Top 100 Games of All Time 20-11

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Tom vassals top 100 games of all time [Music] [Applause] hello I'm Tom Basso I'm Mike Alesi Oh I'm Roy Kenny I'm Z gotta see ya all righty well welcome welcome to the second final part of our final penultimate oh I like that word an ultimate we're talking about talking about top 100 games of all time today we're doing 20 through 11 welcome Roy right my name is Tom vassal see but I want to put that it change the message no it didn't Tom you don't have that kind of power shake it we haven't unlocked but if we do unlock the next stretch goal in our ongoing kickstarter dikes our kickstarter calm we will by tom an etch-a-sketch that's right we might be man I'm really bad at just sketched I used to try to write words in them and I even sit there and my brother would shake it it was very frustrating it sounds like you were bad at it he was bad at it also both so this is the cool you know I mean these are the top percentage of games in the collection if out of 8,000 games I play this is in the top who knows it's a very small number your math teacher figure out while I was gonna start doing in my head then I need to be like shut up nerd and then we would just know okay you cannot win with me that's the first mistake if you do the math I'll be like shut up nerd if you don't do it I'm gonna rag on you for not doing it just on the top 1/4 percent shut up I think we're getting into pretty good games now that captian finally finally some games yeah I keep saying it and the number keeps lighting pretty much 30 through infinity our garbage frame right I'm not playing these games again do not approach me to play these games with you top 20 maybe I'll consider it yeah let's start here we go [Music] I thought my 20 is shut up shut up Z a party game actually my number 20 is one of the two games left of my top 20 from the original 2005 it's like five of those right he said there was five in the top 40 there's only two now in the top 20 this is one of them I get really good at this game you are so bad at this game I don't know anyone worse at this game actually it was number 11 when I started number 20 now it's pretty close and that's times up and when I say times up I used to be like Title Rico but I've come around I think I like them both the thing about the the people one is you can have some really funny things happen in that because people don't know the right right you say people do you mean anyone in particular or no I mean when you're using people's names as opposed to so you mean like some people might not know who people are year ago like it's literally a year ago from day we played that is he still bad well we'll find out we're gonna do a repeat let's use these numbers right here do you know Billy Idol yes he has a card dude stop with the obvious jokes anyway times up is the highest party game on my list it is still tremendously fun every time I play it I mean it's this game just goes well at the biggest thing for me to change in the past couple years has been the team first team I expected I was always opposed to doing that I've come around done it now so yeah the last time I played it was a two big teams against each other with a lot of fun I mean really I says that was a marathon but you skipped there man no no was it was during the marathon I was in the UK it was a good game Mike alright my number 20 I have to concede all to mr. Tom vassal I was not familiar with this gets a new game and I and I concede that this might be why it's very high cuz if you join us of writing to me I've taught this game to number of people it's master of respect so I bow and give respect wow man this game but it's pretty cool 20 yeah yeah this game is so good have you played it yeah then why isn't it on your list what's the matter with you maybe it is he's a troll oh okay this game on you want from like BAM 220 well I'm at and that's why I'm saying I am conceding that this may drop over time but right now and as a matter of fact if there's one thing I will say is that I'm afraid that unless there's more content for it that it will start dropping down our list but man do I like it now and I've taught it to a bunch of people and they've all really liked it I've come to find that over my gaming life I really like simultaneous play remember yeah for what I can remember and this is so quick you know I really like that you're kind of doing your planning for the round behind your little screen you lift up your screen and you can see what the first thing is but you're simultaneously flipping over these tiles it's so good it just really is quick I like the idea of once per round you're sending one of your your fighters into the arena to get some bonus points but you don't necessarily want to send your best one because you don't have access to in the next round right it's just a very simple game but it's got over well with a whole bunch of different types of groups and as soon as you start talking about it I was like man that sounds good that sounds really good and then I played it and it exceeded my expectations so yeah unfortunately it's not very easy to hold up I imported it from Amazon Japan so we you can get I know that there's thoughts everywhere games on my list that arrived no but I got learned from the master yeah it was a reasonable price from Amazon Japan gives a though they will deliver certain games to view the US this is one of them it's just really good I like the artwork I actually thought it was like a Samurai Jack I thought it was some sort of spin-off of that cartoon it does but hobby Japan's putting on my list of the company that makes somewhat quirky but cool games yeah that's them for me yeah nice my number 20 but I don't think that he meant nice transition nice it's my turn okay my number 20 is the game that started off plant had games it's a tactical two-player game and that is summoner Wars I love summoner Wars I love so many different factions in summer no wars it's so fun to like play off all these different factions head-to-head the way that you're like building walls and putting out characters and it's all about defeating the like enemy summoner I just love the bride in this game and like it takes this like sort of like moving around a board tactical game but like does it with these cards and like the whole magic building thing we're trying to build up your magic to be able to cast out your units do you save up a bunch to be able to get your heroes out you spam the board with a ton of little like common guys it's definitely a blast to play and I guess this game is done at this point but there's tons of content out there for H it's not like three years ago I know I know I know but I still play it and it's still time that's fine and yeah just cuz the game is quote-unquote done I I'm I didn't think it needed more factions and more you know what I mean it was there's a lot out there for it yeah I was doing when they started combining said so that's only the very final box you can get you don't have to you can ignore that it ever happened yeah I stopped after this I guess right this is a pretty solid set though it's a great starting calling for sure and I really enjoy just keeping the decks as they are and playing them head-to-head like the way that they come out it's very balanced that way and I mean if you want to you can get like little packs and stuff but at this point they might be harder to find but you could just like throw down two decks and there they did a really good job balancing these decks so you if you play your strategy right you could probably make any deck line but I do like that if you play with customization mm-hmm you pick a summoner you take the cards that come with that sounds really simple you take three champions and 18 other cards boom boom done it doesn't really matter it's a it's really easy to build a deck I don't just sit there go this guy's 21 points and that one's 17 I'm looking for a six point character yeah it'd just take three champions 18 comments yeah yeah and that's why summoner Wars is my number 20 my number 20 is a game called Jamaica oh nice Jamaica is a racing game in which you are of course racing around the island of Jamaica trying to get back as soon as possible but you're also collecting money along the way because those we victory points as well this has an expansion which I very much enjoy most people most people do not seem to put a lot of stock in that expansion but I think it's a great expansion very easy to teach and incorporate into the main game this is a beautiful game one of the first games that put just that the level of attention and detail and just lush artwork was front and center when this came out and you could tell cuz everybody talked about it much like when abyss came out and it really stood out there the artwork this was one of those games when this came out everybody was talking about the artwork not about the game but it's a great game as well one that fits a lot of different playing groups some confrontation you know some chucking of dice and backstabber II and you know dirty tricks stuff like that but it's a racing game I'll you had a heart and one that is very captivating and simple to play I like that combination of something being engaging and captivating but I can also get into it just have a great time with it so Jamaica still one I love it's been on this list I'm sure a bunch of times my number 20 I played this less than two months ago with five people I was game still going I was like man this is still a good game I mean yeah right it just it does what it wants to do and it does it really well this one's fallen for me a bit I don't dislike it I still like it and I don't know maybe I feel like I've seen what it has to offer it's also you haven't played it in a while maybe I think games that are this clean and simple and like take one idea and do that one idea well yeah they're easy to forget when you they come back to the table you play it and go oh yeah this is good you know what I also the last time I played it was with you oh no no no no what was with the expansion and I did not care for that expansion right that's gonna like the expansion line I have not I certainly would though and give it a shot don't do it it's garbage all right the people's number 20 has been on the list since the beginning for them which has been nine years I was number 11 when it showed up so and last year was 17 so it's just dropped a bit it is one of the three gateway games of wonder mmm ticket - nope card the card it's it's Carcassonne just straight up practice on ya Carcassonne is definitely moving into that territory nowadays where people go oh yeah yeah yeah I play Carcassonne yeah Oh jump the shark blah blah blah for that expansion I never actually but but I'm just assuming was bad right great okay everybody should own the catapult I like the catapult the catapult is the best expansion to Carcassonne and I think it remade in the game publicly like this but I'll do it all the time Carcassonne is one of those games that I think when I teach these gateway games to people there are some gateway you know when you huge katana people yeah the trading aspect they're like wow that's amazing yeah for Carcassonne when you teach it to people the fact that you build this puzzle right people like crossword puzzles and that course of puzzles uh jigsaw puzzle yeah there's a reason there's a gazillion of those sold yeah there's that satisfaction of putting a piece down which by the way I just it's my daughter again you stole a piece again she came and said I the puzzle was finished but she was just missing one piece and I was like why but then she tried there was a wrestling match to see the pins in it wasn't as easy this is something Tom likes to do whenever family members of his are putting together a puzzle a jigsaw puzzle he will steal a single piece drive them insane I can only assume and then be the ones who finish it himself and then finished the puzzle and this tells you anything about this man's work Thank You Z pulling back the curtain gagazet move on my number 19 has been on my list for three years was 18 last year so consistent yeah and this was already on someone else's less than the People's Choice list it's the come on game that's I think highest on my list at this point you know I already said blood rage it's Rising Sun you like Rising Sun more than the rage of blood than the rage of blood be wrong mm-hmm how's that possible then I'm wrong I think that was pretty obvious I'm looking where blood rage is on my list anyway it was higher my list anyway I like Rises your highest come on game hmm yeah I think I like it better I've already done Arcadia quest now I'm checking cuz I'm wondering if I have a higher one well its highs went well no its highest published yeah right okay yes of course okay anyhow I love Rising Sun I like the giant monsters I like that you can use this to fight I like that they're defeatable yeah but honestly what makes me I like the combat system Roy said it yeah I know it's weird cuz that's like your least favorite part of the game it is my least favorite part of the game yeah I still like this game a lot but it is my least favorite part I like that combat system and there's a lot of similarities to project a big nasties game my brain went blank right right right having also a funky combat system I don't like these combat systems were sometimes Fighting's not the best way sometimes it's in this case you know surrender he round that fight I think it's because you have the you have the order of the fights right is announced you know which fights are coming up and which ones you're a part of you can take a dive on early fox to do better in late ones because you make money from that yeah I mean it's a car it's definitely a thinking fighting system right by one coin sometimes in those fighting bids it really stings and there's no good there's no real good way to know oh I made a mistake it's clear I can pinpoint where I made a mistake just make the whole game I really like lets you Bluff a little bit yeah be like oh yeah I'm totally gonna like do this thing or I'm gonna totally wreck my own dudes and get the points off of it and they'll just do something different yeah that's more the metalcore time turned out to you lie near bone playing its metal cool it's interesting to try to do those mind games it's fun that's why I like to cop yeah yeah you got to make people think you're putting a lot of money and by just fiddling around with those metal yeah I've done that before I be like ups allowed me to coins you have what's the number what is it and you act like you're super invested in the combat that's my play game I'm mr. Simmons it lying it could be a straight-up cooperative game sure he's the turn I will assuming is lying that he's gonna be there's no call let him is if you plant more games of Roy I think I'm gonna assume Roy's the liar mostly because he's just very really Roy's most honest liar no he just straight-up lies I am lying deceitful about my lies how dare you I take offense to that I I can live with it you're lying right now what's your number nineteen my number 19 is a cooperative game you're a huge fan of the system that this game employs it's not a pandemic game that's the only thing if they go but it is a pandemic game to me this is the best of what I would call the pandemic families forbidden damn it is not a forbidden game this is Thunderbirds yeah are you kidding you're the other one who this game dropped I'm getting into my airplane to come fight you yeah I'll be there 20 minutes because look this game is pandemic with movement with different types of movement you move around the board and pandemic but this one is much more about the logistical utilization of these vehicles and getting around the board and and that's just to me a nice little puzzle on top of that card puzzle sure but all of the Leacock cooperative games employed the theme is fine but that's not even really what draws me to this I appreciate the theme I grew up watching some of these but I'll be there 5 more minutes ok what a dork but this this game just for some reason took something I was expecting that I knew what I was gonna be getting and it just turned it upside down Friday being able to utilize the right characters with the right vehicles at the right time knowing which schemes to go after I just for some reason to me this is the height of the Matt Leacock cooperative designs and I feel like I'm the only one on the planet that feels that way but that's ok what you think it's his best game I think this is his best game that uses that cooperative mechanic yes so yeah for me too random compared to the other one have you played this game yes ok how is it more random then then pandemic or any of his other game because no because pandemic you cycle through those cities right and they go back on top you know what cities it possibly can go through again you cycle through multiple times you can kind of sit there and go there's a good chance that Tokyo is gonna come up this time here I don't know that something's gonna show up over here and the pink lady's got to run over there and our Cadillac dare you a pink lady yeah Bart the pink Barbie tire has to get no fab one now dare you yeah under saying it's more random you know what it may be more intimate and I guess that doesn't bother me because it's it's a game about dealing with stuff that pops up yeah it's about like putting out fires it is yeah being in the right place at the right time I agree I think it's a great great game super underrated very underrated someone ranch up in Italy to find about 19 oh I don't want to say yeah your knee because I really don't remember it hasn't been on my list yeah I don't remember you talking about it okay can I skip you know my number nine is is it blood ridge but there are zero miniatures in this come on game noise there no marbles in this game no similar pressure explosion but this is more engine buddy his mouse is not similar to budget explosion it is marbles I love what people use it as I well they both yeah there's lots of games that both have cards come on and they're all the same - I mean come on now gizmos is a game come on we're trying to collect different energy marble things and then create a contraption to basically get victory points um you're trying to utilize all the marbles you get and basically try to build up combos it's just really fun to be able to set all the stuff out and like try to like work towards a certain color or some I thanks like okay well then when I take a yellow I get a red one from the top but then when I get a random from the top I get to take this and when I do this I get to do this and I build this and I get three points what exactly you're our don't weighing it - and I love that about this game I love engine building and this is like super simple engine building but it's like definitely in a very like cute package with all the like bright colors and stuff like that and it's very easy to play but it's like an interesting like thing of like trying to build everything all together I really enjoy gizmos and that's why it's my number 19 I feel like me and where I have a lot of crossover and engine building sighs yeah we tend to like the same thing there I really enjoyed your building yeah I like this one like the first two-thirds of the game a lot the last third is a lot of what you see that's my favorite part I love combos and games I mean that's out it's like really simple obvious basic combos that just never stop it's like take a purple so I take a black one when I spend a black one I take a yellow when I get a yellow I spend a blue one and then I slap myself and then I fall asleep and then when you wake up you take a green one it's like please how's it slapping yourself go to sleep how do you go to sleep go flap yourself pretty hard tonight like I'm counting sheep what if you haven't tried out gizmos it's definitely a fun engine building game and I would recommend it I would recommend it it's a very good choice yeah okie Dokes where am I 919 no guys 29:19 am I really lost yes there it is another 29 now all right 19 head on fire with the falter 229 my 19 is a euro game I really enjoy called Santa Maria Santa Maria this one is a kind of a worker placement game with dice maybe activation game I don't know if I would call it a worker placement game but it's got a bunch of moving parts it's got a couple of really engaging mechanical aspects to it which I think are what put it on the list for me because the rest of it in description anyway do sound like yes same old year old game type stuff you're collecting resources you're spending those resources to get X Y or Z and trying to get a bunch of victory points the game the mechanisms would you're actually doing I find very engaging oh it's it's got a great build you know one dice placement in the first round looks nothing like placing a dice in the fourth round you know you're activating so many more things combining ideas pushing yourself down one path or another trying to stay ahead of the competition you know giving giving way in one aspect so that you can make progress in another I like all those things going on and I just I like how the package comes together to provide a game that I find I'm always engaged no matter what phase were in no matter whether I'm just collecting resources or spending them or drafting a die or building my board I'm always engaged I think it's again I complain about this in longer games a lot and it's like I feel like I'm doing the same thing from moment to moment to moment to moment I think Santamaria really avoids that it's not particularly long game anyway but I think it really avoids settling into feeling like you're repeating yourself because I'm always doing a little something different I really enjoy this game such a good solid engaging game so Santa Maria 19 for me I expect this will stick around in my collection for a long time I can see lots of other euro games falling by the wayside while this sticks around this has the thing I like the most in euros which is that ratio of time to play it versus meaningful decisions yeah it's nothing was 41 for you last time I don't believe it okay People's Choice 19 was on the list since the beginning also and it was number one when it showed up Wow so it's move like this one one three four nine eight 13 13 and this year 19 the most played game in 2011 for sure and 2010 and 29 and 29 2009 I think it it had we've done the People's Choice list it would have been number one then to also Dominion is correct okay with the dates yeah Dominion and you know what I'm so impressed that's 19 on his list because this is one of those games that again I don't know what it is about the porting community but when the games been out for a while and it's been super popular it's kind of cool to go well you know well ya know mm-hmm come in II used to be good yeah the week it came out Dominion now I will say I don't know how often I see this we're getting played these days but they start with hi I still want to play this I would hide hide my shame I love Dominion I would gladly play it I think it's a fantastic game and I'm glad to see this one still high in the list it may eventually fall and it's but it's one of the few games that legitimately started its own genre it's got some serious staying power it does oh they just announced another expansion what it's clearly all because of the Bowser because the art is just so stunning and all of these since you asked come on that's not okay to go to the or did you know that the very verse one Ryan locket did some of the cards for you really yep yeah some fish people target and like they actually somebody returned it from the internet and I'm like this what is this thing I was like I heard it talked about on the Dicer before but I'm just like it just didn't look like something I would like and we actually I bought it and we brought it home and I played with my friends and like we didn't stop playing it like just this whole deck voting thing of like like I said still close enough it's so much fun and the fact that like tons and tons of other deck doors are out there but the fact that this is still all the way up at 19 I think is huge this isn't shown up at your list yet no I did not actually make my list I feel like it would be probably further in there did not make my list definitely I actually didn't make my list definitely what you said basically I just to be a mirror trash list I'm working we can just read there you go that's what it works dude so People's Choice number 19 Dominion [Music] are my number 18 has been on the list for four years and in fact two years ago it was 18 ah so thatcher was 14 this year 18 same old same old this is the most popular game that I still see being played consistently in this one also has a gazillion expansions not that many but I just put them all in a separate box because I couldn't fit them all in the original box anymore and that is terraforming Mars whoa really like terraforming Mars talk about engine building that's what this game is and what's cool about terraforming Mars is every single game my engine building is different because I'm gonna get the cards in a very different order now yes the game could have been better produced yes it could have had better artwork yes there's some great expansions and there's some decent expansions but overall the base game itself alone would but it would still be in my list without expansion what would the big game be for now Prelude is fantastic here I'll never play with that Prelude ever ever but I don't need the other expansions at all I can play with them with Adam doesn't matter to me I do like playing with all my bling though I have more blinged out components for terraforming Mars at any other four games which I don't know if it's a testimony you've got like blinged out components for this and then got another blinged out components to replace the bling outcome yes I did that is that is correct I'm not even sorry so terraforming Mars just a fantastic game I love it alright by number 18 I'm ready I'm ready for the backlash from the quote-unquote serious hardcore gamers this is a light game a very light game but cable and no not quite you know oftentimes people will say or you'll see people online ask you know I've learned Catan this has gotten me into the Hobby where's them or is a good next step and there's always you know different to me this is a procedures no no to me this is a perfect next step from Catan if you like Catan and you want some of that similar feel but you want something a little bit more updated and modern ad astra rise of tribes rise of tribes that's where i'm gonna give you guarding that I'm in your I think that this game is I haven't played really okay it's it's very it's very simple and I think at first blush oh my come across is being overly simple all right I don't think it's that simple it's it's well but see that's what I like I the main mechanic is basically it's dice driven you're rolling two dice for four actions and that mechanism really I love that mechanism it's this idea of you've got a standard action but you can take depending on what's on those dice and there's a weaker version of the action and a stronger version of the action and if you choose this action you roll the dice and you you figure out whether you're getting the regular the weak or the or the strong okay it's I know I'm not doing I'm not doing terrific I just don't get it basically I got but basically it's it's got that Catan feel of you're building up this map or you're working on this map you're gaining resources you're trying to turn those resources into points there there's a bit more of a random element with events that come up that could potentially trigger if you roll double if you get an event that comes up this is a roll doubles rules well you know it's only in that the sense of making it a stronger or weaker it's it's not quite as bad as it sounds trust me it it's I feel like I'm doing a horrible job then rise apart it's a good game it's a it's a very good game it's my number 18 this is a game that I feel like people are maybe a little bit hesitant to try because it looks maybe too simplistic the cover looks cool like yeah we're alive there aren't any games very the art is really good and there is a there is an advanced version of the game that I would recommend if you have played games hobby games a bit you probably would want to just start with the advanced but if you're bringing new people into the hobby that maybe you've only played Carcassonne or Catan this is a really good one to get them into some of the more modern mechanics and move them a further along I did see it I did see this somewhere like a target or someone said you said you said Walmart someone said they'd saw that Walmart they just assumed it was guy who gave that and I get that but it's not yeah they have a few have a few by gaining for gold no you got good no-call for example I've got I'm saying I can going to Walmart and hit the shelf with a forklift and all the games but a few could fall off and I'd be like that's probably all the good ones that were there hmm that's really bad how'd you hit on the Shelf for good why are you in Walmart driving a Ford was rock and not had a good game a Walmart how's that it's a very small section you shouldn't do that you made somebody get sued like not Walmart I'm pretty sure after this episode you're no longer gonna be allowed in that's right we saw your YouTube video anyway rise of tribes it's a good good entry-level game all right time for epic games epic games is a tiny epic no there's no such thing why let a very 5th edition no no my number 18 is Star Wars in a box Star Wars rebellion I thought for sure you already put this on your list no it's 18 it's on there twice it might been on the people - event on the people's choice when you were in charge but I really enjoy Star Wars rebellion this feels so much like Star Wars probably more like Star Wars and some of the Star Wars movies feel like Star Wars whoa but it allows you to play through the game really enjoy and like it's very I love how it's so asymmetrical the different sides the Empire is like stretching out trying to find the rebel base the rebels are trying to complete these like little rogue missions to try to like mess up the Empire but at the same time keep their base hidden and it just it's just a very interesting dynamic when it's really actually like this weird like worker placement with the different heroes and they have different stats on them to try to complete the different missions good and bad and you can do all sorts of different things like freeze people in carbonite or take people active or go and try to blow up the Death Star it just feels like Star Wars and it's a quite a long game but I feel like it's worth the time to play I really enjoy it I do like that you've had a Luke Skywalker game well I mean if if 30 minutes is a long game then there's that I like the accurate scale of the miniatures that stars quite small I would say they have the scale of miniatures is a little bit alarming to me yes as a giant troopers yeah oh yeah it's it's whatever come on I stammered the skies and access and allies can never get inside those tanks if true they fix that in the later printing they did not not even I think even accident out his miniatures they weren't correct scale at that point I think how do you like the idea of this game everything I've ever heard described I haven't played it but last time I saw it being played was in one of the gaming nights and they were there for a long long long time I don't feel like this is again a game bar game I want to play at like a game up or another thing this is the kind of game where I want to invite one person over we're gonna play a two-player game but we're gonna play an epic two-player game and we're gonna sit there and like play this awesome star wars universe game that's gonna give you that sours as a box yeah exactly so there you go I don't need I do need a job eh and I do need to try it what do you get Star Wars in a box from me to please start with Carcassonne but no theme blender no it's a symmetric game called the inch this game is rebels Empire when you think of black and white plastic off it this game is black and white plastic in a box yeah I would say it's more about black and white plastic I won't notice this is a five in a row star lap strike game you trying to get five of your pieces in a role you're playing the darker the light pieces once you do so you remove those pieces from the already you do there three times in the whole game you win very simple concept you pretty much know how to play now I really like me the tactics involved in this abstract game it's a quick once about I don't know 30 minutes 25 minutes I like that the central mechanism in it or one of the main cruxes and the whole thing is that the closer you get to victory the weaker your board position is every time you remove five of your pieces from the board obviously you're removing them so that's making you weaker but you're also removing one of your main discs that are how you drop new pieces on the board you have a few of them every time you score one point towards a three you need for victory one of those disks comes off the board and so your board position is weaker love that idea and they even find a little sort of cutesy way to say well you remove one because you set it on your on the board and it's yes how you mark a point that's a cutesy way of saying you lose one but it works you Mark a point it's not a cutesy way it's like it's a Mick it's a mechanical necessity the whole game is mechanical it's like Oh remove you know he's not taking it off the board cuz you need to use it to mark a point he's taking it off the board cuz how would you be weaker how else would you mark a point you're holding it thanks captain you know what next time gaming is happening after you're done playing rebellion with Roy you and I are gonna inch it up that's right and I will cut you sir I'm gonna cut you open like a filthy Pig I apologize like a passionate about you that matter yeah Jackie I'd take you up on that anyway I like this game a lot you should give it a try if you enjoy a tremendous lack of fading filthy Pig connect 5 basically right this is what you got guys like pente a little bit ok or yeah 5 sure alright the people's choice number 18 was 19 last year it's been on the list for eight of the last nine years it started at 14 was as high as 4 and it is the people's choice worker placement of choice maybe and that is Lords of Waterdeep huh okay it's one this one I want to say this is one of the biggest gateway games for role players way better than some other games that might have been mentioned in the list about game playing and no no no I'm saying for role players yeah this has gotten a lot of them into the Hobby I think cuz they're like lads it's a Dungeons & Dragons board game and they put like water is this I'm like okay now play Kahless and then they go back to Dungeons & Dragons but if you don't use Kayla's as the second game yeah right which is a fine game I just you just should give it to someone as their second game their first which seems to be a thing oh yeah anyway Lords wordy I see this one still being played I think I think I saw it last Tuesday at the game made up to wild it is that's Dungeons and Dragons and it's also in a very popular the water Jeeps very popular setting for D&D so I'm actually a little surprised they only came out to one expansion I expected there to be at least one or two more yeah but that's not the game's fault metal switches of the coast though it's not magic we won't support it yeah that's really where they're at this could have had more could have more buildings we're gonna have hasn't been a sequel to this set in the magic world I think it just one of them yeah honestly they can just Rieti MIT and put it mad they don't see you really want to do that I don't know what it is I know well they've done a couple of magic cut heroes if I'm an area one was recent and yeah not like that but then again I don't know it's just weird to me how those are my Lords of Ravnica begging them I'd be in alright let's move [Music] my number 17 is new to the list it's one of the three games that's new and it's from here on up this one I had just played last time we made the list or I played it now I put it after we made the list and I played it many many many times I think was already on the people's choice I agree with them highly and that is vindication oh you're a big fan I am a huge fan of indication I you know there's a lot of games I just was talking about this recently that come with all these modules Bulova and this is one of them I want to know the games good without the modules sure and it is but then man mixing and matching all the different modules I'm really on board with that it is a sandbox game and it is most definitely I came into this game because I thought the theme was cool yeah right whole idea of you landing and yes I heard the name vindication beer at vindication is not the right word it should be redemption redemption right not vindication but whatever vindication is a cool name it sounds better the theme of it that you land and you're a filthy scum can you murder people in this game no you don't you fight big monsters but do you murder them kind of but only a bone here yes all right the the theme was what brought me in once I played it I realized the thing was kind of window dressing to some degree it's there but it's mostly mechanical the game and I love mechanics I like the sandbox there's I mean this is the only Euro sandbox game I can really think of mm-hmm I mean there's your sandbox of games like Zion or Western Western Great Western trail of Legends what their legends yeah yeah you know but they're very somatic games this one is not that way and I still really like this one I like the I mean the expansion came I was like cool new stuff but I hadn't gotten tired of the old stuff yeah so vindication great game all right well my number 17 is an example I think of where a truly good unique theme can take a really good game and make it a great game this is well perhaps but that's not what I'm that's not my number I wish no this is a vladimir su chi game whoo Guardian there's nothing you say here that's a wrong answer this one's a pulsar no no good this is last will I absolutely adore this because look at its heart this is a pretty standard worker placement card play tableau building game with the twist of instead of trying to gain points or gain money you're trying to spend money it's that Brewster's Millions idea of you you've been given this money and you're being told you have to spend it in the most ridiculous and lavish and irresponsible way possible and this game allows you to revel in that notion you're taking your dog with you to have dinner on a yacht just ridiculous stuff like that take your horse to the theater okay you know there's someone out there right now is like well yeah but that's just Wednesday exactly this is a fantastic example of you know euro games especially don't do a good job of storytelling they really don't a lot of times your game try to be these storytelling vehicles and it's pretty turgid and it doesn't really come across this game really just by its nature tells a story even if you're not trying to just by actually saying what these cards are just saying what you're doing is telling a story my question is why did you pick this of app radicals Club I enjoy prodigal Club I feel like this is a pure example of what the game is proud Girls Club I think it's bogged down sometimes in its own it's just too much it really it doesn't need behind the to know just prodigal scope because you've got like three modules just I think radicals Club I like the the methodology of picking actions and this one the Hat thing didn't work as well for me okay I can see that boggles Club and this one you're trying to lose money yes and Bridals club you're trying to lose all your money and all your friends yeah you're right yeah you are also trying to be yeah to be and also packed full ain't everybody like politically like sure you like pick some political party a wig you know whatever they are at this point in time you like make a speech for them then you make a speech for their side right is good but to me if I want this experience this is the one I'm going to it's quicker first of all it's a lot quicker to play then prodigal squab hey and I think it's simpler I just if you play one though you you you'll know how to play the other end absolutely true yeah so my number seventeen last will that's a good choice thank you it's choice boy hang on ah would even match - mm-hmm all right next sir well good choice there all right my number seventeen was on the people's choice list it was on Tom's list medication it was on Mike's list I get it are on ceaseless cross over have we had that much crossover oh by two is the best game of all time socha reduction game wasn't on my list [Music] look I like to gave a distant make my top 100 Tom what are you doing alright retrofit your lolly hang on yes please thank you Osmos deception burger of Hong Kong is an awesome I they'll leak Zico be fat so I got it that's not what I said recently channel again of Kennedy I'm super confused by this I like it though he was cadence kind of trips me anyway it's it's really awesome to be the forensic scientist and trying to figure out a way to let the there investigators know who did it and where they're going and if you're the murder you're sitting there trying to like be like no no they have this thing over here it's obviously bad and the game gives you a way to like try to diffuse it away from you especially if you picked good items thank you as the murder you kind of have to pay attention before you pick your items what's going to blend in and then as an investigator it's just this whole thing of like trying to figure out you have one guess one single guess and you have to figure out where to use it and then if you've already used yours but you're still good you're trying to talk the other people when they're using their guests for what you think is the right thing you know you have to like narrow it down it's like well I'm gonna if the funny thing is like even if you know who the murderer is you don't exactly know the murder weapon in the clue right after all that stuff so it's like well I'm gonna try this and this whoa whoa that didn't work oh no okay dude you got tried this in this there's like wine and you might be it I'm not gonna try that yeah I don't want to waste my vote on it it's it's such a good game and I've had so much success with it works great with big groups and everybody should have on the top 100 list and I think Tom should be making edits I think that's where I went that's our man computer whatever this is I never thought I'd say but if you're a good murderer in this game then you should be thinking about I'm gonna pick something that's an ambiguity that big you a big you us and big enough that's all of ambiguity yeah thank you yes that's ambiguous enough that even if they know I'm the murderer they're gonna be wondering is it the hatchet or is it the cleaver you know what I mean so that you've given yourself some I've I've totally been called out ahead of the murder in this game and be like but you know how to do it you know like they knew if an upset oh yeah killed them that's right but how did I know you can put me in jail you can't put me away saying that's right there's no body there's no crime it's like that key and peele where he has a rapper who makes a mixtape exactly about writing back the whole time yeah the puzzle or was it the piece of paper I mean you never know there's no body no crime I love it all right where my arms getting so long number 17 is brand spanking new to the list and you know we just did a voice that very much ties to this nice 1960 no the copper you'll never catch me call that is back to Kennedy sorry Watergate my 17 is detective city of those nights yeah there's a fine gags yeah I like it this game is quite a fine game indeed I like that this uses this whole you know there's been a lot of whodunit games lately yeah it's quite a few of them a lot of them feel derivative and that's still okay those games are fine they're fun you know figuring out the whodunit all that part of it this game manages to do that and it's Oh bird in gorgeous hard work yeah and it's mechanically way more interesting than a lot of those games sure it feels like they did not just monkey something that's popular I think this is part of a one-two punch though to Sherlock Holmes oh yeah I mean Sherlock Holmes consulting detective oh my word is done I mean I would rather talk Holmes be done in this style absolutely yeah and then it's got some shape you telling a cohesive story it's not just this here's a bunch of clues just wait maybe he's gonna announce that soon and him may be sitting like these guys stole my thunder I don't know domain it is true it is but I like this setting yeah quiet - I like the gumshoe you know femme fatale kind of thing Noir oh yeah it's like you know know are setting I love that one player there's a few ways to play this so you don't have to do it this way but the standard way if you want to call it something it's with one player kind of running the game almost as you would a role-playing session and that is such a clever way to run a because that player will control the answers that are given to questions that detectives pose they will decide when to be a little more forgiving or when to force the player to ask for more information there's just there's such a fun way to do it you know it's incredibly engaging and interesting I love this game it's so cool you can play solo even with a secondary book that tells you the answers to the questions you're looking for there's not a lot in this box a lot of contents in here I also think it's interesting that this is a game that you would think would lend itself to being a cooperative game and I know you can play it that way you can do that but I think it's interesting that the main meant the main way to play the game is not cooperative right you know what I mean look right you're two detectives you're all you're both trying to follow your own leads you know any are not gonna want to play this go ah but like it's fine but but yes it again makes it feel more distinctive everybody is their own to tech sadly you can bribe people to go to eavesdrop on what that detectives finding out and then you have information it's possible I don't know about a clue four days in game days before you know about it right it's great that's cool it's really interesting detective City of Angels is a superb example of how to finalize an idea with every aspect of that my seventeen people's choice number seventeen has been on the list for five years was fourteen last year heist it ever got was ten this is probably on Z's list somewhere if it hasn't been it will be eventually and days of wonders deepest heaviest game five tribes oh five tribes very very popular game this one still holds up both out of the days of wow I don't believe that for a second days wonders had a lot of games that did well when they came out and then disappeared in an obscure yeah yeah and this is one that has not five tribes has done extremely well this is one that has risen for me I and I want to say this is katanas heaviest game - hmm I guess Yamatai is really heavy though maybe has a more depth than Yamatai does Yamatai five tribes Cyclades maybe going on hold either way this is your number 17 fine pick [Music] my number 16 has been on my list for six years it's my what's not my highest you need come on man it's so good I don't mind the cover so much until it's big like this and I'm like oh man that's the cover how am I ever gonna get people to play your game cheers to people you bring my dream would you like to play this game over in badly illustrated donkeys this completely knocked a grin off my list blah blah blah there's always gonna be people split between two some people like a great club better because you can pick the cards if your own customization but it's also a tougher game I like this better because I like the wide range of options I just do it's why this is a fan box hero isn't it you were saying no it's not the same thing no I don't feel like it is it you could build what you want here yeah but I think let me make my own definitions definitely a sandbox game you can't change your mind stop looking at the donkey you're getting confused it's got a it's leaving its spell on you and yeah I will worship don't keep this game I like I like the fact that there's always a plethora of places footstep Roy takes my really good action I got a better one you know so my number 16 cavern oh yeah Roy sorry to take you factions I really like that action honestly my number 16 is a game that has kind of come on very strong it's a newer games at a clue no no come on no it's not a commodity look let's I'm gonna get right to the root of it here this is root they root that's not even a little subtle Mike I'm not trying to be subtle I'm just putting it right out there root is a asymmetrical game and a bear the lead that's a world leader bury the leader this is a game that for all intents and purposes is a war game from best I can understand and now all the war gamers are gonna have a pleasure easy no I played it uh from what I understand of what war games are I'm not a big war gamer and this game scared me off a bit when I heard how it was described but I have to admit I was taken in by the art direction and I was taught this which i think is the best way is if somebody who knows the game and all that complicated no this is every faction plays different it's not complicated but but I'm coming small world has more fractious than this score differently yeah yeah you're trying to do different things in this game that's the big difference is that you're trying to do different things all of which are gonna get you to victory points but I also get playing differently they play very different that much emerge and the birds are a programming faction and the cats start with power and things more fancy well my favorite is the woodland of the base exploding wrecking people right they just leave what's your favorite I've only played the cats so I don't really have a basis to say one is my favorite the cats are extremely straightforward they are I think they were way too straightforward and a bunch of experience it wasn't close like I like the the Vagabond is cool too and that's the thing is I've played all of the base factions I like them quite a bit I've played in games with the otters and the lizard cult haven't played those two myself I mean Elizabeth and no I but but this is a game that I think was very ambitious in scope and it actually is a very viable good game it's not good because it's weird it's not good because it's asymmetrical it's good because it's good it happens to be a oh no I'm feeling you you see what I'm getting is sometimes games get credit because they're weird or they're different or they're unique this is just a good mechanically good game and it happens to be very asymmetrical and it happens to be a bit odd and it has to feel very different than most games you play but underneath it all is a rock-solid design I can't ask you so smart the earth yeah we're roots live that's right root is a game that will still be played in five years that's not saying oh oh it's saying a lot who's playing playing games from two years ago oh I can't I like mine since our garbage anyway my number 16 is root I have to play you know what the main thing I'm getting taking away from this chunk of 10 is that I need to play more popular games wait it's taking you this long to figure that out this is more of a reminder all right my number 16 is a brand new game new to the lists of course but it's a very fresh game and everybody's talking about this game right now this is my I love cats my favorite superhero game that is marvel champions Wow 16 16 3 months I don't even like we did the review for this game but I have played it and I enjoy it a lot 16 though I enjoyed the kick any other number like 17 solo but it's also fun I feel like it's better with lower player accounts cuz I guess I'm not surprised but I am surprised at the same time like but I'm surprised is it that hot the thing is the fact that like I've played some of the new expansion stuff that came out and I'm seeing some of the really cool things they can do with the system and the fact that each year they've had so far it's felt very different helps me like really get excited and now when they announce new stuff I'm just like oh man that works different than what was this your number one of the year no my other of the year pretty high too I got some new games sorry kool-aid man let the kid enjoy the new things alright old man and and I'm not sure like how hot if this will go up or this one right now spinoff one owner with more more stuff for this game it could go higher but also you know it could get save me after a while I don't know god save me right now alright I based the game off of what he said legendary excited that's a bit less so then this is higher than legendary for you then yes currently cuz I really want to play this game what's the lowest number that he could have chosen that would have not caused me to have a quarry one like a madman I guess I'm not surprised but same time I guess I didn't expect it to be this yeah that fast that's all I'm talking about let's move on cuz you got these same criticisms maybe turn back to me in the future oh you just realized them my number 16 is a game that is loved by I haven't met anyone who doesn't love factory funner virtually liked very I mean there is you know have you know have I I'm not sure to no no I play factory fun okay well same thing this one has a hexagonal tiles instead of squares in this game you are putting together your own factory and you are doing so by drafting tiles in a real time sense though you really don't want to be too fast because then you can get penalized if you just grab one without really looking and then you are connecting these pipes to the different machines in order to generate victory points by having these connections having you know green goop become blue goop and collecting it and it's it's a it's a puzzle it's a puzzle game play like ten rounds of drafting a thing putting it somewhere and going oh I can run this pipe to here that's the same color and then the output from there I can feed into this machine alright if you don't like the way that sounds swell and I just said that same thing you to turn go what sounds so fun I agree I think there are people out there who are right now going wolf sounds bad I'm surprised because this doesn't even sound like your type of game you don't really like real-time games do you because I don't I don't this is a very minor real-time out okay okay very minor all right it's not a real time element I mean like the rest of this all that that's happening there you are not doing in real time okay I would hate that guy yeah yeah I like puzzles this very much feels like managing you have to like spatial management a lot you have to like puzzle solving and how to make whatever you ended up with work for you I love this game I want to play now unfortunate I played this on the cruise actually I think I thought if somebody on the cruise last time I don't know why it came up and they jumped him back out no I was just again reminded of how much I enjoy this game what was this last year this was your 63 last year really Wow I had factory fun on my list for a while and I replaced it with factory funner because I do like this one a lot better thematically incorrect is it fun or how much fun or is it in fact I would say it's at least one point six percent funner than factory honor okay one point six percent flutter okay the People's Choice for number 16 has been on the list now is its fourth year it was 10 last year 23 and 46 this one's probably gonna be up here for a while even though I hear that the sequels getting some hate and that's or Liang's yeah was getting hey I've heard very very negative things about early on stories new or no audio pop be due for the owner or loser like the auditing factory or there are they older anyway or Leon's is a bag pulling game and even though I don't know where altiplano did that even show up in the top one I don't think so it was maybe a ditch job or I don't remember but here some people say said that they would like it better don't or Leone's are still the king of this of this particular genre this one the high quality components that came out for the game don't hurt it I like it a lot but I mean this one I see consistently played and even without the expansions this one is doing really really well yeah yeah the cover so the lucky anybody played the game yeah it's pretty awful you gotta help me out of my helmet there guys like haha you ain't get out of that helmet there is a distinct lack of donkeys on that cover - it's amazing like when you blow up that cover and put it on there like that it's my goodness shockingly how does this game get any popularity or traction I'm sorry I mean I know I already subjective but I want to jump alright he said that's or Leon's the people's choice number 16 wait [Music] all righty my number 15 was 21 last year 14 new year before that and then 142 the year before that okay and and you gave a reaction back in 2017 because of that huge jump and it this is distinctly because of the expansions okay and that is champions of Midgard Wow I love the game but with the expansions it's phenomenal okay that's insanity that's very hot I like dice I like rolling dice for combat but I also like the fact that I can mitigate that and with the expansion I sit there and go okay I'm gonna fight that monster I'll take these the green dice and I'll take some of these days and you make that nice mix of dice and you sit there and say how many am I gonna use on this oh that's just so much fun and then it's a worker placement game which I like mm-hmm strong theme there's a lot of Viking games that are out there that are themelis and yet still so much showing upper people's lists but this one is Viking theme to the core or at least fake Viking theme right I don't care about real Vikings this fake nonsense of them fighting trolls that's what I want with dice did it I love champions mittgard it is fantastic it's still very high on my list and in fact I moved up since last year 21 up to 15 so I don't know what I'll say this is one of my favorite Viking games my number 15 jammies and Midgard my number 15 is a relatively small box game that has been out for a long time it is very rarely talked about but yet has spawned a number of expansions I believe it's been consistently in print pretty much the entire time that it's been on I would call it a family weight game and what better family game to play than a game about what Isaac plague and it's not zombicide oh wait yeah that cutting game no no no come on now this is a real game this is Rattus Rattus Wow y-yeah it's about the black I know you said it's been consistently imprinted yeah I bond other games well Rattus the card game for expansion Church there definitely is a lot of modules and I believe that Radice has been consistently in print pretty much central spin out you can still get it now it's at its heart another contry no no you can get base Rattus here from the thrift store this is not you are not going online the cool stuff and buying Rattus well no but you can go to Amazon and buy it so it's a it's at its heart a very simple area control game with a character selection mechanic where you don't have to choose these special powers of these characters but they allow you to move your cute your cubes represent population and you've got these rat tokens all across the board and you don't know what's gonna be on the opposite side of those rats but usually they're gonna be removing population from the board the more of these characters that you take on to gain their powers the more likely it is that when you flip you and you move the executioner into a region and flip these rat tiles over the more likely it is that your cubes are gonna get removed which you don't want at the end of the game you simply want to have more cubes of your color on the board than anyone else you want to have more population on the board than anybody else and you do that by manipulating those cubes through these characters and by moving the executioner around to other players and tried to make it so that you it's a really nice art theme really think about it but it's so I mean but honestly it's done it's such a playful and silly way and to be to be fair this probably would not be this high if it was just a base game I really think the the Pied Piper expansion adds a lot almost a necessary thing if you want to play it more than maybe ten times but this is a game that nobody ever talks about but I've never taught it to somebody and they're like I hate that game most times that's a really good game no I like it I'm with you and you're right it isn't it says only to let them suck parentheses more on the way yeah I can't be more in print than that yeah yeah I like the game I did get rid of it eventually but it's a good pick yeah I like it I did for some reason this game just speaks to me the ratah that's the song Jackson sings it that's a kid yep okay all right his name Ben and it's the it's that creepy guy from back to future the band that's his name my number 15 is another very new game that's but this is also a game sent in my favorite IP of all time and that is Lord of the Rings journeys and middle-earth I love this app driven system oh yeah but the nor the Rings theme and I just I love playing lore the Rings characters like I grew up on the books and the cartoons and when the movies came out I went to like the first night showing of everything Lord of the Rings and I really enjoy the campaign of this game I've enjoyed playing it with other people I've enjoyed playing it solo as well actually played this game last night I'm starting up a new campaign but I've really been enjoying Lord of the Rings journey started all over again I started the DLC campaign hmm oh okay they have like a DLC campaign you can buy and certainly start playing through that well they're not a fun wheeler Ben is the name of the rap though isn't it I think so yeah sorry there's no Willard in Lord of the Rings this is this is pretty fun because you're you're doing all the different stuff and i love the app driven nature of it and there's like branching paths or it's like do you want to go this way do you want to go that way you're exploring different things but then there's i like to play it on like the normal mode where it's like there's this constant threat of you trying to race through the stuff you can't do everything but you have to try to get there and get the objectives complete and the objectives kind of like unfold as you're playing the game you're not 100% sure what you're gonna be doing this time you play when you start it's like alright we gotta run over there and do that and now we gotta look for something we kind of like look one of these tokens or one of these places has to have it what's I can I deduce what's the best place to go there's some scenarios where it's just like you're talking to people trying to figure out who the murderer is in this thing you're asking them in questioning stuff it plays very different from like part of the game to part of the game and it's very like the way the app works makes it so you can get all sorts of different experiences just on this one game and it all has that Lord of the Rings flavor on it that I love so that's why it's my number 15 so this is definitively better than mansions I wouldn't say that I would never put this game on the same like number as another game I'm just saying that that is just wrong they're not the same game so does that do you think it says expandable has something like magic no no there's way more stuff for mansions out currently no no but I mean you think it's not potentially expandable like that do you think that it lends itself to do yeah but I don't know if it will go as far I know I think maybe like next week or something like that there's like a scheduled announcement for the expansion another expansion for this expansion is there one already there's like a tiny little expansion box it comes with a couple cards and like some some bosses there better be something scheduled for Fantasy Flight tunes and keep saying cancellation yeah no kidding yeah so I don't know I don't know if this game will get as much content as for our mansions just because I feel like they've restructured their entire structure their company that stuff is not coming out that it depends when that Amazon or the Rings series comes out oh okay good points not only the interest in northern ring is going to go through the roof that's a good call so I'm excited I'm excited to see more for the game I would love to be able to play the game with more characters as well but uh it's currently my number 15 all right my number 15 is a game that I again had two choices between two games that are very similar but last time that I did this and but the fight was between again my internal fight was between ghost stories and last bash and I decided to go with last bastion in this case I'm saying near Shuma hacks third edition instead of the fantasy version of this who's name is escaping me right now yeah but there's also no is there any expansions for the fantasy wanders way more content for this that's this true but that is also that was the reverse for ghost stories but different situation this is army Z the contents easier to jump in and play I suppose I also really like this theme that there's a familiarity there that I'm going I would be missing I if the apocalypse ever comes I'm hanging out with Z yeah there's why he's like a familiar got it I'm not gonna do well in the real thing I just like to think about it while I sharpen my various knives anyway near Shima hacks I remodel Galena yeah model arena thank you yes you said it I missed damn that's a great game also man I honestly get whichever one you want but I like this one a little bit better that's why I put this one on the list and I just love the way this plays out it's a very puzzle game again going back to the way we're talking about a factory funner mmm-hmm and the idea of puzzles this is a fighting game but it develops like a puzzle game in which you are setting various traps you are positioning your fighters and your modules and your whatever is so that when a fight does trigger you'll come out on top and those fights only have one of the two players triggers that fight by discarding the appropriate token or if the board fills I like that a lot I like that you can have the feeling of having the having the upper hand shift back and forth and back and forth so at the end of your turn I'm thinking oh okay I'm in trouble here this isn't looking so good but at the end of my turn I'm feeling like you don't want to trigger a fighting your turn because I'm right now it changed I love that I love that feeling um this is just great they just come up with a new army for this not so long ago yet another one so yeah lots of contents as well you'll find something to like here would you consider it an abstract yes no it feels like an abstract and it is I would not consider it an option yeah he's wrong I certainly have been in the past but this was your fourteen last year it's really close okay yoshua axe third edition alright People's Choice had just made a video on their number 15 know which has been on the list for the last ten years started at 8 the highest was 3 last year was 12 and this is the game on which I just talked about cuz there's 20 different things for it and that's Ticket to Ride take it to Clark mm-hmm I took it to ride extremely successful game still doing well and they managed to somehow keep reinventing this game yeah I think more successfully than say Carcassonne absolutely because like carcassona did Carcassonne Amazonas mmhmm yeah okay that didn't like the world fire but Ticket to Ride New York goes and target it's just more wider appeal maybe I don't know why but I think they just did a better job at all so they did some good job at hitting like the mass with this with this game like that I think tickets rides boost one of it they're one of the first computer games and then iPad iPhone later on right with this and it was just well done right right true that does not nerves very good yes you know this may sound a little too simplistic but also if you're trying to get new people into gaming and they see this cover or they see Carcassonne or they see even Catan I think this is going to be something that's more appealing to people like trains yeah it just it looks more inviting than those other times you know I mean you know we forget that somebody who plays a lot of games that those just the box covers alone can seem intimidating to people who sure I'm never aware of that nothing about this looks intimidating I really like this game and like I said later on this week or early next week you'll see well all my ticket drive ranked all the tickets write stuff you did I did what's your number one sane I can tell you say it publicly and ruin your alright so now let's move to my favorite Viking game of all time although this one is considerably less themed then-champion guys feast parole no I didn't know they sprouted almost have been the People's Choice I think the People's Choice yeah this was my number 10 last year in the year before that 88 it's definitely moved up and so I had a chance to mmm eight was 88 then went to ten yes and 14 now which is the same as 10 basically figured out what all 82 positions on the board do that's what actually I'm a lot better this is definitely game you get better at your way you do like if you played if you never played this before and I played against you I'll probably do decently hit the game maybe right um because learning how to fill that board up and what all those bases do I love it though I really do i every time i play this i picked like a different tack on a on a strategy there's some main strategies in the game i'll pick one of them and then try to run it up and see what I can do I like it it's really enjoyable they came out with an expansion which I thought was fine but not I would say yeah that's not necessary it's just a very fun game so my number 14 Feast rodent alright my number 14 I believe is shown up on the people's choice and/or your list as well I'm 99% sure you will go nowhere near your list oh this is what I owe you hybrid style games that I that I have been so fond of which is they've got a strong somatic component but they have your own mechanics underneath it this is Lawrence of helis probably not as easy again playing it yeah much like basically every other game on this I'm scared man Mike is like sleeping your feet I guess although this is anything obscure this is I just need to play more games yeah it's a big sprawling game and I and I will say that while I love a whole lot of it one of the things that it does have a tough barrier to entry there are a fair amount of rules to keep track of but if you are willing to invest I'm not right if you're willing to invest the time to learn it it's a really solid game it's a really nice take on that dudes on a map where there's much more to it it's got four different wind conditions and you and and what I like about it is that while there have been discussions online about one of those four conditions being significantly easier than the other I personally haven't found that in the games that I've played I felt like you have to really keep in mind what other people are trying to do and not only go for what you are going for because usually by maybe turn three you have a pretty good notion of what of those four conditions you have a better shot at than anybody else and you have to not only be focusing on that but where are they yeah they're clearly going for monster-killing I can't ignore it I just picked mine at the beginning again I'm gonna go for it well you can certainly if somebody else is doing that right maybe weaker and they're gonna in my way and right but there's just so many things that I think are really smart and clever about this game you know sending your priest to the to the temples to increase your stats I just the game works for me I do wish it was a little bit more elegant in the rules I do wish there were fewer edge cases but I think that the overall experience is so strong that I'm willing to forgive that I really like Lourdes to tell us a lot I've really enjoyed my place in this as well but I think I like played it multiple times one several different ways I'm just like okay cool towards the palace I didn't feel like it was a game that was but you said it's not super-state because you're winning this game too many times yes games I'm pretty horrible I really thought this would be on your list it really seems like a roi candidate game yeah but once again it's like what he said is just sometimes like the the rules are kind of huh and I I don't actually own the game and I never actually felt like I needed to go in amman yeah that's a good point but go well it's 240 all right so the game you own yeah well actually no it's not hello so this is Pamela Sanders a space game no shocked everyone shiny which one wait so I played tons of board games I played like Carcassonne and this game is the gamut like made me sell off my magic cards I was playing tons of D&D at the time but when I played this game I'm like board games can do this this is Battlestar Galactica the fact that like you can play this game semi co-op sort of thing but there's a traitor in the midst and like you're trying to get to the end and like figure out how to get the ship to win I had never even watched the TV show but I went to my friends who play D&D and played this game multiple times during like a weekend thing we did and like I was enamored with this game we ended up getting a copy and playing it with our D&D group a ton of times I just loved battle star Galactica and sing this and then I ended up playing several other cooperative games after that like shadows over Camelot and sever all their things and just sing what board games could do like like modern board games are like these cool thematic board games we can work together like I had done in so many other D&D games and stuff like that I mean like oh man this like board games can do cool things so it just I don't been headfirst and I love Bowser Galactica in the way it works it's doubly a hard game to get a hold of and there's probably other games that can do sort of this sort of thing in a short amount of time but I love the epic nature of this and the space theme that I've watched all the TV series now and it just fits so well I love Bowser clash because so say we all this is like one of those life style games right you were talking about Waterdeep being a game that RPG players can maybe get them in AI this is a game that a lot of people will play this board game and very few others you know I mean it's like they'll play Battlestar Galactica consistently but they don't play other board games much at all the people that like this game are super super passionate about it I think they should put a corner in the back of the box the game it made me sell my magic there you go Roy can today maybe for the new addition could you work mm-hmm that's pretty good no actually they they beat BoardGameGeek calm all right my number 14 is a game that's been on my list for a long long time I get a lot of garbage for it as you should from mr. vassal oh really blue moon City Blue Moon or Blue Moon legends which is the same thing I said Blue Moon because again when I tackled this list I was like I got to pick one blue moon or blue moon legends if I'm being completely honest difference the arts better yes absolutely I mean again if you're really thinking about it blue moon is not the same printing cards our large format you can see more of the artwork there's I mean yeah slightly different it's not available but it is slightly different get the other one it's fine it's close enough but I'm saying blue moon I really like this a Dueling game for two players bunch of decks think some on our Wars ask you know you pick your faction you go against the each other I like it a lot it's a fairly simple game where the the trick is all in the little wrinkles - the pretty standard turn breakdown and you can do a little deck building in this one if you want to also there's you know it depends how deep down that rabbit hole you want to go you can do deck building you can do advanced to deck building where your deck of cards can go from 30 cars to 40 cars and you can do all sorts of crazy stuff I really like this I played a ton of this it's my I want to say second most played game ever Wow so the top ten coming outliers they're really like blue moon I used to think that this was a back in the day when I was first started playing and I thought man that's a pretty simple game this is almost like war and then I played against somebody who was good at it yeah I never stood that whole rush to me never understood that whole much deeper never subscribe to that one I forget I'm afraid to say that's me look I went back and played blue moon legends when it came out I said I must I know I might even add bad experience when I first played it and I still hate it I hate it that's all right man I once I played against somebody who knew what they were doing and I saw what could be done with the game I realized that I had no idea what was going on yeah anybody who says is this just war yeah I understand there's luck it's a card sure it's not war it's not flip a card and compared to the top one you decked that's that's just you know ridiculous yeah I like that a lot too yeah all right number 14 for the people has been on the list for four years popped on at 12 8 11 14 same spit position and it's not well that's a spoiler on there - is what it is seven wonders dual what's the game though oh it is seven wonders - I thought that was a spoiler seven wonders dual is the highest of all the two-player games that came from a bigger game and in fact I don't think in this category there's a close second you know they make cat Verna an acquittal and they made all these games Pillars of the Earth they made the two-player games none of them had the success that differentiated it enough from the base game like not even close right oh you're right right this one of those games when I first heard about it I was like okay this will silence those people who cared that much about the two-player Berenice of winners I never cared and I was like I guess I'll play it and I was like that's how drafting works for two players yeah it was so very smart yeah no it's great this is again a game that you thought was gonna be taking advantage of an IP and like okay we're gonna and and this game is its own animal it still feels like seven wonders but it doesn't you know I mean it's really good I really I think I personally it's neither one made my top 100 but I would I prefer this to seven wonders seven wonders tools rated more highly than seven wonders online I mean yeah yes walk wait see where does seven wonders as not showing up at the peoples list it may or may not go see yeah okay well I really love the drafting in this just like the pressure of like I really want that card but if I flip it over and it's like another war card he could pass me in this this is very good in a party game mmm people's choice number fourteen seven women that's like Google to numbers like 10 for 10 you know that's really good [Laughter] [Music] all right my number 13 has been on a list this is the second year last year was 11 the year before that it was 149 so it's moved up considerably another heavy euro game then I'll enjoy this one a lot and the expansion helps although not necessary and this is lorenzo el magnífico 13 11 149 well I just played it right before the thing so didn't pop on but the more I played it the more I enjoy it once again not sure who makes these covers trying to sell them to people this is one I did not like I did not know was unlike your this is the food I like platter you know what I mean man I really I I don't know what it is I think it's the fact that it's a heavy you're a worker placement game kind of thing but also but also has an engine building aspect to it because as you buy cards you put them in here and every once while you can run this little engine alrights there I like it I like that you roll three dice and at the dice placement game but everyone's worker then the each person has a worker of each of those colors is that's your number that you have so I have if I roll these I have a 2 4 and a 5 right I like this design team and the games that this design team kind of makes for some reason I had a miserable experience playing this game and I I need to play it again cuz I only played it once but I had such a bad experience that I've been hesitated to it was just it felt so punishing to me there were it seems like every single turn the card that I wanted or needed was one resource away from getting and I was like what can I have done differently to have gotten that resource and would not play I could have been yeah I I that was my approach I do it's so well regarded though that I do need to play it again I don't know why I won't regarded by whom well the scuttlebutt on the street the kids the scuttlebutt on the street tik-tok twitch they're all talking about Lorraine I don't if you had a bet I'm definitely not one of those people if you had a bad experience playing it I don't feel like you need that just because it's popular you need to keep playing it to make sure good noise horrible I'm never playing it again hated it hey you said it's okay okay what's your 14 13 my 13 well this is your gonna get you fighting oh no this is gonna you're gonna get your revenge because we've already talked about this game and I you know I gave you praise earlier for your wonderful suggestion of Master of respect and here's where I get to take that praise away because you're so wrong about this game this is another hybrid game that looks like this sabbatic dungeon crawl experience and it's really a euro puzzle game this is the city of Kings this game is fantastic and I think if you don't think it's fantastic you just don't get it that's that's that's my guess here I could the city of Kings is a game where you can take control of a character and there's a lot of leveling up that character now again if you're playing a single scenario you may not get as much of the character progression but you can choose to play it in a campaign where you then are gonna go further and further along what I really like about the game is the central puzzle of you have particular things you're trying to accomplish in it it's gonna depend on the scenario you'll have some pick up and deliver scenarios you'll have some combat scenarios you'll have some exploration scenarios if you like one more than the other focus on those because there's plenty of each and what you have to do realize is that the creatures that come on the board unless your goal is to defeat those creatures oftentimes you're better off trying to avoid them or just keep them at bay while you do what you need to do and that puzzle is something that is really compelling to me I also well I first I love the aesthetic the aesthetic is gorgeous but I also like that every creature that comes out is gonna have the same stat bar every time so the first creature you fight is gonna have the same basic setting a little bit about these creatures like the thematic nature of the creatures that show us the somatic creature or the thematic nature of the creature is nonexistent they have their their standees and you literally can pick any standing you want okay if that bothers you so be it it doesn't bother me I'm primarily a Eurogamer so that doesn't bother me I do like the aesthetic I want to feel like you're your gamer sighs just said Lords of Hellas I'm an omni game I would argue that the only gamer sounds very holier-than-thou if you play this to me when you fight a monster okay just an imam useless monster you could pick any anyone you like any one of those will work right stats all right so the stats are plays but they might not even watch the master I might be like we're fighting that giant spider and I be like it with a stinger and claws I'm like wait that doesn't match the spider thing well the two bad y'all ready picked the spider looking creature it can if you want to you know if you inject enough of your own imagination into it Oh baloney that's lovely argument every time you're like oh that's was make any sense well if you use your imagination more sure than any inch I'm fighting scorpions that might make it a bit boring the expression that you've got this the stat bars give me the same however you have these three bags and easy medium and a hard and it'll tell you to pull any number from you know a particular number from some of those bags and that's what makes the creatures unique it might find it's good it's a phantom of bad right exactly it's a really good game I do think that it gets misinterpreted a lot of times because people are expecting a dice chucker and it's not there's no I mean the dice in there just for resource collection unique I don't think it feels like other games that it often is compared to my 13 the city if I'm very surprised at this exit yeah this is not wow yeah I don't like it played it once and didn't really feel like I needed to go back to it you don't know what you're talking about this game and I'm trying to do the lists all right my numbers 13 why can't I be showing up on early awesome my number 13 is my highest-rated deck building game it also is slap full of story this is another brand-new game Thank You Laurie this is Clank legacy your sheet and your sheet we started this we talking about I love clink legs already but it takes we didn't set to fire anyway this is such a fun game because it takes like Clank with that whole presser lung going in there trying to grab the treasure but then injects massive amounts of story in there like it this is like the kind of legacy game you want to play because there's always stuff to unlock I had so much fun like racing tom to all the different locations like something new will pop up on the board and be like crap it's time Tom's closer I've got god I'm gonna run there faster you know which happened a lot by the way it's so much fun playing for this game and on top of that it's got the whole combo aspect of building your deck with debt boating it feels like the whole engine building thing where you're building up trying to make a deck that works really well as like a well-oiled machine but then at the end of the game you throw it all the way and then you upgrade some of the cards permanently that people get and then you start again and it's just fun to play through the game go through the different stories do all different stuff stuff carries over and like the story in this game takes like the whole like near and far aspect of like finding things out on the board but it just continues to like build upon itself you know and it feels like complete like the story itself is like really good I think and I kind of enjoyed the whole IP of acquisitions incorporated and Penny Arcade I had listened to some of their DD podcasts and stuff like that before which helped it a little bit but mostly you don't need to know anything about that to enjoy the story in this game I think this is the theme where the IP works and also if you don't know it it just still works it's literally alright so going to legacy is it's a penny arcade themed game it is there deep deep yeah they get together every penny arcade and they play public Dungeons and Dragons campaign and they're like people from with these cards where is it they're just being silly and fun I mean I don't believe in that you know sort of nonsense and during any kind of live show they do that and these characters have grown so they stuck them in this game and it works really well it's a completely new story completely different but it just works with how silly and fun Clank is and I love the story and the theme of this and I love the gameplay as well and you can play the game when you're done with the look with the campaign yeah and you eating you end up with like a like advanced version of Clank that you can just continue to play through so yeah that's why clink legacy is my number 13 you're writing a permanent marker in your hand first of all it's dry erase secondly it washes off even permit micro washes off eventually I've had two permanent that is it I've been lied to just hang young Mama's per annum are actually what I was thinking was the same your mom was like as a game when he was like this is the last name you wanna play they say your mama's alright my number 13 has already been mentioned in this chunk mm-hmm by you Tom the people are mean you're the one who said it No Oh times up what I just mention the Kenny yeah yeah people the people just said it seven wonders do ah he said I said it you were the one who spoke from your mouth hold all right that's what you get when you try to be the people I was that trying to people tell them who the people is I don't have to tell them you tell them on the chat you let them know who the people are yeah the people seven wonders jewel is a great game with a fantastic expansion that again I think does not get a lot of love yeah but it is such a good expansion I think it opens up the game quite a bit I love the way it feels it really does feel a little more complete with that expansion the drafting in this is neat I found the original game if I had one issue against it was that you could see you could math out what you would eventually end up with yeah because you've had to take a card on your turn that's the one thing the expansion fixed to finnaly for me like it I don't even have to worry about it now because you can do actions that don't that take up your turn but don't remove a card from the center so I can throw off the cadence if I get that you get that so I'm stuck with that one right that might no longer be the case I really like it but even without the expansion this is a fantastic apparently this honey is the people according as the people mike is the people but Roy is the people jr. the people's younger brother the people are how about with that all right speaking of the people they're number 13 was 16 last year it was the first time it showed up in the list although last year was actually 2018 September remember ders a year so this game had just come out and shot to the top I would not be surprised if it goes higher it is the number one of the current if you see people playing gateway games and that is I don't believe the other have shown up at all on the top 100 they don't get the same amount of sheer love that the original has gotten yeah I assume my mind when it came out because plan B Games hit the ground running with this thing and it sold up the wazoo and still does still is very very popular it's one of those games where the first time you play it you know you're playing something that's special it's like you this game is just gonna be around you know what I mean it's it's so approachable it's pretty it's an abstract game it has zero theme but it doesn't need it you know what I mean it just feels like it's it's a self-contained package you can teach it to just about anybody gamers like it non-gamers like it it's a it has a such a wide demographic you right I mean it's good it's good I feel according to a lot of theme one comment on my review though there's a lot of theme I mean noir I know from laying tile normally when you're laying tile you're all laying them out and you're overlapping them I do not okay remember things with yes you know when you're trying to like do like the backdrop for your kitchen it stinks I hate to put the one in there that you lose right three points it's exactly like real life mm-hmm I don't dye my kitchen move on let's keep going all right number 12 was have we mentioned by the way that we're going straight through to number one we're kidding we're stopping at 11 12 I can talk to me my number 12 was number four last year and then 10 before the year before that so briefly dabbled in the top 10 then came back out oh I got a taste of the good part is for five years and this is one of my favorite eurogames - I'm very this has been feast for Lorenzo magnifico viticulture I put them all together because at the end of the day I know many cultures many over 12 I have a hard time which what do you get a plate at a given point I don't know they're all good the best one so viticulture and I was just talking about this this morning in the QA when I first played this I gave it a 6 whoa then he changed one rule carotids the grande meat born which really changed all gamey kind of we played the second the second version of it with the Grande we played that pretty early on we did it came out I said I said well let's try it again much better yeah we both like to have right away cuz then Tuscany came out and then we played through and then the map with the four seasons I was like why would you never why would you not play with her sorry oh there's so much good stuff in and then they came out with essential blah blah blah bitty culture this includes everything except for the spaghetti the noodles and cheese yeah that's not even new Tuscany no they pulled a bunch of that really crazy stuff yeah it's good if you show this now like super weird stuff yeah do you play with a doll good lordy now owning if I fee it is I really like this and it's also unlike the other two Lorenzo and feast frodan there they're barely thematic yeah this one's pretty strong actually I feel do you get the grapes you age the bravery it works really well this was on yours really right yeah all right so Mike was once right Wow vide cult he just gave me all kinds of garbage and I was just gonna sit there and I was gonna say good pick on city of Kings I was gonna say anything bad about it at all I doubt that I don't think there's any chance of that being true I am a nothing but quiet my number 12 is a new game a relatively new game and there are some production issues that hinder it a bit but not 12 no BS a not enough the gameplay is so good in ever now that it's my number 12 game door this game you know what I like best about ever dealt any please know you may need to play this know what I read what I like best about ever del is the pacing in the game this has some of the best pacing in a game the first time you sit down to play this and you start with you to workers and you're told that you've got a maximum number of cards you can have in front of you you're thinking yourself there is no way I'm even gonna get eight cards in front of me right 15 to workers I and I can go here and get two berries and I need six berry gonna do this card I'm not gonna go do this angry this game is so smart in the way that the pacing works the way the seasons work the fact that you it's so incremental you start so slow and by the end of the game you now are able to figure out oh this is how I can do this I can manipulate this and I can use this card to allow me to get this card now you've gotta fight it sounds like an engine building yeah it's an absolute engine building game yes of course why not blade this city cuz it's too cute for you yeah no it's it is it is durable but it's also a really solid what can we mean there's a there's a squirrel with a with a shield razor the squirrel you have to pay free berries and school bottles the best three berries I'm telling you I know it's so good you it's just so good and I just love I just love that incremental pacing where it starts off slow and you feel it right what are the issues you have with the component obstet I feel like no matter how old you are you're not seeing the text on those cards and the tree is not necessary I play with the tree I don't care I like the tree but if you're in the tree of its two players yeah and you have a way to write yeah if it's four then you may not be able to see around it and you don't need it you can play without the tree although I liked it enough I got the wooden tree so those are my issues is there's a large tree oh our such completion is some stuff but he's like what I would but there's a fancier one out get get in the wooden tree artist wouldn't even a cardboard trees technically wouldn't this is a vine this is really just saying I'm saying anyway every day like fantastic fantastic game and I have not even played the two most recent expansions that you said are under four - yes I can't wait to get those three expansions right yeah won't really be hydaker buddy boy we got to get cranking the same times pretty much you know I I look in the library right they are I just haven't had a chance to see the access to that library now to in like four days it's trapped on a bus truck somewhere you can play it now on the cruise I'll teach it to you and you should play it you really should I'm not gonna teach it to hi now honest I wore it out I wouldn't listen anyway that's the true good point my number 12 is ever down my number 12 is whatever sure they're all right my number 12 so I've added several really really in the side this game is not so new but it is space it's like - it's like tone that's familiar um this is Cosmic Encounter never know it's gonna be on this man's list you know it's true he did call yo man I love the negotiation in this game is so much fun I love the way like you you have these encounters and you have to like figure out how you're gonna deal with it are you gonna argue does your opponent have a negotiate Carter you gonna be able to work this out do you need to ally with people on your side to like hey if you come in here we're gonna get a colony together uh-oh that person the head now I can't invite you oh but now they're joining the defense so they get extra cards I can try to win later I think the whole dynamic of this game is awesome there's tons and tons of different alien power to this game it's never the same any time you play it it's very group dependent I feel like you need to play with people that are able to do the negotiation thing and have fun with it I've actually had like terrible games of cosmic counter but most against I've had of it have been amazing in terrible games this game is there's I played the game where some people just brought it down and just did obvious things like you realize if you do that you're gonna throw him the game he's like yeah okay I played a game and we're a guide lied to me on turn one it's like we a light with me he's like oh no I was a negotiated oh we both get our first planet and he lied to me has a you realize our spoke like daddy presented the game left doing pretty well anyway so I played this game and like it has it like I like started like not first and it's not even gotten all the way back around to me before the game is ended and still had a blast just cuz you're playing on every single person's turn like the negotiation of crying or not a lying it's super important in this game I agree he's right and has happened - it's it's fun it's a blast and I really enjoy it I don't play a game from sitting down to play a game you still always play other people's turn every single encounter you're playing the game I've without even playing by not playing great obviously five and I'm always like trying to like hey guys let's all get to like like four together you know cuz you want to be part of that team there's big arguments then yes oh man it's it's so much fun costly encounter I'm sure we'll talk about it later doubtful but let's move on know what my number twelve is again called claustrophobia 1643 from what year the year is 1643 the tunnels help give us really good dice rate very good dice I use those dice for every list and all he puts up the dice that's amazing the top ten looks like this is dying my review I think so finally yes beautiful I like that I really like this a 2 player only game in which one side is playing the quote-unquote good guys nobody's really good in this game going into these caverns doing some mission you know whether it's discover something going and retrieve something and get back out whatever and the other player is playing the minions of the underworld and they have like troglodytes in a demon a big demon hellhounds and all this crazy stuff and you are you know fighting it out trying to achieve your side before the other side does there's I enjoy the game for quite a few things I like it mechanically I think it's very clever mechanically there's a lot of interesting euro game mechanisms where you're shutting down lines of activation while your live is near your life points are going it also means you're less likely to activate a useful line so that's neat I really enjoyed the exploration discovering tiles not every scenario has that but many of them do I like the way you're rolling dice not just for combat but there is another set of dice for activation when you're allowed to do on your turn and that's clever it's it's a very engaged game and then I also love on top of that but it's an hour you know Wow okay depending on the scenario might be longer might be shorter but you're probably looking at about an hour so this is just a fantastic game I really enjoyed already I was a big fan of claustrophobia the predecessor yeah no one has said if this is on your list last year not even oh my not I mean I think about the regular cluster over yet that goes in your top 100 yeah yeah for sure alright 49 there you go I really like claustrophobe ad guys better than this I either ones fine honestly did they bring back the Dino dude know you like him though right yeah that was can you transplant him no no way this - these are two different wonder why they didn't do that I don't know but they might I think there is more content coming at some point for this I was very tempted to keep my original but I don't have the space for that nonsense this is the one that I didn't get rid of it grudgingly is that the right word I got rid of the sec the first printing of it but the second one is better at the end of the day it's more streamlined there's a little more content in it and yes while I'm missing some things if I'm keeping one I'm keeping this you just need to hold out for the Dinos and doggies expansion you know that would be amazing claustrophobia don't eat you dinos and donkeys the donkey's getting smashed by this thing Wow for the people that's consistently moved up it came on the list five years ago 64 then 60 then 21 the 18 and now 12 Wow just keep moving up it's definitely very popular despite the horrific first edition cover that will be somewhat lackluster second cover and that is Concordia this is much better than the original cover but that just shows that good deed the original cover was however Concordia a game a lot of people really enjoy for sure yeah it was nominated for the Kennish bill it did not win that's you know you can tell it because it says the nomination they only yeah they tell you if they won the idea of having a bunch of cards this is the mechanism you like the bunt and I like it too a bunch of cards you play them and do things I think it came out with a team aspect of this in 2018 that's all thoroughly no sauce was the first expansion Oh Concordia Venus that's what it was the team won and that was pretty good and there we go that's number 12 for people that's the game I really do enjoy it's not even my again I did not think I would like when I first played and solid solid you owe me and the last one is longer than Z ever plays a game my number 11 brand new to the list from this past year and this may change based on a when I fit completely finish the game and because it's a very story driven game and but then again they have a ton more content for it also from awakened realms tainted Grail I know it's moved up I don't understand Tom I guess I need to play this thing I know I'm pretty good it's that good huh it's it took a lot of fun to play them for yes with some fines when you're lacking other players but you're not a solo gamer so not what's a quandary isn't it it is I really like the story in this game to play this solitaire yeah you can't for sure are they oh wait I've seen this okay that's the one where you play out like you build a world on these cards yeah continent just in its look there it does look there's a lot of similarity except continent but in this one it's a very strong story I think you would like because it's very grim dark I mean the whole aspect of the story is that you are the backup do you are the apprentice of a hero who didn't show up and then everyone else is like well maybe you should go find out what happens at this guy okay I can do that and it's with the name of the game that tainted grill the holy grail is in the game and King Arthur's Kingdom is in the game it's not the way you would expect it to be because it's grim dark it is grim dark and yet I really like it I like how decisions you make affect the world around you there might be a card here something happens you take that card off with a different card there again it's very similar to seven content but the story here is just phenomenal so I'm really big book full of stories and what amazes me is that in the Kickstarter campaign there's apparently two more whole campaigns one set before this and one set like six hundred years later so when I finish it up more content to go through and there's also multiple ways to accomplish the mission like for example at one point we had an item and we could give it to two different people very different people and the way you do that then progresses you to the next thing and I thought that was cool you can go on very different branching paths really liked it the combats fairly convoluted I think it's a neat combat system with couple and it's hard as all get-out I just restart every time I die like a computer game actually what I meant to do is it a single playthrough game like a seventh continent sure but it's really long and it's written the 13 chapters I think 12 or 13 chapters and you could you can save at any point really but it's easy to say between chapters that's what it is like seventh calming that sounds like seventh continent so some of the content is a single three or four hour game they just all kind of cross each other this is one long story when you're done with chapter 1 you go to chapter 2 then the events compiled upon themselves says okay push this up to your favorite game with 2019 it does clank legacy was already on my list yeah I like this one better I've been able to play this one more and and I won once we're back from the cruise we've diced our West I'll be taking one of the copies home and I'm gonna finish this game oh nice huh I really really like it and I probably played those solitaire I like playing with tube people and all but solitaire is what I I mean if there's nothing else my number eleven Teaneck Grail alright my number eleven wood although I have not played tainted Grill I would imagine this is the polar opposite this is not a grimdark game at all I've mentioned at pick up and deliver is one of my hate no it's one of my favorite mechanisms and to me this is my favorite pure pick up and deliver game you do pretty much nothing but that if the game that does not get a lot of attention and if I said believe it's out of print this is cinque 10a i really really that because it's a knit really wrong it's italian i polygamy these are five villages Cinque with Danny that's close yeah yeah I believe so I hope this game you don't actually get to roll the dice you roll them at the beginning and then you're done you do you're setting the value basically this is you're going around to the five villages in your little trucks are they're actually like almost like scooter trucks right and you're literally just going around to those spots these are the five villages and those are the different fields where you're going to get the different produce so you've got you know I think zucchini and tomatoes and lemons and grapes and I think Roger and and it's it's a very simple mechanic where you can either gain cards or you can move or you can deliver items from the field or you can deliver them to the different places and the different dice are going to tell you what those villages want and how much they're willing to give you for that produce right so if you go here to manarola they will give you five for the grapes okay and so you have to be it's it's just a very simple sounding puzzle of getting the right produce to deliver to the right villages but you're competing with all the other people who also this is all open information right and you also have different contracts you're trying to fulfill you're trying to get particular produce to particular villages and so you're trying to set it up so that you do it at a time where your contract is matching up with the places that are giving you the most for it so it's a very simple game you could teach it to just about anybody but eat it immediately satisfying if you like pick up and deliver on confused what was confusing I'm kidding oh if you like pick up and deliver and the theme is appealing to you the bright beautiful artwork is appealing to you you really owe it to yourself so you've never played this chinco Tammy well I'm saying you tend to like his designs I do it did not know this was a Kris handy unfortunately a Rio Grande it came out we had the one printing and it went away oh you you don't look good I'll tell you that no I think the cover is nice and pretty big game is if I had looked at this game assuming I don't know Chris handy is right I do and I do like his stuff if I just saw the game I picked it up off the shelf yeah saw that cover turned it over and something resembling that was on the back I'd put it right back on the show dimension Brian come on like this came out in the middle of Rio Grande's very mediocre quality and that's a good place that is true when we're not putting out high quality component that's a very good point I they've since I think they've really improved in the past and the components in this game are quite good actually I have no issue with the component and I'm surprised art is obviously a very subjective thing I think this is a beautiful game now I'm actually you're the first person Z and I want you to take this thing I want to see it at first second or third you're off the island I'm gonna bring my copy into you actually see the physical can bring a name I don't think it's doing itself and its part to replace your saying yeah yeah Cinque Terre they the five ability a wonderful deliver again give us a nice base game here we go I'm a man I like fantasy I mean they keep making the games I guess they make them for people like me about delivering produce this game is older than I am that's actually oh I know what it is then that's that fantasy that's SiFi no no no this is a the game you don't like this game you give it a poor review this is whizz war this is aching right it is older than you and yes it sucks helped inspire like a games like Magic the Gathering but it's like God this like you're basically Wizards that are trying to race to try to gather treasures in a labyrinth and bring them back to your your starting area you can either get a point by gathering treasures or you can get a point by destroying other wizards and just the card play and this is super interesting because you're drawing through all these crazy wizard spells and like blasting each other and building up combos it's got the whole counter spell thing like I play this fireball at you and I counter it back and then I put up a a wall of dirt and it bounces off that and goes around this corner and it's just this interesting game back and forth I have like 3d printed all these walls for it and 3d printed link all sorts of different cool stuff word and I really like the way the game plays it's definitely a game that you can't take you seriously but it's a blast and fun to play and I really just have a lot of fun playing whiz where I played it with all sorts of different people at a ton different game groups and it's just been a ton of fun to play I feel like I should like it these are those are green or those are wizard hats yeah so there's a lot of stuff that like how it definitely don't look like green poop they absolutely do not look like green poop yeah I mean you barely use that sort of stuff it's like just to say all this this card is affecting back color wizard you can transform into like different monsters like I know the Black Rose Wars I think would kill this for me gotcha have you played that one no I haven't played bath clothes rack Black Rose Wars yet but I relied times now yeah I really enjoy these a meanness of this game a lot too so but yeah it's definitely a lot of fun and I enjoy the wizard all right I wasn't expecting this one I haven't played it I played it like the retreat and like a whole bunch of everything this is one of the games that I always like to take with me to a bunch of these different things because I know Tom doesn't have it in the library for whatever reasons there's not a nicer library no it might be getting picked up but they start west though I would put this in the library just cuz I don't like it that mean I would put it in that's a lot of fight do you know where I could get a copy with 3d pieces because that would be a good one for the library of chingadera to persuade me to put that one in the life fine it's a good game III fee says that I believe it my number eleven is a two-player only game one that's been on my list and just sort of my game up I felt passionate about for a long time as does Tom this is Targhee know a member 1100 that's cuz of you man I would ever play this if you hadn't tell me about it that's good get over it this is Thomas out doesn't deserve this game there's finally an expansion for this coming out in the year 2020 hopefully don't delay it and I just enjoy the mechanism it's definitely a mechanical game right the theme here is nice window dressing but it's it's it's not a thematic game I don't care the mechanisms and what you're doing in this game and what's what's the way it's the ways its engaging you to react and to adapt to make progress are all very enjoyable I always have a blast playing this game this idea of deploying your workers to locations around the grid and you'll be taking those actions as well as the actions where your workers would intercept in the grid smart means that you have to think about a lot of stuff and you are there's a nice amount of turn angst also when you place how one worker and then you sit and wait for your opponent to put one out and you just know they're gonna mess you up yeah yeah so I love it I really enjoy this game just absolute fun it's really if you haven't played this and you enjoy two player gaming you want you want one that does something that I think will really surprise you for a two-player game this will do that Marquis is all right people ready good this is really interesting so the People's Choice agrees with me here and on my list viticulture went from four last year to twelve this year and on the People's Choice viticulture went from three last year to eleven this year we're thinking on safe yeah what happened there but anyway yeah it's still very hot right and just a couple other games busted their way to the top ten pushing it down but viticulture is in these stone mire games that are very popular you may hear about more who knows but this one's very high up I again I had this one that I see people play that's one of the things that I feel pretty confident when I look at the People's Choice list I see people playing these games yeah that's when I get to these as you're no longer that people's joy Marty thank you folks for helping us break our record we had 3190 I think tomorrow 4,000 tell your friends babies and relatives actually I said same word twice but anyhow come back tomorrow for the top 10 games of all time you can guess what they are maybe by this point you can probably get at least mine and Z's if you know us well enough although maybe not see because I know his is more shook up than mine it is a little shook I bet I could get five of your Ken I'm back to be gonna do it these are some good games here's a book all right good game our Kickstarter is going on right now diced our Kickstarter comm go check it out and thank you for those who you already did well this is going on long enough I have no bathroom until next time I'm talking bateau I'm Michael SEO I'm Roy Kenny I'm Z Garcia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 151,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, top 100
Id: g-nOr3oC8FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 54sec (7974 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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