Top 10 Tips for Enshrouded #enshrouded #tips #gaming #rpg #survivalgames

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guys welcome back to the channel okay it's been a while since I've done a video on enshrouded I've CAU over 200 plus hours in the game I've still got a lot a lot to do in the game itself but um I was just thinking the other day I thought do you know what I should throw out a little video on the top 10 tips that I think that's helped me along my journey in in shrouded it's been an Absolut blast of a game there is so much going on I'm hooked into building that's why I probably got over 200 hours into it so guys yeah if the any of these tips are helpful be sure just to let me know drop a comment down below if I've missed any really important ones that you think that you could let me know and share with the rest of the community guys tell me what you think here we go okay guys so the first thing that I do every time I load into the game um whenever I start to play the game the first thing I always do I go and hit my water well that's uh well if you've got one in your base that's absolutely fantastic but if you're starting in the beginning area I always tend to uh go to the first water well that we approached when we first start playing the game and uh stack up on those Waters I can't stress to you how much water is important in this game um it's used for various of things um and in the future of the game when you come along it's going to be worth you know it's going to be worth you actually picking all these up it's so so important so yeah tip number one make sure you're stock up on your water well it's one of the ones that I've always done so yeah see uh see how get on with that okay guys for tip number two gather as many berries and mushrooms as possible now if you're following step number one that I gave you and you're Gathering your water all the time this would be very very helpful as when you receive the Alchemist as a uh member to your um to your base area he is able to craft um potions for you so what I've tend what I've like started doing myself is I've just started collecting loads of them um so when you get to that point where you're running low on potions and you've not found any for a while it's so good just to have a good stock of them all I've done I put a big stock of them in here and I just start piling them up now I run this server with a couple of people and we all sort of share the berries and the mushrooms so we're forever using them all the time so yeah always make a good stock of these keep them going and you should never run out of potions okay guys so for tip number three I've always gone for studying your enemy and the way they move and learn their pattern when it comes a bit further on the game you're going to encounter bosses that are going to get a little bit more tougher now this enemy here I know that he fires a bolt so always block his attack and then I'll reach in and do the attack then so learning learning enemies moves the way they you know the way they move their patterns um understanding what each enemy does it's very very helpful and enshrouded um there's some of the bosses they have like different kinds of um moves that they do when they're at certain Health in the game so yeah learning these moves is very very helpful in the game so yeah i' would say make sure you pay attention and study how they move and you know and how they attack you as well okay guys so tip number four always keep up to date with all the MPC requests now every MPC that you get in the game will have little requests for you to do um so I'm at the carpenter now so just for instance he uh the production place he wanted a table saw he wants a Kil and I always keep you know just keep going there keep speaking to them and every time you do other things you know every time you do things to them they give you something else to do same with the um blacksmith as well he wanted the forge the smelter and the charcoal Kil so yeah keeping an eye on all the stuff that they need is Big you know it's a big step in the game you know you're going to get loads of things that you're going to be able to craft with these people it's abs absolutely amazing it really is okay so for step for tip number five learn how to Parry really really well once you've mastered the Parry technique um most enemies will kind of become quite easy um learning this is this goes back to the when I was saying about learning their pattern so watching when they attack how they attack learn how they fight when this gu get just get those pares nailed down to a te you know this this goes to learning their patterns like I was saying before paring in in shrouded is so so important um it's going to save your life a hell of a lot so yeah um tip number five yeah getting your Parry mastered okay so tip number six um this has been such a really really good one for me to use um I've been using this for quite a while now it's been absolutely helpful so when you're traveling around always make sure that you're keeping a spare flame alter even two spare flame Alters with you now I'm going to show you I've got I've got six that are placed in my base um at the moment so I'm just going to go go back to one that I've got actually put up over here um the good thing about having multiple flame mters around um there's there's actually a few things which is really good for it so if you become overweight you can place it down you can fast travel back to your home and you can drop all your resources off there and repair your equipment and also if you find an area where you're looking for I don't know like a certain material like for me for for me here I've been I've been looking for um Limestone so I had I found a flame alter I found a big chunk of it and I just started you know just digging away you know just chopping away absolutely fantastic guys honestly you know it's going to save you a bunch of time you can repair things on the fly if you bring a um workbench with you absolutely number one tip it really really is helpful and I would uh I would advise quite a lot of people to actually carry some flame Alters around with them okay so for tip number seven every time you see a new resource be sure to pick it up in this game guys you're going to come across loads and loads of resources um at the beginning they may not be useful to you um but yeah collect them get get them stacked up um you would never know what you're going to need a little bit further on the game now I've started collecting loads of stuff as I've been going along I've also used a lot as I've been playing as well um and it's been absolutely fantastic now what I decided to do myself um I started collecting row of free of everything um obviously I've gone low on quite a lot of stuff now because I've been using them to build certain things but yeah collecting these guys is absolutely it's key to everything you're never never going to know when you're going to need them at all it's just so so important just to uh to keep stock of everything so yeah every time you see a new a new resource be sure to pick it up stock them up and uh yeah just uh keep an eye out on what they do as well check check out their right you know their traits and what they're there for so yeah that's a that's a pretty good tip okay so tip number eight it's quite an obvious one but you'd be surprised am of people um that are not doing this I've been watching a few people stream this game game um and they just they forget to just do this one thing it's quite important so always prepare for your adventure as you you you never know what's ahead of you at all you really don't so I always make sure that I've got enough potions that all my equipment is repaired um I carry a spare weapon I always you know I mean I'm playing as a um as a wizard um a little bit of a wizard but you know stroke a little bit to some else so I always make sure I have my wand my staff my spells I have a sword always on the off hand cuz you just never know when you need it for some close combat and I've got my bow I try to make sure I've always got some arrows and a spare wand all the time now that's my go-to setup but always make sure all your stuff's prepared make sure you got your water and also make sure you got your food as well so which is going to lead to the next uh the next tip so for the next one guys when you're going out on your travels make sure that you have your act Buffs available there's three slots in the top top left hand corner of the screen um as you eat food I'll just eat some food just to show you one active um so as you eat food you'll see now that I've got a a buff there um in the top left hand corner activated the same if I was to drink water I'll just drink some water and just keep them going you know the these these BFFs are going to help you so much um different food does different things when you get the farmer she unlocks a lot of different recipes that do other Buffs and stuff like that for you so yeah always make sure that they're not empty get them full before you go out on your travels most definitely okay this one's really really quite important for um when you're looking at the skill tree now I always say have a good look at the skill tree and decide what kind of style you might want to go for now personally myself I didn't decide what style of character I was going to go for for a while um and it may take it may take you as well to choose but there is some really good early skills I would suggest uh to get soon as you can um as this will it will help dramatically in game so what I decided to go for um most of all was the double jump the double jump um which I felt like the most useful skill that you could have in this game to reach higher places and I also soon as I had my glider updraft as well was an absolute life you know it's just a game changer for me it really really was now I always made sure um I was running on my core attributes going through the M middle uh as the wizard now but all all the uh all all of them have different um they all have different attributes themselves for what you're going for but the core ones for me were right through the middle there so have a look around take your time see what these um see what they do uh and see how this will help your character in the game okay guys for the next tip so when you stumble across New Gear be sure to check out the attributes of the gear and its perks now gear is not very common in enshrouded um you don't come across it that frequently I've noticed so it's best to look and understand what you're wearing and also what your character is wearing now for me I know that I'm a ma well Mage wizard so I'm looking for anything that's got really good uh magical resistance and anything that actually can help increase um my mana and stuff like that like there my one damage with these hand with these gloves I get a plus 6% one damage and a plus 7% damage against magical foes so it's always best to um always look at all the gear don't just think to yourself oh no you know this this is not my piece of gear I I don't want to wear that some of these gear pieces are very very important guys honestly so yeah be sure to be checking the gear and what's good through the the build that you're going for so guys there there you have it that is my top 10 tips that I can give you so far for the game of what I've done now I'm going to as I'm play through a little bit more I'm going to do more uh videos on this when I start learning some other stuff I'm also once I finished my whole base with my buddy we're going to go back and we're going to do like a a base tour of what it looks like I hope you guys are enjoying shrouded um The Game's absolutely fantastic uh I have no Faults in the game whatsoever um really really happy uh and enjoying it so much um guys if you've got any tips and tricks that you know that you can share with us please be sure to drop a comment down below let us know we'll be very very interested and Keen to listen guys take care hope you enjoyed the video and I catch you very very soon take care
Channel: The Pure Gamer
Views: 1,253
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Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded review, enshrouded game, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded tips, enshrouded building, enshrouded update, enshrouded pc, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded early access, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded trailer, enshrouded news, enshrouded combat, enshrouded release date, enshrouded base building, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded first impressions, enshrouded preview
Id: Ee9bsIM4tts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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