Shopify vs. Woocommerce - Best Ecommerce Platform in 2021?

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before we get started I have the hookup with both of these companies and I have a better deal for you then you can find anywhere else so stay till the end where I'll share that deal with you and I'm gonna be going over in depth the pros and the cons for both of these platforms as well as answering the top five most common questions I get about both of these platforms now if you want to skip ahead to the summary to the results you can do that but I recommend watching this entire video so you can make an informed decision let's get started with the pros of Shopify and Shopify is a great platform and in my opinion they have better templates now this is arguable WooCommerce has some really good templates as well but I think the Shopify templates are just a little bit more professional Shopify is also a little bit easier to use Shopify has been built from the ground up for e-commerce to make it as simple as possible for people to put their products and sell them online part of what makes Shopify easier to use is they have 24/7 customer support which is a really big deal with WooCommerce you're a little bit more on your own because WooCommerce is a free plug-in to WordPress there's not a ton of support there Shopify also has better add-ons and better apps than WooCommerce WooCommerce does have a lot of apps it does have a lot of add-ons but I would definitely say that Shopify has better more professional add-ons and apps it also seems like Shopify just integrates with more things like it seems any kind of email provider you want to integrate with Shopify can do that pretty much anything out there Shopify seems like it integrates with that I think this is because Shopify is not free and because you have to pay for it their team is a little bit more motivated to go out there and make the connections and make the integrations the last Pro for Shopify is less can go wrong I have mu commerce websites and I have Shopify websites and it doesn't ever seem like anything major goes wrong with my Shopify site part of that is because you can't change the checkout page too much with WooCommerce you can tinker with it a little bit more but there's a bigger chance that something will break now what Commerce has some big pros as well the biggest being WooCommerce is free kind of WooCommerce is a free plugin for WordPress so to have a WooCommerce site you need to have a wordpress site and to have a wordpress site you're going to need to pay a little bit for hosting so WooCommerce is still cheaper and it used to be that you could get really cheap hosting from companies like I page but now with WooCommerce you need an SSL certificate and so I recommend personally going with site ground but still paying for that hosting on site ground is a lot cheaper than it is to be paying for a Shopify site and this is probably the biggest Pro with WooCommerce is that it's a lot cheaper to have an e-commerce website with WooCommerce than it is with Shopify now I have links down below to SiteGround now you don't need to go with Sai crown for hosting your WordPress website there's a lot of companies out there Bluehost Hostgator a bunch of different ones I have links down below to all of them but I highly recommend I've done a comparison video where I compare all the different hosts and I personally recommend Sai crown but it's up to you pick whatever host works best for you another Pro with WooCommerce is that you can change just about everything on your website with Shopify there's certain things like the checkout page that they don't let you change too much and this is because they don't want you to break it but with WooCommerce they don't care root Commerce is open source which means that there's a lot of different developers out there working on it trying to improve it and it also means that if you want to change it you can change it also WooCommerce will never shut you down the benefit of having your own WooCommerce website is you don't have to go through a third party now I think it's super rare for a Shopify site to get shut down but it does happen especially it seems like in developing countries or people selling kind of shady products and the last Pro for WooCommerce is it's built on WordPress and WordPress is great for blogging so if you're gonna be doing a lot of blogging with your ecommerce store if content marketing is a big part of your company then WordPress is gonna make it really easy for you now let's go to the cons of Shopify and one of the first big cons of Shopify is it's more expensive now funny enough it's actually cheaper to start because if you're gonna be starting with the WooCommerce site a lot of the hosting companies make you pay for a full year all at once so it's a little bit cheaper to start with Shopify but in the long run WooCommerce is gonna be a lot less expensive now I am always trying to negotiate for a better deal for you guys on Shopify so check the link below I'll update that as I get better pricing for you another con for Shopify as I mentioned is they can shut down your site if you wanted to so if you're in a high-risk country or you're selling high-risk products do not go with Shopify they can potentially shut you down I've also found that the third-party apps are more expensive on Shopify than they are on WooCommerce for instance a third-party app you might want is an app that recharges your customers every month you have to pay a third-party company for their integration for their app on Shopify so that you can do this and like I said a lot of the apps seem to be more expensive with Shopify than they do with WooCommerce but that being said they seem to work better on Shopify than they do with Roo commerce but I'll talk about that in just a second the last con is the fees now Shopify does charge a fee if you want to use a third-party payment gateway but you don't need to do that Shopify has its own built in payments basically the way it works is every time you get a sale Shopify takes 2.9 percent fee and that fee goes to pay the credit cards it goes to pay everything now a lot of people think that with WooCommerce there's no fee like that and that's not true with WooCommerce you still have to pay a fee but you're paying it too straight instead of WooCommerce or with Shopify you're paying it directly to Shopify technically now depending on which plan you have that percentage will go down but no matter what store you open you're going to have to pay a percentage fee every time someone makes a credit card transaction on your website that's just the way it works now let's talk about the cons with WooCommerce and one of the first big cons with through commerce is you're going to have technical problems pretty much everyone I've ever known that use WooCommerce at some point their checkout doesn't work for a few days and this recently happened to me I updated some plugins and for some reason that's unknown to me my checkout stopped working and for I think three or four days I didn't realize it wasn't working but I wasn't getting any sales and that's scary so keep that in mind at some point with WooCommerce you may have technical problems it also seems like with WooCommerce there's just less integrations there seems like there's a lot of functions that I can get with Shopify that I just can't find a lot of apps add-ons things like that I just can't get with WooCommerce or they don't work as well as I would like and it also seems like even the loop on the surface is cheaper you have to buy a lot of the functions that are built into Shopify built into that monthly fee you have to buy them kind of piecemeal and you're hoping that everything works well together but it doesn't always do so and the last con with WooCommerce is you're gonna have to set up payments through either stripe or PayPal either way there's gonna be a two point nine percent fee on every transaction again a lot of people think that there's no transaction fee with WooCommerce and that there is a transaction fee with Shopify and that's not true no matter what any time you're accepting a credit card or any kind of payment online someone wants a piece of that action PayPal wants a transaction fee stripe wants a transaction fee Shopify wants a transaction fee so in my opinion that's a con for both platforms and it's just part of doing business online now I have and currently use both of these platforms and to be honest it really just depends on the circumstances on why you're starting an e-commerce website exactly what you want to do for my main company my main passion product business I use Shopify because I want to make sure nothing goes wrong I'm doing a decent amount of volume on sales and I just want to make sure that everything's as smooth as possible and I'm willing to pay more to make sure that everything goes well now recently I helped my girlfriend saw her own passion product company and she mostly sells on Amazon and we don't expect to get a lot of sales on her website so it didn't make sense to pay $29 a month on Shopify instead we decided for her to just have a WooCommerce website it's a lot cheaper ultimately the decision is kind of like Android verse iPhone it's not that one is better or ones worse it just depends on the person in the in the circumstances if you're willing to pay more for a website and e-commerce site that just works that has less issues and honestly is it a little bit more professional then Shopify makes a lot of sense on the other hand if you're on a tight budget if you're someone that's relatively technical and you don't mind going in tinkering around on your website to fix things or if you're looking to start multiple small websites then WooCommerce makes a lot of sense as I said I have the hook up with those Shopify and SiteGround and you can use the links up here or down below to get that special offer now I'm always trying to get a better deal for you so use those links to check on like what the latest deal is like the bed negotiated pricing I can get on top of that when you use these links to sign up I'll give you a free 30-minute consultation session just for using my links you can also check the prices for the other hosting companies for WooCommerce and I have them listed below in the description now this is not a paid video I don't care which platform which hosting company you go with whatever platform you've decided on take that first step today sign up get started on your dream starting an e-commerce website was the best thing I've ever done and I guarantee you're gonna be happy that you took that step today so sign up and remember to enjoy the journey
Channel: Travis Marziani
Views: 76,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify vs woocommerce, shopify vs woocommerce 2020, Woocommerce and shopify 2020, The best ecommerce platform in 2020, woocommerce review, Shopify review, woocommerce vs shopify 2020, shopify 2020, woocommerce 2020, woocommerce price, shopify price, is woocommerce better than shopify, is shopify better than woocommerce, shopify vs woocommerce 2019, woocommerce pros, woocommerce cons, shopify pros, shopify cons, shopify review 2019, woocommerce review 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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