GIN ICHIMARU - Bleach Character ANALYSIS | The God-Killing Snake in the Grass

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gene ichimaru is one of bleach's most enduringly beloved and iconic characters even long after his death at the end of the iran car arc in this video the second character analysis video we're doing on the channel i want to take a deep dive look at the traitorous captain of the third division who eventually tried to kill eisen and retrieve what he believed that matsumoto had stolen from her all that time ago gene is a very very popular character and he's been in the series for a very long time his first appearance was chapter 65 and he was in the series all the way until his death in chapter 417 but he even managed to sneak in some new appearances in the thousand-year blood war arc in the everything but the rain flashback which was nice to see before we get started on this video guys if you haven't seen the video we did on ki skate urohara on this channel please do check it out um and hopefully you'll enjoy that analysis of that character as well both these characters are similar in many ways actually they're incredibly popular both very mysterious both very powerful um and both very much synonymous with bleach as a franchise in the comments last time i asked you guys to post who you would like to see a video on next and gene was the winner i counted up all the votes that were on there and he came out on top there were a couple of people who were pretty close behind however this time though i want to do things a little differently i'm going to be posting three characters as pinned comments in the comments section below just put vote under which one you'd like to see next i'm kind of hoping it'll make the whole process a little bit easier for me um to work out who to do an analysis video on next um but yeah this time we are looking at gene one of bleach's most recognizable villains if you can even really call him a villain well that's the sort of thing we're going to dive into in this video before we begin however if you are new to the channel that goal of 10 000 subscribers is looking ever more doable so if you haven't hit subscribe already you are in the right place for bleach videos every week so make sure you hit that button now and help us reach that milestone i've also got a twitter account where you can follow me for updates on the latest videos and we have a discord which the invite link is in the description below um and you can join a really cool community of bleach fans who love the series and frankly can't wait for the anime to come back don't forget as well hit the like button help the exposure of the video and hit the notification bell just to make sure you don't miss any of these videos in the future so gene ichimaru simultaneously one of the creepiest characters and one of the most loved characters in bleach there's no denying that i remember an old interview kubo had where he was surprised by gene's popularity especially among women as he tried to make this guy appear really creepy and really off-putting and you can totally see that in his face um guin has this perpetual expression on his face where his eyes are closed and his mouth is just kind of turned upwards in this very devilish smile he kind of looks a bit like a fox you know supposed to be very cunning very sly the idea is you're never supposed to have any clue what this guy is really thinking and that is reflected throughout his entire personality and throughout his entire appearance as well it goes beyond just the facial expression even his dialect and the way he speaks both in the japanese sub and the english dub are designed to disguise his true feelings and intentions he speaks very sarcastically very light-heartedly and you're never supposed to know what this guy is really thinking he is a true snake in the grass not only that but it's reflected in his outfits as well even when he joins the iran cars and he gains an entirely new outfit his new outfit has massive sleeves designed to hide his hands again very like sun sun the other snake-like character this guy you're never supposed to know when he's coming you're not supposed to see what he's up to and he could be doing anything he's supposed to have a very sinister nature to him and i frankly think that gene is one of kubo's best designed characters from a visual standpoint there's no getting around that um the combination of his facial expression and just his overall mannerisms have made him one of bleach's most recognizable characters and there's obvious reasons for that i do think in the soul society arc kubo plays up his facial expressions a lot more they're drawn with a considerable sharpness to them because he's supposed to be playing the role of the central bad guy and that was honestly what really attracted me to him when i first started reading and watching bleach gene was my favorite character in the series for a very long time because i just totally loved this guy's attitude but i loved the shadowy nature of his character as well he always had this grid on his face you had no idea what was going on and i just i loved that i thought it was really really well done and kubo's sharp drawings of him in the soul society arc are some of the best gene ever looks in the series as you move into the iran car arc kubo softens the way he draws gean there's no denying that he has less angular features his mouth is no longer in such a almost joker-esque grin and i think this is probably done conscientiously obviously the art style between the sole society arc and the irancar arc grows less angular but i think gene's facial features are supposed to change to represent the fact that his motivations are slowly coming to light he is obviously no longer the main villain by this point eisen is and gene is very much working in the background for a very long time so i think now's a great time actually to get into his role overview as i think gehan plays a interesting if very understated role in the story keen is actually one of the first captains ever introduced in the series alongside byakuya and ken pachi in the agent of the shinigamik and he's very much played up for laughs in this scene he like wraps up kempachi and tries to pull him away from a possible confrontation and it's only really when we get to the soul society arc that he begins to take center stage and he really is at the forefront of the story in this arc and i really like that because as popular as gene is he never has such a big role to play ever again that's a big shame in my opinion because this guy was very underused and i know you can kind of say that for the majority of the bleach cast but gene really was underused he i i think purposefully to keep that air of mystique about his character but as someone who always really liked gene i feel like i always wanted to see more from him and that's especially going to become apparent when we get to his battles section when the soul society arc rolls around gene is the first captain ichigo and his friends meet and obviously he very quickly dispatches of chidambo and ichigo with his weapon shinso and you get the brilliant juxtaposition of his personality where he's incredibly sinister one of my favorite lines gay never has is where he says something like oh you know gatekeepers aren't supposed to open gates a gatekeeper who who opens a gate dies and then it's so light-hearted but so evil at the same time you know he's very very menacing but then as soon as they're out the door again he's like bye-bye and like that is one of his most iconic moments i think hands down ever probably one of the most iconic bleach moments ever is gene's little bye bye as the gate shuts on them again and it's just that really nice contrast between who he really is and who he kind of projects on the outside again very similar to ki skate urahara who we spoke about last time but geen i think it the the juxtaposition is sharper it definitely leans heavier into the evil side he's in my opinion gene has never really been portrayed as a good person apart from in his earliest days with rangiku when they were kids that's the only time he's ever really portrayed as a good person and maybe the very end as well we'll get to that obviously so with the seoul society arc in full bloom and ichigo and his friends arriving in the sailrite to try and rescue rukia you get the whole conspiracy plot around gene and eisen possibly having some falling out and then eisen ends up dead and cooper does really good stuff in this arc the story is obviously very well paced very well told clearly plotted and planned out which is something that the future arcs definitely suffer from a little bit but you know gene is highlighted as the main suspect of who killed eisen that's the big mystery of the soul society arc and you're very much supposed to think that gene is the one who did this and gene is obviously playing up to this idea because he he's in on the secret plan with eisen and you get a nice antagonistic relationship between him and hitsu gaia in this arc because obviously hitsugaya is caring for momo and he's he thinks that gene is tormenting her with all the eyes and stuff and it's interesting because obviously once eisen is revealed to be the central bad guy hitsugaya and ging don't ever interact again i don't think which is kind of weird um especially when you consider gene's closeness to rangiku and like i said the fact that gee and hitsugai have such an antagonistic relationship in this first arc that takes up a you know a decent chunk of start and culminates them in in fighting them fighting they never speak again i don't think after this arc which is kind of weird but it in my opinion that's one of the many things that showed genes paired back role after the soul society arguing that he no longer even warrants an antagonistic relationship with someone like hits a guy because that focus is now on eisen of course so yeah so gaines shining moments really do come for the most part in the society obviously he does get a big moment towards the end of the iran quran but it's the sole society arc where geen really stands out i think that's where he makes his impression and luckily it's a very powerful impression at that um he doesn't really ever fight anyone he does briefly fight hitsugai and when i say brief i mean brief you do get to see hiori mario for the first time and it leads to a really cool moment where hitsui guy freezes geen's arm gene opens his eyes for the first ever time and he tries to fire shin so hits a guy dodges but it's going towards hinamori and rangiku arrives to save her but that's the extent really of keane's fighting in this arc and it doesn't get much better than that either like gene doesn't really do anything in terms of battles late but we'll get into that we'll get into that in a bit so that's the main his major role in the sole society arc is to play the role of the main villain until eisen is revealed to be the villain and which point gene takes a back seat which lasts essentially until he dies unfortunately and that is a real shame um but like i said everything he does doing the soul side yuck i absolutely love i love his personality i think he was absolutely the right character to make the pseudo main bad guy because he does come across as very evil very shady you don't know what's up with this guy and i think it worked really really well when he attempts to escape the soul society you obviously get that moment with him and rangiku where he says sorry i remember the fan base just going nuts over that like we had no idea no idea why he was saying sorry was it as simple as i'm sorry i'm evil i'm sorry i've gone with eisen it turns out to be obviously completely different to that but that was one of the big mysteries of the series that we wondered if we would ever find out um and i think the the uh the english dub actually ruins that line uh in the english dub he says something like maybe next time which doesn't make any sense really with what we find out in the future but yeah so that's pretty much him in the soul society arc moving on to the iranka arc which as we've discussed before is a bloated arc it's very very long and gene of all the characters is really pushed into the background um you know considering his prominence in the soul society arc it's actually kind of jarring and like i said as a fan of gene i was like where is this guy he's not done anything for ages um he gets the occasional moment with eisen where he talks about eisen's plans eisen's feelings which is quite interesting um and it's something we'll get into in his relationships but gein plays a frankly tertiary role in the waikamundo arc especially um but all throughout the arankarak he is barely seen we find out that he's moving the corridors around um in the uh in last notches so that certain people find certain opponents and stuff like that but that's really the extent of what he does we then move to the fake karakura town arc and you might be thinking okay the main villains are actually going to fight the goatee now is gene's time to shine well no not really once again gene somehow gets away with doing absolutely nothing in this arc obviously he's trapped by joe kaku and joe at the start of the fight uh which that's fair that puts him out of the battle but then when he's free you don't see him do anything kubo off screens a fight between him and shinji which i think is very disappointing i remember i actually remember that chapter really well um because i remember people being very unhappy with that i remember eisen says something like um that's enough gene and we've we see for the first ever time that game was squaring off with shinji and it's like what why haven't you shown us this fight i remember that i remember people being really unhappy about that but gene again does literally nothing until hiyori attempts to rush eisen and then i remember being completely blown away by this moment gene just cuts her in half of shinzo and in the manga it is a full clean cut in half there's a really really cool panel where you get a close-up of her eye and you see her legs like way behind her and i remember i remember thinking like this is the goriest thing i've ever seen in bleach and like we've obviously seen people take serious damage before like ichigo gets a hole blown through him you know and stuff like that but actually showing like her legs in a different part position to her body i was like how are they going to do this in the anime and then it turned out that they just stabbed her through the gut but whatever it was really cool game was like you know one down and he actually just kind of came out of nowhere to cut her in half like that and then he's relegated again for ages he i love the fact that geen just comes out of nowhere to cut hiori down then you basically don't see him again for ages like okay does kubo have nothing for this character to do so that was a big shame but then gain does start to have some importance again one thing i did like about gene's involvement in this arc is that kubo clearly meant for him to be the secondary antagonist because he survives beyond the espada he survives way beyond tocin and eventually gets involved in the major battles with ichigo and ishid and eisen etc i think this section with him fighting ichigo at the start of the day of side arc is probably the most telling i think this is probably when kubo was really trying to lay on thick the hints about gene's true motives because like i said through this whole time you're really supposed to have no idea about what gene actually wants from any of this um the most we've ever really had regarding his flashbacks is that he spent some time with matsumoto as a little kid um in term at the pendulum arc he was recruited into the fifth division by eisen we know he's a prodigy as well um even as a child he was like murdering the third seat and stuff like that but he's not really done anything outside of being eisens lackey during term at the pendulum he was apparently interested in horrification experimentation with eisen and tozen despite the fact he was a kid but we know the reason why he was doing that we find that out right at the very end which i thought was really cool but for now gene is fighting ichigo and we finally get to see his bankai which is kamishini no yari which is something i want to talk about in a little bit more detail in a moment but he fights ichigo it's a decent fight um but again with gin you only ever get the most sort of tantalizing teases of an actual battle um it's the same as against hitsugaya he barely fights back until the end when you get to see the briefest of flashes of shinzo in action um and now against ichigo yeah he is doing a little bit more but considering he's a prodigy i think people expected him to get an actual fight and he's you know the main his second main villain he's eisen's right hand guy but kubo had different plans for gene and he does fight ichigo for a decent amount of time they have some cool choreography in their battle but the reality of this fight is gene is testing ichigo's metal to eventually go up against eisen and i think that's really really cool gene is planning a way ahead we know that ichigo can cross swords with somebody and like sense how they're feeling inside um and he says that he he can't feel what gene is feeling because gene is not looking at him and that was i think probably the big giveaway that gene was planning on betraying eisen at some point again is looking at eisen that's his end game that's his final goal and i thought that was really nicely done by kubo uh and the whole game training ichigo stuff is really cool like you get a really good look at ichigo's mindset in this battle and you know what he's the only one who can sense eisen's true power and obviously ichigo thinks that's a bad thing ghee knows that that means that ichigo can fight eisen um but when it goes like we can't win and gains just like run but um that is a cool moment though because gene is like you can't kill him i can and if you're not gonna do this then i will try and do it and gain knows fully well that he's going into this risking his life and he would obviously like ichigo probably i'd assume to be able to fight him as well or or i would assume that what gene wants is that if geen dies he thinks he thinks there's a good chance he will die ichigo will be there to pick up the slack and if ichigo is not going to do that then gain's like well just get out of here then because i'll do it myself um and then intro obviously says something along the lines of like you know if eisen has become like that without your knowledge then how do you know what's going to happen to you in the future because eisen is clearly not sharing everything with you like you thought he was um but then the fight essentially ends because eisen escapes from his cocoon stage and they go to the real karakura town and then we get to the finale of geen's storyline and matsumoto arrives in karakura town to stop him and you're supposed to think that he has killed her off off screen he takes her away from eisen but in reality he's just used hakufuku on her to knock her out while he attempts to finish things with eisen once and for all so he attempts to assassinate eisen using his bankai kamishini no yari um and eisen is of course in a transcended state at this point he's not quite his most powerful form but he is strong enough to the point where he is melting human beings just by walking past them so dean's chances for victory here were always going to be slim but he does manage to create a massive hole in eisen's chest take the hogyoku for himself i don't know what that was all about if he wanted to somehow destroy the hoyoku maybe um but he does say that with this it's now all over so i assume you know what i would like a what if scenario where he returns to fake karakura town like eisen is actually dead he returns to fake karakura town he's like i've got the hogyoku it's all over eisen's dead i was actually not on his side all along but obviously that doesn't happen the hogyoku forces an evolution on eyes and eyes and comes back to life and he brutally murders gene and that's basically it like rangiku arrives and she's incredibly upset and it is incredibly emotional it's very well done it's reminiscent in a way of okiora's death in terms of how emotionally resonant it actually is um i included gene's death on my top five best death scenes in the series because it really is that good it's powerful it's cool seeing rangiku just like losing it over his body and gene finally we discover why he apologized to her because basically in the past when they were little kids and they lived together in like a little shack gene spotted eisen and his cronies attempting to build a hogyoku and they were obviously carving people's souls away to make it and gene discovers that they've destroyed his house and they've obviously beaten up matsumoto a bit and they've taken a part of her soul to feed into eisens hogyoku so gene for the entire series has been trying to find the perfect moment to kill eisen and unlike everyone else he knows the weakness of kyoko so he gets to that if you hold the blade before activation you will not be put under its spell now gene explicitly says that eisen told him this weakness and you're gonna you get a flashback and it's kind of weird because geen says how many decades did it take to get you to finally tell me that secret and when you see when he says that you see gene as a little kid and eisen is a captain so it's obviously some moment just after term about the pendulum but it does make you wonder like why did gene wait so long you know if gay why didn't gene just kill eisen back when eisen was just a captain like obviously eisen was incredibly powerful you know ridiculously so and on a level that gene understands better than anyone else but we've seen here that geen's bankai kami shining know yari is a one-hit kill like if eisen didn't have the hokyoku embedded in his body that poison would have destroyed his heart and he would be dead so gene's timing does seem to leave a little bit to be desired i appreciate that he didn't have an awful lot of opportunities but i think like you know in wacomundo he could have just done it the whole him turning against the soul society to kill eisen plotline i always really enjoyed it but i just think it it's a little bit wishy-washy if that makes sense like why even turn against the soul society you know if if gaines only ambition is to kill eisen in revenge for matsumoto then why not just do it with the soul society you know why not just why not just tell them what eisen's up to and then they you know they'll they'll execute him themselves and i think a lot of that comes down to gene's personality and i think his personality is a flaw at the end of the day despite gene's intentions to kill eisen he is still a villain in this series you know he doesn't have to cut hillary in half but he does it anyway and i know some people have always said that what gene was doing that to protect her from eisen well i don't know if isaac would necessarily just cut her in half like that maybe he would have done i don't know maybe you would have done um but you know there are other things that gene does as well that make him to be a bad guy like when he openly goes to brewkia and gives her a false hope and then mocks her completely for that you know these things don't add up to a nice person no matter how noble his overall intentions were and i think that boils down to why he didn't kill eisenhower at a better more opportune moment where geen was concerned he he seemed to take great pleasure from the fact that he was the only one who knew how to kill eisen um he says something like you know i was a lot of fun watching the soul society try and kill you but reality i'm the only one who can do it and so he seems he was breeding ichigo to be like his contingency plan but he didn't want to let anyone else have the glory of taking out the guy that he had set his eyes on from the very beginning so keane's undoing i think does come down to his own personality at the end of the day he was blinded by trying to do this thing for matsumoto but he was clearly you know not the most stable of guys he was obviously very self-absorbed but also you know very selfish um everything he did that wasn't for matsumoto paints a picture of someone who is immoral you know he's not a very nice person regardless of his overall intentions so i've always been puzzled when people say that you know gains actually a good guy because i don't think he is at best he's an anti-hero um but really i've always seen him as a villain with one noble intention that's basically it i think um but the moment he dies is obviously very very well done um his last look at ichigo through dying eyes drawn amazingly in the manga and adapted fantastically in the anime and he's obviously so powerless at this point that he can't speak and he you know he thinks like you know those eyes those eyes are finally ready you're finally able to take my place i can die and leave this all to you and that's just so good it's so such good uh payoff for their little fight not you know a volume ago but it's really really well done that ichigo has finally arrived at a place where gene is like yeah that's where i wanted you to be earlier um but now i can leave this in your hands and that's that's fantastically well done and that's pretty much genichimaru's plot role you know he doesn't do anything for a huge portion of the series he makes a huge impact early on and he makes a huge impact right at the end and he doesn't do much else apart from that i just want to briefly discuss gene's death as i know a lot of people have taken a lot of issue with this one of the big criticisms of bleach from the fan base over the years has been there's there's been a trope where good characters tend to be able to survive multiple fatal injuries but the villains die from considerably less damage and a lot of people have said that applies to gene and honestly i couldn't disagree more you have to remember that by the time gene died eisen was in his what third stage of transcendence evolution like at this point the guy was a demi-god um he had gone way beyond just melting normal humans with his rayatsu to the point where no one could feel his power anymore so it's honestly fairly impressive that gene survives as long as he does after what eisen does to him and it's not a simple sword slash either eisen properly cleaves gene down the front um and then he like pulls out his arm and then he stabs him through the gut and throws him through a wall and it's like all of this is being done to gain by someone who is no longer just a shinigami he is basically a god uh so the fact that gene is even alive in time for ichigo to arrive i always thought was pretty impressive um but yeah gene gets wrecked by someone who is like two times three times maybe even more at this point stronger than an average captain so i never thought it was too unfair looking at gaines battles then and honestly i don't think this section is going to take that long he really doesn't get many fights at all and like i said i think it's because kubo wanted to preserve some mystique around this character but it is weirdly handled he's so popular and yet he doesn't really get any time to properly shine he has a very very very brief skirmish with ichigo at the start of the seoul society arc then he has a fight with hitsugai which is again incredibly short and for the most part it seems like gene's not even really trying hitsugai uses hyordin maru for the first ever time freezes geen's arm and you get the very cool moment where geen opens his eyes and shoots shinso but that's basically the end of the fight so geen does nothing really in terms of battles in the soul society up when there are huge fights going on all around them he doesn't really get one at all fast forward way forward into the iran karak into the fake karakura town arc and again like i said kubo skips over the fight with shinji entirely that never happened so the only battle you get is gene versus ichigo round two and yeah it's decent like i said you get sea gains bangkai kamishini no yari for the first time and i just want to say that when i was reading this weekly dean's initial bankai reveal was one of the most disappointing moments of bleach i have ever read in my entire life like like i said before ghee was one of my favorite characters and when he said bangkai at the end of chapter 399 i think i can't remember exactly i was like oh my god finally we're going to see what shin so's bank is and i had some crazy ideas going through my head they'd be like some big snake like things similar to maybe hihio zabimaru but obviously stronger and then next week came around and this was again during kubo's most self-indulgent period where he was just drawing chapters that had basically nothing happened in them the entire chapter pretty much was dedicated to gene activating his bankai and then doing one attack with it so he basically he he activated his bankai it was just a really really really long sword song it swung it ichigo and idiot blocks it and hit skeen and i was like that's it you know his bankai is just a really really long sword and it's already been blocked however cooper did a really cool thing with geen's bankai where he actually added layers and to it throughout the rest of the entire arc and he used gene as an unreliable narrator to actually make us question what kamishini know yari was really all about and i thought that was really cool when he did things like oh you know it can extend and contract 500 times faster than that it can go he gave uh ichigo like some arbitrary number about how long the bank i was then revealed to eisen that basically none of that was true its real main ability is to turn to dust for a single fraction of a second once it has stabbed someone and then leave a piece of itself inside that person and secrete a fatal poison so in the end kamishini no yari was actually really cool and it had abilities like butter and butter engine which i liked a lot as well not the flashiest of swords ever but pretty cool nonetheless and very fitting for gene especially kubo goes very hard with the snake imagery uh with the final ability kill kamashini no yari which he uses on eisen um and clearly very potent because eisens again like i said evolved by that point and it still breaks his body apart like it's nothing so yeah in the end i really liked guinza even if his battles did leave a little bit to be desired his fight with ichigo's not bad um and his his personality does shine through in that battle at the one moment where he's behind it to go and he's like i've got you and he's like oh forget it i'm just going to sit down for a while i really really liked that i thought that was really really cool um but considering gene was a prodigy and actually said to be a prodigy i definitely want to see a bit more from him um but you know he gets some nice moments like when he clashes with ichigo a lot and he's like oh your sword's really strong it feels like mine's gonna break and it goes like oh just go ahead and let it break then that's a nice little moment and it's cool that gene gets to fight the main character you know it's it's never gonna be as flashy as all kia ora or grim joe but it's a good fight nonetheless and gene definitely gets shafted in the battles department but i like what we see and finally if we just take a look at gene's most prominent relationships in the series he doesn't have many and that is again very much in character gene is very much a insular person as he says he is a cold-blooded snake um he has nothing in the way of emotions or feelings he just sees something he likes and he devours it whole really really cool and it's such a cool way of summing up gene in a single single sentence essentially but his obvious most prominent relationship is that of his childhood relationship with rangiku matsumoto now is there anything romantic between them if i'm being completely honest i think they're just incredibly close childhood friends family even from the fact that they've grown up with basically nobody else um back when they lived in their little hut gene was like when's your birthday matsumoto's like i don't i don't what is a birthday and gin says oh you know we'll say that the day we met is your birthday all this sort of thing is very very well done and the fact that geen's story comes full circle for matsumoto is really nice the nature of the man he becomes means that he has to be cold and distant with her which is you know really sad when you think about it when they finally talk again after eisens betrayal keane is so short with her if anything you get the impression that he is mad that she is meddling with his plan that he has never told her about obviously he hasn't told her that he plans on one day trying to kill eisen for her but when she shows up to stop him because she can't understand why he would do this he's like you're in the way like get out of the way i don't want you here it's dangerous you here but she has no idea that he feels that way really as far as she's concerned he's just turned evil for apparently no reason so it's a really nice contrast i feel like kubo does a decent job of showcasing gains in a turmoil when it comes to matsumoto you know he openly lies to eyes and he says oh i've killed her and eisen's like oh really i thought you had more feelings for that one and gain's like well you know i don't have feelings for anyone really and that's obviously a bare-faced lie because she's actually still alive but yeah really cool it's one of bleach's most famous relationships i would say the guinea matsumoto storyline because it plays out from beginning to end over the course of a lot of chapters though don't get me wrong um it's easy to forget about it but it's very powerful when it comes to a head at the end of the iran karakan geen is obviously sad that he couldn't get back wise and stole from matsumoto so no matter what you think about gene's motivations or how he went about executing them that relationship is really powerfully done in my opinion and it's cool as well to see another side of matsumoto this relationship gives her additional depth as well because for the majority of the series she's kind of just seen as like this fun loving kind of like goofy lazy doesn't really like working character who has nothing to worry about but there's always been this more somber side to her which is intrinsically linked with gene and i always really like that like i said geen doesn't really have that many relationships his vice captain izuru they think they kind of share almost like a shared respect for one another israel is obviously very uh loyal to his captain to the point where he will allow he almost allow himself to be manipulated into their plan which again kind of tells you that maybe geen doesn't care about him that much the fact that izuru ends up fighting matsumoto and feeling terrible about it um but when izuru starts fighting uh in the fake karakura town archaean is obviously like oh i'm glad he's doing well it's it's as with everything gene says it's really hard to tell if he's being sarcastic or if he's telling the absolute truth that he is pleased about israel doing well i'd see no reason why he wouldn't be just because he and israel must have had some kind of partnership but really gene's only other major relationship that i think we can get into is that with eisen as essentially the two main villains for the first two thirds of the story gene and eisen's relationship plays out very interestingly because they're both very similar people but also very different people and i think it's also very obvious from the start that tozen is just simply not on the same level of understanding as the other two of them it's very much the eisen and gene trio and then tozen is kind of like left behind a bit uh and that's because eisen and gene understand each other on a level that no one else really does they're both very tricky people who have pushed a lot of people away purposefully for their own reasons eisen is obviously because he's on this idealistic crusade to become king of the entire world and gain because he's very single-mindedly trying to take out eisen so they have a very interesting dichotomy between the two of them gene seems to be able to understand eisen on a level that no one else can even people like momo who profess to know eisen well don't know his true self but gene does gains privy to that information um in a way that i don't honestly think anyone else is and i think eisen saw gene as a genuine protege not necessarily a successor but somebody who he could at least rely on now eisen doesn't trust people he says that trust is for weaklings and they have no use for it but he certainly sees gene as somebody to be proud of someone he's you know responsible for in a way gene's always been eisens number two even back when he was his vice captain eyes and recruited him into the fifth division and bumped him up to third seat after he had him killed the other one and they've always been this evil dynamic duo essentially who uh you would always assume we're out for the same thing but obviously turns out they're not i think they have a really interesting relationship that's just unfortunately not explored enough but you know you do get some great moments like where gain says oh you seem to be enjoying what's going on those those guys are beating up the espada they're getting closer to us every day this is during the wake mundo arc and uh i feel like you're enjoying this and eisen's like enjoying it is that is that how i appear to you well you're not wrong you know i feel something like that and these are two guys who can't talk about emotions and like normal people because they don't experience them like normal people eisen sees himself as a being above everyone else and therefore shouldn't be feeling like regular emotions and gene obviously keeps everything about himself very close to the chest but i think it's that it's that mutual secrecy or that mutual misunderstanding that helps them to understand each other far better than anyone else possibly could in a way they're almost like brothers or father and son i find it very interesting i always have i love their relationship and they are obviously two of my favorite characters in the series um and i feel like it was always going to come to a head in some way that they're that you you you get every now and then moments between them where they they they exchange a couple of words and it seems to get more heated as the ark goes on like towards the end of the iran crowd guys and it's like oh you've you know have you been enjoying yourself spectating over their gain and gains like i wasn't i wasn't spectating i just didn't see a chance to uh to dive in and that sort of thing i always found to be really interesting when they get to the karakura town i feel like gene starts to realize he might be out of his depth a bit like when eisen destroys kotatsu the big train thing in the dango gene's like okay that's i made gene basically becomes out of his league because eisen insulates himself even further at that point if they did share any kind of modicum of mutual respect for one another it's definitely down the drain by the time eisen fuses with the hogyoku because at that point he obviously feels he needs no one else um and gene gets worried about that you know he obviously is like i'm maybe i'm out of my depth here now i don't know entirely but yeah either way i always found their relationship incredibly incredibly captivating i thought obviously two they're two of kubo's best characters in my opinion um and it is this relationship of constant mistrust but at the same time some kind of mutual understanding of each other on a deeper level than certainly like tosin could ever understand tosin is like an underling like shinji calls him an underling um but gene and eisen very much have always been they're doing their own thing essentially i always found to be really interesting all right guys that is it pretty much for this video on gene ichimaro i hope you've enjoyed this analysis video let me know in the comments below what you think about gene as a character as well do you enjoy him and uh what do you think about his death scene in particular and his relationship with eisen those are the two areas um i'm really interested in finding out what you guys think don't forget to vote as well guys on one of the three characters i'm gonna leave in the comments below and we can get started on the next character analysis video and i hope you'll be there for that as well alright guys but until next time i should catch you later see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 131,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, bleach character analysis, bleach character discussion, bleach anime return, bleach anime trailer, bleach 2020, bleach 20th anniversary, gin ichimaru, bleach gin, gin ichimaru death, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bankai, bleach bankai, bleach full fights, bleach all bankai, bleach gin bankai, gin vs aizen, espada, sternritter
Id: -Hh7XifeZv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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