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I don't know what's more will let down your daily blogs or the faculty community kill me off when I hear banging and squeaking from your bed from my room next door I feel a deep sadness [Laughter] let's hope Joe weather doesn't drop you as fast as your label did if I had a pound for everyone that's criticized sorry is halendar I still wouldn't be able to afford it I've had polystyrene tripods more stable than your YouTube channel yeah do you remember when you met with Jay Paul and acted like a complete [ __ ] [Laughter] actually sick I talked to license I listen I wasn't ago all right so I had a look on your Twitter recently I saw a tweet that said Oh collapse thank you so much for 2.5 million subscribers now for 10 at your current rate I did the maths that's gonna be a really nice 68 birthday present I would cite their calculator up today okay your girlfriend's musics off the charts I'm so sorry so as you guys all know my dad has cancer but I thought if I could make all people with cancer die I'd gladly say goodbye to him to see it is worse living with you than it was having cancer at five when you're crying over the last time your girlfriend cheated on you how many more breakup songs does Sarah have to write before you get the hill [Applause] cement in your head in a microwave isn't gonna get your dad to know tissue Hey I really wish you died in that car accident your hairline is so far behind the rest of you it still hasn't been cheated on yet let's go would have been tough watching the love of your life start dating Simon I was wondering if that was coming or not but okay you only got involved in the beef interviews you don't actually care about the sidemen and I'm pretty sure you've told us that you want to leave this video would flop if it wasn't for me you spend six months looking for a new flat you found one and on the final day Harry told you he didn't want so we didn't go anywhere no I'm glad he wasted your time if you presented dramaalert you'd be called chemo star how can I keep up with that that is incredible I was on my way to the airport the other day when I saw a sign that reminded me of you dad it was time for help further than your chin raise your hand if you don't have a hole in your chest your girlfriend has more issues than vogue I just like to take a moment to read out one of your tweets from 2014 Zozi bow normally is Mila Kunis Jennifer Lawrence Katy Perry and so on today it's you bracket basically beautiful girls [Applause] [Applause] oh boy I'm sorry about this okay sorry if you're a Marvel character you'd be Iron Man because of that massive hole in your chest I would rather be the BTech Joella than a BTech Jade Goody at least she finished the job you've been roasted so many times you body thinks he's having chemo again you let me take a shower upstairs earlier as I was just like getting ready like a packet of something fell out of the cupboard it was viagra and I did it too if I was banging someone like her I like all of your sisters Instagram its kind of Mars how can't lose is taking longer to come out than Alfea I noticed the one I took a second soon yeah you have a smell [Laughter] nothing was weirder than the face until you got your halo clan tattooed on your body if I was your dad I'd want to die too I'm a little confused like you own a production company rather can you fail to make videos you're the only youtuber I know who needs to use other people to use [Music] [Applause] just in response to that make like 12 again I don't watch you buddy si make 12 videos around Jake pool being on and off or make a good video with all my friends get paid I'm still staying to your apartment he's still living for like the past two years there with my friends for the last five years you've been at home even my deaf nan turns your music down a lot of people make cancer jokes but I'm not about that instead I've got some video ideas for if the Leukemia comes back first of all try an American treatment second one what's in my colostomy bag third one living in brackets gone wrong [Applause] [Laughter] well the jokes are funny the biggest joke of always now that does not cancel do I change my wallet Ching Chang wala you go first oh all right your feet your feet are literally the ugliest things I have ever seen do you have the facial hair of a child molester on the run your face is so round so comfortable to look at your dish track that's coming out tomorrow it's really bad compared to your last one [Music] just a slight days we going around would they be like you are the ukj pool dat was clapped and he had a bad work I think funny because it's true the only reason why we haven't moved out is because you literally have no friends outside of this tower [Music] every time I watch one of your videos it's like chemotherapy is running through my veins all over again you're 25 hey what's the joke you're the only guy that I know that's more awkward around fans than fans are around you Wow okay even the bird chip so - looking skinny Wow come on you've been going to the gym for eight months now and you're just fatter Gandhi visit on d-day leave all crumbled because your life is boring confounding the truth is revolution is confirming the truth my girlfriend is more talented than your girlfriend [Music] you have the drained pasty-faced of a cancer victim you guys are do you guys do me day here thank you thank you thank you I wish it was you that hit your head in Mykonos [ __ ] back into it over in 1492 Christopher Columbus self on a mission to find your chin and he failed it's such a shame that your sister took all the good genes you and your brother got fisted I don't know what's the pleating faster your CPM or your hairline okay before we start like literally on the edge there sweaty hands oh they are yeah feeling a little bit nervous your beard is so thin it reminds me of when I shaved my fuse oh it's good stop that don't have any [ __ ] cut straight away okay you tried so hard to be involved in the district the people mistook you for FIFA monster it's not shot one person shot it dude okay I didn't say anything okay you only got hub so the cute girls in the street would stop you you didn't actually want the dog you're not wrong stern-faced safe are very stern I'm impressed I'm trying to win this child right I hate your collection of colorful socks you make [ __ ] toast the third thing that's true I don't I don't agree with that one I'm glad that I didn't pay you any attention when you came into my room and to tell me that your appendix were about to burst and I'm also very sorry that I wasted my time coming to hospital to visit you or not oh you go to clubs almost every night for happiness that's kind of sad now you have your mom watches my videos but not humorous it's to leave rude comments that wasn't my go [ __ ] your mum Sarah told me she's your make-a-wish she just doesn't have the heart to tell you I've been in this relationship for three years now you think she would have told you if there was a fire in our house and I had to say I'm either you or Harry I just walk out the door even here you once left the condom in the hallway just to let your flatmates know that you had sex the night before people said that you used to look like a mixture of a giraffe and Syd I think he still did [Music] sara wished that the boy in her latest music video was actually her boyfriend they legit kissed they were very close you know you had to watch as a little cop I preferred you when you were bald from leukemia Wow while we're on the topic I don't know what was I mean to have a conversation with you surprise ah Sara's latest music video that you directed is [ __ ] Stevie Wonder has more artistic vision than you do again missing two people with one really hit him whether it's thank you took me a lot of time that video having to share a shower with you for the last three years has just been a game of what F speed TV can I dodge today I'd have been a good one winner yeah I lost me the game at one I take your toothbrush off charge every time I see it you actually did there's been times I've gone away and not have charge on my toothbrush it's a little game I liked about it this is my final one there is nothing but I would love to see more than see your head bounced off the canvas on the undercard of JJ versus Joe Weller I turn on and I'm out of things to say I'll let you you know it told me a matter of time until Sara cheats on you unless she hasn't already thanks for reminding me the only reason why you have been with your two last partners is because I had the balls to go and speak to them first right you ready okay okay I didn't think that you could get more cringing and making a song about a Lamborghini but then I saw your tattoos what is our sing triggered the only reason we're doing this video is because you need me to get any substantial views on your channel fair enough I feel like delivery could have been better because substantial I said substantial immense inside yeah cool here we go come on JJ nobody wanted your comeback but if we did we'd scrape out a fee for monsters mouth your boxing trainer must be really good because your face is looking hella mashed up you have grandpa eyes I've never known somebody to spend so much money on clothes and still look clapped you are Sara's temporary boyfriend till she makes it big so she can finally leave you I have no idea what lasted longer your rap career or your baby this video is making you no money because you have CPM out of 8 of your most viewed videos oh I'm in five of them okay alright better than I expected it was hey I've been walking I don't know why you got those words tattooed because ksi stands for knowledge strength and inability to rap okay my parents are happily married your parents aren't even together and I'm the black one for a family full of attention-seekers it surprises me that no one has tried to commit suicide yet I guess that's the next step I laughed when your ex dumped you when your girlfriend was searching massive online I don't know if it was you she was searching for I'm glad your mom's cat is dead today I'm lucky enough to hand this to ksi for most amount of babies killed in a Seidman house I would rather die of cancer than watch a video of yours that doesn't include me you just have to look at your trainer collection to realize that money really can't buy a decent fashion sense I think my shoes are pretty cool your shirt sucks never your kids are gonna be bullied at school because of your rap career record I'm richer than you okay imagine training for six months eating healthy losing a load of weight training almost every day all to get knocked out on the first round your foreskin sucks are you dyslexic or did you mean your girlfriend sucks my foreskin all right I'm going first my palms are suede a saw you have user down lately when's the baby coming on the one go you've got a massive house massive YouTube channel massive bank account and a massive speech impediment you're right I do have a big house I have a channel to double your subscribers he's responding and also haven't bothered uploading on in 12 months I thought your content couldn't get any worse than it already was until I saw that you live streamed making dinner last night he did two plus two minus one is three that's quick maths zero plus zero plus columns views is zero is your sex life as underwhelming as saris calendar was my bum cheeks have more hair than your actual team's I'll pick the right day to shave what's been harder to grow your beard or change channel slowly how you got Sarah to model your merchandise wonder what you've got our therefore I was trying to think of a response but I couldn't go up who needs sleeping pills when we can just watch one of your blog's I tried to do this insult much I'm sorry yeah but you wouldn't let her out the house I've only got one left I don't know what lower your CPM or service standards I wish we had a reaction cabinet alright Alfie I see you let Nala sleep with you sometimes what's it like to share a bed with two dogs what's it like some viewers may find the following video disturbing viewer discretion is advised hey guys how you doing my name is calyx today I'm gonna regret this I already know I'm on a waiter we've got like 15 fans over here for the home side and anyway another insult challenge today first some I'm going up against see people I don't know if you're too aware of what they do but this stupid put his head in a microwave a couple weeks ago almost died after his head was cemented inside a microwave oven I'll let you live Jay I don't know what's more clapped your match or your go when I heard you had can say it made me laugh it was pretty sad but I heard that your goal left you and your mum to Jamaica and you go Jay yeah I have to admire you go she is incredibly brave for wearing a white jumper today with all that makeup on oh I don't even need to look up a phone for this one you just can't tell what part of my body hurts I like your eyes I'm a heart set in a little bit stomachs feel a little bit sick guys I actually don't know what contains more cancer my blood or your channel roll so you find out a couple of weeks ago I heard you turned your girlfriend's room into a jungle obviously I think you wasted your time because all you need to do is take a French knickers off and look at pubes I said if you if you offended me I was gonna hit you how I'm desperately scrawls for as you know it's now looking for something to match up to me your CPM is in the hands of me now Venus this is on your channel I'm gonna destroy a little more with five words I can't fit I said yeah it's right what am I gonna do that my chair will be down below do I even want to put it on there my - it will be down below I'll tweet out the night of this video there goes out you guys said that you were gonna bring all of your friends along to watch this tonight 1 2 3 only a driver license or provisional can I see ya got a provisional yeah can I see it please yeah sure you are you are really ugly that's not the joke I'm just stating facts um I feel like the reason why you don't drive is because the only thing you can drive your YouTube career into the ground you didn't need to see my driving license did you know she want to go over the fact again badly okay oh he just pulls a straight face every time as well as your CPM is that lawyer I'm starting to think Cancer Research is your goal for me page it's a real shame the Fire Brigades up your face when they took her microwave off the way you speak makes me wonder if it has something to do with your non-existent chin or you're just genuinely disabled no but more than you would you mind taking off your hat and potential off it builds a super safe free I don't know what goes further back both your hairlines or my dick down your girl's throat if you're free later happy both did your personal channels cuz you're both boring as alone you must be so insecure about the fall of the Korea but the rise of you girlfriends girls didn't realize girlfriends a singer music track just like that one Oh with my phone then send you the footage to put it in the video the side profile of your face looks like the exact replica of Dory from Finding Nemo Thank You Shea thank you you don't have a girl so you stay out of this little did not know what good toddies go up in memes you girl this whole video alright words can't actually describe how beautiful [ __ ] right but numbers can she's a four out what your mum was last night when I heard that your girlfriend cheated on you I laughed for about seven days straight your girlfriend cheated on you and you felt sad side profile for this one no I just I need you to all right Kallen yeah die it's a real shame that the emergency services act so fast around here oh really you can go fast edge your honor you give you or me to go first I'm really gonna set the scene so you've already ready okay even your leukemia killed itself to get away from you okay all right so when are you gonna start wearing a bandanna to cover your hairline you're the charity were playing for what Charlton Charlton Josh I like you today why does it it like you've already fought Jake Paul and lost not my big Liz your girlfriend is a anything I need no no if we could cut down on the odds Deji I'm open to criticism yeah you know it's mad though he is more clap than me and that's saying something you haven't had a million views in the last six months about using someone's you know soin else's name in the title what is my delivery bed alright alright him yeah God do it again I'll definitely use the second one Deji I'm really looking forward to the next YouTube party where you stand in the corner alone again Adam wait Adam I'm sorry if your dish track was any slower it would be going backwards how am i close to taking an L on this one you look like the kid from your speech impediment makes me sound normal even your own girlfriend is a shame to suppose we interrupt this segment of the video to fact-check just going to confirm something she doesn't have that box on her channel I don't know what's easier Jake pause fight against you or yankem you know I fought hiring Ben and make you a better youtuber all it did is has told me that it's someone else observes more subs in you because I can okay one yeah one thing I've always really admired about you is how you take advantage of situations so your brother obviously massive youtuber you pulled out the bag almost got 10 million subs yeah and the way that you took advantage of marina Joy's weight the joke or that so your girlfriend posted happy birthday obviously on your birthday but she doesn't even at you in the picture she has Ethan and Harry in the same picture it's a light usually saying happy birthday actually didn't even at you she's too ashamed to add you in there I was going to write some insults about his girlfriend but he doesn't have a passport also say care sighs little brother you know what your breasts things guys I apologize for wasting your time seriously like you guys came all the way here to see this and the right misty people oh I just have to clarify that because it wasn't already at that joke when I saw my joke I've done I overheard some fans talking about you on the bus the other day well your videos are the only videos on all of my friends I don't watch do you not have a girlfriend because your parents don't let you out after seven is it liberating being able to go to the toilet without having to ask your mom I need a fire that will bang out don't put that much pressure on yourself I mean the ones that you wrote down weren't that great a minute silence for the L that desi took in the last video Oh your insults are better than that internally because that was [ __ ] sure welcome to another in sauce challenge today I have will any not our biggest audience share and of a similar audience to the last time well is Ed's first time in the Seidman house can we give a round of applause [Music] you will know the rose by now but if you need to the channel we insult they're not new to the channel but we insult each other take a turn each and at the end of it these a lot vote on who is their favorites let's go you of this easy what's the worst thing about sleeping with your mum I hate going third if we take hasn't got as yeah okay well let's not that don't let's not yeah silence yeah alright Carol if you ever marry Sarah you will be the one getting wifed okay what do you and jimmy savile have in common you both take advantage of kids for a living where are we with it you are so clapped even jack mate called you ugly you know I wish I could visit your grave so you date no just dead I wish I could visit his grave oh no you better get your act together on this channel is finished per month more people choose to watch the jmx YouTube channel Daniels I [Laughter] haven't seen anyone as malnourished as you since I was in a bed on a cancer ward oh I've got a belly on me no you know that 90% of heads blocking this camera you do you know that right twice in one go I saw you stole the descending garlic bread the space thing you're the only person like genuinely I know can steal a bank video but JJ's name of the title and still get less loose now the audience know oh good your ex-girlfriend sent you a Google image of a positive positive pregnancy test and you cried and told your parents true story I didn't cry but as five as well no she made it wasn't my ex-girlfriend I don't know if this can stay in but I'll tell her she texts me she's Kyle puts a story of me in a last on his story she sees it she texts me like oh I saw your new little girlfriend by the way I'm pregnant googled an image and sent five pregnancy tests she had me on ropes for a day and then she was like oh I've just found it on Google actually it's fine I'm mad it's my dmg yesterday to get some dirt she then snitched and told you fair enough so I called your mum but she said she couldn't talk right now no could you you need to watch time get it out that was a good one I'm only here today because you're scared that Steven would end your only series that people watch and it's just true it's just true I bet your mum's not happy that your girls other than her why does your Geordie mum always have to go to the toilet with a friend by car because she's not used to pulling down her own knickers this is just an assault on my poor mother how are you the oldest of all your friends and still the least successful it's that true yeah yeah it was that good your mum claps when the plane lands if you've written 27 I'll just city of Antigua all right I've got one written responses with that comfortable my chin sticks out further than your girl's ass watch my laptop I got a selfie with your girlfriend yesterday [Laughter] yes sir you should have mentioned she was your girlfriend at least I show my girlfriend it's been four days a week well any more like will anyone do a [ __ ] if I die today [Applause] today I'm joined by the man himself the man who's been predicted to ruin not only the series on my channel but my actual channel itself Stephen tries slings around an ounce that's a good start probably better than everything I've got anyway if you are somehow new around here this is a series on my channel where we insult each other we take it in turns go back and forward and at the end of it these beautiful people vote for who they think won one getting angulation anything you'd like to say before we get into its theorem and some of the things to talk about you know are my own views it's just the views of you know what what people want to hear you know I would like to say that I am exactly the same anything that I do say in this video is a joke to put the peter bit that's true I'll go first even just set the tone can I just say before I get into it I've changed up my approach this sounds like it's a boxing match well at least some of us did can plan didn't go out the window alright let's go good luck good luck oh you too mate yeah Cheers your mom works for DPD slightly different turn I've gone for your mum and dad must have been really nice because if I had a ginger kid they'd be off and off quicker than you could say ginger man the only thing lower them a CPM is Sarah standards this is a good start let's move down the list you know with a think your mom ate too many carrots I watched your ice cream district for someone with a lisp II surprisingly spitting every girl likes a guy that can make them laugh so what's your excuse for still being a virgin it's not far off Kyle freezy said you were no sorry sorry thank you carry on you have a series in which youtubers teach you how to drive I'm surprised you need a car when JD's character for five years yep you're not wrong there I don't know what's more dead your trim or Casper Lee's channel sorry Casper Oh father it was your called calyx or to give you your full name calyx like a monk oh one six one more like no one likes you I would never trust you around my kids you filthy not the approach guys I switched it up your girlfriend is called Sara close I want to give her a full name Sara close to leaving you they're just fun you know yeah that's such an easy pun for anyone to say bottom how many times have you are sir sure to come over for a cuddle I'll move on to another one see here it's so bad that Vic left yeah Callie's like YouTube's answer to Jennifer Aniston he's only famous because of friends bars Steven tries like Steven cries when he goes to sleep at night and realizes he's ginger he came here all like I don't know chemo star [Music] all right this is this is actually a true story okay like everything I'm about to say is a hundred percent true I looked at your agents website and it says your best achievement was being a panelist that upload good time say if anyone he's looking to represent me now he's doing I've done other things you know just anything are you still with those guys yep yeah your sewin fit even your eyes are out of shape I honestly didn't expect it to go like this what time did your mum say you have to be home tonight Cal was meant to box on the last undercard but he was too busy fighting the dark thoughts in his head oh that's that's weak Stephen you look like the type of guy that says what are we after the first date [Laughter] single that's one cow is a big Lisp and a small [ __ ] which means the only thing he puts in Sarah is the lettuce th so think I don't get it that was too clever for all of us that's what I say you've got a note know your audience being ginger means that when you pass out blackout drunk nobody's going to touch you up cheers mate Carol you look like a lesbian with a gluten allergy [Music] Keith Osso Vlasic gluten allergy just the cheek you know what do you and Jimmy Savile have in common you both touch kids you don't beat around the bush I like that before we get into this video I have to say one thing this video contains jokes that completely cross every line possible but what you have to remember is that myself and the rocker boys have a complete anything-goes policy so if you're easily offended I would probably turn this video off right now TV one today but not the first time I did that so at TGIF no not Sara and the other go so let's get into it he's gone first I'm go first all right okay let's get it all right nice to meet you Sara Oh another one we'll say whatever we say we go me it's all just fine no I mean everything I say how does it feel knowing that your girlfriend has sucked more [ __ ] than the Compton you started with it you could have gone anywhere did it feel weird when you fist when in scarcest face instead of your brothers up so thank you thank you thank you that was good that was a slight hesitation on that one the occasions getting some it's I'm gonna roast you rather than your chemo I told you that upstairs these are Conca 1 this is good no no it's it's one each oh yes yes look your stunts are amazing there's no denying that it's just such a shame that one of them hasn't killed you yet are you legally allowed to keep Sarah in the car on a hot day and you have to lock up outside of the supermarket when you go in Daniel and Michael Philip ooh more like Daniel and Michael full of laughing sometimes when your content is so dry you have to rip off talentless like black morgues with fake 24-hour challenges Oh which one have you boxed so so why do you look like you've been here I'm gonna switch it up from Sarah who does covers on YouTube when she really should just be covering her face if only your IQ was as high as your voices are it's hard to laugh at a pedophile librarian [Applause] yes the Helena Helena she looks like a Tesco basic Mia Khalifa okay none of you know what she looks like then the other day I was giving care so I will massage my said Bob wears a leech on your back oh wait it's just it's on facts we don't get that awesome castle laughs because he's lost his voice if they ever do a two-for-one offer on funerals you guys should really consider what's the first thing so much like this is this yeah I'm really feeling the heat right now okay I don't understand why everyone says it Sarah's out of your league she's clearly a four out of ten she's borderline bulimic and I don't know who's what anorexic your girlfriend [Applause] it's fine it's fine you know for huntin you're free [Applause] this is the worst experience of my life too far nothing's Felicia dad won't live long enough to see how much of a failure [Laughter] this picture can we play spot the difference you're probably confused right now so I'll explain what was on the screen there was a picture of my double chin compared to a bull sack this is the darkest first yes are you serious it's terrible I was told these are like really raw food you should go in hard now I'm getting done with the darkest long that's it I don't know what shorter you guys do a CPM or the time that your dad has to live dad died do you still do prank videos on your channel so I say you should set up a hidden camera and tell Sara she's beautiful the only thing less bearable than being around you two was having leukemia the calyx in so much cancer Edition telex there's something about your eyes that makes you look like a [ __ ] bulldog you guys are like the chocolate brothers but want a stick [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah other know what stinks more this collab or how are both of you the ugly twin sorry we have a very speedy Oh that he commented on [Laughter] no I can't I just can't I'm gonna retire I'm gonna retire gracefully and say I've done too much damage on your channel and I'm gonna let you let you win because if I drop this bomb your channel will never be the same again I searched bugle far and wide earlier I knew someone was gonna dumb stuff in I'm like I'll just go a little bit all right guys if you know around here clear a subscribe button I'm sorry that it was a draw but if we're being clear then it was me that there was the winner no they they both ways no they both ways yeah they both win you
Channel: Callux
Views: 3,567,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callux, insults match, top moments, match, playgroud, insults, insult, ksi, tgf, stephen
Id: QJP8Ja_d87g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 43sec (4723 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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