Why Stephen Tries Will Never Join The Sidemen!! (Ep.129)

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yo what's up guys and welcome back to the what's good podcast today steven tried to make it and he succeeded i don't know where you're going with that how about for a pun then you think you're funny yeah i don't i was slapping my leg because i can't collapse because granddad yeah good one there randolph i'm irish so again i'm married yeah my dad's irish i'm irish yeah he has a really good irish accent i'll go on there tomorrow no say something else though yo what's up my name's andrew i'm from ireland ah why are you saying it in that voice that's like louie walsh i'm from lee walsh it's your dad my dad is louis walsh wow called your voice high i whenever i do an accent i always go hi this is german it's low yah what's up i thought german would be high nah i don't i don't want to drink the coffee that's swedish that's swedish oh nice anyway what you got your coffee stephen um oh is this a segment we do it's cappuccino it's nice say stephen what's the weirdest fact you know sorry guys today's a weird one we ended up doing a podcast a little bit earlier because you know simon double boxes so um great but no usually we do it like 4 p.m today it's like 11 p.m and as you know a lot of youtube's 11 pm yeah oh [ __ ] is it can we actually start again anyway stephen how are you today i'm fine thank you thanks for watching guys [Laughter] uh has been in a lot of sidemen videos we're going to talk about that which one's your favorite nick you answered that too quick and now i'll believe it i actually have a list of all the videos do you know how many you've been in how not sidemen simon videos do you know how many cyber videos you've been in harry asked me this last year i think it was six or seven so i'd guess eight the bake off yeah the wheel tinder the roast dragon's den back to school the weakest link i think that's it unless i'm missing one i've done a couple of narration bits you've also done like the football video you should count they should count yeah well you're in it yeah is he yes i didn't plug the mic in for the football ones yeah i was gonna say that one sounded like he was oh i remember you didn't count that one yeah it was funny yeah you had a microphone but you just didn't plug it in it just it just wasn't connected to it [Music] great okay well out of those ones which has been your favorite to be in um i think the simon tinder wasn't fun it was nerve-wracking it's terrifying yeah everyone thinks it's really easy no you've never done it never done it man i would love to do it though but i'm also married would you actually yeah i want a [ __ ] in my chest what that'd be your line yeah probably how are you married well clearly laura loves you yeah scared and you think though it's terrifying yeah and there wasn't too many mess-ups i think cal frieza messed up a couple of times he messed up on the first one yeah that was bad we all enjoyed that so that's not your favorite video no um what did i enjoy dragon's den was a bit nerve-wracking because i think we were first oh wheel was fun but i gave people covered i think yeah that's the only time i've ever seen you like behave a little bit yeah i was actually going to say not be like steven tries yeah because it was every time the camera stopped you literally just kind of died a little bit inside yeah i heard this as well though but credit to you because they said when the camera was turned on you just turned it on you know you're the professional that you are so thank you so much all the comments were like oh he was so good in this and i was like when when we said cut he died rest in peace but now he's back the school one was fun the first one that was the first one i was in maybe that's with phil right yeah yeah i like that i just sort of sat in the corner terrified terrified of phil but i really enjoyed that one well he feels like sorry feels a nice guy isn't he but he did he really plays the character of being an [ __ ] yeah so if you're late to a shoot or something or if you start recording then you just hate him but after he's a really nice guy yeah no as soon as we start recording i i actually hate him i'm like don't i genuinely hate him yeah but when the camera's off nice guy yeah cheers mate good to see you i really like it yeah i feel like if you can get into smirk a bit then you've won like if you could make him to i like well he broke didn't he he broke on that shoot we did sorry to interrupt where he where the wine glass broke in the door yes the uh the cook-off yeah yeah where he was chasing ethan around and ethan ran into the toilet and then he he was holding a bottle of wine tried opening the door pulled the handle off and broke a glass of a bottle of wine but you actually experienced one of the most asks for sidemen moments of harry's censored spell oh yeah yeah anywhere i go someone will come up to me and say no what was this spell was it creamfield join a great time and then these guys come over and they're like oh what was harry's spell that's such a word yeah do you ever tell them no yeah everyone always rules when i stream everyone's like oh how many subs can i give you to tell us what it is it's not really my place i mean if you've talked in numbers though a thousand oh no i said go donate to harry and you know he needs it i like the mystery of it oh god people not knowing i just clocked that toby's head what's gonna say davey's hair is a a bit of a masolini that was fun i felt like if you were in cream fields and told them i feel like out of nowhere circle would just come with like a cricket bat circa i just chose one zerk was the funniest one to say yeah how do you enjoy being inside my videos um i'm usually nervous because i think how people actually watch these videos it's not what i'm used to um and i feel like i have to do well because i've done well in the past and i sort of have a reputation now of saying something funny at least so uh yeah i'm i'm very nervous the roast one roast was my favorite actually i love her it was fun yeah i i i i loved that you know i didn't roast you though thanks oh yeah progress to talia though no i wasn't stayed clear well if you want to roast them you can do it now no thank you why didn't you roast me just nothing quite hard to roast yeah just perfect yeah thank you i went through because i think we at least had a week to do it i was going through everyone and harry harry ethan and jj were quite easy to go for you've not really had any [Music] what's it called like incidents nothing that you can make jokes about when like the true geordie got me to roast him yeah yeah he had something uh and that was perfect for me yeah yeah that's the theme um here is brian it was mostly chester said strong chest and so other people have asked me to roast them since i just say there's nothing to say yeah yeah um did you get asked for the tommy unit one yeah uh i had i had physio so i couldn't do it that day but uh what i was going to do for him was write a um andy sandberg did a roast yeah it's like a really really [ __ ] one yeah so i was gonna say to him oh i was just gonna do like are you you're moving from nottingham to brighton what are you a championship footballer and no one would laugh i'd be i'd be loving it um so i had a i had a load of rubbish ones like that ah that would that would be great yeah and then i was just because will was meant to be there i was just gonna roast will but horribly and then go back to tuffy and just go in between um but yeah my uh my shoulder needed work so yeah true shoulders always come first that's it oh do you have it what finally somebody who gets it yeah um no not only am i awkward it's also early so you know it's not a great combination i was going to say do you ever find pressure or feel pressured to be the funny man obviously you know as a comedian you have to you know your job is to be funny but you're not all it can't always be funny right like sometimes you need a rest sometimes you need to be angry or sad you know you can't always be funny stephen [Music] this is therapy that's true about the saddest moments leaking from my eyes what is this i'm genuinely laughing usually with pocket squares i just fake laugh but have a great time um yeah yeah i've been i've been angry and sad my anguish moments are always around football uh horrible i'm a horrible person um yeah something happens when i get on that turf i just become an angry man yeah but apart from that joe what with me in terms of anger it's it's objects like if you ever bash into the banister or something all right i'd smack the ballista and then oh you know hurt myself even more bash my head on the doorframe not not the high one the side of it and i'd then kick that or something it's always objects that get angry yeah yeah still playing football no i've done my knees on his shoulder how have you done your shoulder shoulder was uh eight years ago i heard it in the gym and never got it fixed it's just an excuse to get out of things like roasts and [Laughter] you know funerals um sorry mum wait sorry what no i'm sorry just pour it all out for a moment yeah sorry um don't what's wrong with me oh you're talking about shoulders and knees shoulders and knees toes heads yeah um so that's how i injured it my knees are just i was i don't know what's happened to bernice i can't use them after i play football so i've given up how do you know 26 man yeah that's past my bride now i feel like i'm getting old now i'm you know having a guy anyway but you know we did the show at some of the festivals and my knees are just yeah [ __ ] now that's it i tell people you're like 22 years old you enjoy those years because yeah when you get this old you know stuff warm up cool down all that sort of stuff why is it cold i was just laughing to me what are you going to do for your new shows are you going to you know just sit down yeah i might you know i mean in comedy shows a lot sometimes people have the stool don't they yeah they might do that with yeah with google again stuff i like that you're going to sit on a storm oh just tickets are still on sales i'm not going to do that please come to the show that i would want to go to that more i'd want to see i'm sitting down guys like a paddling pool yeah i'd go to see that yeah what me me in a paddling pool on stage yeah hot tub stream hot tub live show oh yeah yeah that'll be wireless mic so it doesn't get wet yeah yeah great great the other thing that won't be wet am i right ladies yeah thanks for watching anyway back to um so i know you wanted to do um stand-up and stuff yeah have you done any recently no uh the last time i did it was 2018 i think for pre-covered yeah joe.cody could [ __ ] hell some place they were doing a series where i did different things yeah and they wanted me to do stand-up and i'd done it for three years before that um so i was okay i did that and uh that went really well but you know i just got fed up of saying the same jokes and i didn't write anything new yeah so i haven't really lived a life because 18 when i started so there's only so much you can say and then you just start making up you know jokes yeah you gotta experience some stuff or you can write about it and i was i was a very boring virgin at that time i had very few oh there it is yeah oh god well is this something you want to do more of though um are you kind of done with that i i probably will in the future when i've got something to say that i come up with jokes at the moment yeah and i always looked angry when i came off stage because i didn't want to look cocky i was like i could have been better that's what they think god that wasn't him at full full um but yeah that was a it's really good the the weird thing ab is about stand up is that when you come off if it goes well you've got a great feeling and then it sort of fades away and you're like oh miss it now if it goes terribly you just question everything about your life yeah so either way i felt awful after uh afterwards yeah it wasn't fun i think that might be my nightmare stand up yeah cause like i know i've said to you oh performing a show or something but performing at least you know if uh if i forget a lyric i can just hold the mic out yeah and then other people will hopefully sing some lyrics or you know you let the backing track do it i think that is horrible did you see chris md's video with the uh so he did a penalty shootout where the losing team some of them had to take a forfeit and one of them did a stand-up like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he actually did quite well yeah he got he got it's one of those like gong shows where three people have the cards and they're they're horrible anyway because people are looking to get you off the stage but he uh he went for the sort of route that i used to do with you know certain topics about inbred and nonsense um obviously moved away from that yeah he was actually he was actually quite good i i really thought he was talking about this video like a simon video where you all have to do something like this i recognize him i think we uh chris did a video where it was me him and toby part of me looking for the best joke and he was on he was one of them one of the contestants that was a that was a seven hour shoot that oh we had to do go ahead looking for a good joke did not get paid uh seven out of seven hours to find a good joke well we filmed the first half and then chris realized he hadn't recorded audio oh yeah like a classic christmas shoe yeah toby couldn't do he told me couldn't do the ending so jack whitehall came into it uh and joe was like oh this is this is the best of the jokes you've got um this is quite a strange video the guy when it was this 16 year old from new york do you remember the joke no he did he did a couple of ones about uh at my expense and i enjoyed those because uh it's quite clever you know what chris md shoots are actually btec sorry chris but you know you know the one where we recreated goals i mean i feel like using a lot of those yeah we did one quite recently oh yeah and uh oh yeah you did the season the season yeah so i scored it and he went oh yeah the drone the drone uh shut off a while ago and then the camera behind the goal wasn't recording the drone shut off a while ago just flew off yeah i was like that's like you've got one action very good i got delivery then i scored the other one yeah on the right hand side and um he was like one of the cameras i'm sorry who arthur yeah i thought he was uh like chris's mate who just kept coming along to be fair i felt the same and i know first arsenal because he's a lovely lovely bloke and that one there's only two angles but there was five cameras chris nd step up your game mate there's a video that uh theo baker was in and theo he was just shouting at him but i thought it was quite harsh yeah well i feel like this this group of people like the uk youtube scene whatever they're not very good at like you know introducing youtube people yeah most friend groups you go to someone you know oh there's a new guy here you know introducing you here's randy has this person nice to meet you great great great in seven like also uk parties you just turn up and everyone's just there yeah yeah and you in they come to you like nice to meet you i'm like that's just that's not like no but he brought someone we didn't know to the bake off max if i'm with someone who doesn't how often do i introduce people to laura who have who have met like 10 times every time oh every time i'm at the party and i was like here's laura it's my wife then i was like yeah i know i've met like four times but you're supposed to introduce people not if they know them no but if they don't like i don't know i wouldn't introduce you to stephen no we've met a few times we have yeah exactly and you just introduced laura to people that have met her yeah but i don't know they've met so i'm assuming if they're not met i'm going to introduce them so you could have a good conversation whereas now this is all stemmed from you don't know who arthur is i know no he's a sick guy great guy watched some england games with him did you yeah we we know he's currently on locked in locked in have you seen that yeah he's on there right now would you ever do that kind of thing no basically big brother no i'm sorry what reality show would you do um god i'm a celebrity's more intriguing it doesn't have to be one of those one it can be like a it's just like a game show like a bake off yeah i do you wouldn't be hosting obviously matt lucas obviously yeah um uh yeah i do bake off i do a lot of tv shows the apprentice yes but if i didn't get fired in the first week i'd be really really worried what's going on here i've clearly got my way to ruin this what's that all about yeah um have you not been tempted to try and get one um like the apprentice like do it all seriously and then and then when you're actually on tv that'll be good introduce them to the was it the the gucci trainer oh that was beautiful unfortunately that's been destroyed some not by me i moved house and thought you know i'm not gonna take this with me yeah fair enough yeah um but you have to go through so many rounds of auditions yeah those shows are the the into process is extensive it's ridiculous yeah it's probably too far it's like x-factors yeah three phone interviews or something three phone you have to sing down yeah because one of my one of my friends at school went to the live show they got they got invited to the live show they had three phone auditions then they got invited to the live audition but they were very like they were at the end of it yeah and they'd already filled the quota so they didn't even get to perform so they literally were there for like eight hours on the day didn't even perform they just don't care no they don't care some of those shows used to be way better back in the day like x factor was better when you just watched the auditions and now there's so much like i should say steps to get into it it's just ruin that because i mean i guess they do it for like you know safety because they know that if someone's awful we're going to absolutely destroy them it's going to ruin their mental health forever but on the other hand it's funny yeah and they've started scouting people now for that they know uh have got something like britain's got talent we're trying to get uh me to do to do a rap what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what you mean trying to why have you not done this they kept emailing me saying uh oh we're we work for britain's got talent uh would you like to audition with your like your stormzy rap oh my god no no no i don't want to do that because then if i did get through that first round which would be ridiculous then i'd just do it again yeah that was just a terrible idea they had would you know go on it britain's talent no i just it's terrible i think you say waiting around for hours true and then what would be my emotional backstory you should make one up you can make a video out of it though he's not always funny he cries he gets angry yeah to be fair you know a lot of those things where it's like the origin story is often boring isn't it yeah i think man these people have lived really interesting lives i just played fifa when i was a kid well i mean a lot of them are sad so i wouldn't yeah i played fifa dog died did it it did yeah sorry that wasn't too bad you could use that you could you could sing us you could rap a song you could rap rap gulag and say this is for my dog yeah shout out my dog man what was it called i can't tell you that what i can't tell you what my dog's called it's my password [Laughter] was it was it a male or female i can't say that either is that another part after the dog's name it's the gender of the dog on the password and 69 for some reason what's going on there yeah that's what me that i'd like to do it's too early for this isn't it yeah we should podcast this early you know what's weird about today is like just the air feels like early if that makes sense like this studio feels morning air oh we actually were here yesterday because we had you know two another podcast today it's just yesterday it was the room was different yeah and now it's just like i feel like the the reverberation is just a bit different now like the the sound waves are bouncing off the walls differently i'm glad you've said it yeah you must have been thinking the same thing sorry simon what was happening it's just funny at the same time um how's your podcast going um it is still the number one most terrible podcast on youtube no no i think even after this you see what what we've done is we went down the route of no guests yeah because uh we did have will but then it was voted on worst podcast because we each week we get less and less views um so slowly i reckon within the next year we're gonna hit just me watching it when it goes out um but it's it's it's basically yeah we set out to make the worst youtube podcast and we have a segment called slug off a podcast have you stuck the flowers i don't think so can you yeah of course we can yeah i thought you could say no i thought oh god look at that look at the views as they dwind actually no for we got 100k on that one i love our like yeah it's the same [ __ ] face for everyone our titles are like all right how can we how can we fit the sidemen or ksi yeah your one is we went dogging [Laughter] we did the same thing we were kind of like built this podcast to be one where we didn't have guests on in simon and i but we got we got warren that's it you know we we've we got boring ages ago but we've uh yeah it's just it's just quite fun it's good to do it with my my mates yeah um it's just a way to keep in touch against at this point how you guys doing that it's funny i've seen a [ __ ] ass a few times this is funny it's what podcast should be really just chilling chatting and that's that's you know that's what you get we do uh we also have like characters that come on characters yeah yeah a stupid pun and then somebody walks on in a wig and glasses and uh this is their way of getting guests without having to book anyone it's very true um do you want to come over for a you know a meal walk in you're on the podcast you should do that you should yeah yeah um but yeah if you it's just it's just not something that you can clip up because there's no context to it and it's terrible yeah yeah but it's fun yeah well you've not sold it well go check out guys link in the description check it out it's a lot of jokes um are you bored of all the same podcasts with the same guest like me boring aren't i yeah i'll check out my oh wait i'm on that [ __ ] i just enjoy your time on this birth you know yeah yeah there's a lot on the left would you do a live uh what is interesting something to do with honey badges but i don't know what the fact is but something to do with honey badgers would be interesting do they like honey you don't know you don't know do you attend no yeah he would know he just knows who's your dream guest for the podcast edinburgh yeah you yeah yeah me and attenborough god we've got some stories we were watching randolph and his dog once wow oh my god dream guests i mean ah man they're a beckham for you probably the things i don't that's just someone i want to meet yeah i don't really want a [ __ ] well i would take them on a podcast yeah i don't know i'd want someone if he didn't get demonetised a porn star yeah oh yeah i'm just trying to think of who had actually the most interesting conversation is that interesting a porn star yeah just what's it like getting [ __ ] like someone who's done like a mad porn star not someone who just does you know like mission you know like someone who does like 69 a dog i don't i don't want to talk that person don't [Laughter] wouldn't be a good podcast i feel like they're cringe random ones like what we have a porn star yeah man it's like i don't i just you know surely you can get someone more interested what's it like being erect why is it hard to rub your sides i've got [Laughter] or is the best lube let us know in the comments down below you know what is going to leave um [ __ ] it doesn't get better than nature's own lube oh i pray for the day my girlfriend gets diarrhea [Music] how does it say coconut oil coconut oil is like for everything isn't it yeah but you can put your vegetables and your vegetables what you get a joke though no i got that yeah but it just i'm not joking man i'm not joking doesn't it just try it out guys let me know what you think comments down below would it cause some sort of infection no really no i'll google it you're getting thrush from that guys i don't know from experience about that i've only read it you know did you read that heat magazine loose women yeah you know the um you know the back pages where it told you like sex advice you know i didn't email into it or anything like that it's just i just one day i was you know just in that section you know and they they replied back to me saying you know i just imagine in the corner shop reading it without favorite stuff with an erection you're gonna pay for that sir no no but i'll take some coconut oil oh anyway anyway if you've got any plans for the the near future you know what what you're trying to do to keep busy um uh like an old manner how'd you keep yourself busy i got on marks um yeah i've uh so i'm doing this this series for netflix's youtube channel stephen tries cunning stunts out now let's go they set me on fire that one's out yeah um that was quite quite scary because they started me off with setting my my arm on fire because that was the the nicest one yeah but then when i turned that way there was a big flame in my face so it's the scariest one yeah um i've done some other things yesterday um the stunt guy i was filming with a guy called charles charman i was looking at his imdb uh not euphemism come on grow up and uh and he was in the dark knight oh wow and then i said to him so what did you do in that film and he said i was the uh the magic pencil trick guy so when heath ledger smashes uh the person's head so that was him oh mad so uh he said he got knocked out three times doing it god it took two days uh and he yeah he was just getting his head smacked into a table well they gave christian better a lot of credit but i think my guy here needs you know charles yeah yeah yeah it's very impressive what did i get on fire i've always wanted this yeah yeah it was uh so they put this like under armour layer that was covered in freezing cold gel yeah and then they put another layer of that over and then like a racing a racing driver suit sort of thing and then a firefighter's outfit so you you're really protected yeah um but then when the flames come up it's you can't feel it but you can feel the heat yeah yeah yeah it's it's horrible then they did my back and my legs you you don't know you're on fire you can feel you can feel it afterwards like a little little tingle on your skin yeah but it's more of a panic right because like you're on fire but yeah you're not you're not at the same time so your brain's probably like telling you weird things like bro you can feel something's going on but you don't know what it is yeah yeah uh i was just like having a stroke or something like that yeah um no not a wank come on um so i just had to walk from a to b and then like people with fire extinguishers are there but the you can't you can't breathe whilst you're doing it in case you breathe in there oh sure the co2 or the flames i guess yeah so that was the hard part yeah and how did it stop getting to your face is that a stupid question no i don't know actually a question i should have asked i had a balaclava that was covered in the jail right okay okay so i guess yeah that protected it yeah yeah i wasn't sure if you should open face you know so we actually can't tell if it was you yeah if you had a balaclava maybe my eyes gave it away i hope they did yeah you're not gonna get a good thumbnail from that video i'm so sorry who's this man um but yeah that was very good the other stuff i've been doing there's a the second episode i've seen a cut of that and uh that's probably the most impressive i've looked well this this is coming out next wednesday yeah so the first episode will be out then after that it's either a month or every two weeks and i've also been i started writing something uh whenever the second knockdown was was that this year earlier this year january yeah i don't know we started writing something then and that's finished nice nice i know i just wait on other people to uh pull the finger out and get it is that for you like for your hopefully we'll see what happens with that i have to be quite ambiguous because i don't know what i can say you know enough probably say a lot but i don't want to i've been very secretive with it it's a yeah it's just a big long script you're going to carry on posting on your main channel i'll go back to it yeah you'll see that there's some skits written [Laughter] yeah i'll write something yeah i'll do at least one more video and then just die of death yeah yeah well that's the way to go well you got your second channel as well stephen stephen tries less yeah i really do great great channel name by the way it is yeah congrats on that one um that's yeah anything you're doing on that nope i've just i've just given what do you do i you know i've been writing a lot this year and the the netflix stuff i've had to write jokes for that yeah hopefully how was it what was it like meeting olive oil uh yeah nice lad yeah we filmed a video for their channel never got posted so right well do you have standards now they've kind of disappeared a bit they haven't posted on youtube but i haven't seen them anywhere like i feel like i haven't seen a tic toc no they're nice guys but i think they they didn't want to just keep going crazy that's the impression i got i think they're like we're here for the long call so i think they are doing the right things to be fair though because they're like the post i kind of feel bad for them because every tick tock is like every comment on tick tock is like you fell off yeah but what what did they have they just tried snacks at food they tried food at school how could you fall off from that like no it's just because they got so much publicity yeah yeah they didn't start out you'd be tick-tockers yeah school man you can't fall i feel like take talk does that yeah it gives you this instant fame yeah and you have to try and like hold on so that it doesn't just yeah yeah fall off as quick as that yeah but i mean the straight out of school right so they're thinking probably a nice thing to do out of school you know i was playing going to do on my vtec now i'm doing you know youtube and tick tocks and stuff so it's like vine in it like yeah vine used to always be okay you go viral in one vine and you make it a grime daily song yeah and then 30 was it loads of them bro why are you coming fast why are you coming fast yeah and they get the uh the boohoo man deal as well yeah yeah yeah glastonbury guy yeah yeah he made it he made his daily song yeah as well um i was going to ask you you know what your channel stephen tries less yeah did you have that or have you had that classic thing where you know you start a second channel and you expect the content to be awful you have no pressure yeah and then now there's pressure first few videos with me lying in bed because i didn't give yeah that was the whole impression was uh you know really didn't care yeah um and then we we slowly got more complex with the ideas of ripping off the sidemen yeah yeah i mean why not i mean you wouldn't join the sidemen well yeah it's just because uh it's too much work to be fair i i always had that opinion you know people always said to me like oh you know would you would you love to be in a simon and i was like no it's not our thing yeah no no just go oh you you should be in the assignment yeah yeah as i always said no but now that they're doing really well i'm making loads of money i probably would say yes so i wish that you know yeah i like the honesty i changed my answer now no but yeah but at the same time yeah people love doing that you know why yeah you know why are you not inside man stephen uh you don't need me i think you should be also i don't want to be a youtuber that's what i said in the video i want to be uh you know a comedian yeah on one day i may be but uh it's not from doing come down with me or uh whatever escape room video that was the thing is the um like the simon videos for example that you're in every comment do you read comments sometimes and then when they're horrible i just run away i don't think they're ever horrible in simon one to you no i've i've been uh you have been received well uh but there's there are there are comments you see about things that go on in the videos and you think have have you sort of twisted it so that you're angry at people yeah yeah they create their own narrative don't they yeah it's like uh when calyx was on the oh they're cooking yeah [ __ ] hell with you and then and people were angry at him over that but you could tell you could tell he was doing it for the content yeah yeah yeah everyone was just sort of trying to have a laugh yeah it was revealed that stephen only had 20 minutes because yeah the wheel you turned up and they literally just said to you like yeah you know you've got an earpiece there's a screen there there's a screen there you read it off of that yeah you did it so like quickly yeah i'd watched uh i'd watched vic's episode of the wheel and then i was like okay so you do this you do that and then i'd practice uh some possible jokes so i prepared in that sense but then when they did it i got i got terrified by the uh i can't think what the word is but there's a camera that's swung in at the start yeah the jig yeah something like that and uh jig jib jib uh anything is an irish dancer you're so irish it's something it's not before so that was that unknown tease thing no no i had to do the irish dance real quick what was that do it i can't do it again you don't like this save it for the shows yeah i think it was a show yeah and a hot tub yeah that that came swinging in and they're like just say uh welcome to the wheel and i on the first go i just didn't stop saying it because i was like oh it's still moving welcome to the wheel welcome to the wheel i sort of wish they used that take stephen tries goes insane he's definitely ill we can see that yeah but yeah that was uh that was fun well i didn't get how they showed people spinning underneath no i have no idea yeah this that wasn't saying that i mean i know i know it was the bbc sets bbc right yeah a few [ __ ] lawsuits and then they got cancelled this is actually itv studio though yeah yeah they do that don't know is it man no media city after that [Music] media city is a cool place isn't it you know what my uh my university they were they showed a load of pictures of media city in the bbc united v saying oh yeah we we have there's stuff like courses that take place here it's like oh wow this looks impressive and then just never happens i can't believe how often that unis and colleges will just lie yeah i i you know when you do your i'm not sure what it's called but when you go from school to college yeah they you know you go to see an open day right yeah so i went to an open day asheville college i think it was back back home and obviously i wanted to do music technology so i was there and i was chatting to one of the two tutors and we were chatting about music technology it's going really well and i was like cool so um you know what what's the class how do i get involved he's like oh if you go and write your name down on the uh the book if we get enough people we'll start the course i was like what you should write yeah i down believe it they were pretty much saying we we don't have the course yet but we can try it yeah if you want to join i was like right right then i won't do that so i went and found like a uni that was like a college that was specifically for music but crazy that is weird yeah what you need did you go through uh salford and you studied comic book uh no i did comedy writing and performance and it was the i think with the third year to do it so they were still learning you know what they were going to teach us um it was a bit of a mess but um do you think it was worth it uh no because we were the first year that got charged 9 000 a year same yeah so it was [Music] yeah but that's because you probably got like oh a b b or something no my predicted grades were a star two a's so i went for places i was like oh like if it's a star two a's i'll go to places like the lowest one i went is aab yeah and then i got bcc i don't i didn't get it [Laughter] i got i got i got b c e yeah what did you take that's why i got the antidepressants when i got my results i got a b in english and then c in drama and then e in uh statistics and i was i got an a star in maths at gcse so i was like oh i'll do well in this yeah just all fell apart miserable statistics is a weird subject isn't stupid isn't it yeah you've got to see in drama well it was the theory that i was terrible at okay so you know prancing around on stage it was good um but then theory basically we we used to just watch stuff like our drama theory never really started watching us yeah good drama one week i remember at gcse we just did a game stuck in the mud yeah yeah yeah yeah the year 11's just stood there like that um so yes yeah theory never really took off for us i hate the theories out of it as well it's just it's stupid because like you could be really good at something and you still fail we were doing music technology in the studio or anything practical i did really well with and then the exam on like how many like neutrons are in a circuit i was like i don't know yeah i can't do you know what's why i'd have to work out like electronics and stuff when i'm trying to mix a song but to be fair it's when you have to make you have to like make circuits you have to make you know mixing deaths and stuff so i don't want to go into that yeah is it true too late too late but i guess when you when you're teaching a class you to be fair i've answered my own question here you have to be you have to be faced with them all you know you can't believe i'm teaching this person only you know a lot of people went out went on to do great things at my uni you know and i'm that's it what's that here i realized like my uni particularly you don't really need to go to university to do well like a lot of people who didn't go to university and then doing better jobs than people who did i think the most successful people always dropped out of uni and i didn't so i feel like damn am i like am i hindered now like i never dropped down i feel like they always talk about oh yeah i dropped that like steve jobs whoever dropped out yeah and then went on to do this we need we need the opposite of that the person who dropped out and now uh you know he's on street corners i need to i need to help people out there i need to know that i have to make the right decision don't be that guy but uh you dropped how didn't you dropped out yeah yeah you you gave it a month though there was no profound thing like i want to go chase my dreams you're like i can't do this you just went to freshers and then no i went i went for well you start in september yeah mid-september i left christmas good stint well three months that's solid in whole that's like five years yeah yeah [ __ ] where did tony do that he made a joke about it yeah i thought the joke was about coventry oh coventry country he made one about hull i think what no love hole think people in hull hate hole so it's oh yeah yeah i finally had to pay 3 000 pounds for that because you didn't do it all yeah but three thousand pounds for three months yes well yes for those who don't know those who are young out there there's a period of time where universe it was three grand a year a day ah yeah literally out of nowhere they just went nine grand um and you know it's a significant change because it goes from nine grand for the three years to what twenty seven sometimes i get letters about how much i hope and it just keeps going up i think it's probably over 50 000 now oh my god miserable i blame jj for that though for me i mean yeah pay it off please you wouldn't even notice too far i feel like james doesn't have a guy where if you wrote about let's say can you pair my students everybody would do it yeah sure ask him ask him an assignment video next type of video you're in just go by the way i've got a uni debt yeah can you can you pay it yes bless if it's a game show tell him you'll give him the correct answer yeah and he'll do it that's disgusting isn't it you're 100 wood yeah i know you're quite like joking he'll be like i'll give you five grand yeah there you go yeah yeah yeah god what are you gonna say the issue with the so what i did with the three thousand pound things so there's a there's a uni independent uni that was specialized in music technology um and they were always nine grand yeah so when it went from three again to nine grand i was like well i might as well go there then yeah because it's the same price as liverpool and liverpool were trash you know at the time yeah so true yeah you're from you live in manchester right yeah liverpool fan i believe yeah because i was the place i was born was nearer to liverpool and all my family scouts except for me do you have to explain that a lot to people who question it yeah because they go how's that the full game against atletico madrid there's liverpool fans just going why you and i hit them i smacked them in the face and said up the reds [Laughter] yeah i don't know why i said 0161 for so long because i've got no i've got nothing to do with manchester i fight i felt like you did put money on the map me and bugsy you know we were going back and forth saying we've got to put it on our shoulders and ride hard yeah yeah he rides hard doesn't he like likes bikes and stuff why are you going down that path i'm not going to badmouth it do you ride hard no i'm not either sorry i'm not i'm not disney i think you you know he fell off the knees yeah yeah he fell off yeah but but sometimes he's just musically literally on his bike so yeah i love your music you meant he fell off like musically no i didn't know he fell off wow randolph no but he but sometimes it doesn't fall off when he doesn't fall off it's good that's so true um [Laughter] make that [Laughter] jj in logan fight in manchester yeah oh yeah he turned up to the aft party wasn't he yeah he was in his car yeah he said should have come in i was like no no you're too cool man have you ever met no um weirdly we've never been in the same room met boxing malone for the first time last night i walked over telling myself to play at cool for some reason i opened with hi i'm the pasty boy that says i want six true story uh i was very drunk thought that would be fun it was nice it was too nice do you think that storms he must have seen the fire in there yeah if he's got a pair of eyes he's seen it yeah am i right guys please watch it if you haven't i'm sorry go viral again like a year ago on like you know one of them remember this guy where is he now the uh yeah that weirdly that's claimed the the video is claimed not by stormzy but by beyonce because my ringtone goes off and it's single ladies oh like two seconds and they claimed it oh my god i feel bad for it soon after [Music] like did you get like quite soon after probably a year after oh but then it that's when it got most of its views miserable but i've never met him i'd like to i'm sure one day that your passport will crash yeah i feel like he you know you can't hate me no would you bring it up yeah probably nothing else to say i stopped down the pastry guy yeah you see the little over uh well let me tell you about that um yeah i think i think we get along great wembley cup we'll talk about that boring isn't it now would you play in the next one if there is one i don't know if there is another one because it's my knees yeah thank you um so you weren't playing a challenge i'd like to play in a charity match that isn't semi-pro's knocking about because it was a horrible vibe yeah it really felt like that wasn't fun a big hint oh the sidemen was fun yeah yeah you know i had keemstar running at me i also had i think yeah manny and toby were causing problems they're just too quick it's horrible you scored a few sam was pretty good football wasn't he aren't you good jj was very good in that game yeah he's good actually it's when he goes through his like fitness stages yeah yeah because ultimately like football wise he's not great like he's not bad no no yeah he's he's good his ability is good though he just puts himself out yeah yeah but like the physical side of it yeah yeah he's really good so he just he just runs yeah i could see them would you say yeah yeah jay swingler was good yeah he was good i think he's a man of many talents you know that's it let's throw him tweet today about card he seems like he's good at cut as well [ __ ] yeah yeah but it it's hard to tell with god because i've seen you play and you look quite good but then i've seen the lobbies that you play in yeah last night yeah i was off last night yeah what happened i just got killed a lot playing cardinal i just struggled but anyway i'm getting better yeah should you want to play in charity matches as long as there's not like semi-pros yeah if it's if it's for if they actually remember it's for charity then yeah i'll play and it's for fun i'd do it definitely i think the um the wembley cups the original ones they look great like the the whole story behind it in the videos they were always fun there was it joe weller who was the captain of the first one oh yeah didn't didn't were you were the captain for the first one and then joe weather for the second one it wasn't that famous clip where someone swapped sides was money money swapped man you shot size and everyone called him a snake yeah but it was like written yeah and then they literally got told to do it yeah and he he was like oh guys i'm swapping sides well and are you snake oh [ __ ] manny and if you watch the clip they were clearly all like being sarcastic yeah you see joelle he's like oh no i'm so mad [Laughter] the thing is kids will believe anything even that one though more about that i was just walking my dog he said [Laughter] um but even even the first wembley cup was like fun but ultimately i think we lost like you're crying yeah it's crying we lost like i think we lost five two or something yeah and i think every single goal was either scored or assisted by billy or jess yeah yeah so it was very yeah it was you know dan cutting versus f2 i feel like i feel like chariot matches are fantastic that's a great way to you know raise money and awareness but a lot of the time as you said people take it really seriously i think it's a lot of people who fail that you know being a footballer yeah now it's like a chance look the only is this is a rossy goal no rossi yeah but it was literally just yeah it was harry was laughing there i feel like he had a bell but at the same time i feel like they're they're also youtubers aren't they too so it's like you know you can't ban him who's that is that number seven he's not doing that hey i cleared it at least you looked uh you look disappointed though i was really just because i felt like we've been stitched up you know yeah i felt like we turned up and it was like yeah it's it was done from the start have you ever seen vic well i'm sure you've seen vic's penalty in the the charity match everyone goes to lift him off and i'm just walking away livid that we're losing some money i was like i don't [ __ ] believe this fixed arsenal yeah i'm just i'm miserable that last charity match right so every chattering match we've done so we did the first one this is the moment let's see it let's see there's me trying to distract him he does this weird stop that i don't know what that is i think that was a he also definitely didn't aim that way there we go there's me walking off vic stark isn't the right everyone's clapping everyone's loving it half of your team are lifting him up too yeah you're like [ __ ] this charity [Laughter] um yeah i felt like so we did that um first charity match and we won like seven two or something and then we did the second one and just before the match everyone on the other team was like you guys have set this up you've set up that as well set up these teams are so uneven you're going to beat us 10 nil you've stitched us up you lost we lost two now and then josh peters reeve yeah josh peters reeve and joel yeah that three i had the worst day of my life they were massive they just they played two centre-backs and a cdm and i was playing in the middle i've never felt so i can't say the word that i wanted to say defeated yeah we'll go with that defeated yeah yeah i didn't realize like josh peters was you know so good yeah yeah just athletic i guess but then we did the third one and even though we won by a lot of goals i felt like i felt like your team could have scored 10. yeah uh i think daddy up front missed quite a few there's one where then she gets the ball in the six yard box and i think he hits it straight at the keyboard bounces back and then he takes his goggles off this guy was amazing they were so good yeah it was so good that this the goal in the second one was unreal wasn't it was it castro he's got the header castro scored the header that was literally unreal and then chris scored at the end chris scored but lux doesn't like to mention that yeah like this and then the goggles [Laughter] they're usually fly in for me what's going on here but like it's five nil at that point and i don't think anyone's defending it's just kind of like i think all of us are like we just we want goals here so let's kind of just let let one have some shots yeah yeah um what are we saying oh yeah i felt like castro's goal was one of the only goals that was actually just a good goal yeah as in it wasn't a charity match goal it's just it's okay yeah yeah yeah like a lot of the others are kind of like you know i'll that probably wouldn't have gone in if it was just a half decent goalkeeper and like you're a halfway line goal that was yeah but everyone just says why is calyx standing on the edge of his area it was fake wasn't there so many shut up shut up so this like this is actually like a good cross and a great header like yeah that's good defending was questionable but yeah yeah like in a match that just gets headed out by you know deck on rice because kurzwuma but oh yes those classic teammates yeah they play together i know i just don't know why you mentioned them like like they're playing in a charity match the west i'm game is asking i'll watch last time in um liverpool hold on for you wasn't it to take you know what um i've often sung david moyes as a football genius and yet she is now so yeah declan right she's so many matches not many i used to go to quite a lot when they had suarez sturridge sterling those were the days and then uh moved away and didn't go too many i've been to a few recently but it's because uh tickets are brought for me cause i'm a ship fan you know they used to call um storage suarez and sterling go on sss oh yeah great shout out for them great shout out you see stories of the day asking for a haircut on online [ __ ] he's been uh he's moved to perth hasn't he in australia yeah so he's been stuck in quarantine he's done a video of him in his hotel room he's actually got like the smallest gym you know nothing he has to clean his room himself shocked um but he tweeted out he did the instagram story asking for a just wanted to cut his hair but it was super super detailed see if you can pull it up next it's so funny how does that make sense though he's in quarantine i don't know i don't know he is yes this is his room he's double vaccinated yeah nice there's a lot going on here and obviously i'm not saying this room is bad it's like it's a fine room but it's also just a very normal room yeah yeah but it's also dangerous lube in the top right that's his gym oh god oh sorry that doesn't count as a that's not a gym foam rolling some cone the injured drills yeah a lot of bags little off-white suitcase yeah but he's gonna do well let's see if you can find his story as well there you go here we go look what need a bit need a barber in perth uh wa on thursday only put your cv forward if you're top level you see the vibes crispy clean smooth like i wash my face with cake soap if you've never cut hair like mine don't bother putting your cv forward my hairline is important to me it's straight i don't want to leave australia with an m head hairline please proceed to put your cv forward if after all i've said you still fit the description top level craftsmanship barber level on a thousand but don't charge anywhere near that that much if you do you're out there running shake your hands i rebuke you don't bluff me well i'm gonna look at your profile if your picks aren't good don't bother putting your cv forward you were out of the running i had time today well i have time every day i'm in quarantine still bye for now wow that's so weird he's going crazy yeah he's going crazy and then all the football like meme pages you know photoshopped him on alan sugar's head like the apprentices everyone's gonna have shaky hands cutting his hair after that yeah don't bluff me i rebuke you i feel like no one goes australia anymore i thought there was a little period where everyone started going well i say everyone about five players went yeah i think uh oh you mean footballers yeah is that your own people no footballers started going as their like retirement club was in australia yeah yeah but then america started playing and then america started going i find it weird that he didn't go america yeah true i mean maybe he tried l.a wasn't he like yeah yeah yeah oh i think you meant playing for maybe was trying to get scouted by one of the clubs there i think they have they're only allowed a certain amount of foreign players are saying as well yeah yeah yeah it's a weird league but you know each of their own and there's a what's the is it the saudi arabian league yeah rodriguez yeah and uh yeah jamie's back at barcelona coaching no he's a manager oh yeah is he yeah i think he's gonna judge barcelona he came in and one of his quotes on their twitter account was um the best way to win games is playing well oh so true and it's just that's inspiring [Laughter] are they ever women they don't score no no they don't actually i love michael and i think he's a great guy we're laughing at just that sentence you know there's not many people that would say that i think he's a you know a nice man yeah nice bit weird i was watching looking at some of his tweets in the days one of him in a dead squirrel yeah dead ferret and a squirrel yeah well he posted a picture of his walk it was a long time ago oh yeah one of the pictures is just a dead squirrel yeah and i'm imposing next to it yeah fair dudes my clothes yeah um i've got a question for you no i just just found it weird that's a very weird dead ferret sorry why is he smiling like that he's smiling like he killed it he did sicko sorry um no question for you if you're going to lease to the airport how many hours before yourself um for the airport i'm uh i like to be there weirdly my favorite smell is when you walk through like the duty-free shop i love this fragrance yeah yeah so uh as long as i get a bit of that i'm happy so i'll be probably two and a half hours enough hours yeah factor in the travel yeah so as long as i'm there two hours earlier mm-hmm that's what i do yeah how about you that's so weird that's so weird you just i love the smell of duty-free yeah no i i do agree and i love the smell of the savings i can make no i feel the same way i've been going to the gym recently believe it or not and in the changing room it smells really nice because everyone's using fragrance i'm not sure if that's a bit weird so you just hang around the changing room now i don't hang around get changed in there moisture no no you know you know it's actually fragrant satisfying you're doing that [Laughter] have you been on holiday anywhere i went to my i went to ibiza recently that was uh weirdly you can't stand you have to like be sat at your table the whole time no so why why of course he has just been the holiday once i said recently oh right sorry sorry not just have you ever been on holiday uh what what's this about the table during the in ibiza uh it was uh we went in september and you can't you have to stay sat at your table the whole time like the clubs clubs a couple of them are open charging the usual price yeah but you have to sit down it's just like this is this is weird there he is there you are damn so you couldn't you couldn't leave that table no casper has that shirt apparently oh there he is sexy it's a which shirt do you think that caspalee says he has the black one of mine really oh wait i just thought i thought he was talking about me could have been my girlfriend's i was gonna say i reckon it's that one yep come on um yeah that was good good fun i bet it was a yeah straight i meant weirdly the last thing you'd expect is to meet chris md fans but people come up to me going oh chris md's my favorite but i like you too that's the story of my life yeah why did they mention chris md to you they don't they care i love kessler cool wickedness trying on the train mate that's why did you manage to uh meet wayne no i uh yeah i really didn't want to go to ocean beach just because you can't get a picture with turbo i've made i've made too many jokes about him and uh i just fear possibly someone to come over and say that little prick has uh called you many names have you ever done that i've ever met anyone that you've actually like you know jokes yeah roasted a few times um anyone that stands out any songkib he likes it though he doesn't but he does wait so had you roasted him before you met him for the first time no oh well so we knew yeah someone that you've never met you've roasted and then you've met has that ever happened i don't think so no um see this is why i can't go on tv shows because my tweets like if if they ever check my tweets i've probably slagged off someone involved and then yeah a lot of the people like olly murs have made a lot of jokes about him never met him she was a nice guy oh you just lost her invite to soccer aid [ __ ] um yeah i think i think there's just too many people that have taken the piss out of and uh i feel like obviously it's comedy isn't it you know yeah but i think people take themselves too seriously yeah especially mers yeah mate oh god if the that pringles can that he was uh having his way with should you do that but if you do that you get enough jokes and also uh yeah a salty [ __ ] what oh oh because the pringles yes i just thought you said salty a lot of sodium pringles just when you're thinking you just say salty god what that tastes like very salty really you ever played in any of these charity matches they uh you know like you know how we always see like every weekend i see chunks posted a picture of a charity match that's playing in you haven't played in any of these have you no because the people involved you could just look at the list of names and go oh he won't be playing there though a lot of them have one of the f2 in yeah yeah a lot of them have james arthur oh yeah yeah oh right yeah that's my invite window is that your beef your big beef well not really i don't really care kind of that that was that i just found it really funny yeah that that was not really just he was just having he's kind of like just posting tweets right and we were all just there's a bad evening for him yeah yeah he's just getting blocked so everyone ever just took the opportunity to get blocked it's nice about getting blocked isn't there sometimes someone like that yeah because it shows he's he doesn't have anything to get back at you yeah i don't even know where i was i think where were we in l.a yeah i was in a shoe shop and someone someone like texted me a tweet of his saying like ksi oh i i tweeted for those who said i wouldn't make it my friend ksi has a song with future or something like that and then um he replied like yeah about how much did he pay him for that feature lol or something like that yeah i was like he doesn't follow me he doesn't yeah how has he seen this too why has he replied it was kind of weird and then josh was like yo get the clout get the clown reply to him so i said something just like oh you eat poo or something like that tastes good i had a free tweet everyone just tweeted it got loads of like engagement and he just blocked us all yeah i was like buying shoes yeah and then like lad bible picked it up and started doing like james arthur battles cal freezy from the side yeah and it was just like one of them ones where he ended up having a lot of beef with um freezie and then harry tweeted something about i don't know his dead nan or something like that and it got a bit out of hand and then harry deleted it and then apologized i think and i think i jumped on it but i did i didn't i didn't get blocked so it must have been okay it was just a very like it's just that night we all thought it was just funny in it yeah yeah i mean he started it in a way hasn't he by yeah i feel like when you when you take it too seriously you just put yourself out there to get you know well then he started replying to fans saying like oh i've got music video with more views than his entire channel it's just like it's just a bit yeah yeah it was i don't really have any beef with you why is this happening didn't they didn't freeze it at least make up with james arthur recently i heard it being spoken he went on true geordi's oh yeah right um and i got mentioned there yeah yeah but uh i've been blocked by les dennis if you know him oh my god the guy used to host family for yeah why because i i just i did a tweet where i put i've put something like is him scotty t from geordie shore uh wayne lineker and someone else said to me like there's something weird to do with uh us going out uh or something to do with girls like we're on the pool like that and he just blocked me yeah it was fuming to be associated with myself wayne and scotty uh yeah three solid lads and so how are they being linked i don't know because les dennis and scotty geordie shore it was just a i guess it's like the the middle ground yeah yeah but both i know anyone can get someone it was like the classic sort of i don't like it anyone can get it yeah yeah i don't get it kids believe anything you're a weird guy next week it's just a number speaking of speaking of things getting misinterpreted do you think do you think that the cancer culture has gone too far you know in terms of people taking things too seriously especially when there are people out there that aren't being taken seriously when they are doing things wrong like there are people out there that are doing legitimately wrong things and someone can tweet something you know james arthur and get you know killed for it yeah there's a it's i think i think it's how you deal with it when people come after you and if you if you don't give in to it if you're just like this is what i think just keep on doing what you're doing yeah unless you have done something legitimately wrong that's what i mean if it is like actually harmful to someone don't apologize yeah yeah but yeah when you're you know when you're just you make a joke even if it's in yeah if it's in bad taste if there's no like ill intent behind it yeah yeah ultimately you just you're like oh i'm sorry that's like yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna do what i do yeah it's just it's just weird man it's just i don't know i feel like i feel like things will circle around again but only to a certain few yeah there's still going to be people out there especially i think covert hasn't helped because kobe seems to have made a huge divide and you know brought a lot of karen's and curtis yeah everyone said everyone's online now yeah yeah i guess that's what it is do you think do you think that comedy's dead or dying uh [Music] yeah things that you see on well tv's dying isn't it so things that you see that get made it's like oh okay that's not very good but then i'm sure there are still very good comedians out there why don't why i don't understand at the moment is ricky gervais keeps talking about like free speech and then he also keeps saying you know uh there's a tweet you did the other day saying if you get offended by what i say just imagine things i think something along those lines and then i think you know if you're going out your way to go on about people that care about you know what what you say and they don't like what you say sort of goes against what you're trying to be like you're trying to be like i don't care what people say yeah or what people say about what i do i'm gonna have enough speech but then you're going on about people caring all the time uh i'd say yeah if you if you believe in free speech whatever just don't don't you don't care what people say yeah yeah it's like being offended people getting offended yeah you're now being offended yeah he's he's part of the problem yeah i feel like it's boring isn't it people are getting so bored these days that they just wanted you know yeah their phone thinking who can you know harass today yeah dave chappelle was he was seeing his stuff but he was in trouble for jokes he was making i think it's long people quit right people is it netflix people [Music] yeah i think they yeah you've always got to pick the the target for your joke and make sure you've got the right angle for it yeah that's what you should do as long as you find something funny in it i guess well most most jokes there's always someone or something getting joked about you know and you know sometimes it's not pleasant but no end of the day it's comedy you know ricky gervais's uh inspiration hero i don't know what they're right uh yeah it was what was it the office and then extras uh used to really enjoy those um and then we've got him hit now [Laughter] yeah those two are not those two even steven merchant yeah they worked together uh together really well and then uh steve coogan who played alan partridge i love uh love his stuff um and i i just watch the same stuff over and over again i don't watch new shows yeah they they said that they say that that's a that's a trait of a psychopath 100 [ __ ] but i i say no i say you know you like what you like i love the phrases you've come up with [Laughter] i'm not scared of someone taking what i say out of context do you think you'll ever do uh anything with those guys um i want to meet i want to meet steve coogan because do you want to would you want to like when you say meet do you want to like film something with them or do you want to just would you want to like have a meal change notes yeah just go yeah i see what you're doing there steve but it's not it could be funnier so yeah just i'll take anything really with uh with him not drugs wise unless he wants to yeah i'll do anything um [Music] can i get the appeal in that it's quite weird yeah i don't get to feel you that's weird you're trying to impress me yeah me neither man yeah no they always say you don't meet your heroes don't they yeah yeah who's your hero david johnson who's there he's playing football for forrest striker josh yeah david johnson tap him into wikipedia loads of girls through us his son is now playing in the team at forest oh yeah you know you chose like he chose one of the most i would say what is david johnson up to these days he's uh he goes to the games he keeps himself quiet i think you've chosen one of the most reachable heroes yeah yeah i mean you could meet him yeah yeah what's the point for here if you can't reach them so what what would you do with david johnson uh i'd say if he asks you to snort something off his bum i'd say uh no no be serious i would love to meet david johnson in fact i met him when i was younger okay uh he signed my uh well nothing yeah she didn't sign anything just on a little piece of paper but it wasn't it yes my dad has i think about all the first players if he goes all to if he goes to the games why don't you meet him again no i haven't been to a game in a while oh because covered but i'll probably hope i used to have a season ticket by don't but you know he goes to the games because uh if some play is something as i said is incredible he's got called up to the wells team wow and actually brennan johnson i'll tell you now one day you'll be in the premier league cool yeah yeah but no real heroes jay-z can you ask yeah have you seen kanye have you seen kanye's new interview on drink champs oh is he is he talking about soju boy yeah yeah yeah that's the club yeah it talks about a lot of people um he sat there and he's like soldier was one of the greatest of all time and he changed music which he did you know that whole ring ring ring tune area that whole ringtone era it was incredible and then then the the the nori norega i asked him a question then saying um well how come soldier boy got taken off your album yeah he was like all the did you hear the verse it's just terrible isn't it on one hand he goes from beginning saying to changed music to is awful same sentence i mean you can be you can be sick but have a bad song yeah that's his point to be fair you see a lot of the tick tock clips from kenya and you think oh he's out of or he's out of order and you watch the interview and the context does make a lot more sense but did you see what you said about big sean you know big shawn the rapper oh yeah it's awful yeah again in context he was just saying that he wasn't supporting him when he was running for president um blah blah blah but he he he's an interview he literally goes up and picks a tombstone up like a a prop and he picks it off and he says when i die they need to write this on my tombstone uh i'm here because i signed big shot they said the worst thing i ever did was sign big sean man it's crazy that's like what an insult that is you know when i die my tombstone needs to say that i'm here because i did so so i've seen so out of those two if you could only meet one would it be kanye because he's weirder or canyon jay-z i don't know if like jay-z i don't know you can have a meal with one of them damn it so you're just talking to them for an hour and a half let's go for jay yeah i'm leaning towards jay-z all right can you have a studio session with one of them probably kanye yeah i feel like if you're going to get a song oh yeah jay-z jay-z could probably make a song in an hour that you know would be decent yeah can you catch some of the scooby-doo poop thing but i thought the experience would be crazy just watching him do what he does yeah but i think it's i think kanye's a lot more open so jay-z didn't really know much about him so that's why i'd rather have a meal with him because you know you get some secrets whereas kenya is quite open you know when you uh like year four and you're a music lesson yeah and they give you they they give all of you just a random instrument and everyone starts like hitting it or whatever and it's all out of time that's how i imagine kanye in the studio like a keyboard and he presses the demo button yeah and then he just starts like he gets a tambourine he's like ah yeah yeah yeah but he's talented though he's really funny oh no he's really talented yeah yeah but i imagine it's just that and then it's more refined yeah yeah and i hope you say it very expensive experimental yeah yeah we've seen it shaped off his eyebrows yeah wait he had yeah he shaved all patches into his hair the patches in his hair apparently uh representing three doves oh right i can't cut it can i see it no it looks like he's had a breakdown yeah yeah doves apparently he looks like a cracker you can see like a llama on the right there yeah you see that here yeah i see that and then oh yeah if you squint a little bit it looks like jesus as well yeah what i was thinking was imagine if your kanye west look alike and you wake up and see he's done that and you're like [ __ ] that picture bring that picture back up a sec why does it look that picture looks like it should be the front of his face he's wearing his chain on front ways oh yeah i think i think even his ears look like like i i'm i'm bugging out a little bit like i should see a face yeah okay i see what you're saying yeah yeah yeah um that that little little crease in his neck there's the mouth maybe yeah this is really freaking me out a little bit but now he he he's bottom left yeah he was he walked out of me wearing a mask what was that real yeah he walked out recently wearing that um you know can i run for a wee week yeah go for it and go for it i mean this podcast is sponsored by talkspace meeting with a therapist to work on your mental health is just as helpful as hiring a personal trainer to work on your physical health and the positive impact can be just as life-changing yeah speaking to a therapist should be as easy as going to a dentist it should be 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sorry the zodiac killer commented on that he was like tap on his trash zodiac kill him much better there's levels to this game ted if you're serial killing just watching a film about yourself or you know your peers you know crazy anyway um what's the weirdest place you've had a piss um what's good studios weirdest place of you know the caesar classic i did a [ __ ] in the sea um did you how was that like i can't imagine that is i was young okay how young how young like two eight nine okay excusable bit old um it's great though can you just uh do it flip down your trunks and uh does it float you've seen kevin and perry haven't you oh yeah no i wasn't allowed really kevin and perry yeah wait what was the other one i watched at a friend's house there was there not another one they had one that was about um had did they don't have teenager in the title or was it yeah basically there was one i remember i was like 10 or something like that and my parents were like oh you're allowed to watch that when you're a teenager yeah yeah and by the time i got to be a teenager it was like no one watches it anymore yeah yeah well i i was always told like you know i don't watch 15 years i don't watch 18's et cetera so i was around my friend's house we ended up watching kevin and perry and i loved it it's so funny and i was mortified that my parents were going to ask me but like what why would they ask me like have you watched kevin a prank so all day i was like i hope they don't ask me obviously they never did yeah so i think i watched the tv show i don't think i watched i can't actually i need to watch that film again because when i was a kid it was like the holy grail i mean weren't they like they were arrested right or something and they they got a boner and they set the alarm off yeah that's it yeah i mean how do you think of anything how did you come up with it so where is the weirdest place had a piss weirdest place i don't know i think the i've got quite a small bladder so i just go a lot in the wherever i can yeah obviously in toilets no i'm just trying to think where i went there yeah i've not done anything that weird i'm quite safe you know i had one where i was drunk and i was at a house party yeah um went out into like they had like a big garden and had a little field um and they had electric fence i peed on it oh no accidentally and i don't know it could have been uh what's the what's the word where it's like painful no i thought it was i thought it was painful but actually it was not placebo it might have been a placebo but yeah i felt a shock on my penis did you know it was an electric fence before no uh so you just know know just odds yeah the odds were that it was an electric fence because i peed on it and i thought i felt something and i was just like oh that was just weird like but it hurt yeah and then like a minute later i kind of like i was drunk so i kind of lent on the fence and got an electric shock on my hands yeah it's the weirdest place yeah i think electric fences are a bit weird it's cool i remember i was at year at camp um keeping you in yeah no so we were camping on a field obviously that you know is next to maybe a sheep field yeah you know and there's electric fence there and everyone's like i don't need to go on it some of the kids are just literally jumping on it like with this shirt off and just getting electrocuted it's awful but i remember a minute [Laughter] i guess it was a school trip you know it's not holiday yeah it was funny because a number of things one thing i did i think i've said it before i traded 21 pounds for 20 pounds because the new 20 pound note came out and it had the word andrew written on it and obviously my name's andrew really it's not randolph um and then what i didn't know though is the twenty pounder that i had the old one also had andrew on it sounds good i got scammed man um that was awful i also snorted some sherbet that holiday yeah we had to show that you know someone's asked no no just a you're off the floor off the floor oh the tent still where did you go where is the school trip in a field where i can't remember i feel like you got some weird places on the school grounds it wasn't even a camping trip to my tent family you know full on hard times um any camping in here especially on year 8 camp is that when you wake up it's so loud you think everyone's out there having a good time yeah and they're not just people talking yeah they're intense but obviously know tents don't have walls they have you know a thin layer of yeah plastic sort of you know material like this nylon is a snap-on so you're wearing a tent yes i'm gonna wear a material that you could use for turns and then here it goes it seems like it goes to jersey here it goes from now on to jersey what's the next question oh yeah sorry uh are ghosts real no no no i agree would you get scared if we put you in a haunted house probably just because i think i'd expect if you to put me there i'd expect somebody to jump out or something all right if we if we sign something right so we take you to a haunted house yeah we have people around the building so no one can sneak in yeah and we've signed a thing saying no one will jump out at you yeah but it's dark there's a basement it's cold yeah i'd be freaked out because i'd anticipate someone coming up from the basement or something yeah so i always think i'm like i don't think they're real but i am a little bit scared of them not a ghost but just uh you know well is it it's there's no isn't it we're all scared about the unknown so you know even if you know you're safe but you're in a dark place you can't see you're thinking what is out there because you don't know yeah you don't know what's out there so true you know a ghost doesn't scare me no it's not guys yeah yeah they can't punch me because they'll go straight through me if they are real yeah you know so um we have oh yeah if this if there's anything you could choose to stop existing instantly what would it be you can't say jeremy lynch uh i mean the the good answer is like a disease oh yes something that doesn't you know something just just for you you don't have to you don't have to do anything to help the human race just wasps then what really really get to me that i got chased around alton towers once by some wasps they they just wouldn't stop the whole way around they didn't stop a gang of wasps they just did not stop at rumor day um hated that and whenever they near me it's horrible i'm not sure what they do the bees do the honey don't they do what you're doing what do wasps do john or no exactly hang out i think they do something you know i i was hearing something the other day on the grapevine and the grapevine said to me whilst we're important what what would you get rid of um obviously yeah taking away all you know things that would help the world um milton keynes i think that's where i got covered you know there you go i was there for half an hour and then after that i just went on a downward spiral milton keynes i just i don't know why but every time i'm on tick tock now and then i'll scroll across and they'll be ticked up there saying let's get rid of milton keynes and stevenage i think what's wrong with stevenage it wasn't stevenage it was somewhere else is it bad stevenage is that bad well i should be like spiders or something yeah something boring a religion see what happens then see what happens yeah um this is not on the uh this is not on the question list here although you know you could have just asked it no no i know but i love this question [Laughter] sorry these questions are brilliant do you eat rice with a spoon or a fork nah so this is okay wait what's the answer do you eat rice with a spoon or a fork her fork so this did you write this no but manny put it on his story a while ago okay okay and uh it was actually very split and everyone who said a spoon thinks that anyone who eats with a fork is an idiot because ultimately why would you eat with something that's small enough to fall through the fork yeah but i i think the answer is this as follows if if i'm going to eat purely rice and i had a choice of what you know cookery to use to eat that rice i probably would go for a spoon yeah but if i'm eating chinese you know i have to you know stick my fork into a chicken bowl and then scoop some rice i'll go for a fork yeah i mean yeah well i say you're eating like egg fried rice on its own chopsticks the way it's intended yeah yeah yeah if it's sticky if it's not sticky it's a nightmare no just dry egg fried rice please and i just want one grain at a time yeah spoon for that though yeah yeah but yeah everyone everyone says oh why would you eat with a with a fork because then we had a huge argument over what foods you would eat with a spoon or report we have an interesting thursday let's go let's go let's go well they basically said oh you would use a spoon for anything that was originally a liquid and turned into a food basically there was some foods that i was like oh but i was like i'd eat any food any solid food with a fork yeah yeah but what about jelly if you ate jelly with a fork you're a freak i don't think yeah yeah yeah spoon maybe i just like to take the lid off if it's jelly and then just yeah bang it in my mouth and then they said no no desserts you'd eat all desserts for the spoon no people eat cake with the fork yeah cake of the food yeah there's a there's actually a whole website oatmeal yeah i think it's just a web page i don't think it's i do i do uh some quirky things where i eat yogurt with the fork sorry watermelon 36 with a spoon 64 with a fork you can you can stick the spoon in twist it round and then pull it out you got like a a ball of melon i thought everyone should hate it with their hands i've never seen anyone if you put it up into triangles you can use your hands because you can hold the edge but if you don't have that luxury maybe you have to use some sort of you know cutlery anyway what was the question i was going to have i'm going to ask something yeah sorry i just i got distracted by the the the rice question um i've forgot completely forgotten it was actually relevant to you know us all it was a great one but now i'm gonna have to resort to this list again uh what's the weirdest fact you know um no no uh okay is water wet why what it's not water's not wet what water's not wet what is it then water makes things wet but it itself is not wet between nick what's next it's true water's not wet it literally is wet no look up look up the definition type in is water wet tick-tock that's the definition this is where you definitely that is that is the law this one okay can we have sound for this it's a minute and forty no no no no we don't need to hear all of it this is just it's only it's muted okay first in an audio right now my hair got wet now i gotta get it oh my shoes got wet now i gotta let them sit outside and dry you don't say that the ocean gets wet it's just water water is water fire right we know that it example if i were to myself water on this mirror right here and say it's wet but if it were somehow possible to splash water droplets onto water we could see the water droplets sitting on the water you'd say oh that water is wet you know what you're doing water it itself is not wet it makes things worse yeah yeah i mean i guess i get here but it then you know i would say it is wet because if water's on me i'm what it's the wettest thing there is yeah you can't get any wetter so there's randolph yeah true if you throw a brick at me i'm not suddenly wet because that brick's not wet finally we're talking cents move on move on because that was the dumbest sentence i think blame the question um one one last fire one what's the weirdest i think isn't like a fire question or one that relates to the floor are you about to read okay what it's the weirdest thing a guest ever done at your house flat um had sex wait what in the bathroom yeah it was a party or it was a small gathering though it wasn't it wasn't big enough to be a party no it's big enough to be oh we'll just see you don't you have to say names so i think it was might be my birthday but it was it was during covert so there wasn't many people probably six at most yeah or wearing masks yeah yeah as you know we weren't encouraged because it was july so we were okay um but anyway we there's people who who it's come along they'd come late and then oh yeah see people went off i'm like where are they and then we had the bathroom door open and i was like oh sorry i'm walking weird hey scumbag that's where i have my baths so i was uh yeah they definitely had sex do you still keep in touch with these people yes does it come with a conversation uh no um yeah just don't want to bring it up um were they a couple or was it just yeah they're a couple uh scumbags yeah all right yeah have they bleached down everything especially their [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah they they did that i was drunk at the time so i didn't really care maybe sober me if it was just you know they'd come around for dinner and dip that what the [ __ ] yeah just you through and then they they peer off yeah it's just me this is boring sir let's go [ __ ] each other what are you saying you've got any stories about weird people in your house i just lived with nick for a while that's about it um no i don't know did we i don't think so have any weird people in our house any time anything weird happen and you can't say your mum i don't think we were going to clean down ground rules you live in the north what happened i mean you must have had something weird seems more north than i am yeah he lives in the north as well yeah you must have yeah so when i was a kid um and and shout out my friends great friend um used to come over to my house like sleepovers as you would like we used to call it friday nights like the fridays because was it on a friday afternoon was on friday but friday night sometimes went on a friday yeah yeah no it's a meme it's all fridays let's do a friday and sometimes we'll do a friday on a tuesday not really through a spanner in the works okay but during the school week on a tuesday night i might be lying here saturday then saturday but anyway so he used to stay over but i think he um he's a good friend of mine but he i think he was scared of like saying i need to go home now in the morning yeah so like he would just do it in weird times so like i'd go for a piss come come back and he's just gone [Laughter] was he forced to hang out with you yes no but i think people i think people thought that because i i really like hanging out with people um so like i would i would like most people you know i think you go you go for a sleepover wake up the next morning and then you go but i kind of hang around when i'm when i'm places you know i stay until they tell me yes on the other side of the uh the coin i was staying at his house once his dad like you know in the morning his dad came over to him was like we're uh we're going out now and i thought i called cool where this whole thing was have you ever had any weird people in your house yours was you yeah i'm the weird one but no it's just funny that he used to come downstairs and he was gone and the window was open and it's gone with the wind through the window no but the window was open no no but it's just funny like it's just funny but um another story is i my cousin and my best mate back in back at home um i want to stay at the house for a whole weekend yeah because your cousin your best mate yeah live together oh yeah they're married oh yeah so my my cousin laura's maid of honor and my best best man is the marriage yeah cool yeah it's cool because it means that you know when you know together it's everyone's friends yeah yeah you stayed up there for a week yeah i stayed overwhelmed no i stayed there and then it got late and they're like you know stay i was like yeah yeah i'll stay and then next day i just was there watching kitchen nightmares and then it got late again and said you want to stay again i said yeah wow it's not that weird now but it is when you're not supposed to be there our house our house was literally like a hotel like every weekend we had someone stay for the whole weekend as well that's nice it's like that you know it's nice to see friends and stuff yeah it's beautiful yeah i heard um in a mischief the streamer oh you know yeah it's a popular stream on youtube but i know ludwig did a video you should try this actually he did a video where he um he said that you know uh and you know anyone can make it on youtube anyone can do videos that are successful so he went on the cover type thing and spent like 24 hours creating a whole new channel a whole new video and he tried to get a thousand views on that video in one day so you know i can't remember i wanted to do that yeah but it's like you can't do face cam face cam can't do your voice yeah but then you're telling me you're gonna post just a game play of a game no so what he did was a good video question he did uh he he hired someone on fiverr he wrote a script has one of five to do a voiceover it was kind of like a documentary style thing so three minutes long around mischief about like you know what what mischief uh how he you know got successful or became successful and they're actually saying one of the main things one of the main reasons for it was that he uh his door so the title was how how this streamer's door made him a million dollars or something like that but he actually was quite a cool concept so they were speaking about friends in seinfeld how like there's an open door policy so you know every time on those shows you know a famous person would walk through the door and the crowd like you know um so he he's got a policy on his stream apparently where like anyone can have anyone can walk onto a stream he's got a chair next to him and if you're at his house you can just walk onto a stream so that encourages people to actually you know get on his stream to get quite a lot of viewers and then also creates good content for him so if you're streaming so random people can just go to this house not necessarily random people but like say like friends so for example if you're streaming i could just come over and just sit with you i mean you can yeah i i know but just yeah yeah welcome anytime thank you i might do that tomorrow then actually watch out all right it's gonna be a long weekend for you you're watching kitchen nightmares in the background said you're in defense [Laughter] about this gift but you know do you like do you stream ever stream no never streamed you don't really play games do you no i used to play used to play fifa a lot um and i just stopped because it took up a lot of my time not that i'd do anything yeah just i think i i play way too much when i do play so i'd be i'd be worried about reverting back to a young college stephen failed miserably i can relate to that because i i have that thought when i'm playing games but i'm not good enough to stop i used to smash controllers but now you stream so it's at least like productive yeah yeah yeah you're truly working yeah that's the reason i started streaming again i was like i need to really make the most i want to play cod yeah i don't want to waste all my time how long did you stream for like a week on average it'd be i was in how many hours a week oh right i was like i don't stream for a week i'm having to stream a week uh i do like i'd say five days a week between two and four hours every stream i'm mad mad i i only streamed for the last two days and each was like an hour and a half yeah but i don't do any more but i'm trying to get back into it you know there you go depends what there is yeah you you did a 50 hour stream recently i did yeah it's horrible yeah it's really horrible how did you how did you keep going i don't know but i actually had energy for the whole thing and then the stream ended and clash yeah it was like the last hour i think i'm i've lost my mind we're playing like a drawing game like one of the ones that i draw and everyone in the chat to guess what it is or something like that and i'm just i don't know what i'm drawing at this point it's like draw a house and i just start drawing like random shapes come on guys guess what they say draw a house though no like squaring a triangle will do that's not random shapes then true true it's very specific once did you when did you start streaming uh i streamed on twitch like five years ago six years ago and then i stopped for two three years did a year on youtube for the bag and then uh moved to twitch because youtube streaming was terrible yeah and now i've been streaming for two years yeah you know yeah believe it or not it was two years yesterday since the ksi and logan paul fire yeah meant that's ridiculous like covered it has literally just deleted two years yeah that was weird well watch it i watched the clip yesterday where logan knocks him down yeah but he he he wraps his head doesn't he first which is a foul and then yeah he pulls his head down yeah it's a tough one isn't it because obviously even though they put a lot of work in the quality still wasn't there compared to a lot of other boxing fights so you're going to have stuff like that happen aren't you yeah because they're not you know necessarily you know just maybe a couple years yeah yeah you looking forward to the jake paul tommy it's a weird one that you're gonna watch it it depends what time it's on you know it might not stay miami again is it leaving like three four uh florida the east coast tampa bay yeah east coast east coast i remember last time everyone's like oh it's east coast so it's not going to be 5 a.m and it was literally 5 a.m i think this one will be 2 or 3 a.m yeah there's always someone in the chat who knows isn't there they're always asked 3 a.m they just got a sauce oh yeah the ring walks at 3 15. you're like where have you found that out yeah yeah just the coordinator's just in your chat every time i feel like journalists have a field day when stuff that happens yeah there's an article on every single tablet out there that's like you know when will the fight start and no one knows yeah the journal is just there like four a.m ring walk thousand views on that page you know it's a weird one though because that i thought tommy fury would just batter him and then you know you look at how he's fighting recently yeah just in general he's he looks like he should be a great boxer he's built and he's ridiculously he sounds like he should be a good boxer with the name fury that's it you know but i i agree as well obviously jake paul so far has you feel like he's chosen fighters that he can beat right yeah yeah so why has he chosen tommy yeah because he maybe thinks he can i weirdly i i think jake will win i do i literally do yeah because even he's not more convincing really well even in like uh any live thing that they've done tommy always seems like he just doesn't yeah he's not ready for the occasion he freezes up yeah it must be hard when you're like your brothers the best pups are around pretty much but he's done all this live tv stuff he's been you know in the public eye for years yeah he should be at least a little bit used to it i'm not sure he lives the boxing lifestyle i just yeah who do you want to win to agree um oh it's tricky that it's interesting what what jake's doing and like where he's going with it if he beats tommy fury though i don't know where i think he started i think he was like tyson yeah i think he calls out tyson fury because logan did the other day logan was like oh let's have a like a brother battle so i'll fight tyson and jake fights tommy but tyson fury did this months ago and he was like i'm not going to fight you that's ridiculous and now yeah logan seems to have watched recently yeah i'll do it yeah logan's changed i mean i think that the tassel one is just that's just ridiculous isn't it like mike tyson or tyson fury because he wants to fight both yeah same time all the time [Laughter] any of the tysons i don't know i mean i mean like you know tyson's fury would destroy anyone yeah but i think after you know going the distance with uh welder oh wait no no no mayweather no it's very different but after doing that i think he's kind of like okay i think i could i can get a lot of money for this you know i get like 10 20 mil minimum just go in the ring if i get knocked out i'm fighting the best boxer in the world yeah as expected yeah i mean would you go in the ring for 10 20 mil against tyson fury no would you not no um yeah and i really butter them up before i do it i'll be like hey i love your work how are you kids and all that sort of stuff no i thought i thought he would kill me i feel like i would actually be in you know serious serious you can't just like you can't take a dive yeah no yeah and i would not do that you're gonna you can i think you're not like i would just brain temperature i'd do this i'd do this and i think he would still be able to knock me out through my arm yeah hope for a body shot yeah one body shot then i'm down yeah yeah you you have a health health condition you you'd have prop serious health issues sorry tell me why i say that serious health i do now yeah like the i in the build up during the press conference i cannot say anything to tyson where it's believable i'm gonna [ __ ] do you in mate second round yeah i'm gonna mess up oh you just you wait you sod you docile yeah yeah wait for this to come your way [ __ ] oh yeah nothing i can say it'll be useful the world's a mysterious place i feel like in two years now this is gonna happen yeah and they're gonna come back to what's called podcast stephen tyson was watching just slams his laptop what i was gonna say was logan paul i think he's changed in terms of he seems a bit a bit more like i don't know what it is when he was starting on that fan the other day and he starts pushing them around yeah yeah he's half his height yeah he's he's got a screw loose again yeah maybe i i guess it goes through ways he was probably drunk at that point though because he was headed to a club right in the club i feel like it's always yeah that was a tough one i feel obviously using the wrong so you shouldn't have done that but yeah at the same time i think we've all had that experience where like someone says something to you and you just wanna you just wanna calling him [ __ ] right yeah i thought it wouldn't i guess it depends who you are like i mean maybe logan doesn't want but i think logan gets he i reckon he gets that everywhere in the uk yeah i think everyone because of the whole like because of the ksi logan fight yeah everyone in the uk is like logan's a [ __ ] unless if they've like watched any logan stuff or any of the jj logan stuff that they've done since they'll kind of go oh logan's quite cool these days yeah but if they haven't yeah all they've seen is this like cocky guy get beaten by ksi yeah are you [ __ ] what's the ratio of like nice fans to just abuse that you get um i'd say like 70 30. nice yeah we actually have like most people were really nice yeah was that higher or lower than you thought i thought i thought the abuse was higher than that i anticipated it to be a lot lower recently um now they're all they all seem quite nice quite loud that's what i'd expect yeah nice but 30 is quite high there was one of uh the tick-tock of vic the other day he was offensive walking with his girlfriend and oh yeah some guy cycles past and he's like oh your girl's dead but i'll rate you thumb it was such a weird it's like but you're my guy you're my guy i was like that's horrible i'm just imagining victor's girlfriend watching that and at first he's like that's out of order that's not bad yeah it's like yeah this is horrible she leaves the room retweet this is bang out of order i i just feel like yeah well it's clear in the situation like that that person's just looking for like you know that's the issues if they have a tick tock it's it's normally abusive because they're trying to get the viral clip yeah yeah but if they are actually just coming up to say hi they're normally nice yeah i i've got i don't mind telling people to [ __ ] off like there's i've got no issue with just going piss off or whatever yeah the worst yeah the worst is when they're just filming you straight away and you know you know you can't really do anything maybe just uh insult them defense you know what it is when you're when you're known as like a funny guy like you and harry yeah you can actually say [ __ ] off and it's it's funny yeah we had the other day in our last week's filming uh sidemen we were in this like big hall and um there was 200 kids outside they genuinely broke in and all run over and while we're filming they just kind of run in and you know the typical like sprinting going oh my god oh my god and then they're standing in front of us and then they all don't know what to do and then harry just leans over and just goes lad can you [ __ ] off and everyone found it hilarious but it's like if you know please can you [ __ ] up if toby does it it's kind of like oh right yeah calm down if i do it it's mean like that kind of thing yeah but um yeah no it was it was hilarious the the [ __ ] off part not the breaking end yeah that's weird it was a little bit odd it's very strange yeah i'm not gonna i'd have any more questions well i i was i forgot i was gonna say but now i realized i was playing call of duty last night and playing certain destroying this person said he's gonna [ __ ] my mom my sister and my gran well i'm just just talking about like [ __ ] she's not an ageist yeah it wasn't funny either just you know just float right well uh that note to end um check out the worst podcast in the world yeah check out check out the uh the netflix show as well right on youtube yeah stephen tries cunning stunts oh a cheeky title yeah yeah so it's on netflix's channel youtube channel yeah um it does have funny moments in it i promise how many episodes one's out roughly yeah there's there'll be five five stunt episodes and then they've got this this bonus episode uh okay so yeah well the first one's already out second one out soon a lot of fun you could say the first one was fire yeah yeah you could do because i uh i got fired for uh flashing a member of the crew jason i'm so sorry you looked at me in a way that i thought was uh you know you were appealed by me sorry mate well yeah thanks for watching uh check out all the links in the description down below and thank you very much for coming on thank you man thank you it's been great you
Channel: What's Good Podcast
Views: 1,819,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whats good, miniminter, randolph, podcast
Id: IX0D1LF5B5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 32sec (6632 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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