The Complete WooCommerce Tutorial 2021 (eCommerce Tutorial)

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what's up party people my name is daryl wilson and today i'll be showing you all how to use the woocommerce plugin to build your ecommerce websites with wordpress the woocommerce plugin is a free plugin that allows you to take your boring wordpress website and turn it into a fully functional ecommerce website with woocommerce you can create products accept various payments with credit cards set your shipping rate and you can also have your taxes automated to make things real easy you can also create coupon codes for your customers and provide them with a discount for your products i'll be going through every option with woocommerce so by the end of this video you will be an ecommerce expert so let's talk about what we are going to cover today in this video first i'll show you how to get your domain and hosting to create your ecommerce website plus we'll have an exclusive discount for you that allows you to host your store for as little as three dollars a month then i'll show you how to install wordpress on your website which is really simple next i'll show you how to import ecommerce starter website which will make your ecommerce website live in a few clicks we will be using a new theme that allows you to customize every part of your ecommerce website now i've done a lot of research and this new theme will make you and your store look really professional after we get your website set up i'll be showing you how to create six different products first i'll show you how to create a simple product a simple product is just like it sounds a product with no options just an add to cart option next i'll be showing you how to create a variable product a variable product offers different variations for your product like size and color next i'll be showing you how to create a grouped product a group product contains various products inside the main product a good example would be something like memory for an iphone like a 16 gig iphone 64 gig iphone or a gig iphone then i'll be showing you how to create a virtual product this can be used for something like a service or a one-hour phone call for consultants or lawyers then i'll be showing you how to create a digital downloadable product a good example of a digital downloadable product would be something like an ebook a painting or any general file that you want to sell on your ecommerce website and lastly i'll show you how to create an affiliate product here you can promote other people's products and if someone clicks on your link and buy something you can make a commission of the sale from that specific product while we make our products i'll show you how to price your products how to add sales dates for your products adjusting the inventory of your products uploading images for your products and adding in seo friendly descriptions that will make your products rank on google in fact i do have many products that rank on the first page of google so i'll teach you how to add the proper description so people can find your products a lot easier i'll also be showing you how to categorize your products and also add them to the menu with product categories you can put specific product categories on any part of your ecommerce website for example i have three product categories watches laptops and headphones each page only displays the products that are within that product category making your website really easy to navigate for your customers next i'll walk you through on how to customize your shop page and make it look real professional i'll show you how to add different widgets to your sidebar like a search bar where customers can search for specific products on your ecommerce website i'll show you how to add a filter by price widget so your customers can filter by price also we can add a recently viewed product widget this reminds your customer of what they viewed earlier so they might go back and purchase your products there are various widgets you can add to your ecommerce store for free and i'll walk you through on how to set all those up today after your visitor selects their products they'll be brought to a really clean cart page that you can fully customize here the users can change the quantity of their products in their carts and they can also insert coupon codes that can give them discounts for the products next your customers will be brought to a checkout page from here users can pay with credit card paypal and yes even bitcoin upon purchase they will be brought to a thank you page where you will get an email notifying you of a sale and the customer will get a purchase receipt automatically sent to their email after the customer purchases a product they will get their own custom dashboard here they can check their orders manage their downloads update their address change their payment methods and also edit their account details this is all automated by woocommerce then i'll be showing you all how to set up shipping i'll be showing you how to set up free shipping standard shipping and also set up shipping zones next i'll be showing you how to set up taxes what's really cool is that woocommerce can automate your taxes so you will pay the correct taxes no matter what state you are in or where your customers are from i'll also walk you through on how to set up manual taxes if you want to charge a specific tax rate for your products i'll also be showing you all how to set up coupon codes with coupon codes you can offer discounts or even offer free shipping coupons for example if i enter the coupon code daryl you'll see i get 50 off the total in my cart awesome and lastly i'll be showing you all how to set up payment methods on your ecommerce website i'll show you how to take credit cards from anywhere around the world on your website you can add paypal and even bitcoin to your ecommerce website and i'll walk you through how to set all these up today the great part about setting up all these payment merchants is that these are all completely free after you have all the woocommerce settings down and you're getting more comfortable i'll be showing you how to manage your orders so you can keep all of your orders updated and be on top of your sales for your ecommerce website i'll also cover how you can design your store you can change the color adjust the sales banner offer different product layouts and ultimately customize any part of your ecommerce website and if you guys stick around to the end i got some bonuses for you guys like how to customize your woocommerce emails and also how to submit your products to the google merchant center so before we begin if you guys like what i presented in this video make sure to give me a big thumbs up it really helps this channel grow and it helps me provide free tutorials for everybody here on youtube and also let me know what kind of ecommerce website you are building in the comments below i'm always interested to hear what kind of e-commerce websites people are building also there are time stamps in the description below of this video so if you want to jump to any section feel free to jump to any part of this video at any time also there is a playback button speed on the bottom of the screen and if you feel like i'm going too fast or too slow you can speed up or slow down the video so are you guys ready to make some money yes all right good awesome let's go ahead and start this woocommerce tutorial let's first start by getting your domain and hosting and set up your ecommerce websites now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page to purchase fast and discounted hosting and this is named now performed as the most fastest and one of the most reliable web hosting companies out there now how do i know that how do you know i'm not just lying to you right well i actually tested name hero against 20 other web hosting companies for 90 days a name here performed as one of the fastest and the most reliable web hosting companies on my list in fact name hero had zero downtime this whole week so you'll have a reliable and a fast wordpress websites now i contacted the owner of this company to give me a special discount so through my link exclusively you all will save 70 off your web hosting if you go to the website normally you'll only save 50 off your hosting packages and the owner gave me this discounts just for my viewers on youtube so when you get to this page you will click on get started now name hero offers four different type of web hosting plans they offer the starter cloud the plus cloud the turbo cloud and the business cloud for those of you who are just getting started out for the very first time i recommend the plus cloud i think that's suitable it gives you a lot of ssd storage it's a very affordable plan and your website will be very fast however for those of you who have been using wordpress for a while and you want to upgrade i highly recommend the turbo cloud now the reason why i recommend the turbo cloud is because this plan offers the nvme storage technology which is a new type of store technology for web hosting servers for example so this graph is from and you'll see that the nvme storage can transfer data a lot faster than typical ssd and sata hard drives also you'll see that the nvme storage can access information a lot faster than typical ssd and sata hard drive so for those of you who want a blazing fast website i think the actual turbo cloud is a pretty good option but i know everyone out there is on a different budget so just select the package that works for you and once you select the package we'll scroll down to the bottom and then you'll click on order now alright cool so this is where you're going to enter in your new website so for example my or my dog is or whatever you want to put i'll just put demo tutorial and click on search and look at that we get a free domain on top of that so once you select your domain you'll click on continue lastly we have the review and checkout and look at that you just saved 125 you have a year of web hosting and id protection for under 70 so you have a very good value with once you're on this page you will scroll down next we have the billing details so if you've seen this screen before you'll put in your first name your last name your social security number your bank account i'm just kidding guys they don't want that information it's a joke you'll put in your billing address and any other information you see here for the support pin make sure you write this down so if there's an issue or you want to know something about your accounts they will want to know about your pin just to verify that it's you calling and they want to make sure it's not just some random person over the internet trying to get your info you'll create a password which you probably use the same password for all your other websites rights i'm just joking i do that sometimes but i should really stop that we have the payment method so you can pay with credit card paypal coinbase or credit card stripe look at that people are using crypto in fact crypto i think bitcoin's almost at twenty thousand dollars right now yeesh it's crazy man this is going up and then you can go ahead and fill all this information out once you fill everything out on this page you will then click on the checkout button now i will purchase an account and i will meet you on the very next page and congratulations on registering your domain so this is your current client area here you can access your supports you can access billing you can purchase more domains or you can upgrade or purchase other web hosting packages if you want to do that and name your has very good supports so at any time you have a problem with your website under the supports you can open a ticket or you can contact them anytime if you have issues with the websites so next let's install wordpress onto your new domain under the my cloud you'll go ahead and click on my cloud i like this new interface named hero introduced they recently remade their whole websites for those of you who have been with name hero for a while you can tell they did a really good job at making their site look really nice so i will click on the plus cloud the next thing that we will do is we will access the cpanel so on the left side under actions you will see log into cpanel go ahead and click on login to cpanel all right cool so next let's install wordpress let's scroll down just keep scrolling just keep scrolling we're going to find wordpress installer and we're going to install wordpress onto our domain so under software you'll see wordpress manager by softaculous go ahead and click on that next it's going to say install a new copy so let's click on install all right so this is the software setup so let's just change some quick settings while we install wordpress onto our domain for the protocol make sure you have https that just makes sure that your website has a valid ssl and that just lets people know that your website is secure for the in directory make sure nothing is there that just means you know that's it we don't want it to be whatever that is so just leave it like that for the site name you can give your website a name and you can also give it a description so this can be web agency you guys can see i i do this quite often and i just put a cool website agency or something like that you can change all this later so don't worry about it for the admin username make sure you put something that you know because you will need this information to log into your website and change it so i'll put paddywhack and then for my admin password i'll put uh paddy wack 99 for the admin email make sure you have access to this specific email because let's say for example you forget your password you will need to have access to this email to retrieve your password and i'll scroll down you can also select your language but i just speak english so i'll leave this as english but you can select all these languages like spanish turkish arabic and and all those languages and scroll down and then we will click on the install button at the bottom of the screen so now it's installing wordpress onto our domain all right wordpress has successfully been installed on the administrative url link you can click on this link right here and congratulations you have now successfully installed wordpress and your website is now live on the internet all right now let's move on to step two now we're going to import a starter e-commerce website to get you up and running a lot faster now before we do that if you go to the top left and click on visit sites this is your current wordpress websites i know it's a little bland little boring so we're going to make it look really good let's go back over here to our dashboard now go over here to appearance and go to themes now up on the top left you'll see add new so essentially for those of you who have no idea how wordpress works themes are basically the style and the structure of your current website so every theme out there offers different features they offer different templates and just an overall different style of how to present your websites now we're going to be using a newer e-commerce theme that just came out with the most features i've ever seen and i will be having another video on the best ecommerce themes but over here under search themes you're going to type in loxi bloxy and this is the theme that you're going to install right here so go ahead and click on install now you guys have seen i've already installed it and then click on activate there are a lot of other wordpress themes out there like astra and suki and other various ones however you can always switch from theme to theme to find out what works best for you however i just found that bloxy just has the most features for ecommerce websites i have ever seen before in a wordpress theme so right here it's saying all right congratulations you installed bloxy now it's saying install the bloxy companion go ahead and click on bloxy companion what this does is that it adds more features to your website like pre-made starter templates and other various features now right here it's saying uh you know go ahead and uh they actually want information that'll help them improve their product but uh you can allow that or skip it it's really up to you for now i'll just click on skip all right cool now we have starter sites so there are a lot of various starter sites this theme offers in fact i do have a new tutorial on this one right here and that talks about an amazon affiliate website and yeah i'll leave that in the description below but i don't want to go off topic here we're going to go ahead and import this one right here called modern shop so right here you'll click on imports so first it'll ask you to activate a child theme you don't necessarily have to do that but i'm going to uncheck it because most of us who are beginners we don't really need to have child themes and then i'll click on next now it's saying choose your page builder i'm going to select elementor for my specific page builder you can always choose brizy as well brizzy is actually another really good drag and drop builder it'll import the same exact demo anyways and also the woocommerce settings will not change for either builder so i'll click on elementor and go to next now it's saying to install and activate these plugins so it's going to install the woocommerce plugin elementor and contact form 7. now for those of you who don't know where to find woocommerce i'll go ahead and show you after we import this so you don't have to use this specific theme and i'll show you where you can actually install it so right here on the bottom right you'll click on next and then make sure this is a clean install and click on install now it's importing this ecommerce starter website on our wordpress website all right so our starter website has been imported successfully go ahead and click on view sites and awesome we can now see that we have a fully functional ecommerce website that is all ready to go we have the images we even have this little cookies notice where that will help us with retargeting then we have our featured products and all we need to do now is just swap these change the currency to whatever currency that you need and we are all set and all ready to go so you guys can see it's a beautiful website and it has a lot of really cool features so yeah congratulations you now have an ecommerce website up and running now if you want to kind of browse around and take a look they do have some other really cool options they've laid out so for example if i click on the shop page this is our new shop and you can simply just swap this image change the text you can also change the color as well instead of this black and yellow and then here we have the actual products and we have ratings and we have all these other options and it just looks really really clean then we can actually add a right sidebar on your shop so if you want to add something like a right sidebar or a left sidebar so that's pretty cool now they've also had this about us so we have a free about us page they've made for us and you can just go ahead and swap your images and everything will be all good and dandy and then again on the contact us as well i like how they use contact form 7 because i get a lot of problems with wp forms so when they fill this out this will go directly into your email inbox so pretty cool so now that you guys have your starter website up and running now let's go ahead and make some products now at any time if you want to edit this website you'll use the page builder so right here where it says edit with elementor you'll simply click on edit with elementor and then you can design you can change everything that you want on your ecommerce website using this really simple drag and drop builder so you can see here we can just change this text to you know whatever we want to change this text and then we can always swap this image as well by right clicking and clicking on edit selection and going to the style and here i can simply go ahead and swap the image to anything that i want or i can even have a specific color so for example i'll just get rid of that and then under the under the specific color right here we can add in like a red or you know something else like that so you can have full control and flexibility over your ecommerce websites now i'm going to talk about the page builder a little bit later i don't want to jump into that i want to go ahead and teach you all how to make products and also how to install the woocommerce plugin so right here i'll go back to view page all right so now let's say for example you want to install woocommerce manually over here under the uh the dashboard you'll go down to plugins and click on add new now a lot of these starter websites they install the plugins for you automatically but under search plugins you can type in woocommerce and right here you'll see the plugins you can just click on install and activate it and that will actually give you the ability to start making products and start selling on your ecommerce website now on the left side you're going to see products and you can click on all products now this demo actually creates a lot of demo products for us so you can see we have all these demo products like we have this picture of this bag and they just put in a bunch of demo content now what i'm going to do first is i'm going to change this currency i'm going to delete all the products and then i'm going to show you all how to create a simple product to change your currency of your website under woocommerce you'll go to your settings tab and we'll scroll down see they say i'm in uk but i'm actually not theirs and they have it under pounds looks like euros right it looks looks looks like the same huh so here i'll put the united states dollar and then click on save changes all right then under products what i'll do is i'll click on all products now these are all demo products so what i'm going to do is delete all of them so i'm going to click on this check right here which selects everything under the bulk actions i'll click on move to trash and i'll click on apply all right so now i have no products on my store so now let's go ahead and create a simple product now a simple product is a product with no options and no variables it's just a product that you can add to the car so if you have a product that you just want to sell that you want to add it to the car maybe you have like a green screen you want to sell or you want to sell your game boy or something like that this would be considered a simple product so we have the title of the product we have the description of the product we have an image and we also have other various images as well and then below that we have the description of the actual simple product this can be something like made in china it can be the return policy it can be information that's not necessarily important yet it should be included with the product so let's go ahead now and make a simple product all right under products we'll click on add new so this is going to be the simple of the single simple products next we have this long tail description now this long tail description is actually this description right here this should be something about you again your ingredients or should be something about your return policy so this should be something like made with 100 cotton you know it weighs three pounds i don't know three pounds or you know and then dimensions just to give the product a little bit more detail about what it is scrolling down here we have a simple product right so we are creating a simple product now what is the price of the simple product well this price is around 100 you can also set a specific sale for that specific product so let's say for example it's 100 bucks but i'm feeling generous so it's 50 now and i'll schedule this sale from february 15th to february i don't know 20th something like that so now it's actually on sale from these days pretty cool now also on the left side we have inventory if you have a sku number for your specific product you can go ahead and put that there what that means is uh you guys might have school numbers for your inventory and you can go ahead and put it here next we have manage stock and what manage stock does that will actually display the stock level of that specific product let's say for example we have 10 of these now also this will show right here that you actually have the product in stock so it'll let the customers know how many you have so we have 10 in stock right do you want to allow back orders we can say no we can say yes but notify the customer or we can just allow it in general so that means if you're out of stock you can actually still sell the product and then low stock threshold when you want to be notified that you're running low on the stock well maybe around five products we're running low right that would sound pretty good now they also have this new option here and i'm not really sure on some reasons why you'd want to add this but you can click on this and that will only be able to sell this specific product only so that means other users can't add anything else to the cart so there are some reasons for that quite frankly i don't know but i'm sure there's reasons why you'd only want to sell this product alone and nothing else next we have shipping so here you can actually put the weight of the product you can put the dimensions and then we also have shipping class we will talk more about shipping classes a little bit later in the video essentially you're just kind of categorizing the shipping but here you can put the weights and the dimensions as well next we have an upsell and a crossover and i'll give you example of both now an upsell is a product that you are currently recommending when someone's actually viewing a product for example we have this product right here now if i scroll down on this specific product you're going to see related products now these are upsells so i'm basically recommending other products when they are currently viewing this specific product that is example of an upsell so next let's talk about cross-sell so crossovers will actually recommend other products when you are at the cart for example let's say i'm on the shop right here and i want to actually purchase something so i'll purchase this simple product and i'll add it to the cars right and on the top right here i can actually view the cart and if i scroll down you're going to see right here you may also be interested in and then we have this variable product so what this is this is a cross sell so you can actually recommend products at the card page when someone adds that specific product to the cart a good example of this would be something like a phone so if you are selling phones you might want to recommend accessories for a phone on your cross-sell right maybe you want to get the you got to get the charger you got to get the headphones and other and everything else so that's an example of a cross cell so yeah that's a cross cell attributes we will talk more about attributes a little bit later when we talk about variable products we also have advanced now if you want to leave a little love letter or note for your customer you can leave them a note saying hey man we love the we love that you bought this congratulations it's a great product and then you can go ahead and um you know put a note for them if they purchase that so next we have menu order now this sounds strange but the lower the number the higher that priority so let's say for example you want this product to be displayed on the very first product on your shop you would put a negative number and then you can put a hierarchy so for example this would be negative 10 right so it'll display the highest and you have a second product you can put negative seven and that will display number two number five that'll display number three so it's just a hierarchy for displaying your products yeah that's kind of weird how they did that but that's what it means and then we have enabled reviews you can enable reviews on this specific product next we have the product short description this is actually very important so let's go back to our simple product so here we have a simple product and this is where we have the actual description now when you're writing your description you want to be as thorough as possible because sometimes google will actually index these pages and they will place them when necessary and if you're lucky you might get ranked on a high page and people will find this specific product for example you can see i have this elementor ecommerce template package and a lot of people are finding this page simply because it says elementor ecommerce templates and you can see that the content is rich so i'm letting them know this is a pre-made starter package for the elementor page builder it's not a theme and this is an e-commerce layout for the elementor pro version and because i'm very descriptive about my product this is actually on page one when you actually search for elementor e-commerce templates and you can see i'm very thorough you know i talk about what it includes i talk about how to use it and again i let them know that this is elementor pro but they will have to use elementor pro for the specific layouts so when you are writing your actual description put as much relevant content as possible because remember this content will rank on google and there's a good chance your product will actually show up higher if you put the correct seo so for example i checked out one of the products on amazon and you can see how this product is rich in description how they talk about what it is they talk about what it includes and everything else right here so it's important to actually include what it is you know how you can use it and just rich content so don't focus on keyword stuffing don't focus on this is a bag bag bag it's a bag for men google doesn't like that so just be as descriptive as possible talk about things that are good with it and just overall just try to give a good simple description about your specific product so i'll go ahead and actually use that demo content right there so now that we have a short description let's add the product image so the product image is going to be the image of the actual product now i have demo images for all of you in the description below of this video however you can also get to those demo images by clicking on media library and you can actually access those same images but if you want to upload your own image click on upload files select files and then you'll go ahead and upload whatever file or image that you want of your specific product so like for example this would be your image i'll click on open and then it'll go ahead and upload that specific product image of course this is a thumbnail for youtube so that's just a bad example but i'll go ahead and use this bag right here i'll just use this simple bag and i'll click on set product image now we have product gallery as well so let's say for example you have different images of the product that you want to display not necessarily the main picture but you want to have other pictures you know like just to show you that or show your customers that the product looks good you can include something else like this one here saying oh we have this other image of it and we also have this other image of it like this and these would be your product galleries next we have product tags and product tags are essentially just another way on how to relate items to another so let's say for example this is a bag right so i'll just put bag for the tags now any other product that i make with bags i usually want to tag it with bag because then when they click on bag by the product description they will actually see all of the products related to bag so that's why you'd want to create product tags also we have a product categories now this is also very important so i'll click on add new category and this is the bags category and then i'll click on add a new category so with categories you can display specific products on specific pages using product categories so these are actually really important and you can actually categorize all of your products differently so you can put them on different pages or you can show them on different areas of your websites so once you guys are all done partying and uh putting in all this description of your product on the right side you'll click on publish and congratulations you guys have now made a simple product so let's go ahead and click on view product and check it out let's see what we've done here so here we go we got the simple product and i could name this bag or something we have the short description we have the image of the product and they can actually scroll through and see the other galleries right we have 10 in stock because remember we allowed the stock management so that's why the stock displays they can select the specific number and we also have the category of bags and we also have tags so if i click on the category you'll see that all of the bags will be displayed right here right pretty cool and then also if you click on the tag under bag you will also see all of the products related to that specific category or tag as well now these aren't the same thing because remember you can't really put tags on different pages but you can with categories so make sure to always include specific categories and tags they are two totally different things okay and then scrolling down here we have some description of the products and we also have this really cool trending now which basically is from the bloxy theme which will display your trending products right here so visitors can actually purchase them more and more and then we also have reviews and i can leave a five-star review this is the best tutorial on youtube so like this video right like this video wait or else or else all right nowhere else yep that's all i'm gonna say so there we go we have the actual review of the product and then this product will now display a five star review so congratulations now we made a simple product let's go ahead and move on to the next step let's now create a variable product so here's an example of a variable product here we have the title of the products we have some description now notice here how we have color and size so your visitors can select between different options like gray or black and they can also select specific sizes so let's say you know it's a black backpack they can select the small one and then the image will actually display depending on what the user selects so let's go ahead and make a variable product on our ecommerce website so let's go back over here plus new and click on products so i'll just do something like men's fashion bag or something like that right because i don't want to put a color or size on that because we're going to have variables for this so men's fashion bag and then what i'll do to speed this up i will just take this and just use this as you know demo content so made in america made in america and this is in the bags category right now for the purse the product data you're going to select variable this time now before we set this up i'll just put in some product description like that then on the left side you will see the attributes now this time we're going to use attributes and variations so for attributes what we're going to do is we're going to select the specific attributes so what is it right size color right so let's click on add and what is this so this is color and i'll do something like black now there is the button above the actual um enter sign it's like a bracket but you got to hold shift and press it and it comes like that so that's how that works and we also have gray so i'll do black and gray right and i will select use for variations and click on save attributes now we also have size right so let's click on add again size and we'll do small and then also we will do large no no medium smaller lines that's all they get and then use for variations and save attributes so at this point i'm basically saying we have two colors and we have two sizes now let's click on variations so what i want to do is i want to add all those variations to this specific product so right here under add variation we'll click on create variations from all attributes click on go they're going to say are you sure you want to do this i'm going to say yes say okay i always say okay and i'll click on okay all right cool so now we have the black small right the black large and the gray small and the great large so this is probably one of the most tedious things with woocommerce is you have to actually set the specific price and image for each specific variation so i'll click on this little icon right here now for the black small i'll click on upload an image and i will upload the picture of the let's see is this one the small one this was the small one there we go small one right now you have to enter in a price for each variation or else this product will not display guys so just be mindful about that and this is going to be a hundred bucks there we go 100 and just like the simple product has all these options these are all of the same options so is this in stock they can put back order you can put the weight so again like these simple options uh the simple product options these are the same things so just be mindful about that so i selected the price and the image right and that's it so i'll go ahead and close that now for the black large i'll click on that and i will now select the black large and let's use this one this one's a little bigger right i think it looks bigger and this one's going to be 200 all right so the first one was around what 100 and this one's 200 i'll do the same thing for the gray small and the gray large so i'll open this up and now i'll select the gray right and i'll put this as 100 right and then the large will be 200 bucks right makes sense all right and then here we have 200 and i'll select the image as well i'll just use the same image this time you know sorry guys i'm a little a little lazy there and then i'll close that and that's it we've now created the uh product now one thing to note right here we have the default form values so what is the default settings that you want people to view when they click on the product well i'm going to say a black small would be the default uh the default form values and then again we can select the category as well and then we can also select the product tag so this will be like bag now on the right side you guys will need to select a product image and the product image is actually for the shop so we already know what the image looks like however we need to actually put an image for the shop page so i'll just say it's uh i don't know does this one look good this one i think this one nah that one looks bad let's just select this one so set product image and once you're done you'll go ahead and publish this product so you'll click on publish you guys have seen i've already made this product so i just click on updates and now we're going to view the products alright awesome so now you can see the men's fashion bag right and this is the default image and then for black we also have gray right and then we have black and we have small and large you can see the price adjusts and also the image adjusts as well and then for the gray we have small and we also have large and then the price increases as well so congratulations we have made a variable product now also if you click on the shop page you will see the actual image of the actual variable product and that is why you'd want to select an image for that specific product so now let's talk about a group product now here's a good example of a group product like apple so you can see they're selling iphones however they have the 64 gig for 7.99 total ripoff they have 128 right and then they have 256 so these are essentially all different phones but they're grouped together to make a group product another good example of this would be something like a package so we have a group product right and then we have the description now here you can see we have the modern bag plus the camera is 50 bucks and then the modern bag plus the camera plus the 16 gig ssd is 75 and then also we have another one for 100 so there are different ways on how to approach group products you know the size is not the only way to do it you can have like a bunch of items together if you want to go ahead and go that route so let's go ahead and create a group product i'll go back over here and click on plus new and click on product so i'll just name this group products rights just to give you guys a you know group product there we go and then you know i'm lazy so what i'll do is put in my secret demo text here we go and here i'll put group product and then here i'll paste that i'll select a product image right so uh what should we do here which one uh let's choose this one here this green one all right actually now let's do the other one with the with the where's the actual uh one with the camera it makes it makes more sense guys you know it's like because there's nothing else to offer on that product right there's nothing there so set product image bags and then here bag right because it's a bag and once that's all done i will click on publish so essentially what we've done is we've created the main product here now what we need to do is we need to create small products within this group product so let's do that under add new click on add new the group product is probably the most confusing one maybe woocommerce in the future will make something easier now now that we made the group product what are the products that you want to create inside so first let's just do a modern bag and camera right modern back plus camera now you don't need to enter any description here because uh we've already created a description for the main product so these are just going to be uh just the title and the price so this will be something like 50 bucks right and uh yeah that's pretty much it and what we're gonna do also is we're gonna hide this guys from the actual catalog so on the right side you're gonna see catalog visibility and i've actually seen other videos and even in the past i made this mistake is i didn't hide this in the shop so you have to click on edit here and you have to make this hidden because you don't want people to see the modern bag and camera on your shop right you just want it to be within this group product right so that's why you want to hide it so i'll click on ok and then i'll go ahead and click on publish all right so now that that's done i'll go ahead and make two more add new and then this will be the camera plus the 16 gig of above hold on 16 gig ssd right and then this will be a hundred dollars right and again i want to make this hidden because i don't want people to actually be able to select it individually and then i'll leave product tags blank and that's pretty much it and then i will click on publish and let's create one more here you know one more add new i know add new blah blah blah blah and then this will be the 32 gig ssd right so 32 gig and this will be something like 200 bucks you know i'm feeling i want some cash so publish all right so now that we've made those simple products now we need to link these products with the group product so let's go ahead and click on all products and we're going to find the group product so click on the group product and here i'll scroll down and we have linked products so what products are going to be within the actual group product right well we have the uh was it this you can just type in something that you know woocommerce can search here so what was it what i do modern bag right yeah modern bag right modern and that one wait wait here we go so modern and then we'll also select another one modern right 16 gig and then the next one so modern and this will be the 32 gig and then we can also rearrange these so if you want the more expensive item at the top you can go ahead and rearrange it and i think we're all ready to rock and roll so let's go ahead and update this product now and now let's view this product all right so we have the group products right and for my specific instance or my example i use the modern bag plus camera 32 ssd and they can add all these to the car so they can add each and every one so there you go we just created a group product now let's go ahead and click on our shop page all right and let's scroll down now here you can see the group product right now i purposely actually left this one where it's not hidden so if you don't hide all of these simple products within the group product they're going to display here on your shop so you want to make sure that you hide all these products because you have all those products available within the group product right so let's just say for example you made a mistake and you're saying hey man this product's available i don't want it to be displayed just click on the products click on edit products and then for the catalog visibility just go ahead and hide it there you go so i just want to give you an example of what happens if you don't actually you know hide all of them and now you cannot view the product so let's go back to our visit sites shop page and it is gone all right it's cool so now that we all created a group product let's move on to the next product which is a downloadable product and this will be something like an ebook you know like those fake gurus got the ebooks so ebook fake guru it's the it's the eru the fake guru ebook you know where they make a million dollars and all that stuff now again we can put in some content here right or actually no we're gonna go ahead and grab our our demo content we're working with here i kind of want to use that so i'll just put in some demo content just to you know get our feet wet and get the product going and for the product data we're going to do is select simple product but we also want to have this as a downloadable and also a virtual product now the reason why you want to select both is because this will actually disable the shipping and that's kind of what you want to do here so for your your simple downloadable product what do you want to do here you can do something like 200 right and uh whatever now what file do you want people to have after they purchase the product well we can add it here and then choose the file so if you are selling something like files you might want to put it in a zip folder if you're selling images you might just want to put it somewhere like a i don't know png but you can also put it in a zip file but i find that putting your files in a zip file makes the most sense so for example i have this image right here and if i right click i can click on compress now this is a zip file and that's what you want to do with your files so let's go back to our websites upload files select files and then i will select this zip file and click on open all right cool so that's all done i will insert the file url now you can also select the download limits and when this expires so when you want this to expire you know we can do it like 30 days or 100 days or whatever you want to do you can also select a download limit so if you don't want them to constantly download the product you can select a download limit as well then on the right side you'll go ahead and select an image for the product so this will be something like i don't know i don't have any images for like the fake guru stuff you know actually this guy looks good yeah here we go here we go there we go that's good and then you can select product tags right and you can make a new category for something like downloadable products which makes more sense right maybe something like ebook and uh yeah let's do that so a new category this will be ebook i don't know how many ebooks you're going to sell but if you are going to sell a lot then you might want to have a category and once that's all done you will click on publish all right so let's click on view the product and there you go so we have the ebook fake guru and then you have some text and then you have an image of the author and then the category and then they can add this ebook to the cart my image is probably too big there should probably use a different specific image for this um for this product but that's an example of how you can create a downloadable product so let's go ahead and move on to the next section of creating a virtual product so again a virtual product is just a product that is something virtual so there's nothing they're really receiving here and it'll be up to you to kind of contact them or provide the service or whatever you want to offer this is very common for lawyers for consulting fees for seo companies for anything digital and this is an example of a virtual product so here i just put like a 50 minute phone call with this girl maybe she can talk about her you know she's a business consultant or something like that so let's go ahead and make a virtual product right over here let's go over here to plus new end products i think by now you guys are getting it right you guys are pro so this will be 15 minutes phone call right and uh yeah i don't need to put nothing there right for product data simple and now this is a virtual product now we are not selecting downloadable this time because we do not have anything for them to download so that's pretty much it you know just put in a price uh 200 wait yeah 50 minute phone call right and then for the description you would just say you know hey this is for a virtual product blah blah blah blah and remember guys be as rich as you can and what i mean by that is put as much content about your product as possible because again remember google will pick this up and if you have a lot of good relevant information there's very good chances that your products will be displayed on google i also do have a google merchant center tutorial and i'll leave that in the description below of this video i'll talk more about it later but uh select a product image in google merchant center it basically allows you to like upload your products to google so when people are searching for specific products it actually kind of displays them on google i'm sure you guys have seen that right typing in something like best dresses for girls or best computers to buy those random products that you see yep i have a video on that so once you're all done you'll click on publish and now let's go ahead and view the products alright so we got a 15 minute phone call with this consultant and we have some content about it and there you go we are all set so that's an example of how you can create a virtual product for your ecommerce website and lastly let's create an affiliate product now an affiliate product is a product that you recommend so it's not necessarily a product that you have however i myself and i'm an affiliate so let's say for example i want to promote a specific wordpress theme i can talk about the wordpress theme put some description about the wordpress theme and then if they go ahead and click on this and they purchase it on another website you will then go ahead and make a commission so that's how affiliate products work personally i don't use affiliate products too much but there are people who have affiliate stores and yeah they generate traffic and they make passive income so let's go ahead and quickly make a virtual i'm sorry an affiliate product which is pretty simple so plus new and click on products so this will be something like i'll just do bloxy you know bloxy theme let's just say for example i'm promoting bloxy and i want people to you know buy it so i can make a commission so under product data i'll select external affiliate products now what is your affiliate link so when you sign up for these programs you get a specific link right and that would be your affiliate link so my affiliate link for bloxy is let's see it is bloxy and then what do you want the button to say here so i'll just put like something like get discount you know maybe i have a 10 discount which i do you know but i'll just put this kit discount and then here under regular price i'll just say it's 49 and that's it now since this is an external affiliate product there is no shipping and there is no nothing to set up here and then i'll just say uh this is the bloxy theme it's great for e-commerce websites and then they can always go ahead and click on the link and purchase the product and if they click on it and i make a commission congrats awesome and then i want to select a product image and i actually took a screenshot of the bloxy page so under select files i'll go ahead and find my bloxy file it's pretty huge actually you know if you're using screenshots on the mac guys try to optimize those because those files get really really big i'll select the product image and that's it and then i'll click on publish so now let's take a look at the bloxy theme i'll click on view product and it doesn't look that good i probably should have optimized this image but you guys get the point so i just took a screenshot obviously but you would go ahead and put whatever a product you're promoting right here bloxy theme this is the bloxy theme and if i click on this the users will be navigated to block c and then they'll see that this is an affiliate link so if they purchase this through my link i will get a commission so awesome so that's how you would make an affiliate product with woocommerce so now let's move on to the next step and let's create some upsells and let's also create some cross cells now i'll click on edit product under the simple products so when someone's actually clicking on this product or they add it to the carts do i want to recommend other products sure why not now a good strategy guys is to recommend products that are accessories or go with it you don't necessarily want to put products that compete with it because then that deters people from already purchasing the product i've actually seen stores where they recommend the same product against theirs and that doesn't make a lot of sense and amazon actually recommends like products that complements this product so let's say for upsell so remember in upsell we are recommending another product when we are currently viewing this product so what other product do we want to recommend when someone is actually viewing the simple product so i'll just select men's let's see we've got men's fashion bag right i'll just say i want to recommend the men's fashion bag now let's say for example someone adds this product to the carts and they actually go to the cart i want to recommend a bloxy theme at the cart right or i want to recommend something at the car so for the cross-sell i will recommend the bloxy theme now again this is just an example so let's go ahead and update that and let's view this product all right so here's a simple product right now you can see if the user scrolls down it's going to see you may also like and there it is the men's fashion bag so we're recommending other products when users are currently viewing this specific product now let's say for example you know what guys i'm going to buy this product you know i'm wasting my cash i'm going to add this to the cart now let's go ahead and view the cart i really like this theme it's just it looks so it looks so damn clean i love it so here i'll click on view cart you can also change this ugly yellow color i don't like yellow to be honest but i think for like hiking and outdoor stuff they use yellow a lot but yeah you can change all this stuff now here we have the product and oh look at that we now have the bloxy theme being recommended because they have added this to the cart and bloxy theme will be recommended as an upsell so that's an example of upsells and cross sales now to add them to your ecommerce website [Music] so now let's move on to the next section and show you all how to customize your shop i'll show you how to add a sidebar and also add in various widgets on your sidebar like a filter by price and other various gadgets so the first thing that we want to do is i want to go ahead and click on customize all right cool so on this left side right here i first want to change this into something like dark mode now we have these various options right here now i will have another video that covers bloxy and all the options a little bit later but they do have some cool features like a website frame where you can add this cool website frame and you can kind of change the color to whatever style that you want they also have like a scroll to top and other various options but i'll be having another video to talk more about that i want to focus more on the actual shop page so if we scroll down right here we can see woocommerce now there are some general options for woocommerce that allow you to do certain things like you can change the sale badge from a square to a circle you can also change it to a specific value so for example let's say you're offering 50 off but you want to really label 50 off you can actually select custom and now the products will actually display a percentage instead of that boring uh you know uh sale badge you know then here for the store notice we can click on this and this will actually display a store notice this is good for something like sales so if you're having like a black friday deal or some sort of valentine's day sale you can always put a banner here on the top or the bottom you can also customize the colors and everything else in the design options right here so this is where you can basically fully customize the colors of the sale badge the out of stock badge the star rating color you can change the actual notice background color as well so you can see here how we have this uh yellow which is kind of ugly kind of tacky maybe changing it to something like a black would be something a little bit more high-end you know something like that so these are all of the design options for woocommerce to allow you to change uh pretty much all of these products so let's go back here now we have product archives now product archives are actually referring to your actual product page so we have two different options we have style one and we also have style two and now you can see how these products look a little different i do feel like this type 2 is a little bit more cleaner now we can also adjust the actual page title now with other wordpress themes you usually do not have this option now you can also turn off the specific page title and then you will have see that the page title is gone right it's gone now let's turn this on right now and i'll show you how to customize this so if we click on this little arrow right here now we can actually have different formats so we can have the page title type one right or type 2. now you can also adjust this image in the background if you scroll down right here you can change this custom image or you can have the featured image of the actual product page it doesn't really matter i mean either way it gets the job done you can also add a cool parallax effect you guys can see we have a parallax effect for the the computer for the tablet and also for the phone and these are just various options on how you can kind of make the page look different now you can also rearrange or completely hide the title now this text right here is actually coming from the specific page so for example if i go to my pages and click on all pages you can see on the bottom right here we have the take your adventure to the next level so what bloxy did here is they actually renamed the shop page to kind of introduce some sort of cool title like that so instead of the boring shop page you can have some sort of catching title that might kind of encourage people to actually purchase your products and then on the title section you can change the actual heading tag and you can actually design all these options right here on this design tab and then again you have design type one and type two i think this one's a little bit better but you can go through these options and these specific options would customize the actual page title now also you can decrease or you can increase the rows so if you want only three columns and two rows you can actually select the number of rows and columns on your shop page and then at the bottom here they will get this pagination where they can go ahead and scroll through other various uh pages so i'll go ahead and change this back to oh it's too much four and three i think that works good something like that so next we have the cards options and with the cards options you can hide or show specific elements on your product so for example let's say you want to get rid of the star rating if i click on that you'll see the star rating disappears and you can also add in the product categories to be displayed on the product so now you can see the categories are under the specific product so that's what the cards options are in a nutshell i'll go ahead and turn those on like that i think that's a little bit better i'll scroll down now we actually have the page elements so let's say for example you want to take off this sorting right here you can turn it on that off and you can kind of customize other options on the shop page you can also add a specific sidebar so right here under sidebar i'll turn this on you'll see that there's room for a specific sidebar now we don't have anything on our widgets yet but i'm just displaying how you can put the sidebar on the left side or on the right side and i think it looks better actually with three if you're going to add the sidebar so if you're having a shop page without a sidebar i think four is good but if it's with a sidebar i think three is better because now the products are displayed a little bit more nicely right so that's how you guys can customize the specific shop page so uh now that that's done i'll go ahead and click on publish and if we scroll down we have this right sidebar so what i'll do here is i'll click on publish now there's a few ways in how you can do this you can actually do it through the actual theme customizer so let's say for example let's click on write and we're going to look for widgets so widgets are essentially what we add to the actual sidebar to kind of give it some decor and everything else so now that you guys understand how to design the shop page now let's go ahead and add some widgets to our right sidebar to give it some life you know to give it some options for our visitors so to add widgets you're going to scroll to the bottom of the theme customizer and under core you're going to see widgets now right here we have the woocommerce sidebar which is this specific sidebar right here so we'll click on that and we'll add a widget so what do you want to add you know we have a lot of different widgets we can add we can add in a search bar right so i'll type in search so we have product search and there you go search products and you can even give it a specific title like you know need help like that and there you go we have the need help now let's add in another widget so under add a widgets we will look for something like the filter by price there's filter by attributes there is a lot of widgets we can add to this filter products by rating we can do that as well so maybe people want to see like the best products they can click on that and they can see the best rated products that's up to you i wouldn't do that because then people won't purchase low rated products and uh you know maybe people out there do want to buy them so we have to offer everything now what's really cool here is we have uh recent viewed products so let's say for example someone on your website clicks on a specific product it'll actually remind them right here saying hey man hey hey you actually uh you viewed these products if you want to go ahead and purchase these uh you know click on them now we have too many right here we have 10 so let's just display something like three i think three is enough to kind of give them an idea of uh you know hey these are the products that you viewed and then under the left side or out of widgets we can add in something else so now if you want to add in something like a video you can click on the video widget if it's here somewhere i think it's here oh actually social icons those are always good to have you know we can add in those little nice social icons which is really really cool and then here you can kind of hide them you can add in more for pinterest if you're a girl i know girls love pinterest so you can actually design everything from there or adjust everything from there and then again you can change the actual icon size and all that cool stuff and yeah so you can also configure the urls in the customizer so that's how you can customize everything else instead of social icons maybe this is like follow me right or follow us i'll close that there it goes follow us and then you can add in something else like you know i don't know like there's a lot of different things you can add here and it's kind of up to you to kind of go through each and every one of these maybe a video maybe you can put a youtube video or something you know like uh hey check out our new demo of our new product you can put the link there and then the video will be displayed right there so now you can see we have this video here and the video will be displayed for them if they want to go ahead and you know view the actual video so you guys can go ahead and add in all of these widgets here there are a lot of different widgets that you can kind of add to your ecommerce websites you can also add your facebook like box as well and anything else that you want to add to your sidebar so that's an example of how you can actually design this specific sidebar and add in different widgets for your ecommerce websites all right so now that you guys understand how to design your shop page you guys can also design your single product page as well so under the woocommerce options under single product you can click on this and now you have some other options to design your actual product page so for example right here we have the narrow width which displays your products in a narrow width and then they have this other uh narrow width normal width and then they have also a right side bar so if you want to add a sidebar over here on your products you can go ahead and do that and also add a left sidebar if you want to do that as well we also have this box layout and also a wide layout so now you can see how it's kind of boxed here within this actual uh you know within the frame but i think that's a little too scrunched up so i'll make that wide and then we have other options where you can design the product gallery you can change the thumbnail position you can also change the size of the image as well now when you click on one of these products it opens up in a light box like this you can actually disable that if you want and that's really cool because a lot of themes by default don't have that option now let's say for example we hover over it and has this zoom effect but you don't want that you know you can turn off the zoom effect on your products as well now over here we have product elements so we have the product title which is right here and you can turn all these on and off which is really really cool so let's say for i don't know whatever reason you want to get rid of the product title i don't know why but maybe you want to get rid of the product title you can turn off the product title and then it will not display so you can kind of choose and pick what you want to display on your products and then also we can design the add to cart so you can actually change the actual style of this add to cart the width and also the design and all these colors which is really really cool so you can go ahead and customize uh everything on this product page just giving you a lot of flexibility and control over your actual single product pages so that's the you know the single product in a nutshell so now let's go ahead and go back to the checkout page now we didn't really cover the checkout page but on the checkout page you can make certain fields required for example the company name you can make that required or you can actually completely hide it so it will no longer display because maybe it's just a regular person then you can also select your privacy policy page and we'll talk more about the privacy policy in terms and conditions but all you would do is just make a new page and then you would assign those pages over there and that would be your privacy apology and also your terms and conditions page and they will have access to it right here and you can also display the coupon form now that's totally optional because remember you've already displayed the coupon form on the cart but hey if you want to enter it again you can go ahead and enter it right there so now that i've showed you guys everything about the shop page let's move on to the next step and let's go ahead and create a terms and conditions and privacy policy for your e-commerce website so i'll go ahead and get out of this i'll click on publish i do like our shop i think it looks really really clean so far now let's go ahead and make a new page and then we're going to assign it to the theme customizer so over here under plus new i'll click on page now i have these two websites in the description below of this video these are free websites and these can actually create your terms and conditions and also your privacy policy and you just enter in your company name your website name your url and this website will do all of the rest and you can kind of tell them what you want and what you don't want this is actually kind of helpful guys when you get chargebacks on your ecommerce websites i know that firsthand because i've been charged back before and it really really sucks so this will be like terms and conditions main and here i will paste in my you know my terms and conditions click on publish and publish and then after that i will make the privacy policy page so plus new page right and then this will be the privacy policy so basically like what we keep from you and the information we store like cookies and stuff like that i think most people put cookies on browsers to do uh remarketing for target for marketing you know so here i'll click on publish and publish so now that we've actually created those pages now we can actually go back to the theme customizer and we can assign it and when someone goes to the checkout page they will actually have to check the actual terms and conditions and privacy policy so to add those to your website go ahead and click on customize and we'll scroll down to woocommerce just keep scrolling right there woocommerce right and then checkout page and we want to go ahead and select the privacy policy page to privacy policy right you guys can see i've made i made quite a few right and then also we have the terms and conditions page and we selected that one right there so now actually when you see that you will see the order and they will have to check that they have agreed to the terms and conditions if you want to have a terms and conditions on your ecommerce website so now that i showed you guys how to add a privacy policy in terms of conditions let's move on to the next step and let's go ahead and configure the woocommerce settings [Music] all right so let's move on to the next step and let's talk about the woocommerce settings and i'll also use my website to kind of give you guys a demonstration of how real live websites work and i'll just go through some of those options with you so first we'll go here to our dashboard now here we have woocommerce and you'll notice that we have a few options so we have home we have orders customers coupons reports setting status and extensions now i believe coupons will eventually be right here under marketing now this is a new update 5.0 and it came out yesterday for me so that's where they're going to put coupons in the future and eventually they will retire the coupons from this specific option so first let's just click on home let's just go to the basics here so the home section is more of a it's more of just an area where you can see the actual stats of your website you can see the sales the orders and also they have other new options now i'll be very honest woocommerce updates quite often so if this screen changes in three months from now the video is not outdated it's just that they tend to really change a lot of things in their options so here you guys can see this really annoying notice that remove the legacy coupon menu so i'll just go ahead and remove it so that's going to take out the coupons from the actual woocommerce area and now over here it's under marketing so i just wanted to kind of demonstrate that so first let's go back to home and again home is like more like your dashboard where you can check everything out next we have orders now when someone actually purchases something it'll be available in your orders now this is my e-commerce website right here you guys can see i have more than 30 or 41 000 orders so i have quite a bit of orders here and i mean look at this two minutes ago here maybe i'll refresh the page and make a sale right now so two minutes ago was josh all right that's it so two minutes ago was or five minutes ago was josh and then here we have mike and all of these other people and they're all purchasing digital downloadable products on my e-commerce store and you guys can see i have more than like what like i mean this is a lot of orders this is not even this is not even four hours so of course i could charge for a lot of these products but a lot of these are free and i just give out these products away for free because i want to provide free tutorials but anyway so once you actually get an order you'll get these uh orders right here and you can click on someone right here like one of your customers and then here we have the actual person's name you have the email address and if they put a shipping it'll be available right here you have the total that was paid you can actually refund it right here by clicking on that and then up here on the right side you have other options so you can email the invoice you can resend the new order notification and then you can regenerate download permissions on the right side as well you can put the order notes so the order note status change from pending to complete and then you can add a note and you can even note that to the customer if you want to do that so i think the best way to go about this is when you make an order just you know explore these options get comfortable with them but uh this overall is where you can manage all of your orders and then again you can always delete orders you can delete customers so for example i'll click on back let's say for example i want to delete this order i can click on that and then go to move to trash or i can change the status to processing on hold or complete it as well and yeah so that's basically where orders are all going to be you can see the status is completed and this was the date we can also quick view it so if you click on this little eye it'll show the actual uh you know the billing information and everything so yeah i mean you guys can see i have quite a bit of sales on my ecommerce website i should charge you know i probably could make like a hundred thousand dollars in a year but you know i'll just give them out for free you know why the hell not so anyways going back there we have the orders and then we also have the customers so all right so i had to switch my domain because i didn't want to update woocommerce on my other websites so here is my actual customers on my website so you'll see that we have the name the username the email the orders how much they've spent and this is the average they have spent so this is where you'll see all of your information about your specific customers now one quick note guys is that when you are using woocommerce and other plugins you do not have to update in fact i recommend do not updating for a while because when plugins first have an update what happens is a lot of times those plugins are not compatible with other plugins and your website will break that is the number one common mistake with beginners so i would recommend not to update for a while give it a few weeks and let people have their you know their bugs and glitches fix out because uh i guarantee it if you're the first one to update you will always have a problem with woocommerce or something else on your website so here is the the customers and then we also have the reports now this is woocommerce 5.0 so this is the new one that just came out so this is what you should be seeing it looks like the woocommerce reports will be retired pretty soon so it looks like right here they are going to retire this it's really hard guys for me to make these videos all the time and then have woocommerce change their minds about everything because they're also replacing coupon code with this whole marketing thing and i i think they're gonna add in more things here i'm not really sure why that is but uh that's just an example of how you can see your customers reports and then also again your orders and this is using 5.0 so this is the new version of woocommerce as of what is it as of february 2021 and this is a major update so you shouldn't see anything major come out for a while so yeah that's just a quick little walk through of the customers the reports and everything else for woocommerce so settings are basically where all the magic happens this is where you're going to set your products set your shipping set your payments set your tax and also adjust your emails and also the accounts and privacy however we're going to skip this really quick and keep going over here to status now there's a lot of various options over here that woocommerce offers and you'll have to just go through some of these and just you know see what you want however there are some important ones that i do want to talk about like for example the create default pages um create the woocommerce default pages so let's say for example something happened with your theme you know you can click on create pages and this will actually recreate all the pages like the home page i'm sorry the shop page then my account the cart and the checkout so it'll propagate and create all the pages so if something went wrong this is where you can actually recreate the pages now below status we have extensions and woocommerce does offer other various extensions they are very expensive and if you guys want to go that route you can purchase some of their other extensions but i do find that if you find third-party extensions they're a lot cheaper than the official ones like you know woocommerce booking just 250 dollars but i would probably use the amelia booking plug-in for bookings but that's just my you know that's just my preference so now that we talked about all these options let's go back to the settings so the woocommerce settings is again where all the magic happens and here you'll put in your address you'll put in all the general information so here you have selling locations and let's say for example you sell to specific countries and you don't want to accept other countries right so let's say for example i'm the united states right and i only want to sell to people in the united states well i'll put united states so sell to specific countries united states only or you can sell to all countries except for and then you can list those specific countries if you want to do that so let's uh let's say here let's give some shout outs here so i'll put uh united states uh we'll do germany germany and we'll also do uh ghana and we'll do uh lithuania right and then we'll do one more you know my latin friends out there i do have a spanish channel so we'll do columbia as well so there you go so i'm selling to these specific countries and that's it so that's how you can set the countries shipping locations you can ship to all countries ship to specific countries disable shipping and shipping calculations so i would just select the you know ship to countries that you're currently selling to and then the default customer location which is their base address or you can use geolocate as well i would personally do shop base address because then if you get a problem you can just say well you know you told me to ship it there and if you use the geolocate it actually is very helpful but i would just do the shop based address here we're going to enable taxes and calculations we also want to enable the use of coupon codes and then here you can put the currency you can change the currency position and of these all these other options i'm not really sure why they even offer that that's kind of strange but the dollar on the right side it looks weird so yeah leave it like that and then once you're done you'll click on save changes and i'm gonna change this to nevada you know i just i i have a place in nevada so i'm more of a nevada guy here we go i'm no longer a californian no longer nope that place is full of crazy people so next we have general right or we did general now let's talk about products so products are essentially where you can change your weight units so i know americans use pounds but i think the rest of the world uses kilograms so if you are you know from the united states you could put pounds and then you can also put inches or yards and if you are from europe or asia you'd probably use meters and you'd use kilos here you can also enable reviews and also enable product reviews as well you can turn those on and off here i'll click on save changes then also we have inventory so here again you can adjust the stock management now you can actually change this for per product or these are global settings so instead of actually doing it for each specific product you can manage the inventory on your entire website from right here so if you don't want to even have the manage stock option available you can just go ahead and take it off and save changes i mean it could be somewhat of a sales gimmick where you kind of say to everyone well we only got five left you gotta buy our product you know so that is a good strategy on selling uh products so here we have downloadable products and here you can grant access to downloadable products after payments and i think these options are pretty standard for people who are messing around with digital products so i would leave all these blank i would not change this not unless you know what you're doing all right so yeah that's that save changes next we have tax and we're going to talk about tax in just a bits so we're going to skip this this is where you would calculate shipping and again we'll talk about shipping and tax and all that stuff in a little bit and then payments so these are where you can enable specific payments and we will jump into payments in the very next section but this is where you can add other payment methods i'll also show you how to use credit cards it's not available right now so i'll show you how to do with a free plugin here we have account and privacy now this is a very new feature and what you can do actually is you can actually delete personal information from your website over a specific amount of time that again is a new option that uh woocommerce put in here so for guest checkout you can enable guest checkout now for the account creation you can allow customers to create an account during checkouts or on their my account page and then here you have the account erase erasure request which will delete personal information orders on request and then again also remove access to downloads on requests as well this again i really can't give advice on because i just can't give advice on it so it's more for people who want to have privacy you can go ahead and enable this and then your customers will be allowed to delete their personal information here you have the privacy policy and the checkout privacy policy as well however with the bloxy theme we can already adjust this in the theme customizer so there's not much to do here and then again this is the personal data retention of how long you will keep their personal information all right so once you're done with all of these settings you'll click on save changes and then here we have emails and i'll show you guys a really cool plugin on how to customize your email so i'll be very honest the emails that come with woocommerce are very ugly and very bland and i'll show you all how to make really nice really beautiful emails for your ecommerce websites and then you also have integration which is more for devs and anything else and then again for advance again this would be something like changing your cart page your checkout page and also your account page so for example if you want to have your account page on a different page you can go ahead and select it here again there might be instances where you do that but woocommerce already creates these pages for you so i'm not really sure on why you'd want to do that anyways but hey the options are there if you want to do that so what i'll do is i'll go down to the bottom and click on save changes all right so now that we've talked about the woocommerce settings let's move on to the next step and let's talk about how to accept payments on your wordpress website so the first thing that we're going to do is that we are going to install a free plugin that allows us to accept credit cards on our website so over here under plugins you'll click on add new and then for search plugins we're going to type in stripe and this is the plugin that you'll need it is the stripe the woocommerce stripe payment gateway so here you'll click on install now and then you'll click on activate all right cool now just to note stripe is an online merchant that allows you to accept credit cards and payments from anywhere around the world they work in south america america parts of europe and also asia as well and it is the number one most popular merchant center for accepting payments online and it works perfect with woocommerce and the great part is signing up with stripe is completely free so that's also really good to note so what we're going to do is that we're going to integrate stripe with our wordpress websites so now that we have the stripe for woocommerce we need to go ahead and make an account now i already have an account with stripe so what you'll do over here is you'll actually go ahead and start now and you'll go through the process of making an account with stripe now here i'll go to my dashboard and again i already have an account with stripe so i'm going to go ahead and log into my account and i'll meet you in the dashboard now making an account with stripe is completely free and it does not cost you anything and it is by far the most easiest and convenient way to take payments on your ecommerce website so go ahead and go through the process of making an account with stripe and once you're done i'll meet you in the dashboard so once you're done going through the process of making a stripe account this is actually your dashboard and this is where you can view your sales where you can see how much money you have in your account your specific payouts and so on and so forth now the first thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to click on viewing test data so you want to make sure that this is in test mode because we're going to go ahead and run a transaction on our website just to make sure that it's connected with stripe now the first thing that you're going to do is under developers right here you're going to click on api keys now these are the keys that you need and it's pretty simple you just got to copy and paste everything and you're done so first i'll take this publish will be publishable key i'll click on it i'll go back over here now we're going to select payments we're going to turn on stripe now these are other stripe merchants in various other countries so yeah you guys can check all those out but the one that we want to focus on right here is stripe so turn this on and then click on manage so you want to enable this with stripe and for the title you want to put credit card in the description you want to put pay with your credit card the reason why you want to put that is because when someone actually tries to buy something on their credit card it's just going to display credit card and it's not going to display by strife because we don't really care about stripe and we don't really want our customers to know who's taking our payments so right here we have the test publishable key so first i'll go ahead and paste the publishable key right here under test publishable key and then under this secret key i'll reveal that copy that and then i will paste that right there like that now there's one more thing we need to do is that we need to actually put in a test webhook secret so going back to our i guess you want to say portal or whatever you want to call it we have web hooks right here and we're going to add an endpoints so the endpoint url is this url right here so just copy that right make sure it's exact don't try not to get the space or something could go wrong and then i'll paste it there and for the description this is optional you don't have to put anything here if you don't want to and for the events to send you're going to select charge so we just want to basically charge the credit cards and here i'll click on add the end points once you add the endpoint you'll get these signing secrets so what i'll do is click on click to reveal i will copy this and we're going to take this and we're going to put it right here so go ahead and paste it in like that and there you go now here for the statement descriptor you want to put the name of your business so you know when they get a purchase receipt they're going to say well who's charging me well i'll put i'll put i don't know darryl wilson and i want to charge this immediately so if i have this unchecked what will happen is that we'll have to go ahead and manually approve every specific payment and that's kind of a hassle so make sure that's checked we want to enable payment request buttons this again is totally optional you can leave that on or off um that's really up to you next we have the payment request buttons i like to leave this off i just feel like that can be very annoying so what that'll do is that'll actually display a um a quick pay on a lot of your products and i just feel that it can be very annoying so i always leave that unchecked and uh yeah that's my opinion but you can leave that checked or unchecked and then you can design the buttons if you want to do that but i'm going to leave that unchecked and then click on save changes and that's it you guys are done so now you guys can accept credit cards on your website as of right now so right now it's in test mode and if you want to take that off you would uncheck it and then you can actually go ahead and click on that and these are your real life credentials so i'll go ahead and walk you through that in a little bit but let's go ahead now and set up paypal on our website instead of just stripe so you want multiple payment merchants because sometimes people want a more convenient way of paying on your website and we have to adjust to everybody so right here we have paypal standard so what i'll do is i'll click on this and i'll click on setup so paypal is very simple to get started so you would just put the name of paypal rights and then you put you want to pay with credit card with paypal and then you just put the paypal email so my paypal email is mr wilson and that's it and then just go ahead and scroll down and then you'll click on save changes so this is and is free to register it doesn't cost you guys anything whatsoever so let's say for example you want to go ahead and make an account what you'll do is go over here to login and there's also the register now unfortunately uh paypal is actually not available in thailand where i'm currently at right now but what you'll do is you'll go through the process of making an account with paypal now i already have a paypal account so i'm gonna go ahead and log into my paypal account so over here i'll go to login and i'll sign in so this is my current paypal balance and you guys see i got some cash in here and there is money in the account and the show is money ounce there's also notifications and those show all of your transactions so the email that you used to sign up with paypal you're going to take that same email and what you're going to do is you're going to go to the woocommerce settings and simply place it in there so now also on page with paypal it'll go directly into my paypal balance and then from there i can transfer the money to my bank account right away so it's a very convenient process with paypal i mean their stock is going up so much i mean i think they're almost at 300 a share and it's like jeez this whole this whole uh what's it called the the coronavirus thing just made them blow up because everyone's now using paypal to accept payments on their e-commerce websites so uh yeah once you're done with that just click on the save changes and that's it you can now accept paypal on your website and those users can use their paypal account or they can use a credit card now there is one last option that i promised all of you guys and that was the bitcoin now i do have another video it's about 10 minutes long and it'll allow users to pay with bitcoin ethrium and all sorts of coins on your ecommerce website now i didn't want to put it in this video because i already have another video for that but you guys can see here that users can select with bitcoin cryptocurrency and we use coinbase and coinbase is by far the most popular um payment merchant for accepting bitcoin so if you do want to accept bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency on your websites i highly recommend watching this video and i will put this video in the description below you're welcome right so now that that's all set up let's go ahead now and run a quick test transaction all right so let's go to my shop page right here and i'll add this to the carts i will view the cart here i can adjust the number of quantities i'll just put uh i'll buy five of these and i'll update the cart and now my total is 125. i will click on proceed to checkout then right here you'll see under the your order we can pay with paypal or we can pay with credit card now test mode is currently enabled so i'll go ahead and fill this out really quick and i'll put in the credit card all right so for my credit card i'll put in my secret credit card this is actually a fake credit card guys we're just testing out the um we're just testing out the connection so oh wait wait that's silly me so the year has to be actually like there we go one two three and then we can actually save this for payments uh future purchases and stuff like that and then once you're all done you'll click on i have read because remember we set that up in the theme customizer and then i'll click on place order so congratulations you guys just made a sale so now it says thank you your order has been received they have the order number the date they have their email and then all of the information will be displayed right here now also the user and you will get an email notifying you of a new order so you can see we got a new order there's the billing address congratulations on the sale and so on and so forth so that's exactly how the process works it's very automated and remember your customer will get a purchase receipt and you will also get an email notifying you of a new sale so congrats and now if we go back to our stripe account you guys will see that the money is available in our stripe account so yeah congratulations we made some money so we have all of the information right here now this is all you know merry christmas land money it's not real money so if you guys are ready to accept real money on your website using stripe you'll do the same exact process but you'll just go ahead and check off this viewing test data so now you'll go to developers and you'll do the same exact way of what we did before as setting up your test information so here i'll click on api keys right i'll walk you through this publishable key and i'll go back to our website now right here we're going to disable test mode and then we're going to do the same thing here so i will paste my publishable key right there i'll go back and i will put in my secret key and i'll paste that right there next we're going to put in the webhook secret so right here we'll go ahead and go to webhooks i will add an endpoint and i'll put in the url so the same exact process of what we did before i will paste it in there like that this is totally optional and for the events to send we will select charge and i'll click on add an end point and now right here under the signing secrets i will click to reveal i'll copy that and i will simply place that right there and we are all set and we are all ready to now accept real money on our website when we hit save changes so congratulations you guys can now accept payments on your wordpress website if there's anything that you else wants to talk about or there's questions about payments feel free to put them in the comments below i do get quite a bit of comments and questions about other payment gateways like now if you guys are in the middle east or if you guys are in india you guys can use is probably one of the most widely used global payment gateways and it works with pretty much the entire world so it works with all of the middle east all of africa and all the countries near africa it works in south america asia and also united states so it works for tons of different countries so if you are watching this video and your country was not listed for stripe uh two checkout again is one of the most popular ones out there and it works perfect for woocommerce [Music] so now let's talk about tax now everyone's favorite topic right so to actually enable tax what you'll first do is over here you'll actually check enable taxes and this will actually create the tab of tax a lot of people tell me well darryl this tutorial is outdated i don't see that specific tab it's because the option is there you have to just check it now we're going to install a plug-in now this plug-in's incredible it's going to automate the taxes and the shipping for us on our website making things a lot easier so over here under plugins you'll go to add new and under search plugins you'll type in woocommerce tax and this is the plugin that we're going to need with one million active installs with like so-so reviews right you can see some people were happy and some people were not happy about it but uh right here you'll click on install now so right here it says install jetpack and connect so click on install jetpack and connect so you will have to make a free account it doesn't cost you anything at all so go ahead and go through the process of making a free account now i already have an account so it's going to log me in and return me back to my websites now jetpack also offers other features so over here under jetpack you click on dashboard and it does offer other features like they have some like i don't know the site settings they have like all these different like you know protects against brute force protections it also records your visitors and they have other options for performance and speed and other very interesting options they have but yeah you can go and check those out on your own free time but let's go back over here to woocommerce and click on settings now what we're going to do is click on tax voila look at that we have an option for automated taxes how cool is that so what this is going to do is that this is going to enable the taxes so i will click on enable automated taxes scroll down and click on save changes so the great part about automated taxes is that it's now going to go ahead and automate the tax based off where you are from so everything's automated your taxes are all set and all ready to go now let's just say for example darrell you know what's i don't want to have automated taxes and that's fine you know that's that's okay so what i'll do here is i will disable automated taxes and click on save changes now depending on what state you're from there are some differences between origin based and destination but i'll go ahead and leave these articles in the description below of this video so let's say for example you're in california right so you would set a tax rate for something like 7.25 to people who are in california now there are some states that you have to charge tax based off where you are actually shipping from versus states where you're actually um shipping to so for example so these states right here you would charge sales tax based off where your business is located so that means if you're in california you would charge this specific tax rate for all of your purchases or all of your sales because you are in california and that is the sales tax however there are some states where you would have to actually charge tax based off where your customers are from i know that can get very crazy so let's say for example you're in florida so if you're in florida you would have to charge sales tax for all 50 states so i will leave this article for those of you who want to set up your taxes by yourself if you want to go ahead and apply that however let's say you're based in california and you want to apply a lower tax rate based off what you're taxed i'm not sure why you want to do that but i'll just go ahead and just give you a quick example so here i'll click on insert row now the country code so right now this would be united states right so us the state code which would be ca right now depending on where you're from you guys can use this uh tax jar and these are actually the states of the codes so for example nevada is nv right and arizona is a z so you can manually go ahead and set each specific state if you want to do that so let's say for example i'll just leave the state code now you can actually give a specific tax rate for a specific post code in the specific state if you want to do that and also the state as well however i'm just going to say that my tax rate is 7.25 and i will go ahead and say well do we tax on top of shipping so what i'll do here is click on california and i will see if we have to charge tax on top of shipping so for california in general shipping is not taxable so i got this again from so i'm going to uncheck this because we are not going to charge tax on the shipping and once that's done i'll click on save changes now there are also reduced rates as well and this is the same thing as standard so what you can do is you can create reduced rates so for example i'm going to get a little complicated here but there are specific regions in california that actually have a lower tax rate like for example here we can see that the sales tax in oxnard ventura is a little bit lower so the sales tax there is a little lower so if you are based in something like kern county you would want to select a reduced rate for kern county right so this is why guys just do automated taxes i'm just going to go ahead and just lean at that because it's just it's so much easier and then we don't have any zero tax rates in california like what are you stupid like so that's just how the taxes work and how you can set specific tax rates uh based off where you are from or you can also select reduced rates based off of specific regions in that specific state isn't america crazy i bet you guys from europe are watching this like geez that is just insane it is you know every state's like his own country and it's it's really hard to know every state's laws and how everything works so in a nutshell guys that's tax and that's tax explained and that's how you would set up automated taxes on your website my biggest advice guys just go with the automated tax make your life a lot easier you know they've actually integrated all these states in there so i don't really feel like setting up your own tax would be beneficial so i'm going to go ahead and enable automated taxes i'm going with that i'm taking the ticket you know i'm just taking the ticket and i'm checking out so now that i've showed you guys how to set up your taxes now let's go ahead and go on to the next section where we're going to talk about shipping so now let's go ahead and set up our shipping zones for our ecommerce website so it's pretty simple right the first thing we'll do is click on add a shipping zone and this is the zone name so this will be for united states right usa and then for the zone regions we have africa ghana we have what is all these countries lithuania look at that look to win it came up a second from germany and then here i'll just select united states right now you can also select specific states on your shipping zones if you want to do that but for this i'm just going to say united states just to give you a quick example so right now i'll just click on add a shipping method now for the united states what are we going to charge are we going to charge a flat rates are we going to charge free shipping or local pickup so i'll just select a flat rates and then we're going to charge for our flat rate so over here under edits what is the flat rates well the flat rate is going to be seven dollars seven bucks and this is not taxable now again you can refer to to see if your specific shipping is supposed to be taxable i believe some states there is a tax on shipping which is just crazy but hey that's america so the the cost for shipping is seven dollars and i'll click on save changes all right now let's add a second shipping method so let's go ahead and push the limits here so i'll click on add a shipping method now what we're going to do here is i'm going to select free shipping and click on add a shipping method next i'll click on edits now free shipping requires what's well free shipping requires a shipping coupon which we will talk about later a minimum order amounts a minimum a mortar amount or a coupon and then something crazy a minimum order and a coupon but i'm just going to select a minimum order amount of something like 50 so what that means if the user spends at least fifty dollars on our websites then they will get free shipping all right so i'll go ahead and click on save changes all right so now we have our shipping method set up and if we click on shipping zones we can now see we have usa in there now we can add in a second shipping zone right so here under add a shipping zone we can add in another country or we can add in specific states as well if you want to do that so for example i'll put uh we'll put nevada we love nevada and for these own regions i'll put in nevada and i'll add a shipping method so people in nevada are going to be charged free shipping because they're cool so that's it so now you can see how this will actually integrate pretty well with our shipping zone so i'll go ahead and leave this so now what i'm saying is that uh people united states will all be charged a flat rate but people in nevada will be charged free shipping because they're cool and everyone else sucks now you can also go ahead and select a shipping zone for any country that you want as well so let's go ahead and add one more shipping zone let's give a shout out here who haven't given a shout out here to we'll do mexico we'll do mexico so now we're going to select the no no no not new mexico we're going to do mexico here mexico oh they don't have mexico on here do they not have mexico on here south america oh i don't think so interesting interesting so what i'll do here is i'll go ahead and select uh something else sorry mexico i don't know why you guys aren't on here that's interesting but i'll leave this in the video i won't i won't take it out but i'll go ahead and put um i don't know what should we put here we'll put is it is it south america i think it has to be on here you know we have colombia right so there we go south america so we'll just put south america all right you guys still get the shout out and then for south america i will add a flat rate of something like 10 bucks because you know it might be more expensive to ship products to mexico right so let's just put 10 and click on save changes all right cool so let's go back to shipping zones and awesome so now we have our shipping rate set up for mexico and then special for nevada and then united states so now let's go ahead and go to shipping options so here are just some general shipping options which you can enable and disable these are strictly up to you i'm not going to go through this because again this is just preference so once that's done let's go ahead and click on woocommerce shipping so since we installed the plugin you guys can actually print out shipping labels right from your house and you won't have to go to the post office so you can just go and say well this is just a you know a letter or a label and whatever else you can add your credit card now i'm not going to go through all these options you can add your packaging here but this is for a whole other video on how to you know add in your boxes and dimensions because i don't know what you're trying to ship so i'm just leaving that out there now here i'll click on save changes all right and let's do one more option which is shipping classes now for those of you who have advanced shipping rates i will talk more about that in just a bit don't worry i did not forget about you i'm daddy i know everything about woocommerce and everything else so do not worry about other things i will talk all about woocommerce and all of the shipping rates so right here we have add shipping class right so let's go ahead and first add a shipping class so this will be something like premium for the slug we'll put premium and then premium and i will add the shipping class all right so now we have the shipping class of premium and i will click on save shipping classes so now that we have this premium shipping class what we can do is we can assign specific products to this shipping class so let's go ahead now and add a product to the shipping class so over here under products i'll click on all products and we are going to assign a product here we'll just assign this number one right let's see if i can do it from here can i go from here under quick edit yeah right here shipping class i'll put that as premium and click on update so now this product is within the shipping class of the premium shipping so now that we've assigned a product to our shipping class let's go ahead and actually create one so over here under woocommerce we'll go to settings stay with me guys this is probably one of the most confusing things for beginners but it makes a lot of sense so essentially what you're doing is you're creating categories for shipping so here i'll click on shipping let's say for example i want to create a new shipping zone so i'll just give you a good fresh example i'll add a new shipping zone right and this is going to be in the united states so this is also in the united states right and i'll put united states i don't know why this thing keeps coming up it's weird you know i don't know it's just weird stuff that happens so united states right now i want to add a shipping method and i want to select flat rates all right so here i'll click on edits now you guys will notice that we have the shipping class costs so here we can actually have premium shipping class cost so we can actually set specific rates for this specific class of shipping now this is where things can get a little tricky so there is another documentation by woocommerce and they give you some examples now they use also a quantity and also a percent which is a fee so let's say for example we have this example right here so we're going to charge ten dollars plus we're gonna charge two dollars for every item in the cart so what that means is if i go ahead and place this right here uh this shipping rate will charge the customer ten dollars automatically and also two dollars for every specific item in the card so that's how you can get a little bit more creative now there's also this other one here where i'll just give you another example go ahead and copy this and we will paste this in here as well paste it like that so this again is saying shipping will cost twenty dollars plus there is a ten percent fee and the minimum fee is going to be for four items so i'm sorry for four dollars so you can see here a base shipping cost of twenty dollars plus ten percent of the order and it has to be at least four dollars so you guys can see you guys can get very creative here or you can do something like this you know let's just keep it simple here let's just say you know what we're going to charge you 20 for the shipping and ten percent of whatever the products cost in the cart now that can be good for something like refrigerators if you are doing something very large uh that would be something where you know you can cover the cost of shipping now i realize people watching this video might all have different needs for shipping and there is a plug-in that is called the advanced table rate shipping or they change the name it used to be advanced now it's just table rate shipping they want to try to simplify things but what this plug-in does it gives you a very dynamic shipping options where you can ship based off the number of the items in the cart off the weight off the percents and there is a lot you can do with this plug-in i do have a one-hour video and it's a complete tutorial on how to use this plug-in and i will leave that in the description below of this video but this plug-in will definitely help you if you have a specific weight or if your site is very complicated with shipping this plug-in what was that look at that this plug-in should be able to take care of all of your needs for shipping so in a nutshell that is how the shipping classes work and how you can actually group products for this specific shipping class cost that is a tongue twister but uh i'll just click on save changes and that's it so i can now assign products to this specific tax shipping class or shipping class so that's just an example of how you can use shipping classes and how you can assign specific products for special shipping classes because you might have products in your store that weigh a lot more so just to give you a practical example i'll go ahead and just uh go over here to my my shop so let's say for example i'm selling these backpacks right here but then on one product i'm selling a bowling ball you know the bowling ball is obviously going to be more shipping than the actual backpack so that's where you might want to use the advanced shipping classes so that you can actually categorize specific products for shipping classes right so i hope that all made sense guys you guys have any questions about that feel free to let me know in the comments below but with that said let's go ahead and move on to the next section so next let's go ahead and talk about how to make coupon codes for your ecommerce website so making coupon codes is really simple guys it's actually the easiest thing to do so just go ahead and scroll down under marketing and click on coupons and we're going to create our first coupon yes congratulations it's exciting you know so let's go ahead and give a coupon name this will be like uh daryl right what is that what is that all right so daryl now what is the discount now we can give a percentage which is like a 10 off or i can give a fixed dollar amount or a fixed product discount so this is only good for a specific product and this is good for the cart now if you do select this option you will need to select a specific product on the actual other tabs but uh i think most of you guys will just use percentage discount and percentage card discount so remember this is a dollar amount and a percentage amount so let's just do 50 right now will this coupon code also give free shipping if you do want to apply free shipping check there now when does this coupon code expire well it's only good for seven days that's it that's all they get now let's talk about the usage restriction so is there a minimum spend amount and i'll put let's say 50 bucks right maximum spend i'll put 500 you know if they spend more than 500 you know that's too much of a discount and no no that's not gonna work now if you selected the actual specific product you can actually put those products here now also what you can do is before we do that so we have individual use only right so this cannot stack with other coupons right yes i don't want it to stack with other coupons now exclude sale item so if an item is already on sale in your store this will exclude those specific items that's actually a really helpful option now let's say for example you don't want to have specific products on sale so i'll just say you know what you know how gucci and apple never ever ever give discounts which is really frustrating here we go we have what's my bag here there we go okay there we go this one so i'll just say this specific bag will not be available for the sale now you can also exclude entire categories so i'll just say you know what all the casuals are not going to be available for this specific coupon so sad right but that's just an example of what you can you know do and then you have uh you have allowed emails and then we have usage limits so how many times can this coupon code be used i'll just say 500. so the limit usage per how many items so applying to how many items in the cart well i'll just say something like five now how many times can the specific user not the actual amount of coupons but the each user can use this code i'll just say one time because i think that's fair you know once you use the coupon that's it you know that's all you get right or i don't know that's up to you that's your decision but uh yeah so here i'll put daryl gives 50 off to remind myself and i'll click on publish all right so now let's go ahead and test out our coupon code all right so let's go shopping on my store here we go you got shop let's go ahead and just add something to the cart you know out of these three bags let me know which one you guys like i think i like this one the best it has that black with that nice wood color to it and these look like i don't know it looks like a homeless guy would have it you know it's like not my style here so i'll add this one to the cart and then i'll click on view the cart all right so let's go ahead and scroll down so i actually have three of these oh oh well that's that's fine now also here notice how we have the free shipping because remember guys this is over 100 so now you can see how everything's kind of working together everyone's coming into place so uh what was that 135 divided by 50 it's going to be what 67.50 or something like that or 72.50 here we go let's find out i'll enter the coupon code darrell click on apply coupon code and oh my gosh 67.50 geez i really that's more i didn't that was a total like assumption but now you'll see how the price is cut in half to 67.50 so that's how you can apply coupon codes on your websites feel free to put them on facebook and for you ladies out there you can put them on instagram saying oh you know our store is on sale and then you can lead them to your store and give them an exclusive discount for instagram users only or i don't know for beautiful girls only whatever whatever the girls do on instagram so that's just an example of how you can add coupon codes to your websites how you can set restrictions and everything else so that is all about coupons let's go ahead and move on to the next section so these are your default emails and let's be honest they look terrible and actually someone bought this on my demo website from dhaka bangladesh wow interesting i had no idea but this is actually a new custom order from my flotsam tutorial and that's a live ecommerce website now these emails are pretty bland pretty ugly and there's no way to customize these emails without using a plugin now there is a free plugin that you guys can use so over here go to plugins and click on add new over here you're going to type in woocommerce my woocommerce email customizer now this is the plugin that you'll need right here it's called gay mail now this is a newer plugin and it's incredible so go ahead and click on install now and activate this is the only drag and drop builder that allows you to actually customize your email with a drag and drop builder and it looks very similar to elementor and i really do like it so over here under where is it no yeah woocommerce we have email customizer and this is it so now you guys can see how now we can customize every part of this by changing the background color the title color we can even change the fonts and we can even move these around i mean this is really really cool so you guys can see this is a very fluid builder i really do like it now you guys can also add things to this so let's say for example you want to add in something like text right here and then in there we can also add in social icons and then we can add in something else like a uh i don't you can put in two columns here and then from there you can add in maybe like an image in those two or hold on there we go and then there we go we'll add in another one so you guys can see that this is very similar to elementor and all you need to do now is just simply drag and drop the elements and these are also your woocommerce elements so for example your building address your order item download and all of these items so you can actually customize everything here by changing like the background color to black here you can add in the logo and you guys can again use this drag and drop builder to actually build your emails and make them look really really nice instead of this ugly default and you can actually change this uh font here so i'll change it to something like uh i don't know ariel black no no no that's too that's too much georgia yeah that's not really me comic sans all right comic sans is friendly all right well keeping it at that's and let's say i want to get rid of this i'll just remove this and also i'll go ahead and delete this one as well or delete this whole section yes there we go so yeah you guys can use this to customize your emails i just really want to point this out because these are very overlooked and a lot of people are not aware of this plugin but it's a new plugin it's really really good and it's completely free so once you're done with that you'll click on save settings and then you can go ahead and use this as your new order form also here under the settings tab you guys can enable this for specific other templates as well so you guys can actually customize all of the other templates for your email here under email settings you can change the background color the text link color the general tab now i'm not going to go through all of these i'll probably make another video on this plug-in because i gotta be honest it's really really good i really do like it so i'll be making another video on it and maybe we'll even have some cool templates which we can add so that's always nice so in a nutshell guys that's how you can create really beautiful emails and not the ones by default because these ones are just really bland and boring but you can use that free plugin to create just beautiful emails for your ecommerce website alright in this section i wanted to show you guys quickly how you guys can design your my account and also the cart page now you guys might have noticed that when you guys go to your cart page or something like that you guys can't really edit it and actually at the top it'll just say edit page now you can see how my page says edit with elementor and maybe yours doesn't so let me show you all how to fix this so you'll go to your dashboard for your account and also your my account page you go to pages and you'll find your pages so mine is under the card page so what you'll first do is you'll click on edit and i don't know why this works the way it works it's just how it works you'll click on edits and then once you do that you'll see edit with elementor here at the top so you'll see it like this and when you click on it with elementor now you can actually design it using elementor now there's also a few other things you can do besides adding it or using elementor you can actually influence the fonts and the actual topography of the woocommerce shortcode so for example here is my short code now you might need to click on it to get it you know to display and it might propagate and there you go so now it displays so now you can go ahead and you know drag in elements like for example i can drag in this text elements and i can add in i don't know a button or something like that i can build the page as normal using the actual page builder by just dragging in elements however i cannot drag in these specific elements because these are done with the actual shortcode now let me go ahead and talk about how you guys can actually change the actual topography and the fonts of this so you'll see this pencil icon that controls the actual shortcode you'll go ahead over here and click on style and then you'll see topography so click on the pencil icon and for the family i can now go ahead and change the specific font of the actual card so this is just ways on how you can customize it just a little bit more this should be something for like a cookie website or something like that it's a kind of a friendly font you can always design and customize this as well using the actual um bloxy theme customizer so you can add a background to this and you can also change this font using the actual bloxy theme customizer so i just want to go ahead and just you know explain to you how you guys can change the fonts i think you can actually change the actual you can change the size of the fonts as well yeah you can get a little crazy there so you guys can see there's a lot you can do here and uh yeah so that's a wooden way on how you guys can customize this also for your specific my account page so you guys might have noticed that when you go to your account page there's just this short code now again you have to go to the back end click on the page and then you'll see edit with elementor so i'll go ahead and click on edit with elementor all right so here is my account and you might have to click on this to kind of get everything to propagate google commerce is weird like that and there we go and then from here i can go ahead and click on style and then i can go ahead and change the topography now these right here are done with the specific wordpress theme so you can change this specific color using the actual wordpress theme however if you want to change the actual fonts you can use these uh you know you can use this so you guys can see how the uh the fonts changing and you can also change the size of it can we yeah it looks like we can only change the actual um this specific font maybe in the future they might allow us to change every single um thing but i think everything is is well sized so this is where you can go ahead and change the actual fonts and maybe we can make a bold yeah okay so that only bolds so that's all we get guys that's all we get but that's still good enough you guys can still change the topography and also the size of this specific font so i just wanted to cover that because i did promise you guys i'd show you guys how to do that in the beginning of the video so that's how you guys would customize the my account and also the cart page so i am going to miss you guys and this is going to be our last section together now i'll be talking about how to display specific product categories on your menu and also specific other pages as well i'll also be talking about my other videos that you guys can use to kind of further your ecommerce store to make sure you guys make as much money as possible so first let's talk about how you guys can display specific product categories on specific pages so first let's go ahead and go to our dashboard now let's first say you know what i want to add specific product categories to my menu now if i go over here to appearance and go to menu you guys might notice that on the left side there's really no categories for product categories and that's just because wordpress has hidden it by default i know those mean guys on the top right you're going to see screen options and these are actually what you want to display so we have products we have product categories and also product tags as well so what this will allow you to do is that this will actually allow you to display specific product categories and also specific products on your menu so you guys can see here how we've actually put in these simple products right here but let's say for example you know i want to put the the casual on my menu you know or something like that i can go ahead and apply the casual products on my menu and also the travel and i'll add those to the menu and i'll just rearrange these right and you can also put specific products as well and here i'll click on save menu all right so now let's go ahead and take a look at our website and now you'll see we have casual so if i click on casual only the products that are in within this specific category will be displayed right here so that's just an example of how you can display specific categories on specific pages now let's say for example you want a little bit more control because you can't really edit this page at all and maybe you want to make a custom page where you can use elementor right so over here under plus new click on page now this is again is just a creative example and people ask me about you know how they can really push the limits here so i'll just do something like the bag page and click on publish and publish now i'll click on edit with elementor and what i'm going to do here is i'm actually just going to upload a template really quickly all right cool so this is my page that i uploaded now what i'm going to do here is i'm actually going to go ahead and go take this text editor and i'll just drag it below that then i'll go ahead and take this text and i'll place in a short code right here all right so this is actually my website my free template that i have on my website you guys can i'll take the download code and i'll place it what are you doing there we go and then what i'll do here is i want to go ahead and display a specific category now woocommerce actually has short codes for specific categories so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to paste this in there and for the category i want to go ahead and put casual remember so for this specific website casual is actually a a specific category so i'll just go ahead and put casual now you would go ahead and place your specific product category there and now you can see that all the products within this specific category will be listed on this page so right here i'll click on updates so now you guys can see that i have this specific page for only a specific product category so you guys can use these short codes here and virtually place categories on any part of your website now i realize some of you might not be using elementor you might be using gutenberg brizzy divi or elementor so you guys can use those short codes and that way you can display specific products on specific different pages it doesn't necessarily have to be the woocommerce pages you can create your own page and then add the shortcodes anywhere you want now as a partying gift you guys might want to check out my other videos so you guys can actually use this other video and you guys can actually upload all your products to the google merchant center having a more automated process i also have this video on bitcoin how to accept bitcoin on your ecommerce website i also do have a tutorial on the flatsome theme where i just really make this beautiful uh ecommerce website and you can tell that with more than you know it'll be 500 000 views and these like ratios you can see people really did like this video now this ecommerce website was created by the flat sum theme and i do also have another one that was created by elementor and i just created this and as you guys can see people really did like it uh that many comments and people just really found this tutorial really helpful so it depends on what kind of builder that you want to use but i have videos on several page builders and i'll be making a new one very soon on brizzy so be sure to check that out but guys i hope your website turned out really good i hope this video helped you out i really did my best to include everything and to make sure this was a fully complete woocommerce tutorial i wish you guys the best of luck i truly do if you guys have any questions for me feel free to let me know in the comments below and until then i'll see you guys later all right guys well if you guys have any questions for me feel free to put them in the comments below i'll do my best to get to all of them but uh you know how it is i get a lot of comments i do also have other various tutorials on woocommerce like the google merchant center and other various ecommerce tutorials on different page builders so feel free to go ahead and check those out and again thanks for watching this video and uh i hope it helps my name is darryl wilson and i'll see all of you party people in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 179,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woocommerce tutorial, woocommerce, how to use woocommerce plugin in wordpress, woocommerce wordpress, wordpress tutorial, woocommerce plugin, woocommerce setup, how to use woocommerce in wordpress, how to use woocommerce, woocommerce wordpress tutorial, WooCommerce Tutorial 2020, WooCommerce For Beginners, eCommerce Tutorial, ecommerce wordpress, WooCommerce, WooCommerce Elementor, ecommerce, ecommerce tutorial 2021, woocommerce tutorial 2021, woocommerce tutorial 2020
Id: oTr--KR4qoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 27sec (7647 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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