Top 10 Magic Items For Bards in D&D 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks Ted From Nerd immersion here and while I could normally lie to you and tell you hey it's Tuesday so it's time for another top 10 video this clock betrays me and tells you what the actual date and time is so if you ever wonder if I'm very tired in a video take a look at the clock and maybe that'll help answer the question for you so anyway uh it is time for another top 10 video even though it happens to be on a Wednesday morning this time we're going to be talking about the top 10 magic items for The Bard we covered Barbarian last week and we are continuing through alphabetically through the rest of the classes so if you want to see what the rules and specifics are behind this video stay tuned all right so the specifics here what we're going to do it's pretty much the things that I'm going to reiterate myself a bunch on all of these videos so you can feel free to skip the rules part because there's not going to really be anything specific but we're not talking about anything consumable no spell Scrolls no potions no legendary magic items of any kind we're also not talking about anything consumable like certain rods or Chimes of opening or things that have so many charges and once done they're gone forever we're not talking about those we are also not going to cover any of the homes and manuals that boost your stats because that realistically could be like two or three of the top 10 for every single one of these classes because those books are so useful the other thing I tried to do and change it up from the previous video that I did is try to build these magic items lists uh sort of separate from what you like subclasses or character specific choices I think I had put in the last one like bracers of archery right or something like that to boost your ranged weapon damage but what if you're a melee Bard or just a spell casting bar so I try to steer clear a very specific build Lanes to have these kind of be broad spectrum and apply to any bars and as a reminder always continue to pair this with my initial top 10 video which was the top 10 magic items for all classes because that's those are obviously useful for every class these are just again more specific to The Bard also so this is technically for the 2014 Players handbook although most of the list that you see here would work fine if you want to play test the new expert classes UA version of The Bard number 10. lammered studded Leather So as a Bard you're only proficient with light armor typically again subclasses can possibly change that but we want to get you something that's going to be a little bit better at your survivability even if you somehow manage to get a 20 Charisma you're still going to be pretty much capped at a 17 Armor class unless you get plus one armor and those increase in Rarity so for example plus one studded leather armor is a rare piece of armor so why not get that same benefit and then a little something extra which is why we have this here it also kind of fits in the concept of the utility bar possibly also someone who may be performing and want to have outfit changes right you can also use a bonus action to speak the command words uh the Armor's command word and cause the armor to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor you decide what it looks like including color style and accessories but the armor maintains its normal bulk and weight so it's an illusory look to it it still is as bulky as studded leather armor is and again this is plus one studded leather armor but this again allows you to make it look like some other kind of armor perhaps you're trying to deceive someone into thinking you are maybe all Brawn and not a lot of finesse if you're maybe wearing like make it look like you're wearing plate mail or make it just look like I said like street clothes you could do this to change do quick changes without performances between sets or what have you I think it's really solid armor and I actually would love to get this for my blade singer wizard in my great modron March campaign number nine in a similar vein the Hat of Disguise I should have mentioned previously that glamorous studded leather armor comes from the base rules as does the Hat of Disguise while the Hat of Disguise is uncommon it is also Attunement and allows you to use an action to cast the sky self on yourself at will and it is removed if you happen to remove the Hat again I'm not going to go over too much about what the sky self does but it is a non-concentration one hour long illusion that basically lets you look like someone else or again it could be as simple as just changing what your clothes look like you can look like a character of A different race you can even kind of slightly increase your height shorter or taller depending on it's only one foot but again it is all illusory so if someone were to like come up and touch your you know whatever your disguise is they would go through it uh but that being said again similar concept it could be something like a outfit change for a performance it could be you know you obviously you could be the face of the party and need to sneak in somewhere so you need to look like somebody else or you're trying to frame somebody else by looking like them there's a lot of different ways you can use a hat of Disguise but I do think they are very beneficial for high Charisma characters to be able to pull off expert deception number eight the wand of fireballs slash wand of lightning bolts they're both kind of interchangeable here it's just which spell you prefer personal preference I like Fireball but either way if you're dealing with a lot of things that are resistant to fire maybe you go lightning bolts it's a basic rules rare Magic Attunement item uh requires Attunement by a spellcaster which you are as a Bard then it has seven charges they both do the only downside is it does set the DC permanently at 15 potentially your spell save DC may be higher depending on when you acquire this and for an expenditure of a charge as an action you can cast the spell associated with the given wand you can also uptest your charges and use two charges to cast it at fourth level three to cast to The Fifth and so on all the way up till you can't cast any higher or you run out of charges the only thing is I'll say if you cast a second level or a fourth level Fireball by using two charges you've used two charges to do 96 damage where if you just cast two Fireballs back to back you've done 16 D6 so just keep that in mind when you're weighing your options of what to do it also has again as we said seven charges it gets a D6 plus one back daily act on and if you spend the last one you have to roll that D20 and uh hopefully you don't get a one so it is completely destroyed in the process uh potentially the new rogue will have the opportunity that we know from the Arthur con to ignore charge cost but it doesn't really have anything to do with the bar but I just thought it was interesting to bring it up number seven gloves of thievery now as The Bard you will have jack of all trades and things if you don't have a rogue you could possibly Sub in for the person doing any kind of lock pickings or things of that nature and these uncommon from uh Magic item that are not Attunement and come from the DMG are probably one of the best ones out there first of all when you put them on they turn invisible so nobody knows you're wearing gloves and it gives you a flat plus five bonus to sleight of hand checks and dexterity checks made to pick locks it's very rare to get something in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition that just gives you a number bonus like this so that's kind of refreshing it's also non-attunement and uncommon again if your DM has issues with granting Things based on Rarity so yeah they're just a solid all-around magic item if you can get your if you might have thieves tools proficiency as well you might be able to use that to disarm traps and whatnot um again I feel like this is or again if you don't have very good sleight of hand and you're just counting on Jack of all trades just tack on five more to it and you know you'll be in a pretty good spot number six staff of charming this again Charming's in the name I feel like that's a roll bars often fulfill but uh you can use an action oh sorry I should say this is a rare tuna magic item from the basic rules uh while holding it you can use an action to expend one of its 10 charges to cast The Following spells charm person command or comprehend languages those are all cast using your spellsave DC which is a little bit nicer it also can be wielded as a magic Quarter Staff if need be It also says if you're holding the staff and fail a saving throw against an enchantment spell that targets only you you can uh turn your failed save into a successful one so just there you go you can't use this property of the staff again until the next Dawn which makes sense it's a big powerful game-changing ability it's a once per game uh once per uh until the next Dawn rather if you succeed on a save against an enchantment spell that targets only you with or without the staff's intervention you can use your reaction to expend one charge from the staff and turn the spell back at the cast they're almost like amongst deflect missiles uh it gets a d8 plus two expended Charlie uh charges back at dawn uh and again same kind of if you roll a 20 if you use the last thing you roll a 20 if you roll a one it's destroyed but again I think this is a again it's only rare So if your DM is a big stickler on the Rarity type this is three uh spells that you'll be able to cast using these and then again you have some other utility to it as well number five staff of healing this rare tumor magic item comes to us from the basic rules and one of the few classes that is allowed to attune to it happens to be a Bard so depending on where you are and what kind of role you fill as a Bard in the party you could be a utility sort of Battlefield controller you could be somebody who's dealing damage and using you know utility stuff with your magical Secrets or you could be a Healer well you don't actually have to worry about which one you are if you have access to the staff of healing you can use this even if you are focused on something like damage or control and then just have a little bit of healing on top of that or if you're going to focus and Double Down On Healing this gives you the access to do a whole bunch without having to expend your spell slots so it has 10 charges you can expend a charge as an action to cast either cure wounds for one charge per spell level up to a maximum of fourth level lesser restoration for two or a mass cure wounds for five it also uses your spell casting DC and your spell casting ability modifier if those come into play so that works out it's a D6 plus four charges back at dawn and it has a standard fiorola one it disappears kind of a thing but again this is pretty useful you can at least get and pretty much a minimum one Mass cure wounds off without risking or damaging or losing the staff peeling if you're really in trouble you could go for the two but then you have to do that whole don't roll a one uh so I don't know it's good it's just an extra thing to have in your back pocket to give you a bunch of free healing uh it might prevent you from having to take uh certain other spells as magical Secrets or things of that nature and then again why use your limited number of spells for cure wounds when you can basically rely on the staff of healing to have that and then use that spell known for something else number four the liar of building comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything and is in a rare uh two minute magic item it lets you cast The Mending spell as an action which is a cantrip typically mending has a cast time of one minute this lets you get around that by casting it as an action which lets you possibly do more unique things with it you can also play it as a reaction when an object or structure you can see within 300 feet takes damage causing it to become immune to that damage and any further damage of the same type until the start of your next turn that one's a little situational but if you are playing in sort of a castle Siege situation that could be huge or maybe on a ship whether that be a nautical ship or a spell Jammer ship in addition you can play the Liars in action to cast fabricate move Earth pass wall or summon construct and that spell can't be cast from it again until the next dawn again some really good spells there I can't speak enough about the utility of pass wall being able to make a door in a object that wasn't there before fabricate has a lot of really awesome utility based on on your imagination what you can come up with kind of the same thing with move Earth those spells together you could do a lot of not necessarily working in conjunction but what you could do with these is kind of limited by how much time you have and how much the DM is willing to let you get away with but your creativity can go really far and summon construct is nothing to shake a stick at either I mean it is one of the newer sort of uh summon spells that brings a creature into existence that can help fight for you that happens to be concentration but either way I also really like the concept of a liar playing a liar and then using it to build things I don't know why I just really like it number three Elven chain this rare nanotuma Magic item comes to us from the basic rules and while normally as a barge you wouldn't be able to wear medium armor unless you happen to take a very specific subclass that allows you to do so this has a special ability that is plus one change shirt which is pretty sizable AC bonus for you which is nice especially if you don't have really high dexterity you can kind of have a middle dexterity and get away with the Elven chain but the nice benefit is you are considered proficient with the armor even if you're not proficient in it it just has that benefit so you could have something like a 14 uh let's say dexterity and while you would normally have to have a pretty low AC if you were just relying on something like studded leather armor the Elven chain is going to jump that AC up quite a bit it's a non-atuma magic item it actually looks pretty cool uh so yeah I I think it's it's definitely a really good one especially even for like spell casters of any kind really other than those of like a cleric a paladin who can wear heavy armor typically with it this works out pretty well for again bards and Sorcerers and things of that nature but being able to get access to this without having to sink a feat to get access to medium armor uh without having to multi-class to get access to medium armor and again having a sizeable AC bump is pretty awesome number two the Rhythm Maker's drum is an Attunement magic item with a varying Rarity we see these a lot in Tasha's cauldron of everything where this is from and it is one of those that allows you to get a bonus to your spell attack rolls as well as the saving throws spell save DC's rather for your barred spells so uncommon gives us a plus one rare gives us a plus two very rare gives us a plus three so these are very powerful one of the one of the hardest things to do or to witness as a player casting a spell is when you cast a spell and the enemy saves against it there's not a lot of ways for you to bump up your spellsave DC there are a couple of subclasses that can do that but this is a really solid way for you to be able to do that with this magic item even The Uncommon level of the simple of plus one uh to your attack rolls and your spell save DCS could be huge this could also possibly if you have this justify you potentially uh not maxing out your charisma keeping it at 18 because this kind of makes up for it and that's not all it does as an action you can play the drum to begin uh to regain one use of your bardic inspiration feature uh it can't be used again until the next Dawn so you can basically just as an action pop back a bar to inspiration normally you don't get those back until you take either a long rest or a short rest depending on what level you are getting only one back though does seem a little on the weak side I would like to have seen it increased in some way I don't know proficiency bonus is probably too much maybe two maybe a D4 I don't know um but either way it's still a very powerful magic item and you'd be a you'd be you know I'd be stoked to have it as playing a Bard for sure number one and I'm sure surprising no one instruments of The Bard comes in at number one these are a variety of a two-minute magic items coming to us from the basic rules and we can see we're going to skip over everything except for the harp but they basically provide you with a ton of awesome benefits as Bard so first of all only bards can use them so you've got that going for you uh you can use an action to play the instrument and cast one of the spells from it there's a variety that are available to all of them and then some specifics to the different instruments uh once it casts that spell it can't do it again until it uses until the next Dawn and it uses your spell casting ability and your spell save DC which is nice additionally uh you can play the instrument while casting a spell that causes any of its targets to be Charmed on a failed saving throw uh imposing disadvantage on the save it also can be used um this effect only applies if the spell has a somatic or material components so all of the instruments can cast fly invisibility levitate and protection from evil and good really they fly in invisibility are fantastic again if you're playing the 2014 Players handbook version of The Bard you're limiting your numbers of spells known and you can't change those out on a long rest so having access to more utility spells that you can be like you know what levitate's not something I'm gonna need all the time so I don't want to waste the spell slot on it but I've got it in my back pocket from my instrument the instrument harp gives you control weather a fifth level cure wounds and Wall of thorns that's a pretty solid one for the the battlefield control of wall of thorns and cure wounds the canith mandolin is one that I seem to regularly find in a variety of games that I either run or play in uh cure wounds at level three dispel magic and protection from energy lightning only a very odd specific thing but dispel magic having a free one as well as a third level cure wounds is great the kly liar gets you stone-shaped wall of fire and wind wall again it's only someone's there Das loot a lot of people really like the name uh animal friendship protection from energy fire only and protection from Poison not the best one but it is one of the few uncommon ones out there it's potentially easier to gain access to Mac Furman I don't know how you pronounce oh wait I'm sorry I skipped over the uh foxland band or entangle fairy fire sheleighly speak with animals that is the one I probably prefer the best but honestly sheleighly as an action only once from the loot is not great because it that's the only one that gives out a can trip uh and then the sit turn here the Mac fur mid uh sit turn uh bark skin care wounds fog Cloud that one also I would say is pretty useful uh it really just depends on what you're looking for I mean potentially if you're lucky enough and been playing the game long enough you could acquire multiple versions of these instruments and just bring out the one you need for the situation at hand like I said the band or is one they seem to come across quite a bit uh as well and then again the man the king of mandolin I also really enjoy then again we won't talk about it but there is a legendary version as well so anyway folks there you go that is my top 10 magic items for The Bard we'll be back next week with our top 10 magic items for clerics very excited about that as I am a regularly cleric player so let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below did I miss out on anything do you think there's something else I should have covered or added in here for The Bard thank you to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me and the channel and I will see you all next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 17,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, best magic items 5e, D&D magic items for bards, D&D best magic items for bards, bards, bard magic items, dnd magic items for bards, dnd bard guide, dnd bard build, 5e bard magic items
Id: 9EQ4Ue_V_i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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