6 Easy Ways To Speed Up Your Wordpress Website

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hey what's up guys so my websites running slow I want to know if there's a problem with the web host no sir it's not us did you refresh your cache yeah i refreshed the caponata sir it's your plugin okay so it's not the web hosting it's the plugin company yes call the plugin company sir you want me to call the plugin company okay I'll call the bug company thanks for letting me know thanks yeah thanks guys hey bug and company what's up guys hey guys my wife is running a little slow and they said it was due to the plugin is there a problem with the plugin it's probably your theme no no there's not you want me to call the theme company now yeah oh that's strange okay I'll call the theme company thanks thanks for letting me know guys guys hey guys what's up this is Darryl hey I'm calling about my my website there there's a problem my theme my website that's the WordPress theme sir it's your web hosting go call down the it's not the theme no problem with the Easter and some of your web hosting but they said and we call you guys know into them okay so call the web host yes hey web hosting this is Darryl my website's slow again and I just want to know they all told me it was you know it then oh it's them so you want me to call them again and yes call them bye okay so was your website running slow and you're just not sure what's causing it and you begin the runaround guys trust me I have been there it can be very frustrating so in this video I'm gonna give you 6 main reasons on why your website could be running slow and what you can do to improve the speed of your websites so I'll be showing you the before and after of each step to show you how it improves website speed so make sure to watch this video all the way to the end because as always I have a bonus for all of you at the end of the video so with that said let's go to reason number one number one is caching yes caching is actually a very important feature that you should not overlook on your website so here is a website that is fully cast so we have a 1.3 second load time let's take a look at the same website that is not cached so this right here is running at around 3.7 seconds and this is the same website so you can see how it's loading almost two times slower just by not having a caching plug-in so by having a caching plugin on your website it will really help speed up your website now if you don't understand what caching is essentially what caching is it's creating a replicated version of your website so let's say you have a visitor that comes to your website and they keep refreshing the page the server doesn't have to keep loading everything all over again it gives the visitor a cached version of the website putting less strain on the server and not using as much resources now if you're gonna ask me you know okay so I need a caching plug-in which one should I use now there are various free caching plugins out there however I use WP rocket and I'm sure a lot of other people do it is probably one of the best caching plugins out there there is a link below to get it if you want to try this out now the difference between this one and other caching plugins the reason why I like this one is because it comes with lazy load so for those of you who don't know what lazy load is we have this website right here but maybe we don't need to load everything on the page so what lazy load does is that it actually loads things as needed so for example let's say someone comes to your website refreshes the page and they click on get started what is the point of loading everything on the bottom of the page all the way down here if they never even load it you know there's no reason to even load all this stuff so by implementing lazy load on your website you can only load what is necessary so I do recommend WP rockets so if you want to try that out there is a link below but caching is crucial it's very important and this is solid proof that you need to have a caching plug-in on your websites number two is images now but this is probably the beginners biggest mistake where they just go ahead and Google Images and they grab it in the image they find and they put it on their website I am guilty of this too when I first started trust me everyone does this but the problem with that is that those images are massive and you probably don't even realize what you're putting on your website because you don't really see the size you just see the dimensions of the image and you say oh I'll put it on my websites well that could really slow your website down now there's two plugins or there's one one plug-in and one website that can drastically compress the image size so there is tiny JPEG calm you can go ahead and upload images and it actually shrink it down I mean this website will shrink it down to at least by 50% it does a really really good job at compressing the images and as you can tell you know there is virtually no difference so you can save a lot of space on your website also if you have tons of images on your website and you don't really feel like manually doing one by one you can install WP smoosh or this will go ahead and smush the images on your websites now I don't think it'll be is efficient as if you do it yourself but it helps you know so let's just take a look at my website so here on my website I have I have a headed version of me so here on the GT metrics you can see I had a version of me so it's loading at around 4.2 seconds now this image right here it's not optimized so my designer made the image but the image size was around 600 kilobytes which is pretty big for an image so what I did here is I took it out like that and I ran a DT metric test again and now the site is loading at around 3.3 seconds so just by taking out one image on my websites we are saving one second of time so images are crucial that's just one image I'm sure on your website you have several images now if you're gonna ask me what is a good page size and what size should my images be I try to go for somewhere around 50 kilobytes per image somewhere around there if you can get it lower than that that's good if it's higher yeah that's okay too anything higher than like 200 kilobytes on an image I would try to optimize it if you're gonna ask me about total page size the average total page size according to the Internet in 2020 is around 3 megabytes and that is a little big but you can always get it down to one point five megabytes because I remember a lot of this stuff is just images so if you optimize your images you can definitely have a faster website so go through each of your images and see the size of them if any of them are on one megabyte get them out get em out of your website right away so simply by going through your images and compressing them and fixing them you can drastically speed up the speed of your website number three is delete necessary plugins guys I know you like plugins because they're free and adds a lot of functionality to your website the problem with adding too many plugins is that it will slow down your website so here my website is loading at around 3.7 seconds now what I did was I deactivated sike it by Google I deactivated smush Pro and I also deactivated the essential grid plugin so my pay to be tied went from 3.7 down to 2.5 and you notice right here the page size is the same so two point nine four two point nine four but we are saving at least one second in speed because I'd activated just a few plugins now I know my site needs optimization my page speed to score is an F but right now I'm rebuilding it and revamping it and as long as the site's loading at around two seconds whatever that's fine we'll worry about that later but for for the rest of you it's very important not to have too many plugins on your website because this will slow it down so go through your website and go ahead and delete any unnecessary plugins and I guarantee you that will speed up your websites number four is at a CDN so a CDN stands for a content delivery network and it basically reduces the physical distance a user has to travel through cyberspace all the way to your website by actually connecting to a local server so a CDN will go ahead and take your website and create cached versions of it and spread them out on local servers so users can go ahead and just connect to local servers so they don't have to go ahead and travel all the way to your server saving some loading time so if your website's on a global basis it's a very big deal if your website is more of a local websites personally I don't think you're gonna see that much of a significant difference not unless you have a lot of people connecting from your web sites or to your website from very far away but SiteGround does offer free CD ends if you go to your hosting services you can actually get a free cloud fly or CDN and this is free for psych round users also I believe wpx all offers are free CD ends I'll go ahead and put that link in the description below if you want to check them out but yeah so make sure to add a CDN I know there's max CDN and CloudFlare I'll probably one of the two popular companies out there but by adding a CDN you could save a few seconds of number five is having the recommended PHP setting now notice I did not say the most up-to-date and I'll explain why but first let me just show you where you can access your PHP version just in case you want to kind of check it out so I'm going to be showing you the cPanel and then also showing you the Softaculous I believe if I pronounced it Softaculous of where you can change it so for cPanel users it's going to be down here by the where is it I think it man just passed it yeah right here PHP version manager you would click on that click on your website and then you can go ahead and adjust it here now there are several versions I I don't think 5.6 is even supported anymore at the time of making this video I think seven point three seven point two is currently what like most companies are using as a standard there is seven point four but that will have some compatibility issues with some plugins also for you saw Softaculous users if you go ahead and scroll down to the the C here it is software here it is software select PHP version and companies like psych round I think they use 7.2 yeah they use 7.2 as their base it goes all the way to 7.4 but if you're using something like 7.0 or 7.1 I would go with the current seven point two slash seven point three you can always go ahead and improve the upgrade the PHP and then go back to your websites if you see any problems then yeah you should go ahead and change it back but don't take my advice just backup your website just in case but by updating your PHP you can improve the performance of your website but just note that I would not recommend going to the highest PHP because if you're using like 10 plugins the odds of at least 2 or 3 of those plugins not being compatible with the newest version of PHP you might get some weird errors of WordPress all that weird mumbo-jumbo I'm sure you've seen but if you're using an old version make sure to upgrade because that's very important they do have performance upgrades and those updates so that's just something to consider number 6 and lastly make sure you are using Lightspeed servers now there's a lot of server software out there there's Engine X which is good there's a patch and also light speed which is the fastest among the three now you can always debate that but light speed servers are generally considered the fastest server software out there so when you're signing up for a web hosting company you want to make sure that they have light speed servers so for example name Hiro is loading at around two seconds very fast company but then you have companies like I page that are loading at around five seconds you have companies like in motion that are loading out on six seconds and that's because they're using old Apache software so the software that using is very out to date and I can understand that they don't want to update it because that's a lot of infrastructure to change but you want to go ahead and go with companies like wpx where they have Lightspeed servers you want to go with name hero they have Lightspeed servers also sycron they have Lightspeed cloud servers as well because they are being hosted on Google cloud so I do have an exclusive discount for name hero in the description below it's exclusive through my link so you will not find this offer anywhere else because I worked it out with the with the owner but you can see on their plans right here that they offer the where is it they offer the free Lightspeed and it is it's a lot faster than all the patchy software companies like WP X as well so the picture is a newer company I'm promoting but I've been testing them for a while and I can vouch for them they are a fast company they are a little expensive they are actually a lot more expensive than name hero but just note that they do use Lightspeed servers also liquid web click web also uses a Lightspeed servers I do have a discount for them as well in the description below a to hosting does as well personally I would say I mean I don't want to go against a to at all but in my study I found that even though they offer even though they offer Lightspeed servers I did find them to be a little bit more slower than other Lightspeed servers I'm not sure of the reason why maybe that's because of technical server specs maybe they don't have as fast processors as other companies there could be a lot of reasons but just note that they are just loading a tad slower than other companies but that's fine I mean they're still in the two-second range that's perfectly fine if you using hostgator guys or Bluehost or I page god help you god help you all but switch switch the name hero if you are using any of those companies because just for example right here I'll just go to my I'll give you guys a sneak peek here I'll show you guys my page B with all the hosting companies I'm actually having a whole nother video for this but I'll just share in this video so for example right here we have Bluehost 5 seconds if they are affiliated with AIG in any way run run for the hills you don't want to be a part of any AIG company Hostgator fine I mean people still recommend Hostgator it's crazy out there in motion 6 seconds I paid 5 seconds now kinsa this was due to a big error kinsa is not this slow in fact let me just show you i made a it was my bad i made a big mistake so you can see here how i had something on the server that was causing conflict and then i actually fixed it and now it's running at around 1 second so that's that's pretty good but yeah you want to go with companies that have lightspeed servers also a new company that i'm promoting is known hosts know if you're not sure about them I wasn't sure about them either to be honest I'm thinking to myself you know I'm tired I don't want to promote another company I don't know if they're good or not I tested them guys and yes I can vouch for them you know and I don't vouch for a lot of companies in fact I'm kind of the enemy of Posey they don't like me too much but I just started testing them and over two days the site's loading at around one point one three seconds so I will leave all of those links in the description below I do have a lot of discounts I worked out with these companies so go ahead and check them out but I will be having a full video on this in another video because I don't want to cover all these companies because I'm gonna make another video for that but just know that you need to be using Lightspeed servers I highly recommend name hero I like them too because they have phone support so that's also a big plus so make sure that you optimize your website and add every single step to your website and I promise you your website will be faster if you implement every single step I told you about in this video so guys I do my best to make these videos so if I did good let me know in the comments below if you found this video helpful make sure to like it make sure to give me a nice helpful comment that I lost weights or my hair looks good or something like that and until then I will see all of you party people in the next video guys take it easy
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 164,420
Rating: 4.8420334 out of 5
Keywords: speed up website, wordpress, make website faster, fast website, speed up wordpress website, make website fast, slow website, how to speed up your website, wordpress website, how to speed up my website wordpress, how to speed up my website loading
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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