something are a lot higher than just submitting a random Google ad now this is a website I found to be quite honest I have never used this website so it is a high ranking website I've been to a lot of blogs before and they have said that this is a very good website to get started personally again I have never used it so I cannot give my advice on it but I'm just saying there are other websites that have influencers that you can hire so for example for someone to post something on their Instagram you pay them a few hundred bucks and then they would go ahead and post your company on there you know on their on their or their Instagram or their Facebook whatever and you all have to realize guys that's a lot of celebrities and a lot of big names use Instagram and they follow people I mean here maybe we might have those people on the shark tank maybe they might be following Sophia Donovan and then you post on Sofia's Donovan's or you you know you contribute and she post something about you and then someone on Shark Tank invites you to the show like you never know what's gonna happen until you do it so the possibilities are endless so in fact companies like amazon.com they now have influencer marketing programs so they're saying forget forget advertising on Google let's just have a department for Amazon influencers sephora.com Victoria Secrets Mac all those companies have influencer programs because they realize that those people have bigger followings in fact I mean who watches TV now TV is dead you know and these influencers just getting millions of views and I mean cable TV advertising I mean that's like yesterday I mean I think you know MTV and 2018 I was reading it today actually MTV in 2018 had only 5 million views had only 5 million views in a one year I mean that is really really really bad you know so personally I don't wanna get into that but I'm just saying that influencers are a lot more influential and you'll get a lot more exposure hiring an influencer so be sure to check that out next we have drumroll please we have forums and forums now this ugly lousy websites look how ugly this website is did you know this is the 15th most popular website in the United States this website gets more than 500 million visits every single month it is crazy so forums are definitely not outdated they are not old but forums are actually really really popular in fact not just Craigslist I mean there are other forms out there so Craigslist org this forum gets around I'm sorry 380 million visitors sorry but it is ranked number 15 in the United States and it is ranked number 52 in the world so it is it's a very popular forum so you can go ahead and go to their services post your stuff in fact in my WordPress career I would go through gigs or sell people hey guys I'm trying to do something can I get help or hey guys I need a job so let's take a look here let's just do this jobs this - WordPress WordPress let's see if I can find something here look at that put July 9th we need a young ambitious team Technical Support Specialists start your own SEO company who that sounds interesting web developer needed and so on and so forth so this is a great place on where to post your company it's a great place on where to pose because there are gigs here as well there's also reddit we have ass credits where you can go ahead and join forums you can go ahead and ask questions reddit very very popular website also even Adobe Adobe also has forms Tesla Tesla has forums so every big corporation out there does have forums and simply by posting and interacting with the community you will get higher you will get rain people start to see who you are who is that guy Daryl always posting in Adobe maybe I should hire him for a project so you know don't limit yourself to think that oh gosh you know no one's gonna find me on Adobe sub-community Adobe comm a lot of these people that are using these forums they got money you know especially Tesla forums those dudes got money and you know so never limit yourself to think that you won't get any traffic or you won't get anything by engaging with these forums so that was number seven now if you can't get traffic yourself why not hijack it from other web sites web sites like Yelp comm and also Angie's List these companies get millions and millions of visits so number eight would be directory websites and also listing websites so these are just two examples you know there's Yelp there's Angie's List there is a Trip Advisor you can go ahead and post about you and yourself on these websites in fact submitting your website to Yelp is a great way on how to get more traffic because when people type in the search engine pizza in Nevada when they type in skis in California your website has a very good chance of being ranked so in a in regards you're kind of using these websites to get ranked and also once these sites get reviews guess what happens you go to the top of the list and it's very it's very powerful in fact once you go to the top they're gonna start recommending your website to other people who are already searching for that so for example if they're searching for something like pizza and you don't get ranked number one they're gonna say butts Darryl's pizza is very highly rated you should check them out so these directory websites are very powerful and I think we can all agree that we all use the up at one point we have all used I haven't used Angie's List I really haven't but you can pay to get listed here and this company they get mad traffic I I personally don't know why and how but I think it's like an older community but guy that grandma has money you know Grandma and Grandpa they got the cash oh we want to what a post on Angie's List now I have personally never used Angie's List I've seen it advertised the United States but these guys just get mad mad at traffic so simply by posting our information on this website and getting a backlink from this website to yours you're just gonna get more traffic guys he's just gonna keep rolling in so if you go through each of these method guys if you just apply yourself for each of these methods I promise you you will get more traffic in the longer than you have to get more traffic I mean if you've got no traffic from running these eight methods it's maybe your site just really sucks and you got to watch my videos on how to make a website so I'll leave those in the description below just in case your website is terrible and it looks really really ugly but you think it's amazing looking I know when I was a beginner that's I thought my website was the best website in the world and when someone criticized it and I was like I was like you're just an idiot you know well if you don't know what the hell you're talking about but my site really did look bad and I just didn't think so because I was so emotionally attached to it you know so yeah anyway so number eight is directory websites I will leave a list of more of some of these in the description below to help you guys out because research does take time so I'll do that for all of you and put those in the description below now the bonus the bonus one now this is actually the most important one and I saved the best for last I didn't say it was nine ways I said it was eight ways because I want to want you guys to watch it all the way to the end but the most important way to get found on the search engine like I told you guys is high domain authority backlinks the only way you can get high domain Authority backlinks is by guest blogging so guest blogging is probably the most important way now I'm not gonna recommend guest blogging for everybody so what that means is let's say for example you are running a website that is selling something locally if you are a brick and mortar store if you are a service that only offers a service in a specific area I'm gonna say guess bogging is probably not for you now you can always guess blog anyways you know saying oh you know what I want to go ahead and guess blog for MarketWatch you know maybe you're a broker a crypto broker in Wyoming and you can go ahead and you know reach out some are collages if they'll write about you now the reason why I don't recommend guest blogging for everybody is because some businesses they're not looking for traffic all over the world you're only looking for traffic in a specific region now if you're someone like myself who wants traffic on a global basis doesn't care where they are then guest blogging is for you so guest blogging what it does is essentially it's a it's a it's an arrangement it's a deal I will write for your website in exchange once I write an article for your websites I want a link back from your website to my websites and every big company does this Forbes MarketWatch entrepreneur calm today calm all these big companies out there they will provide backlinks if you write for them now they don't accept just anybody so if you are watching this and you have absolutely no credentials if you have nothing to show if you have no record whatsoever they probably won't accept you okay so I'm just keeping that keeping that very clear however if you are someone that has a decent website maybe you're a small business you're someone just you know not getting started out but you are someone with with something to show these companies will go ahead and write about you so for example Forbes you know you can go ahead and contact Forbes and Forbes will write about you now remember these websites have very high domain authority so once Forbes writes about you your site in the Google search will go from here to boom all the way up there and I'm not saying it's gonna go to rank number one but it will definitely improve your website so I actually purchased some articles so these guys are not cheap you know to get someone like Forbes to write about you or mark your watch to write about you is not cheap it's not impossible so for example market watch if you are in the market of you know if you're in the market of Finance or something you can go ahead and reach out to this website now these guys will write about you on that website and they will give you a do follow back link guys this is probably the best way to get high to get ranked higher on the search engine so we have a few writers we have Adam we have Amelia we have Michael and each of these people they will write about you and each of them they have a certain success rate and they will also talk about the fee so these people will write for you on your behalf to these companies that is incredible because personally if Forbes wanted me to write about myself to Forbes I don't have the I'm not a good content writer I just couldn't provide that that that value for Forbes but this website they've had people who have already written for Forbes all the time that you can hire so let me see if we can actually find Forbes is actually on this list because I think they were at one point see Forbes calm let's go ahead and check it out so yeah Forbes on this list so Forbes you can see that they will write for you it is very expensive so I probably go through another route and they give you a nofollow backlink so what I said earlier about sky raking in the search engines with a nofollow backlink you will not receive that benefits however you will receive the benefits from the traffic from this website so they get millions and millions of visits in fact this is one that's not listed but if you just go to I'll leave this website in the description below this website is called excessively and it's a newer website there are websites like this out there and I'm in the process of trying it so you can see there's a website like today com they all write about you and your business for 300 bucks that's not bad in fact they get 70 million visits every single month so this route can be a little expensive but I would highly recommend to try it's because this is probably one of the best ways to get high domain Authority backlinks and writing services from about you and your website's to your website so here's an overview of my campaigns now I have spent around $600 on three websites that are going to write about me in my company so they've always kept it - now remember I told you guys before they only accept certain people so if you're just some random kid that's just live with your mom and you just you know you just you have a website but you're not really beneficial to them in any way they probably won't write about you but if you have something to show give it a shot so I got a proof or two orders and what's gonna happen is once these websites write about me my domain authority on website will go higher so I will be giving you guys another video on what happens before and after so these companies their average I mean Authority is 84 which is very high so Forbes itself is 90 photobucket coms anyone so I'm having these sites that are domain Authority of 84 or probably better writing about my website and myself and what that's gonna do is that's going to increase the ranking of my search engine it's also going to get any more traffic because people those read those websites are going to visit my website so I will keep you guys up to date on this now just looking at the schedule here I submitted my record or my purchase on the 3rd and it has been more than 8 days and I have still no article so I will keep you off the dates in fact I'll be making a part 2 of this video to show you my findings and I'll put that in the description below of this video so I hope this video was helpful I promise you guys if you follow each of these methods you will get more traffic there is no way around it just by posting hide in one Authority backlinks posting on social media get up get someone to help you out social media it can be very be very draining and also find an influencer that's also a very big one because these people have just they have mad followers and when they talk about you you will get traffic in fact people pay me or they try to pay me to talk about their company all the time and I reject a lot of offers just because I don't want to sell myself but blogs they will they will influencers on Instagram they will sell themselves because that is probably one of the only ways they make money so hopefully this video is helpful guys make sure to stay up make sure to stay for part two when I show my results of what happens when I have those big names like I think I have market watch and I have today.com and also Forbes writing about my website so stay tuned I will keep you guys up to date with that make sure to subscribe to this channel because I'm gonna be showing that video pretty soon once I once I actually get the order and I'll put it in the description below of this video so make sure to give this video a like my name is Gerald Wilson have fun have fun and I'll see you guys in the next video guys take it easy
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 49,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get more traffic to your website, get more traffic, increase website traffic, website traffic, free website traffic, seo, web traffic, get more traffic website
Id: fuxydnXgY94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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