I let KSI and SIMON Control My Twitter

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they've left the door open for me how nice of them focus that hello guys I'm here for you some fun ok guys do you know I've got a choice my mouth right recording what I can't understand it I don't care ok then I'm gonna get off me I want to help decide after witness this rise why are we here today why have you done this to me because you asked us to alright guys if you remember last time I was kidnapped by these two wears bears probably stuck somewhere did you tweet that yeah so the same thing is happening again I feel like Helen harrion had remorse on me last time but this time we have JJ involved but there's a reason why Simon's here and that's to kind of bring it back down a level okay I'm gonna okay here's a free bird me gusta he seems quite quiet compared to his recent videos I'm trying to think it's hard man sorry I'm thinking oh why don't we [Music] there's one rule on this show ruin my career Oh JJ I'm not gonna get it for now JJ tonight's I'm not being racist okay oh good start it's not racist there's no racist if we say not being racist exactly not being racist is that not comforting I'm gonna have to get home and upload this video tonight how does this this isn't a real phone just phone this is fake but like that big a disgusting well but why do yes this is why we're doing this to you guys to do this because I've got the Google pixel street you're wearing an Apple hat not being racist guys guys I have one rule my career has to be science behind it you're gonna tell me what you're tweeting oh we will we're just were just typing out it's pretty annoying me that this just starts my ear no it's a hell yeah shame they ask you how you are you just need to say that you're fine when you're not really fine you just can't get into it because they would never under any way so tweet I'm not gonna read this what you mean you're not gonna read it well says the n-word four times not being racist but why does black people have big lips there has to be a science behind it yeah I didn't take to the last you do realize you like borderline ruining my career right now just I can give we should go a different route like you can breathe our air oh yeah I told you I can't stop it you can't stop trained in like four years it's true I'd have to take the phone and run at least like 17 centimeters oh look at the replies oh oh it's got my name in their username people know I'm not racist I'm not a racist person well someone actually said you tied up again they're monsters lobby for Twitter for Android we need to find someone that calls him racist and then we can put them out how am i racist JJ's one of my closest friends not to be racist it's gonna be racist that's good enough I say that's good enough here we through comment LEM ow now how am I being racist JJ is one of my closest friends oh yeah he was am i still no no well then just add another racist love my ass off how am I being racist JJ is one of my closest friends - yeah really you need to go third final hit sir of this bit okay you're moving on from racism no no we need the trifecta of Rose today we need a conversation with you where he's DMD you instead do you think I can tweet this and you say I wouldn't and then he says but it's not racist is it and you can say like Oh bro it's up to you if you wanna go hmm be like but what are you doing okay yeah do it do it [ __ ] deal do it Oh a few people do know it's JJ yeah you baited yourself I'm one sweet you poor boy if he has a photo of him like a selfie and we can tweet it out like when people think that someone's on my phone yeah photos surely you've got selfie oh that's an awfully close yourself okay we need a we need a selfie don't we need a selfie you can just stay on Twitter like your bloody meant to be no we're all right we need a selfie front of him tree just do that one oh I know not but people know that one that's this one sounds good body shots yeah it's you in bed with a pack of chocolate on your chair my favourite chocolate my favorite chocolates on your go oh yeah let's go [Music] [Laughter] that's what for bish and you bend my hat does lie when you tried to hit Logan Oh No Oh carry on Oh question everyone I think everyone's been thrown off the scent yeah that one's been thrown off the scent you don't like an ostrich egg where did you send the message what are you doing is this for a video trigger is it that bad just lied delete it yeah yeah we're gonna say is it that bad shall I delete it we want to send that to him I got my speech back speech impediment back yeah well I delete it and then you can reply and then you can reply to that in a second I would but you do you found and then put like a laughing face screenshot like that so like that yeah yeah okay yeah what do we want to caption that imagine fabricating fake text bass imagine some creativity while looking a bit if JJ is cool with it surely you should be okay I mean if JJ is cool with it then surely all of you should be and it's a question as JJ its message to you saying found what you did is this root video and you say isn't that bad shall I delete it oh he says you don't fake texts oh and JJ shows no remorse oh there's a smile smile hey I'm ruining someone's career let's smile about it honestly there applies to this yeah can I see them no we can tell you them okay video applies a man who flexes their Belgian chocolate on us broke asses is no man I know you're right next to each other stop oh yeah okay where are we going with this now I say we just drop an f-bomb he seems very determined on this doctor we know what we could do what's extremely complex okay but I could change my whatsapp hotel okay Sarah and then I pretend I'm Sarah so let's do I'm Evan you can text me oh yeah okay last year's we're good friends what you gonna do I just explained it to me settings can you go on what's up quick just we need to get exactly the same service this is some intricate and stuff that they're doing right now and I do not approve if you have some water fresh yeah yeah enough yeah hey thanks you got Simon that's great more for a minute no we've got my nose broke okay back to being Sarah no you know I just changed the camera angles you have to stay are they boys and so I just should we bother pic which is more effort changing the camera angle picking them up so just change camera don't worry Cal they can now see you so whose photo all photos there we go just message bro you better start running he might catch you in 25 minutes okay so now we just need to what we get out what we got okay I want you to be like nice nice so we play up to the facts all right I know this is for a video but seriously you should delete that what this affects the tic-tock deal you should reply to that Sara people know it's a joke with ksi and mini-mental I know but you are Callum is a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars don't risk it yeah and then I just reply like excellent like Callum in capitals yeah and then screenshot that and P like when Sarah takes stuff to whole no-go game Ted nice dice be together I'm sorry that's a lot of money and I mean Sarah does have a point there [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] does this have to be Twitter video how often do we get this chance enjoy gout [Laughter] ladies don't freak we just don't and back up this is torture legitimately torturing yeah there we go we got a final low well clearly I've taken this too far what next one exit we did two quick I mean integrate what what is next screw which means screw it well clearly I'm taking this too far some of this some of you guys need to kill yourselves with it - goodness oh my god this is the we do not this is not our opinions this is this is entirely calloc boom oh my god oh my god he's pretty close to getting out again no our views just to collect mr. hub are you okay yeah no it's okay it's okay okay oh I'm free you
Channel: Callux
Views: 9,343,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callux, ksi, simon, twitter, takeover, controlling
Id: g_b89CfyWyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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