TOP 10 Returning Character PREDICTIONS - WHO is in HELL? | Bleach Ranking

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so the latest bleach chapter has got fans understandably pretty excited about the future of the series for a whole number of reasons number one of course is the fact that we finally do actually have canon bleach manga content again after what has felt like an age and is honestly not something i ever thought we would get secondly that content seems like it could reasonably be expanded into a whole story arc and seems like something we might actually get and thirdly that story arc seems like it's going to heavily involve the as of yet very mysterious and unknown region of hell that's already a lot to get very excited about however i think the one thing that people are most excited about the one thing i've seen talked about the most online regarding speculation is the potential return of dead characters in the series and this of course comes about due to the surprise resurrection of a fan favorite villain in xyloporo grandes the eighth espada who emerges from hell in this new chapter a twisted and changed man but also the massive bombshell reveal that previously deceased captains of the soul society presumably dating back to ancient times have all been sent to hell on behalf of a pretty massive oversight on the goatee's behalf and so with this knowledge in mind it's not hard to imagine that hell might be filled with loads of fan favorite characters many of whom we thought we had seen the last of in the bleach canon manga but also this presents kubo a unique opportunity to finally bring in some of those disparate characters who have made an impact on fans but perhaps only appeared in the supplementary material in this video i've put together a list of 10 characters i would love to see make an appearance in a potential bleach hell arc returning from hell whether they are previous villains previous good guys um there's a bit of a mixture here of all of them um but regardless i would love to see some and there are some that i think are more likely than others as well before we begin however guys thank you so much for smashing that milestone of 75k i would really appreciate if you haven't hit subscribe yet to make sure you do that right now you're in the perfect place of bleach content just like this every single week and every subscription obviously really helps support the channel and push us towards that next goal of a hundred grand which is still unfathomable to say also if you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a thumbs up because it really does help you know give it more exposure on the platform push it out to more bleach fans who might not normally get a chance to see it and also finally if you do want to support the channel a little a little bit more we do now have a patreon as well where you can support me there for as little as a dollar a month and that next you things like early access to videos um and of course a massive thank you goes out to everyone who has already become a patron there i you know i really appreciate your support and i genuinely it means so much to me so thank you so before we begin our video of the top 10 characters i would love to see um come alive again in a potential bleach hell arc characters i'm expecting to be making up the denizens of that realm there is a bit of an elephant in the room i want to address and i guess these could kind of be considered honorable mentions they come under the same umbrella and that is to former espada the the second is spada the tyrant king of skulls barrigan louisenbarn and the immeasurably popular fan favorite ukiyora whose return would be an order of magnitude the likes of which we probably haven't seen and i don't think i'm overstating that now both of these characters died in the iran car arc and certainly baragan is an evil tyrant a despot who to be honest deserves a spot in hell he's a pretty nasty guy all kia ora is a little bit harder to place whether he actually deserves a spot in hell or not he's obviously very emotionless very nihilistic and therefore his actions don't necessarily come from a place of malice he is more akin to a statuesque robot or something like that who maybe doesn't really quite know that what he is doing is um well evil and i think fans would obviously love to see ulkiora again his death in the iran karak at the end of the lust mini arc is still perhaps one of the most memorable and impactful moments in the series um and i think that enough time has passed where bringing him back wouldn't cheapen that it would just be a great fan service moment four long-standing fans of the series and i personally would love to see barragan again i think that would be amazing i think it'd be so cool to see him he's one of my favorite sparta they both are but what's the reason for them being honorable mentions when there are actual espada on this list well it's difficult to say what happened to them when they died barragan is killed by his own power his respira ability whereas all kia ora i'm pretty sure the final hit that gets him and actually finishes him off is a cerro as opposed to a zaan puck toe strike and so what that means is that the neither of them were actually cleansed by a zan puck toe that's what happens when a shinigami kills a hollow they cleanse them of their crimes and allow them to move on and clearly in some hollows cases like xyloporo they had committed probably evil deeds as humans have ended up um in in hell but barrigan and ulchiora it's so hard to know exactly what the kind of criteria is for a soul moving on it's hopefully something that will be fleshed out in future chapters if and when we get them but i do think these two fan favorite characters particularly all kia ora while it would be amazing to see them again i don't think it's going to happen because i don't think they would have fallen into that cycle of rebirth it's possible they might have done um but i'm pretty sure it generally speaking has to be a zaan puck toe that cleanses you and then you either go to soul society or hell um personality depending basically so while i'd love to see these two characters they can only really make it onto this part of the list because i'm not confident they would have even gone to hell but if they are there i'd love to see them and so kicking this list off properly with the number 10 spot this one in my opinion is a pretty obvious pick i think and some of these are more obvious than others i think some of them are much more likely than others as well um and this first one is canonically in as far as volumes 1 to 74 the only character to have actually gone to hell in the series that we actually got to witness and that is the hollow shrieker now comparatively with the rest of the characters on this list shrieker is positively a no-name uh pretty low-tier bad guy but as i mentioned he is still the only character we have ever seen actually be dragged into hell for their crimes and yes it happened right at the start of the series but shrika provided us with an intriguing window into this part of the series so if bleach really is delving deep into hell i think it makes a lot of sense to bring shrieker back in some form because he's really not going to be that powerful he has been pretty heavily outclassed since volume 2. i don't expect him to be back in any major way but it would be a nice little nod to pretty old school fans of the series i think and obviously in the non-canon movie hell verse shrieker does show up in a manner similar to what i'm expecting here um mostly just as a nod to fans and i really do think that the person who basically spearheaded hell's introduction in bleach probably deserves to show up in an arc about hell coming in at number nine we have another holo and again i think this one is a pretty self-explanatory and obvious choice and that's his spider number nine ardenero aradori and the main reason for him being on here again is obvious now with the bleach movie the hell verse movie there was a tie-in promotional manga chapter as i have been over before that featured both xyloporo and aranero falling into hell now while i don't consider that thai in manga chapter to be canon kubo clearly likes the idea of xyloporo falling to hell after being killed and so you have to assume he feels the same way still about arenaro it makes total sense to see this guy again if kubo himself believes them to have both suffered the same fate i'd love to see adoniero again i've always thought he's a really cool character one of these characters with an awesome intriguing design that was just a victim of not finding out anything about him unfortunately so it would be really cool to see him again and he hasn't been seen since like volume 30 after his death at the hands of rukia so i'd absolutely love that now our eighth place spot character there is virtually nothing to say about this guy and that's the 10th kenpachi kenpachi kiganjo kiganjo is a pretty weird character in that he's you know kind of fairly important he is the kenpachi that zaraki killed to get that title um which is you know fairly major considering zoraki is such a huge character in bleach kiganjo however has basically never really been seen he was on a promotional color page for the turn back the pendulum arc that kind of showed off the rest of the vice captains and stuff like that i love that picture it's great you see characters like chikane eba for instance but kaganjo is on there and his zampakto from what you can just about make out is actually pretty cool looking i've always thought the dude kind of just looked like a fat yammy personally but would still love to see him the reason he is here and not sharing a spot with certain other characters later on down the line is that kiganjo's canonicity is non-negotiable like he has actually appeared in the canon manga of bleach um so he effectively already exists in this universe in volumes 1 to 74 kiganjo is there like i said he's already on that color page for term about the pendulum but even uh even clearer than that he actually appears for like a single panel in the thousand-year blood war arc in a in a little flashback just before kenpachi finishes off unohana so kiganjo i'd love to see him we know virtually nothing about him other than he's apparently very lazy and he was killed in a single hit by zaraki so how strong actually is he is this guy um it's kind of hard to say um but i'm already thinking like if i were in the business of writing fan fiction which in some ways i kind of am with some of these comics and stuff i would love to see ken patchy and unohana it's a bit confusing calling him ken patchy in this context zaraki and unohana teaming up against the hell kenpachis that would be awesome or kenpachi zaraki going against all of them because obviously unohana is in hell as well regardless kegan joe i'd love to see him here and presumably he is so i think that would make a lot of sense now i said i always thought kiganjo kind of just looked like a fat version of yammy and speaking of that character at number seven we have the tenth or zero espada yami largo and yami's just another one of these characters who is a total you know just a monster he's a horrible person in the manga um very prominent villain in the iran karak as i mentioned in my video about yammy he is a major bad guy albeit a pretty unpopular one he does play a pretty huge role in that storyline so i think it would be still pretty cool to see him here twisted and changed by hell much in the same way as xyloporo has been just remembered i forgot to mention aroniero could potentially have an amazing design here like something truly eldritch and like love crafty and i think that would be so cool but back to yammy you know in his like second release or whatever it was he's like era anger transformation he already kind of looked a little bit devilish with the major horns going on and stuff like that so i think yami would work really well here if kubo decides to make the denizens of hell this kind of villainous organization they're going to need some bruiser characters and yammy would fit the bill perfectly there he's obviously killed by zampaktob yahya and zaraki at the end of the iran corrupts so he could easily be here especially if he was as nasty in life as he is now and speaking of pretty nasty espada coming in at number six we have the fifth ispada neutral again very similar reasons to yammy basically why i could expect to see him here if xyloporo is in hell i could easily see neutral there they are in many ways just as bad as each other for slightly different reasons but they are both despicable beings at the end of the day neutral is you know very kind of um sexist very depraved very just very morally questionable in certain scenes and and the way he acts and he's just a pretty yeah like i said a pretty nasty guy all around the differences uh compared to yammy and compared to our niero neutral is pretty popular among fans and i think that would be a pretty big win on kubo's part to bring him back again neutral is a character we haven't really seen since like volume 35 or something like that so bringing back some of these oldest spada would be kind of just really awesome in some ways i feel like the impact of xyloporo was lessened ever so slightly because he actually appears in the thousand-year blood war arc um but i think people would love to see neutral again and i i absolutely could see him here and you just know that kubo would do some amazing design with santa teresa here in hell i think he would work really well and again in his resurrection he has horns so he's already ready made for hell now the top five is where things become a little less clear-cut a little less obvious in my opinion as to whether or not they would actually end up in hell for a variety of reasons and the first character we're going to talk about spot number five is actually the former captain of the ninth division kanametosum now tosun was never the most popular villain in bleach she was always basically outshined by both eisen and gean um as far as that trio of bad guy goes but i would actually love to see tozen come back i always thought he was pretty fascinating in his own right really awesome design and his fight with common mode and hisagi remains one of my favorites too this day the question that throws this up in the air is that would the goatee 13 have performed the ritual rights for tozem um because he is a traitor at the end of the day it's very hard to say exactly what their kind of stance on that would be um at the end of the day tosin tosun's riatsu he is a captain he has massive rayatsu especially after becoming essentially um a hollow fight shinigami tozendriyatsu can't just be left to sit you know they explicitly say that it's done because that would be a problem for the soul society so i can imagine them doing it and also he made peace with common water and his sagi just before dying i could see them pushing for some kind of funeral rights to be done for tozen after his death um many of these characters are kind of considered to be victims of eisen at the end of the day in his machinations um so maybe not under yamamoto but i could potentially see someone like kyoruku doing this who's perhaps a little more lenient or a little more loose when it comes to traditions in seoul society i could perhaps see him giving towson one but regardless i'd love to see it tozen's uh duality the fact that he is a hollified shinigami also brings up some interesting questions like does he go to hell and start to transform in the same way xyloporo did if we did see tozen in hell would he look more like his resurrection than his normal self i think there's a lot of cool questions that can be asked here and i'd like to see tozen come back now coming in at number four and we have our first characters who i personally consider to be non-canon at the end of the day it really doesn't matter but in my eyes this actually offers kubo a wonderful opportunity to properly give them an introduction into the bleach manga and that of course is the seventh kenpachi kenpachi kuru yashiki and the eighth kenpachi azashiro sawyer both of whom i believe appear in spirits are forever with you the light novel now again like i said their fates in the books don't really matter too much because kubo can kind of wipe the slate clean with these guys if he wants to and i'd love to see them he already has two ready-made kenpachi ready to go if he wants to make them appear in the manga he can do with minimal introduction just enough for the people who haven't read the light novels to know that these guys are former kenpachi and let's face it people would love to see more from the kenpachi line if you do just consider one to 74 and this new chapter to be canon we only know three kenpachi in the history of the soul society so i would always welcome seeing these guys in the actual manga itself i think it would be awesome to see them both there kuru yashiki he's i never like grew or he never grew on me that much he kind of just looks like ginjo the design feels a bit slap dash to me as a shiro on the other hand i think has an awesome design and i'd love to see him in the actual manga itself like i said their fates whatever happened to them in the in the light novels whatever you think about these characters it technically doesn't matter kubo can do whatever he likes he can say that you know both of them died at some indiscriminate point that has nothing to do with anything that happened here really it doesn't matter it would just be really cool to see them both like i said maybe get some kenpachi battle royale going on um although if azashiro keeps the same powers he has uh in the light novel he's incredibly broken but then most of the kenpachi are incredibly broken so far so i have a feeling kiganjo might pull the short straw there but regardless i'd love to see both of these guys show up and i think an arc that can potentially bring that deceased captains is the perfect and most natural way to organically introduce them into the manga itself now number three i'm honestly kind of cheating a little bit with this spot because it's not just a single character but a group of characters that i really have no idea about um and that is the stern ritter now you know we've already established that shinigami have been going to hell we've already established that espada have been going to hell i want me some quincies i love the quincy's i don't want them to just be completely forgotten about and washed aside in whatever we get here there's no denying that some of these guys are pretty horrible i would say 50 percent of the stern meter at least probably deserve to go to hell but we really don't know an awful lot about what happens to them as far as the cycle of rebirth goes because presumably them being quincy means that the vast majority of them were actually human however some of them are at least 2 000 years old um and everything gets very confusing at this point but you know imagine seeing like as not in hell with some incredible hell design going on that would be phenomenal and he probably deserves it he's a pretty nasty guy sick twisted sense of humor clearly took pleasure in disemboweling biakia i think he could be there i just don't know the logistics behind it um personally i think tsukushima should have gone to hell for the crimes he committed as a human but he didn't he went to seoul society so did the stern rita end up in seoul society i know for a fact obviously we find out in the chapter god like you that when a stern writer dies the the piece of their soul uh that was kind of embellished and given power by having a letter engraved and it returns to you hobbic but after his death what happens to these guys are they forever trapped in limbo i have absolutely no idea i would love love love to see some of them show up here though it'd be so great and we'll just ensure that they basically haven't been forgotten in the manga entirely and coming in at number two on this list in my opinion at least is the biggest fan favorite character with the biggest chance of showing up here and that is of course the former captain of the third division geen ichimaru now geen hasn't been around in the canon manga for a very long time admittedly he shows up in the everything but the rain flashback alongside tozen but he is killed by eisen at the end of the iran car arc and for the longest time you know his motivation seemed very shady and it turned out that actually everything he did was in service of taking revenge on eisen for what he did to rangiku when they were children some time ago but of course this doesn't absolve gene of all of his sins i think regardless of what you think of his mission the fact that he is doing everything for his childhood friend is noble but there's no denying he himself is a snake-like conniving and pretty horrible person um you know he bifurcates hiori he seems to take real pleasure in tormenting lukia for absolutely no reason in the soul society arc so he is definitely morally questionable in and of its of himself however again much like tosin i could see him being given this ritual a because he has immense spiritual pressure and it can't just be left to fester and b because his heroics the fact that he um did turn on eisen could quite have easily been mentioned to somebody at some point now i feel like in some kind of supplementary material this was brought up but honestly i can't actually remember so if you do know in the comments please let me know i can't remember if matsumoto told someone about gene's efforts or if she kept it under the rug but regardless again the beauty of this arc is that kubo has essentially the freedom to do whatever he wants um if he thinks that the the goatee kind of heard what gene did and they were like all right we'll we'll give him the festival we'll at least do that for him it means he's now in hell and it means we can definitely see him in the future and i i genuinely think gene coming back would be crazy i think fans would just lose it they would lose it that's like that's pretty much an all-kiara level character returning so while i don't think characters should come back just because of fan service i think it would be potentially really nice for gene and rangiku to have one kind of final conversation i think again he could look amazing in hell i'm really excited to potentially see the hell captains in general i think kubo is probably gonna go crazy with their designs i hope he does anyway um and that's gonna be really exciting and then number one on this list again is maybe a bit of a cheat because it is more than one character um but it is one of the biggest kind of questions and sticking points fans of bleach have had for a very long time and using the characters in this way bringing them back as denizens of hell would answer those questions in one fell swoop and of course i'm talking about the original goatee 13. the original set of captains who worked alongside yamamoto and unohana and acted like a gang of merciless thugs who you hobart called just this unstoppable unit that he honestly wouldn't mess with again you know they messed him up before um but now soul society has grown weak and complacent in the modern day um and i think everyone would just love to see these guys now of course the only two of the 13 captains we actually know are yamamoto and unohana and based on how they used to be you can imagine what the rest of these guys are probably like now i feel like there's probably some zero division guys in there um because you have to you have to assume that ichibay maybe was there at some point that would make a lot of sense before being moved on up same with nehemiah um [Music] i don't think we should if we see these characters at all i do not think we should use the silhouettes we have as a basis to go off i just i don't think that's going to be um i don't think that's going to be reliable essentially i think kubo will probably create brand new characters for this he might use some of the outlines i don't know but um i just think it's not something we should fixate on too much i think we get we would get a whole new character designs but that's potentially asking for an awful lot to find out all of these original guys but i just know i would love anything on that ancient goatee i think it would be so awesome to see and you know clearly they are here in hell kyolaku mentions the the funeral festival is an ancient tradition it dates back to a long time ago so you can only assume these guys are probably stewing in hell having and and they've been there for a long time so if my theory about xyloporos black skeletal arm being overtime degradation these guys are gonna look full on demonic and i would love to see it but that's it for my video guys the top 10 characters i would love to see resurrected in hell in the potential new arc of bleach but of course let me know in the comments below if you agree with my picks if you'd like to see these characters come back at all if there are some characters you think i missed off the list and also i'd love to know what your opinion is on okior and baragon the issue i brought up at the very start of the video do you think there's a chance we could see them or not as always guys let me know all of that and more in the comments below hit subscribe if you haven't done already and until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 116,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach anime, bleach ranking, bleach top 10, bleach new chapter, bleach hell arc, bleach review, bleach chapter review, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach, bleach new arc, bleach tybw, bankai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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