Top 10 Games that Should be in the Board Game Geek Top 10

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] good afternoon everybody i'm tom vassell i'm camila claiborne i'm chris yee so a bit of explanation so you set us up i don't understand why everyone is so nerve-wracked about this list i don't care okay so first of all i appreciate the website it is the number one board game website that i go to in fact it's more than all the rest put together you know period it's just a great website i'm friends with the owner i like what they do i disagree with some of the ways they do various things whatever for the most part i like it they let people rank games there from one to ten then they put them in order and it goes from one to twenty five thousand now i think you have to have a certain number of rankings where you don't even make that list there's like 200 000 games but only 25 000 of them are ranked but the top 10 is what people look at that's just what people do they look at the top 10. if you want to see a real people's choice stop 100 dice tire does one every year call the people's choice nice plug well no but it's true and this is one of the few times i call it out that is a better thing and that's because of it takes into account changes like if on board game geek i can go rate something at 10 unless i go physically change it it's never going to change that is something i thought about for sure looking you know re-looking through some of my ratings thinking like uh it takes a lot of effort to go read rank things and i should from time to time but i don't so you know it happens yeah they they people propose things like ratings decay where you're the longer your ratings are the less valuable it is but i don't agree with that either because sometimes my 10 is still a 10. yes later on so anyhow this is mostly for fun it's a little tongue-in-cheek mostly not much for me but there are i so the best way to do is we're going to start by looking at the current top ten and then i'll explain what we're trying to do here or what i'm trying to do i don't know camille probably didn't follow any of the instructions oh the instructions you didn't give me okay right so here's our current top ten so um i don't know how there was here okay so 10 is spirit island trash i'm kidding i like spirit island this is a hit job not as much as camille likes it no dude number nine gaia project number eight and seven amuse me star wars rebellion and twilight imperium fourth edition and they amused me because 20 years ago everyone's like oh the game can't make it unless it's a euro game on board game geek well go figure number six is arc nova by far the newest on the list wait that just changed it was seven just a bit ago that's right rebellion and imperium were not next to each other like today it's been the last few days actually okay i looked at this interesting six yes one of my predictions for 2022 is gonna happen number five terraforming mars oh that's interesting you think it will pass it i don't know number four gloom even charles of the lion number three pandemic legacy season one number two brass birmingham and number one gloomhaven this is another problem i have with the top ten glue maven is there twice yes glue mate and joseph the lion is glue maven again right so go figure but these are all great games i mean brass sucks no it's a great game but i don't like it so therefore it sucks to me but the rest of them i like the rest of them i like but what we're doing here is we're saying these are games that i think i would want in a top 10. so if someone came to me and said what are the top 10 games of all time to play these are not my top 10 in fact only one game on my list is in my personal top 10 i think maybe i'm not even sure i think it's one for me as well yeah i think it's two for me because uh there are some games that i really like uh let me pick one for it's not my top ten but i get my top 20 adventure land okay i don't think that should be in the top 10 at board game geek i very specifically like it for various reasons yeah absolutely also i understand the numerically challenging problematic nature of this list by me picking ten games that should be in the top ten therefore i am saying they are the top ten go ahead and that is not how i did it because i i i ordered mine like these the top ten games i think deserve to be in the top ten for various reasons and as you go higher up the list it's the stronger justification i have for it and it's not necessarily saying my ten should be number ten my nine should be the bgg number nine these are just ten great games that i think each other merits could be on there well a similar type of a thing i think that there is more justification i could give the higher up the list it is okay what i did was i took their current rankings and so my number one is the farthest from the top ten oh it's the lowest ranked one while number 10 is in the 20s but i would that makes me feel less bad oh yeah i want to say only one of these do i know what the ranking is but i also didn't i also didn't want to be ridiculous here yes i didn't want to be like wow you know munchkin or whatever the reason is right top 10 is also not top 10 played there is some of that i don't know there's different ways to factor and value weight why would it be top time play i'll understand that i mean in in the world because if if i if i went by the top 10 hamburgers in the world by the number that people ate mcdonald's would be one i don't think mcdonald's burgers are the best you know that's stupid right but that that there's a but but the so i'm marking against myself here so monopoly i don't think is a top 10 game right but i also think a very esoteric game that no one plays hardly at all is a poor choice to put in the top 10. i understand what you mean but i think you are arguing against yourself i am yes so what's that called i'm a schizo so i'm gonna so one thing that i'll say there's a comment someone made on one of our videos a while back that said in the gaming industry we don't we don't um we don't honor the classics the way that movie lists do you know top you know top 100s of movies or top 100 albums and i i've occasionally thought about that and this was an opportunity where i thought you know i'm going to make some comparisons of my game picks to albums to the way that i think critically of of music because music is one of my other huge hobbies and so i'm gonna make some comparison points here between the games i pick and like uh an an analogous album that i would consider to be like a top 10 album of all time interesting that being said i think the movie analogy i disagree with because i was looking at the top movies on imdb which are voted on by people yes are 10 movies that i have all seen while the top 10 as voted on by the american critic society i've seen two i think right that's because they're snobs marvel endgame the avengers game is one of the greatest movies ever and just because the critics don't think so so is balderdash i like it and i feel the same way about games and i have a couple of my lists that i feel strongly in that regard that they're not critically acclaimed but i think they could be in the top 10 anyway right and i think it'll be interesting to to for me that's kind of how i approach this is how i wrapped my head around this and that's going to be some of the defense of my games and my picks i think my some of my defenses is just going to be a lot of i think just underrepresented i think a lot of times people knew in the hobby or newer in the hobby will say they go to bgg i like this game what else is something like it or what is that mechanism is going to find others like it or what are the top games i don't know and just it's kind of a an avenue for a lot of people to get into and to find and explore the hobby and i feel like sometimes this top 10 top 100 on bgg kind of does them a disservice you have to like big games you do there's not a single game in the top ten that's not and i feel like there's a lot of underrepresented mechanisms that are really done well in some games that are just underrepresented on the top ten so that's a lot of how i approached my list is the kind of things that i would want to see when i was new in the hobby are getting into her when i was going to the top 10 top 100 to kind of explore new games what would have been helpful like really good games in the hobby that showcase what the hobby can do and has to offer if you to go with the music analogy if someone says hey recommend the top 10 albums of all time i'm not going to pick the most challenging pieces of music to listen to right i'm going to pick things that are that are maybe there's just very approachable and successful and widely uh appreciated a good way to look at this list is every year we make our top 100s they're my favorites i don't care right and people are like you need to be trying to be more objective i am that's what this list is this is me trying to be objective that's a good way to put it yeah my top 10 is my taste it's also objective this is the wedge pretty sure actually if i real quick of these top 10 that are in there which one would you kick out first i mean besides one of the green havens right okay well they're going out besides that one they see the other roy can we see six through ten do you say it this is i'm not saying it's weird enough to hurt when i stab i would say gaia project but i mean there isn't any other there's only two heavy euros in there and that's gaia there's gaia project and brass birmingham then there's the mid-weight euros well i say mid-white they're heavy for most people but for board game geek then arcanova and terraforming mars honestly arkanova's so new i think that's one of the surprises here but it is hard to get in there so it's not particularly but it's also hard to get kicked out yes all right you know what i don't actually know the order of the list here who's going first yes chris oh that's right so i didn't put this power point together all right all right here we go number 10 all right so my number 10 i'm going to be going with this music analogy like i said and i think that my explanations hopefully are going to justify the pics and i think that the comments who are very upset with all of my picks are going to be the people that scrub to the end and didn't listen to my my discussion or discussion that so my number two you're wrong i'm prepping you yeah thank you why is chris in these top 100s sorry i'm just reading the comments oh god yeah future vision my number 10 is one that i do consider to be a classic it's one of the older ones that i picked actually and that is raw by a designer reiner kenicia a 1999 game but this is obviously the new newest printing of it oh which is so pretty well it's one of the things about this that it stays in print it goes through waves but it continues to be in print this is a fantastic auction game it's it's so much driven by the players i really really enjoy this game and i think that there should be some respect of the classics but they have to be good they can't just be classic to be respected they have to be really really uh engaging and and welcoming still i'm gonna make a comparison here to this this is like almost like a beatles album writer canezia puts out a lot of stuff right the beatles had a very successful career but this is like mid-era beatles this is like rubber soul an album that's past their in you know their beginning kind of stuff matured a little bit but didn't go full sergeant pepper kind of llama the dice game you know era of the beatles or era of canezia i think this is such a mature and good amount this is a really good algae makes do you know what sergeant pepper's is yes that's my favorite never mind i'm not yeah i gotta get myself in trouble i love that album but they went you know they got kind of zany and everything but rubber soul is still a very grounded album and i think that this game is from a just a really sweet period of canadia's designs that i really like so that's my number 10 raw all right who's next me my number 10. i um am not a big party game person but i think again people getting into the hobby that's kind of something that they're familiar with you know whether it's cards against humanity whether it's i don't know because i really don't play those games but you know like kind of those party games but i think obscurio hits a really sweet spot where it's not quite party uh-huh it's not quite party but it is the larger group uh-huh mm-hmm i'm all right hear me out so it's not party but it has that larger group feel but i think and i i kind of considered maybe dixit for this because it has the kind of similar thing but i think this does a little bit more it brings that hidden uh you are i'm so happy right now i'm so excited about the name obscurio feel so ironic you're a hipster go ahead oh my gosh but i think it does a little bit more and that it so i think it opens that door a little bit more into the hobby and shows you know kylie you can play with the hidden trainer if you want or whatever it's called um and it just shows a lot of what can be done with bigger groups bringing them together and kind of cooperating having a hidden trailer a tr hidden trader element but giving you some meat and discussion as well and i think that that's very underrepresented in the topic everything you said yes except the word obscurio wait how do you say are you saying i say it wrong no no no no no no no no tom will not correct you on a game pronunciation let's get this well if i did i would be wrong no there's so many other party games you could have picked like dixit but again i think that this one brings more meat i think dixit would probably be a top 20 maybe 30 something like that but i think that this one brings a little bit more check and see if dixit made my list no i considered it strong because it's top 20 not top 10. this is top 10 i have a different party game in my top 10 here okay all right well keep in mind that you were the one who said it shouldn't be determined by plays this is not a mcdonald's choice this is not a mcdonald's show but this is also billy bob's in the corner of alabama which no one can get to what you don't get this game not very easily it's also out of print i think it's also not very popular well you can get it i just got it on long ago did you yeah did you steal it from the library because i protected it [Laughter] all right it's all about you tom my number 10. all right well i'm going to be a little bit more open here with my number 10. my number 10 is ranked number 24. so it's not a bigger sweep i just think with the popularity of this game even though there is definitely a segment a group of people who every time this game has mentioned said this game's mentioned too much and then it's not as good as people think so what game do people say is mention too much wingspan yes wingspan but it is mentioned that much and it probably won't ever hit the top ten because it most games peak in their first couple years and they're not going to rise anymore and whether you like wingspan or not and i know some people literally don't like it that's fine wingspan definitely has ushered in the age of the nature game definitely starts here with wingspan um and it also is a game when you look at the themes of the current top ten terra mystica fantasy you know the one euro game heavier game up there is fantasy themed and then we got space and then brass birmingham which you know everyone loves talking about the industrial age wingspan is something everyone can play and it's a fun game so yeah i think we i would put wingspan in the top ten but it's also not that far of a jump that's why it's my number 10. no i absolutely agree i think i consider this one for sure and i just kind of i don't know it i feel better about my other picks but i really considered i did as well this was on my my consideration and it just got nudged i thought this might be the one crossover well yeah no it was it was definitely considered actually my number nine is my other one personal enjoyment of this one held it back a little bit i find the game good all right [Music] all right my number nine is a step away from the beatles and this is more like a metallica master puppets kind of album my number nine is a game called chemist stranger things though i really enjoy chemet and i think that there is a lot of of of this it's very well respected if you want a game that is very punchy and very aggressive you know i think this is one of the best implementations of area control a mechanism that i'm very iffy with i'm very hit or miss but this one is a hit for me and i know it's a hit for a lot of people it's action-packed it is you know um it is aggression forward of a game and that's why i kind of compare this to like a master of puppets album something that is both really i mean the lead track off of the album is called battery you know uh along with master puppets is one of the biggest things you know as you know i don't but but i mean that's what this is dumb about music right now but underneath it all is just a really uh educated composition master puppets i think is one of those albums where the metallica's bases at the time was huge in the classical music and i see that come through in the music so much this design has a lot of you know you send people on a map go fight each other and stuff but it's it's well orchestrated it's really smooth i think if there should be an aggressive game in the top 10 on bgg this should be it that's why number nine's kevin's well there is an aggressive game ti4 and star wars rebellion yeah this i said if this is my imaginary world where for some reason that's not the top ten oh you've you've replaced the top ten i'm just saying these games could are candidates to join the top ten no that's more what i'm saying i was just being silly but yeah there are aggressive games i love cabinet it's one of my favorite games i just feel it's a little rough around the edges for some people yeah metallica's a little rough around the edges for some people that doesn't stop their albums from being amongst gosh the devil so much yeah well you saw what it did to that boy in stranger things i did spoilers all right my number nine i fully expect i expect pushback on almost all of these we will provide it but number nine nuts okay expect pushback because it is pandemic legacy season one which i know is on the top ten but i think out of the top ten you asked listen out of the top ten you said which one does not deserve to be there which one would you kick out this is the one looking at the top ten that i'm like that one should absolutely be there and put it back to put it back in i'm not saying it should be number one but that is the one that i think has the strongest reason to be on the top ten why do you think that should be there not pandemic because i think it shows what pandemic gets so many people into the hobby right it's kind of that gateway and i think this really opens and shows what they can do it's kind of introduction to story building to an evolution of a game to big sessions that you commit over and over kind of campaign style i think it really shows how a great a game or a mechanism can grow on itself and it really just opens a lot of doors and it does it so well and so smoothly where you feel part of the game and it's such a great experience that i think it builds on a game that people know and just does it so well okay so it deserves to be in the top 10. there are no instructions given on this whatsoever i almost i i debated should i pick things that are in the top 10 currently because your instructions were intentionally mind you very vague yes you're acting like i make a vag just so there's discussion in the top tens that would be madness and if you don't like this pick like season zero or season right now i'm saying my personal enjoyment i love season zero of the three that is my favorite but i think this one again starts with that base game which i think is better for the top ten and those days are gone now because you tell me how much like zero when zero games was four of us we played it now there's more than four of us what if another season comes oh man i already said there's nothing even like they lie all the time i hope that well even like that risk shadow forces like a couple of us are like oh interested but yeah how do we determine who plays what i still haven't opened the box oh okay i'd like to play oh okay all right my number nine was is ranked number 28 and this is the other one that people think is probably mentioned too much although it's very different than wingspan it's also very different than every other game on this list because it's just a very unique game but it became super popular and that's root um root is the game i put in the top ten because i go you know i applaud i applaud you root i am impressed by you i like you i don't want to play you every night you're not my comfort game although some people it is that's a good way of putting it's not my comfort game i think i think word's fantastic but if like i'm like we're sitting there like what do you want to play and you're like root i'm like why not that doesn't happen oh no i feel like it's a plan ahead game it is by that i've never played it because it's very intimidating you're bad at planning ahead in life look where you are working oh geez wow you would saw that everywhere [Laughter] that's another reason to justify it being here is that it is accessible in part because of that app yeah i think it's a really neat game and um and it also feels like an accomplishment and i'd like that leader games keeps trying you know they did oath and what's the one this year shimaga for four letters schmug smug yeah no it's an ahoy oh so they keep coming out with all these games and i know that they meant oath to be their magnus opum opus magnum magnum blast it's going great this is going great now i'm on earth i'm proud chris wrote my day okay but i think root it will be hard for them to ever top root yes i know they got the the the space one is coming i can't remember what that one is either too someone in the chat asks uh you know uh root over oath yes well and again i haven't even played oath but here's the thing most people haven't because it is that difficult to get into while a lot of people played root who would not normally play one of the coin coin games the big giant war games which this is they disguise the war game and got away with it it should have been a little higher's list anyway root my number nine [Music] all right for my number eight i am doing something this is the one that's dangerously closest already to the top ten i think it could in our lifetime breach the top ten maybe uh my my number eight is dune imperium i think it's really close i think it's like 15 or so right now right and so it's top 20. i debated should i even put this on the list but ultimately i decided yes because i think it's that solid of a game this game is is a a wonderful amount of tension it is one of the most tense games that i've ever played we were talking earlier about how the current bgg top 10 is a lot of games that take a lot of investment to get into this one is maybe the closest one on my list that takes you know a decent amount of investment but i think that the payoff is so good it's and it's still not that difficult to get into i don't know what kind of nothing you're saying makes sense because you are not using a music analogy okay well my my music analogy for this is related did you write them down all your music analogies i did i did i well i mean i wrote like a note on here i wrote the word a movie soundtrack right this is to me like you occasionally get that movie soundtrack a movie score or something well no i mean but like even uh the what is the the bodyguard occasionally are soundtracks that break into like some of the highest rated albums of all time like the whitney houston is that what that one's called yes that's one of the greatest subjects of all time there's one song on it look i'm saying that occasionally you look at people's lists and stuff like that does break through i think that it's worthwhile on the bgg top ten to have a game that has this type of theme on it you know how sometimes listening to a soundtrack to a movie is like an extension of your experience of that movie or of that book or something having a game like this doing dune theme that is an extension of that movie going or book reading experience i think it's very representative of what a lot of people really like in this hobby i like this game tremendously that's why it's my number i will say i mean this is this is a good pick i think for one of these ip kind of games because i don't care about dune at all like i've tried to read the book i think three to four times something like that and i just i it's very reasonable yeah so it's like i don't care but i still enjoy the game you know it's still my top one in my top 100. you know so i did okay good because we're gonna go see part two it'd be awkward if you haven't seen part one oh like every uh you know marvel movie i've gone to if you guys don't know poor roy sitting next to me why is that that's spider-man that was the exact one in the movie [Laughter] but um but yes i think it's a good pick because it appeals to people that aren't even into the lore i think that would maybe rise you know make it even better but and people who are huge and do love the game as well i am very intrigued now like you said it might make the top 10. that feels like a good betting thing because it might it might but it might not it's how much are you willing to put down i don't know we'll talk afterwards okay oh my gosh all right all right my number eight is um the game that to me is just fun and again it's kind of in that obscurio thing again but not where i think it um kind of facilitates a lot of group cooperation and it always has a story when we played this game live there someone made a comment that's like every time you play this game a camera comes out and you take a picture and it's just that aha moment no not page perfect it is menara i think i think that this game is like you're so i've had some disagreement with you but you are just wrong on this one this one is fantastic because it shows that dexterity and strategy can exist very well together in the same sphere and i think it does it very very well um it it facilitates that that cooperation those tense moments and it builds an experience around those two mechanisms both of which aren't really done well often i think i think there's a lot of dexterity games out there that are just clunky or too skill specific or just not fun they're just frustrating and i think that this shows that you can have strategy you need to have that dexterity you can build on it and use your strengths and and the fiddliness of it but then also have that strategy behind it to build in in order to complete the objectives in time and i think it does well having those two together really really smoothly and you can disagree and that's okay this is my list that i think this one should be in the top eight our top top eight top eight no top ten i dare disagree i mean i focus i don't like menards so it doesn't okay i think this is a good pick for a dexterity game for the reasons that you mentioned it's about the strategy and the decision making it's co it's very cooperative very much so uh you can't just be like oh am i trying to do the red pillar the whole team will be like no what are you doing i don't know what game i would put in this place i mean besides literally every other dexterity game but really i don't know what dexterity game i would pick for this because on one hand i might go crocodile but there's a big argument crocodile's not even a board game right no i would say that's another activity right or it's up there with cornhole so what is the cornhole um i'm just always amused by ag do you not call it cornhole where you're from we call it bean bags okay got it yeah and then interesting um i don't know because jenga is not not it right and maybe maybe you're right for you my number eight that's almost a compliment is one of two different games i could have picked these games are always compared whenever we do a top ten no one ever says one without saying the other i prefer one of them ten times over the other but i'm picking the other for my list because it's more of a groundbreaking moment in gaming and that's agricola caverna is my game of choice i have not played agricola since kevin has come out i think no i think i went back and played it once with the then when the revised version came out but not playing caverna you haven't played this in that long interesting because caverna is i mean i played kevin a lot yeah i really like kevin but caverna is agricola 2.0 and agricola broke so much ground this is my you know another game of giving homage to here but it also still holds up well my reasons for not loving agricola is that the whole feature people thing and it doesn't allow you to it kind of forces you to diversify and i don't like to i don't want to diversify in a game like i want to pick one strategy and like i want to have the most sheep um yeah this game has done a lot this game changed our hobby so i mean it's not just hall of fame we'll do a hall of fame here sometime at the dice tower um and agricola would definitely be in the hall of fame um but i also think it's a solid game i can't help it that there's a younger flashier more comfortable brother you know younger brother caverna i'm using whatever analogies i want you're kind of really selling me on kaverna what that that converter should be my list of night agricola i think so yeah but agriculture is the one that's maybe you're right i said this isn't the hall of fame that's not the top 10 hall of fame my number eight is kevin [Laughter] roy doesn't have time to change this slide but yeah for this purpose you think cavern is that great of a game and and yeah it's a redevelopment on something i was trying to take my own biases out i was removing myself from the equation that's why i put a grickle in i respect you but if one's more fun it really is more fun giver enough then yeah all right so you're wrong all right agriculture number eight hey converter whatever pick one [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my number seven is the first crossover and possibly the only crossover we're going to have it is not menara my number seven with me no no no no no no there's nobody come on now 100 confidence no one will cross over with me okay well nothing yet stay hopeful for the future we'll see but no my number seven is root i i agree wholeheartedly and i tried to make sure to comment a little bit so you didn't just you know i didn't sit here in dead silence and you said i knew it i suspect everyone yeah you suspect everything sure uh no no seven is root for the same reason it demystified a genre of gaming it is immensely popular despite the fact that i would seldom play this asymmetric and thinky of a war game but you know it's it's the right type of of window dressing for what is a very strategic and very difficult game i don't know how to say that it it makes itself not difficult i think that's what's really admirable about it so to my my musical comparison is is like the first time that i listened to tools lotteralis album it is a very progressive heavy thinking mathematically sound uh composition that whole album is fantastic and even though it is one of those i mentioned earlier it's a little bit more of a challenging bit of music to listen to the constant time signature changes i've been joking a lot but who tool tool oh i always find that i don't know anything about what song do they sing um schism parabola they do a lot of songs about math you might like them what kind of music is it oh it's metal yeah very huge he's not very progressive oh i hate man you will not like it don't look it up you don't but that's the thing is they took some they took a genre of music they took a genre of music progressive very mathematically and thinky and make it incredibly easy to listen to and so that's my analogy for root is that this is something mathematical deep asymmetric all that stuff but yet still approachable and all all the more better for the app that's my number seven all right my number seven oh you're gonna go ahead to pull your pants a little higher too my number seven um it's it's one that builds on the roll and move mechanism which i think is a very dated or just not very well done mechanism most of the time monopoly like monopoly um but actually a good game that i would play and i very much enjoy it it is jamaica i think that this is a this game deserves to be in a top 10 in the top 10 because it shows in that roland move very dated but also very comfortable mechanism how you can use it and incorporate it again bringing a little bit of strategy to it but have that kind of comfort food mechanism that you're used to but play oh wait there's a little bit of choice behind it and maybe you you know it just it just brings in that idea of mitigation and then choice and strategy with the roll and move mechanism which i think is very um underdone well if that makes sense in the hobby and i think that a good role in move should be showcased in the top top ten for something like bgg where people are going to look to explore the hobby i leave my glasses up this is i i this is a good pick i've never played this one what are you just saying that no i'm not no i mean i wouldn't put it but i mean wait hang on i didn't say it would left this stain oh i get why this one's on there i just i did the same thing but with a different game okay and i like your explanation a lot i i would really like to try this one at some point yeah it's a fun one my number seven is currently ranked 48 and 49 on board game geek got it yep what is it you want me to guess it yes the crew that's correct only because you knew they were back to back because we were in the top 100 cheaters i mean what else is going to be basically two entries ticket to rides dominions um there's lots of games he did win that one so anyway the crew it's this one over the deep sea one though well i mean it's the same i'm putting them both here i would only put one though i would only put one in the top and you put the lesser one you know what i think if i was gonna throw one of these games on the table then run out of the room and say have fun and hope that people survived the experience it would be the first one also you put a pipe bomb in it what else are you running you don't do that you don't throw a cracker back have fun and then run out of the room and hope happiness explodes behind you i think of the scene from that's called positive bombing it's a new thing i'm bringing it out i'm just gonna throw like a whole box of pastries in the office one day enjoy and we would love you for that positivity bombing positively i'm bringing it to the world right then of course you know the f the tsa would be like oh no more donuts on planes but anyhow um we're getting off topic the crew it's trick taking which is very very popular more popular than people think people have been playing bridge forever and hearts and spades and everything else and it's cooperative also very very it's just this this writes itself it won't make the top ten but again i like the second one way more than the first one but i feel even more strongly possibly about this you're not gonna get me to switch here because again it's so much easier for people to play the first one because it just you don't have to teach all those extra rules or figure out what does this card mean in this situation you're just like here this is the win yeah exactly now i completely agree with you very closely consider this one myself all right yes yes i'm not changing this one [Music] [Music] all right my number six is in this is a representative of basically like the two player head-to-head little games there's so many to pick from you could almost pick any of them right like the your jaipur and your lost cities which you know maybe we have different opinions on you and i but like all of those games are super respectable the one i'm going with though even though it's more recent and newer is blitzkrieg the palomori game i think the war theme would kind of knock a dab for people i mean once again this is kind of my imaginary should i think that this game is so good in part because of i just look at it it's it's a it's punk rock in a board game right it is minimalistic it's kind of chopped back but the and it's just so fast and everything i really do feel like this is one of those like great punk rock albums when when the pistols or the ramones came into the scene and they kind of changed the music band called blitzkrieg no well so i was making this analogy like i think this is like the ramones right it's stripped down it's not pretty you know but it's so functional and it does exactly what it's meant to do and then i remembered that the ramone's biggest song is blitzkrieg bob so that just further helps i have that song on my playlist yeah there's the one from uh the mike myers movie uh uh wayne's world yeah one they also use it in like the spider-man homecoming soundtrack right like this is the ramones are a band that are not pretty they're not commercially viable in a lot of ways and yet they're they're classic they're loved and i think that's the thing about blitzkrieg does the war theme do i think it holds it back a little bit absolutely but i don't think that it should i think that this should be one of the most respected two-player games out there i think it's that good oh it's tile lang and placement and stuff and tug of war and tracks i should talk about the game maybe a little bit so fantastic yeah yeah all right my number six is quacks of quedlenberg and here's why you get more mainstream with each pick because we'll just wait no we're getting right at this you're going to break that chair down how much that's squeaking because i feel again you don't have an i know chris you're not a fan of this game and i don't think you should be a fan of every or you have to be a fan of every game in the top ten not you personally but every person you know what i mean you personally i don't care no um but the top ten but i think what this one again does is it brings such an experience to the play with the the push your luck elements of this what you look really that's our game that's our picture i know like i i just recognized the component sorry i got caught up hell i was very impressed with that picture all right so my number six is quacks at queblinburg and because i feel like this game really brings that push your luck to a head and i think it does it in a way that doesn't feel as punishing as a lot of other pusher luck games because even if you bust in it you still get something when i'm playing this game there's a strategy behind it that i've used a couple times where the first half of the game i don't care if i bust i just go as far as i can and really just get that that that buying power to build up for the second half of the game i've done the other way whereas i i'm never going to bust and really play that just shy of busting each time to see how that balances out and so i think there's a lot of room for strategy in this game in a very lucky pusher luck game and i think that this game again melds those mechanisms together very smoothly which is i mean i think i'm going to get a lot of a lot of crap for this top ten and just being like oh you want more welcoming games on there yes but again this is bg i agree what what is going to get them into the hobby what are they familiar kind of get their feet wet that is generally either a really really good game solid game mechanically mechanisms experience wise but also appeals to a wide array of people and i think that that's what this game does that can appeal maybe not everybody loves the game but very few people hate the game i would say i feel like with quacks you know you can at least say that was a fun experience you know except for chrissy i have a i have a differing opinion on it but i agree with this pick in this context because it's not my favorite game not my 10 favorite games i think this one has shown that it has wide appeal but also people play this game so much that they wear the cardboard tokens out right so it's not just about being welcoming to a wide variety of people people play this game they explore the depths of this game to the point the components fall apart in their hands into dust and for a game that push your luck that's luck i think that is really impressive because those games can so often lead to frustration or they don't have the legs to support themselves it's more of a filler game or something like that and so to be able to have that depth in that mechanism i think is really impressive and because this game was successfully able to do that it deserves to be in the top 10. i agree i'm trying to figure out what its current rating is um it says the quacks at queenlingberg but it did you type in d quacks von quedlinberg maybe no but it's saying it's not even rated oh it's cause it's a garbage game that's why or whatever this is a good a very good pick number 60 time i found that in about four seconds well this app is not working well you forgot your glasses i don't need them for my picks because my number six through one 100 should be in the top ten like not even a question definitive oh i i was only at seven all discussion over my number six is a game it's clearly one of the best games ever made one and started an entire genre based on it and i still play it today and many other people do and that's dominion straight up dominion currently ranked at 111 nonsense should be in the top 10. it's not even in the top 100 that's baloney on basis of its logo alone okay i wish they could change that logo they can they 100 can change it but the backs of the cards they had a chance called dominion second edition oh that's but they were afraid people would go magic the gathering changed theirs anyhow um it's a fantastic picture when they took that one it to distract you a little bit more from my wife couldn't tell from the cards that's our picture that's our play matt no i don't know i was understanding what you were talking about domain is a great game it really is uh me and chris have a date set up at some point we're going to play dominion multiple times because we got all these new sets to play with all these new second editions with the same ugly logo yeah but it's a lot of fun um and yeah i get this is this is one of the highest ones that i have rated for me personally but also yeah i'm sorry just a great game [Music] here to learn about music i want to learn about music oh okay well let's talk about start with the music first yeah how about that let's start with acdc's back in black i'm out okay ac dc is back in black is a it's it's a phenomenal album it was i won't go into the history of and everything but one thing that you can say about ac dc is that pretty much every album since then has sounded roughly the same right you just keep making the same out but icdc is not known for being exactly um how do i say this wonderfully creative a lot of the stuff kind of you know it's the same thing over and over and over again my number five is dominion as soon as you said i was like hey look it's a second edition box with the same logo but here's the thing about dominion right any box of dominion it's always just more cards oh it's just the same deck building thing yeah there's flashier other games out there there's way better band than ac dc but man this came onto the scene and just kicked the doors open and continues to sell back in black is i think one of the it's like the second or third best-selling album of all time and it sounds like all the rest of the ac dc albums and yet somehow it really punched through i think that's kind of dominion to me you could buy any box of it and you feels like you're playing dominion with these little changes these little mechanical you know differences what not but like you said tom it created deck building i think it's had a massive influence on our hobby to this day and it's still relevantly being played we're excited to play all the second edition stuff we are yeah i love it and the office is fighting to get in the third spot no one else wants to join us oh no that's why i fell into my own trap yeah i always say it was nice winning tom but all right that's my number five dominion i mean back in black all right my number five is a game that i feel like i'm kind of the champion of but it is one that i think was i i'd love it it's it's it's the one in my top ten that i know of on my list it is eco's first continent i think that it takes again my top ten being as we go up higher the stronger argument i can make for these to be in the top ten i think this one is it's bingo right just similar to um rise of augustus rise of the gospels you said rhymes with gus is that what would happen i haven't played but i am more this this art this style this theme is is more mean i think it's more i do i think so i think it is very generally widespread can be a comfortable game for people to get into because they're familiar with that bingo it has that simultaneous play you're engaged the whole time there's enough player interaction on the board with the island changing that you're involved in the whole game but again it's a very comfortable game i i feel like it's very approachable and represents once again a mechanism done very very well in a game i i i have nothing to say because i so completely disagree with this one i like ego's okay i think it's fine but no one checks it out a library right and i don't know why i mean maybe you guys check out rides of augustus because you said you do like that one they don't check that one out either they should though it's a good game i don't know i i know i personally don't like this game very much we've had this right yeah there's a lot of accidental interaction that happens on the board but i also know that a lot of people are more okay with that than i am but i hate when i have a heard of just a whole herd of wildebeest that get eaten by sharks somehow i'm like what happened but that's actually pretty awesome come on now i like that though i think it's pretty cool it has that flexibility with it i think that's cooler than your band analogies wilderbee's getting eaten by sharks that's the name of a album right yeah that's by the the rin tin tinners uh 1984. i make fun of my music but i don't know how i feel about this one but i mean yeah i know i i think it i think it again just takes that mechanism and it's a really good implementation that mechanism that's just overlooked and underappreciated because it is one that is comfortable and very intuitive in this game and so i think for that it should be in the top 10. all right my number five is the party game you mentioned um the wonderfully uh popular obscurio which is available on amazon by the way right now it also doesn't mean anything except for it it's a lot of people when you say it's not it's true okay fine it's still good it's not worth your time folks this game is loved by party game people and i i think party games are unduly ranked lowly on board game geek and there is definitely a smugness and snobbery towards party games that blows my mind sometimes especially if you dare compare you know like time's up to twilight imperium 4 someone will like run out of the woodwork and slap you as if their toys are cooler than you having a fun at a party game right that makes no sense but this party game is liked by people who like complex games i don't know why this one gets a pass so i think this one's in the top 10 and that's code names code names is the de facto game that just somehow everyone likes i don't get it i love party games i have like four or five of them in my top 100 i don't think codenames is one of them but i could be like i like apple's apples and people be like what's wrong with you sure but i'd be like i like code names they're like oh yeah me too yeah it's weird but that being said it is a very well designed game it takes the old age-old very popular password game puts a new spin on it and was popular enough that there is now 700 different versions there's probably only like eight there's a new app coming for this which looks really good by the way oh oh it's really good the the cg app team is pretty awesome but i really like how the ipads have like daily challenges and all kinds of cool stuff i was very impressed with it that would be kind of cool to do this system but yeah with okay huh i'm kind of sold on that yeah on the app not your pick um but no i think this is the right pick tom i think that if you were to have a party i'm sorry that sounds really bad i want to say that what he said i mean the difference is i don't like this game oh okay that justifies it did i right oh i have a game my list i don't like that's coming up still and that's and that's fair but yeah i think in looking because again i kind of wanted that party game you know larger group game and this one just i strongly prefer the other one and i think it anyway whatever it doesn't matter uh but yeah i don't like this game i'm getting used to this it's mike people do that to me all the time go ahead that was my number five [Music] all right my number four is the big epic cooperative uh story driven you know game uh you know we you uh camilla talked about like pandemic legacy for kind of that story element this is my one that i think really hooks people in with that story so my number four pick is music the wall by pink floyd okay mansions of madness the the wall has a beautiful have you listened to the wall by pink floyd i don't know anything about album names i do i'm more of a modern guy who mixes music all together okay um is the wall a single song so modern um a brick and another brick on the wall okay we all know that matt let's see this stuff can you pick a band that's not heavy metal or something like a band i wouldn't know oh well dude that pink void is psychedelic no i hear about these i don't listen to that kind of music no i mean they're far from heaven if you pick big band or swing or i'll get i'll get you here in a minute um banana phone i have a game for that it's called quel no i went with manchester bandits because i think that there is this is such a great representation of what a lot of hobby games are that people really get into people buy entire wooden crates and stuff of this game uh because of all the expansions and stuff but it's so fun and and despite its kind of big appearance and epicness and everything that app really streamlines so much of it so people can just play it my comparison to the wall is that it's a little creepy you know the wall is is an awesome album but has a lot of kind of um undertones of uneasiness to it but it's also big it's a double album that is just a concept album the whole way through and i think that if you if you put up with kind of the long play time of mansions of madness which i think is easy to do because everything about it is seamless like a concept album then it's it's so rewarding say that that's my number four pick hmm okay you should listen to a little more music tom i just do a lot more music i think that most of you do it's just that none of you wants to listen to that music there's that i like that pick i like that pickup i have one i'll i'll come back to it later in reference of that one that one's not on my list but i did consider it my number four i definitely think will be a lot of backlash on so but i think it's the last one that there will be a lot of backlash a lot i think we'll see oh getting ready i'm getting ready yeah my number four is draft asaurus and here is why i don't hate this as much as obscurity oh there we go okay tall compliment from the top there um draftasaurus because i think that this is the game that i think should be in the top 10 because it's one that you should be able to go into target and pick up you're like ooh phase 10 or draft asaurus draftasaurus should be there okay to be fair you use a really bad analogy there phase 10 or okay you know this rotten piece of fruit but i mean all right but no but i mean just in the ease of play how easy it is to get to the table but how just charming it is it's absolutely charming it's these little games like this that these little light games that don't make the top 10 on bgg that are very underrepresented on on in that sphere that should be you know you can go and you can play it with everybody it's a very charming absolutely charming game that i think is very wide appeal i mean in in the the realm of like the role in rights and that kind of stuff um that this is obviously not a role in right it's more the drafting mechanism but i kind of put those in the same same sphere and i think that this should be on the top 10 for that representation of you know again the mainstream accessibility i i love this game look at the design team on this game it's wild got antoine bowser ludovic mal blanc theo river like those are classic game designers i mean i don't know i'm going to throw around the word classic cautiously but i mean those are big name game designers and i think that they made such a standout game for this what looks like a little kid's game yeah it's pretty sad did you see the little dyno things i got in ours no what what yeah um so i upgraded this is shock so there's these little containers that you put the dinos in and you can pass them that way you don't have to hold them in your hand the whole time i'm curious okay oh it's a small it's a small well it's actually a big change because it takes up almost the whole box yeah but um they look like jurassic park cages i forget what they look like but yeah something's done this whole thing we're going to look at this afterwards yeah so again not my top 10 but i think again a bgg top ten that's going to represent that mass appeal i think that this absolutely deserves to be on there and deserves a recognition in that space my number four is almost a crossover with camilla almost and i tried to clarify but no you were sticking with a game that was already on the top 10. mine is ranked 122 right now pandemic straight up the vanilla the original okay it is original i mean you can play with any of the four expansions well you know i look at a game in a series as i don't think any game from a series should be able to be in the top 100 more than once i really do think that whatever dumb reasoning aside it just seems like that's the way it should be um but yeah this game changed board gaming um cooperative games exist now because of pandemic yes there were cooperative games before panda make shadows over camelot lord of the rings and a bunch of really really really bad educational ones the original arkham horror yes ish yeah but this one made it a viable thing and has changed board gaming it also has the best tournaments in all of gaming i don't like tournaments the tournaments for pandemic are amazing i haven't been interested in them i think it's really fascinating oh man one of my favorite moments of life is watching z garcia and eric summer playing one i've never seen those two so stressed because what they do is they give everybody this the same two roles all the cards are stacked the same and then they just they call out this is a new card and everyone does it everyone does the same thing and yet after about 10 minutes you look and every board is completely different right and you just gotta last longer than everybody else or win first wow yeah super stressful but it is not stressful at all to watch and that's it so you want to love it you want to talk about a game that has wide breadth of of a claim but also that deep depth right i mean this is a great pick and this is what bugs me sometimes that these games do get relegated out of that because like yeah yeah yeah yeah of course okay and it's also this bugs me about movies right that a movie is very popular and well-rated but still because it's popular it's almost like yeah well it can't be in the top ten right well there's no citizen kane thank you okay pandemic am i number four [Music] up to this point camilla has not criticized necessarily the look of my games and that's all about to change now uh my number three you dare put a food chain magnet or something on here oh dude i will not okay thank you thank you yeah no um so my number three is is the classic freedom and freeze game power grid you start you gotta do your music oh okay well so this is my most tenuous musical connection right but i think power grid is is a classy it sells well it has you know hundreds of maps sometimes probably for countries that don't even exist right like there's so many maps for this game that's a hyperbole but i think that this game is so mechanically sound it is a mix of auctioning with uh and you want to maintain your money for the resources to be able to power the plants that you auction off and then to also expand out this is kind of freedom and freezes like most humorless game right like i i don't know wouldn't you agree with that tom yes yeah like almost by and far so my my analogy for music-wise is 504. sucked out of it yeah okay so my musical analogy though is is like a like a mid-era red hot chili peppers album like californication yeah i know them yeah no they're great right they're consistently like they are consistently the red hot chili peppers but that californication album especially the songs that people that they're really known for are kind of a weird departure from their normal sound and yet it's still them to their core this the power grid is a freedom and freeze game but it's it's kind of the driest it's kind of the it's kind of a step away if you were to then say oh i like this what else is in this catalog very different stuff you go listen to the first chili peppers the uplift party plan album and it is not that album but it's but still they put out great music and i think that power grid is one of those that's made such a nice impact on the hobby because it is a good stepping stone into heavier drier euro games and i really like it i don't know why i didn't put this one on my list this is actually it's a very good choice this is a game that i have i i think i keep thinking i need to play it and then someone explains that i'm like i do not need to play it i'm going to hate it but i can respect that i think that this is a place for it you know you might be the only person this is one of the few games that everyone likes for some reason i just every time someone explains it i'm like oh it just i really think i'm gonna hate it you might you might you very well like and wendy doesn't like auctioning very much but she also enjoys this game so yeah it has a weird magic touch to it but it's one that i could see again being in that top ten you know it's yeah i can see it deserving to be there all right i think you might hate it you think i might hate it don't be bringing it down man it's awesome you'll hate it i'm definitely gonna hate it all right my number three is empires imperial settlers empires of the north this is one that i think i think this game really does a good job of the tableau building people that are used to playing card games can really get into this building up your tableau your combo tastics it gives a really good sense of accomplishment and in that it's just a very smoothed out version of other games that do similar things i think it's it's one of those that it can be a little bit to wrap your head around and so at the beginning but once you get it you kind of see again that depth in the legs with very smooth mechanisms in it it just feels good when you play and you're there and you have your combos and your your tableau built up i think it does that mechanism very very well that is also kind of a comfort mechanism to a lot of people coming from card game background coming from that building up their empire um and it's just a very smooth what i find smooth gameplay once you kind of get it down so it shows what can be done with with the card play and tableau building very smoothly alexander fister not the designer of this game but it's under many popular games he talks about he likes using cards because they're so comfortable to people there's something very comfortable holding a hand of cards and making choices from that and they he thinks that it's a good way to get lots of information across without overwhelming people right and yeah that's really good and i did consider um it's i guess similar kind of roots but it's a different game i think 50 first state for this as well but i think that this one is more generally yeah you know for the top ten one no that's a good choice i don't know i don't want to put right that's what i'm saying i feel like this one is just more generally um accessible and just represent representative i think of a wider range in the hobby um again i very much like 51st state you know but this one's just more approachable but i wouldn't necessarily say any lighter it's just more approachable forever even a little bit smoother of a game so my number three is imperial settlers and fires in the north my number three should be in the top ten in fact i know for a fact that is all gamers no like i mean i it's not like i wish if all gamers who were who considered themselves to be a tabletop gamer if you went around and forced them to go on board game geek and rank their favorite games at 10 this game would be number one there would be no even close number two and that is magic to gathering straight up magic the gathering the fact that it is 158 is because there is a inherent bias amongst many board gamers i'm not saying it's an unfair bias against it because it is a legit thing if you don't like collectibility and you might not like magic even if you take the collectibility out of it you still might not like magic there's definitely card there's luck in the card draw and blah blah blah and a lot of it's about the deck building and not about the actual playing of the game and so on and so forth and there's rarities and magic comes with its inherent problems i can see why board gamers don't like it but millions of people love this game and the only reason that that it's not ranked number one at board game geek is because they usually go to their own magic websites right yeah yeah um and also board game geek lets you rate things low and high so then all the people who aren't rating it higher rating it low now yes you can make the argument that also munchkin would probably be pretty high too if all the munchkin players came in but magic for sure would be um and i think it's also a good game it is groundbreaking it has changed our hobby i would say that we would not be sitting here right now if magic had never been embedded i really feel that that's a true statement magic made the board gaming hobby financially feasible it's a very that's a really good point i personally didn't consider something like this or i didn't consider things like like chess and whatnot because in my mind that's not what board game geek does and that now board media is all games you can't exclude ccgs i'm not saying that you should or anything like that but just kind of the reality of what what is there because there's no i'm here to change that matrixes but i don't know if boardgamegeek is the best resource for magic the gathering players because of the other magic the gathering websites and stuff sure the same that board game geek is not the best place for chess players because there's there's more forums for that that i'm not saying you're wrong i'm saying that was my don't be hurt my future picks okay magic the gathering okay sorry my number three i'm gonna go hide now [Music] how about some motown records tom mo thank you chris i like this a lot i've taken you through a long a long journey through a lot of rock and roll and classic rock and pink floyd who i discovered from you today is heavy metal but no i don't know no no i will come back to this point later marvin gaye okay your opinions on marvin gaye i'm sure he's fine he's an amazing amazing artist give me some of his songs because i don't know all the people who write all right most famously ain't no mountain high enough okay there we go yes but uh his album uh specifically what's going on is a phenomenal album and one of the things that it's very transportive you listen to it it's it's jazzy it's soulful it's it's that motown signature production that makes it elevated above other music of of its era as well even though there's great songwriters the production of it is there's something about it that's transportive and calming and soothing so my number two pick is viticulture i think that's viticulture is do you think viticulture is soothing well i wouldn't say i wouldn't say sue i know a lot of people say that they've they feel it's a pretty serene game i actually think it's fairly stressful uh personally i agree but i like its settings so much that i enjoy being there this is a phenomenal work replacement game i think that that a lot of people would agree that this is this is one of the first times they saw this level of that stone meyer production right that's my motown records analogy motown did a lot to make their make their music sonically stand out from the competitors on the am radio and i think that you know the the stonemaire production doesn't hurt this but underneath it still is such a solid and intentional design that i just really have so much fun playing it oh i love the game yeah it did make my top 10. i i considered it but i was already putting wingspan in and i'm i don't know i don't i don't i wouldn't put as many same style games because agricola i put it instead of any culture okay that's right you have a you have a right yeah you have swingspan kind of for that production and for that right uh welcomingness and stuff and and a different worker placement game this one's my work replacement pick i love this game though yes i love it it's also i mean worker placement is one of the most popular mechanisms out there so i think this this has a very good place uh amongst the top of board game geek there you go that's my number two pick all right all right my number two is aquatica and i think this deserves to be in the top 10 because it is thank you roy um i i think it very smoothly integrates a hand management and deck building setting up combos i think that those um it kind of reminded me of like dune when you because i considered dune here for this as well with that just that being able to manage a small deck deck of of cards and and showing what you can do in that how you can build up and set up combos with a very limited hand of cards you know and and i think that it just it's absolutely gorgeous it's very smooth in that it sets you up for some really epic turns i guess you know where you just feel so smart or intelligent you know i was like dude i just got like seven points that's how you explain games everyone makes fun of me for doing that do what do do do do do do do do do that that is combo tag tastic yes you boop the dots and um and i think because of that it deserves to be in the top ten to because it takes once again i have to set this every single time it takes those mechanisms and showcases them so smoothly and so intuitively that it it deserves a spot in there for that design and for that for that space that it represents our essentials so what am i going to say there you go i mean i like the game i think it just really showcases that mechanism um yeah very well and and in a way that i haven't seen other ones in this space yeah like a lot of things have engine building and get extra things that you can flip once per turn or whatever but something about this one does feel different and unique right it does i like this game all right my number two is currently ranked 188. chris has already jumped on my thoughts for this one but you know what popular abstract games can be in the top ten but not chess go and this is the game on my list that i don't like i don't like go because if when i play go my brain melts and i love logic i love logic i like it teams i do go makes me sad because it's so hard to grasp oh my gosh i mean it has like three rules and i'm still like oh because you could put your piece anywhere on the board there is hundreds of places to put your i don't know hundreds i don't know what the board is it's like this is 16 by 16. i forget yeah a couple hundred places to put your thing and it's like wow i mean i'll put it next to this one i'm making a line and there's hole but there's but here's the thing despite my own opinions on it it's very popular it's the oldest game on this list so this is my citizen kane but it's still being played in much of the world today absolutely yeah especially in asia edison's played a lot um and i might put chess because chess is more well renowned in the world especially you know it has a resurgence every few years for something like recently queen's gambit yeah made it popular again but go is a deeper more impressive game so that's what i picked for number two [Music] all right tom really wants me to do music first i do lead zeppelin 4 right one of the most classic albums of all time stairway to heaven every kid who wants to learn to play the guitar walks into a guitar center at some point and starts playing the opening looks to stairway to heaven and people say there's that kid playing that song again right it's one of those things that has almost become ubiquitous like oh you like rock and roll i bet you left stairway to heaven it's one of those that like yes but it's a great song that whole album is fantastic it's almost one of those things that becomes so successful there people are like oh yeah that thing no it's not just that thing it's one of the greatest albums ever made my number one is azul i think that azul is one of the most really weird segue but okay so yeah zul's been out for 20 years now no no a lot of my music picks are a little bit older and stuff yeah but but a lot of people do kind of dismiss this weight of game right i agree on that completely revisiting soon but continue okay i think azul it's not even one of my favorite games i don't think it made my top 100 but it is undoubtedly smooth it's it's uh incredibly inviting and super successful on top of that it spurred multiple multiple sequels and my favorites the second one the stained glass one honestly but i just i just chose original azul when you look at uh convention checkouts data this is high up there you know this is incredibly high up there you look at board game arena online this is the single most played game on there is it yes right people play this game so much yes is stairway to heaven almost in some circles kind of a trite song sure but it doesn't stop the fact that it's phenomenal it's one of the best it's part of one of the best albums ever made i think this is an incredibly great game that feels almost older than it is while still feeling fresh somehow and i think that the numbers kind of speak to it i'm surprised azul isn't in the top but i i it's kind of that um it's kind of that the top ten currently is a lot of evolved deep games it's because the way board game geek does their voting they allow they allow lower votes to bring it down there's one thing i like about the dice tower our thing and people's choice awards people's choice you just vote for your favorites so people's favorites go to the top which would allow azul to go up there but some people go no while a lot of games in the board game geektop 10 let's say gloomhaven a lot of people look at gloomhaven and go no i ain't playing it but they don't rate it low right they just never play don't play it yeah that's why yeah all right so that's my number one stuff i like this choice a lot yeah i don't care for the game but i i like the choice yeah so uh my number one the game that i absolutely none of the others can be on the top ten but i think this one should be and it it's i referenced it earlier when i you did mansions of madness i think destiny should be on there for that kind of category really because i think i and again i love manchester madness like i really really enjoy it but i think destiny's manchester madness can be sometimes fiddly you know and it's a lot to kind of read and take in whereas i think destiny's what it does is it makes you feel it has that epic story building where you're really getting into it and it's this world that you're going through and you kind of just feel clever is not the word but unique you know because you have your piece of little your pie of the story that you understand you know what's going on so you know what you're fighting for but it leads to those interesting discussions after those epic moments where you're like what that was your son you know or whatever you know as you kind of see the whole story at the end so i think it's very memorable moments that give that story in that world building but it's still just one playstation one play um play session you know because i was also kind of thinking like well maybe sleeping gods but i think this one does so much it takes a lot of fiddliness out of manchester madness which again i love um but it takes that out which i think makes this more appealing to a wider array of people and it deserves to be there and represented in that space of those epic moments those storytelling games um and and yes so just again that sleeping gods manage the madness i think that this one does it really really well i i really when you're kind of waffled if i was going to include this one or not really i did i and i know that is some of my own personal biases this is one of my favorite games to come out in a very long time i think that it does this genre really well i mean just the just moving those uh moving those markers on your board it's a great visual representation of leveling up and becoming stronger and mitigating the odds in a game that is yeah a lot of times determined by die rolls but there's so much so much that this game does right yeah i really considered it my number one is not very much a surprise since most people in chat have already called it rank 201 currently but it's everything chris said about azul it's just a better game and let's take it to ride zul's hotter because it's newer but ticket to ride once upon a time was where azul was very fair and um currently still beating a number of interesting expansions um but this game hit the world it got and and also this game has fewer flaws than katan does for example yeah i'm not smashing katana i think katan's a fine game but katana has falls you can have a bad starting situation if you're not careful you can have bad luck that stuff is not as evident in ticket to ride um yes you roll dice and katan tickets ride your cards in your hand and it lets you have a sense of accomplishment um come back tomorrow for games that give you a good sense of accomplishment favorite game friday um so but ticket to ride just has that and i i don't know i think it's and it works it's one of these what you know gateway games or whatever welcoming games that gamers can still play i was at gen con i went to the train game area and there was 18 xx and ticket to ride yep those are the only train games being played so i yeah another one that was i was debating what to what to kind of pick and i don't know maybe if i was a little bit more in the hobby when this kind of came out and i could see you know i mean there is a little bit of that um you know you've you were there you this is one of those that you did that is a tough thing right because maybe i would have picked a zuul if i started 10 years later yeah it could be and i might have picked carcassonne if i'd started 10 years earlier yeah oh right and katana if i had started 10 years before that who knows right all right let's see what you chose the people choice as we um jump to this don't forget you can vote on the people's choice next week our top 10 is top 10 games that should have been an email games that go on way longer than they need to don't get me started i'll yell about that next week but you can go and vote for your favorite games and maybe they'll make the list but here's where you voted for games that should be in the board game geek top 10. so number 10 is blood rage i thought people would pick this one yeah i disagree with it though okay nine dude imperium do you agree with that uh yeah okay eight dominion seven quacks hey people agree wait do you see what's coming up next here what's number five ticket to ride four route three side look at number two i did i can see five session that's one of yours but again but again i'm not this is not my personal top 10. these are games that i can make the argument for that people are agreeing with you is what i'm saying that's that's probably the biggest surprise the top ten yeah but again that's what bg that is the biggest surprise obsession is one that i would see bgg the way it's set up at being on there but again this is what i anyway what games i think should be on there anyway it's a great game i love it not this in the game yeah thank you all for watching thank you for the people give us thumbs up and also to 13 people give us thumbs down um before we go a couple things first of all obviously this sort of stuff is our opinion you know and again i'm not saying that bgg top 10 is fall i think there are falls in it but i think there's falls in every top ranking list that you can possibly make there always will be yeah um but anyway um i was thinking as i watched the many many many comments talking about how i know nothing about music and i find this interesting okay no no because i i don't know much about rock i really don't i didn't listen to it much i still don't particularly like it and when i do listen to songs i very rarely pay attention to who's singing them who's playing them i just like i like that song add it to this list no if you ask me about movie scores though i know all the wazoo about that i usually because i know who wrote this i can tell you what's happening in a movie usually at that point in time i also know a lot of christian music i know about other music but i don't get on your case if you don't know who designed a particular game oh i probably do don't be snobs about music don't be snobs about anything really so i don't want to be snobby here i mean we are fake snobby when camilla makes incorrect picks and when chris makes incorrect picks and whenever making correct picks except me because that's the whole point of these top tens yeah man our arguments about these top tens go on way past these recordings of these but we all have fun doing it we hope you take that in fun too feel free in the comments to tell us how you cannot believe we picked a specific game feel free to tell us what games you would have picked don't call people morons though that's a good that's a good rule of thumb i'm saying this guy's a decent human being i fully expect to read many comments about my lack of music thing oh but there's gonna tons of comments about my picks no doubt or people like you said the beginning people that just go and look at the little end screenshot you know and not the reason that's true that's true this is not the top 10. this should be the 100 of you stop watching as soon as we hit number one happens every time i have the stats to show it hey folks we're really glad that you showed up this is the last live thing this week i think right yes but we're tomorrow something cool is being recorded which i'm not spoiling but it will be coming up right i'm not lying it's something cool i've been looking forward to this for a couple weeks yeah it'll take some effort and take some time but uh well i mean we'll we can just tease that it's kind of it's for the autumn spectacular preparing for the spectacular wait isn't the summer spectacular just over yeah but we work diligently around these parts it takes that much time it takes one of us that much time there is upcoming stuff so for the next few days i will be out i'm taking my daughter to couch holly the painter painting no more um sail her minis yeah yeah you could be doing trigonometry but uh you know you gotta paint over she's doing elementary education not trigonometry but anyway i don't know what they teach kids these days tom uh we have merchandising coming to the dice tower soon we're working out behind the scenes and everything so keep an eye out for that and other things are happening that i'm working on in the studio yes is underway tomorrow we open up the space we should probably take some video of that um once it's open because with all our secrets stuff in there and it will be free and z is already working on the layout it's still going to be months before we get it done but i'm we can see the end in sight now mostly because there's air conditioning in there that's a big deal it's so nice that helps you see better it's so nice air conditioning now we just need to learn how to air condition the backyard i still think we can make a tent that goes to the shed you know like a little tunnel all right yeah i want a tunnel i want to cut i want to pop the boat inside fast yep all right next kickstarter you can tell it's thursday here folks all right thanks so much for watching everybody until next time i'm tom vassell i'm camila cleghorn i'm chris yee have fun raiding games [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 144,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: q6W68XrmYTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 2sec (5222 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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