Top 100 Games of All Time - 60-51

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[Music] tom vassell's top 100 games of all time [Music] [Music] the voice of the people [Music] hello everybody i'm tom vassell i'm mike d'alessio i'm z garcia and i'm camila claghorn here for the people the people's the people speaking of the people who is you we like to say thank you to some kickstarter backers some people hmm i can say it more nicely than that what's up people some very special people ali mettonin from the b.a.p gaming community in finland that's what i'm talking about also nicholas ackerman matthew mcfarlane matthew roman roman nanda i know him and the denver gaming community and team cardboard thank you all very much we appreciate you we have reached from denver to finland like the song i thought he was about to sing that song of denver all the way to the mountains of the finland nobody knows that song i do not know sounds like the animal too all right there's a lot that can be done with your name i'm fine there is yes this is it we're almost halfway almost we'll be halfway after today after this list and then the games get good mm-hmm oh my goodness i don't know what next week we're doing this all week long monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday doing it once each day um and we'll finish next friday i'm this is the middle of the list it's really good stuff yeah there's good stuff but not this is yes it's just that there's not as many changes on my part here what was that i said so it's consistent as the consistent part of your list yeah i guess this this block of ten for me i was just looking through earlier kind of thinking okay what am i gonna be talking about this list a lot of really big big games just happened to work out this way like big productions big games big footprints on the table just happened to work out that way how many new games on the list and these new to this list no look in this list there's only one game that is new to the list it's not a new game though okay that's fine i have two okay and one is new one is new to the list so yeah there's that all right tom what about you man you don't care i got nothing new oh because i'm consistent all right also thanks to andrew and august oh it's your birthday august hey happy birthday happy birthday and what was the first one roy the orange one another one um that was true all right here we go thank you let's help them build a new studio for more content yes we're having problems in our studio today we need a new one well we need it one for this specifically yes alrighty well let's start off on a bad note here we go [Music] yeah that was a dig against me in case you didn't get that oh i'm glad you underlined it so my number 60 is a game that i almost don't want to give him the credit because of his uh his rudeness his rudeness his uncouth behavior but my number 60 was introduced to me from you and i retract everything i said earlier this this is a game from a japanese publisher called hobby japan this game i was just charmed by the first time i played it it's called master of respect really i still love this game oh good choice good choice mike i don't know why hmm yes i the cover isn't we'll get there just give us one moment folks yes ma'am we're back that is right so you don't get no respect no respect so master of respect is a really really charming game where you play as the the leaders or the the the leaders of a dojo right and you've got students that are coming to learn from you and it is mostly a card playing game and it has this follow mechanic we talked about this with uh puerto rico the other day how many games have kind of taken this mechanic and mechanism and run with it this uses that but what's cool about it is that if you're choosing a particular action the other players can follow that action but they have to give you respect which is a resource respect is a resource you should play this game and so many resources i give you that's right yeah so you've got to lose this game and give you respect that's right you've got gold you've got sake and you've got respect and if you are the lead player you're supposed to demand respect okay and if they want to follow you they have to to play it so just a very charming game uh relatively simple to teach i i remember teaching this to some people at dice tower west last year and uh it went over really well so this is a game i like to introduce other people because i felt like i learned it from tom and and it's been been a favorite of mine and so i like to introduce it to new people that is master of respect all right my number uh where are we 60 my number 60 is new to the list it's one i taught you and you were i don't want to say underwhelmed okay but generally whelmed i guess i would say okay uh it's a roll and right or i guess you flip over no no you do roll and write it's a game called riverside wow i think riverside is a very neat game in which you are in which timing seems to be a little more important than a lot of other games of its ilk okay because there's a boat moving down a track you need to load people you know you make check marks whatever but you're taking people to go visit places but as the boat moves down the river you might be too far from something you'd like them to visit so you need to jump on something like that while you're able to if you're too far out you can give up some limited resources you have to make the trek out there but you're going to want to conserve that and then the boat turns around comes back to a different port um i yeah i just it's it's a little more complicated than the the average rolling right i would say but it's certainly not a it's it's no hadrian's wall by any means no it's a straightforward game pretty much and i enjoy teaching you know there's like in between stuff here no i don't think so there is yahtzee hadrian's wall i gotta say when i saw how the game looked i was not interested like the cover is amazing yeah then you saw the game i looked looks like every other role right there's that disconnect kind of between the cover and the cover is great cover is great i want to be in a boat in the winter that stays away from the snow and comes back down to florida when you do have the player board does have that look of okay rolling right yeah but then the board this one has a board with the little boat moving that that makes it that's where the interest is i don't think i have a single roll right my whole top one oh my goodness anyway i agree with you though that this is like a step up from like an entry level-ish it's it's even more complex than something like goshawn clever or things like that but it's not as heavy as like the dino island roaring right or hadrian's wall it's a middle ground i agree yeah yeah yeah so yeah if you want one that's a little different also this is a good one for that so riverside my 60. my number 60 i enjoy more now that i played it with mike what that's not right the compliments fly today i know right well you know we we started in the hole now we're slowly digging our way out of the hole now actually i did play this with you alive here and that's manchester madden a second edition yeah but it used to be much higher before he played before he played it no it was 81 last year it went up i just brought 21 points to this game now uh again we talked about this with lord of the rings um i originally like lord of the rings better because i like the theme better except the theme is stronger in manchester madness and lord of the rings i still don't remember the names of the people in lord of the rings what's the name of that game lord of the rings journeys to middle earth journeys in middle earth journeys in middle earth i just want to put that out there in case you don't know what we're talking about there's a lot of lord of the rings games but there's like a bad guy i fought i don't remember who he was and stuff and it's fun it's so good game but man i remember my games the matches of madness i really like them and i like the puzzle yeah the puzzle thing is awesome um i also like that it's not a campaign i can play one scenario although there is one scenario that i played one time that was like four hours there's one particular one in the core box that is tremendously long yeah i feel like this theme honestly does fit better for this kind of app-assisted game with the atmosphere it adds with the music and everything else i think it fits better for this theme you may prefer the lord of the rings theme but i feel like for the app assisting aspect it works better in this theme maybe it does for me but that's just you know well you are everyone i am and i just bring 21 points to every game so there is that as well changing this number because folks oh i can't no oh it's on the computer that's your 60 that's yeah my number 60 imagine the madness yes you're done all right and for the people what about the people i'm bitter over here the people's number 60 is splendor splendor first debuted in 2014 on the list at 39 and it stayed pretty consistently in the 30s um up until this year and it i'm sorry last year was at 54 and now to 60. so it's starting to kind of slide a little bit but splendor is a card drafting game where you're trying to um get some different chips to purchase cards to have select set collections and ultimately be the best renaissance merchant i guess and that really comes through yeah this game is dripping the theme it doesn't even need an app assistant because it's tooth right right yeah so yeah you're you're making decisions on getting chips that you can you have set collections and have the most points so yeah surprise this is still on the list it's funny that it's still on the list because how many quote unquote splendor killers have been released right like i've heard that term used somewhat almost so much now that it's become a joke you know what i mean and splendor still just keeps plugging along so i think it's because it came out played every meetup yeah every meetup people played splendor well the poker chips helped now they're playing marvel splendor i'm kidding nobody nobody's played that yeah no but um i just figured this is so to saw it sort of disarming because it is so simple you get and you start that up and you play and you go oh wow that was way more straightforward than i thought and so it makes a good first impression it's quick right it's quick you're like oh interesting pick it up i just figured the staying power wouldn't necessarily be there yeah but it's still making it onto this list and a list that traditionally i would say tends to lean a little heavier because those folks show up and vote on this and they pick the big heavy ones they like right so i'm surprised get it out of there that's what i'm saying number 60 for the people splendor [Music] number 59 is a game that um is big i mentioned that you know big in appearance big on table presents but it's a little bit deceiving because it looks like a much different game than it turns out to be this is a game that you are very fond of and i played for the first time this year at the dice tower retreat this is vindication vindication is a game that uh taking back all the negative things i was just thinking about wow vindication is a game that um looks like it's this big thematic type of a game but really it is a resource conversion resource management cube pusher splendor killer it's a splendor killer 100 you know what though it is like splendor all grown up it kind of is i mean this is a game that when you see it out on the table you think oh my gosh this is a beast this is going to be so complex so complex and so hard to learn and it's really not it is a a game that at its core is pretty simple in the in the actions that you're taking and it is almost abstract in some ways it really it really is you're just kind of moving these cubes to to combine for different kinds of cubes and things like that but it's such an uh well this word's over overused but i'm going to overuse it again it's an elegant feeling game it's just like it goes right down to the core elegance elegant it is elegant also what was the other word i was accused of using too much it's also a grandiose game it's a garish game no i'm just trying to think of all my words my crutches my word crutches it's a lovely game i like vindication a lot and this is one that i'm looking forward to playing even more because it's one that i've had didn't get a chance to play it now that i've played it i want to play it more but it's just engaging that's the thing you hadn't played this when we did this list last year i had not so you knew it's new to my life i had not i think it is not in your top line oh i can guarantee you it's not on my list i didn't hate it by any means though but no it wouldn't make my top 100 yeah this game's terrific this next one though would make my top 100 and i'll tell you what some of you guys helped put it on here because it was fresh in the mind it's a game i always liked but it never made it onto the 100 but then we talk about it we all play it together and i'm like why am i sleeping on this game well you probably shouldn't do that last aurora is my 59. did we play this oh a2 tommy uh last aurora is of course a post-apocalyptic game in which you are trekking across this frozen world trying to make it to the aurora the ship that's leaving uh and along the way you're going to get raided by be baddies and collect the usual trappings of post-apocalyptic games fuel food um all that same stuff gear you know whatever i like that it is it looks in in some aspects like a big dumb kind of fighty game and it's kind of a it's a euro game i mean in many ways it is you know it's a mix of both there's one particular thing that is random and mike hates yeah you know you spend a worker to take a thing you want to spend somebody bigger to take something harder to get manage your resources all that i like what's going on in this one um and there's a nice amount of content out there there's an expansion for it and there's another one coming for that so i'm excited for the future of the game as well last aurora is it's one that i i enjoy playing it's a little tricky but i have fun with it very good pick the people sitting at this table the ones that did the four square four right this happens to be the four squares group that reviewed this and three of us enjoyed the game oh i didn't hate it but i certainly was the least the one that liked it the least um and do we i'm sound like i'm plugging but we have a promo for this don't we we have a promo yeah yeah gotta get on that my number 59 is a crossover with z and i feel at the time i told him it didn't make my top 100 and that's because i couldn't turn the page properly uh was 67 last year so it keeps going up because i have taught this game at most every event i've been in the last year and that is auto mania oh there you go there you go well my box is orange that might have the orange one too the older one i'm sorry we got it like older because i have the uh orange one oh wow that's an old older printing is that one this is the og yeah that's how we roll everything z said but in case you didn't watch that or tuned them out um it's a fast game about building cars you build a car turn one and sell it and i enjoy that i like the fact that you as it is a little neat auction system working placement slash auction you build cars you run them through conveyor belts it's very simple and yet i feel like every time i play this i'm doing different things if it has one fall and it does i've discovered the cover no i like the cover i know we've already covered this sorry um if you play the quote-unquote advanced game there are special powers for each of the four cars the the manufacturers yeah the special powers are not particularly interesting yeah and they're also not particularly balanced so you don't have to play that way i almost never do but i noticed that playing this way bring those out yeah i wish they were better i wish they were better special powers um i just don't i never use it i never even think of it the game is fine because it's not that heavy that seems like an extra thing well i know i'm like oh special powers i think about it someone always says what does this token do i'm like that's for the green player yeah but yeah but other than that it's a fantastic game there you go all right 59 for the people is new on the list because it is a new game or rather a 2.0 it's crude deep sea mission mission deep sea mission dc mission deep sea so you're saying that this is still popular huh it just came out what are you talking about yeah but it's still the same game essentially that's the original one it is the same and so the other one i'm sure will be uh it'll be higher so you're saying there might be two on the list that's what i'm saying yes what's going on right now someone was like flashing the pan and he has a flash in the pan this is the pan we're we're sitting in the pan right now somebody's gonna say talk to me in five years when people have forgotten about the crew yeah so it's new on the list it is a cooperative trick taking game um this new edition they rethemed it from space into the sea that really matters by the way another heavily thematic game yes on like three cards and um and you have different missions that you're trying to create or complete you know cooperatively trick taking so yeah the original success and deep sea looks like it's doing well as well it's amazing you like it better than the original everybody do you like this because i don't like it i have not met anybody now let me be clear i think they are both very good games i like the crew and mission deepsea i've not played but i've watched sessions of a play it's essentially the same so here's the thing it's essentially the same game my issue is that i'm being a curmudgeon i am i feel like people are going crazy over this game it's cool i'm sorry we like something it's not that it's not that big of a deal it's a trick-taking game why are you trying to yuck everybody's young i like it but i think i think that with this second one it didn't kill the first one for me i had the first one and i almost felt like oh but i like the second one better i just think it's smoother yeah it's less fiddly but then i didn't want to get rid of my first one because it still was the same game practically but then someone wanted the first one so i gifted it and got the seconds but not worth getting rid of the first one finding here's your flash in the pan that's right we're [Music] 58 yeah hey 58 yeah yeah yeah oh okay 58. uh so my 58 is a game that causes z to lose all control of his motor functions my number 58 is uh gloomhaven jaws of the lion this is a game that if i want the gloomhaven experience it's going to be this one it's going to be the fold-out book it's going to be um a much more manageable thing because i understand why some people prefer the the granddaddy and and why they're so excited about frost haven and i i don't want to yuck their yum so to speak that's great it doesn't fit my gaming profile right i just don't have the time to play a month long the same game so gloomhaven jaws of the lion gives me that experience in more bite-sized chunks right you can play one or two sessions of jaws of the line in a reasonable amount of time you don't feel like you have to leave it set up on the table right right it is a much better form factor for me as a gamer where i can have that experience with the clever card play because to me that's what gloomhaven is all about it looks like a dungeon crawl but to me it's more of a euro card game uh that's built around that theme so jaws the lion is a really clever system if i want to play gloomhaven it's going to be this every time that's why you might not know this but mike is possibly the best player in this game look in existence hi oh i look i i'm glad you said it i didn't want to say it somebody had to say it though i am kind of a savant you know there's that phrase that you know someone uh shoots and you say they can't hit the inside of a barn the broad side of the ball broad side of the barn yeah i don't know the inside of a barn can't you didn't barn if you're inside it and he's in the barn yes i mean that is not the saying i'm in the pan saying is you can't hit a barn if you're inside it i've never heard that saying that that's like a dozen you can't hit the ball no no no no no no no no no i know you can't hit the price i haven't bought barn i'm saying that even worse than that they'll say you couldn't hit a barn if you were inside it i've never heard that well you all need to read more that's got to be a yankee thing i don't know so wow okay i don't really know anyway i can't hit pencils fifty shades of barn i haven't read it um anyway that's my fifth time [Applause] number 58 has been on the list before right around this place it's slightly higher actually [Music] but it's another rolling right what's going on with these games this is ridiculous i'm sorry now you're just being ridiculous this is kokoro avenue of the kodama yeah you like this game a lot which was originally from the same you know from the same company as uh automania and it was called avenue yeah oh yeah i always forget i've played avenue my theme yeah but this has dry erase boards that's the difference yeah um also there's no more streets it's now like there's little wormies and little flowers or whatever you're collecting anyway in this game you are you flip over a car the card is a number like you see across the bottom there and if it's a five it's straight across horizontal line you got to put that somewhere in your grid and you're making paths connecting things scoring points for that um i like that the one thing these guys do with their roll and right several of theirs is that when you score at the end of a round the next time you score if your score isn't higher than that previous one you get nothing for it and so you can write a zero there and then next round after that you just have to score higher than a zero because you kind of reset it so there's this internal struggle of okay so i got nine points this round i could get 13. i'm at 13 right now but i could if i connect this i get 20. but do i want 20. because in the round after that right i better make more than 20 or i get a big nada for that round that's a neat idea i enjoy that aspect of it um other than that it's pretty clean straightforward game just simple nice teach cute um and for people who are used to rolling rights this was one of the kind of earlier ones where you flipped a card right you were like oh okay so we don't have to it's not right it's not as random the cards you know there's only this many straight ones you flip it and when they run out they run out so yeah kokoro or avenue whatever same thing i really enjoy this one this reminds me of another game that i bet is going to be another flipping right that's going to be i think it's going to be higher on your list and i'll try not to react should i say it say it please i bet it's gonna be this reminds me of trails of tucana a little bit i don't have that he's losing all the control of his motors there we go there we go he's a drooling mess all right let's move to a slightly larger game oh this one went up because i played a different game uh it would make sense when i say it we'll say it so my number 58 is lords of oh and that's because i played lords of ragnarok this year we played the the and it's okay it's very similar ragnarok is what you mean that no no no no because lord's writing rock a is not out and i remember a published copy of it no okay anyway lord no lord's writing eric made me think about lord jealous sure and while i suspect when lord's writing art comes out i will like it better um i want to see the final version everything although i do like this theme better i like the greek theme better than i do too vikings are overrated and anyone who likes mostly viking is games anyhow there's more viking games than this theme i think is what it is that's true why is there so few greek mythology games there's not that many yeah anyway it's fantastic you fight giant monsters you go on quests it is just a hair clunky yes okay that's not we call spade a spade but i don't mind every once i want to play one of these big games awaken realms makes a lot of stuff i like i have a few other games in my top 100 not all of them yeah but this was the one that for me put them on the map i do wonder if i if with like you all like ragnarok better my gut tells me i probably will like a little better than this but boy i still do love hellas yeah lords of hellis 58 for up from 83 whoa nice all right and for the people at number 58 this is economic gain by friedman foreign power grid power grid yes and so in this one you are trying to supply cities with the most powers by gathering resources upgrading your plants and um there's some bidding going on as well as you're trying to supply power and manage manage the resources have you played this one i have not i've i wonder if you would like it yeah economic yeah i don't i know but for some reason this game transcends that i i've met so many people who hate euro games but they like power grid they hate games i don't hate you no no no i don't like i'm saying i met people who hate euro games but they like power they hate auction games but they like power grid that's a fair assessment i'm not a big economic games fan and i like power grid i wouldn't play it i won't play it every week but yeah when i play it i enjoy it it is yeah it's kind of like it gets to an economic way i cannot explain it by way of like ticket to ride or something and then that works hmm all right well you'll hate everything play with six first time remain optimistic number 58 power grid [Music] my number 57 is a game that i feel like has kind of gone under the radar um it's it's tell me more yeah i don't know if you've played it i know tom has played it uh i think i taught it to you uh this is in the hall of the mountain king this is a teaches to me pretty sure i taught this to you at cool stuff oh you did yes take back everything you say everything you're getting like so little credit sometimes i thought this to mike is what i remember you absolutely did not this is a really clever game that basically you are trying to get to the center of this mountain mountain you know your your trolls and you're trying to get to the center of this mountain and it has a little bit of uh a lot of different things it has some polyamino tiles but it's not really a polyamino game no not you did not teach this to me i distinctly remember learning this from the rules okay you're definitely wrong um i i remember teaching you and jason and one other person this game at cool stuff that was power grid you know what else i remember we had some lovely subs from publix anyway i remember that day very well i remember that part anyway um this is a really clever game but my favorite aspect of it is that you're kind of creating this pyramid of resource cards and it's a cascading system so you'll trigger one card and then every card that is beneath it to the left and right will also trigger okay and so you get this kind of again cascading effect of resources it's a really really simple but clever design um and i haven't seen it used before maybe there are other games that do it but i haven't come across them it's uh it's a really kind of compact experience an hour hour and a half at the higher player counts and you definitely feel like you've gotten a full game in there i really like in the hall of fame i learned it from the rules but mike answered questions that we had very good that is what happened there we go but you had not played it before good i i i let him have this one thing give my pen back okay thank you geez anyway and and there's a uh like a a sequel coming out that i'm excited about too so sorry beautiful production also okay i'm just gonna yeah and i confuse it with another game every time i see it isn't there another game that has like the same font and the same theme no there's a new one coming out when we play with sam like back in the day that looks like that game and i always confuse him some viking thing or something that looks just like okay let me i'm gonna i'm gonna sure thank you there it is anyway um i've never played it i saw that board i'm like yeah i played that i saw the board i'm like nope um mike never taught me that i really think you would like this game actually yeah this is one of the ones yeah that cascading thing is still awesome it's really cool my number 57 it has been on the list for a while it's been as high as 26. maybe even higher than that and this is puerto rico the card game son san juan the better of the rico's agreed in my opinion no not even close uh let's agree to agree because this is the better one i disagree let's disagree okay that's fine too uh san juan um i've enjoyed this game for a long long time and it's spun off a lot of other things it itself came from again puerto rico but it's kind of like race for the galaxy 2 which sort of came out of puerto rico that i lead people follow if they want to thing is is in this one it just condenses a lot of that stuff i find this a little more manageable a little more palatable for me for you know when i find myself at the gaming table i like that the car it's the main innovation here being the cars themselves are both a building and you can build that building it might be a production it might be a special ability what have you you pay for it with other cards from your hand so if you want to drop something particularly large like a cost six building you gotta build up a big handy car so you can finally boom drop that out there of course those six cost buildings are kind of game changers sure so um yeah it's quick neat and not a particularly flashy or attractive looking game but i definitely know i have a soft spot for this one it's one of my earliest games so yep san juan 57 and the the latest printing came with those extra buildings i think included right yeah so the newest printing its second edition i think is all the original stuff some extra buildings that had come out in an expansion as well as a few new things yeah though there's one aspect in that standalone expansion that had come out at some point that is no longer in this okay but that's okay it was kind of a swingy thing so all right they took it away yeah the second edition is great all right my number 57 is a crossover with the people not this week i think it's a previous week a fantastic game rajas of the ganges i really do and again i i in another recent game we may have played right i really like those two tracks that cross right i don't know why i like that so much in this game i like dice placement that's what this game is i like the two tracks you have money and points when they cross you win i like moving up it has that move up the river as far as you want but you cannot go back well you can't ride as far as you want it's it's it's mini ratchet yeah yeah mini ratchet it's it's ratchet it's a small rack it's soft um it has a carcassonne style you build a little thing in front of you it's every game it sounds like it really is a mish-mashing mechanism it works well in there as well splendor killer for sure is a helles a greek gotcha no no no no wrong wrong uh i i played this one this year again and i was like man it's just such a fantastic game all right it uses dice as a resource which isn't done very often yeah okay and i like that you spend dice to buy cards and things and the brands they they have so many different types of designs they're one of your favorite designs they are very i mean worship at their face about them i don't always think of the the inca and marcus brand because their designs are so different from each other that when i get a game and i play it i might be i might think this is great man and then realize oh it's from them yes you know some of my favorite designers like katala has a certain flavor you know most of the time right they are all over the place amazing stuff from exit the game that's from them to saint malo which is a rolling right i mean insane variety in their design i think taking that with whether they're my top 10 favorites or not i think it's they're they're easily one of the five best designers in the world because of their variety i agree i know but he could do that too scale too yeah it's a legacy game from them they've done everything yeah i got to try this mm-hmm i just said i gotta try this was literally the last thing i've seen yeah so no it's not on my that's not on your list got it this week anyway all right number 57 for the people it's dixit dropover crossover yes so this one last year was actually at 90. so it's come down significantly wow right it started out in 2011 at 36 lowest has ever been as 22 but yeah so it's actually going back down which is good okay so in dixie this is a race game you're trying to give targeted clues um you know you have a card and you want everyone to guess your card and so you give a clue and then they pick a card that matches that clue as well right um and then depending on how many people guess it if everyone guesses it then you get no points if no one guesses it you know there's a whole point structure in there but you're racing so the number of points first to the end so it's a really interesting um i think my favorite thing about it is is kind of that decision they have to make every time is you want to give a specific clue right but you don't want to be so specific that everyone guess is yours because then you get nothing you know so it's like how do i it's how do i be vague but also specific you know kind of more guiding and it's uh it's really fun i played this multiple times and i thought that's my favorite thing about it's just kind of learning the group that i'm with and and you know who do you match up with and then um yeah just making sure that you're giving clues to direct without being obvious yeah my favorite thing is in this game is to give a clue that you are pretty sure one nerdy person at the table will get right right an enzyme joke almost right well i played this right after laura the rings came out and the ring was there and my clue was in the darkness which doesn't match the ring at all right unless you know one way to roll the ball and then the darkness bind them but i knew hopefully one of the people i was playing with was a nerd and i was right it's fantastic wow nerds rule right all right here we go number 57 dixit [Music] 56 is a big beast big old game okay big old game it's a it's a bog that's employ it's a bog big old game this is cloud spire this is from chip theory games and you just said heavy yet it is heavy literally heavy in mechanisms and heavy in weight this thing weighs a ton um cloud actually cloud spar is from chip theory and they are oftentimes kind of known for their their their game elements their chips their their poker chips theirs yeah grandiose productions they're they're neoprene mats um it's also a game that demands that you spend time learning it it's not a game that you can play every time it is not a game that you play casually that's just the bottom line this is as close as i can get to a lifestyle game because i have to play it often enough that i don't have to relearn the rules every time and luckily i enjoy the game enough that i do that i i play it often enough that i can kind of keep most of the core gameplay in my head it is a game that is asymmetric in that you have different factions that play differently there's a lot of keywords um it's a really clever design it doesn't feel like any other game i think on my list and it's a game that i think rewards the time that you put in but you do have to know you have to put some time going in so my number 56 is cloud spire you might never i would hey i haven't played but i assume i would roy likes it it doesn't it just doesn't look like i'm gonna have fun with it i'd like to be really clear no assumptions you would hate it you would hate it you would hate it before mike was done with five minutes of the rules yeah i i assume so it's safer to do i like it and i'm never going to play it again yeah because i don't i don't want to put that kind of work yeah you have to do right yeah i'll tell you one game i am definitely going to play again one of my favorite worker placement games that i think is not as popular as a lot of other work replacement games that i find inferior and that's the manhattan project energy empire it's a good game this is a tremendous game it's grandiose i would say uh somebody said that in the comments so and i don't care roy what i like about it is um you'll take an action out on the central board of your worker but then you've got your own personal board in front of you in which you can utilize as many as as much of that as you want on your turn one out there public one and then whatever you want that's in front of you and eventually you recall your workers it's that usual like you know play one take a a worker turn or a recall kind of turn you generate energy that you need by rolling a bunch of dice and those dice of course tied to the kinds of energies you're you're investing in and then you know you you get more stuff to do i i just i find it both clean but full of choices um it's not long but i found myself at the end of the game feeling like i did so much it's a it's a nice one it manages to kind of pull that trick off of leaving me very fulfilled once i'm done playing but it was a 90 minute game and i feel like i played a big work replacement game um yeah you you got to check this one out if you enjoy work replacement games kind of like the garfull games this has that little bit of a little bit of that vibe to it because you're stacking workers right yeah you can stack workers and put energy under them for some actions yeah you can take something where somebody else went if you if that if you get that worker more energy yeah um yeah i really like it smart game this game is currently out of print unfortunately the owner of the company died yes a few years ago and um i think renegade picked it up maybe there was an expansion for this i've actually backed the expansion phase right that was never delivered and i think they said they would deliver it i don't remember who picked it up somebody picked it up and it's gonna fulfill yeah you're right i can't remember who which i will believe when the box shows up but i'm also not upset i mean right it's one of those things i don't know that the game needed an expansion sure yeah but i also don't think there's that big of a demand for it so it might not be that hard to find but i don't know it's a little bit of a cult flavor it's a little bit of a sleeper yeah sleeper hit maybe well my number 56 is not a sleeper it's an evergreen it's been on my list now for eight years uh i love this game and i haven't played it in a while though i need to get this one played again and that's sheriff of nottingham oh wait we played this live that was in 2017. no we played it um we played it during one of our spectaculars live that was in 20. did we it wasn't recently anything okay well i'm saying i haven't played like at a con or anything i taught you this and we had some public sandwiches actually i originally played this game when it was the border crossing game way back when uh then i played the robin hood version and this was the first dice tower essential and then it the rights transferred over to simon who made a version we have a frankenstein version here in the library it's a mix of them both but it doesn't matter what version you get they're all fun i even like the border version of it yeah um i haven't played that i used to own that one yeah um and that was fun it was just silly you'd sit there and you get into stereotypes i'm trying to come across border don't look at my suitcase there's nothing in it and it was like maracas were one of the it was like one of the things you wanted to do yeah i mean it was a very different theme so this is a little it was a bit stereotypical yeah this is a little it has a better wide appeal yeah yeah fantastic better hardware everything i play i love it sharepoint again i am terrible at that game how are you the straight bluffing so bad at that game it's it's almost a righteous thing i feel like when people say they're terrible they're like my goodness i just can't lie yeah i'm trying i'm sorry just i'm telling you i got destroyed like yeah i was terrible at that game anyway anyway all right number 56 for the people is rising sun this is a follow-up chat people cross over i have this one later okay so this is um i guess the second of the series with the blood rage in this one you're doing the negotiations battle combat set in feudal japan and that's not one that i've played yet so it's currently being painted that's what i'm waiting for i'm waiting for wendy to finish painting it and then there's more than a few models in the game yeah you know they always emphasize right now not you specifically goods but it's always emphasized this negotiation aspect to me and it's to me it's barely there i agree the new negotiations you don't win the game no no no no no no no no um yeah i i it's there but it's barely there yeah the ruble goes out of its way to be like you know you could during this phase offer somebody some coins to do something you want it just never feels organic to me right that aspect i don't think is a as big a part of the game as maybe the concept for the game thought it would end up being no they're they're actually they're right i love the game but yeah it's an area it's like you want to work together yes right done that's right why are you asking oh you know just research watch out yeah betrayal but but the way it works is i said you want to work together you say yes then mike and z are like well do you want to work together because otherwise they're by themselves right got it or you can have a really big long argument the very first time i played this i played with jason and i said i'll team with you but you have to give me a coin he's like no you have to give me a coin and we argued over it so we both refused to team with each other everyone else at the table was allying right and we lost by so much there you go yeah but but you stood on principle i kept my pride no this is a coin this game has tons going on yeah for sure the combat with the coins is interesting that sort of hidden planning you know yeah yeah and then yes all the monsters and all that stuff awesome number 56 rising sun [Music] all right my number 55 is a very very thematic game um it's a game that is i would call it an experience game it's a game that you sit down and you're going to have an experience sometimes that experience will be better than others it's his nemesis um ooh it's awakened realms yeah yeah now this is actually dropped a little bit on my list um not a lot 13 points but it's because i haven't had a chance to play it as much as i would like um there is a kind of a follow-up to this that i should be receiving at some point here soon but the core system of this is you know let's just be clear this is alien right this is this is what yeah i'm just putting it together right exactly so but this is a game that is a slightly fragile in that you know depending upon what session you're in it could end very quickly and it can end very brutally and you lose very quickly or it could be this kind of big epic experience but the good sessions of nemesis have far outweighed the lackluster ones for me and the good ones are so good this is one of those games that you have stories to tell after you're done it's like oh man do you remember that time that you had to get to the escape pod and someone else switched the location from earth to whatever it tells a story very organically right you don't have to struggle to find out what the what the story arc of this game is it's there every time and it's a beautiful production and like helles have some rough edges right there are definitely some rough edges around the rules but when when you have a good session i would argue though that i could teach hellos a lot easier than i can each nemesis never says no not maybe yes okay male 1 look yeah wrong he just put that clouds buyer game on his list that is true um but no it's it's a i really like the nemesis even if it's dropped a little bit for me it's still a game that that i'm always funny i enjoy the game but it's very fragile now we had when we played online of the three of us yeah that was an amazing game but it could so easily have not been right i'll tell you what i barely remember playing because you were on tts that that's never the right way to play a game especially games anyway but the worst way to play a game like this is on table tennis emulator barely remember it i don't even count this as having played it i don't consider myself to have played yeah because i just don't recall it that's so weird i i really remember that game was very memorable it was a really good game yeah that's all right all right some of us are are more some of us remember we might try to avoid that and who taught what game too we remember that the subway is really where i that's what i spin my memories on ah minor 55 is technically a crossover with mike but i've gone ahead and updated the entry to the new printing this is get on board oh i see okay the same game as let's build a bus route let's make a bus ride yep um this is get on board new york and london that new york and london part i think is just there for future proofing in case they come up with more games because it's really just one map that's a little confusing it's like two maps it is two maps but it's because one side you can play with like two or three and the other side you play with four or five well if you're two or three you just don't go to one of the cities i guess so it just seems kind of strange i thought it'd be you know i thought they were adding a whole map they're really not but the gameplay here is very neat and i just realized this is kind of another flipping right isn't it absolutely it used to be anyway now well you have the board the board you still scribble on your own little they they ended up in the middle of my top 100 i guess i don't know what to tell you um you're type casting yourself i guess i am this is my my jam you flip over a card it tells you what kind of root you draw on the map but you put out little wooden sticks now yeah and pick up people drop them off score points for that game is surprisingly fast and short like the end of this game will never not sneak up on me right it's 12 cards i think 12 rounds yep and so you make it like halfway down the board and realize okay this is the ninth card and you're like wait what i still gotta get here and drop this guy off and ah but but it doesn't feel um i don't it's not that i i'm done and i don't feel like i got to do what i wanted you'll you'll you got to push for it but you'll get it and yeah just enjoy it this is one i'm happy to play say twice in a row yeah for sure you know it's nice yeah yeah and i i do probably prefer the look of the original but this is really close i i really do like this look this is this is objectively a better looking game than the original i just have this little soft spot for that kind of very i kind of iconic classic sashi art but this is beautiful they did a great job with this production i think the theme they went for here in the artwork anyway the game doesn't really have much of a theme but yeah that 1950s style of illustration really works well for this game it looks great so get on board 55. hello to brazil thanks tiago alrighty um let's see here my number 50. five oh yes some you know sometimes i make top 10 lists and they're hard because there's a lot of things sometimes there's not enough and we made a long time ago a top 10 list on western games and that is a tough road to hope and it shouldn't be right you would it's great it's a great theme even if it's made up mostly who cares there's tons of movies and it's coming back in movies now there's a lot more westerns coming out and i'm hoping that that translates the game anyway the same actors that were in westerns 10 years ago or 12 years ago too you notice that they kind of recycle the same actors for westerns well a few but there's also like django and that kind of weapon that's a whole new thing that's true but this is my favorite of all the western games and that is western legends also it's in the name this was uh this is the fourth year on the west 72 last year so it's gone up i still haven't played the new expansion i'm not even sure the new expansion's out is it i think it's coming isn't it being fulfilled at some point yeah maybe that's why i haven't played it but i still really like this game you can do whatever you want rob a train russell cattle or be a good guy wow that was super dismissive jeez what i like is being a good guy and sending someone to jail and then go rob the bank you could be both right you can switch back and forth you should kind of focus maybe on one or the other right but i've many times when a bad guy gets at the jail then you're like that's all new you have to remember that distinctly of you getting sent to gym and being like i'm reformed give me the give me the badge yeah yeah and then you can do that hunted everybody else down that's hilarious yeah cause i'm like oh i'm shooting these people for the the right for the for the badge of the sheriff all right anyway it's it really is thematic um it has some minor quibbles around the outside as many of these thematic games do but i enjoyed a lot western legends right all right for the people number 55 actually matches someone in the chat earlier they're 55 was underwater cities as well wow so this is going to be a clever person yeah it was 80 last year so just like what was the other one that was going down was it dixit that's our kind of wrong way down a number going up yes um yeah so it's let's see debuted at 106. so it's kind of steadily climbing in the rankings here anyways this is going to be a midweight euro with card placement so you have a hand of cards and you're placing the cards down hopefully matching that card color with the card on the board so that you maximize your actions um and trying to build the best underwater city you know earth is over populated so we got to go down under and i might argue i might argue that it's not mid weight i would call it heavy really yeah i think i know you like this designer a lot oh yes you like it i like sushi games i like this game it did make my top quarter but i enjoyed it this is his most popular game at this point there's a lot of people compared to terraforming mars yeah yeah and i understand that i it does give you a little bit of a terraforming my mars vibe for sure i spent a lot of effort upgrading this one too that's how i remember some games like oh yeah i put a lot of little special domes and stuff they come with the little dome oh it comes with a little dome they look like half of a super ball on the table they do um no but i had i upgraded the submarines and some of the other stuff that goes all that stuff yeah this is not one i've played um you wouldn't like it i've played a couple of his games he's hit and miss for me yeah yeah yeah i don't i don't i don't think i'd enjoy this particularly so i like this game but this is one of those games that has kind of two halves and i really like one half and the other half i'm kind of like on the half i like is that card play love that card play building up your tableau i don't love the kind of route building stuff on your board where you have to get to these little things to that park just seems like too much to me that's just me though i know a lot of people that might be their favorite part of the game sure no i think it's the card point for everybody really interesting so all right now we're 55 underwater cities [Music] all right i'm probably gonna get wrecked at this table oh no i'm not i'm gonna have somebody that backs me up for my number 54. i know this but i'm not going to probably get a lot of love from the other two 54 is a game that is a a big production and i love the world that's built in this game it's probably not the most thematic game quite honestly but it's there if you if you're willing to put in a little bit of effort and that is title blades um i'm not gonna wreck you on now you hated this game you hated everything about this game we both i [Music] i thought it was sort of like a pretty light game that was ridiculously overproduced should be a single board and they could just put another board next to it tell them garbage i whatever getting over all of that this is a game that i think is really clever in its use of dice i really like this upgrading dice system where you can kind of go one track or another and you can specialize on particular abilities i like the player boards that allow you to kind of track particular skills and traits really neat cards too the the character cards that you can bring out i think are very satisfying this is a game that i wish i could play more now there's somebody in the studio that likes a little bit more maybe we can play this a little bit more now yeah i really like tidal blades a lot and yes it's a big production it's you know over the top but even the retail edition is not like that it's not quite as as audacious it's still a really clever design a really good game with a i just i love this world i like spending time in though i agree on that the world is fantastic i think this one is actually slipping for me a little bit though because i said from hate to loathe [Laughter] no for me it has the problem games i have a hard time rectifying and that is where one single thing can determine if you win or lose beating a monster can determine you can get so many points from killing a monster or fail at it or you can lose a bunch of dice i also that's the one thing i can't also justify i fight that monster i lose all these dice and now i gotta build up again and that building up again isn't as fun for me the second time through yeah i mean you can kind of set your character up in such a way that you build up more quickly that you're getting more dice when you when you are replenishing but i understand what you're saying i mean that is i like again i like a lot of stuff about it i think that's a lot of the decision of the game though is how many dice just because you go fight the monster you don't have to use your entire pool of dice yeah you know and so it's about that that mitigation too and making those decisions of how much am i going to put into this fight right you really get wrecked if you don't put anything towards the monster that's when you get a lot of the negative stuff if you even contribute you know one or two of your tokens on there you're usually in pretty good shape but anyway title blades i think it's really good i'm giving them grief they didn't hate it but but camilla and i well now yeah i used to think it was okay all right wow all right my uh 54 i will say title blades because it would be amazing pretty fun no this is one i'm not gonna talk a lot about because uh you've played it i can almost guarantee you've played it because it's an extremely well-known well-selling modern classic i'm gonna go ahead and say that too this is wingspan is my 54. oh i have not heard of this one but all right it's about birdies um tableau building taking actions triggering special abilities on birds give them little eggs scoring for a bunch of different things managing you know lots of different things um yeah extremely well selling game enjoyable attractive neat theme wingspan did you just play this because you were looking at it in the library i did recently yeah i i showed it to miller [Music] um but this has been on the list before actually um it was 68 last time okay now it's 54. and that was after i made the list too there you go wingspan this has got to be all the people's choice if it hasn't been it will be it has to be on the people's choice all right my number 54 is a crossover with the people again but this time it's on the same list wow somebody looked at the list yes i did actually but after i made mine this is the fifth year it actually was as high as 16. it's settling here where i think it'll be and that's rising sun oh okay love rising sun i actually i i no i i still like this yes i don't i actually agree it is not a negotiation game okay but i really like the combat i really like the combat i like the you it's such a weird combat you can decide kind of too sacrifice some troops and get points to throw in extra mercenaries and go for broke try to capture your opponents it's just it and then there's monsters this is definitely my least favorite combat of the three big trilogy games and it's my favorite by far blood rage ankh and uh rising sun here this is by far of the combat just the combat this is my least favorite for sure but it is the weirdest one like it's the most outside the box it is it's also i think the biggest part of the game yeah because other than that you pick an action do a minor action move stuff around but i also like it's like setting up for that right setting up that's the game is the fighting yeah if you don't like it guess so i guess so but you know special abilities of monsters and all that buying those carts is a big part of the game i love that buying the cars yeah that's my favorite part yeah so anyway rising sun my number 54. 54 for the people is the second new game for this year so never been on the list before because it is new marvel united whoa oh i didn't realize that people would put it that high again pretty impressive this is the new one from uh seymour this is a cooperative one in which you are playing against one of the marvel villains and so you take turns um playing your cards and taking your actions going around the board trying to take out the the different bad guys and ultimately you know have to work together to make sure that you're managing all the um what do you call a little the the bad guy the threats that's right yeah the threats that are happening you know you're trying to manage those threats but also set putting yourself in a good position to ultimately take out the the ultimate baddie so marvel united well this is what was on my list has it been on either of your lists or i have not seen it so far okay no i don't believe so all right okay um the main twist here really is that idea of like you know you use i play a card right and then you play and you can use yours and the previous one right right that's really that kind of is the thing that makes the game everything else is very simple but which i think really pushes that cooperative feel of it you know because you have to have that you're good if i leave you what do you need what are you going to need you know right i also like to point out that i feel like this holds my theory that most people do not want cooperative games to beat them over the head with a bat yes you can beat marvel united you can't see it it's also it's very easy to adjust it that goes too hard try this one red skull is not a hard villain compared to some of the others and even the hard villains you could make it easier on any of the villains you know you could do things did you beat thin uh thanos oh no but i haven't tried to you know house rule it to make it easier i haven't started i start with the i have the infinity stones right but no i think to that point i mean that's what kind of gives this game legs as well because you can scale it down to play with new players you know i played it with somebody who maybe their second or third modern board game they ever played you know and then i've also played with more experienced ones and we went a little harder so it has that that flexibility and kind of gives it the legs where it can reach more people agreed a ton of content too yes yes plenty so 54 marvel united [Music] my number 53 is part of a trilogy of games i should tell you a lot right rising sun not no i've already had that it's gonna be a car full game are you kidding me it may be a garfield game what else do you don't know no i obviously don't what's my next type of game going to be rolling right there you go so yeah [Applause] that's right by number three is the most recent of the uh west kingdom feelings this is uh vi counts of the west kingdom yes this is a game that has a bit of a deck building thing going on it has a little bit of a kind of a rondelle movement around this board um i look the i like all of these west kingdom games and depending upon what kind of mood i'm in i might lean towards one of the of the others or the other i think you know architects is the simplest and the quickest paladins is the crunchiest and you know this one is kind of a metal that's heavier than this in my opinion it is i think tom might disagree with no i think patents is crunchier i think vi counts has more moving pieces yeah yeah okay yeah but this played this one this one is kind of a middle ground to me uh and and um i i like all of them all all of them may or may not show up on my list at some point but uh vi counts is the most recent and like i said it's it's that middle ground there's anything i like about you is the suspense i tell you what you never know what you're gonna do next i am an enigma wrapped in a riddle okay my number fifty three sausage of the west kingdom 53 is where we're at you better believe it another classic right here was 23 last time oh 32 the time before now it's straight trash now it's basically a forgotten relic of the past at 53. the name is seven wonders i know why this is dropping uh you know nothing actually i i already had he already had architects on the list architects on but wouldn't that be why like 91 my 91 was seven wonders architects right i just i don't know that might be why yeah because it's it you know i had to make room i guess for an even lighter version of itself to fill in some of those you know yeah to target some game settings or game groups sure i still think this is a fantastic game huh you know and that that particular picture looks like they're playing it on an ironing board and they forgot to take off like the skirt is also still there right like okay let's just play this game real quick um the game is a drafting game car drafting game a little bit of resource management and all that a little bit of money management it is not as light a game as people seem to think it is i still i'm a little baffled about that i agree um but it's enjoyable and it manages to pull off a trick that few games manage to pull off you can play with three you can play with seven in almost the same time right that idea of we're all doing something simultaneously when you fight you just compare your two neighbors figure it out real quick move on that's a neat trick that you can play seven wonders with seven people in 45 minutes that's impressive tops um yeah that's neat so seven wonders and i and you gotta get that leaders expansion that's the best one yeah i agree i think leader is better than cities no cities no babel is the best expansion half of babel label bab that's babel oh which half is better of course that one they don't even reprint for the new printing i know it's that bad no no babble has two parts there's the towers of babel and then there's the um we all work together on no that is the tower of babel and then you have like the other one like these big cards that you go for that part i like a lot you actually well you i guess you work together yeah all right my number 53 has been on the list for four years it was as high as seven again i think it's settled down a bit here and i think it's because there's a lot of games that do this mix better but i still like it a lot and it's scythe oh man no i still like science what game does this mix better defend yourself no i'm saying there's a lot of these games that have well i mean it's not i don't know actually i wonder if i should say things do it better there's just a lot of options i have there's a lot of kind of hybrid if you want to call it back on and those games do a little bit of what this is okay um and i just found that i'm not playing it as much i mean when it was seven was the year fenris came out yeah and the rise of fenders was like such an amazing experience playing through that that's great um but i still like side i'm i don't know what to say it's a really good game yeah but you know another game another game that has done very well yes and many people have played and it's a respected game some might call it a modern classic i wouldn't do that but i never use those words no interesting it's it's it's a game i like 53 side it's the game i like tom vassell but put it on the new prince use that quote number 53 for the people this is the most consistent it's actually been in the 50s for three years in a row so it's it's kind of leveling out right here agricola well that's a that's a very good name that's not my name that's the secret cabal misery farm is not a bad name it's not bad yeah yeah so in this game i mean you are building and managing your farm pretty much right i mean miserably if you didn't have to feed these stupid people this would be a much better figuring out for yourself you're on a farm can't you figure out what to eat i gotta feed you you also put the kid to work the year after they're bored very fast there is that yes yeah this is this is very much a classic i just don't like that in this one you have to do everything and the trick the illusion it's just that while i'm working on horses over here you're doing cows yeah and then later i get around to cows and now you're doing horsies it's like come on we all do the same stuff we just we also know expansion yeah wouldn't you say though horses are in the expansion i don't want anyone oh i don't know i don't want anyone actually you wouldn't you say not well actually me wouldn't you say that when this game was first released it was almost like a seismic shift in board games yes for sure like this like fundamentally changed the hobby yes okay yeah so just for that reason no no absolutely fundamentally change uv rosenberg you better believe and he went from a small card games about beans to big board games about grand theft auto beans he's like two changes in his life first he he made small card games and he's like i want to make giant games and then he played a game of tetris one day he's like okay now everything will be 53 agricola [Music] my number 52 is a cooperative game that absolutely and utterly charmed me the first time i've played it it was a for a long time very difficult to get in the states but now thankfully thankfully pandasaurus has brought it uh made it more widely available my number 52 is the loop how do i love this game i just really really like this game a lot it is a cooperative game that has many of the trappings it is not necessarily unique in its mechanics or mechanisms bad stuff happens deal with the bad stuff um but it has some really neat little twists where you play as different characters that all have you know their own little ability i always like that i mean again not something you've never seen before in a cooperative game but i like it here it has this tiny little mini cube tower in the middle of the board that represents dr foe's time machine and you drop these kind of peril cubes in the top and it can go out into one of three of these zones and you don't want those to fill up you got to go around and clean those up and it has this time travel theme that okay is it really feeling like time probably not at all but it's a cute theme and it works well you're pushing these little discs to try to get back to their original time zone so you don't create these riffs really really clever design i feel like i i feel like what it does it distills it down until you've got like maybe two or three or four cards in front of you you're trying to make the best use of those cards you're building a deck a little bit trying to kind of synergize your card so that you can pull off these tricks the time travel element is kind of represented by this thing called looping where you pay energy and you can untap cards that you used that turn so you can kind of reuse cards three four times if you've worked it out really well tough game not impossible very modular too there's a lot of different ways you can play it that come right in the box so i really like the loop a lot have you played it i've not played that one no no it's when i tom wasn't thrilled with it i'm not thrilled with it although i'm not sure if it was the game yeah it may have been me right did i teach you this game oh no you picked you and were so alpha gamering me look that we just wanted to win that's the bottom line is that we wanted to win i don't want to say there was an anchor at the table yeah i don't know okay roy's got things to say about that i don't know i just there's just something about also that little mini dice there yeah cubed out there cube tower i don't like it oh i don't know why they use the same thing in that big giant game from aeg where the cubes can come out and after a while i was like who cares oh that declare game the dark darkness or something yeah i don't know it just it sounded cool when i was a kid there was that thing you threw the ball in you didn't know which one was going to come out does it get in the way or you just don't like the randomness of it no just it's like a who cares thing no i think i i want to like it more but it's just i don't know which way the cube's going to come out so why not just roll die when the i don't know okay it's the cool factor if it doesn't translate translate i guess okay it should be amazing i should like each time it happens i should be on the edge of my seat i am when i i i like it but i guess it's fine it's all good 52 for me garbage sorry i don't want it i think it's just him yeah yeah i'll pick on this i don't know if you like this i don't know if you've played it uh notre dame is my 52 a felled classic from yesteryear one that is still very good one that is still one of my favorites from him i think he has made some games as a designer that start to get a little repetitive a little convoluted i find this one retained um lots of clarity in his concept it is a drafting game where everybody has a deck of cards that are all the same and they let you take an action every card is different you can visit a hospital visit a school i forget what all the little districts are so you'll draw three of those or four or whatever take one pass the rest i get your on one two three and i'll take one of those so i could possibly end up doing hospital hospital my own and maybe yours and the more you do the same action the the more it builds and so my first triggering of that lets me cure by one but my fourth triggering of that lets me cure by four so they they balloon up like that definitely an abstractish game but i like everything that's going on in it very euro but doesn't feel bloated i guess and i find a lot of modern games tend to feel a little more bloated than this so yeah if you haven't played this and you like the designer and this was kind of like before you jumped on board go back and pick this up because i think you're going to like it notre dame has a small caterpillar too i hate this game i do it i know you don't like the punishing feld like when when phil kind of smacks you down for ignoring something or not doing something that is just there to punish you yes i hate you know in the year of the dragon yes you really hate because it's a lot of that yes but i didn't know you disliked this one here's the other thing i don't like i always say the rats because the rats are a pain in the neck but i don't like you know there's a lot of drafting games i sit there and i go everything is so good you know oh i want to play this and then oh you know here i felt like everything is fine but i really need this card you didn't give it to me i don't want to play any of these cards that's interesting i like a drafting game where i sit there and go the choices and this one where i'm like uh the choices i don't know i i do feel that way when i get the cards also it's been like 15 yeah yeah 17 years i've played this there is that i i i like it no it's my turn i always get so caught up in these pictures my picks are on fire all right my next three picks two of which are on this list and one's the next have been on the list since the very beginning wow 16 years 17 years this one is one of my favorite party games and we play this one online a lot because it's just it's it's funny to watch and listen to my parents played this when i was a kid and that's balderdash ah okay i love balderdash i really do i mean i never am and i love how the fact that nine out of 10 games of balderdash spiral into uh who cares when the clues will say things like z garcia which you know was not in the box but it's just funny anyway i've definitely started more games of this than i've finished yes you know because they'll just sort of we just laugh and eventually it sort of devolves into this is no longer really us playing by the rules right someone will read the you i don't know why it is what abuses me but it also is easy to do it's an easy thing to do you know a lot of these party games i'll like a malarkey for example you have to make up a story or something you don't have to here you just write a few words down okay yeah and you could just write anything yeah you could write if if you have trouble balderdash you just pick a definition of a different word right and write it down like i don't know what a hoot is so i think knife okay right the definition of a knife it works yeah that mike delicious uses when he's angry and then it's funny yeah yeah i'm a very gentle man nah the bruises i'm okay i was it was about to get super dark i know i noticed uh i'm gonna have to talk to both of you later all right number 52 for the people is king of tokyo king of tokyo tokyo is a yahtzee style game i guess where you have three roles you take what you want can we roll up to three times um but it is battling aliens monsters cyborgs robots you know whatever you pick your character and you have three of the dot of the yahtzee style roles to balance your health to balance the combat trying to ultimately be victorious and take over tokyo kind of last man standing last robot cyborg alien whatever your character is standing um it's all about the points in this game everybody knows that all about you got to get to 20 points tom right that's how you win don't push my buttons come on baby i'm trying i'm trying to draw you out you win by killing everyone else or you didn't win i think if you get to 20 points you also win yeah there are threes on those dice tom those are meant to be rerolled you're rolling those threes baby the ones the twos and threes are just re-rolling i don't think i've ever won this by points you've never owned one no you've never won all right the first might play king of tokyo i i lost in about 45 seconds i went into tokyo and they were like you should come out you get beat i was like i will not come out right then i died what number was this um i think this was was this not number one at one point it was number two it was number two in 2013 and 14 15 went down to number three so there was five years in a row that it was straight that was top ten yeah this game was yellow this could be higher on your list if you would just put out a big box version with miniatures painted me what is wrong with you yellow just print money print money it's more monsters that's all you need to do this game will explode again people that already have it will buy it again you could sell it at walmart amazon everywhere i i mean the game is already easy enough right it is especially like you said if you big box it put in the the the power up expansion in there that would it there is a big box of this coming out but there's no minions right yeah yeah yeah i agree many so right now in the in the gaming world we live in right now minis are like printing money yeah and this is a game where they make sense they make sense that they already have a toy factor so you know lean into that yeah make them pez dispensers while you're at it i love that idea also you know just richard garfield design i mean it's impressive again you know what i mean he's in my list of the great game designers because magic gathering robo rally king of tokyo yeah yep so number 52 king of tokyo [Music] mike you're almost halfway all right let's close out this uh top ten list with a game that uh i know you have some affection for and i'm going to call this a crossover with you even though it's not technically a crossover my number 51 is arcadia quest do you chose starcadia quest oh sure you could put that in my slot yeah yeah they're essentially the same game some minor some minor tweaks but you know arcadia quest is just so much silly fun it really is not to be taken terribly seriously it is run around a map you know kind of a generated map depending upon what scenario you're playing and roll dice exploding dice have characters with very fun and silly powers knock out each other knock out monsters on the board get objectives your strategy is not the uh you know if this had a 1 to 10 strategy scale it'd be on the lower end of it but on the fun scale it's way up there so i really like arcadia quest it's a little bit tough to get to the table because there's a lot of pieces you got to put out and you know the games are short enough that sometimes you feel like you're spending more time setting it up i've actually streamlined the set here to just the basic game a few minor additions yeah that's probably the best way to handle it yeah you you you can spend some time setting it up but i really i like arcadia quest a lot this is just a lot of fun and something i have tremendous nostalgia and affection for so that's my number 51 arcadia quest 51 he does not care no interesting 51 is hadara for me uh hadara is uh has a little car drafting in there it's it's been rolling rights and car drafting yeah that's right that's what that's what happens in the middle of a top 100 list okay that's what you get and if you make a drafting rolling right it will be in my top 100 right near the middle this one has a neat idea in which there's these different colors each one representing a different type of endeavor in this world and then on your turn whichever one is facing your symbol you draw a couple of those cards take one discard the other and then the center clicks and now i'm facing i don't know the green cards and now i take two of those take one play it if i want to and discard the other one so i like that this this sort of simultaneous drafting of the different kinds of things is going on around the table um and then during the second half of a round you can go back to that well but now you can pick from any color it's like one really structured half of a round and in the second one that's where you get to really deviate from the plan in interesting ways and you are building statues you are collecting different things trying to you know it's pretty early but i really enjoy this one i think you like this one a lot too i very much like it this is one that you guys all played and i just kind of passed by everyone said it's like seven wonders and i played it like this is not like seven wonders at all it's not really it's just a drafting game and it got thrown right right in that bucket because of that um but no it's stone thing for sure and i just really like it they came out with another cover for this which i thought was a horrendous looking cover really you think this cover is good i think this cover is considerably better than the other one have you seen the new cover i don't think so but the new cover has like the colors the color triangles you've seen that cover that's the one we have isn't it yeah i don't know what you have but that cover is not good probably this cover is some of the best artwork i've ever not seen it's not great 51. and your lie caught up to you in the middle of that oh the middle of the list gets me again all right my number 51 was 51 last year but it started at number four it's been on the list for a really long time and i don't see it leaving anytime soon and that is ticket to ride okay ticket to ride and this is all the tick of the rides you know i could definitely do that pick one very difficult my favorite is marklin but i play the basic ticket to ride better and i like it meaner this is all of them it's a trap yes it's a truck no i like the normal ticket to ride the u.s one with 1910 i guess okay ticket to right rails and sales that's your that's your pick no i hate that one all right now but i like the the main ticket to rides i like the uk map i like i like the maps they all play the same way and the more vicious the better i don't know why me and my wife we we are so mean to each other it's every time we end up playing with one of the kids and the kids like i can do what i want because you guys are too busy slicing each other's throats in this game and we are i will sit there and i'll look at what my wife's doing and think how can i hurt her while helping myself because you don't want to just hurt somebody sure i mean you don't but okay yeah i get it no we do the same thing because also we played enough that we have a lot of tickets memorized i'm like you're doing that i could mess up two of your routes i bet if i go there it's a different level play to the point where if we play with guests i'm like we need to tone this down tell my wife i want people to like gaming um let's not ruin the hobby for them but you don't have to play tickets right that way and it also has one of the best apps in existence it's also one of the first apps to come out that was a great app it is great and you could play you can have alex you can have alexa teach it to you um how to play my kids alexa will talk to you and teach you the ticket to ride it's it works i was surprised yeah so anyway i don't know you'll be like you want to learn to take it to a ride you're welcome awesome all right purchase number 51 for the people is parks yeah the second year last year it debuted at 76 and now we're down to 51. what was my 61 yeah my two crossover i don't know oh no number 90. okay 90 for you okay okay it's not on my list i like it it's just not in my top in parks you were going through four different seasons um hiking through the different trails uh through the four different seasons trying to visit the different national parks in the united states so you're collecting resources in order to i guess take snapshots of of different parks in the united states and so your kind of set collection you might have uh little goals that you're going for you know your own little almost kind of like contract film but it's not you know your end game scoring you know and yes you're hiking along gathering resources managing those in order to uh visit different parks and and collect the parks and it is extremely charming beautiful productions like one-way road things yeah oh the ratchets i mm-hmm what i really liked about this game though is you have to balance that you can go as far as you want so i mean light like a lot of those ratchets but because you have your two workers and we need a different word yeah okay go ahead yeah but you have your two workers so it's like it's not just how far do i go but which worker do i use to go how far you know um to kind of hold up the other person but also not be the last one left behind which definitely got me one round i left you can get lots of options so no one likes trails better than parts i do not i don't no they're trails is a neat little game it is yeah very short and i mean it's it's they've it's almost a micro game not quite in my opinion but i think it's a good sort of boiling down of parks into a game that is not the same game no it's not but i could definitely use it to teach someone who is very new to board gaming i think i would teach them trails not parks for somebody who's very good at that i agree i agree it doesn't do that well yeah so i i haven't played it yet so it's even lighter than parks then yes it is wider than parks for sure right yeah okay all right well that's halfway folks halfway next week starting monday we're going to go through the whole week each day doing another 10. culminating on friday you're going to not want to miss friday next week folks next week friday 10 to 1. then the four of us played um kingdom death monster oh you better believe together so we show you a little bit of that play through with some uh editing from chris and you'll see that commentary on the game and we're also playing out the end of the kickstarter we are running a kickstarter diced our we're very close to being able to come to essen yeah we're right there we're getting really close and there's more stretch goals beyond that maybe right oh yes for sure um and then finally come back in half an hour and you can see z's number one game of 20 22 21 right we're gonna be giving you a little taste of sleeping gods obviously not playing the entire shebang just uh you know doing i told you you guys couldn't go home until the game was done we will be here run quickly i can just lose real quick like i don't care i guess that's true and uh we're going to be playing that camilla hasn't played before so that'll be a little bit of a learning game for you we'll see you then until next time i'm tom vasso i'm z garcia i'm mike aleccio i'm camila cleghorn i don't know you took a pause i'm in there sorry go ahead just go just do you bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 85,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: xfSmQ-U6dpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 5sec (5525 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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