Complete Yoast Seo Tutorial 2021- How To Setup Yoast SEO Plugin - Wordpress SEO For Beginners

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welcome back party people my name is daryl wilson and today in this video i'll be showing you how to optimize your wordpress websites using the yoast plugin but first what does a yoast plugin really do the yoast plugin allows you to index and optimize your wordpress website in the google search results with yoast you can optimize every page and post of your website and display how you want in the search engine plus by the end of this video your website will be fully optimized for all major search engines and will be all ready to go first i'll show you how to configure yoast on your wordpress website with the optimal settings for google i'll go through each settings and explain it like a beginner so don't worry second i'll be showing you how to submit your website to the google search console which basically tells google your website is alive and you'll be able to view your website analytics then i'll show you how to submit your website sitemap which basically tells google to start crawling your website and help visitors understand what your website is all about and lastly i'll be showing you how to display your website in the google search results so you notice when you go on google and you see each website with a title and some description of the website today i'll be showing you how to display your website content the way you want it in the google search results today i'll be taking a wordpress website that has never been optimized for google and by the end of this video it will be fully optimized and all ready to go for all major search engines so i'll walk you through how to set all this up today step by step in this yoast tutorial so by the end of this video you guys will have a fully optimized website and it'll be all ready to go so we're going to take your sitemap we're going to submit it to google we're going to submit your sites to the google search console and we're going to optimize all of your pages for the google search results so with that said let's go ahead and get started alright so i'm going to take my real estate website here it's never been optimized we've never installed yoast on it and i'll walk you through the process of setting everything up for optimal settings so let's go ahead and go to the dashboard and we are going to first install and activate the yoast plugin so under plugins add new i'm sure you guys have seen this screen many times before under search plugins we will type in yoast y-o-a-s-t and this is the plug-in that we're going to install yoast seo so right now i'll click on install now and then we'll click on activate all right so we have installed the plugin now i want you guys to actually go through the setup wizard and you can access the setup wizard by clicking on this yoast and seeing the configuration wizard and clicking right there all right so this is the setup wizard and this is going to kind of set up your website and add some settings to yoast and help you configure it so let's first go ahead and just answer the first question so is my site ready to be indexed if it is you'll put yes if it's not just put no but i would just do a anyways because it does take time for google to optimize your sites it's not going to be like immediate so the yoast plugin it doesn't guarantee the results but it does influence it so eventually the results will be uh you know on the search engine so right here we have what does this site represent well i'm a small business so i'm just going to say a small business now if you are a blog or an online shop you'd go ahead and select any one of these types so i'll just say a small offline business and click on next all right and are you a person or an organization so if you are a company you'll go ahead and select organization and you'll fill out your information now this is good because this might appear in the google search results like for example on mobile if you select an image of your company generally the mobile searches show images so that's why you'd want to go ahead and put all of your information about your company so this is daryl estates and then i'll just choose an image and then here you go ahead and put in your facebook page and everything else i'm just going to put these for now but make sure this is your facebook page and not your private facebook page because then if it's private it won't display anything and everyone will just get like broken links and stuff like that so make sure you put in the correct social media urls and once you've done with that you'll click on next all right now we have the search engine visibility now you're gonna have some options right here and your options may differ depending on the plugins or custom post types you have installed on your website for posts to be displayed in the search engine make sure this is yes pages yes now these right here are custom post types so i don't know if you guys have these available probably not so i don't want my landing pages because these are templates for elementor which is a page builder and i don't really even care if my templates get accessed or indexed in fact they're probably not going to anyways by default so i'm going to select no and also no however if you have custom post types on your website like properties or woocommerce products you would always want to make sure this is set to yes so for example i have created properties which are custom post types on my website i want to make sure these are enabled by clicking on yes so any custom post type on your website generally you're going to want to say yes because you want those displayed on the search engine so for example i have a classified ads tutorial and my classified ads are also indexed on the search engine so go ahead and select the custom post types you want displayed on the search engine the most important ones here are pages and posts but then again your custom post types are very important so make sure those are also indexed by the search results all right and then we'll click on next multiple authors so if you are a blog do you have multiple authors if you do you would put yes if no just go ahead and put no here i'll click on next title settings now this is always adjustable you guys can always adjust this later this is not some like shark tank episode where you have to set everything right now you can go ahead and adjust this if you want but uh we'll we'll do more of this a little bit later but i'll just put it uh daryl estate and i'll just use they have a star now i didn't know you could put stars in the search engine it's getting wild huh but i'll just put i'll just put the separator and then click on next and here they're just saying do you want to help improve yo so you can send them information yada yada yada that's up to you i'm just going to click on next here yoast is saying well you know we have this and you can buy this and buy that but i'm not going to buy anything you're more than welcome to check out all of their training courses but i will just click on next and skip this for now all right so it says you've done it well not really we're kind of like 25 done so uh just go ahead and click on close all right so once you guys go to the setup wizard you'll be brought to your general yoast dashboard you can access this dashboard at any time by clicking this general at the left side you'll also notice that you do have more options for yoast so you can go ahead and check these out but we will be going through all these options to make sure you understand what they are so this is the general dashboard and this is like where they're telling you about problems and they want you to buy the pro version and they always want you to buy the pro look at this yoast premium yoast premium we get it but here let's click on features now the features are just the general features that come with yoast like they give you xml sitemaps they give you you know seo analysis and just other stuff that you need when you are you know building your website and you want to set specific seo options so just go ahead and leave these all standard as of right now we did turn off usage tracking so if you want to turn that on at any time you can click on on and then save the changes so next we have integrations and these integrations are just other integrations if you want to add them to your site not really important we don't really need to mess with anything here however we do need to mess with the webmaster tools so the first thing that we're going to do is that we are going to connect our website with the google search console now right here we're going to click on google search console and what this is going to do is that this is going to create an account and this is going to connect our website with the google search console so you guys will need to have a gmail account so go ahead and go through the process of either signing in or creating a gmail account all right then once you guys go ahead and create a gmail account it'll bring you to a page where it wants you to verify ownership of your website now if this page did not propagate i think google recently created an update where they automatically create the property however if there is no property available or your website does not display you can click on not now and then you can just go ahead and create the property so you'll just go to add a property and then you'll put in the domain name and then it should sync with your website so it's hard for me to know what google does so i kind of you know i kind of mess around with it and i kind of was like okay this is what they added and everything but i'll go ahead and click on google search console again and it's going to log me into my account and it's going to say all right we want you to verify this domain so i want to click on html tag and i want to copy this now with this we're going to go back to our website and we're going to paste it in right there you can paste the whole thing yoast will actually strip all of the stuff it doesn't need and it'll just take the actual um the code and there is our code so now that we've put it inside of yoast we can go back to our little uh i guess you want to say webmaster central this is supposed to be called like webmaster tools they keep changing the name it's really annoying but uh here i'll just click on uh verify moment of truth yes so now we can see that this has been verified with google and now we have access to the google search console now the google search console will basically give you all the information about the impressions the traffic it tells you where you need improvement it's basically an analysis about your websites so go ahead and click on the search console right here this link and this will take you to your google search console now you can see here how i have a list of domains and um what we're going to do is that we're going to add this property so i want to now add this to my current website so over here i'll go to add a property and now what we're going to do is we're going to put in our domain so i'll go ahead and put in my domain so mine was what was it it was we'll take this whole domain and we will go over here and we will go ahead and put this in the url prefix all right your prefix paste that and then continue all right so now you guys can see that the ownership has been auto verified and now i can click on go to property and now from now on you can always see all the information about your website from the google search console now since this is a brand new website it will take about a day so here you can say or you can see this will take about a day but what you should see is something like this over time where it gives you the performance it gives you if there's anything wrong with your pages so looks like i do have some small problems with it not to worry this is my personal website and then here we have page experience for mobile so you can see that everything is pretty much good i do have some things to work on and that's probably they're probably minor things they're things that are probably not like you know really like you know like a real big problem looks like my review snippets need to be fixed so i'm gonna go ahead and talk to my seo guy about that but anyways you'll see all of your information about your website right here so congrats you guys have successfully verified your website with the google search console or webmaster tools whatever the hell they want to call it see right here they call it webmaster tools you know like what's going on here we should we should have a revolt you know it's like can they just tell us what it is is it search console or webmaster tools anyways now that we've actually done that i want you guys all to integrate your sitemap so over here we have features right and next we have sitemaps now what i don't like about yoast about what they've done here is you have to click on this check mark and then see your xml sitemap right here now they should put this in a more appropriate spot because your xml sitemap is extremely important so if you click on that link right there you will get your site map now what you're going to do is take this link right here and you're going to copy this i'm sorry this this prefix so sitemap dash index dot xml and we're going to go back to our search console and we're going to paste that in what we're going to do is i'm going to select my dural estate websites and on the left side we can see sitemaps now sitemaps are a roadmap of your website it tells google what to index so it's very important to add your sitemap to the google search console because without this google has no direction of what you want indexed so once you click on or once you paste that in you'll click on submit and then just wait and awesome so now we can see that it has been fetched or it has been submitted so when you first submit your sitemap you might get the couldn't fetch no problem just go ahead and give it like a few minutes maybe even refresh the page and oh look at that success so when you first put it in generally you might get that error and that's something that google needs to fix but rest assured we have submitted our sitemap to google so now that we have submitted our sitemap we need to go ahead and adjust some of the settings for it so that it'll display our website how we want in the search engine so now that we've done the general settings let's go ahead and click on search appearance now this is where we're going to talk about ways to display your websites there are different i guess you want to say strategies on how you want to display your website and we'll be covering all that in this part of the uh video so the general appearance is like for example um the title the title separator now we're going to talk about this in the very next section but this is just the type of separator you want now you can always add your own so don't worry about this this is not something that's imperative and here you can see that these are the general settings that we filled out in the setup wizard all right so next we're going to talk about content types and this part's actually pretty important because this will dictate how your website appears in the search results so let's go ahead and take a look at our categories so we have post pages we have our post types and then we have our custom post types below that now if you are an agency or a restaurant you're going to be focused more on pages and posts and these are the default settings in case you forget to optimize your pages which we'll do in the very next section so you first want to make sure these are selected to on because you do want these displayed in the search results right duh i mean that's why you're all watching this next we want to make sure this is on now here we have seo title so essentially this is kind of like how your website will appear by default in the search results for example we have android right here this is their home page we have the site title separator and then they have a tagline this is just some description now if i go to like the android about us let's see android about us it looks like they don't have an about us page but the website will actually appear differently depending on the pages now personally i would recommend just doing the site title or just title of the page and then some description so for example if i go to they just added in something very basic so they just have the site title and then description that's it you know and that i think that's all you really need for your default pages now i will show you a little bit later how to optimize your pages to make it look like something like this where we can you know put in all of our information and how we can display it how we want in the search results yet these are the default settings in case you do forget to put the custom title on your page so i just want title and then i want some excerpt so over here we have a list of variables and i want to take excerpt now what is excerpt well excerpt is related content that exists on the page so it's basically the content on the page that's relevant and it'll display it in the meta description so i'll go ahead and click on paste and that's it so for your pages generally you just want to display the title and the excerpt you don't want anything crazy because remember this will appear on every page and you don't want your website to look like a you know a crazy mad house you know we will optimize every page because i recommend that way more than relying on the default yo settings so i went ahead and i saved it now let's talk about posts so for posts these are blog posts and if you are a blogger this would be something like title separator and site name so this would be the title of the post separator and then the site title for example here i typed in best woocommerce plugins and just for example we can see we have the title of the article separator and then we have the site name so title the article separator and then the site title which is the name of the websites now that's a good approach by default and then also for the meta description you'd probably want to also paste in excerpt so if you do forget to add in content excerpt will go ahead and gather relevant information about the article and display it in the search results now remember the excerpt is this content right here so this is excerpt okay so that's just basically what you'd want to add in if you don't optimize your post by yourself so i'll go ahead and click on save changes now if you have custom post types which some of you might you want to probably do the same exact thing so what i'll do is i'll scroll down here and i'll click on properties so for seo title here we have the title of the custom post type so this would be the modern office space for my websites and i'll take off the page because we don't need that and then separator and then the site title so they'll always see daryl estate on my site and then also i'd want to go ahead and put in some meta description or some description about the actual custom post type by putting an excerpt in the meta description and again excerpt is the content that displays right here so this is what excerpt is all right so i would go ahead and use these for your default settings i believe these are the most optimal ways to set it it's relevant information and you're not really overdoing it and remember these are the default settings so you can go ahead and change these at any time so next we have media and attachment urls now if there are attachments onto your blog post and it gets picked up by google they're basically saying if someone clicks on that attachment it'll redirect them to the article itself so make sure that's selected to yes that's actually pretty good next we have categories and custom archives so for categories you do want to make sure these are available in the search results also you do want to enable this for the seo settings however for seo titles i do want to adjust this a little bit so i'm going to go ahead and get rid of archives and i just want the the turn title and also right here we don't need the page so we're gonna get rid of that so we have the term title separator and then also the site title and that's all we need to put for our categories and then also for the meta description i'll go ahead and paste in the excerpt as well alright and i will click on save changes now these are the optimal settings this can be debated between every single seo expert out there because everybody will have a different opinion but these are the general default settings that most seo users put on their sites so next we have tags right here so go ahead and click on tags now for tags i recommend not appearing these in the search engine because if you leave this set to on this can actually cause duplicate content problems so my personal opinion i recommend to take that off because if you have that on there's always a small chance you can get penalized by google for having duplicate content and guys once you get penalized like that's it you're on your own like you're going to be on page like 5 000 so i recommend turning this to off so over here again i will adjust this i just want the term title separator and then the site title and we don't really have any description for tags and also i want to do the same thing for formats so for the post format as well i'm going to leave this to off and change this and also just have it as term title separator and also site title and then also i will go ahead and paste some extra description in there why not now if you guys do have custom post types you guys might need to display them in the search results now i'm not going to go through my custom post types because obviously i have too many but if you guys do have custom post types you'd want to go ahead and display them in the search results and then just go ahead and do term title i would take out the archives i would leave the page depending on you know depending on your websites it's hard for me again to just to say you know if it's relevant for your site but i'll just go ahead and put term title and then separator and then site name for my website all right so that's what i would do for custom post types and also make sure that there is excerpt always there at the bottom for your custom post types and i'll go to the bottom right here now also they have one important option and i recommend to keep this so right here they're saying remove the categories prefix and let's say for example you have categories so right here how you can see that this says property right there if you select remove it'll actually remove this permalink now the big problem with this is that if you do want to add them back to your website you can't because it's gone and you will get a bunch of four or four errors so i would recommend to just keep it it's not a big deal it's really not a big deal but if you do remove it it could become a very serious problem so uh just leave that's to keep all right and i'll click on save all right let's keep going archives i'll leave archives to off and also right here we have the date archives i'll go ahead and put yes but i will not display them in the search results i feel that displaying a date archives in the search result is just not necessary people don't really need to know when something was posted you can always use a plugin or something like that or you can add it in the description of the actual page you know if you want to do that so that's strictly up to you but uh yeah i'll go ahead and scroll down to the bottom and well we also have save page or special pages now these are actually sets to optimal settings i would leave this by default also for four or four pages remember you can always adjust your own four or four pages now with page builders and everything so yeah i would leave these as uh as their sets these are the optimal settings so let's click on save changes so next we have breadcrumbs and if your theme does support breadcrumbs you can go ahead and turn it on pretty much breadcrumbs are just these little arrows and it just kind of helps users navigate to your site so for example right here these right here would be breadcrumbs and it just kind of displays like the category or the subcategory and then the category and then the page it was on so that's essentially breadcrumbs you can go ahead and turn those on if you want to do that next we have rss so rss feed settings prevent scrapers from stealing your contents essentially what you're doing is you're basically claiming the content so those scraper websites that try to scrape content and try to rank for your websites it prevents that so i'm gonna put post link here and also blog link and blog link like that now also right here this post was the post link appeared first on blog link and you can also put written by you know and then maybe even the author link so this again is just to prevent scrapers from stealing your content so that's what all this is referring to and here i'll click on save changes all right cool so we're pretty much almost done at this point now let's go ahead and click on the next tab which we have is social so this is where you're going to enter your you know your instagram and your facebook and all your stuff you're going to go ahead and insert those urls right there this is helpful because this sends social signals which can help boost your website in the search results now also for facebook you guys can go ahead and submit an image so next time you submit an image or you share the websites it will display that specific image on facebook so i'll just go ahead and grab this little house right here and uh yeah so i'll just save changes so when i share content about my websites to any social platform it will display this really cute house right there and also you can do the same thing for twitter twitter is cancer i don't even use that platform but if you do use twitter go for it knock yourself out so next we have pinterest and if you want to connect your website with pinterest which is actually a pretty good idea you guys can actually click on the confirm your site with pinterest now you will need a pinterest account for this to work and you would just go ahead and click on claim and then you'll go ahead and copy this text and display it right here now pictures actually pretty good for traffic you know because whenever you see those images on google images usually that is spread out by in by pinterest so it actually is a pretty good idea to connect your website with pinterest so there we go we connected our websites and then over here i'll click on continue enter your website url and then click on verify here i will go ahead and paste my url and click on verify so right now it's verifying our websites all right cool so the verification's in progress and they should give us an email letting us know that our website has been verified with pinterest you know i actually recommend using pinterest i know a lot of people say it's like oh it's just a girl platform you know it's only for you know girls and makeup and stuff like that that's really not true there's actually a lot of people who use it to get really big traffic and uh yeah it's a very good platform to get traffic and it's just pinning stuff it's really not a lot of work so just pin images and then it should propagate somewhere on the google images search alright next we'll click on tools so these are just the general yoast tools you guys can mess around with these at your own discretion however let's go ahead and click on start seo data optimization so what this does is that this will help speed up our website and also give us some ideas about internal linking and just give us some optimization tips for our website all right cool so we have our seo data optimized this again helps yoast optimize our meta tags and everything just a little bit more faster than usual and that's a new feature they just added so that's pretty cool and i think that's pretty much it now you guys can go ahead and check out the premium option here if you guys do want to upgrade this will actually go ahead and revert dead links it gives you social previews and it just does help you a little bit more with interlinking and also related keywords and stuff like that so now that we've done with the basic options let's go ahead and move on to the actual pages now i did say to you guys all that we should actually optimize every page and that is very true whenever you're optimizing your website you do want to make sure that you optimize every page and post manually rather than relying on yoast so let's do that so this is my current home page and right here i'll click on edit page now you should do this for every single page so if you have a home about a contact an agent's page or a my restaurant page you should go ahead and use yoast for every single page so i'll go ahead and scroll down right here and now you'll see that we have this yoast option right here we also have this little yoast tab on the top right right here as well so that's just another you know way they added it you can use it from the right side or this side right here and this is focus key phrase now for pages we're just going to ignore that because we want to display our website how we want in the search results so here we have the home defaults right so we have the mobile and we also have the desktop result so first let's go ahead and preview or adjust the default for the home so let's say for example i want to change the home default instead of actually having the site title i'll just go ahead and put it whatever i want in there so you can see from my website how i just put daryl wilson dash home of the free wordpress tutorials so i'll go ahead and put daryl estates dash home of the best real estate properties and this is how your website will be displayed in the search results so this is the home page and this is the first page people find when they search for your website so the home page is very very important so next we have slugs and if you do want your slug to display something a little bit more relevant you guys can go to your pages section right here and then let's say for example we have our home page by default i can click on quick edits and then i could adjust the slug so i want to adjust the slug here like you know i don't know whatever you want to put like you know you can just put home or something like that something like this and then update it so this is the actual home page for my home so now you can see the slug is home and then i'll go ahead and update it over here to like home so you can adjust your slug to something that's a little bit more relevant or you can completely get rid of it if you want to do that it's strictly up to you but that's the slug and then we also have meta description now here you can see that it's pulling up information from the home page so let's go ahead and take a look at our homepage really quick here so here we have find your perfect home and then take control and find your dream home today so you can see here it's find your perfect home take control of your dream home today now i probably want to go ahead and put in some custom description so if you do want to put custom description just go ahead and type it in you know just go ahead and say all right i wanted to say this right here find your perfect home and then we take control and find your home blah blah blah you know we have a lot of properties and something like that so this is how your website will appear in the search results and this looks a little bit more looks a little bit more cleaner you probably want to use keywords that are relevant to properties or to whatever you're talking about you know like if i'm talking about wordpress i put a lot of wordpress description or you know words in the actual description so wordpress and then wordpress you know website tutorials so again you do want to put relevant information about your websites all right and we'll scroll down now generally for all this stuff right here like seo analysis and all this stuff this is only referring to blog posts so you don't really need to even consider any of this stuff when you are messing around with all this information about pages also on the right side we do have some other options so for example we have facebook preview and this is something that you might want to put about like when people share it to facebook so this can be like uh you know home of the best work home of the best real estate properties and then you can also select an image right here so you know we'll just go ahead and just throw in some images like that and then you know home of the real estate and then this will just be like the description so this will actually like this will be like the description below the title and uh yeah after we're done with that we'll just go ahead and click on return to your page and you can do the same thing for twitter and then the google preview this will just take you back and just give you an example of what it looks like in the google search results and then also for schema you just want to make sure that this is selected to the page so this is the web page by default and that's pretty much it so other than that that is how you essentially can optimize your page for the google search results now again these other options right here these are referring to more of blog posts and yeah that's that but um and that's it we're pretty much done so that's how you optimize pages with the yoast plugin now let's say for example you're using elementor which a lot of you are elementor also does have an integration for yoast and i'll quickly go ahead and just jump into it and talk about it just for a little bit so i loaded my website with elementor and i'll click on this gear icon on the bottom left right here under settings and now you'll see that we have this yoast seo settings so these are pretty much the same options right here where you can kind of adjust things you can read the readability analysis keyword phrases you can see how it looks like with the facebook preview and just the same options except you can access these while you are you know building your page and everything so that's something that you want to mess around with or you want to check out you guys can go ahead and just mess around with some of these yellow settings if you want to adjust it on the front end while you're building your page with elementor so now that you know how to optimize all of your pages i just want to quickly touch base on the mobile preview now for mobile users you do want to make sure that you upload a image about your websites and the wizard settings and you also add it as a favicon because have you guys noticed how google is now displaying images next to the websites in the search preview so you do want to make sure that you add an image to your website that kind of represents your business and also you want to make sure your description is suitable for both desktop and mobile preview so the desktop preview is good and the mobile preview i think this is also fine but you do want to just get on your phone from time to time and just check out how it looks make sure everything is going according to how you want it to look and then you know once you feel comfortable just go ahead and leave those saves all right so that's pretty much it for optimizing your website with yoast it actually is a very simple process right and it just takes a little time to kind of go through each page and kind of adjust it to your liking so now that we talked about you know the general settings with yoast we talked about how to optimize pages let's quickly go ahead and jump into posts so right here let's go to plus new and click on post now posts are essentially almost the same way as pages you do just have to make some small minor adjustments to it so right here i'll put like the top 10 top 10 best real estate websites people do this all the time and then they always list their own property you know it's just it's just how it works so here we have some other options right so let's say for example i'm writing articles on the best real estate websites so what is my focus keyword meaning which keyword do i want to rank for on google well i want to put real estate websites now you may also go ahead and click on this get related key phrases and what this does is that this will actually sign you up with semrush to do some keyword research basically they're saying are these keywords too competitive or are they even worth your time it shows you how many times people are searching for that result and just gives you your competition and all that seo stuff but uh yeah so that is the name of my article now i'm going to quickly go ahead and just put in some demo content right here all right cool so i added in some demo content so essentially what i did here was i just grabbed some article from the internet and we'll go ahead and just dissect it and we'll talk about what they did and everything but first let's go ahead and scroll down past this article and let's say you write your article right so here you have the title the separator and then the site title now personally i would recommend just doing just the title in fact you can actually just go ahead and delete that and just write in your own custom title which a lot of websites do so this would be like the top 10 best real estate real estate websites and then updated people love these little like parentheses that's what i found out in my personal seo practices like i i did this before i did seriously you know and when people see that they're like oh okay this guy's serious you know and it just kind of brings more relevance it adds a little bit more of a subtle approach to it and it sounds like a real person so you can go ahead and approach that or you know approach us however you want i kind of like adding in more personal more personal words you know because it's just a way to attract people to click on your blog posts and then here we have the slug of the article and then also here we have the meta description now again i would put something in custom here i never want to have yoast do it by default because i don't know what they're going to pull from the blog post so right here i'll put something like um looking for the top 10 best real estate websites see our panel of judges our panel of judges right of judges have reviewed these best real estate websites and i don't know results shown so it's state like that so essentially what i'm doing right here is i want to make sure that my keyword is in the description real estate websites so we have real estate websites real estate websites and real estate websites so i just want to make sure that um google knows what i'm talking about here by saying we're looking for the top 10 best real estate websites right so i personally like the title to do manually and also the description to do manually i just don't like yoast doing it especially for articles that you spent a lot of time to write and you know imagine if you spent all this time and then yost puts something really bad right so yeah that's that also right here we have the seo analysis so let's go ahead and just go through some of these options they're talking about so internal links now google loves internal links now internal links is essentially linking your website to other pages so for example let's say we'll go ahead and just you know click on i don't know one page right here right and what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy this page and this is what interlinking is so let's say you're talking about like find the best real estate real estates so right here i'm going to insert a url of my websites and then press enter google loves this because they find that you're navigating your your readers to kind of circulate your website in a very organized and clean manner so essentially what you're doing is you're just directing them to other parts of your website that are relevant so this is exactly what interlinking is you want to interlink them to other parts of your websites and then we have keyword density so keyword density is essentially how many times the keyword appears in your article you want to keep it around three percent and everything so in a nutshell yos kind of tells you what to do and how to improve your articles now i'm not going to go through all these options obviously because i've already created a blog post that demonstrates what you should do for your blog post like keyword stuffing keyword research a lot of stuff and it's a lot of content right here so it's a lot of stuff to look at i just don't want this video get to get too long because i don't really want to start talking about post optimization we're kind of focusing here on yoast itself so you guys can go ahead and read that article i will leave that in the description of this video for all of you so once you guys create your articles you guys can just follow these rules and just optimize your post accordingly and then also we have the cornerstone content so cornerstone content is like the most important article regarding your website so if you feel this is cornerstone content then you'll go ahead and leave that selected to on we also have the advanced tab where i'm just not going to go there just make sure this is set to yes for current default for posts and then what i'll do on the right side under post i always want to make sure that i have a featured image on my posts because i mean how are they going to know what represents this article if there's no image for it so here i will set featured image and that's pretty much it so you guys do want to go ahead and follow some of these rules that yoast has created for you like reading the readability also right here we have schema and just make sure you input the article that's correct regarding whatever you're writing and then also you have social so let's say for example someone shares this article to their favorite social website this will display how you want in the social website results all right and that's pretty much it for creating posts with yoast you guys can go ahead and just kind of read through their recommendations and stuff like that but i'll go ahead and click on publish and publish and i will now view the post and there you go so we have our post we have our contents and then we just have a bunch of information regarding my article so remember make sure to interlink your article make sure to include relevant sources also include statistics people love statistics and then here you can always get ideas from yoast and recommendations now if you don't have the green little circle guys that's not the end of the world okay i know people get really fixated on that green circle but again just make sure that you have relevant and good content so that's how you guys can create posts using the yoast plugin all right party people i hope you guys enjoyed my yoast video oba was pretty clear right i showed you guys about the general options the pages and also the post and also how to connect it with google search console and how to submit your site map so i hope i covered everything if you guys have do any questions feel free to let me know in the comments below and also make sure to check out my other blog posts about how to write high ranking blog posts um for your websites alright guys thanks for watching if you guys have any questions for me feel free to let me know in the comments below getting set up with yoast is really simple the top two plugins i recommend for seo obviously is yoast and rank math because they're just really simple and convenient to use so but yeah my name is daryl wilson and i will see all of you guys in the next video take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 28,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yoast, yoast seo, wordpress seo by yoast, seo by yoast, wordpress seo plugin, seo, darrel wilson, yoast seo plugin, wordpress seo yoast plugin, seo plugin wordpress, wordpress seo, seo yoast, how to setup yoast seo, seo wordpress, wordpress plugin, yoast wordpress seo plugin, yoast seo guide, yoast seo tutorial, how to use yoast seo plugin, yoast setting, yoast wordpress seo tutorial, yoast 2021, yoast seo tutorial 2021, yoast seo tutorial for beginners
Id: F3Bi1jIJ-h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 25sec (2485 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.