The Complete Amazon Affiliate Marketing Tutorial For Beginners 2021 (Affiliate Marketing Tutorial)

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amazon is making around 321 million dollars a day that's about 13.4 million dollars every hour and 222 884 dollars every single minutes isn't that crazy how about today i show you how to get a piece of that hey guys my name is darryl wilson and today i'll be showing you all how to create an amazon affiliate marketing website but first what is an amazon affiliate marketing website an amazon affiliate marketing website is a website that you own that generates passive income online with an amazon affiliate marketing website you can promote other people's products from amazon on your websites when a visitor is referred to amazon from your website and purchases a product through your affiliate link you then get a commission of the sale plus there is no limit on how much you can earn there are many successful amazon affiliate websites that generate 20 000 a month and more now the best part about owning an amazon affiliate website is you don't need to worry about shipping you don't have to worry about inventory and you don't also have to worry about dealing with any customers either and also there is a lot of pros about owning an amazon affiliate website number one amazon holds more than 12 million products so no matter what kind of niche or product you want to promote amazon has it number two amazon has the best conversion rate this means people know and trust amazon making it a lot easier to promote number three recurring revenue if the visitor like what you recommended they will always come back to see what else you recommend in the future and the best part making an amazon affiliate marketing website is fast easy and it'll cost you less than three dollars a month now who am i and what do i know about affiliate marketing so i've been doing affiliate marketing for four years and i make my living by earning passive income online last year i generated around one million dollars in sales by promoting other various companies here are some of mine and my partner's affiliate income reports here let me log in to show you guys this isn't some fake screenshots people are doing this in real life and with my hope you guys can get this done now i do want to be upfront with all of you this is not all peaches and cream okay affiliate marketing is hard work and you should take it serious and treat it like you would any other business that you're starting but as long as you're consistent with your website you keep trying and you don't give up you will start to make money from your website here's an email from a user who watched my previous affiliate marketing tutorial and generated his first commission from his website it's not a lot but it's a really exciting feeling when you make your first sale online also in this video i'll be teaching you all the difference between a do follow back link and also a nofollow backlink i'll also be covering how to get more traffic and i'll be explaining terms like domain authority and pagerank and why these are important when building your amazon affiliate websites and to make this video even better i've invited another youtuber named wp eagle wp eagle is well known in the community for his amazon affiliate marketing specialty last year alone he created an amazon affiliate website from scratch just like you will today and now his website is generating more than a thousand dollars a month he's been featured on various websites and podcasts for being an amazon affiliate marketing guru wp eagle is very knowledgeable about how to effectively write your posts and will have everything you need to know to create a successful amazon affiliate website so now let's talk about money how much money is this course going to cost you guys nothing this course is completely free we are not one of those fake gurus okay we don't sell paid courses we're not going to make you sign up for a free webinar and we are not going to drive lamborghinis so don't worry however you will still have to purchase your domain and hosting and that's standard for all websites but we do have an exclusive discount for all of you on this youtube channel also in this video you will all receive a free starter template that is designed specifically for amazon affiliate marketing it comes with a home page a single product reviews page and also a blog page that just looks fantastic now let me go ahead and quickly show you all the website that you will get for free in this video alright so here is the amazon affiliate marketing template that you will all get for free in this video now making an amazon affiliate marketing website from scratch can be a little time consuming so with this starter template it'll really help you speed up the process of making a really nice and really professional looking amazon affiliate marketing website now you can see on my website how i am focusing on drone so i have topics like the top 10 best drones drones for you know night time the new phantom and also drones on a budget now you can promote any type of products you want with this amazon affiliate tutorial you can promote makeup phones video games cleaning supplies and also kid products which are actually quite popular in amazon and we will talk more about niches later in the video now i am promoting drones on my website however we can also promote various products that kind of involve drones so we have cameras for drones the gopro versus the drones the best talent for drones and also filter for drones so we want to maximize our profits and make money from other products that have some sort of correlation with drones so we'll talk more about that in the video to make sure that you don't always talk about one specific product but you know products that relates to drones and how you can make more money from them and then scrolling down we just have people can subscribe to our newsletter and we also have popular reviews now here you can go ahead and write single review products so you can talk about specific drones the new iwatch that works with drones the best drones accessories and we'll talk more about the review page on the next section and then below that we have a highlight so we can talk about something that's very popular and trending so is the new phantom drone worth two thousand dollars find out in this review it's very uh interesting to see these kind of posts and i think their users are really going to want to click on and read these reviews to see if it's worth it and then scrolling down we have this trending section so this will actually show users what is the most popular article on your website now let's go ahead and take a look at the single reviews so here we have some product reviews so you can go ahead and write reviews on specific products and they're formatted in a really clean style where it shows the rating the images look great we have the title and then we also can put some description about the review itself so what i'll do is i'll go ahead and click on one of these reviews so here we have the image of the specific product that we are reviewing and then below that we have a title of the product and then we can have a tribute so you can talk about the price the performance the value the support and then you can also give it an overall rating now if someone goes and they click on this and they purchase it through amazon then you will receive a commission of the sale so it's a really beautiful format and it's just a really clean way on how to promote products with amazon now here we have a quick summary to talk about a little bit about the product we have some specs about the product and then we have some pros and cons because you want to bring value to your audience so you do want to let them know like yeah this is what's really good about it but this is what we did not like about the product now this is totally optional you don't have to have that but if you want to add it we will go ahead and put that on your affiliate marketing websites users can go ahead and share this article to their favorite social networks here we have an image and then we just have some content about the product and this obviously is demo content but you can write about you know anything that you want and then below that we have some social icons and then also they can take a look at the next product if they want to keep reading other posts on your blog so next we just have a general blog post and this could be something like top 10 best drones top 10 best protein shakes to buy or top 10 best makeup products and here we just have an image of the product we have some description of the product and then we have the buy on amazon and if they click on this and they purchased it you will also then receive a commission now it's also very unique about the amazon program let's say they go through your link and they change their mind and they want to buy a dslr camera instead you will also receive a commission on other products as long as they go through your affiliate link which makes the program very lucrative now i know that because i've actually seen products that were purchased from my affiliate link that wasn't actually what i was promoting so i thought that was really cool that you can make money from other various products on amazon and then this is just a standard general blog post where i list other products to you know to show and then if they buy it i get a commission now also a lot of big popular reputable companies like tech radar are doing the same exact thing that we are doing today in this video so they have the product they have some specifications they have you on amazon so we will be doing exactly what multi-million dollar amazon affiliate blogs are doing today in this video as well also to help you all out i have created free starter templates for all of you such as the pricing tables i have created custom posts for all of you so if you need help with your posts and you need help with design i have designed all of these for all of you and these are available as a free download simply by just watching this video and then also we have post two and then also we have a different format of post three where we just have the product we have some description and then we have other products that you can talk about as well so these will all be available for a free download in this tutorial now this is our blog page now your post will be displayed right here automatically and as you guys can see it looks really clean and it's really simple to read and all you need to do here is just go ahead and swap the images change the title and replace it with the products that you want to promote on amazon now this blog comes in various different styles as well so here we have a simple grid now you can also change this to something like a standard grid as well you can also change it to an enhanced grid where it has that kind of messy clashy look to it a little bit and then we have just a classic or just has the image really large and it just has some description on it so you can go ahead and change your blog post to various styles just depending on what you want to go with with your website so overall i think you're really going to like this template it has everything that you need for an amazon affiliate marketing website and the best part is it's completely free so by the end of this video you guys will have an amazon affiliate marketing website and you will be on your way to start making money online you guys ready to get started let's go setting up your amazon affiliate marketing website is super easy and we're going to build it in five simple steps step one i'll show you how to get your domain and hosting web hosting is where website lives and breathes and we do have an exclusive discount only available on this youtube channel step two i'll show you how to create your website using a super easy drag and drop builder called elementor it's the world's most popular page builder for wordpress step 3 i'll give this video over to alex he's going to show you how to sign up with amazon how to pick products and how to get visitors to your websites step 4 optimization and seo we're going to make sure your website looks good on all devices and looks great in the google search results [Music] step 5 i'll give you some insider tips and how to make your website rank higher and start making more money now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page to purchase discounted and fast web hosting and this is named now performed as the most fastest and one of the most reliable web hosting companies out there now how do i know that how do you know i'm not just lying to you right well i actually tested name hero against 20 other web hosting companies for 90 days a name here performed as one of the fastest and the most reliable web hosting companies on my list in fact name hero had zero downtime this whole week so you'll have a reliable and a fast wordpress websites now i contacted the owner of this company to give me a special discount so through my link exclusively you all will save 70 off your web hosting if you go to the website normally you'll only save 50 off your hosting packages and the owner gave me this discounts just for my viewers on youtube so when you get to this page you will click on get started now name hero offers four different type of web hosting plans they offer the starter cloud the plus cloud the turbo cloud and the business cloud for those of you who are just getting started out for the very first time i recommend the plus cloud i think that's suitable it gives you a lot of ssd storage it's a very affordable plan and your website will be very fast however for those of you who have been using wordpress for a while and you want to upgrade i highly recommend the turbo cloud now the reason why i recommend the turbo cloud is because this plan offers the nvme storage technology which is a new type of store technology for web hosting servers for example so this graph is from and you'll see that the nvme storage can transfer data a lot faster than typical ssd and sata hard drives also you'll see that the nvme storage can access information a lot faster than typical ssd and say the hard drive so for those of you who want a blazing fast website i think the actual turbo cloud is a pretty good option but i know everyone out there is on a different budget so just select the package that works for you and once you select the package we'll scroll down to the bottom and then you'll click on order now all right cool so this is where you're going to enter in your new website so for example my or my dog is or whatever you want to put i'll just put demo tutorial and click on search and look at that we get a free domain on top of that so once you select your domain you'll click on continue lastly we have the review and checkout and look at that you just saved 125 dollars you have a year of web hosting and id protection for under 70 so you have a very good value with once you're on this page you will scroll down next we have the billing details so if you've seen this screen before you'll put in your first name your last name your social security number your bank account i'm just kidding guys they don't want that information it's a joke you'll put in your billing address and any other information you see here for the support pin make sure you write this down so if there's an issue or you want to know something about your accounts they will want to know about your pin just to verify that it's you calling and they want to make sure it's not just some random person over the internet trying to get your info you'll create a password which you probably use the same password for all your other websites right i'm just joking i do that sometimes but i should really stop that we have the payment method so you can pay with credit card paypal coinbase or credit card stripe look at that people are using crypto in fact crypto i think bitcoin's almost at twenty thousand dollars right now yeesh it's crazy man this is going up and then you can go ahead and fill all this information out once you fill everything out on this page you will then click on the checkout button now i will purchase an account and i will meet you on the very next page and congratulations on registering your domain so this is your current client area here you can access your supports you can access billing you can purchase more domains or you can upgrade or purchase other web hosting packages if you want to do that and name your has very good supports so at any time you have a problem with your website under the supports you can open a ticket or you can contact them anytime if you have issues with the websites so next let's install wordpress onto your new domain under the my cloud you'll go ahead and click on my cloud i like this new interface named hero introduced they recently remade their whole websites for those of you who have been with name hero for a while you can tell they did a really good job at making their site look really nice so i will click on the plus cloud the next thing that we will do is we will access the cpanel so on the left side under actions you will see log into cpanel go ahead and click on login to cpanel alright cool so next let's install wordpress let's scroll down just keep scrolling just keep scrolling we're going to find wordpress installer and we're going to install wordpress onto our domain so under software you'll see wordpress manager by softaculous go ahead and click on that next it's going to say install a new copy so let's click on install alright so this is the software setup so let's just change some quick settings while we install wordpress onto our domain for the protocol make sure you have https that just makes sure that your website has a valid ssl and that just lets people know that your website is secure for the in directory make sure nothing is there that just means you know that's it we don't want it to be whatever that is so just leave it like that for the site name you can give your website a name and you can also give it a description so this can be web agency you guys can see i i do this quite often and i just put a cool website agency or something like that you can change all this later so don't worry about it for the admin username make sure you put something that you know because you will need this information to log into your website and change it so i'll put paddy wack and then for my admin password i'll put uh paddy wack 99 for the admin email make sure you have access to this specific email because let's say for example you forget your password you will need to have access to this email to retrieve your password and i'll scroll down you can also select your language but i just speak english so i'll leave this as english but you can select all these languages like spanish turkish arabic and and all those languages and scroll down and then we will click on the install button at the bottom of the screen so now it's installing wordpress onto our domain alright wordpress has successfully been installed on the administrative url link you can click on this link right here and congratulations you have now successfully installed wordpress and your website is now live on the internet now this is the back end of your website where you can make pages and posts now if you want to see what your website looks like right now what you'll do is you'll click on the top left right here and click on visit sites and this is your website congratulations alright see you guys later no i'm just kidding it's using a default theme it's uh it looks pretty bland and boring and ugly and you know it needs some help it needs some work but don't worry we'll make it look really good all right congratulations party people you now have your website and it is live on the internet it's pretty simple stuff right now in this next section i'll be showing you how to build your website using the drag and drop page builder called elementor it's pretty straightforward it's pretty simple to use so let's just go ahead and dive into it we need to change some small general settings in the back end so let's go back over here to dashboard now first things first i want to go ahead and show you all some settings so the first thing you'll do is go over here to users and go to profile now if you want to change this kind of interface right here there's different styles and how to change it i usually go with midnight or modern and i think for this video i'll go with midnight you know we're taking a gamble here we're getting dangerous now also we have this contact info now if you want to change the email to your website you can do it right here and this is actually very important because let's say you forget your password which pretty much happens to everyone your email reminder or password reminder will go to the specific email and then here you can go ahead and write some information about yourself now this will actually be displayed on your blog post so i think people say oh i like to go hiking on my free time and i like to play video games and i'm a marvel nerd you can write all about yourself and this will be displayed publicly when you write posts however you can always disable that on the blog post if you want to choose that or go that routes now also here we have a new password so if you want to put in the password again you can go ahead and put in a new password and then once you're all done you'll click on update profile all right cool pretty easy right now one more thing we need to do before we start making things beautiful and good on the left side you'll see settings under settings go over here and click on permalinks now you want to change this to post name and the reason why we do this is because you want it to be you know daryl or yourwebsite.comreviews right not all this crap which just doesn't look good so yeah have it on post name and then you'll be all set and then once you're done you'll click on save changes now also there are a lot of multilingual people watching my channel so if english is not your first language you can go to general i think it's general yeah here and then go to sight language and you can pick from all of these different languages uh like spanish chinese arabic uh portuguese uh you know i i can't even i don't even know where this is from you know like but yeah you can go ahead and pick uh what you want i also do have my videos translated in spanish and arabic for people who want to watch these same videos in different languages but uh yeah i'll go ahead and click on save and then we are all ready to go next what we're going to do is we are going to import the starter templates and make our website look way better now we're going to do that by installing a free theme so over here under appearance we'll click on themes now what you'll do is click on add new i mean this is a quick giveaway but i gotta show you all how to upload theme so uh click on add new and then here we have featured now essentially how wordpress works guys is there are free themes and these themes kind of they're like the structure and the style of your website so every theme has specific features however we are going to be using a newer free theme that just has the most features i have ever seen before in a wordpress theme so under search themes we will type in bloxy bloxy like that all right and this is the theme that you'll need to use now this theme has massive positive reviews i mean it has 342 positive reviews and that is that is a lot for a wordpress theme with that many installs so you can see it has overwhelmingly positive reviews so what you'll do is you'll click on install so here you'll click on install and then once it's installed it'll say activate so go ahead and click on activate all right so now we have installed the bloxy theme now once you install the bloxy theme you'll get this little notification here that wants you to install the blogsy companion so go ahead and click on bloxy companion now if you're a click freak and you deleted this notification and you're like oh my gosh how do i get the plugin just go over here to plugins and go to add new and just type it in bloxy so like this bloxy and the bloxy companion plugin will be displayed right here so you can see this is it now what i'll do is i will click on install bloxy companion all right now they're asking you if you want to send information such as bugs or crashes to them you don't have to opt in you can allow or continue or skip it's really up to you but i will click on allow and continue alright cool so now this is my interface and what i want to do first is i want to click on starter sites now we have this beautiful template that says product reviews so this is a template that was made for this specific tutorial i talked to the guys over there and they helped me make this template for you guys all for free so once you actually click on this you will click on import go ahead and click on import now you can choose to make a child theme if you want that's really up to you i'm not really going to get too much into child themes essentially child themes will help your website not crash when there's updates so you can choose to have a child theme or not but uh hey why not i'll put a child theme and then here i will click on next and i will also click on next again and now i want to do a clean install so this will delete anything on your website previously it will import all the content for you and everything automatically and i will click on install so essentially a child theme guys again it just helps prevents if you write a lot of css and a lot of altercations to the theme a child theme will help prevent that but for beginners and first-time users a lot of people don't really even have to have a child theme so it's just really all about preference mostly developers need child themes because they do write a lot of css and that tends to get overwritten when there's an update for the theme all right the starter site has been imported successfully alright so click on view sites and look at that you now have a beautiful website that you can fully customize and modify so you can see everything looks good everything is ready to go so that's your new website now let's just say for instance you know maybe a black landing page isn't your number one preference so we can go ahead and change everything that we want about this website using a drag and drop builder so on the top right here it says edit with elementor go ahead and click on this now i'm not going to go through a detailed tutorial on the elementary page builder because i've already made tutorials on that so i will leave those in the description below but it's really really simple the elementor page builder is really easy to use and really easy to modify so you can just go ahead and double click on the text and change it to what you want so this can be a drone review website that makes money right like that and then on the style section this is where you can change all the options so you can change the topography you can change the font you can add text shadow so for example we can make it red or something like that but yeah that's that now also what you can do is you can right click on this and click on edit section now what i want to do is i want to edit this entire big background so let's say for example i don't want a black background i can click on style right here and you've seen how these guys have already made an image that looks really cool but what i'll do is say you know what's for this image maybe we'll go ahead and change it so under the media library section what we can do is we can use a different background image or you can find any background image that you want from the internet so what i'll do is i'll just put in this one here and then click on insert media and now we kind of have this like a review style website it looks a little bit more you know a little a little bit more different doesn't look so techy right and then we have different options so i can contain this actually no no let's just do cover all right and then maybe defaults centered and we can kind of change the the style of it like that so you can go ahead and move the image around with these options right here and just kind of mess around with these options but generally i think cover is good attachments we can leave it as scroll or fixed where we go ahead and scroll and now you see how the background image doesn't move so something like that and yeah so this section right here would basically control the background and you can also add a background overlay so we can do is we can reduce this overlay something like that or we could increase the overlay and yeah so you can go through these options on your own time i don't want to go through every single one of these options because then this tutorial can easily be five hours and i know you guys don't want to watch five hour videos but uh what we can do is keep scrolling down keep scrolling down and let's just say we want to change this to something like uh you know happy customers we can change this to customers and yeah we can do that yeah you get it yeah and then maybe for these images we can change these images i'll put this one right here and then i'll take this image on the pencil and i'll drag it back up there like that and you can see it's drag and drop and we can also replace these images so for example i'll just say you know what i want to use maybe like something like uh i don't know what we're going to grab here we'll use this one right here and we'll put in that one now notice really quickly you might have this problem on your website that this image is just different size and you know you guys don't know photoshop it's it's really difficult what you can do is you can actually look at the size of this image and then you can replace it with that image so for example let's just say all right this image what is the size of this image well the size of this image is 600 by 800 whoops 600 by 800 right so what i'll do is go to my image and for the image size i'll have custom and i'll change this to 600 by 800. just to make it look all clean and neat and then it'll actually resize the image like that and make it look a lot nicer so images you might have a problem with images i'm not going to lie sometimes they don't come out the way you want but that's just a way of how you can make them all look the same and just look really nice and then for example uh we can change this to you know to the best drones you know so or let's just do like uh best drones for men i don't know for girls kids let's do kids that's a good one yeah for kids kids so there we go best runs for kids and then what you can do is under this button you can then link them to that specific article so for example here i'll just go to my websites and just give you a quick little example of how to interlink articles which google loves we will take uh let's see we'll take we'll take this article right here and i'll copy that so let's say for example this is an article about you know the best drones for kids what i'll do is i will go ahead and link that there so when they click on this it'll then take them to the article about drones for kids and here we go drones watch read article read article something like that so what you can do here is you can just go ahead and interlink various pages with these buttons to make it a lot easier so that's how you can kind of use this and customize it modify to fit your preference for your websites so what i'll do is i will keep scrolling down keep scrolling down and of course we can change this to anything that we want now these posts right here they do not display when editing because these posts are actually created by bloxy however there will be an update in just a few days to fix this so while you're editing it you will be able to see it but uh yeah that's why these specific reviews are uh blank but uh rest assured they are still there so when you exit the builder they will be displayed and you can actually change the number of reviews by saying i want it to be three reviews or four reviews and then clicking on updates and then it'll display once we close the page builder but uh yeah we'll keep scrolling down here and then again we can change this to something else we can change the review so if this is a a 4.5 we can do it like that right and then change this image to change the image is really simple just click on this little pencil icon and then choose the image and then we can go ahead and change that image to something else like this drone right and then we can go ahead and see how this looks like that and that looks pretty good and then you can use any image that you want and then you can link them to that specific article right there so that's just an overall crash course on the elementor page builder now i do have another tutorial that goes in-depth and talks about basically every single feature on the elementor page builder however in this video i will not be covering it because that can be a lot and a lot of people will probably get this just by messing around with it so next let me show you all how to quickly create a page and then also add it to your menu just in case you're not sure on how to do that so to make a page just go over here to plus new and click on page and maybe this can be something like the about us page you know if you want to add that to your affiliate marketing website you can some companies do that you know some don't but it's up to you so those will be about us right and then here i'll just click on publish and publish now you can go ahead and design this page by clicking on edit with elementor and then you can go ahead and design this specific page now also we can do is we can go ahead and change the actual style of this specific page as well so i'll click on this little b right here for block c and then i'll just select something like a normal width right like a normal width style or something like that and then click on update and then i'll click on edit with elementor so here i can go ahead and use the builder to make elements so for example i can put in a three column row right and then over here i'll drag in some text and then i can drag in a button do i say button weird everyone says that but i'm not sure and then you're dragging an image and then this image can be something like uh i'll just grab in a drone image like that and i need a title right i need a title so i'll just put a title here and just saying we want your money i mean let's just be honest that's why you're making this website but i mean that's why i'm on youtube so it's a good trade-off but here you can see that you know we can link them somewhere and make everything look good now what we can also do is right click and delete this and also do the same for these ones because i don't want it you know and instead of using all these modules right here we can use a template from elementor so what i'll do is click on this little template icon and there are some pages that we can use a lot of these are for the pro version now if you guys do decide to purchase the pro version for elementor you do get access to all of these templates and you also get access to more elements on the left side over here like you know they have like just they have a lot of different cool little elements that you can use in gadgets and stuff like that now there's some templates here that are for free that you can use on your website there is also pro templates as well now to be honest you don't need the pro version because we already have the website but if you do want access to some of these templates i will leave a link below to purchase elementor pro it does help support me in this channel to make these tools for free and also you do get elementor and you actually help support their company but again you don't have to do that i get it instead let's click on blocks on the top left now we have access to various blocks so we don't really need to go ahead and have a pre-made website but here i'll click on hero and what we can do is we can insert blocks so for example i'll insert this block here now if you do decide to use the block the templates for elementor you'll need to make a free account and it doesn't cost you anything at all so what you'll do is just click on get started now guys i already have an account so i'll just go ahead and log in now you don't have to follow me here but you can just watch and see if it's something that you want to do next i will click on connect all right so i connected elementor and now what i'll do is i want to insert this block onto the page so all i'll do is just click on insert alright so now we have this block and what i'll do is i will make this a fourth section like that by clicking on full width and there you go so now we have this beautiful landing page and i can go ahead and change the title to this and i can edit it and i can keep adding blocks throughout my website instead of having to rebuild everything from scratch so what i'll do is i'll say all right well now maybe i want to do something like an about a section right and then you can use something like this by clicking on insert and then insert this block and then you can go ahead and replace these images and then change the text to whatever you want so the blocks really do help you build a website a lot faster and this is just again a crash course of elementor but what i'll do here is i will update this and save my progress now let's go ahead and assign it to the menu really quick so let's go over here and go to exit to dashboard i will close this next what i'll do is i'll add that page to the menu so under the appearance and under menus i'll click on that and now we have pages so what i'll do is go to view all and then under the about us i will now add this to the menu like that and then i can rearrange it like that and click on save menu alright and now what i'll do is just click on visit sites and now we can see the about us has been added to the menu and if we click on it we can now be reverted back to that specific page so that is pretty cool now that you know how to make pages now let's talk about blog posts over here we'll click on the news tab here is the demo posts that were created by the wordpress theme automatically now remember these are just demo content so they're just placeholders now what you can do is you can modify each one or you can make a new blog post and they will display on this specific page i'll also show you how to change the title of this to something else and i'll talk more about that when we talk about the theme customizer now if you want to make a post all you need to do is go over here to plus new and click on post now this is almost the same way as making a page but there are some differences so i'll put something here like the best drone on amazon something that just people are going to buy it's like oh you got to buy this or else you're you're you're a loser you know something like that and then this is where you can just put in the content so this is the contents now what i'll do is i'll just go ahead and just uh you know paste some demo content something in there just to get just to get everything started and then that's pretty much it and you can go ahead and you can keep writing your content now this editor that we're using is called gutenberg there's two editors you can use the default editor which is gutenberg which is this right here or we can use edit with elementor now it's the same thing they produce the same results they're just different ways of writing the content now if you want to go ahead and add a button with gutenberg all you need to do is go ahead and click on the add a block and then find the button so i will find the button right and then this will be like buy on amazon and then here i can go ahead and insert the url of the amazon product now just for example i'll go ahead and paste an amazon product and i'll select open in a new tab so what this means that when users click on this your browser will open up a new tab and they will not leave your websites and then you know above that uh button i'll go ahead and just uh i'll put an image in here so i'll click on the plus icon and i can put in something like an image now here i'll click on media library you can also upload your own images and then here i'll just post an image of the drone and then we can also resize this you can just simply go ahead and resize it and then you can go ahead and maybe even list a price here if you want to add some more text you can just say you know for example i'll press enter and then i'll add in some more text and then you know buy on amazon for like you know whatever 19.99 or i don't know how much this thing cost how what is it two thousand dollars and we can you know we can actually build that and italicize it something like that and then we can go ahead and insert the link there as well now alex is going to help you more with this and he's going to make you make really beautiful blog posts because this is not really structured it's not really looking good so remember this is just a small crash course on the builder just to get you comfortable with the actual way to make content all right now one important thing is on the on the left side you'll see post right here now you can make categories so for example we have categories here but maybe i want to make a drone category and this will be very important later when you want to categorize your posts so maybe you want a page for drones you want a page for iphone do you want a page for something else this is where you can do it by adding in specific categories and then over here we have featured image where you can select a featured image by selecting something like uh you know like that set a featured image right and then click on publish and publish and then here i will click on view the post and the best drone on amazon here we have our content or our image and then there we go buy on amazon and then there we go so this is using the default editor with wordpress so that's an example of gutenberg now you can also make the same exact page with elementor so now let's use elementor really quickly i'll click on this edit with elementor and now i will use the page builder to actually create the blog post instead of the default editor with wordpress so essentially it's the same thing we have our content locked inside right now there is an advantage using elementor because now you can go ahead and drag in elements right here instead of having to use the default editor with wordpress so what i'll do is i'll just delete this next what i'll do is i will drag in this text editor and drop it in like that all right cool and then here i'll play some demo content like that so now we can see how we're using this page builder instead now let's say for example well i want to display an image of the drone and i want to add a button so it's very simple we can go ahead and say all right what i'll do is i will take an image and drop it in here like that now what i'll do is i will go ahead and choose an image and i will select something like this right that looks good something like this and then below that we can go ahead and use these blocks and just simply uh drag in maybe some text below that and this can be something like buy by hold all that there we go bye now on amazon and then simply below that we can put a button like that and then we can also design and customize this button so you do have a lot more control uh over the blog post with elementor because remember you can use any of these elements on your blog post just making it very versatile and diverse so we can put in these stars and then you can kind of decorate each specific style but again alex will go ahead and walk you through on more of this and make sure that your posts look really good and that they're fully optimized so now that you know how to kind of differentiate the difference between gutenberg and elementor now i'll just click on update and i will go ahead and view the page all right next what i'll do is i'll click on news so now you can see that we have our drone here and we also have our other blog posts now i'll just go ahead and give you a small introduction to the theme customizer right now just because i want to show you how to change the format of your blog post so let's go ahead and click on customize at the top left now we're going to touch base more on the theme customizer in a little bit but i just want to give you some sort of familiarities just to make sure you're kind of comfortable with the actual theme customizer so what we're designing right now we are designing the blog post right i'm sorry the blog page so it's really simple you know all you have to do is go to blog posts because remember we are designing the blog post now what we can do is we can select something like a grid or i like the simple one the best i think that one's probably the nicest and it just comes out in a very clean format and i really do like that so i want to leave it like this for now and then what i'll do is i'll click on publish so next what i'll show you how to do is i'll show you how to assign these categories to your menu and i'll also show you how to change this news to anything that you want so over here we'll go back to our dashboard and we'll go down to appearance and go to menus so first thing is we want to change this news right here so what you can do is click on this little post page and then change this to something like reviews or uh the new or blog or i don't know drone news or something like that or a drone tips or you know something like that something to let people know what your uh what that page is about and then i'll click on save menu now also i made a specific topic about drone so over here we have our posts now what we can also do is go to categories and say you know what all the categories that i talk about drones i want to make a specific page for that what i can do is click on drone and add that to the menu like this i can also do something else let's say for we have our insider i'll add that to the menu which is another category and i can make this a sub menu for reviews like that so this is a drop down menu so let me go ahead and give you a quick example of that so i will click on save menu and go back to our front page all right so we have drone right here at the top and also we have reviews now you can see how there's a drop down of insider so that's how you can display a secondary menu on your menu now let's go ahead and click on drone so now you'll see that only the categories that we talk about drones will be displayed right here so that's just a way to how to differentiate your products and how to kind of have specific categories on specific products so now let's go ahead and talk about the theme customizer but before we do that i'm just going to make a quick page because we're going to talk about the theme customizer but i just want to give you something else another example here review page number two and i will publish this and publish this don't worry about what i'm doing right now i'll explain all of this in just a little bit but i'll go ahead and go to the theme customizer you can also access your theme customizer by going to your dashboard and clicking on customize your sites or you can go over here on visit site and click on customize it brings you to the same exact place so i'll go ahead and click on customize so the theme customizer essentially controls all the parts of your website that the page builder normally does not so for example we have this header right here now you might notice right away this is a transparent header so if you want to change your header what you'll do is go over here to header now you can see that this is a header builder now i will be having a full tutorial on block c and all the features that it offers in another video because quite frankly we can talk about headers and footers for for hours but i'll just give you a small preview of it to help you understand so let's say for example you want to drag in something like social icons we can go ahead and drag in social then you'll see right here we have social icons but they're a little squeezed so maybe i want to put that on the top row instead so now you'll see we have this top row and then we can have like a my account we can have a search bar at the top all right so now we have a search bar next if you want to take the button you can move the button around over there so now you'll see the button jumps from over here to there so it's a very fluid builder and you can kind of mess around with this on your own time to kind of design it now we have a transparent menu on right now so let's go ahead and take that off here we have the header section and we have a global header now this is the sticky functionality so when we scroll down we have this sticky style and we can change the sticky style just depending on you know how you want to do that if you don't want a sticky menu just turn it off and now you do not have a sticky menu so that's just one way on how to add a sticky menu turn it on and off now here we have the transparent functionalities i'll go ahead and turn this off so what this will do is this menu right here will now become it'll be like a blank color like that and we can design this color by going over here to the main row and clicking on this gear icon and under the design section we can now design the color we can have all sorts of different styles and ways on how to color all of this so for example the background the default states what i'll do is say we can have a gradient we can have like a red background which looks really ugly uh or a black but then you'd probably want to change the text to white right and then we have our elements here so under menu one we can click on menu one and then we can go ahead and design the specific element of menu one so for the design section what i can do is i will change the default states to something like whites right like that and then also when we have something uh linked or we're like currently on i'll also change that to whites just because uh i just feel like that makes a little bit more sense right now you can also change the hover icon right there or that little i guess you want to call it a bar right a hover bar and you can go ahead and change that right there you can see it's active and there's just other little customization options and everything but remember you can fully customize every single um element here by clicking on the actual elements you can change the button style so it has like that ghost style so you can go through all of these options and do that but that's how you can go ahead and change the specific color for your menu there is also different various menu styles so you can go ahead and check those out as well next we have the general tab and this is why every theme works differently so for example this theme has a website frame so now we have this big frame on your website a lot of themes do not offer this so this is how bloxy is kind of competing with their competitors now there's also a scroll to top which will actually make a little button appear on the bottom right and if they click on it it will then bring them to the top of the screen so i think you get the idea here the theme customizer it just basically adds different styles different layouts different features for your entire websites now also there's the general settings and the general settings just offers different features throughout your website for example we have this website frame we can click on this website frame and we can even change the color and just kind of you know add some style decor to your websites a lot of photographers use this actually i've seen it before but for our websites you know you can add it if you want to do that but uh i will not be adding a website frame for this specific tutorial there's also a scroll to top which basically adds a little rockets to the bottom right of your screen and when users click on it it'll actually bring them to the top just in case they scroll too much to the bottom of the website so again the theme customizer just offers various features throughout your website to enhance it and just to overall you know give it a look and feel of your uh you know of what you want to go for now let's say for example okay well let's click on the drone news page so just to be clear the post types blog post the blog post controls your post pages so for example we can click on this and we can modify that just like i showed you all earlier now we also have the single post page so that means if i click on this post i can now design it using the single post section so for single post i can actually design it right here so you can go ahead and you know change this to a box layout and you can kind of uh you know you can kind of you know mess around with these settings and see if you want to take off the featured image or if you want to add a share box to your specific single posts then we also have categories remember how we made a specific category for a drone so this is my category page and this is where the categories comes into play where you can design your category pages so you can design every single part of your website using this free wordpress theme which is really incredible now the last thing i want to talk about is setting a new page for reviews so for example we have all of our posts on drone news right but what happens if this page gets deleted what happens if something's wrong with it what happens if you don't want to use that specific page let me show you how to assign a different page for your posts so what i'll do is go back over here and then we have all of our theme customizer options now what i'll do here is i'll go over here to menus all right and this is our current menu you can also access your menu to the theme customizer it's kind of a tip but you know what i want to do here i want to change this in dark mode really quick i like this style better actually i think that's really cool so here i'll click on the menus now remember i made that page how i had that reviews page number two i want to add that to the menu by going to add items review page two all right and then clicking on publish now since i made the reviews page two i don't want the drone news no more so what i'll do is i'll go ahead and remove this page so i didn't delete the page i just took it off the menu and then i will click on publish so now i want to say i want all my blog posts to now be on the review page number two instead of the default one so what i'll do is just go back here and back and then home page settings my post page i want it to be selected to reviews page two so now what i'm saying is i want my post to be displayed on reviews page two instead of the other one news that's it and i'll click on publish i will close this theme customizer so now that we know how to make posts and everything else let me also introduce you to the newest feature of bloxy which allows you to create single product reviews which will make your blog post look really really nice now this is totally optional you do not have to do this however this theme comes with this feature and it makes your site look really really cool so on the left side you'll see product reviews so what you can do is you can click on all reviews and you can see a lot of these demo product reviews now what i'll do is i'll just click on view and now you'll see we have this product review so this is a single product review how we have these stars and this overall score we have read more and buy now and we have a quick summary and then we have all of these other uh you know all these other custom fields that are here and then we have the actual product with some description so let me just go ahead and walk you through really quickly on how to create this it's really simple and you can actually use these if you decide to write posts on single products so over here you have plus new and then you actually have the product review so i'll make a review quickly on a drone a drone now you don't have to follow me here guys this is totally optional i just want to introduce you to this feature because i think it's really cool and then here i'll put in some demo content all right so that's my dummy text i put in here now i'll go ahead and add in a featured image so let's just say i want to write a single product review on the phantom you know the phantom drone that cost two thousand dollars so that is my featured image now when i scroll down here we're gonna see some new options so this will be something like buy now and we can also put buy on amazon right and then this is where you're going to put your affiliate link now alex is going to walk you through on how to create an amazon website and also how to get your affiliate link so once you get it you'll go ahead and put it right there next i have the read more button so if they want to read more they can click on the read more tab next we have the small description now the small description is a small introduction about the product now for example my website has this same exact feature so here i'm talking about the bloxy theme now i just give it a small introduction you know the bloxy theme is a good free theme and has a lot of features i highly recommend it i tested it for seven days this is my thoughts on the actual wordpress theme and then over here i kind of go into detail about the actual wordpress theme so you'll be doing the same exact thing here so i'll even go ahead and just copy this you can even put your coupon code or discount if you get them from companies and then i'll just paste that in there like that now also we have the ratings tab so if i click on ratings tab now we can go ahead and put in the ratings so for example the scores so here we have five stars and if i open this what was five stars well the price the price was really really good right so the price gets a five star in my book now what's the next five star well the features right so what did the phantom drone have well it had a four and i'll explain why so that's essentially why you have features next i'll go ahead and add in something else i'll add in the support so how is the support with the phantom drone company is it good do they pick up their phone do we have any problems you know i'll give them a three in that in that case just because i don't think they're that good right this can be something like the quality so for example is it good quality you know how is the how is the mavic drones quality is it plastic is it you know is it metal what's the quality of it so here i'll give it a review of five and i'll leave it at that so for example here we have this blog post right so we have the quick summary it'll be displayed there automatically we have these specs and then we have the pros and the cons it's really neatly organized and it will really help your users understand more about the product so for example you know we'll just say the product specs and then i'll put something like a camera right and then for the value i'll put 4k so i'm telling people you know it's a 4k camera that comes with this specific drone and then here i'll add in something else like i'll put a what is it top speed top speed and this will be something like uh i don't know 30 miles per hour right 30 miles per hour and then i'll add in one more and this will be something like the the height so max heights i don't know if you guys have drones but uh some of these drones can't go too high i'll just put uh 3000 feet something like that so essentially i'm just giving product specs about the specific product and this will just really help your user you know really find their information and just click on your link you know their overall goal here is to provide value but it's also to make money at the same time so now we have the actual pros and the cons so what's the pro about it well it's very fast very fast right very fast and also another pro about this is that it's a lightweight something like that and that's enough now for the cons what i'll do is i'll just say the biggest con is that this is expensive you know expensive and i'll add another item and this will be something like the support sucks you know support is bad right something like that overall right now our blog post is ready to be published and now we can go ahead and publish this post next let's go ahead and view this product review and here we go now you can change the size of this image as well with the theme customizer just remember that this is a default image and you can change the size of the image in the theme customizer under featured image all right so we have the drone and then we also have the overall score so the really cool thing about this whole feature is that this will automatically propagate all of your stars and give it an overall score and then we can click on buy on amazon and if they click on this link it'll then take them to amazon and if they buy it you make money and then we also have read more you can take them to any other part of the website you can take them to a different article it's just something to kind of back up your statements and also maybe provide an alternative so maybe you can even change this to need an alternative and then link them to another product here is a general overview it's like all right the drone is the best theme you know it has some good features you can customize it i recommend it it's really simple to use and just a small overview of the actual product then we have our specs right here pros and cons and then why we use it and then this is the actual contents of the article and then we have our social sharing things at the bottom and yeah so this article looks fantastic and i think you're really going to like to use the single product reviews alright so we're going to write our first blog post soon but i also want to give you guys free templates that you guys can use on your amazon affiliate marketing website now we actually made these from scratch for all of you and we're giving them all away for free so here you guys have seen these tables and you guys have probably seen these on the internet where you have those review websites now we created these personally for you guys and you guys can use these on your website so you guys can just upload it you can swap the image just change the title and everything is all good to go and we're going to use one of these tables in the very next section now i also have other posts as well so these are tables and we also have specific posts so if you want to structure your posts in different ways you guys can go ahead and check out this website and check out the other post and again you guys will get all these for free in this package that we're going to give you so to get these posts and everything what you'll first do is go to my website and under view layouts you guys can download the layout for free so i think it's on page two here yeah page two i have other layouts tons of them for other videos and this is the one that you need right here it's the elementor affiliate marketing templates now i'll go ahead and put this product as well in the description below so you guys don't have to navigate my website and try to find it and um what you'll do is just click on add to cart view the cart and then proceed to checkouts and then you'll go ahead and just place the order and you don't have to pay nothing you don't even have to make an account it's completely free and then right here you'll click on a download elementor affiliate kits now once you guys do that you guys will get a zip folder and close the ads and uh it looks something like this right here and you'll just double click on it and then you'll have access to all these json files now the one that we're going to use in the next section is the affiliate tables so there are other uh you know parts of the website where you guys can use but for this specific part of the tutorial we'll just be using the actual tables so it's really simple to upload a table so all you'll do is you'll just go to plus post and just make a brand new post and this could be something like the you know the the drone review whatever you're going to write about and again we're going to talk more about writing in the next section and i'm also going to show you how to structure your content and give you key rules to follow when you're writing your blog post make sure you're not penalized and then this is a test this is a test or here test and then right here you'll just click on edit with elementor now there's a few ways on how you can upload the elementor templates but i'll just show you how to do it from the front end because some users don't like using the back end so you'll get this folder right here just go ahead and click on the actual folder and then what you'll do is click on my templates and then you'll see this little arrow right here so i'm going to click on this and select the file and i'll go ahead and affiliates and then here we have the affiliate tables and i'll click on open and now i'm going to import these tables onto my website all right and then right here is affiliate marketing tables i'll click on inserts and click on yes all right so now you'll see that we have these tables are uploaded and all you need to do now is just go ahead and change the image change the title and then the description and everything is all good to go so you guys can use these on your websites and i find these are very hard to make that's why we made them because i know it looks easy but there's a lot of responsive stuff you got to do and sizing and it's kind of a pain in the ass so that's why we just made these just to make this a lot easier for you guys so you guys can just use these and you guys can duplicate them and so on and so forth so that's how you would upload these templates to your website you guys can also use the other posts as well and again alex is going to use this specific template in the next section of the video now before we actually write the post i just want to talk about some rules to follow when you are writing your blog post and i'll be having another video that goes more in depth that talks about blog posts but i just want to skim over a lot of information that you might need to know before you write your blog post so for example you know try not to keyword stuff you know when you're writing a blog post about something like how to make a website your article shouldn't include how to make a website more than four percent of your article because that's called keyword stuffing and google does not like that and they will penalize you so please do not keyword stuff it's a quick way to get your website on page 500 and also the amount of content so a lot of people ask me how much content should i write well this is from and they found that when you have more content the better you know so you can see how articles with zero to one thousand words are ranking and then the more they write the more the more traffic they get and the better the actual article ranks itself because google finds that the content is more relevant so that's something to consider when you're writing blog posts and again i will leave this whole evernote in the description below so you guys can access it anytime you guys need help or you want to refer back to it also make sure to add in all alternative text your images so this is very important because right here for example we have best drones for high quality videos or best drones for this now the reason why you write alternative text is because you guys ever gone to google images and typed in best drones to buy or whatever a lot of these images are placed here because users put the alternative text so if you do not place alternative text there's a good chance your image will not show up and i highly recommend to put the alternative text because you're getting traffic from not only the images section but you're also getting traffic from the actual google search so you are uploading images to your website make sure you fill in the alternative text and describe the purpose of the actual image all right so that's just something to consider now also you might be wondering zero you know i'm i'm illiterate you know i don't know how to write a blog post i don't know the structure i don't know anything so we've actually made this whole structure for you so you guys can follow this along and alex will kind of touch base on this about why h2s and h3s are more important and everything so for example this is the title of your article your h1 tag and then your featured image right so for example we have this article we have the drone and then we have just some description now we are missing the h2 tags in here and we're gonna walk you through how to make a really good optimized post so this would be like the sub header so this is kind of like the opening about your paragraph so what am i going to talk about and then you have the sub header so now let's talk about drone so let's talk about like you know why you should buy a drone top three things to look at when you're buying a drone and then here is like the actual meat of your content so like the top five best drones to buy now that you're you know you know more about drones so then you can put your main content here and then you can also add like a a closing you know so you know guys when you're looking for drones make sure to consider this consider that also you might want to check out our other article about how to buy drones and then you can go ahead and link them to another article so when you are finishing the end of your article make sure to actually include some sort of interlink to another article or just kind of you know finish it off with a sales pitch or a call to action of some sort or even an email opt-in just to kind of maximize um the blog post as much as possible so now we'll talk about interlinking so when you are writing blog posts guys it's very important to interlink articles so for example here's an article created by yoast and when you read this article by yoast you might notice that they have links to other articles that they have within their websites google loves interlinking and they find it that it makes the website easier for users to navigate so by offering interlinking on your websites google will actually recognize this and they might actually boost you up in the rankings because they find that websites that interlink articles together just are more relevant so you can see here how they uh have a hyperlink under search intent so they teach you all about search intent they have another one over here about search terms so how to find search terms what is keyword research and then you can click on these articles and this will take them to another article so essentially the website is trying to keep the user on the website as much as possible and google finds this really helpful for users and uh interlinking is a big strategy so you want to make sure that you're interning your other articles together so for example writing a blog post right here on drones you might want to talk about oh the best phones for drones or the best this for drones and then you can link that article in that specific article so make sure to interlink articles it's very important and then also i have some other notes for all of you about things to look out for so make sure just to read all this and just get as much information as you can again i'll be making a whole other video on blog post domain authority and all this other stuff so uh yeah be sure to check that out now once you guys actually learn the fundamentals of writing blog posts you guys can actually hire full-time content writers to write content for your website and i find that it's a little bit easier so you know where you guys can um you know hire someone to write about your content and then also be aka content alex will actually have some discounts for you on these websites in the description below but once you learn like the fundamentals of blogging and you feel more comfortable then you can kind of monitor your writers and make sure they're writing appropriate content for your websites so i just wanted to cover a little bit about that before we start writing blog posts with alex also everybody i do want to invite all of you guys to watch my rank math tutorial now in this next section as well alex going to be using the rank math seo plug-in now i'm not going to walk you through on how to use the plug-in step by step because i've already created a video for that this is for seo so essentially this is how your website looks in the search engine so for example in this video we optimized a website and this is how you can get your affiliate marketing websites to look how you want in the search engine so what i'll do over here is i will go over here to plugins and go to add new and under search plugins you'll type in rank math and uh what you'll do here is well i have to update mine but you'll just click on install now and activate and then you'll get a new tab right here that says rank math now we're going to optimize one of your posts so you will need this plugin and alex will walk you through on how to do that and again if you want to verify your website with google you want to submit your sitemap and you want to optimize your website i highly recommend to watch this video i just made it you guys can see it's february 26th and we go through all the settings to make sure that your website is fully optimized for all major search engines so be sure to check that out but you will need this plugin for the next section so you can optimize your post with rank math congratulations now your website is finished and you're all ready to go now at this point you can start writing blog posts and you can start getting traffic to your amazon affiliate marketing websites now in this part of the video i'll be handing the video over to alex where he's going to help you complete your amazon affiliate marketing website he's very knowledgeable and he really knows his stuff so with that said here he is hello it's alex here first of all i want to say thank you to daryl for inviting me back again to contribute to one of his fantastic tutorials for those of you that don't know who i am and said my name is alex i've got a youtube channel called wp eagle and on there i create videos all around wordpress and in particular i create videos around using wordpress for affiliate marketing some of my most popular videos on the channel are my case study videos where i basically create an affiliate marketing website i then document the progress of that site with a monthly update video and i basically share the traffic numbers the revenue all the work that i've done on the site so you can basically see what it's like to be a real life affiliate marketeer the ups and downs the money you can earn and all that stuff so if you've not seen them you go check them out there'll be links in the description to the playlist on my channel which are full of those videos so daryl's asked me to cover a few things in this video they include how to choose a niche or a niche for your website how to come up with ideas for content because content is going to be very important content is the lifeblood of your website it's what's going to bring traffic in and it's what's ultimately going to generate you your revenue i'm going to show you how to sign up with amazon as an associate or an affiliate where you'd like to say it and i'm going to show you the tools that they give you how you can create your special tracking links so when someone clicks through those links you get paid a commission and we're going to be taking a look around amazon and finding some really good products to promote i'm going to talk to you about how you can do that and how you can kind of write about products even if you don't own the product once we've got some products and we've got some ideas for content i'm going to show you how you can put that content together how you can basically write some content i tend to use writers but i'm going to show you how you can structure an article and some very important things you need to keep in mind to ensure that it's going to rank well on google and the other search engines once we've got our content created i'm going to jump onto the computer and add it to the fantastic site that daryl's created and then once we've added the content i'm going to show you how you can optimize it with the fantastic rank math seo plugin so to start with i want to make it very clear what an affiliate marketing website is because there's probably a few of you out there that are thinking you know what is the point of an affiliate marketing website why on earth would anyone visit an affiliate marketing website surely they'd just go to amazon and just order what they want well yeah a lot of people do that because they're clear in their mind what they do want there's a whole load of people out there that know they want something or they need something maybe they've got a problem they need to overcome maybe they're trying to do a certain task and they know they need a tool or or something to help them with that and they're just a little bit unsure you know they're ready to buy nearly they just need a little bit of hand holding pointing in the right direction some recommendations made to them to help them make that final purchase and that's where an affiliate marketeer comes in we're there to answer their questions and to guide them towards the perfect product for them that's why content is so important for an affiliate marketing website content is what's going to pull visitors in from google and basically the more content you've got the more traffic your website's going to get and ultimately the more money you're gonna earn so let me give you a real world example i'm gonna use one of my case study sites we've got a load of articles on there and one of them is this one it's basically a guide on choosing the best roof box for your car for camping equipment it's a very popular reason for buying a roof box by the way if you don't know what a roof box is maybe i should be clear it's a box that you put on the roof of your car and it gives you loads more storage space so you can take more stuff with you when you you know going on a road trip but anyway yeah i've got this article on the best roof box for camping so when anyone does a search on google looking for a roof box suitable for camping equipment my article comes up my article recommends a number of roof boxes that are perfect for camping equipment and of course when someone clicks through and buys one of those roof boxes or indeed buys anything from amazon within 24 hours of clicking my link i earn a commission so basically that's what affiliate marketing is all about you're there to add value by helping people make a purchase by guiding them towards what they need for whatever it is they want to do okay so let's talk about choosing a niche or a niche depending on how you like to say it a lot of people get stuck on this they spend a lot of time they kind of just can't move forward because they're desperately trying to find the perfect niche well it's actually quite hard to find the perfect niche and you often don't know until you actually get started um but here's a few little tips and ideas to help you choose something that should hopefully work well for you the first thing you want to do is look at yourself look at what you're into what interests are you into what hobbies have you got what experience what knowledge could you share with the internet via an affiliate marketing website to help people make a purchase so maybe you're into sports maybe there's a particular sport you're really good at and you know lots of stuff about it maybe you can write about that and maybe you're good with your hands maybe you you know you're crafty or you you're good at diy there's gonna be something that you are good at or something that you're into that might lend itself very well to an affiliate marketing website i call this an interest-based approach because you're starting from an interest point of view and by the way if you haven't got any of your own hobbies or interests you can go check out the wikipedia page on hobbies there's a whole load on there so maybe one of them might work for you another way with coming up with a niche idea is what i call a product based approach and that's how i came up with the idea for i was looking for a product i was looking for a roof box for my car and there wasn't much information on the internet about my particular make of car and roof boxes i thought well maybe i could fill that gap and yeah that's how best roof box came about so amazon is a good place to start on this the first thing i'd say is go and check out the amazon commission rates because these do vary between the different categories of product on amazon and indeed they vary between the different amazon countries so if you're thinking of promoting to the us market do a search on google for the affiliate commission rates and you'll see a page and on there it lists off all the different categories and the different commission rates i'd recommend you choose something with at least a three percent commission rate i know that doesn't sound very high but people do tend to order quite a bit on amazon and the conversion rate is also very high so it can still generate a nice income you might also want to check out some of the other countries so do a search for amazon commission rates uk and you'll also see a big table of categories and commission rates and they're much more generous in other countries that aren't so that might be worth considering once you've chosen a category that has a reasonable commission rate get onto amazon and drill into the store directory and then just start diving deep within those categories and you'll be surprised how deep they go within amazon when you're looking around on amazon you're looking for a few different things when it comes to choosing a product niche first thing is you want to find some products that people will need a little bit of assistance when it comes to choosing the right one which is why roof boxes is a great niche because it's a little bit confusing choosing the right roof box for a car i'd recommend opening another tab in your browser firing up google and just typing in some things around the products you're looking at and seeing if people are typing in questions like you know what is the best roof box for fishing or what is the best wheelbarrow for moving concrete you know that kind of thing have a look and it should become quite clear whether there's a lot of interest in those products and whether people are asking a lot of questions about them whilst you're on google looking at those questions you're also going to want to have a look at the other sites that are coming up for those searches you know are they well served with content is there content out there that's actually answering the question specifically because if there isn't that's a great opportunity for you the next thing you're going to want to check is the product price range you don't really want to be promoting stuff that's less than 100 because you know if you remember what those commission rates were on amazon they're pretty low so the higher the value the better you might also want to check out if there are other merchants that you could possibly sign up as an affiliate for uh you know have some extra options on your site that aren't just amazon and you'll also want to check if there's any digital or recurring products that are out there on the internet that you could also promote so that could be software training courses uh ebooks all that kind of thing because those products generally pay a much higher commission and if you can sell a recurring product you know something like web hosting or domain names or you know some software that's on a recurring license that can be really lucrative a few other quick tips i want to give you on choosing a niche first is avoid ymyl niches or niches so these are things to do with money or health basically because google is looking for accredited professional people to kind of write stuff in those niches so doctors or financial advisors i'm not saying that it can't be done but it's just a little bit more difficult to do well in those niches so yeah avoid ymyl niches another thing you want to check is seasonality and you can do this with the google trends tool now seasonality isn't necessarily a bad thing you just need to be aware of it you need to know if your website is going to create a lot of revenue in the summer and not in the winter just so that you can kind of plan around it now i've got a number of websites that are seasonal it's not a big deal and in fact if you get it right and you create one that's good in the summer and one that does well in the winter you can have a kind of consistent level of income yeah just be aware of seasonality final thing you want to keep in mind is whether you like the product and the niche because it's going to be a lot easier if it's something that you do like something you got a bit of interest in it's just going to be more motivating and especially if you're writing your own content that's going to really help i've put together a little spreadsheet that i use when i'm planning my affiliate marketing websites to help me choose a niche and you'll find a link to that spreadsheet in the description basically what you want to do is just fill in the different boxes and they're going to turn different colors either red yellow or green and once you've completed all the boxes you're going to want to look at the sheet and the niches that have more green are probably going to be the ones for you the ones that have got a lot of red are probably best avoided the sheets also got a tab to help you plan your articles and basically to come up with ideas for content i like to use google similar to what i just showed you where you go to google you type in the keyword or something to do with the niche you're looking to create a site on and just see what google suggests one way to force loads of suggestions from google is to use the alphabet method so you just basically type in something through your niche and then you just go through the letters of the alphabet and see what's coming up you're going to want to make a note of all of the suggestions that are coming up that look like they could become a really good article because those suggestions are great article ideas also suggest that you check out the question area on google because there's some great ideas for content in there and by the way if you click on the questions google will serve you more questions it's like an infinite display of questions so go through those and see which ones would make great articles for your website you might also want to do a few little searches on them just to see what the competition's like and basically you're going to be wanting to look for topics and questions that don't have a lot of content around them i mean google will of course serve content but you want to see how accurate that content is to the search is it answering the question and is it answering it well and accurately stick all the ideas in the first column in the sheet and in a few moments i'll show you how you can develop those out into article ideas there are a few tools available that can help with keyword research i quite like keywords everywhere it's a little extension that plugs into your browser you do have to pay for it it's not very expensive it gives you a volume figure which is kind of indication of how popular a particular search is i'll take that number with a pinch of salt and for example i wouldn't disregard keywords that have a zero volume because you know if they're coming up in google suggest there's a good chance that people are using them and there's a good chance that it would make a good article these tools are also useful because they give you a few more suggestions um but you know you can just use google i tend to just use google and you can get enough information from google without having any fancy tools but you might want to check them out and if you do you'll find links to tools that myself and daryl recommend in the description so i did a little bit of research on google to come up with an idea for an article as an example for you guys in this video i'll do some searches around you know best drones for a for b for c for d just to see what was coming up i also did another variation of that i did best drones with a with b with c and there was loads of ideas coming up um so you know there's plenty to write about in the drones niche i decided to go with the keyword best drone with camera for under 200 and when i was looking at the search results page there were also a few other questions that looked pretty interesting and what i'm going to do is take those and create an article around them so the main title of the article is going to be best drones for under 200. and by the way don't worry too much about plurals and things you know people might be searching best drone for whatever but you can write an article around best drones for that's fine and then yeah i took a few questions off the google search results page just to kind of make the article more relevant and to also fit with what google thinks are associated terms so you can see there was a question on are cheap drones any good i thought i'd include that one in there there's also a question there on what is the cheapest camera drone so i'm gonna combine all those together into an article so now we've got an idea for an article we should go and find some products to talk about within that article best place to do that is amazon of course basically do a search i'm going to be looking for drones that are under 200 that have a video camera or that can record video and once i found a few that look good i'm gonna start narrowing it down and i'm gonna narrow it down by their rating i basically wanna promote products that are good so i'm looking for at least four stars preferably five stars i'm then going to be checking stock levels i want to promote stuff that's in stock or that's going to be in stock very soon i want to promote products that are out of stock with no sign of them returning to amazon that's just not going to work i'm then going to drill into the product i'm going to look at the product pages there's loads of good information on the amazon product pages i'm basically looking for the questions and the answers because that could make some really useful content for my article i'm also going to read some of the reviews and i'm going to make a note of the good points and the bad points that people are sharing because yeah i'm going to use that within the article as well now of course i'm not going to be copying and pasting stuff from amazon into my article i'm going to rewrite it and put my own spin and slant on everything that i discover so we're going through this process you should be able to get a list of products that you want to promote within your article and a load of ideas on stuff you can write about regarding those products now of course you're going to want to add links to those products on amazon and you're going to want to add affiliate links so that you get paid a commission so now it's probably a good time to sign up as an affiliate with amazon if you haven't done so already you can do that by scrolling down to the footer on amazon's website and you'll see a link to become an affiliate or the amazon associate program i don't know they change the name of it all the time yeah just click that you then need to sign in to amazon and fill in a few details you know name address and the websites that you're going to be promoting amazon on and they're going to ask you a few other questions once you've completed this process you'll get instant access to the tools that you need to create your affiliate links and basically get a bar across the top of amazon so that when you're looking at a product on amazon you can generate a tracking link you can pull down images and you can basically do everything you need to do as an affiliate now you might be thinking but my site's not ready yet maybe i should wait to sign up as an affiliate well no you should sign up right now because you're going to want to add those links straight away to your content and amazon are only going to come and take a look at your site once you start sending them some traffic and you start generating some sales once that happens someone from amazon will come and take a look at your site and providing that you know it's all okay and it checks out and it's not in breach of any of their terms and conditions you'll be approved and then you'll start getting paid and that's basically all there is to it talking about getting approved there's a few common mistakes people make that prevents them from getting approved and indeed getting kicked out the amazon affiliate program i did a video on this a little while back there'll be a link in the description to that video and it covers some of those reasons don't worry if you do get rejected it's not a big deal you can apply again and you can start again you will get new tracking ids so just be aware of that although it's very easy to update them if you've already added the links providing that when you insert links using the amazon site stripe you use the full link and we'll be going into that a bit more detail a little bit later on so i think we're ready now to put our piece of content together to prepare our article we know what we're going to be writing about we know what subheadings we need we know which products we're going to be promoting we're signed up as an amazon affiliate so we can insert links and insert images so yeah i'm going to get on the computer i'm going to show you how to put the article together i'm also going to show you how to add it to the website that daryl created using elementor and then once we've done that i'm going to show you how to use the rank math seo plugin just to make sure it's you know good for google and the other searching so let's go so the article that i'm going to be creating as an example is going to be around this term which is best drone with camera under 200 it was a suggestion within google and i thought it'd make a good article if i look at the competition there is a few articles on best drones for under 200 but if you look very carefully they don't actually mention camera in the title so i'm hoping that might be an opportunity there's this one that does um but most of them don't so on the right hand side of my screen here i've got the niche website planning spreadsheet which of course is linked to in the description of this video you can use it it's basically got two tabs it's got the niche finder that we were looking at earlier to help choose our niche and then it's got this article planner tab remember you need to make a copy of this spreadsheet to use it so just go to file and then make a copy and it will save it to your google docs so if we look over here the first column is the status column which you can just use as a kind of management thing so you can see whether your article has been written or it's being written or it's published you know whatever you like you can also change those if you need to here is the ideas from google so this is where you would put all of your keywords that are suggested in google and you can store them here so that you got a nice organized place to keep them next we've got the article title so this is based on the keyword and you do really want to include the keyword in your article title it's really good for seo helps the search engines determine what the article's about and we'll be going into the seo a little bit later when we publish the article to the website so i've gone the best drones of cameras for under 200 hour for picks i have added a little bit of plural there you can see that the search term is best drawn with camera and i've added drones with cameras and added the word four and the dollar sign it's close enough for google i know google was intelligent enough to know that this is about what people are searching for the two kind of match up so you've got a little bit of flexibility you can make your title readable while still kind of maintaining the keyword that you found in the google suggest let's scroll across the next column is for your subheadings i've got two here you could obviously add as many as you'd like however i would say that when you are writing articles you do want to keep them specific you don't want to dilute them too much you don't want to kind of waffle off on different subjects you don't want to dilute the message of the article so i've gone for what is the best drone under 200 and are cheap camera drones any good and i got these ideas just simply from scrolling down on google and looking in the people also ask so you know there's the what is the best drain under 200 and here is our cheap camera drones any good now i know that because they're coming up before this search term that google thinks they're related so therefore if i write an article that includes them google's going to see it as highly relevant next is all the product information so i've basically been over to amazon let's fire up amazon now here we are and i did a search for drone or drones doesn't really matter i then filtered by price so i put a maximum of 200 and then i basically just went through the products looking at the ones that have got good reviews um that kind of fit the criteria that weren't too cheap i don't want anything ridiculously cheap i wanted it um kind of around 100 and all the way up to 200 and get a decent commission and yeah i just kind of went through picked out four good-looking drones then once i found the drones that i liked i started filling in this spreadsheet so let me just show you how i've done that so i went through the amazon product page there are tons of information on here and just started making a note of the uh the positives and the negatives that i could see on here so see there was a 4k camera made a note of that as a pro then i see there's a gps positioning system let's put that on as a as a pro gps that'll be fine um need a little bullet these aren't actual real bullets it's a little bit of a pain spreadsheets to be fair but we'll go with it and what else have we got 16 minute flying time so that's a good advantage as well and you get the idea now to get the next bit of information which is let's move across the cons or the disadvantages what you need to do is scroll down and get into the review section and you want to look at you know some of the more negative reviews and you'll see people making comments about stuff and i picked up the smart phone app wasn't very good and that the build quality of the drone was a little bit flimsy so put that down as some negative things about that product all the pros and cons and all the links i'm going to show you how you can generate your affiliate link in a moment hopefully you're already signed up with amazon so i've got everything i need now to create my article so i'm going to go away and do that i'm going to prepare it in word and yeah then i'll show you exactly what i've come up with and the elements of the article that are going to help it rank well on the search engines so here's my article that i've prepared i'm going to bring up the spreadsheet in a moment i just wanted to quickly show you um how you generate your affiliate links because i've added affiliate links here to the article so once you're signed up as an affiliate with amazon and remember you can sign up as an affiliate down the bottom here by clicking um become an affiliate just there once you've done that you get access to the site stripe which is this bar across the top of amazon and then when you're viewing a product or even a category page you can generate a special link by coming up here clicking on text and there's your link you get the option to choose your tracking id if you've got multiple tracking ids set up which is useful for multiple sites you can manage these within your affiliate account which you can access by clicking on earnings up here but yeah here is our link that we can use on our website and in our content now make sure that you click full link it does generate a quite long ugly looking link but trust me you'll thank me later because if you ever need to update the tracking ids basically these tags which attribute the clicks and the earnings to you if you ever need to update them maybe you sell the website maybe you get kicked out the amazon program and you need to reapply and they've given you a different tracking id it's much easier to update the links with this full link in fact it's nearly impossible with this short link so yeah always use the full link then you can just copy and paste over into word or onto your website and we're obviously going to be pasting them into our website in a few moments but let me just take you through this article on how i put this article together from a search engine point of view i'm just going to fire up the spreadsheet again in this left panel so here's the sheet so the first thing is obviously the title just up here i've put this little red label next to it so i know what it's going to be on the website it's going to be a h1 that's short for header 1 which is basically the most important heading you can have in an article it tells everyone including search engines what the article's about so it's very important that you include the keyword or something equivalent as i mentioned before when we're preparing the title so this is close enough to that to match next i've got the first opening paragraphs and again i've included the keyword in that first paragraph very good for seo just to you know reinforce to google what the article's about next we've got a subheading which is for this table and again i've included the keyword you see that now i've got this table where i've basically just put together some of the details around each of the products you can obviously decide what features you want to include and get all this information off the amazon product pages when we put the table onto the website i'm going to show you how you can add images using the google site stripe so they're affiliate images if you click on them you'll get your commission if they buy and we'll also add a button as well next to each one of these linking through to amazon with our affiliate link then we go into some details about the different products so again i've just kind of got all this information off of the amazon product pages rewritten it a little bit um of course do not copy and paste stuff straight off the amazon pages that's not a good idea but making out of all the features and what people are saying about it and then put together your own paragraphs which is what i've done here in fact it looks like it needs another paragraph really it's a little bit bit lumpy that text here are the pros and cons so you remember we did those earlier so i've taken these straight off the spreadsheet and then here is the affiliate link so that's all the products and i've got a bit of writing about all four products that we are featuring then after the products we've got the subheadings which were the other search suggestions you remember on the google search results page under the bit people also asked we found these and i've written a paragraph about each one of those we've inserted an affiliate link directly into the paragraph there and these are both going to be h2s so that's heading two so that's still pretty important it's not as important as a h1 but it's still pretty important and google's gonna add some extra weight to whatever i write here and and go okay well that's what that's about i'm hoping that it will increase the number of keywords that this article ranks for you know when someone searches for that on google i'm hoping that this article will come up and google is actually clever enough that when people click through it will jump them straight down to this part of my article finally we got conclusion if i don't like the word conclusion let's go for final thought and that would be a h2 as well i guess just because it will look nice generally in wordpress these headers have different sizes but you can override them we'll put that as a h2 the actual titles of the drones are all h3s and in the final paragraph i've again included another link through to the drone that i'm recommending and i've also included the keyword again so here is our article it's ready to go and it's ready to be added to our website now of course in terms of putting articles together you can write them yourself and you know once you've filled in this spreadsheet you're halfway there you just need to fill in the gaps really it gives you a nice framework to write around or and this is what i tend to do i give my writers access to this spreadsheet which is really easy with google docs because you can just click the share button and yeah they just work off this so they've got everything they need they've got all the products that i want them to include they've got the subtitles and they just have to kind of fill it out and that works really well but anyway now we've got our article i think we should add it to the website when we add the article to the website we're going to need a few images you can of course add as many images as you'd like to your articles i'm going to add two i'm going to add a featured image which is the main image that appears at the top of the article it also appears in different parts of the website like the related posts section or recent post section i'm also going to add a pinterest pin which is good for a couple of reasons first is it's another image that looks really good you can add an alt tag to it which helps for seo i'm going to show you how to do that when we add it to the website another reason is of course you can pin it to pinterest which generates a link back to your website others can also pin the pin to pinterest i've done a video on pinterest in the past and you'll find a link to that in the description if you want to go check that out but pinterest can be a really good way of generating traffic for your website third reason why pinterest graphic can be good is they do sometimes appear on google next to your website so that looks really good on the google search results page and that can encourage more clicks through to your website now i'm over in canva which is my favorite graphics program it's free although i have the pro subscription because with the pro subscription you get access to a whole load of stock images and you get some other features too but the main reason is the stock images it's a really good deal you know compared to signing up with a stock company like i stock photo or something like that so i do love canva pro you'll find links to canva in the description if you want the free version which you can do loads of stuff with it's just so let's start with that featured image and come up to the top and go create design i'm going to go custom size i'm going to go for 750 by 425 which is a good size for a featured image for this particular theme here we go we've got a blank canvas so first off i'm going to add a photo from the stock photo library so i'm going to go to photos do a search for drone pick something nice loads to choose from then i'll go for this one that's fine i'm just going to drag that over drop it on perfect now i think we should add some text this is of course optional in fact you can design your featured images however you like but i'm going to add a little bit of text let me go to text and you've got loads to choose from here i'm going to go with the first one pretty pretty standard stuff let's change the text to be best drones or under 200 i'm going to make this box a bit bigger so that it can go onto a couple of lines change this to buyer's guide um as you can see camera is really easy to use just click around click on stuff you can change it click on this text i can make it right justified like that this one too we can resize it just by dragging the corner down we can do some really cool stuff with this background if we go up here and go edit a whole lot of kind of filters and stuff like that be like instagram so you know i can make it cherry fuchsia pop that's quite nice i'm going to make this a bit bigger maybe have it down here maybe a little bit squashed like that i think maybe if i make the 200 bigger that will look good or at least increase the line height i'm gonna do that up here because the 200 is a little bit close there we go there we go that looks fine i think i'll leave that the same size by adjusting the line height it looks a lot better that'll do for now let's click download i'm going to go for jpeg and turn the quality down a little bit just so we get a smaller file size smaller file sizes for images are good because they load quickly and they don't slow down your site so let's click save and save it on the computer that is beautiful so there's our pinterest graphic let's download it again as a jpeg turn the quality down a little bit click download i'm going to include the keyword again of the article so best ratings for under 200. it's already there it's perfect i'm just going to add the word pin on the end so i know what it is and click save so we've got our two images we're now ready to add the article to the website so let's do it so i'm over at the website i'm logged in ready to go i've got my article here on the right hand side so i can easily just copy and paste stuff over so obviously all ready to go we just went through it all and it's you know marked up with what's going to be h1 and h2 and i'll show you how that works in wordpress in just one moment but to start we need to create the post so i'm going to go to new and then post posts are what you need for articles let me just copy and paste that in the title is very important and should always include your keyword or the question or the phrase or whatever it is you're targeting or at least be very similar to it because when you add it as a title in wordpress wordpress is going to wrap it with a title tag and then that combined with the h1 are going to be the two tags that google looks at first to determine what the article is about so get that in there we now need to put it into a category put it into the drone category can of course create more categories just by clicking on add new category you don't overdo the categories but they're a great way of organizing your content tags are another way of organizing your content you can just type them in and then stuff will be grouped together it's useful if you're running a related posts plug-in or your theme does related posts because it will then know which posts are related by the tag next we've got the featured image so we're going to add the image we just created in canva i'm going to go to upload file then i'm going to find the file on my computer there it is click set featured next we've got the excerpt now this bit of text appears around the site different areas and it also on this particular theme appears at the top of the post so i'm just going to take this first little paragraph and add that i'm going to copy and paste and that's it now for this editor which is the gutenberg editor we're now going to switch over to elementor to do the rest because elementor gives you a lot more features and it's easier to create some really good looking content with elementor so i'm going to click publish if you're working on a live site you might just want to click save draft and not publish it until you're completely finished there we go we can view the post see what's happened there we go got our featured image got our excerpt we've got the title so let's get on and add the rest we can quickly edit by clicking edit post again then i'm going to switch to elementor by clicking edit with elementor so let's add this first paragraph we've already added this one it's in the excerpt and remember we've included the keyword again in that first paragraph but you can include it in your second one as well as near the beginning of the article that's good for seo i have got a variation here what drones priced under 200 that's very similar but yeah let's copy this in so i'm just going to put that in my clipboard then down here i'm going to add a new section so i'm going to click on the little plus just want a single column i'm going to come up here click on the little square of squares and then drag over the text editor drop that in then you can do mostly editing over here on the left hand side so just clean that out and i can paste that in so just gonna do a control v or command v on a mac there we go so that's that next we've got a heading so if you remember google uses headings to determine what the article is about so it's a good place to put keywords i'm going to use a h2 for this one let me copy it come back up to the little square get a heading drag that down then i can just paste my text in now it's already set as a h2 but you can change it here i think i'm going to take off quick comparison actually even though i've also noticed i spelt it wrong yeah let's get rid of that got the keyword perfectly inserted next up we've got the table now darren has already created some tables that you can use as templates so to add one of them i click on the little folder go to my templates then all darrell's templates are here i'm going to insert the affiliate marketing tables click yes and here we go so we've got a few tables to choose from use whichever one you like i'm going to use this one at the top so to get rid of this one just click on the cross cross again and across again it's all gone and then here we go we can remove the things we don't need so i don't need this at the top you can right click with elementor i can right click on this pencil and click delete in fact i don't need this entire section at the top there we go let me just make this a little bit bigger so we can see what we're doing so i'm going to start adding these products i'm going to bring them up in amazon so i can bring over the images click here that'll bring up the first one so yeah the first one then is this e sheen so let's get it added so the first thing is the image now here we've got this image widget or elementor element and we're not going to use that because we need to insert the image using the google site stripe that way we don't upset amazon and it will include our affiliate link and all the other tracking information so i'm actually going to remove this what i'm going to add instead is the text widget i'm going to clean out this just delete that i'm going to switch to the text editor which basically is just a stripped down version of the um the text editor i've said text editor too many times there but it's good for when you're pasting in code and stuff like that so let's go back to amazon i'm going to go to image you want to make sure you've got the right tracking id selected you've probably only got one i'm going to go for large and then i'm going to copy this bit of code which is in this box down here i want to make sure i've got all of it then go back to the website paste it in now if we switch back to visual the magic should happen and we should see an image there we go otherwise hasn't updated on this side so that's our image amazon will be fine with that because we use the site stripe code it's already clickable it's already got our affiliate link um kind of in it or on it or within it i don't know basically people click it and if they buy something you will get your commission so next up we need to add the name which is this and copy that from the document so below we've got these stars so let me quickly just say something about stars amazon can be a little bit funny about stars and when i say funny basically they don't want you to imply that the stars are anything to do with amazon you're not allowed to use their star rating scheme so if you are going to add stars because they do look nice you need to make it very clear that it's not the amazon rating and that it's your rating so you can do that by adding something like our rating so to add that little bit of text we can add it to the title here type in our rating maybe the colon now it is a little bit big so we can adjust that size within style the typography in the color here click on the little pencil adjust the size nine seems to be pretty good maybe eight might make it bold i don't really want to squash the stars i think that might be a little bit small so you got that option if you like that or let me take that out you can just drop a little bit of text in like that clean that out like an hour rating like that again you can adjust the size and everything in here 12 then bold you might want a little bit of space actually between the title and the rating so you can either add some spacing by clicking on the hour rating and going to advanced you've got this margin or you can come up here click on the little square grab a spacer and drop that in you can adjust the size here maybe 20. there we go that looks okay so next we can come over here and start to add some of the other information so example we've got the dimensions let's grab them the bottom one here is actually dimensions so here are those items if i click on the bottom one i can then just highlight all that i did a command a or ctrl a to highlight everything delete it paste in the new one we've got the weight here so again click on here paste it in if you want to add more you can just click the add item at the bottom you've got this button here to duplicate stuff if you want to make a copy of a of an item next we've got the flying time so 16 minutes flying time and then we've got a 4k video capture in fact when i look down here we've got a few other little um advantages so let's add one more why not let me duplicate 4k video capture and let's put in 120 degree field of view so you can put in as many benefits as you like so next in the table we've got price now price is a bit of a touchy subject with amazon they don't like you showing prices because they can change all the time and before you know it your table will be out of date the one way round this is to use a plugin that uses the amazon api to update the prices every single day plug in like aawp which i really love you'll find a link in the description to that i've done a few videos on it so you'll find links to those as well but for now i'm going to remove this column this price i'm just going to right click and go delete now i like this little cup i mean you could use this column for anything you like it's just an icon widget i'm going to make it a gold one like that i'm going to add a little bit of text underneath just dropping that in call it editor's choice i'm gonna have another little cup for the next one which will be like a silver or bronze or something like that for highly recommended but yeah use this as you like add icons add some text it's up to you now i'm just gonna center that by going to style and then alignment center maybe even make it bold by going into typography and then wait that looks nice then finally we've got this button so we click on that we can adjust it i'm going to change the text to check latest price on amazon because that creates a bit of intrigue people then click through to check the price and of course once they've clicked through they're then cookied for 24 hours and you'll get a commission on any purchase within that time got all the button options here over the left hand side we can change the background color you know green or whatever color you like the blue works pretty well doesn't it it's really up to you what color we go for i actually want it back to the same blue that it was what's that uh there we go color code down the bottom here which is very useful so you can identify a specific color and you can just enter them in like that perfect so the final thing we need to do with this button is add our affiliate link so if we go back to the product page on amazon click on text here's our link now you must use the full link you'll thank me later just makes it a lot easier if you ever need to update the links with new tracking ids say for example you sell your website or you have to sign up with amazon again for whatever reason make sure you got the full links so i'm just going to copy all of that go back to the website and then back to content for the button i've got the button selected paste it into this link box then let's click update and we've done our first product let's take a look shall we i'm going to come up here and go view page perfect so what i'll do is i'll quickly add these other products then we'll crack on with the rest of the article so i've got all my drones added to the table it's looking good quick couple of pointers on the tables um first is if you want to quickly duplicate one of these rows just come up to the section tab thing here right click and then duplicate so it makes it easy to kind of build out your table the other point i just quickly want to add is that when you are adding links to buttons or anything really there's not a site stripe image you know because these already have their links built in but um any buttons or anything like that make sure that when you've added the link you go into the link options which is the little cog there and set them to open in a new window and add a no follow so no follow is good for seo basically keeps hold of some of your link juice and open a new window i think that's just good practice that external links open in a new window or a new tab so yeah just make sure you do that on all your links i need to do it on my look okay so now what we're going to do is we are going to add the rest of this content so we've got this information here about the different products so we're going to add that below this table i'm going to add a new section basically i'm going to put each product in its own section so that i can move them around in the future if i need to next we're going to add a heading three you see we've marked it up as a h3 so the product names are not as important as the other headings on the article because you know we're looking to rank for best drones for under 200 so that's more important i'm not really looking to rank for the um drone names if i was looking to do that i would create an article around each one of these drones let's come up to a little square grab a heading let's copy this i'm going to set this as a h3 or make it slightly smaller but you can actually override the size here if you need to then i'm going to add this text so let's grab a text editor widget okay and then we've got this pros and cons now we could just add it like that with a you know a heading and some bullet points i'm going to try something a little bit different this kind of shows the flexibility of elementor you can do a lot of things with it so what i'm going to do is actually i'm going to add an inner section i'm just going to drop that there because that gives me two columns then what i'm going to do on this side i'm going to add an icon oh hang on no i wanted it in here thank you there we go i'm going to change the icon just by clicking on it to a thumbs up i'll go with that one then i'm going to add a heading below the icon uh and rather than pros i'm going to make it a little bit more friendly what we like i'll make that a h4 maybe even an h5 h5 it's not important in terms of google i don't want it a little bit smaller then i'm going to add the bullets so back to the square let's just scroll down i don't want to use this icon list so drop that there then i'm going to start filling it in so here we go 4k high resolution camera so come over here click on this first list which is the one with the tick get rid of that bullet i'm gonna get rid of these two i'm gonna duplicate that one click on that second one change it it's bringing over the bullet from word so i'm gonna take that out duplicate again then the final one perfect now i'm going to make this column stand out a little bit so i'm going to change the background so i'm right click there click edit column and go to style background type i'm going to go for classic then here i'm going to choose a color this one a green a nice friendly green so like that would be fine now we can't really see the text very well so we need to change this color so click on the icon list go to style go to text text color here i'm just going to change it to white same with the icon color so i went to icon color get the white again perfect change this icon so again style primary color white and what we like style again text color white i'm going to add a little bit more padding to the whole thing so i'm going to click on this column go to advanced and this padding i'm going to link the values together they already are let's turn this up a bit maybe 30 might be good a little bit more 35 looks great now i'm actually going to do save me a bit of time i'm just going to duplicate this so right click on the little column icon click duplicate i want this one going to get rid of that one there we go i'm going to change this to be the one we don't like so change that to a thumbs down add the word don't smartphone app could be better and flimsy build we had the word quality there might be better perfect and we don't need any others because we've only got two things we don't like so i'm just going to click on the cross here for that one and that one actually on these i'm going to change the icon to be a cross we got a cross okay i had a quick scroll for i found one it's actually times that's it times table so there we go for that and this one too the flimsy build quality times perfect let me just make this background red so click edit column into style oh that's a perfect red right there then what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to save this so i can use it again i'm gonna right click save as template pros and cons save so that's now in the my template section of elementor we want to add it just click on this little gray folder template icon and there it is so that's the pros and cons done the final thing i want to add to this product is a link of course to amazon and also i think we should add a little image of the product as well so um let's add the image first i'm gonna basically go into amazon again let me just click on the link for this product here close these tabs don't need them so i'm going to grab the image again using the site stripe across the top here i'm going to go for large i'm going to copy copy all the code go back to the website i'm going to switch to the text editor then i'm going to paste it before the very first word like this there's our image i'm going to switch back to the visual editor you can see our image click on it and then i'm going to click on align right there we go that looks good and then yeah down here i'm going to add a link to amazon so i'm going to grab a button from elementor there we go i want it centered i need a little bit of space above it so i'm going to go to advanced i'm going to untick the chain i'm going to add a 20 margin maybe a 30 let's have a look 30 is good then back to content and we can change the text here and then i'm going to include the name of the drone i'm gonna paste that into text box up here on amazon there we go and add a little icon from the icon library just an external link icon this one there we go we of course need to add our affiliate link so back to the text link section full link remember copy that go back to the website paste it into the link box for the button click on the little cog because remember it's a good idea to tick those two boxes and there's our button i think it could maybe be a little bit bigger so i'm thinking there's a size option here let's make it medium can we go even bigger i think medium is probably about right you want to mess around with colors that kind of thing you go into style change the background color here got the global colors here that's quite nice we'll go with that one last point with regards to the icons and things on your buttons or anywhere really um don't use the amazon icon it can be quite tempting to you know when you're creating a button like this think oh i'd like to use this icon which looks nice but amazon don't like it they don't like you using their logo so external link is probably better so that's one product added i'm going to go through and add the other three and then we'll finish off this piece of content so here we go all four products are now added to the article quick couple of points on this of course if you want to quickly do it you can right click up here and you can duplicate the entire thing really easy to kind of edit the layout you can of course save it as a template as well so you've got the whole kind of product section that you can drop into your content but yeah that's about it in terms of products and the final thing i just want to show you is i've added a little bit of margin to the bottom of each one of these so that there's a bit of space between them do that within the section properties over here go to advanced there we go i've added 30 margin so let's add these um final paragraphs remember these are targeting some other questions that we saw were coming up in google suggest was best drone founder 200 and are cheap camera drones any good so i think i'll add all this is just the one section so let's click the plus select a single column start with a heading h2 is fine let's copy paste it in i've just realized that these headings are kind of in lower case with a capital letter and this one is in in uppercase i don't know if that's a big deal there's a little tool actually that i'll share with that's kind of handy if you realize that you've got stuff in uppercase where you need it in lowercase or vice versa it's called [Music] and say i wanted to make this you know a different case just paste it in something like that might be fine capitalized case paste it back in that's better let's get some consistency okay let's add this other bit of text so i'm going to grab the text editor drop that in copy this this has already got my affiliate link in it so i should just be able to paste it straight in there we go now of course i may want to just set it to be nofollow and open in a new window so if i highlight it click on the little pencil go to the cog i can tick that there we go next we need another heading so drop that in there i'll cheat camera drones any good then we need the text editor there we go and then final fought then i'm going to copy that and grab the text editor again there we go so there's one last thing that we need to do and that is to add our pinterest graphic that we created earlier now i'd like it up here next to this bit of text and rather than create columns or any of that stuff i'm just going to drop it in with the text a bit like the site stripe images so we're going to add media upload files and let's find it on the computer there it is now i'm going to add some alt text over here because google kind of reads this to find out what the image is about and you know it's another way of getting your images indexed for the right keywords best drains for under 200 it's perfect i want it to go on the right size medium is probably about right there we go now the problem i've got is that i haven't quite got enough text so i'm going to write a little bit more text just to fill this out otherwise it's going to look a little bit weird over there so give me two seconds there we go and a couple more paragraphs i think it looks better now but anyway let's have a look at it let's click update save all our changes come up here and go view page so here's our article there's the exit there's the featured image actually looking a little bit grainy maybe i should increase the quality in canberra a little bit but it's fine there is our lovely pinterest here's the table then we got the information about all of the products with the pros and the cons looking really nice the buttons through to amazon and then we've got our final paragraphs there so there we go the articles added one final thing that i'm going to do is i'm just going to go through it with rank math seo just to make sure that everything is in the right place won't take a few moments i know that it's you know pretty well optimized by the way that i put it together in word with the the headers marked out and making sure that i got keywords within the first paragraph or so so it should be fine but to optimize with rank math seo go back into elementor so you've got a little seo tab over here don't get too obsessed with this panel a lot of people spend too much time in here you don't really need to do that you need to get the basics right so this top bit is the preview of what it will look like when it comes up on google main things you want to worry about in here are the title now title is fine because it's you know right here so if you add it correctly as the actual title of the post within the editor then you don't need to mess with this because it will just take that title but if you do need to adjust it you can in here next we've got the permalink which again is fine it should match the the title ideally and it should of course include the keyword which it does you can't include a dollar sign but that doesn't matter then we've got the description now this is coming from the excerpt which we set earlier if you need to override it you can just type in here and that affects the text here which is the little kind of snippet that you get on google now what i will say is that google will decide what that snippet is going to be so even if you do enter some text here you're not guaranteed to see that text on google google will decide what text to put there so a lot of people nowadays say don't worry about selling anything because yeah it doesn't matter next on rank math we've got our focus keyword so this is the keyword that we're trying to rank for so for this article it is of course best drones for under 200 just press the tab key now once we've set that keyword it gives us this score which for this article is 77 out of 100 but i said a minute ago don't get too obsessed with the score don't spend hours and hours trying to get 100 out of 100 it's really not worth it so here it's giving us some tips on what we need to do it says the focus keyword is not found in the url i'm sure it was let me have a look best drones under two it's cuz so we can't get the um the dollar sign in there i'm not worried about that everything else is ticked it says that the content is 1462 words long good job it's not a green one it's an orange one so i'd probably prefer the article to be a little bit longer i'm not gonna worry about that i've got a few additional points here keyword density is a little bit low so i could try and squeeze the keyword in a little bit more i'm going to leave it i don't want to over optimize saying we haven't got any internal links so when you're creating content it's a good idea to link to other content that you've got on your site at the moment i don't have any other content to link to but when you've got a bit of content it's good to interlink them together where relevant and it's giving us a tip on the content readability it says we should maybe have a table of contents to break down your text which is a very good idea and there's a few plugins that can do that for you or indeed elementor pro has a table of contents as well i'm going to leave it for now let's click update then let's have a final look at our piece of content [Music] there we go then we're all done that brings us to the end of my part of this video if you've got any questions or comments do leave them below i will be checking the comments on a regular basis or why not send me an email my email address is eagle i'll try to reply to as many as i possibly can but anyway back to daryl [Music] so now that we talked about the basics of the website now let's go ahead and talk about my tips and things you need to know about amazon affiliate marketing websites and just a general overview about websites and backlinks in general now let's go ahead and talk about domain authority and also page authority first now let me explain to you how the google rankings work for your amazon affiliate marketing website you start by writing reviews and content for specific products on amazon you optimize these posts for google then google will index them and place them in the google search results visitors will then find your blog post and this is how traffic is generated to your amazon affiliate marketing websites however there are some factors to consider that will help users find your blog post more easier first let's talk about page authority but what is page authority page authority is the overall score and ranking on how that specific post or page is ranking in the search results the higher the page authority the higher it will appear in the google search results each time you write a post it's given a score from 1 to 100 by google and this is determined by various factors in the google algorithm such as readability structure optimization and the quality of your article in short if the blog post is high quality and contains very relevant information for users then it will be given a higher page score and be placed higher in the search results making your website easier to find so make sure you write quality content that would actually help someone to get more traffic to your websites next let's talk about domain authority so what is domain authority domain authority is also listed from the score from 1 to 100 and is the overall score and credibility of your websites there are several factors that can help you increase your domain authority of your website such as users interacting on your website like commenting and sharing reputable websites linking back to your website with good domain authority and making sure that your posts and pages are fully optimized for google higher domain authority helps greatly for future posts and usually google rank your post a little higher in the search results by default if you have a higher domain authority because you have already established a good record think of websites like a popularity contest if you have a bunch of large reputable websites linking back to your website google recognizes this and will boost your overall domain authority because credible websites are referring to your websites this also helps generate more traffic to your website because people can find your website a lot easier from other various websites you can gain backlinks by simply outreaching to high domain authority websites and seeing if you can exchange links there's also various companies that will do this for you for a small fee because it can be very time consuming you can gain a higher domain authority by obtaining do follow backlinks from credible and high domain authority websites and remember backlinks are essential for your website's domain authority score so to summarize that's how google rankings work and also how you can get more traffic to your amazon affiliate websites so i hope that made sense domain authority is essentially the strength and the overall score of your website i'll leave this in the description below so for example the a refs the website authority checker you can go ahead and put in your domain here and check the website authority and then it'll give you a little bit of information about it like your domain rating the website's linking to it and the number of backlinks to your website and remember the higher domain authority websites linking back to your website the more popular or stronger your domain authority will become so that's a quick overview of domain authority and also how to check page rank as well now you guys can use these tools check page rank but don't get too hung up on them it's not the you know as long as your content's ranking you know that's really all that matters and um yeah just be mindful about that also remember if you guys need more tips on how to write blog posts i will leave this in the description below this gives you the rules the ins and outs case studies and just the structure of how to write blog posts correctly and you know just things to include and things not to include in your articles like stuffing keywords and so on and so forth so a-refs is like an overall tool for seo and essentially what this can do is that this will actually tell you what you're ranking for now when you're writing articles it can be very difficult to check okay what am i ranking for am i ranking for how to make a blog how to make a website you know it's very hard to determine what you're ranking for so using tools like aref or even moz where they can actually monitor your website and they'll actually show you what you're ranking for and where you might need improvement and these are pretty good tools to have you know just because you want to see you know the search volume for keywords you want to know what you're ranking for and it just gives you tons of information about keyword research it gives you information about what people are searching for uh different search engines and before you're actually trying to go after a keyword like for example the best drones in i don't know best drones in mexico that might actually be very competitive so before you write about very competitive topics you might want to check it out saying well you know is this is this hard you know is this really competitive because usually domains with really high authority usually rank for very competitive keywords so keep that in mind and again it just gives you an overall score of like the keywords your positions and everything else so it's a very good tool you know i'm sure you guys probably heard of a refs but that's exactly what it does also moz does the same exact thing they're just the same service they just kind of offer like you know they have a different approach for it so they're essentially the same thing so just be mindful that's a way on how you can monitor your information and rankings using these two websites also for those of you who want to pay someone to write your content once later down the road you know you get more established and you don't have time to write content you're making sales you can actually hire full time content writers to write content for your website like texon you can use and also bka content i'm familiar with uh and uh this website actually is really cheap and they actually use a website that uh watches for plagiarism so that's also very important whenever you get articles from any one of these three use some sort of plagiarism checker i'm sure you can google it and find five websites or something that watches that and make sure that your content is not copied because if you do have content that's copied that'll actually be very bad for your website and there's a chance you can lose domain authority because then they think you're some scraper website which is just websites that just scrape other content off websites and hoping they rank for it so you don't want to do that so make sure you check out these websites it's a very quick way on how to you know get your business up and running also for those of you who need backlinks now before we talk about backlinks i need to explain do follow backlinks and also no follow backlinks just so you fully understand what i'm talking about next let's talk about backlinks there are two type of backlinks there is a do follow backlink and there is a no follow back link and the difference between both are pretty important a do follow backlink will help you boost your domain authority and you will get traffic to your website essentially a do follow backlink helps improve your overall score of your page authority domain authority and are considered very favorable now let's talk about a nofollow backlink a no follow backlink is still a backlink to your website but it does not give you all the benefits of a do follow backlink for example a no follow backlink does not affect your page rank or domain authority however it still brings traffic to your website some very large reputable websites create no-follow backlinks to prevent their website from being associated with lower ranking websites in order to protect their own domain authority so in short when you're looking for backlinks from popular companies or reputable companies make sure it's a do follow backlink so you get a boost of page ranking and domain authority for your websites and if it's a popular website that still receives traffic a no follow back link is still a win because ultimately you are still receiving traffic from that website however if you have a bunch of low domain authority websites linking back to your website that doesn't really say much about your website and generally your ranking will not improve you can gain backlinks by simply outreaching to high domain authority websites and seeing if you can exchange links there's also various companies that will do this for you because it can be very time consuming so essentially this is how the backlink system works and how to get more traffic to your websites so in a nutshell that is backlinked explained and that is the difference between a do follow backlink and a no follow backlink so that's backlinks explained in a nutshell now you can go ahead and just find websites in your niche like for example i typed in like the drone you know drone for this drone for that and i found this website and this website right here will actually let you uh guest blog and we talked about how that's a way to get backlinks to your website so for example i think it was back here right here yeah so uh you know i don't know these guys i have no idea about them but if you're in the niche of something you can say hey guys uh we'll guest blog for you and that's essentially writing an article for them you know but in exchange you get a backlink to your website and remember guys these websites are on the internet 24 hours a day so this always helps so for example let's just say uh you know i wrote for this company it looks like this guy's out of business or something like that and uh we want a backlink so you can see here how these content writers look at that right that's a lot of content geez so usually within the article you'll see backlinks and this will probably go to another website and this would probably go to your website and that's kind of how guest blogging works in a nutshell also what a lot of companies do or websites do is they let you insert your links in the article and they also let you put your link in the actual uh who wrote it so usually at the bottom here there might be some sort of like susan talbot you can actually put your name and you can say hey go check out or go check out my amazon affiliate and all these websites they work together you know they work together to try to get backlinks because they're all in the same business they all want to make money you know so just be mindful and just uh consider that when you are building backlinks now you guys can use services for this so there are stan ventures and you know i just googled this one outreach frog so now let's type in drones for kids guest post right and i actually found one right here called just and uh you can see they wrote this article you know how drones can teach your kids about science whatever and right here we have a backlink so you can see this post first appeared on and then this links back to the other website so essentially what's happening here is these people are exchanging backlinks and that's just a way on how you guys can help each other get traffic and get more visitors to your amazon affiliate website i know it's kind of a strange way of operating but that is the most popular way and the most organic way to get backlinks to your amazon affiliate website now also in the beginning this video i talked about how other websites are making around twenty thousand dollars well there are websites that are making a hell of a lot more than twenty thousand dollars uh from amazon and a lot of them actually sell their website so like alex talked about a lot of people they build up these websites and it starts generating around you know maybe a thousand dollars a month which is a lot but you can take that website and sell it for maybe thirty or forty thousand dollars and uh here are some examples of some really uh successful amazon affiliate websites you know you have wirecutter you have consumer search this is why i'm in fact this website right here this is why i'm is making around just 20 000 a month and these other websites like consumer search this was actually sold for 33 million dollars so you guys can see that uh it's big bucks in this business and look at the average post length only a thousand words i mean that's it so it's pretty it's pretty crazy the money you guys can make and these websites they're made with people just like you who just say hey i got an idea i want to make a topic about something and you guys can see their niche right here so there looks like they're talking about like a speakers you know uh gift so these people just sit there and talk about you know whatever i mean look at the wire cutter the wire cutter was sold for 150 million dollars i'm sorry it has generated 150 million dollars in commission sales and their average post is three to five thousand words so uh i'll leave this in the article or in the description you guys can go ahead and check this out but i just want to kind of inspire you guys because uh you know what we said in this video it's not bs like these are real websites making real money and i think the biggest thing is people think i can't make that i can't do that yeah that's professionals blah blah blah blah it's so not true it's so not true i myself got started in my apartment and i worked my way up it took a few years and now i'm a very large youtube influencer and i never thought i would ever be a a youtuber you know even my family was like oh you're a youtuber like that's stupid daryl you know and you know i was going to law school and i quit everything because i i really strongly believed in what i was doing you know also this guy right here he's another youtuber and he talks a lot about how to make videos and he's an influencer and i like his content you know it helps me improve my videos and he's also an amazon affiliate and he's probably making some crazy money because um this is his website and these are actually his amazon affiliate store now on his store he talks about you know things that he uses the lighting that he uses the you know different accessories camera cleaning equipments and then let's just say i click on this and you guys can see he gets a lot of traffic i mean this this one post has 50 000 views and i have this flight right here you know and if we click on view on amazon and someone purchases this light this guy then gets a commission of the sale so if someone buys it he gets a commission of a thousand dollars and there are a lot of products that he's offering so a lot of people on the internet uh they are full-time amazon affiliate marketers and uh yeah i just want to make that very clear because i know people might think well you know it's probably hard to get started it is you know i'm not gonna lie it is very hard to get started but it's definitely uh worth it in the end because you can get paid big bucks just like all these other websites so if you guys have any questions for me feel free to let me know in the comments below i do wish you guys all the best of luck on your websites i've had viewers tell me they've they've started full-time affiliate websites they started web design careers but uh let me know your experience and also how this video was in the description below of this video so congratulations guys you have now made it to the end i hope this video was helpful if you guys have any questions for us feel free to put them in the comments below and i'll do my best to respond to them also make sure to like this video you know we spent weeks making this video just for you guys so we really hope it helps and i really do wish you guys the best of luck and the best of success just keep trying don't give up and you guys will succeed now also make sure to check out uh wp eagle's channel he has a lot of good stuff about affiliate marketing that can really help you throughout your journey my name is daryl wilson i will see all of you party people in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 78,295
Rating: 4.933723 out of 5
Keywords: amazon associates, amazon affiliate marketing, amazon affiliate website, create an amazon affiliate marketing website, amazon affiliate marketing tutorial, amazon affiliate tutorial, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing tutorial, amazon associates tutorial, amazon affiliate marketing beginners, how to make amazon affiliate marketing website, amazon affiliate marketing for beginners in 2021, wordpress, affiliate marketing for beginners, elementor, wordpress website, amazon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 6sec (9006 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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