Top 20 BEST & FREE WooCommerce Plugins For WordPress 2020 - Must Have Plugins For eCommerce Websites

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hello friends amnesia and so in this video i'll talk about top 20 best and free woocommerce plugins for your ecommerce website and store for this list i've included plugins from different categories and for different purposes for example i have included plugins for payments product management marketing and analytics cashback order management product customizer shipping and tracking checkout management product inquiry and many more so without any further ado let's get started so the first plugin on our list is woocommerce pdf invoices and packaging slips very important plugin and again let me remind you one thing all these plugins are absolutely free so as the name suggests this will create pdf invoices and packaging slips for you so basically what happens is whenever a customer comes to your e-commerce website and whenever they place an order with your website they will receive an email with all the order details and if you use this plugin they will also receive a pdf invoice so let me show you one thing so as you can see this is an email that i received when i placed an order on this website so this is what a customer normally receives but if you install this plugin they will also receive this thing as you can see this invoice is automatically attached to this email address if you open this invoice it will look something like this it will have the customer address phone number shipping location everything invoice number order number you know taxation everything even your signature and now if you want to learn more about this plugin you can come back to this page and here as you can see when you scroll down you will see some main features so i've already explained you the first point automatically attach invoice pdf to woocommerce emails then after that a customer your customers can also download pdf invoice and packaging slips you can also download these invoices and packaging slips so let me show you one thing if i go to this website so for example if you see this website this is an amazing website let me remind you about one thing that if you want to create an e-commerce website an absolutely free e-commerce website a professional e-commerce website with all the different professional features and if you don't want to spend even a single dollar you can do that i've done that as you can see over here this is a professional e-commerce website and this e-commerce website was created using only free resources using all free theme and free plugins so if you also want to create this website there is a link given in the video description below you can click on that link and you will be redirected to this video let me show you that video okay as you can see this is the video if you don't get that link if i forget to give that link in the video description you can simply go to youtube and search for nayashik e-commerce 2020 or 2021 whenever you're watching this video you will see this video at top make sure to watch that video you can create a complete professional e-commerce website using only free resources so now let's get back to the plugin i was explaining you the second option that your customers can download invoices from the front end so this customer can come they can click on my account whenever they have placed an order they they can see all the order history over here so they can click on orders and here as you can see this customer can click on invoice and they can download the invoice so they can print this thing or they if they want they can also download this thing you can also download the packaging slips and also the invoice from the backend so you can install this plugin now i have in fact i've created a video dedicated only for this plugin so again if you go to youtube and if you search for nia shake pdf invoice you will see this plugin woocommerce pdf invoice and packaging slip plugin so if you watch that plugin i have explained in detail how to set up this plugin and how to create different things in fact for most of the plugins that i've included in this list i already have a detailed video on those plugins and if i don't have a video on any particular plugin and if you want me to cover that plugin obviously you can let me know in the comments section below now let's move on to our next plugin so our next plugin on this list is product enquiry for woocommerce and again as the name suggests this will add inquiry button if i scroll down yeah i can show you this thing over here when you install this plugin what happens is below every single product it will add a button like this one make an inquiry so if you want to add this feature if a customer clicks on this button make an inquiry button they will see a pop-up like this and they will have to enter their email address phone number all this thing and you know this will send one inquiry detail to your backend and you can see these you know inquiry list in your back end and if you want you can simply contact this customer so this is also really helpful especially if you don't want to create if you don't want to sell you know online if you don't want to sell online your products and if you just want to receive inquiry this is helpful for that or if for some other purposes you can use this plugin again you can just scroll down and read more about all these plugins so you can change the name instead of make an inquiry you can type in request a code or code to order all those things can be done with this plugin again very important and useful plugin now let's move on to our third plugin on this list so the third plugin on this list is woocommerce advanced pro product shipping or woocommerce advance free shipping by chair on salmani or whatever the name is so this is also very important plugin this plugin will be helpful if you want to control shipping normally woocommerce does not have very advanced shipping options but with this plugin you can control shipping and you can have a lot of you know settings in the shipping for example let me give you give you a very simple example suppose if i want to set shipping price or delivery product delivery price based on the product weight for example if the weight of the product is less than 500 grams i want to charge maybe 60 rupees and if the product weight is more than you know 500 grams or more than one kilogram i want to charge maybe 100 rupees so if you want to do something like that you can do it with this plug-in similarly if you want to charge your shipping based on different things for example uh suppose if you're on a charge shipping cost based on location based on different states based on different cities based on different zip code you can control that thing as well you can also control shipping costs based on different quantity so if a person purchases one product they you can charge them x amount of money and if a person you know purchases more than one product maybe till five products you can charge them you know another amount of money something like that for example if a person purchases one particular product in one quantity you can charge them 100 rupees but if they purchase in more quantity maybe if they purchase more than five products you can decrease the shipping cost and if they purchase more than 10 products you can make free shipping so you can do all these settings with this plugin and again for this plugin also there is a dedicated video on my channel again you can just go to youtube and search for neya sheikh i think it is called advanced shipping yes as you can see here this video woocommerce advanced shipping tutorial so you can watch that tutorial in that tutorial again i have explained in detail how to set up this plugin as you can see almost half an hour long tutorial how to set up different criteria for shipping now the fourth plugin on our list is email customizer for woocommerce again very important plugin so as i've already explained you that whenever a person you know whenever customer places an order on your website they receive an email something like this so whether you change the status of the product whether you do anything your customer will always receive similar kind of emails now this is the default style of this email so if you want to change the style you can use this plugin okay email customizer for woocommerce and as you can see if you scroll down there is a video over here if you scroll down again a little bit more at the bottom of this video you can see some samples so instead of a simple you know pattern like this one you can create something like this now as you can see this looks so much better you can have your logo here you can enter your company name you can add some links you can totally design this thing so if you want you can use this plugin there are some more designs given over here and this is really simple a simple drag and drop designer so this plugin is also very useful and again for this plugin also i have a dedicated video you can go to youtube and search for naya sheikh i think email customizer and as you can see this first plugin or this first video that you see how to customize and style woocommerce email order invoice so you can watch that video if you want to use this plugin now the next plugin on our list is wp mail smtp by wp forms very very important plug-in especially if you're working with an e-commerce website now as a again we are again going back to email because this is also related to emails so whenever your customer receives an email address it will look something like this but if you're using a gmail or yahoo email address for example here in this case i was using really or suppose if you're using some any kind of email address you might have you know listened or you might have had this problem that your customers are not actually getting email and sometimes if you if they're getting these emails then it is going to spam box so if you want to fix this thing if you don't want any notices like this for example as you can see when a customer is receiving this no this email they are also receiving this notice that be careful so this you know does not look good obviously so if you want to fix this thing if you don't want to receive any such notices and also if you don't want your emails to go to your customers spam box and if you want your emails to go directly to the inbox you can use this plugin which is wp mail smtp by wp forms very important plugin so this will really help you and again for this also i have a dedicated video let me show you so if you search for nayashik smtp you will get this first tutorial how to fix wordpress not sending email issues in fact if you see the second tutorial also if you want to create an e you if you want to create a business email address like instead of real layer if you want to create an email address with your website name as the extension for example near or admin or support at those kind of email address can be created watching this tutorial now let's move on to our next plugin so the next plugin on this list is terra wallet for woocommerce this is also very important plugin and a super useful plugin so this plugin will help you to create wallet system on your website so your users will have wallet they can add money to that wallet they can also make payment through that wallet so this is also very important and very useful plugin and this plugin will help you to create wallet system in your e-commerce website and let me give you some example of how this plug-in can be useful for you so you can use this plug-in to add a wallet system in your e-commerce website and suppose if a customer purchases products more worth more than 10 000 rupees a thousand rupees then you can give them some money some you know you can add some digital money in their wallet now next time when they want they can purchase product through this wallet money so i hope it is cleared this is basically what this will do is this will add a wallet system in your e-commerce website a customer can purchase product through wallet money or they can also add money to their wallet for example if i have a paypal account i can add i can send some money from my paypal account to this wallet so i hope this is clear this is very useful plugin and very common plugin if you want to learn more about this plugin you can you know just go ahead read about this plugin read about all the different features for example here wallet system works just like any other payment method you can set wallet system payment method for the front end so basically whenever person is trying to do checkout whenever customer is trying to purchase a product let me actually show you an example i have one product in the cart if i click on checkout now here as you can see during checkout i can make payment through paypal i can make payment through credit card debit card but if you add this wallet system a customer can also make payment through this wallet so if they have any amount in their wallet they can make payment through their wallet as well now for this also i have a dedicated video you can just go to youtube search for nih terra wallet and you should get this video first video how to add wallet system and cashback option to your website so this will also add the feature of cashback in your ecommerce website now let's move on to our next plugin so our next plugin is custom products tabs for woocommerce again very important plugin now let me show you what this plugin will do for you obviously you can save by the name itself now if i open any single product let me go to my shop page and let me open any single product for example if i open this product now when you scroll down you have these type of tabs normally there are only three tabs available in your default e-commerce you will see description additional information and reviews if you want to add more tabs like as you can see over here i have added more of more offers return and shipping policies inquiries so if you want to add more tabs at the bottom you can use this free plugin custom product tabs for woocommerce by yikes incorporation and obviously you can read more about this plugin over here at the bottom and you can see this screenshot as well as you can see they have added this additional information and some extra tabs over here at the bottom now i don't have a dedicated video on this plugin but i am i remember i have used this plugin in some e-commerce tutorial i don't remember which tutorial but i will use this plug-in in some e-commerce tutorial but it is really very easy to set up so you can use this plugin as well now the next plugin on our list is again a very important plugin wait list woocommerce are back in stock notifier so this is a very important plugin obviously whenever a product is out of stock for example you can see an example over here this product was out of stock so whenever a product goes after stock you will your customer will automatically see this thing okay this a simple form over here so your customer if they are really interested in this product they can enter their email address and they can enter the quantity in which they want and they can click on email email me when available so they can click on that button so whenever this product is back in stock you can send notification or automatic notification will be sent to your customer that this product is back into back in stock and they can come to your website and they can make the purchase so again very important plugin now let me tell you about my personal experience recently i actually i wanted to purchase a product from one website and that product was out of stock so i i got a similar option on that website i entered my email address and i entered that i wanted one quantity and once that product was available in stock i got an email and i purchased that product so that was really useful so this so this thing can also be really useful for your customers and now the next plugin on our list is variation swatches for woocommerce and obviously this will help you to create different variations and you this will help you to add this kind of things let me again actually show you on my website if i again go back to shop page and if i scroll down this is a variable product so first of all what is a variable product a variable product is a product which is available in different variations for example if i'm selling this t-shirt and if this same t-shirt is available in different colors for example this t-shirt is available in black blue purple whatever color and maybe this t-shirt is also available in different sizes i can create a variable product now most of your times when you create a variable product as you can see here it is showing the color and it is showing these beautiful buttons but most of the times what happens is you will see a simple text over here like instead of this instead of displaying this color red it will just have a simple text red simple text black but instead of that if you use this plug-in variation swatches for woocommerce you can actually display the exact same color over here and if your customer selects this black color medium this product image will automatically change to black color if they select red color this product image will automatically change to red color and the price will also change for example here as you can see red color medium prices 1500 rupees red color small price is 1400 if i select black color small 1100 rupees so again very useful plugin and at the same time you can also see i'm again and again coming back to this website so again i'm saying if you watch that free e-commerce tutorial i have explained how to use these different plugins in that particular tutorial and all this is happening for absolutely free now let's move on to our next plugin so our next plugin is sumo sumo me by the way this is called this is also called sumome this is as you can see useful to boost your conversion and sales so this plugin is actually useful to create different types of pop-ups and you can also create a notification bar you might have seen those cookies notification bar or sometimes if you go to your website or if you go to any website you see a notification bar at top or at bottom that some sale is going on you can click on that button to get that sale so this plugin can be useful to create different notification bars and different pop-up form forms to improve and to increase your email marketing you can increase your list in the email marketing or you can improve your sales you can get more sales through these kind of things i again i don't have a dedicated video on this thing but this is really simple to set up you can go through this thing i think they have also included some documentation so you can go to their website see documentation really easy to set up now the next plugin on this list is after ship woocommerce tracking so this plugin is helpful for tracking orders so whenever customer places an order with your website and if you if you want to deliver this product or if you want to ship this product to your customer obviously you'll go to some courier facility for example if you go to ups or if you go to dhl they will give you the order number and now you can they will also give you the tracking link so you can go to dhl website click on that tracking link you can enter your order number and you can track your order which is a very basic thing so if you use this free plugin what you can do is whenever a customer places an order on your website you can give them the order details for example you can give them the order number you can give you can tell them that your order is being delivered through you know dhl or through ups or some other courier facility and you can give them the order number and tracking link they can now go to that link and they can enter the order number and they can live track their product and some examples are given over here as you can see your customers will receive a message like this or your customers will receive an email like this hi whatever the customer name is you can track your order using this uh detail for example here as you can see this is the uh link tracking link this is the tracking number all this information courier you know what what is the courier facility shipping is being processed all this information can be given to your customers and this can be really helpful for your customer so again very useful plugin now the next plugin on our list is yht y i th woocommerce wishlist and obviously as you can see the name says that this plugin will be useful to add wish list option to your e-commerce website so if you want to add this option as you can see below every single product you can add this option add to wishlist again very common feature in most of the e-commerce websites so whenever a customer comes to your product whenever customer comes to your website below every single product they can see add to wishlist button they can click on that button that product will be added to wishlist and you can add a wishlist page link on your menu and a customer can go to that page and they can see all the products that they have wish listed again for this also i have a dedicated video you can go and search for near shake with list you can see this video how to add free wishlist feature and page in wordpress so you can watch that video if you want this wishlist feature in your ecommerce website now the next plugin on our list is related to payment there are basically several plugins for payment but this is the one that i recommend the most stripe payment gateway for woocommerce because stripe is really easy to set up very easy to sign up with stripe you don't require any documentation anything and really easy to set up so as you can see this is a plugin or if you want to there are other plugins as well for example you have paypal checkout and if you if you if stripe is not available in your country for example you can see in this list stripe is available only in these countries so if a stripe is not available in your country you can use paypal and if paypal is also not available in your country you can check out some other payment gateways for example in india there are many like hundreds and thousands of different payment gateways you have cc avenue you have pay you money you have insta mojo like hundreds of different payment gateways so you can use that thing but if it is available in your country i would highly recommend you to go with stripe payment gta very easy to set up and with this payment gateway you can accept credit card and debit card payments directly on your website now in this tutorial again you if you go back to this website if you click on checkout i'm using stripe payment gateway in this video as you can see because of that i am getting this option credit card now customer can simply go to your website they can enter the card detail and they can place an order normally what happens is for example if you select paypal if a customer selects paypal and if they click on proceed to paypal they will be redirected to and they will have to make the payment on but if you you know use stripe as you can see you can receive payment right on your website your customer does not have to go to some other third party website very important plugin again now the next plugin on our list is woocommerce actually let me again remind you one thing or this there is another video on my channel for stripe payment gateway as well so if you search for nashik stripe you will see this this video how to accept credit card on website so you can watch that video if you want or if you're interested in strike payment gateway another plugin on our list is mailchimp for wordpress or mailchimp for woocommerce as you can see mailchimp for wordpress now this is normally uh this is an email marketing plugin obviously you might have you already should know about this this plugin can be useful to connect your website with which is an email marketing platform so you can do free email marketing and there are some really you know useful features with this plugin for example you can do some automation with this plugin so every time a user orders a product you can give them some automatic messages for example if a user orders some product on my website i can give them i can just send some automatic message to that user that thank you for you know making order or thank you for purchasing product on our website or anything like that at the same time if a customer suppose cancels the order you can send them some automatic mail that you know asking about why did they cancel the order and how you can help them to place an order so this is also very useful and again for this also i have a video you can go and search for nayashik mailchimp thing and you will see this you watch the latest tutorial which says mailchimp free email marketing tutorial with automation this is the one okay with automation you can do a b testing you can have some really cool e-commerce features with this plug-in so this is one hour long tutorial i would highly recommend you to watch that some really cool features are included in that video now the next plugin on this list is direct checkout for woocommerce again very important plugin what this will do is if you scroll down you can see this example over here if i open this page so this will add this purchase link or direct purchase link below every single product so normally what happens is if i go back to my product page now here as you can see this is the normal process a customer can go they can click on add to cart this product will be added to cart the customer can click on view card they can see the cart and they can click on proceed to check out but if you use this plugin this process this ad adding a product to your cart is completely you know skipped a person can simply click on purchase and they can be simply redirected to checkout page or they you can simply redirect them to the payment gateway and they can make the payment so this saves a lot of time as you can see over here it says this will remove the checkout fields you can directly you can direct users from the product page to the checkout you can replace the add to cart text as well you can do some more things with this plugin and you can read about some of the important features or some of the highlights of this plugin very easy and you know very easy to set up this plugin also now the next plugin on our list is related to multi-vendor e-commerce website so normally what happens is for example this is an e-commerce website but this is a single vendor which means that you can create products customer can come to your website they can place an order and if you want to create a multi-vendor like amazon and flipkart where other people other sellers can also come to your website and they can also sell their products on your website you can use this plugin woocommerce front-end manager or you can use another plug-in called dokkan dokan plug-in dokan multivendor plugin these two plugins does almost the same thing so you can use any one of these now my recommendation is if you if you want to use the free version use the wc fm it has more features in the pre free version but if you want to use the pro version or the premium or the paid version go with the dokkan premium version this is the best premium version thing and again for both these plugins i have very advanced tutorials for example if you go to nishik again you could go to youtube and search for nayshik wp wcfm woocommerce front-end manager as you can see i have almost four hours long tutorial on this plugin similarly if you search for woocommerce or nishik dokkan you can see this these two videos one four hours one around five hours and one around three hours so really long tutorials so these are really useful and these plugins have a lot of features so obviously that is why i have created those long tutorials so if you want to create an e-commerce website and if you want to make it multi-vendor you can use these either of these plugins now the next plugin on our list is product filter for woocommerce so this plugin can be used to filter products using different criteria for example uh let me actually again show you this website if i go to the shop page normally what happens is this is your shop page this is how to how it will look like now the right left hand side as you can see i have a filter product by price so a customer can come over here if they want only product price or if they want to see only products which are under 1500 rupees they can filter those products similarly if they want to product which are only red color or blue color or if they want to see product which are only medium size or large size those kind of thing you can use this free plugin for that product filter for woocommerce so this plugin will help you to add those filteration option on your shop page very useful plugin again and for this also i have a tutorial on my channel again you can go to youtube and search for nayshik woof as you can see woocommerce product filter by woof a filter by price color size rating etc in wordpress now let's move on to our next plugin which is checkout field editor so if you see uh you have seen this several times if i open any product in if i if i add this product to my cart and if i click on checkout let me go to my cart page first if i click on checkout proceed to checkout now here as you can see in this checkout page there is a lot of option over here we have your billing details you have to enter your first name last name your address all these details so if you want to do some changes over here for example if you're selling if you're maybe you're not selling physical product you're selling only digital product so for digital product uh these things are not really required address all this phone number and all so you can skip this thing you can use this plugin check out field editor and you can totally remove these fields from here so you can have only name and maybe email address and rest all the fields you can remove them just to make the checkout process more simpler or if you want to add some extra fields that too also you can do using this plugin for example if you want to add some field like maybe your passport number anything like that you can add those fields as well using this plugin which is check out field editor by theme hi so this is also quite an useful plugin now let's move on to our next plugin which is enhanced ecommerce google analytics plugin for woocommerce so this plugin will connect your website will go with the google analytics and that will be really helpful because you can track a lot of things like you can track which product is selling the best and or which category is selling the best which color a customer is liking the best and you know which color or all those kind of things you can track and you can have analytics related to all those things and again you can just scroll down read more about this plugin if you want to use this plugin or if you want to see the documentation i think they have a very nice documentation there would be a link to that documentation i don't know you can you can search for that link over here so this is also very useful plugin to see all the different analytics related to your e-commerce website and related to different products and categories on your website alright guys now the final plugin on on our list is abandon cart lite for woocommerce so many times what happens is like you have seen over here a person adds a product in that in their cart but they're not able to make the decision whether to go ahead and proceed to check out so they just leave this thing and they cancel or they cut your website and they just you know they just go to some other website or they just forget about this thing so you can do one thing whenever customer adds a product in the cart and suppose within two days if they don't click on proceed to check out if they don't make the payment and order this product you can use this plugin to send them automatic email things so for example if this customer has added this product in the cart and they forgot it and they did not make the checkout within two days this plugin will automatically send them email that you know you have your product in the checkout if you have your product in the cart why not just go ahead and do the checkout or if you have any problem if you if you're not able to make the decision or if you have any doubts or anything you can reply to this email and you can ask us so this is this will be really helpful and you can read about this thing as you can see with an average shopping cart abandonment rate as high as 70 so this is really a very useful plugin and you can improve your rate by 20 to 25 percentage using this plugin and again you can scroll down read more about all the features you can go through documentation or you can watch this video this will help you to recover your product abandoned cart and i think this is i think we have completed i did not number them but i think we have completed 20 plugins obviously there are many many many more plugins and those plugins are also really useful but i found that these 20 plugins are really useful really unique so i hope you guys find this video helpful if you find this video helpful make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon because there are some really useful tutorials coming in the future especially related to e-commerce websites so if you don't want to miss them make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon so that you are notified whenever those videos are published and if you find this video helpful make sure to give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any suggestions for me you can leave them in the comments section below if you have a plugin if you know about a plugin that i did not cover and if you think that that plug-in is really useful you can know let me know about that thing in the comments section below alright guys so thank you so much for watching this video see you in the next one
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 85,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best wordpress plugins, wordpress plugins, must have wordpress plugins, best free woocommerce plugins, best free woocommerce plugins 2020, top woocommerce plugins, best woocommerce plugins, must have woocommerce plugins, best plugins for woocommerce, best plugins for wordpress, best plugins for wordpress 2020, best free plugins for wordpress, best free plugins for woocommerce, wordpress, woocommerce, nayyar shaikh, best plugins for ecommerce wordpress
Id: 6DZs_EeCPHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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