Top 100 Games of all Time (70-61)

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[Music] tom vassell's top 100 games of all time [Music] good afternoon everybody i'm tom vassell i'm roy kennedy i'm mike d'alessio and i'm z garcia hello wow that was poultry that was sultry well z used to do a an 80s uh power ballad radio night right when i was six years old [Laughter] i sounded just like this that's correct mom where's my dinner anyhow folks welcome to video four of a ten part series where we go through the top 100 games of all time definitive will never change we all agree so you only need to listen to one of us we've actually had fairly little crossover but that's because you'll see more crossover as time goes by do you think there will be any five-way crossover yeah between all four of us and the people yes yes probably yeah i'm gonna predict three of those oh interesting that's pretty spoilery i don't know why that got such a strong reaction out of me i don't know it's a guess fellas might be pretty spoilery i haven't seen any other list i i don't know either right oh i guess you'd have to do one that you've already done for not to be a spoiler of your own list yeah i'm guessing i have no idea daniel says z garcia is i'm assuming that's the voice of the people but i don't know what language it is i don't know oh is it something i mean i think that's spanish is it i don't know so far it sounds like it is the voice yeah what is that i don't know well then it must not be spanish all right i know it don't ask siri anything all right we need to get going here folks people aren't here to see us just chat about they're here to hear the top 100s starting with number 70 let's get going all right all righty folks by the way before you start tom fiba means guy or dude but it is argentinian slang therefore i would not know that okay i'm gonna use that all the time now that was also really dangerous that's absolutely dangerous of you to just read something off having no idea what it would have actually said tom listen you're the voice that they do the bullet there let's just count ourselves as lucky and move on you're right thank you mike for bringing up i i get all nervous at retrospect all right foolishness anyway where are we at number seven he has been on my list now for eight years um and that is suburbia i'm going to make a wild guess that of the four of us i'm the only person with it on my um but i don't know i'm a big this z meat is one of our biggest disagreements when it comes to themes like he he tolerates city building i love it i love the theme of city building a ton i think i i don't necessarily dislike the theme of building a city i don't like what most city building games revolve around and that is neighborhood bonuses and that sort of mechanically speak on that well i really like that fun yeah and and suburbia is all about that i think it's ted osbox best game um i really enjoy it that's why it's my number 70. and before roy jumps in steve just said he would listen to all of us chat to be clear thank you steve thank you thank you still going to keep doing the number 70. oh but did you guys hear about the go ahead all right my number 70 is a giant box game and this is like i think the first time i had really seen the whole game trays thing hit the map and just make everybody go crazy and this is mex versus minions i said i enjoyed real-time programming and this is very similar to robo rally in a lot of ways but then also campaign and cooperative where you have all of these different mechs from league of legends going around and smashing all these minions um this is a gorgeous game and is well worth the value this was like ridiculous like when you could pay like 70 bucks to get this game shipped with painted miniatures and all these cool blinged out things i really enjoyed playing through a lot of this and um i really like a lot of how this production was put together so i really enjoy mex versus minions and that's why it's my number 70. that's a good one this is a big hole in my kind of gaming life i never played mix versus minions it always appealed to me but i never had anyone in my group uh any of the groups i was in that had a copy of it so i just never played yeah but will you guys would you guys want to play this again with you i would play yeah yeah mike because it's not really legacy you just play through various missions yeah you just have different goals and rules all right okay well maybe i will get a chance to play then all right so for my number 70 i believe that the voice of the people title is still up in the air am i right because i have a crossover with the people right here with my number 70. this is a beautiful little game called parks where you are taking a trek in the uh national parks that's another game but this is called parks it's a beautiful game it has a a similar mechanic to another game on my list hokkaido where generally you're moving forward you're not going backward and you're collecting different resources triggering different uh event type things that are happening it's a very simple game a you know family weight game but it's just really smooth and it's lovely and i've introduced it to a ton of people and it's a game i like teaching and i like looking at the the the art on the cards it's just a it's just a pleasant experience all the way around and i do think z i think you brought it up earlier whether it would be that popular if it was that pretty probably not but there is a game there i mean i do think that there is a good game underneath it all right but man it sure helps that it looks that pretty right i mean it really does so that's my number 70. parks good stuff all right my number 70 is a uh a big box card game called elysium and elysium is also speaking of pretty games a gorgeous game a very nice production and it's a set collection kind of game it gives me faint hints of collectible card game you know uh trappings but i enjoy this one quite a bit i i like very much that you're not using every card in every game when you set up the game you take several sort of families of cards mix them up and then you play that game and some components some parts some interactions are simply not at all in the game sometimes i've always enjoyed that idea that you can pick and choose what you put in there and you don't see everything and this one's got just a lovely um sort of pantheon feel to it it's interesting lots of neat special abilities i enjoy this one it's been a long time since i've gotten this one to the table but uh it's one i've always had a soft spot in my heart for i think it's a it's a lovely design so feel like you're the champion of this one yeah but but every time you talk about it it reminds me man i want to get that plate again because i liked it too mike is going to have the longest catch-up palooza i've played it a number of times i like it it's just been a long time since i have played it well see this actually moved up for you this was 94 last year oh really almost fell off the list and you rescued it yeah and it's and it was not from a play because i have not played recently so just fond memories i guess yeah nostalgia nostalgia there it is number number five number 70 for the people a little bit of a joke there yeah well it's because number seven he's been on the list for five years i was getting ready to say that it stayed pretty consistent number wise and that's istanbul and this is one where i have to kind of defer to the people in the sense that when i first heard that istanbul was nominated they actually had won the kenner spiel and i was like ah just i mean it's it's good doesn't seem like it's that impressive but people keep playing it and keep enjoying it and the more i played it i was like yeah i can see why people really like this game i like it i don't love it as much as everybody else does it's a really solid game but i can see why it's so popular i bet for a lot of people it's their first experience with uh you know that thing that ruger doern likes to do of dropping off the pieces to kind of create your path he had done that before in other games but not at games that were as accessible i think as istanbul i think that's a big a big appeal for it all right my number 69 this is the second year it's had a bit of a drop it was 11 last year but it's settled down well there's actually a pretty good reason and i think mike will know immediately why but it is tainted grail um tainted grail which i really like and i'm hoping to get the second uh wave of all the extra stuff which triples the content in this game uh but there's a pretty main reason why it's dropped down a bit i still really like the game and i'll explain that reason when i get to it on the list um but i really do like tainted grail i think when i was first told about the dark arthurian legend i was like i'm not interested in that at all i'm not a big fan of dark fantasy but this one for some reason really grabbed me and a lot of it is because the writing is superb it's really cool so uh tasty rail my number 69 and also i guess quick shout out to daniel who says are we excited with the tickets right europe 15th anniversary uh yes snap looks nice looks good yeah so my 69 is a flicking dexterity game that uh that is cool because you get to build all sorts of different tracks and one of the craziest games i've ever played with this was with mr tom vassell and i can't get through the loop-de-loop in pitch car was that at the retreat yeah i was at the retreat and i kept flicking and going and going and i finally did it and i landed upside down on the other side and i was like your kids watching and crying yes yeah it was it was uh it was streamed live to the internet i think kids were crying because that was doing so poorly yeah that's what it was yeah everybody everybody was ashamed but yeah pitch car is a crazy game where you can set up all these cool little tracks and you're trying to flick your cars around these tracks and one of the fun things about pitch car is actually the setting up of the track and figuring out how to do it all sorts of different configurations but then just trying to race around doing the flicking um is just a blast and this is just one of those games that is just fun you know there's nothing else you can really say about it besides it's silly fun and i really enjoy pitch car and that's why it's my number 69 yeah the kids pitch car competitions at the dice tower conventions are always a lot i think i missed that the most that's yeah running that was man i'll tell you what kids are so much better to run a tournament for than adults they really are yeah all right my number 69 is i don't care what the box says it's a pure solitaire game and that is nemo's war technically you could play this cooperative but there's no it's a solo game it's a really really lovely immersive narrative experience where essentially it's car driven there is a bit of movement around a map but really you're playing through a story and you're making a series of checks there is a lot of dice rolling in nemo's war so if you're put off by the idea of making a lot of dice checks then maybe it wouldn't be for you but the experience that you get is really really robust i really feel like at the end of a session of nemo's war which is almost always unsuccessful for me uh i have really gone kind of through this gauntlet and i've loved the story that it's told uh as i've gone through it the newer editions look particularly nice the earlier ones not as much but the newer ones have eno tool artwork and nice components and and it really elevates the experience it's a game that is highly estimated in the solo community and if you just like narrative games you really should check it out nemo's war is really well done i don't know i'm still debating on this one myself it sounds like it might be a game i like i like dice checks i like this one quite a bit i think the um i would be hesitant to describe it as a to to put that much emphasis on the story it has the same kind of story that say above and below has where like random things happen in a random order and that sort of takes the place of story it's more setting an ambiance and sort of you know it's got a cool world you inhabit there's not a story that makes any sense when you're done with it you know what i mean it's not a cohesive yeah yeah but i agree it's it's a neat game alrighty guys my number 69 is a party game that i've liked for a long time it's been published under several names uh the latest being coyote but my version around here somewhere is called uh powwow and uh this is a bluffing sort of pusher luck game uh in which you're going to have a card that shows outward you can normally put it on your forehead or just hold it out or whatever you want and you can't see it you can see everybody else's and then the players are going to go around the table saying a total that they think is represented among all of the cards that at least that number or more and that keeps going around until someone says no way calling calling on that number that's that's much too high and then we all reveal them and see who was correct that's it that's the game i've played this a decent amount of parties and it's always a blast it's always just fun it creates a great amount of sort of tension and people get mathematical tension people get the giggles playing this you know it's got that whole like why is everybody making such weird why is everybody saying such weird things what's on my forehead you know what i mean like and so you get this sort of nervous you know feeling playing it it's it's easy to play it's just fun uh it's one of my if i'm playing with a crowd and i want something that resembles an icebreaker this is a good one for that so there you go pow wow my number 69. this is another onesie that almost fell off your list last year was 99 last year for you that is that is really what someone's like now come on you need to explain why this one was 75 and this one 72 it's kind of like yeah that's the official statement when i was ranking them this year i it kept moving up i kept putting it head to head with other games and they kept beating them so there you go nice alrighty well the next one for the people choice 69 has been on the list for three six seven eight years is the lowest it's been but that's probably because it's competing against gaia project and that's terra mystica but it's still ahead of gaia project i thought gaia projects would surpass it because it had a really nice production and because space is somewhat popular but terra mystica does have at least i think there's two expansions for it so maybe that's it and the people who love terra mystica love their mystica to the point where i've heard high-level players who i consider to be high-level euro gamers say that they don't want to play tear mexican against people who know it really well because they'll like bid to see what races they take and i'm thinking if you're doing that i'm out of your league i can't even table wow yeah i think generally speaking isn't fantasy still more of a popular board gaming theme than sci-fi uh going by evidence i just made up no i don't know watch your mouth i see you i think it is i'm just saying i think it is i think you may be right there's so much mix between the two now anyway though there's like this fantasy sci-fi stuff it's there's like a big mix the lord of the steampunk rings yes yes i read that on on my uh steam powered ipad oh snap goggles i saw the series on pluto tv that's about right okay my number 68 is one of two new entries in this particular group of ten this is a game that does not look exceedingly pretty but i am a huge fan of tech trees so i love this game and that's beyond the sun yes beyond the side i'm telling you i like worker placement anyway and i mean even though it's a single worker you're putting out but essentially it's opening up actions to you and as the game goes by your action tree spreads but it doesn't really cause analysis paralysis because you're usually only taking the best actions anyway they get better as time goes by but every game is going to have a different set of actions the techs feel fun there's a little i almost call it a side game even though it's a pretty big chunk of the game of landing on planets the whole thing comes together i really love this game this was really good this was good yeah this this was one i did not expect to like it was really good i didn't expect i thought if there's anyone who likes it it's going to be me and i played liked it i thought you know i really think more people would like this but i think the the the look of the game it looks like a complex game yes and the theme and and just you know this it just doesn't look like a game that most people would enjoy but i feel like that's going to go against it it looks much more dry of an experience than it is it's one of those games where there is tension you're like ah you know what i mean waiting for you know it doesn't look like that on the table so yeah all right my 68 is a game that i think most of us have had on our list except mike delecio and that is res arcana that's right i really enjoy res archon it's a lot of fun to play i mean you're racing to get to that 10 points you're you're min maxing your actions you're trying to get out there and grab the things to grab victory points and and just the way that this comes together um is just so interesting um the different combinations you can get in the deck and trying to figure out how to utilize your resources to just get to that 10 points and then win the game there is a decent amount of take that when you consider like the dragon cards and things like that you have to protect against that stuff or you could be the player that's wrecking everybody with that sort of thing what what's wrong it's it's been a long time since this has happened on one of our top tens pretty much mike delusion is pretending to fall asleep that's what it's an elderly that's the risk i take ah but yeah i mean obviously everybody else has enjoyed this accept mike so who's wrong yeah who's wrong it's a fine game well no ze hasn't mentioned it yet at all all right my number 68 is a euro game with one of my favorite themes ever in euro games this is last will by i don't think i'm pronouncing his name right by vladimir sushi or i think it's pronounced a little bit different but um i absolutely adore last will the kind of the easiest way to describe it is if you've known the movie brewster's millions it's brewster's millions the board game where you've got a bunch of money and you're trying to spend that money throughout the course of the game so that you have nothing at the end and it's essentially the same thing as trying to get money there's no difference other than it is so much more fun to throw these lavish parties where you're inviting your dog and your horse and you're you're you're buying these have to eat with me gotta take the horse out to eat them all right um and you're you're buying these really expensive mansions only to trash them and then sell them so you lose money on it it is just such a fun whimsical theme and it's a solid worker placement game as well with some nice card play i really like last will a lot and it's a game that i think uh has wide appeal so if you have not played you should check it out that's my number 68 last will very nice i'd prefer prodigals club a little bit myself but i think it's a little more complex than it needs to be but yeah they're both great they're both a better game but yeah last one's easier to teach yeah all right my 68 is a game that a lot of people like but i think and this is not a new game it's not a 2019 release but i think it's never been on my list before and tom you can check me on this one this is wingspan wingspan because i don't think you were on the wingspan train as hot as we were initially yeah it was kind of a slow build for me uh it took a lot of playing to finally sort of i i it grew on me quite slowly as what i'm saying that happens with some games sure you play them a bunch and slowly you're like this is very good this i i am definitely enjoying this and wingspan is that way i am definitely enjoying it every time it comes out the interaction of what's going on on the board i like again the idea of starting with very little i've said this before and when you're done you look down and you go look what i did look at all these combinations i've made wingspan gives me a little bit of that feeling but it does so quickly with interesting powers and uh it's got a really neat theme to boot so wingspan my number 68. i was not expecting that one to be on your top 100 z actually so that's cool yeah oh the people people people people we can't forget the people tom people people another game that's been on the list for six years straight um and that is roll for the galaxy roll for the galaxy still very popular the galaxies twins the race and roll the board game never got the same love as the other two did um but roll for the galaxy i mean what else to say i i do watch when games get checked out and such on at our conventions and crews and stuff and roll for the galaxy was out a decent amount of time and i think when people first open that box and they see like a hundred no i guess not a hundred but there's a lot of little dice in there you're like oh look at all these little dice to play with and it is fun uh it is a bit to teach i would say it's about as much to teach as role race i mean but for different reasons yeah for different reasons because explaining okay you roll the dice you're going to get one action for sure and but you could take one die and move it anywhere you want and it does but the other ones you need to line up with their symbols but those symbols don't work unless that action it's a little bit and here's what the symbols mean the symbols are actually easier to teach than that part is i find that teaching people to do that and especially since they have to do it behind a screen and you can't help them right so play and now knowing the card game certainly helps oh for sure you know to to internalize what's going on in this one yep there you go roll for the galaxy your number 68. all right my number 67 has been on the list for five years for me um this is ah just a game that i i like considerably and that is auto mania i always i always have a hard time explaining why this one catches me and i always say the same thing is that you can build a car and turn one but as dumb as that sounds that's really the point of this game is you are doing something cool every time every time i'm placing workers getting a fun action running a car through and you just ca constantly accomplishing things and it it's a pretty lightweight game compared to most worker placement games but it feels very fulfilling and i was surprised this one did not do better uh i wish the cover looked nicer tom i'm telling you i think that played a part in it yeah probably crazy it's a really nice cover i think that mike is mike is elitist with his art but um because it's cartoony but a lot of people have complained about that i love the artwork that a porter games uses they have i think it is for a lot of their stuff and that's i think it's great i'm telling you i don't think this is we don't have to get in the weeds here but i i just think for some reason okay the art is like the art in like the pursuit of happiness that i think works for some reason that box cover just did not work for me just for me and i wonder if other people have a similar situation obviously other people are going to be like you and say oh it looks beautiful i want to put it on my wall i want to wallpaper my house with automation more condescending mike i understand your point of view and as a counterpoint you're wrong z don't make me come at you with cold hard i was gonna try i tried to do your kennedy i don't think it looks bad i think it looks very cute it's not in a bad way though i want to play the game though because it does sound wonderful oh you haven't played i haven't played it oh my word some cards argue talk about we're gonna get in the weeds about this when you haven't even played the game go the cover offends me on a deep personal level and therefore i refuse to play it doesn't look my 67 is probably the only zombie themed game i'm not a huge zombie fan but i really enjoy the way this game plays out and this is dead of winter this is a game where you're trying to have your colony survive and it's very much about playing the other players and zombies are just kind of like a shadow in the background trying to protect yourself from it and um this game is crazy hard and you're trying to fulfill all these different objectives so that the the colony doesn't like collapse on itself but at the same time you have your own objectives that you're trying to figure out how to pull off and you try to talk everybody into winning the game even though they're not finishing their objectives but you finished yours um yeah but yeah i have a ton of fun with dead of winner i put it with friends and family and it's definitely been a blast trying to figure out who's the betrayer and who we're going to exile and we've lost this game so many times but i still have fun with it and that is dead of winter so roy did you say this is the only zombie game in your top 100 i'm thinking it probably is i have to check why what happened what i have no i mean there's there's a lot of differences your reminders will tell you yeah let me bring up my phone here yep zombie games that's it this used to be in my top 100 roy i still like dead of winter quite a bit um and i another thing is just the that crossroad system i think you you guys remember the first time you played it kicked in that was such a cool thing like you're sitting there waiting oh come on somebody do this somebody do this yes i'm reading the card you know what i mean right all right that part is very neat um i don't like the rest of the game nearly as much as i like the crossroads system and i wish there was an it was in more games right so yeah there is one game i have uh this one here fate of the elder gods that uses a similar system yes but uh no you're right you're right i just don't like the whole semi co-op thing i don't think works very well sure yeah i think for pure zombies this is the only one this is this is the biggest drop for me across all my games because this was very high for me too but the game is so long and each successive time i play it i'm like this is longer than i want to play for what the game is giving me yeah i'm just not into the epic games anymore tom not epic we just played twilight imperium i know that's not thinking of a child's play speaking of long games my my number 67 is a crossover with roy and maybe with the people i don't remember but my number 67 is love letter this is a game that i i talked a bit before so i won't go over it too much again but i really feel like this is a revolutionary game i feel like the the micro game just because it led to an over glut of the market and some micro games came out that weren't very good doesn't take away with the fact that love letter is still a really really elegant system play one draw one it's just it really has led to hundreds of games of love letter i've played um and and it still works it's still fun uh it it it holds up i really feel like love letter is one of those games that you could still play it 10 20 years from now and it's still gonna work it's still going to be fun so number 67 for me is love letter there's a million versions of them out there i'm just going to say regular love letter although there's there's many nice versions of it i'm not right now to see nope that's not a crossover with the people mike love letter was 152 last year oh has fallen off the list okay okay i just don't think it's in the public eye the same way that it used to be but man i got so many people into gaming sure aeg was pushing it like all get out and then when they z man doesn't do the same thing aeg did right yeah i had a long long run though i mean yeah you guys are right that that game did a lot all right my number 67 is mission red planet mission red planet uses the sort of card not drafting the the character selection system from something like citadels and couples that with an area control game on mars and in the new edition on the moon phobos the moon of mars i should say it's it's very neat it's very quick playing game it always surprises me every time i bring it out that it's over as quickly as it is those nine rounds zip by and i the new edition is the the one i'm i'm mostly talking about but the artwork all over it is beautiful it's uh enjoyable doing a little bit of the double think there are hints of pusher luck there is some betrayal some reversals of fortune this game is fun and it's it it comes across that it puts that first it it concerns itself with fun first and then it wraps a bunch of mechanisms around that to facilitate you having fun and while a lot of games that do that aren't always the most elegant of games if i get that feeling from it i always respect it and this is one of those games so mission red planet it's a blast love the sci-fi theme i always have a good time with it so my 67 yeah this one didn't make my top 100 but i really like this game for me i've never played it i feel like this would just be right up my alley like i really enjoyed put it on i really enjoy citadel so i feel like this would be awesome you know man for your reminders it is it is so silly and it's just on the right end of chaotic right you you you can't you can't fall in love with uh with plans in this game because your plans are going to get wrecked but it is so fun so i was like who falls in love with plants it's a weird don't bring your plants to mars they won't survive potatoes will all right number 67 for the people z gets a point here because this one has been on the list for well since the very beginning and it stayed very consistent and that's ticket to ride europe and now with this new version that was just announced you know it's going to go up next year yeah i think so it's a hundred bucks yeah but a hundred bucks now z isn't what a hundred bucks was six years ago now there's a lot of games that sell for 100 bucks you know how much the uh the the anniversary edition of regular tickets ride is going for right now 100 bucks i can tell you that yeah well they sold out no that's true yeah yeah that one's going to be yeah it's out of prince it's going to be an investment because i also think you definitely want to get a copy of this because it's probably going to go out of print right that's the thing buy up all the stock [Music] do not speculate on the market of board games especially in the market in board games i'm just saying that if you want to get a copy of it you probably shouldn't say i'll get it when it goes on the secondary market that may not happen here are you preying on people's i'm not getting any money out of this how is this oh mo all right anyway okay tickets ride europe you weirdos all right my number 66 has been on the list for seven years it was actually 65 last year now this single game i debated the longest about even putting it in my top 100 because i haven't played it in a couple years i love the game and i was like am i going to play again but i got it out and looked at the game actually and man it's such a cool game and roy and me are going to eventually play it together and that is um battle lore 2nd edition yes oh wow yeah but well here's the thing battle or second edition is a great game they stopped producing content for it it's one of the few games that still has not made it into the dice tower library because the storage solution we have i'm not happy with it because it's all like piled in a box i got painted miniatures 3d terrain you know it's really cool my setup and then i'm sitting there thinking but i never play it you know my main opponent would would be roy and i know he likes the game so i just need to get back to it but i'm telling you i went through the rules and stuff and i was like man this to me is still the pinnacle of this system it's just i'm rock solid it has the best quick army build a blind setup i've ever seen oh for a game that does a really good job at letting you both pick your army set it up simultaneously with your opponent reveal it it feels fair it's really cool so love this game so even though i don't play it much anymore i'm i'm gonna and it's nonetheless battle or second edition let's do it my 66 is a cooperative game and a legacy game that we just played this last year and that is pandemic legacy season zero i really enjoyed a lot of this game i don't want to do any spoilers so don't worry at all this game is a lot of fun there's a lot of unique things added on to the pandemic legacy system that like what make it different give me and really enjoyable and the theme is a lot of fun too and if you haven't played if you've played the other pandemic legacies and you haven't played zero yet you owe it to yourself to try out zero as well because zero is just head and shoulders for me above the i've only played one i haven't played two but i i really enjoy pandemic legacy season zero and that's all i say so people don't get upset about legacy spoilers hashtag vague booking said you liked it is a spoiler yeah come on roy that's fine yeah you just told everyone it's a good game thank you for watching everybody these people can tell you're you're you're thinly veiled hints head and shoulders better than their ass come on everybody can see i didn't even catch don't yeah yeah me remember i'm gonna drive my van jump out and just skip right over october when you play folks that's right there's no point now head and shoulders there's no point i'm not joking but wasn't head and shoulders like the plot point in the evolution movie um followed by oh yeah they had uh it's got some chemical that would keep the aliens alien i love that movie i remember that that's hilarious that was a deep cut tom that was that was yeah david duchovny all right my number 66 is a crossover from this very list with mr tom vassell and that is tainted grail and um the uh the the game that's knocked his back i haven't played enough to put on my list but i know what he's talking about what game i'm talking about i know what you're talking about it's pandemically talking season zero now we talked i talked and z you do bring up a good point about uh nemo's work because i was using i was using the word narrative to describe it and it was that's not exactly when i talk narrative tainted grail is probably closer to what that really means which is that it has probably the best writing that i've ever come across in a board game uh it is really really well done at times you feel like you're playing through a novel so um tom already said a lot about it i won't say much more because there are also spoilers here but uh it's a really really well done narrative experience uh it takes a bit of a commitment time wise and much like tom i kind of made some of my own rules to overtake some of the issues with the mechanics which is another reason why it's not a little higher on the list it's not the most elegant mechanically and it's overly punishing at times but man the story is so good the writing is so good the experience the highs are really high and that's something i can say about a lot of awakened realms games is that the the highs are really high so hey i'm going to leave it at that z it's all like yeah my number 66 i house ruled i'm like nah bro no no no it's not good house rules okay mike i have your back on this one yeah it's he's correct that's just how it was i know he's right about you know house ruling also he's no roy candidate he's not a designer okay you don't just go in there willy-nilly and fix things it's well it's it's it's difficult to describe or take too much time to discuss that exactly it's no 10 for 10. it's no 10 for 10. well what exactly house when roy's game out sells mine by 20 to 1 i'm going to have to well that's at the bow every time probably comes in no it's not going to anyway that's my number 66 the broken game tainted grail i love it my goodness all right my 66 is a crossover with tom from uh i don't know it's around your is in your 80s i think this is hadara oh hadara is a drafting game it's a euro game it's got very little theme it is uh a nice sort of keep all the plates spinning kind of game in which any time anytime you focus on trying to make sure you have enough food to keep your cards around or have enough influence to build a statue you are letting something else fall by the wayside that it's that kind of game and i love it you're trying to do everything and keep getting pulled into all these directions see here's the thing i play like basically every euro game that way i can't focus because everything looks cool so i do a little bit of everything and i get trounced so hadara feeds that sort of beast in me and i can do okay you know what i mean because i'll go oh i want this purple card purple car has a cool special power and then oh okay i need more blue because i got to get that statue and i need to do this thing and do that so i i think it's just very very fun um like it a lot do not be discouraged i had somebody on twitter say oh i i ignored it when i saw it then played it and and uh did did like it so do not be discouraged by that cover especially the reprint cover with the five colored sections or whatever it's terrible cover try the game out hadara my 66. thank you all right people's choice 66 matches with roy in almost the same spot and that one has been done it was actually two at one point and now it's down to 66 that's dead of winter i think this one will continue to fade off as time goes by it's going to be one that some people it's their favorite game they'll really you know type with it like arkham heart i feel like these strong narrative games and especially with plaid hat leaving asthma day and dead of winter i think stayed with asthma day this one probably will take a fantasy flight now which is crazy is it fancy fight wow that is weird all right all right well either way but either way it there's a lot of folks who really enjoy the game um like i said it was two at one point which is crazy high um but uh yeah that's number 66 dead of winner nice bling all right folks my number 65 has had a bit of a drop but it's still ahead of blood rage for me and that's rising sun now this is about unless now it's interesting because i feel pretty confident that if i wanted to get one of these two games played it'd be a whole lot easier to wrangle people in the blood rage i don't know why i think i think rising sun to me is better than bloodrage in every way i like the miniatures better i like the theme better i like the monsters better i like the game mechanisms better um and that playmat is amazing but sure it all comes down to gameplay style and it fits my game place out a little bit better in blood rage i miss the drafting from blood rage but the combat system and rising sun which was similar to that that ignacy had in his game it wasn't his game but his publication yes his public what was that game called um uh cry havoc cry havoc rising sun does something very similar and i i kind of like that are you gonna do this or i'm gonna do this and i try to outfit the other person i just like that so rising sun i would never put such games on my list tom so my 65 is rising sun i i i really enjoy rising sun and i will definitely agree with you i i love the combat in this game the double think and outsmarting your opponent all the special abilities everything coming together trying to figure out which of the action tiles you're gonna play um allying together with people and then trying to do actions that are gonna help both of you in good ways and then trying to figure out how to put yourself ahead i am terrible at this game i have never once won rising sun lost every single time but i still have a blast playing it gorgeous miniatures lots of fun and i mean it just comes down to that combat for me i really enjoy it so my 65 tom just talked about it rising sun wow roy has never been more right and mike ten dollars if you're also about to stay rising son um not yet tom um my number 65 is a game that i feel like has flown under the radar quite a bit it's it's a game i really like and i like teaching it to play to new players too that is coloma coloma is a euro game that's based in kind of the wild west the gold rush theme and it has one of my favorite game mechanisms that really also helps with downtime which is basically everybody's got a little dial that corresponds to an action spot that's in the middle of the board which is also magnetic by the way which makes it 50 cooler just than that and you decide where you want to go by putting it to the corresponding number and everyone does it the same time and you do a simultaneous reveal i love simultaneous reveals for actions because you don't necessarily want to be in the same space as somebody else because you don't get as strong of an action unless you happen to have played a card that lets you do that so it's just a really slick system it plays quickly you i think this plays up to six and it doesn't take any much longer than it does at two because so much of it is simultaneous it's uh just a really really good game that i i wish more people had a chance to play that's my number 65 coloma z i know you laughed at his thing about that magnetic thing but it's so good right it's really a dumb little thing and it makes me like that game like almost the whole point more wow yeah it sounds interesting and i do like western themed games where it gave me as you were just describing it flashbacks of maharaja which i don't like so i'm like oh i hope it's not like that it's not like that at all z but so so it went on the list it it has some similarities to race for the galaxy almost with building a table of buildings with the with the building stuff yeah i can see that for sure it stays on the list my number 65 is uh my favorite of the gif games this is yinch i already had uh zar on my list uh i don't know around the 80s or something and uh this one 65 is the most accessible i would say it is very beautiful it's quick playing it's one of the easier ones to teach uh you know the the idea of uh x in a row kind of games in this case five in a row just are easy to internalize everybody kind of gets it you know what i mean he probably played something similar to it but then it's got that othello flip the pieces over thing which is neat and the plastic used in them the the elegance the look of everything it's just a pleasure to play yeah not a whole lot else i'm going to say about this one inch is a lovely abstract give it a try if you've never played it that is my 65. all right so you made a little bit of fun of me or mike did i remember who about my we all did tom technically it was all of us i didn't uh no because i'm pretty sure this game is on roy's list somewhere uh this is was on my list and the people also have been enjoying it for the past i don't know six seven years and that's legendary marvel um yes they made a gazillion expansions but yes people also keep buying them yeah and they keep getting into it and playing it and yes the game itself every time we talk about this like in the comments 20 people will be like that's not that great of a game odds blah blah blah and yet there's a lot of people out there who enjoy it i am one of them i am of the people oh yeah let me give myself a point i don't think i was making fun of you for this one time i think legendary's fine i don't think so either i don't know what you're talking about you are maybe just feeding like people like making fun of you but we're not to be fair you guys do it enough that it's reasonable for me just to assume it's happening fair that's fair absolutely anyway all right enough agree with me number 65 legendary marvel i am now having a crossover with i guess roy just talked about this one and that is mex verse minions um you know mex first minions when it came out was the biggest baddest coolest board game on the block it now sits in between 20 games that are as big and bad as it you know size-wise and yeah and and game trays and miniatures and all that stuff but you know what it wasn't just that it was also a really good game a really fun game that fits something i like which is the one versus a million little bad guys nowadays a lot of games are turning into you and your team fight against one big giant thing that can kill you all you fight it that's okay but i'm a big fan of lots of little minions and i'm squishing them but they just keep coming and that's what this game is all about and once you do go through the different scenarios the combinations you have the special abilities you can pick for your characters there's a lot um i don't know i just really like it and again production's fantastic of course but i'm talking about the game so that's mex vs minions awesome oh i'm sorry max versus minions there you go ah very nice time tourist verse very nice thomas i just i don't want you to be an outlier when it comes to the pronunciation don't put the emphasis on the wrong syllable so we're back to that all right well for a moment you guys weren't liking me so take theater with tom vassell my 64 is a tile placement game we're trying to get points and putting little fantasy plastic characters on it this is not gonna be a crossover with anybody it's drakon it's you're in a dungeon trying to collect gosh like the old ffg game yes and this is third edition it has to be third edition because third edition has disgusting smelling tiles and it adds to the charm is better than rising sun that's what i'm hearing i right i like draycon a lot i really enjoy playing that pedaling i have one dracon so that counts for something um but yeah i really enjoy it and um it's really cool it's got all these different icons on all the tiles and you're trying to figure out how to place them and almost set up a little like engine with your corner of the dungeon and you're sitting there trying to go around and collect gold the first player to get 10 gold dracon decides to let you live and everyone else gets devoured um and you're trying to figure out how to set that up but all the other players are shifting tiles around and moving them and this was one of the early games i played in my collection so once again nostalgia z um but i really enjoyed draconian gone wrong looks like and this is the third max a six out of ten for me the third edition of this the tiles smelled disgusting like straight up terrible and that's the one i have that might have just been a game no no there's there's like forums on board game geek about how terrible the third edition smells it's great it's not just a thread but a whole forum yeah there's there's fan pages about the dracon stinch you know it's a thing it's a thing i wrote some fan fiction but it hasn't been published yet [Music] i love it not safer work my number 64 is a lovely lovely smelling game uh it's um it's actually a roll in right and it is the dice version of a pretty popular card game this is fleet the dice game and this is one of those games the roll and right type games where it actually has two sheets and it looks very overwhelming when you've got it in front of you because you've got all of these small little bubbles but it also has so much opportunity you know there's so many things you can do and if you like the idea of combo building of i'm going to check this that's going to allow me to do that that now is going to unlock this and now that i've got that it gives me a bonus over here fleet the dice game is just that that endorphin rush over and over and over again and by the end of the game you're able to check off so many things um and and you know you're there there's no theme in any of these games but there is kind of this neat idea of i'm building fishing boats to fish this type of fish so it's a pleasant enough theme as much as any of these rolling rights have a theme it's a pleasant theme but it's a very satisfying kind of engine building rolling right game uh that is fleet the dice game my number 64. all right i'm maddie's played this i'm adding this to my ketchup palooza steve and chat said the name of your fan fiction is 50 smells of gray [Laughter] too far too far i could work with that i could work with that all right my number 64 is this little card game that i've liked for many many years i believe about 12 people have ever played it uh and i don't know why i like it so much i just do i always have a good time with it it's a game called our echo it's a little um i believe it's a japanese design from uh suzumu kawasaki it's been a long time yeah yeah yeah yeah and um i used to own a z-man version of this game that was not a great production it was the game was lovely but the game the production wasn't so good i then ended up getting a uh i think it's a german printing of it from amigo maybe and that's a that's a much nicer edition of the game but the game is you know hand management at its very core it's very much a hand management game in which you are recycling plastic and paper and tin cans trying not to go over a certain hand limit as you drop things off at a factory and pick up their waste to take it to the correct processing facility your hand represents your truck and if you overfill that truck you have to you know throw things away that isn't legal right another guy not at the factory and that's going to penalize you for points it's great i i think it's just easy to teach there is very little luck in the game but at your opening hand everything you draw in this game is on the table you know what you're getting so it's also very thinky that way and i um i just wish it was more readily available so there you go 64 for me alrighty the people's choice 64 is brand new to the list this year and so good thing because there's like three sequels coming to this game in 2021 and that's cartographers um the cartographers one of the most popular rolling rights that are i'm sorry this is a flipping right we gotta come up with some terms i have to keep correcting myself all the time how about i've just been saying verb and write because it's all some type of verb bourbon right although right is also a verb so i don't think a ribbon verb double verb all right anyhow a very popular game it you know built on a successive role player but there's a lot of role and write games that are based on popular games that do not take off not like this one has and this one i think the map theme comes across pretty well and like i said lots more for this game coming in new maps yeah it's probably also one of the most interactive roll and right games because you get a mess up other people's stuff and that is a hook that it has that many others don't right number 64. cartographers all right folks just so you know uh me and roy matched up earlier that was actually a surprise to both of us because we have not seen these lists i've seen mine and i've seen the people's that's it but we have a new employee here nice to have chris yee who's in chat um mocking mike quite a bit uh and he will pay you off later chris it's okay he showed up we're like first thing put together 50 uh game power points times 10. he did a great job oh shout out to chris yes yes yes so all right where are we at here 63 63 is the third year it's been on my list it was also on the people's choice and that's rajas of the ganges i gotta say when i saw this i was like yeah you know because it's i think it's hook slash r r and i i thought their games are fine in the past but i never was over surprised when i looked at it your typical euro point salad style game but i love it i love the drafting of the dice using the dice for different actions built it has a little bit that carcassonne thing in which i like building your own little area in front of you connecting stuff it's definitely if you're like how does theme fit in this game um but it does a lot of mechanisms i enjoy dice drafting worker placement um go up down the river pretty much as far as you want but you can ever come back i love stuff like that so yeah it's the brands right inca and marcus brand yeah so versatile man their games they have so many different types of yeah top 10 game designers there's a good chance they're online i don't know because i'd have to sit compare everyone back to back but we have to do the top 10 we talked about tom that i made a lit no i didn't make the list but i told you the theme for it you don't remember about stinky games yeah top 10 stinky games yeah fan fiction no no i can't say it oh my god a game of smells scratch and sniff real quick come on roy save me here my 63 is a game that is super enjoyable amazing art by i would say um the designer and publisher is prolific and that is near and far um i really enjoy this game there's a lot going on it feels like an adventure as you're going through this story but you're also trying to collect different things to gather victory points and kind of build up your team and go on this adventure um my favorite part about this game is really the stories but it's also awesome trying to figure out how to take out bandits and and and build up different things that you can trade in and get victory points a lot of fun near and far is definitely a blast and i've enjoyed all of my plays with it with my game group that's good stuff it is do love me some near and far my number 63 is a civilization themed he's played it civilization themed game because i want to cut off any controversy no matter what so don't don't be so defensive my number 63 is tapestry which is a game that is civilization you're pure abstract garbage it's a civilization themed game where it has a lot of things about it that that i like i like that you have the the different factions that you can play at that that are going to kind of maybe inform some of your strategy i like moving up tracks i mean there have been people that have said all the game is is moving up tracks yeah yeah i like moving up tracks that's great give me more of that i like that you're building your own i like that you've got your own little capital board where you've got the cool minis that give you kind of this little spatial puzzle that you're doing that allows you to unlock more bonuses and and you know be more efficient and i've talked quite a bit about how the this designers games kind of suit my taste because often times they're efficient efficiency puzzles and tapestry very much is that it's very much an efficiency puzzle is it a civilization game i don't care i like it it's fun it's my number 63 that is tapestry that was super defensive because i work with you people that's why it was defensive i knew what was coming when i think civilization i think pushed the cube up done i built my empire when i think of game balance i think add 300 points to this faction i forgot about that z we could get into a whole discussion about this balance thing you know that's okay i'm so get into it all right is that me that's you yep my number 63 is a brand new game to the list brand new game to the world this is fallout shelter the board game i love it it is such a fun worker placement game it has such charm to it the way the resource management and uh combat and i mean there's like a lot going on in this game and yet the look of it and the way everything is laid out so so straightforward and easily it's very disarming you jump into this game and it'll sneak up on you how good it is you know you'll be doing this little thing over here in row i'm going to attack this this giant mutated cockroach roll die all right get an energy recruit a little dude you know heal this guy and then turn around and realize this is a proper worker placement game with a lot going on in it love it i love it if uh anybody out there is ignoring this game because they maybe played that app and they're like man i don't think i want to play a board game that's you know based on you gotta try it if you like work replacement you're gonna like this game fallout shelter my number 63 good call neat all right number 63 for the people so cartographers was the only brand new one 63 is new to the top 100 because last year it was 111 and here before that 132 and it's moving on up because the expansion for this game was finally released like nine years after the game and that's targy whoa but i i think it was a new a new addition came out last year right yeah i think it was back in print yeah this is a very you know one of the most probably the most well critically well received of the cosmos games i would think across the board for for a lost cities i guess yeah i'm sure for but i mean for the size of the box the amount of content in there it feels like a game the size of ticket to ride it really does it's just two players enjoyable yeah yeah two-player kind of worker you know it's yeah it's yeah it's really good it's good it's very impressive game so anyway people's choice target and quick shout out to mr dreadful thanks for the super chat all right my number 62 has been on it's one of the 11 games i think that's been on my list since the very beginning it actually started at 11. now it's 62. this is actually the highest i think i have to go back to my list but i think this is the highest on the list a party game has gotten there might be one more i'd have to go back and look through but this party game is still to me the king of party games and that is time's up yes um and again i think all the party games have dropped a little for me because they just haven't been getting played that much in the past 12 months but i don't know time's up i don't know that i've ever played a game of this where i didn't laugh out loud 10 plus times at least you know some and i've asso's come around on the team uh two teams oh really i used to only play with a a whole bunch of teams of couples you know just two people on a team and now i i like playing the one team versus one team i find that to be more fun i gotta tell you i think that's the only way i've played it tom is two big teams against each other yeah you have to play like mike we play maybe four teams of two and yeah we two would go next two next two next to him back and forth that's the way i started playing it and i just assumed that's the best way to play it yeah i don't know being really good at this game i think i like the guy that's actually a two-year-old thing roy i know like almost exactly two years old i hope i should let the public forget so let's not bring it up um you guys are playing this right i mean very soon you're playing we'll see all right anyway my number 70 of 62 time's up so my 62 is a game that i really enjoy but i don't see it getting a lot of love and i don't see like a huge fanfare for it but i think this game is very mechanically rock solid and i really enjoy it and it might be the already put strike on the list what do you hold it back and this is a game with a fantasy theme and area control drafting different cards this is ethnos ethnos is a fantasy game which i really enjoy i i like i like all the different special abilities of all these cool different fantasy races and i think maybe the the graphic design or maybe the art um of the board itself uh is maybe a little bit of what held it back but i would love to see simon come out with a new edition of this spruce this up like this game just screams to be like have more fanfare because it's so quick so easy to play i love these games where it's just like my turn do this thing go my turn your t go go go go where the turns are just going so fast it has that ticket to ride feel of like collecting the sets but you're doing this area control thing of trying to control the different areas to gain points um as time goes up and trying to build up those cool combos with the different fantasy races in your hand so my 62 is ethnos roy i don't think it's that unknown it made the people's choice at 133 that's pretty good it's fairly well ranked also but i agree with you roy that um i don't see i disagree with the way you you're saying you wish seamon would or come on whatever would come up with another edition maybe put on an expansion i think a different publisher should come up with another edition and an expansion and whatever i mean did we all see that blue moon city reprint yeah exactly yeah if this went to like bombix or this went to like i mean one of those publishers that is known for gorgeous games man that's what needs to happen as it is i really enjoy it but i think it's just mechanically solid talk about his personal friends with the designer i would say talk about another versatile designer paulo mori i mean it's uh pretty fantastic all right you know him personally i know him no speaking of other fantastic designers my number 62 is a very big very heavy uve rosenberg worker placement game my number 62 is a feast for odin now this is a game that i think looks overwhelming when it's on the table because there certainly are a lot of components that's a very understatement there but the reason well the reason why i say that tom is because i've always argued that the game is not quite as overwhelming in its decision space as it is it's not a salesman's lie it's the truth it's just that the way it's set up it looks like you know yes technically there are you know 80 some worker placement spots but really they're all variations on particular things and they're just in different strengths so while i understand that it looks overwhelming i like that they set it up the way it is because it helps the player understand what they're going to be doing and i like that it has a round tracker that tells you exactly what you're going to be doing so it takes up a lot of real estate but it's not for useless purposes it actually helps the player it's good user interface to use probably incorrect terminology but i just really find this to be a satisfying gaming experience it's long it's really long but i feel like it's long for a purpose because it really is i know roy you like to talk about epic games they don't always have to be in space this feels like an epic game you know what i mean by the time you're done you've built something here so i really like a feast fro and i can't play it all the time because it takes forever but i like it epic in the world of tetris yes is this up there this is up there for me with twilight imperium fourth edition with how much i don't want to play this in fact this is probably higher i would rather play to get you to play this z i've never even no you're a smart man and i respect you for that because this does yeah no this looks beyond intimidating and over wrought and just sprawling i feel like i'm gonna fall until into uh you know a gelatinous cube and it's gonna swallow me up i get it but if you actually gave it a chance i have a feeling you'd be very surprised by it's not that i refuse uh my number 62 is from a personal good friend of mine rudiger is dorn game called asante which is a follow-up sort of pseudo reworking of jambo you might know jambo asante is like you know version 1.5 of that i really enjoy this two-player head-to-head uh i guess it's an economic game you are buying and selling things that's ultimately what you're doing but along the way you are also going to be uh you know throwing crocodiles of your opponents perhaps pelting them with coconuts perhaps hiring some sort of shaman to put a curse upon them i'm making this sound way darker than it is um it's a card game you're drafting these cards using them to help you hinder them make your exchange rates better selling sets of goods you only have so many market stalls that you can populate with your uh your resources i like it quite a bit it's uh it's a lovely game it's one that this this was a game i owned i have owned for a really long time the jambo i should say you know it's not that old but jamble man i bought this at a local game store that doesn't even exist anymore so so i guess since the beginning actually z yeah that makes sense jambo right i mean so yeah we haven't combined here i you know i don't know i feel like they're the same game there's the slightest rules variant i have mine in the scene all the cards are different tom you know what i mean sure it's it's kind of like ticket trying to take thread europe though no it's more different than that because the cards have powers there are powers in in asante that don't exist in jambo most of them so well yeah but i just combined mine so i have a jambo i agree with you i'm not gonna have them both on the list so anyway asante 62 is awesome all right 62 for the people has been on their list for eight years straight the highest that ever made was 17. it is the uh game that just keeps on making people lose probably more than any other game in existence more people have lost this game than any other one and ignacy laughs every single time robinson crusoe oh i thought you were going to say ghost stories okay look ghost story is very hard but rabs and crusoe more people played it in fact more people have lost robinson crusoe than people that have actually played the game i don't even know that's something amazing that's some polish magic and if you think we're exaggerating you can go on our channel watch me and z play this with the designer of the game and y'all win laughed at us as we died together we even and this actually that's twice and both times we even listen to his advice yeah yeah first mistake he's evil he's pure evil but i will say it has one of the most innovative ideas and games that i still don't see harley anyone using and that's the idea of a card coming up you make a decision and then it comes back to haunt you later on a great idea it is it really is yes so all right one more to go alrighty we have a super chat from someone who said don't try to pronounce my name just continue the great job your first name is uh maybe okay yeah see he said not to do it now not to do that i'm sorry the one rule and you had to break it ah you ever want to get tom to do something just tell him not to do it that is a little true all right number 61 for me is brand new to the list a big giant deck building game that came out last year and that is monumental i love deck building it's one of my favorite mechanisms but i really like when it's done in some sort of different way because you know dominion art exists and ascension and you know the basic ones exist monumental lets you build a little grid of cards in front of you you pick one row one column and there's also a board and stuff which is essentially just you know mixing around different ways to work on that deck ah i don't know it just really works for me it works well solo game like the cat lady of tech building games one row in one column one really oh yeah you have nine cards in front of you so it's like your hand of cards and then you pick one row and one column to activate so you're activating five of those nine cards then those cards are discarded and you refill them in and then you do it again okay it's a pretty good idea sometimes you won't pick a row even though there's a card in that row you want to use because the other two cards don't fit with your plan that turn right yeah yeah okay i dig it and those cards allow you to do things on the map area of the board so yeah it's slick it's really slick yeah i really enjoy it i know i hate talking about this because i know it's a it's a tough one for people to get but i kind of like what i gotta like you know somebody right this is one that i really would like to try um so add that to the list things chris is keeping track for us now he's making a master tell me this i'm over here with a pen like a caveman [Laughter] you guys are cannot be what's the matter with you my 61 is a game that is tiny and some might say epic i don't know that i would but i do really enjoy the game it is tiny epic kingdoms um so this is a take on a small little 4x game this was the first game out of the series that i got i really enjoy it a lot um you you have these different areas that you control and you're trying to basically upgrade your little fantasy race as you're playing the game you can upgrade with magic to get different special abilities for your faction um you can basically upgrade your buildings and you can get more victory points as you do that and you're all taking an action on a little board and then everybody else is following that action then the next player takes an action on a board everybody follows that action and you can choose not to follow that action and just gain resources the combat system in this is very much like a bidding combat like scythe or dune and i really enjoy that style of combat trying to sneak one in on your opponent and maybe out guess how much they're going to bid in the game this is the smallest tiniest 4x game you can really get and it's very enjoyable for me and that has tiny epic kingdoms wait did you already do tiny epic galaxies yes i like tiny epic kingdoms more than galaxies yes likes it more than rising sun i also like it more than rising sun i've also won every single time you say that i'm going to say i have one tiny epic kingdom wow i didn't realize that your sore loser abilities came into effect on how much you like a game or not nostalgia [Laughter] somebody's going to have to throw a game or something because i'm not going to be able to put up you want rising sun to go up he has to either win or it has to be really old and he's remembers it from there yeah yeah right yeah for sure you got me figured out z that's it baby and space of course rising sun in space that would shoot to the top sun is in space but yes yeah i'm just gonna go on here my number 61. thank you thank you for saving him the embarrassment my number 61 is sadly out of print uh but if it were being made today i think this would be actually a roll and right game it wasn't in its original production this is raw the dice game and as it may sound this is really the dice version of the rainier kenichi auction classic raw and i think it does a really nice job of feeling kind of like raw i mean certainly it's not exactly like that but in a quicker simpler well not simpler drawers pretty simple but a quick simple dice game that has elements of pusher luck it has elements of set collection it has kind of some some kinesius scoring twists that you oftentimes will see but you know i was just thinking about this when i was putting this list together and really it feels like a roll in right before you know it really does feel like how long right mike until grail games puts out the roll and right for this they don't even i mean all they have to do is keep the exact same game and just make it roll and right sheets i mean i agree it plays the same way it would play exactly the same way this is going to be out in two years i'm calling it man it should be because it actually is a really good if they do it'll be one of the best rolling rights on the market because it's a really solid game uh that that uh i i think if it were more available it would be played more so that's my number 61 raw the dice game nice i got to see how many other games i can turn into rolling rights okay this next one of mine is not a rolling right yet but it will be soon this is azul stained glass of synthra oh the inferior one okay the one that shouldn't exist i got it wow the two towers of the azul line this is also the best of the rings movie by the way zone at me azul stained glass of sintra is mechanically the most interesting one i think it adds that uh lovely uh the change to the cadence in that lovely action that you may pass reset your worker to the beginning having the most choices ahead of you and not take tiles from the center it's the one that allows you to break the math especially in a lower player count of i take this color the next player has to take a color leaving me with 82 blue tiles which is the joy of that game the joy of that game you don't want but now i can outsmart you by being like oh you're going to do that pass that's not outsmarting you that's just saying you go now oh i'm announcement with you that's my favorite that's my favorite part of that game though the only thing i'll say z about this one is negative it's my favorite of the three too but i feel like you could this one can cause you to have a super low score i've seen people get super hosed in this game occasionally i've definitely been on the receiving end myself and while i thought it was pretty funny you know it's it is what it is it's just a short game but regular some people may not like that i haven't really noticed that honestly but i haven't been paying attention that much um you count wrong and you take that you could take a huge amount of tiles multiple times got it got it gotcha yeah and your score can just get just destroyed you know when it happens anyway it is my favorite of the three it's the only one of the three i put on my list and uh do you wish the sequel had never been made no i'm okay with other people having their own fun i mean that's what you and i did for z yeah the people's choice number 61 has this is the sixth year on the list it was as high as number three um now that there are about 10 versions of it out there it is going into popular culture and is easily one of the most popular games ever to come out in the past 10 years it and azul and this is code names code names the most um like i said time's up is my favorite party game but code names is easily the most popular party game to come out in the past decade even more than just one code names there's code names pictures and then op took it the app took it and just added six different themes i see it sold in stores everywhere people who don't know anything about board games play it right so yeah yeah this is a phenomenon this game is a phenomenon there's no two ways about it and what's amazing about it is vlad um is like known for his heavy euro games most of us uh and bunny buddy right now right now he's known for his money to be able to do both is a very impressive feat yes trucker all right folks that's it for today we'll get to the halfway point tomorrow we'll be back tomorrow we have three live videos tomorrow we'll be doing at 10 o'clock we'll be continuing 60 to 50 at one o'clock we're taking a look at kickstarter which is getting better getting better um then at two o'clock we're going to start on the top half of the list 50 to 41. so thank you thanks everyone who watch it thank you to everybody we'll see you tomorrow until then i'm tom vassell i'm roy canning i'm mike delecio and i'm z garcia have fun playing versus other people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] versus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 65,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10
Id: gKuF7w1fSa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 35sec (5315 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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