Top 100 Games of All Time - 70-61

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[Music] tom vassell's top 100 games of all time [Music] but never piano [Music] voice of the people [Music] good afternoon everybody i'm tom vassell i'm mike delecio i'm z garcia and for the second straight not in second street but for the second time the voice of the people chris yee oh my goodness e after ye it's just a yee fest yeah double e i yeah e squared i'm the first president of the united states with non-consecutive uh terms since um that one guy what's his name yep let's just anyway today folks we're covering some top 100 stuff tell them what they won tom you got 70 through 61. whoa that's the gift thing top 10 is brought to you by the number 70 through 61 and apparently troy w who did a super chat yeah thank you troy i should mention yes thank you that's very kind yeah i was gonna do some shout outs but i forgot my shadows oh i can get you those shout outs my man i can get you those shout outs something just landed on me look at this it was part of mike we like to thank some of our kickstarter backers and by that we'd like to say thank you to allison bannock steve and i get isaacson ryan campbell the wyland family nat violet and rigby jake zeck and dagmar capel and edenberg board gamers in scotland did i say dagmar it's dogma i would love to play board games in edinburgh you mean edinburgh look it depends on who you ask this is a very very eden burger very controversial burger eating burger i don't know any scotland all right so we got we got some more great games to talk about so we're just going to jump right into it oh well once we get some z's pick here we go what [Music] i'm gonna just ignore your comment because you ever not once you see once you see my number 70 you're gonna feel real foolish tom number seven small man is a i consider this a classic game it is the first time it's on my list but it's an older game it's the first time it's on my list it is my favorite of the kramer and keisling mask trilogy this is to call thanksgiving the best one yeah so this is a game that i i've always enjoyed it but it as time goes on i think my appreciation for it goes even higher and there's a couple of reasons why i think number one is i feel like this is one of the games that does the best job of marrying theme with mechanisms i really feel like it evokes for a for our straight up euro game did you say this is the best game that does that no no no i feel like it does it really oh yeah yeah that trilogy for sure and i also really like the action point system as a mechanism it's not done very often there are some inherent limitations to it it can lead to some ap things along those lines but i feel like when it's done well it is a really cool way i actually think it's a flawed system no no i love it i love it i think it's flawed and i'll tell you why no one does it now with the exception of occasional game we'll say you have two or three actions that's not the same as i just i just reviewed a game today actually it's going to be going up later this week that uses it and and no no that's what made me that's what i mean that's the game what's the game moon adventure from oink oh you roll dice and what you roll is your point you haven't played it chris played it anyway i it leads to way too much now i think i think taka's a fine game but i think the action point system is a problem and it's a we've evolved past it i i we don't see almost any games coming out with it other than apparently a small oink game i disagree that starts with the name pandemic in the title right yeah yeah again that's a few small things and everything costs one usually this is this costs three this costs two yeah it's a different system i still think it's a great system i understand what you're saying but i i still think it's a great system and this to me is the best utilization of that system my favorite of the of that trilogy i really like to call a lot and this new addition that now thankfully is more easily available in uh north america um is a gorgeous edition is it easier this year this year became more readily available mexico's better though no mexico is my favorite to call is my second favorite texas texaco to call my favorite then mexico then you know cusco or java whichever one i agree 70 to call this was in my top 100 for many years um it's not right now but it it's a classic i agree with you this game is great just because the mechanism does not then become cannibalized by by everybody else making games it's not mean i'm saying the large action point thing not two three or four i don't play in every game but when i play this game i'm like this is different yes that's kind of what makes it good i mean i'm telling you we've evolved past it in game to design i'm just i'm just saying disagreement all right my number seven is an action point selection uh to cal like game called conspiracy colon abyss universe gotta get that colon in there colon this is a tiny little card game has nothing to do with the action selection or any of that nonsense this is the same theme as abyss the big board game it's which is not really that big it's like a an over a blown card game well this is a card game that's not overblown that's the difference they are very different games they're not similar they just use some of the same feelings and uh same artwork but in this one you are trying to build this large pyramid and then scoring for a few different things the the best lord in each color will give you its points having a group connected of the same color that'll score points whenever you get some of the characters that give you these special keys you got a special card that will score something things like that it's very smooth and it mainly retains the the the thing that made abyss abyss is this philosophy of everything i do if i do too much wastefully i help you right this idea of life i keep drawing cars fighting for looking for the perfect one i'm leaving all these for you guys that translates to this and it keeps that core sort of essence so i really like this one i think it's criminally overlooked this vanished it's been on sale say for like 10 bucks you can find this game yeah it's inexpensive it's an inexpensive little game when did this come out a couple of years ago right 319 or 18. it didn't and i'm not saying a pun it didn't make a splash when it was no that's the issue is there was no like big fanfare around it not at all it was like really the advantage is this a two to four player game yeah okay so you can play it multiple yeah i need to try this you need to try it it's good stuff anyway conspiracy is what the game is called that title doesn't help that's called conspiracy abyss universe they get a good job avoiding calling it like abyss something and you think it's an expansion that might have gone the other way a little too much well conspiracy is also the name of a couple other games yes yeah also is there not is it not on the box cover is this another that they do the same thing as it is the same thing they did it baby it's a little tame it says it on the side it's not as pretty as this cover all right my number 70 has been on this guy doesn't know anything about action points box covers or hats hmm that guy that got personal [Laughter] my number seven he's been on and off my list for years um i'm not sure why it's on this year he doesn't know anything about top 100 something's just move in and out it happens anyway it's through the ages oh wow through the ages and um second edition i still think it's weird that board game geek allows both to be ranked in the top 100 when they're clearly the same game with minor differences but anyhow through the ages is the best translation of civilization the computer game even though it doesn't have a map um that there is i really like the card movement and keeping track of everything i love civilization a computer game this gives me that same feel i like it best with two i know i'm in a minority there most people enjoy it with multiple players there's a lot of people who love us with three um and it's a good game and who knows if it disappears next year not from my list but it made it on this year because i like it do you play this as an app because i know a lot of people now play this it's a really good app and so that maybe is why i came back on youtube i have not played through the scenarios there's like weird scenarios i just play it straight i have not played it with the leaders either which i need to get around to doing okay did you play this year expansion i don't even know i'm just saying when i did the listings and it felt like i don't know it's just a really great game it was ranked number one on board game geek for a really long time yeah so or or at least two for a long time it was like it was extremely high yeah so it's a heavy hitter yeah play play the leaders in the app because it's it's just it's good it's a solid expansion yeah i want to try that out i guess i i just easily could so that's through the ages all right so the people's choice number 70 is a large game it is one that uh a certain person at this table here champions it's it's uh very new uh it is a game called dwellings of elder fail and number 70 this year last year uh it was at 1 45 and i'm if i'm i'm guessing that it just was not very widely available just come out when we did our list last year yeah yeah so the fact that it was 145 even that way yeah but yeah this is a big worker placement game it's got some adjacency rules to it it has a map it does things differently than other worker placement games does it has combat it has uh it has a little bit of that luke lori kind of flare to when you pull back your workers off the map you get bonuses from that it's a very clever game it looks almost like a uh air quotes big dumb game but it's but it's not i think that i think it resonates with a lot of people for the thematic for the presentation and for the fact that it's a very smartly designed game yeah i obviously have a high scheme i think that the availability is is what it's about i'm actually surprised it's on the list because it's available now can you get it now you still can't get it because it was a kickstarter kickstarter it was never gone to retail to my knowledge unless retailers that you know backed it so right right um you know someone uh was just complaining that we talk about games that are not available but i can't let that affect you can't whether it's on my list or not yeah right well clearly the people are that's different but i suspect this one's higher up because there's a lot of people like mike who put it very high on their lives oh yeah sure yeah yeah it's higher than mike's list it may not be we'll we'll find out yeah so a lot of people are asking about the solo mode and dwellings i like it a lot all right so that's the people's choice number 70 dwellings of elder veil [Music] and come back my number 69 is a crossover i believe with tom yes a crossover i'm saying yes to him okay all right he's gonna we're kicking chris out he'll be back he's gonna disappear for a moment uh i believe this is a crossover with you not 100 sure this is another game that's not brand new but it's new to my list and it's because i only played it for the first time last year and it's already up to my number 69 favorite game and that is glenn moore ii oh yeah this is a crossover yeah i played the first glenn moore uh that was the only you know version of this game i played and i liked it the beautiful version yeah it did you know it did that that uh you know that thing where you're one-way street whatever but glenn moore takes that central core mechanism and puts it into a much more kind of grandiose type of a game that's still not difficult to teach not difficult to learn i feel like of the chronicles i've played i have not played all of them but i've played a fair number of them of the chronicles i've played they've all been nice twists on that core system where it changed up the field but you didn't feel like you're learning a new game easy to kind of plug and play these in i really like the production i like how quickly it plays this is a game that again feels to me like it could be a modern you know it could turn out to be a classic it's a game that i feel like could be an evergreen if enough people play it i wonder on that and the reason i think it might not become an evergreen classic is because it's humongous and expensive yeah it is big and that's hard it is pricey but i think for what you get it's not i mean it's not sure but yeah i could give you a piano box full of components i'm just saying it's like a jumping it needs to be a relatively easy jumping on point that's the issue you probably know it's like that's why they make a ticket to ride london sure sure sure because you can take get a taste gloomhaven jaws of the life they made one more express glenmore express i would actually play that yeah maybe it might be called glenn moore yeah the original glenn boyce is kind of that so maybe that's the way to go if you really played glenn moore and really liked it yeah check this out because i think it does that plus this is the one i want to play again i really enjoyed yeah i enjoyed it i taught that to you last year and uh yeah i think you enjoyed it excellent have you ever mixed multiple of the little modules but you normally like put one in there no i think it's designed to just play with a mod a chronicle the way all good modules yeah yeah all right my number uh where are we at 69 here is a new game to the list that i played with mike it was my top 10 games of the year unassuming a little two-player game called great planes yes great planes we played this at a gen con just kind of threw it out and i really enjoyed that play of it i thought it was like you know refreshing uh like refreshingly simple but almost immediately kind of thinking okay because it's an area control game basically and you're putting out your little characters here controlling the greenery there that you see um each one of those chunks being worth the number of points that it's made up of but then also you can waste quote unquote a character on an action spot to get a special ability and there's only like three different kinds but they'll let you move more efficiently and push people out of stuff out of spots things like that the whole thing's 20 minutes 25 minutes yep and it's modular when you set it up so once you're done setting that up you're like okay well there's a high scoring area right here it's gonna be a big fight for that that might not be in the next game it might be several smaller ones and where the things ended up where you start and come on to the board because you have to sort of build as a group yeah it's really neat it's basically kind of an abstract game with special abilities but um i enjoyed it i thought it was very clever very very smart little game great planes nice package too not one you've played no i was just thinking about taking it home and playing it with laura oh yeah i think it might go over well nice nice components the whole thing is a really nice little package i like this series a lot the lookout spiel two player box yeah they're good lines they're so good i need to try this one all right my number 69 cult of the noob puts we have vi counts and paladins and architects but there was an original trilogy that had one good game in it and that game is my number 69 raiders of the north sea ah this was this has been on the list for four years um this does include one of the expansions and when i was making my lists i said i could also just put raiders of um sit the end here sure which i think oh okay raiders of cynthia as a base game is better than raiders in the north sea slightly i mean we're talking minute degrees but raiders of the north sea with an expansion expansions better radius of cythia and i like this theme and colorful board better than the cythia board um that being said they're both essentially the same game which is why only ones on my list but i like this a lot the idea of putting a worker getting an action and pulling a worker has not been copied very much yeah so it must be trash again it's still newer and i'm not saying it's trash how old is raiders several years old tom there's plenty of been playing i'm talking about a large selection of action points drags a game down and brings it in ap designers realize that and there's a max of four action points in games now that's what i'm saying argue with that and that's not a few years that's 20 years 23 years to be exact i i don't think you're going to improve we're getting into the weeds here i don't think you're going to improve to call by making a smaller number of action points i don't know i'm just saying again i'm not saying to cause a bad game i'm just saying that mechanism anyway okay okay this mechanism though is a work replacement one phillips phillips is always messing with worker placement games he's always trying new things um and i would not be surprised if his stuff is copied by other people like the architects go and uh capture a bunch of people that's not been copied either yeah there's a lot of things but that one fishing game did this work replacement thing that's the only one i can think of oh yeah you're right but but you know we'll see but i love this concept i like it a lot and this was one that's grown on me i remember when i first played raiders i said this is a good game but now i think it's a great game yeah so raiders of the north sea or cynthia sure the people's choice number 69 is ticket to ride europe yes yeah this is something that you already mentioned i believe so and if i haven't then spoilers i don't remember where it is so for the last few years this game has been hanging out in the 60s it's been as high up as 29 back in 2013. this is a game that's been on the list every single year yeah for the for the people's choice vote it's completely understandable why very approachable game very fun whimsical kind of look to it you know but really beautiful production uh and they just released the anniversary edition of the first tradition check that out i have not gotten a good look at that i gotta gotta it's really really pretty it's pretty yeah but even i mean this is not the anniversary edition and it's very nice both looks like and reminds me of warm bread that's what ticket to ride is to me i know some people play like cutthroat ticket to ride okay and that's not warm bread you know what i mean yeah that's boiling bread with razors that's hot cross buns this is like warm bread that's what that feels like to play yeah that's funny because whenever i play i like some cards ah where am i going you know i'm going in yeah you could definitely play this game both ways you really could yeah yeah that probably speaks to its wide appeal sure you know and it's it's one of those games that probably put dave's wonder as a publisher on people's radar right because yeah they've made plenty of good games before and everything but this is such a good entry point for a lot of people into this is why you did matches right because i remember now you said that this was your favorite in germany was might overtake it yeah and germany is also a fairly friendly map comparatively the whole passenger's thing and now specifically not marklin because they did change marquette has cut throat and that's why i like it better oh there you go yeah the more cutthroat ticket to ride the more i enjoy it the heart of africa you like that one that one's almost right that's the closest i've ever come to flipping a tank that was so bad part of africa is cold as ice yeah so people's choice number 69 ticket to ride to europe very good [Music] my number 68 is a modern classic i'm just kidding people are giving me grief for the modern classic thing all right i'll i'll try to consider that um this is a huge worker placement game right you talked about raiders of the north sea as a worker placement game this is one uh but it's on a much larger scale this is a feast you could have called it a beast for odin because this is a beast this is a game and i do prefer lower player counts because the down time is significant at larger play counts it also plays really well as a two-player game it's a game that certainly has enough going on look at that picture i mean that that's that's that's so intimidating to me i will not play that's the thing and and i know i'm not going to try to convince you ain't gonna try i know what i'm saying is is that yes there's a lot going on but there were some very smart production decisions ui decisions that made it easier to manage having that that round structure board where you move the moose which is also one of the best wooden components in the game down that track that kind of keeps things you you don't have to have this all you know kept in the brain pan so to speak you can say okay i know it's coming i know it's coming i love i'm gonna disagree with me i love this game spoilers it's higher my lesson you have it on yours no way this is a beast i'm not saying it's not i just said it's a beast what i'm saying though is that they did as much as they could they lessened some of the cognitive load so you don't have to remember what's next in this round you can just look right there okay yeah wow you don't remember the round that doesn't stop the fact that the biggest part of the round by far is pick one of 60 different actions but again each of those spots are variations on an action right you i i think that you're doing it a disservice by emphasizing 68 action spots because it's really it's like okay yeah four of those are wailing right it's just different strengths of a different action i love the game but okay i'm not saying it's an easy game i'm not saying it's a light game i'm not saying it's a game with even wide appeal because it's intimidating it's probably his most popular game it's a great game it's a really really good game but it's lower on my list because i'm not always in the mood to spend an hour and a half getting it off the shelf putting it all up oh you know what i mean it's a lot it's an investment time you know why the down time does downtime usually drives me crazy it doesn't bother me in this one because you can mess with your no i'm just constantly i'm thinking so hard about my turn you're just taking along my get okay never mind i'm still thinking about my turn yeah and you very rarely because there's 60 places to put the workers you very rarely put it where i was going to go yeah so i'm that doesn't i can't go oh i need to rethink yeah yeah you could so that i think it's actually a positive part of it it can happen but yeah and also i think the economy is really smart the way you get your your economy through that polyamino puzzle anyway very smart game but you have to you know be in the right frame of mind have you played the solo i have yeah okay yeah which is also really smart it's he's used a similar solo system in like news fjord and other work replacement games of it does your rating include the expansion no you know i've never played with the uh it's the norwegians right never played with it i've played with some of the expansion islands but i've never played with that before norway is amazing we're gonna make this happen it changes the game up considerably all right well you just all spent like four minutes talking about how enormous this is and being like but the expansion you made the expansion though it's such a gamer thing i know unbelievably hilarious i don't say that about too many games though in fact i think it's funny how you're like this game you'll never see everything also you want to buy it with the expansion of the scene no i'm not saying that again you get the expansion before the base game my number 68. is an argument by changing the subject my number 68 is a game that tom loves to make fun of me for liking okay i won't now menara is my 68. you just played this didn't you i just posted the pictures i was playing this weekend yeah i actually solitaired this oh well i soloed it yeah um it's been on my list before actually right around here 73 last time 69 before that it's 68 right now it's i'm zeroed in on this spot i guess and it is a dexterity game it's a cooperative game as well it is a very colorful game and in it you are building floors trying to get up to a certain level by the time either the pillars run out or the floors run out or these goals you have run out you managed to do one of those things without it all collapsing or you messing up something and then you win it's quick it's visually very appealing i like that the floors are sort of irregular so that as you build some on top of others the whole thing becomes abstract art very quickly so just about every time i teach this to someone or play it you know a convention or something halfway through the game the phones you start to come out yeah yeah i feel like ooh oh i like that that angle is good so i love that i think that's fun but um yeah the game is just neat it's got some pusher look kind of feels to it um i like it i i like it it's it's it's neat it's enjoyable and it's a very different co-op if i want to do something co-op and i'm trying to avoid a lot of rules overhead or like a scary feel for the players where they feel kind of overwhelmed i'm like co-op jenga you should be okay with it yeah yeah there's more to it than that but i can kind of run that part so yeah menard good choice my number oh you lying animals trying to be nice have you played the expansion though norwegians there isn't the region's expansion there is an expansion to menard is it really yeah what game doesn't have an expansion these days checkers takao it's called manana the expansion to monara okay so anyhow that's that's a really terrible joke all right that was awful i get a lot of garbage for not liking euro games which is odd since there are several of my top ten but anyway you're going running to the top ten no but this is definitely a very euro game despite the fact that it's set in space z hates it and that is pulsar 2849. oh you know this is not even gonna lie i do it's been on my list for four years i really like this game uh tsuchi is a designer that i really follow although i've not played his newest games i feel like he's starting to edge close to the complexity for complexity's sake yes this one does not have that although it does have a lot of options this is dice drafting very similar to grand um austria hotel yes hotel i got the three words i just forgot the order of them uh i prefer this to that game actually um one of the things i like about this is there's two pretty main strategies fly around and get planets or go around and build the pulsars and then various little strategies beyond that with a tech tree and again all of its straight-up mechanisms i don't know what taking two threes means yeah but i love it it just comes together in such a great way i also think it looks kind of cool despite the fact that it's not a blinged out like i don't even know how to bling it out like half against the library bling down i haven't blinged out pulse or 2849 at all i think it's a table hog too it's yeah it's a table hog and it's mostly just kind of the dice yeah put stuff out on the board and there's also not a ton of actions you take in the game which is normally something i don't like i want the more actions the happier i am 17 action points per turn that's what tom wants we're not going to let this go tom you missed i noticed that didn't quite say the right thing did you i like pulsar 28 49 a lot i think it's one of the best cge games i think it it has i don't even think of this as a cga game you're right right it's at a slow burn i know it did not do particularly when it first came out yeah um even critically yes but it's it's gotten more and more people have talked about it it's kind of it's going to be like generic space yeah that cover didn't help it and when i first saw it i was like right dungeon lords in space nothing like that yeah so pulsar 2849 all right before i go to the people's choice there are a few super chats i want to say thank you obviously for all of those and we're not making a z bobble head no no no that's not happening one of them mentioned that that that the feast expansion one of much of the facebook expansion is almost more of a sidestep it actually even reduces some of the spaces so it's not it's it's less like ah more all right people's choice time number 68 is maracaibo um archives another one is big heavy uh alexander fitzgerald is a very very popular designer uh this man i do feel like this is one of his his headier games you know even amongst his heavy games this is one that's uh there's a lot going on in it but last year it was 91 and so it's moving up uh and i i anticipate that this one's going to stick around like the greatest expansion coming out right yes yeah more i don't think so actually it needs an expense how many work replacement spots are in this game that's not enough workers this has a fourth one that's worker placement to the game oh there's no replacement [Laughter] that's what the expansion should have worker placement board it's an emergency cove type expansion each one adds a new mechanism you know yeah yeah no i think this is gonna be one of uh i think it's gonna be one of fisture's most popular games i expect this will probably go up even more i don't think it will ever pass great western trail i don't think so like you said there's something good about coming out first and these games are similar you know they have similarities i should say this also has like somewhat yawning of a theme [Music] it's a great composer yeah that's what you mean like it makes you yawn yes for sure you think this is less exciting piracy or whatever this is it's not piracy you're like drawing going around in a circle i don't know what you're doing it's effectively like you're in the open sea right transporting things no it's all in the caribbean less exciting than like cattle ranching i mean like the moving cattle i think the driving of cattle down is a unique interesting theme this has been done a hundred thousand times this has been done a lot yeah yeah not a hundred thousand a hundred i think both ten thousand times are not terribly excited yeah you're right this is done i like the theme of great western trail am i the only one who likes the idea of having a herd of cattle going definitely it's interesting i think it's a more unexplored theme for that reason i like it better but i think it doesn't evoke the theme even a little bit so you don't hear western music playing in the background why no one plays games with you and you play solo all the time that's fair enough anyway before this that's too mean i pull that back before this falls apart that's people's choice number 68 mark ivo sorry [Music] my number 67 is which is amazing hey yes it's a fantastic game is it a modern classic no um it is a very light cooperative game with a theme that is going to be drawing a lot of people to it my number 67 is marvel united this is uh a game that kind of is this new to the list yum it was on your list last year it's yes it's up 33 points so it was on your list last year without the expansions yes that's why it's gone up okay because because you know those expansions i think really really take the game to the next level the base game is cute it's fine it probably wouldn't be in my top 100 just as the base game but when you got like the you know the infinity gauntlet and yeah yeah yeah and you've got the sinister six which is my favorite of of those uh kind of modes of play i think i think that's actually what's shown right there yes is the sinister six this is just a really clever simple simple system it allows you to play as you know if you have a love for marvel and i don't even have a love for marvel as much i like it you're the mark well that's what i'm saying at this table i can't say that i'm an easy right i can't go crazy with saying that i'm a huge marvel fan at this table when you know you know all the minutia and roy does i like the characters this allows me to play in that world very quickly very easy quick to set up quick to play it's done in what 30 minutes maybe for for these games um really approachable and uh fun it just is fun that is my number 67 marvel united who show you that yeah i'm correct them it's dr minooka minutia x uh where are we at 67. this is a modern classic yes called istanbul istanbul is a fantastic euro style game several things in here i really particularly like i like the idea of how far you are from the locations as they're randomly set up being important so not really a work replacement thing where you can just go anywhere you want though you are triggering actions but you have to make it there so you have to sort of take your little stack of dudes and make it there drop one off when you get there that stack shrinks eventually you got to pick these people back up but you can just show up at the same place that you've been before and instead of dropping one of your helpers off to take the action you can pick one up and take the action in that way it's kind of like the whole add a worker removal worker yeah it is a little bit of you know delayed earlier than that so in that person's face whoever it was i also like that this game is there's no scoring in this game right somebody gets to six or eight seven gems or however many it is that's it they win if you get that many you win you can go the economic route you can go with goods trading goods for that instead of money you can gamble for coins and stuff it's it's fun it's and and i feel like that theme of the bazaar kind of manages to come through the game is in the euro game you know but it works it works that you can kind of you know you can go for the swingier luckier stuff if you're feeling like i'm just going to go over this corner over here and see what happens you know um yeah i really like this one good expansions on this too but you don't need that stuff it's also one of the only games that have brought back that monopoly mechanic of go to jail you know what i mean that's true the jail thing i like you yeah you get the random setup i do yeah i do oh yes they have they have sometimes suggested it's a wonky setup i like using the suggested one yes like if you want teaching it or whatever that's probably a good way to do it right and there are different suggested ones like where if you want to have you know a longer game right the synergistic things are further apart sure yeah yeah it's it's nice you have the option though i've played with one expansion which i reviewed i forget if it's the coffee i forget if it's the coffee or the other one yeah it's the one that has the letters so it must not it's not that's the letters and seals seals and that one that one and i have not messed with the coffee sticks oh okay i think that's a no i think that's a pretty solid expansion yeah have you played the rules variant really quick the where you use a neutral colored disc for each person if four of us are playing every one of us has a white disc on the bottom and anybody can go and grab anybody's white disc it's at the back of the of the rule book of the base game not my house it's really good you just got adorned no okay now you keep that rudiger fills to yourself i couldn't quite get that word out filth there we go my next game has been on or near the list for the last 16 years um last year was 77 so it's moved up a bit and that is a actual classic puerto rico now puerto rico is a classic no it is that's a different cover than actually i don't particularly like the cover that we have on the wall here there's no good there's no oh my god that's that's how you like that one that would be my guy from the gym yeah i don't like it but that that would be my favorite tobacco no no i like the i like the 20th anniversary one it's a brown box very shiny shiny very yeah yeah anyhow there's not a lot to say except that i think the idea that this one introduced which was someone picks an action and everyone else gets to take that same action um but the person who picks it gets a bonus is still one of my favorite mechanisms to the point when any game has it in it i almost like the game on the spot yeah not every game has managed to pull it off and very few games have pulled it off as cleanly as puerto rico that is one thing that has been copied yes yes but do you do you are you okay with the kind of the meta that has come around this game of you know don't sit to the left if somebody doesn't know what they're doing type of a thing and it can break the game that's been less of a problem each year yeah because i don't play with people who are that good at puerto rico yeah normally i'm teaching the game to new folks when i play it now right so and you wreck them you destroy them no that you're that's how you play games uh i'm i just beat him by a little bit okay that's okay i enjoy this i mean high level play at puerto rico it's one of the few games i like high level playing yeah i played this a few years ago with four people who all knew the game and i was like oh i wasn't used to that very different experience and that is good and yes there is some falls about if you play with someone who's really good sitting next to someone who's new but that should be taken into account by the players also i think there is a flaw a known flaw in this game because it has been studied and i'll put that in quotes also so much more than these other games not because there is inherently more of a flaw in this game sure it's been playing a billion times some people have found things that they haven't found in other games because we haven't gone that deep right but to that point i almost always play with the expansion i'm to say i like this top ten um which just changes in and out some buildings which keep it from being a set thing like oh i've never seen this combo before good now we're playing a slightly different game changes up yes that makes sense okay all right the people's choice number 67 i'm gonna let you all guess it right because this has a reputation for being a brutally difficult cooperative game and i think with that clue you would get it within two hours that's the one robinson crusoe number six ghost stories that's another good choice i'm gonna wait my turn i think that would be the two guesses right robinson crusoe was number 67 this year uh 62 last year it's been on the list consistently since 2013 as high as 17. i think that uh they just had a successful very successful game found project i wonder if if that gets delivered if that'll actually go up a little bit because people like i understand people like miniatures and extra expansions and extra scenarios i've heard that that's the population i understand i understand on an intellectual level that people like miniatures yes i've i've researched it to a degree those things do nothing for you though they're fine as a euro player i find them disgusting and hideous in every way guarantee every time you see him he was like oh my wife would love painting these and you seem a little excited about him now he's faking that excitement yeah that that means my wife is work oh more minis at the dice tower fantastic everything comes down to materialism but no no this is i mean ever since the first edition the second edition looks way better even than that and uh people love this one people are always attracted to a game uh that has really good aesthetics and looks and everything but also is is rewarding to keep coming back to and this this is one of those really hard ones that has just i think it caught people thematically as well as mechanically yeah i agree i agree that's uh people's choice number 67 the last time i played this was with you and ignazi i remember that we played it live for one of our spectaculars yeah i might be done with robinson crusoe i know there's this big new version coming out so maybe i'll play it again but there's two things one it's brutally hard but i can get over that i mean because a lot of brutally hard co-ops out there it just i'm tired you of learning the game and i played it a decent amount i've learned robinson crusoe more times than i've learned any other game in existence it doesn't have a rule set that sticks in your brain it really doesn't and it doesn't help that each scenario right slightly changes up the rules yes exactly right i agree i i eventually got rid of my copy me too for that very same reason me too it's heavy lifting every time i want to try it right i go i'm like oh i feel like digging into this crow gotta read like literally from page one yes and never mind i always dreaded like when i turned the page and got to weather i can remember that that's a problem you know what i mean if i can recall kind of dreading turning over the page because we're about to go into the weather era section yeah so but i get it it's it's it's fulfilling thank you jay thank you [Music] that fantastically generous super chat from daniel there reminds me of economics you like that i felt pretty good about it my number 66 is an economic game in a sense but it's really a party game and it's a crossover with tom i believe my number 66 is qe oh yeah this is this is a game that i it's funny i was similar to what i think i don't want to speak for you but i absolutely am going to speak for you oh okay i imagine this is z garcia talking um i was very put off by the idea [Laughter] when i first heard the concept behind this i'm like come on really this is a gimmick a it's a stupid gimmick b it's not gonna work and then i played it and i had a blast and then i thought okay well i was playing with a really fun group of people that i knew well and i was comfortable with right then i played it with four people i'd never met before and you disliked that can be disliked and had an amazing time okay and then i've continued to play this with different groups that really don't have anything to do with each other although they they play board games and it's gone over very well it's a game that you feel like intuitively shouldn't work and it always seems to work if you want to go out of your way to mess it up sure you can but you can do that with any game you know what i mean this is i think a game that's very clever easy to understand in concept but until you've played through it it doesn't really click you're like man that really does work so 66 qe all right i i will try it i'm not opposed to trying it i didn't mention anything about the game because tom already did but basically you can you're you're auctioning and you can bid anything you want any number that's the best there you go and it just it works it really does yeah all right my number 66 uh was 33 last time 35 the time before that so it's dropped about 30 spots it's basically garbage now and that is citadels ah i always wait for eric to like burst the number it doesn't happen it doesn't happen i know um i would definitely not feel bad about calling this a modern classic mm-hmm it's definitely sold enough to be called a classic it's from 2000 is when this came out it really is for a brief moment of time this was my number one when i first played this i was like there is no other game i love that that's impressive it's and then this kind of game the kooky wild sort of thing but with some strategy used to be a very popular thing now my archival is kind of what's by you know what i mean they're very very different schools of thought well let me tell you how kooky maracaibo is yeah right mm-hmm number 14 spot you won't believe number six but i like the characters in this and the uh the sort of reworked editions that have come out lately with all the characters from the original the expansion a brand new expansion that they came up with in the last few years or so a bunch of those special purple buildings to give you some variety yeah this is just fun draft characters and then go around the table calling out the characters and building cards building buildings of course there's all the interaction the mess with people stealing their gold making them you know killing off a character so they skip around and that stuff gets a pretty bad rap yeah especially that character the assassin i'll say this it's not a good character folks it's if you're you're picking that because you want to go early not because you want to stop somebody else from maybe not having a round that's a nice thing gaining nothing the third person is doing better than the other two of you right now so but i get it it stings if it happens to you a few times i'm going to make i'm going to make a call here just random so this is made by ffg and they've been retheming everything within the next two years we're going to see either a marvel version of citadels or some other theme version game of thrones would fit but but that's already on the way out no no no i just got an email from asthma today about a new game of thrones game to me i think game of thrones is coming in yeah i don't know but you're right i could i could see that happening yeah anyway citadels arkham universe for no reason my number 66 was 24 last year it's only been on the list for two years but that's not quite true because its predecessor was on the list for well since it came out and this is starcadia quest so i i'm not putting arcadia quest and starcadia quest both on the list just one and that's arcadia quest it does the game better and i like starcadia quest the main reason i like circadian quests better is that the monsters are different per scenario or some of them can be and it's easier to plug and play all this extra stuff i also think there's a little bit more a better emphasis on the characters than there wasn't if it's we're talking minor differences right right um still love this game run around you're shooting bad guys but also each other yep and you're encouraged to shoot each other and if your guy gets shot and killed he respawns and comes back and you have fun you never feel like the game is too mean it's a game that lets you it's a take that game really if you think about it that just works for me so circadian quest gotta love the exploding dice all right the people's choice number 66 is this question what's up also stuck idiot quest no no the people are not as smart as you tom no no no i didn't even come close to saying that no that's what tom is saying if you're not aligned with him you are wrong the people know like [Laughter] 66 is sagrada sorry roy sitting over there with his finger on the trigger yeah yeah number six sigrada diced drafting possibly at its purest and simplest you're taking different colored dice and putting them into a window to make a stained glass window it's an evocative theme because it's missing red oh interesting you're right they went purple heavy time i think that was one of my because it was their scoring card there oh yeah okay that makes sense yeah multiple different scoring objectives and you're just trying to not match numbers and colors next to each other uh there's 66 this year but it's been as high as 36 uh back in 2018 so it's been on the list consistently it's kind of dipping down but i people like this one because of just it's very simple to teach it's a neat looking game right you're proud of what you've made at the end of it yeah the aesthetics are a big part of this game i think and the translucent dice work really well as stained glass it's a neat idea yep there you go 66 [Music] my number 65 has maybe my favorite components in any game ever okay are they edible well it depends on what you're willing to eat chris my number 65 is a cooperative game called rescue polar bears data and temperature wow and yeah pretty high yeah no i really really like this game matter of fact i saw um liz chapman playing this at the last retreat and i was gutted because i she asked if i wanted to play and i was already into another game too much time with dan hughes got it i was gutted look at those adorable polar bears you got mamas you got papas you got babies and they're made out of this kind of uh ceramic almost a hand-painted little ceramic uh polar bears it is adorable but basically the idea is that you control one of those colored boats that you can see and they're slightly asymmetric each boat has its own little power and you are trying to save the polar bears as much as you can you have to deal with temperature that is rising and causing uh the the ice flows to to melt and you have to sometimes break through the ice flows to get to the the polar bears to save them um very clever cooperative game system with a gorgeous aesthetic a very nice theme um i really do like this game a lot and it's one that i see it on my show it's one of those games where i see it on my shelf and go man i want to play what was this last year for you that's a good question uh this has actually gone up 15 points i mean you talked about this last year this was a catchy pizza it's one of the first ones we did yeah yeah i think some people would have a hard time with this though thematically you think so because you are not going to rescue all the politics no you're not sure you're not but almost any of these conservation games are like that you know endangered yeah i know but you feel attached to these because they're cute they're endangered are like neat meeples they are but these are i know these are named them all adorable they rescue gummy bears go and someone said they're not favorite temperature every edition of the game i've seen are ceramic bears so they may have printed one eventually that for the max market yeah i've only seen the nice ones right all righty my uh 65 is another one of those uh solitaire or two player games from the oniverse series i already mentioned um last time nautilian the uh nautical one this is arion the air one yeah the air one um this one is the last one as well the newest one i should say uh that's been released and i i think they did a pretty clever job here of a dice management game you're rolling dice yahtzee style kinda and then when you wanna re-roll though you have to burn a card that you could be winning this round it's a really clever system there's five cards or so that you can earn this round and you roll one time if you want to re-roll any of that you got to get rid of one of the possibilities that you could acquire so you have more manipulation you have fewer things to channel it into very neat stuff i really like it managed to do that very well so play two i mostly play solitaire and uh enjoy 65 ariane level with us how often do you sing to yourself ariana my wayward son by kansas i never uh have done that in my life missed opportunity the two you've mentioned are the only two with dice the two most recent ones too which is interesting it used to be only a card based system now incorporating dice into it there was a tile one yeah less shuffling and the new ones yeah okay my number 65 is brand new to my list but it is not a new game and earlier if someone came up to me in the street and just randomly grabbed me like tom what's your favorite alexander fister game might be like maricopa weirdo i beg maracaibo because that is my favorite of the big ones but i forgot he also makes small games and i love this one and i don't know why it's not appeared in my top 100 before that's port royal yeah baby this is a great push your luck style game and i'll play any of the versions i played multiple they there's port royal and you wouldn't even play them eggs and the one that came out from uh yes yes i would point out that one actually is the exact same game with an ugly cover we covered they kept the cards yes it's really bad oh i didn't know that no it's hilarious i opened it up i was like oh good oh i did not know that and steve jackson said they didn't make enough money on this so they weren't gonna do any expansions but again i don't even use the expansions almost ever i just again pick one of them there's some slight different ways of cards you just put out as many cards and everyone else is kind of sitting there hoping you bust so much because it helps them right it's fun and it's easy to teach and to play i don't know again i i don't know why this was on my top 100 before i guess i forget about it because it's small that's what happens i think a lot of folks actually when they do these kinds of lists mm-hmm forget about the little games yeah it's the big one you're like oh yeah that then you you stop and think yeah but for every one time i've played that i played this little guy over here on assuming little card game five times right because it comes out i play i have a good time with it so shouldn't that be higher or at least considered i think that's an easy oversight they are coming out with a big box version of this which i hope just means a box right because the regular edition is so tiny but i'm hoping that the big box is basically like a regular sized box with all this stuff in it i want a size box i don't want carca i don't even want it as big as carcassonne i want the size of the steve jackson box oh yeah they rattled around inside it yeah that worked all right port royal my number 65. all right by the way matt thank you for the super chat i'm wearing the vegas golden knight shirt for you hmm he called it stupid in another comment i saw that comment on that too our screenshot number 65 is a brand new game brand brand brand new game that just came out uh tom wrote it down as tefa forming mars aries expedition you know what you type 200 game titles terraformers areas expedition of course being the follow-up the sequel to terraforming mars this is immensely popular uh it kind of takes that action selection type thing where everybody you select an action everybody at the table gets to do it you get a better version of it you've heard of that from somewhere tom but it puts that into kind of the tariffing wires universe with the with the production engine and the different types of tags that can synergize with different cards absolutely see why people love this one i'm actually this is one of the bigger surprise for me in the people's choices that it's this high because i've seen a lot of very very loud people online and maybe it's a minority but very loud people say definitely inferior to the original game i'll never play this blah blah blah the original game artwork wasn't bad and i immediately discovered everything else they said i also i do have a sneaking suspicion that many of those i could be wrong but many of those people have gone all in maybe have the big box they've invested maybe 300 into terraforming mars they're probably not going to be as likely to say yeah all of this is now redundant because i can play this smaller and even though i i've said it's a little bit redundant it's not really you can still like both games fairly different well i'm one of those people that i do still prefer the original terraforming mars because i like the milestones i like the awards i think there's a couple of extra mechanisms they parsed down for this game that i re those are some of my favorite parts one imagine that they're going to become expansions sure right but two it's okay because once again for every time i can play the original terraforming mars you could pound out at least two maybe three games of aries expedition so i think it's i yeah for every person complaining about it i also think there's three or four people who say great this is more accessible i like this one so yeah that's number 65 terrifying mars areas expedition [Music] well you still need me well please defeat me [Music] so thomas earlier in this list you mentioned a game from vladimir suchi uh pulsar and you made a comment that you feel like his newer games are kind of going into complexity for complexity's sake i agree with you 150 percent my favorite mathematically impossible that's exactly why i said it i knew it would drive you crazy my number 64 is last will by the same design oh good choice i like this game this is my favorite of suchi's games i know you like prodigal club games it's six of one um i i do look for for last six half dozen correct this is uh i've said it before but the the easiest kind of shorthand for this is it's brewster's millions board game where you're trying to get rid of all your money it's essentially the same thing as trying to make as much money as you can here you're trying to spend as much money as you can but thematically that little twist is so much fun i love the idea of getting you know a yacht and taking your dog with you on the yacht and hiring a private chef and doing all of these incredibly extravagant things to spend a lot of money buying a house really uh at the highest cost trashing the place and selling it for next to nothing it's so much fun right because because you really can get into that theme the the artwork is is just the right tone they get it all just right a pretty quick euro game maybe an hour maybe an hour and a half with the higher player counts with a nice little turn order uh twist going on there i really like last will um and so it's why it's on my list number 64. that's a good pick i do like that game i think i might like the prodigals club a little better but but they're similar yeah all right my number 64 i think has been mentioned by someone but maybe not i suspect it will be deception murder in hong kong now you're the first person thank you 64. i've said it before but my my sort of quick hand to this is um this is a social deduction game with no build up and i think a lot of social deduction games do that where you're sort of feeling everybody everyone is feeling everybody else out as to when we can finally just be like ah right this one that happens it was him immediately yeah i knew i was your accomplice i'm trying to i like that about it that like as soon as the person giving the hands puts out that first marker on the first thing like location bathroom somebody's like that person has a sink that's in the bathroom i love that and as the guy who's given the clues of like didn't notice there was a bathroom over here oh yeah right so very fun social deduction game um everything you've come to expect from that just punchier it gets to the good stuff right away yeah so deception murder in hong kong all right we're up to some very consistent games well coming up there's more this one has been on the list for a long time it started at 35. last year was at 93 so back up to 64. but still on the list for a long time it's not consistent at all no it's it's never going off the top 100 as some of the other ones i've said this one is currently called empire's age of discovery was originally age of empires 3 which made no sense worker placement is one of my favorite mechanisms area control this marries them together in a very well done cool looking game um as you place workers on spots that then get sent to the new world to then fight with the other people over who controls it i love it and this is one of the earliest games that had workers that were distinct from each other yes that part is so great about it that was like this was really early on in that curve of like this person is a worker but they will do something different in this spot than this other person watching this came at the very beginning of worker placement games in general there was not many worker placements at all modern classic i would say i can't think of something in there all right anyway oh look empire discovery look look i'm wearing your hat take your top of your baseball cap william thank you for the super chat thank you william all right the people's choice number 64 is a game that has actually been increasing uh it started off back in 2018 at 132 and has basically been going up since the game is called target this is a small box replacement game it's available finally yeah yeah and then the expansion i think is also available in english markets too yeah this is this is just a really clever little worker placement game there's a grid you can take actions along the side you have three workers and wherever the two intersection points are you also get those bonuses on the cards in the middle i mean i think it's it's both it's both very fun because you get a lot of stuff per turn per round but also it's very strategic there's a lot of blocking of uh you know of the other player just two player head-to-head means that you're sitting there watching them as much as you are watching yourself and yeah people like this one a lot it's very and it's core too it's very simple get resources and trade them in for for things that you put in front of you set collections some points very popular game if you like games where you agonize over someone taking your spot if you like turn angst this is like the right to 10 on tournaments it's like you're you're trying to will them with the force of your mind to not go where you know they're gonna go i also struggle with which worker to put out first because you want that middle spot yeah yeah i'm like if i go here i'm really telegraphing i want that right um so i'll go to this spot i'm not telegraphing it now and then they're like okay and they're not even trying to mess you up and you're like no what's wrong with you yeah yeah great game yeah there you go so people choice 64 target [Music] my number 63 if i am correct is a double double double crossover with tom and the people i believe what am i number 63 yes you are because you don't like this game apparently or actually i don't i i don't think you've played this game this is a another my second big grandiose worker placement games this is anachrony this is not on z no i didn't think so um so yeah this is uh fam this there you go like a feast for rhoden is big and grandiose but it doesn't have quite the same decision space i would say this is more of like a kind of a classic worker placement with a little hook of time travel which is just essentially a loan system where you're you know getting some resources now that you have to pay back later and if you don't you can get a lot of uh it made me think that loads are time travel yeah so it did work i was like what all this time i've been messing with future time right yeah yeah exactly i blame tom right past time for being such a jerk all this time who knew that martin wallace was you know so fascinated with with time travel so uh anachrony is a real loan he's known for the loans it's a long joke he's known for the love keep up with me tom come on anyway anachrony a really solid game it's um tough to teach there's no two ways about it there's a lot to keep in mind there's a lot of components there's there's quite a bit of setup but it's a game that i feel like the payoff is worth the investment you put into it uh one of the best book replacement games out there another one another one i'm trying look i'm trying you just throw what you can at the wall see what steps i have lost my number 63 is anachrony all right let's stick with uh economic game shall we though you know very very different and much like target my number 63 is asante or jambo if you want to is they're they're kind of the same is this two rudiger dorn games in ten you're right that's true man because that's that's istanbul and asante yeah you're right i went through and looked at both side by side they're very different santa has wild cards which the other one doesn't there's also those cards in the middle that you can earn like special things for anyway yeah it's a two-player head-to-head kind of economic game you're buying stuff putting it in your market stalls selling it for a profit that's the core on top of that you got abilities to mess with your opponent special things you can activate to make more income to draw more cards whatever this i've liked jambo the original sort of version of this for a long time like many many years and to me though that early on sort of uh interaction with it made me feel like i was playing this bizarre collectible card game it kind of has that feeling like if that's all you know and that was some of the stuff i knew early ccgs you play this and you're like card games can be this yeah no it's like oh i thought card games i thought like you know deca cards or collectible card game this is manages to give you all these cool abilities and stuff but i don't have to buy booster packs this is fantastic i really enjoy it so asante 63 a forever game all right my number 63 is brand new to the list forever game it's actually the last brand new one all the way up to 37. oh spoilers we can just skip the next few tens that's right um and this is the newest game on anyone's list because it's technically not out yet well no we have a copy but almost no one else do twos does no one else oh wow yeah well i mean i really i've been involved in this one since the inception of it and seen a lot of copies of it i really like it yes it's gigantic yes everything chris said in our review of it i just think it's fantastic anyway i love the roaming theme of it if i'm going to build a city i want the city to look that cool that's a cool looking city i like the simplicity it has a grid it has that acquire brings back something from the classic acquire the you know you get the different numbers i just really enjoy this game a lot so foundations of rome hmm here you go baby all righty i'm gonna argue with that all the people that are awaiting their cops i'm sure of it we'll be more excited now if you like it this much right all right people's choice for number 63 is roll for the galaxy this is a dice based version or a a game that's based on race for the galaxy obviously with uh with dice manipulation uh it's been on the list since 2015. it peaked in 2016 actually at spot number 21 kind of settling into this zone right here or 68 last year roll for the galaxy or something i don't recognize that at all yeah that's uh that's the best picture i could find that has it has an expansion board in the middle try harder okay the expansion i don't think really caught on that well it was kind of like a trade it was 90 dollars for three modules one which sucked yeah carl spader spade yeah you know that's that's a hard sell yeah yeah okay yeah i don't think that a particular expansion did any favors but i think that still has staying power it's a neat it's a neat game you roll dice behind your tray you assign them to different actions and then you reveal and much like the uh puerto rico race for the galaxy type of games right yeah everyone selects an action and whatever actions are chosen that round everybody gets them i can see why it's popular i think i like race better than roll i think a lot of people would agree with first place i was like i disagree with you i've faded very quickly for me yeah that's very quick this is where i i like race better than role too but every time i play role i'm like wow this is a solid really good i think that's my biggest issue with it is i like the the purity of race you know once you know what you're doing and you're playing with someone of an equal caliber you can just knock out games at 15. how do you find someone like that mike to play i don't honestly that's why you're a solo gamer because you can't find people of your calendar when tom lehman is around then i can make it happen okay i can play on tom and i take it easy on him and it's a pretty competitive game okay i guess in most cases one half of his brain there's a softball forward that's correct all right fantastic yeah that's good that's it yeah that image we're done we're done 63. [Music] all right so zu had a very simple i think was in her last list maybe the previous list very simple simple game no no it was like a pure pusher luck game it was buyer's dice oh liars dice yeah this i like liar's dice question this is my version of that this is the one i like to play but i mean it's very similar this is the royal skull yeah oh okay sure sure sure what is nice is ten times better than sculpting i said i definitely like poor royal is kind of a similar pusher that's true no i like skull because it is again just so distilled down to you you couldn't take any more rules out of it oh you can't it's very simple it is basically hand out some some coasters to people explain the game in 45 seconds and then play it probably for a good 45 minutes um it's just one of those games i was with him until now you just keep playing i don't know you just keep playing it round after round after round i thought you were just playing this very nice no no no no no no it's a very quick game right yeah no no you're right i should i can't assume people have played the game before it's a super fast game but it's one of those games where every time you play it you never just play through one game of it you just keep going and you just keep playing it and playing it and playing it um you know it literally those are the components it's round cards it is better not cards they're really more like coasters very very simple bluffing game so much fun it's a great game where you can play it and still kind of interact right you you can have the game as something you're doing together but you can also still have conversations you can also do other things i just feel like not many games um like this are ones i want to keep coming back to and this is one so we're getting some mic noise by the way i'm not sure where it could be coming from not mike no no i'm just saying i'm not sure what i'm doing i'll try to be more still that might be it anyway yeah skull and you could there's an older edition of this called skull and roses right you might come across that if you see it somewhere it's the same game right exact same yeah because one side is a skull the other is a rose yeah just so you know um all right my number 62 is new to the list though it's really more of a replacement of something else that would have been on the list and it is my brutal guitar entry of this top 10. domino origins wow 62. i used to have paint domino on my list i checked the king is back baby last year was there so i just swapped out one for the other in fact i let queen domino go and i just kept this i don't have king domino anymore i don't have queen domino anymore i i just need one of these if you're only gonna have one this is the one because it's got built into it three levels of play the first one basically being king domino just about yeah and the third one pretty close to queen dominic with some things queen domino's even more complex than third level this yeah but i kind of felt like i didn't need it you know i was it wasn't coming out necessarily i'll get third level of this played more than i would queen domino so this is the one i'm going with tile drafting building up a little kingdom scoring like light-colored things at the end of the game that's it the little volcano stuff is a nice thing yeah the little volcano stuff is nice very clean king domino is has now sold quite a bit and it's kind of becoming a sort of welcoming game classic this is right up there with it so there you go 62 king domino origins it's a good one i like that theme too yeah that's true all right my number 62 is century spice road been on the list for five years century golem that's one right that's the first one yes well actually oh here we go my number 62 is a combination of century spice road and the century yeah new world you can do that that's two games it's a good combo all the sentries involved are in this one entry really although not really because century two i wouldn't put my top one hundred century three though i like as much almost as the first one i like the combo they're in the same box it's on my list back off if you told me that i would have put you like almost as much so as you said then that's 63 okay and this is 62. no i'm not putting how numbers work [Laughter] you told me that they were like the two of them slightly more than this one plus then that's 61. drawn a heart around them put in a tree all right there's no way you would have done all that he would you know what you're talking about watching him on his desk editing uh something we filmed and uh he would he wouldn't do that all right uh but if century spice road or the golden edition which is the exact same game the simplicity has not yet bored me i don't know how i was explaining i mean some games they're simple i'm like that's really fun a good example for me and this is not knocking i'm like okay it is but i don't care love letter uh-huh after a while if we play that for a while i'm like okay yeah i'm good i don't feel that way with century even though it's still very simple take a card use a card buy a golem that's pretty much it you know you have a few actions but it's so fast and it plays with such a large group of people buy a golem you said did i say gollum you sure did i might go you meant this is spice road bias i do like the way the golden one looks better but i found that those pieces are harder to pick up out of the trays and the cubes are later pretty so it's a weird thing i get confused by the color order in the golem edition i don't know why but yellow to pink to green to blue it doesn't make rainbow order yeah the little chest with spices on ridiculous these that doesn't have anything to do with where it is on the list i just it does make a difference as to whether i'll pick that one or the golem one no sure because i've not blinked out the golem one right it doesn't matter fast simple game that plays with a lot of people too and it doesn't slow the game down much that's true so century all right the people's choice for number 62 is uh is in an agreement with one mike delesio because that game is nitivelir nice people you got it right this is the first use on the list it's brand new opposed to the other one correct yeah no i mean humble this guy i think part of the reason why people like this one so much is you're essentially uh programming out three drafts of cards all at once it does a lot in not a lot of time and then you also have the coin exchange thing so there's a there's a few things to balance out but i think that the fact that there's three sort of auctions or card drafts going on simultaneously means that there's plenty that happens there's plenty that changes right in one round of the game and the game's only eight rounds and it has a really positive feedback loop because even if you quote unquote lose an auction you're gonna get a card and every card is going to score it may not be the ideal card for you but you never feel like you got completely hosed so it's a it's a game that gives you a lot of that positive endorphin yeah so there you go number 62 nidavelir [Music] my number 61 to close out this list for me is a crossover with z garcia not from this list but from a previous list uh i want to say better than you this is a game with a delightful uh talk about a positive endorphins feel-good theme this is the bloody inn uh this is a game really yeah i did not know you like this especially not this much i love the bloody end this is a really clever card game now if you're not into the theme i you can't sell that you either are okay with it or not i will tell you that it is very much tongue-in-cheek this is not a game that leans into the gruesome and grizzly it is a gruesome grizzly theme but it's done i think with a light touch um not only is it a clever card game where it has kind of this multi-use card thing where they can be played as annexes that you bury bodies under or you can play them for their powers but it also has a really clever little economic thing where there's a track there in the middle of the board and you can max out you you basically you if you don't play your cards right you can get a bunch of points and you lose some of them because you hit the end of the track what you have to do is kind of get these to watch you have to launder money to move yourself back down and so that you can then little little things like that right little twists on click on kind of classic card game mechanisms um really a fun game clever the bloody in the murder not interested money laundering [Music] somebody also if somebody is near the top of their track yes you can use that to hurt them by burying a body under one of their bearings yeah you get half the money in their pockets and they get half but it it hits the end they waste wasted and now they don't have the spot to bury somebody yeah there's lots of little things like that you can do really smart i recommend it killing burying bodies all of it my number 61 is uh parks oh and recreation parks is a beautiful lovely very straightforward little game i think it scales well down to two this is very pleasant all the way up to i forget what this plays i think it goes to four and so she goes five goes to five it starts to get tight you really have to start using your little you know um uh fire campfire campfire thing but it's it's you guys talked about it this sort of one-way street thing yeah ratcheting it's a it's a ratchet street type of game in which you're moving forward somewhere unoccupied ideally but you can again get around that and taking stuff gathering things and then eventually spending them to visit a park or collect the cart with some accoutrement all around that you can have a canteens that let you change water into something else you can have special abilities the whole thing is pretty thinky in some ways but pleasant ultimately right i mean it's it's outdoorsy and fun and it makes you think of you know going out and going hiking and all this stuff um yeah i think it's a great game they've they put on an expansion for you really good very good expansion uh parks nightfall great expansion yeah i i suggest you get that even immediately and it's a small one too it's a small little thing you just shuffle in a few cards it changes it up a little in a nice way and then they had the trails card game right which was sort of a simplification slash twist on this right i wonder if i like trails better i don't know it's really simple i've not played parks would you recommend when i first play it just throw in the expansion then yeah yeah you could but you also don't have to um it folds in nicely i guess is what i'm saying it's a nice one i didn't know you like this this much i'm surprised this high in your life it's great it's cool yeah yeah that's cool very beautiful all right my number 61 has been on my list for 11 years a strong economic but light economic game and that is airlines europe um this is this one's got something powerful in our moons there's a lot of staying power for you tom it does and this is another one i think some of my favorite games scale well i think this was on my list of games at scale well this goes up to five very easily because you're just on your turn invest in a company or grow a company and you're growing these airplane routes around the board this is a remake of an older game called union pacific which they had to stop making due to the actual union pacific telling them to stop um and assist yeah uh in fact union pacific when tickets riot first came out people like you already made a train game now and moon now no one talks about that yeah yeah no one probably talks about this one much either i feel like i'm one of the few that's banging on this drum but i like it every time i played i have a great time a little bit of pushing do i want to push up how big the company is or do i want to push my stake in that company right that's always a concept i like there's a small little game called loco quandary botswana that does it on a small level this is one of the bigger titles for the same thing yeah quandary botswana are three names for the same game yes four it's another game thor was slightly different but yes it had some bonus cards or some garbage in it optional baby optional we're getting off track airlines europe all right before i close this list out close people's choice number 61. time i want you to go ahead and read that last super chat okay go back oh please here we go read the lessons a big heavy metal shout out to the pune testic fantastic of the people of the people you could have just let me repeat it the wrong way mike why what's wrong with you because i don't want you it was a pune tom the people stories for number 61 hovering over the band thank you for the super chat can't ban me i'm in person roy uh number 61 is role player oh wow so sagrada and role player both in the same people's choices very close to each other too interesting i don't know why those games get compared there's nothing i like they're both fairly simple dice dragons what you do with them yes yeah placement colors yeah they feel nothing it's like saying two worker placement games are the same okay i think it's a little closer than that but that's i i i i will not just sit here for your condescension let's agree to disagree look well let's just go with what zee said [Laughter] you're killing me check out these previous rankings right here from the last three years 55 54 55. man 61. yeah okay so people are very cool very consistent uh it doesn't seem to be dipping sagrados was you know was higher yeah but it's kind of dipped down a little bit right yeah well i'll be curious to see where these two games land as time goes on if one will kind of be favored over the other yeah they both have some pretty strong followings though they do the real player just had role player adventures but then sagrada has all that new stuff coming out for right so yeah that's true but yeah all right well there you go folks that's another 10 thank you to natalia uh quick question for z what's the correct way to pronounce oniverse might be one a verse as in universe one verse i don't know though yeah i don't know yeah i know nirem which i say on nairam i think technically it's supposed to be onorim i just don't like the way that it sounds as much all right few things first of all we'll be back at two o'clock today to do crowd surfing it's gonna be a short one right much out there but there's a few things yeah so join us at two o'clock um tomorrow morning well tomorrow we're taking a break from the top 100 we'll be back with it on friday tomorrow though in the morning we have board game breakfast live with mr bunniker in the studio live what be here we'll be able to smell it somehow it'll still be a bad connection though it'll be loud but then after that um we'll have a chat uh a q a about the day sarah cruz jason levine is here for that and then at two o'clock jason levine and mr bonnecker will both be joining me for our top ten games we like to see reprinted so lots of live stuff tomorrow but then we're back to the top 100 on friday and then next week every day we're finishing up this top 100. all right um if you like our top 100 and other stuff we do check out support us if you like this stuff and thumb up this video if you like it thumb it down if you hate it they both work for us honestly um until next thumb it up don't just don't think randomly between those off is better because it feels better okay even odds all right anyway until next time i'm tom vassell i'm christie i'm mike delecio i'm z garcia have fun thumbing up the video [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 86,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: wr2AVOfiWcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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