Top 10 Magic Items For Wizards in D&D 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks Ted From Nerd immersion here and it is time for a Ted's top 10 video we're going to be talking about the top 10 wizard magic items of this go around so we're coming up to the end of the year we're gonna get top 10 wizard magic items out of the way and then next week we'll do Blood Hunter and that'll finish us out for 2022. if you want to see what the specifics are for this stay tuned so again this is probably not going to come as a surprise to anybody who's been watching this series thus far but here are the specific breakdowns of what we're including in this we are only including up two very rare Rarity magic items so no legendaries in this video yes there are a bunch of really awesome legendary magic items like the robes the arse Magi which would be on this list if legendary items were allowed but they're kind of in a power level all of their own so they're not going to be included in here we are not going to include any consumable magic items obviously Wizards make use of a lot of Scrolls but we're also not going to include anything that has a finite number of charges I think the rod of absorption is one that like it absorbs so much and then it's gone same thing with like the chime of opening we're not going to include any of the tomes or manuals that increase in ability score by two because those are all great uh I didn't say this in the past couple months but we're only covering you know first Party official Wizards of the Coast stuff here we're not doing anything third party um that could that there's an unlimited amount of third-party stuff to go through so um also this should be paired with the first video in this series which was top 10 magic items for all classes uh a lot of the stuff that I recognized appeared on a lot of my original lists when I had done this years ago was included in that one instead so that way you can focus on those and then these are the specific to wizard uh also this will be uh subclass agnostic right obviously the way a blade singer plays potentially could be drastically different than an Illusionist however this is going to be things that are useful for any Wizard and then obviously you can kind of tailor certain things to fit your play style a little bit more hope that all makes sense let's Dive In number 10. I really struggle about putting the headband of intellect on here because you're a wizard right in theory the thing you should be focusing on the most is when you're building out your ability scores in theory right is your intelligence that's going to drive the majority of your class features here's the thing though the headband of intellect is an uncommon Attunement magic item from the basic rules and I feel like DMS are more willing to give out uncommon items and they possibly even let you shop for them with relative ease and this puts your intelligence at a 19. now the highest you can normally achieve in an intelligence score in the game is 20. so again the reason they put it at 19 is to make it slightly better than like you know whatever the previous even number was which was you know obviously 18. uh and I always struggle on whether or not I should include something like this on a list like this but Wizards are lucky enough to have access to something like the Helm of intellect all of the wisdom and Charisma casters don't have something similar which I do feel like is a very simple Homebrew in older editions there was always an item of some kind that boosted an ability score right we have the belts of giant strength here but we had like gloves of dexterity cloak of Charisma things like that that would boost an ability score they seem to have pretty much gone away from the concept of boosting ability scores with the exception of the belt of Dwarven kind and instead are just giving you things that set your score at a certain number so in theory you could be a very successful powerful wizard and dump your intelligence stat by having access to a headband of intellect or it could be a means to an end perhaps you get in a headband of intellect early on and while maybe you rolled poorly or you went with Point by and decided to prioritize maybe dexterity and Constitution and are sitting at maybe a 16 or a 14 intelligence the headband of intellect can bridge that Gap while you possibly use your ability scores to get up eventually to 18 and then you don't need the headband anymore the only downside is the majority of the power of your spell casting would come from an item and you'd essentially have an Attunement magic item the one slot taking up the whole time number nine bracers of Defense these are pretty simple they're in a two-minute rare Magic item from the basic rules and if you're not wearing armor they boost your AC by two now this does work with something like Mage Armor which is the reason why they're on this list and weren't on something like the warlock or the sorcerer as a wizard you have a lot of spells prepared and your Spellbook can be significantly larger to the point where you can you know add spells to your Spellbook via Scrolls so you have the repertoire of spells to make sense to have Mage Armor be one of the spells that you take now obviously things like the Elven chain could fit in here as well but if you have a decent enough dexterity possibly because you're using a headband of intellect you could uh cast Mage Armor from your spell book possibly just stack up on a whole bunch of Scrolls of Mage Armor obviously that would work for the other groups but you could have it as one of your prepared spells every day cast Mage Armor make your AC 13 plus your decks pop on the braces of the fence and add two more again I'd say this is kind of interchangeable with the uh Elven chain depending on you know what your ability scores look like number eight the museum apparatus this uncommon achievement magic item comes to us from our friends over in the guild Masters Guide to Ravnica and this is a pretty interesting device slash magic item first of all it looks really cool and it's nice enough to have one that actually has the art of it but it actually provides some pretty interesting benefits regardless so uh it can be used as an Arcane Focus which is cool uh and you can use it to cast a spell that you don't know or have prepared so the spell you choose must be on your classes spell list and of a level for which you have a spell slot and you must provide the components but again as someone like a wizard you have the largest spell list of any class so you can possibly use this as an opportunity to pull forth a spell that you didn't have prepared or that you just never even took the opportunity to learn and you just basically say it and then you have to make a check so that's the offset right so you expend this spell slot to cast the spell as normal but before resolving it you must make an intelligence Arcana check the DC is 10 plus twice the level of the spell slot you expend to cast the spell so depending on what you're trying to do this could be difficult right you know a second level spell becomes a DC 14 Arcana check but who knows right maybe you need a specific spell for a situation and didn't choose to prepare it or just didn't have it all right you wanted to cast sending because you needed to do it you didn't have it prepared so it's a dc-16 Arcana check and you know you could obviously build into this to make your Arcana checks better if you so chose on a successful check the spell is cast as normal using your spellsave DC and spell casting ability modifier on a failed check you cast a different spell from the one you intended to randomly determine the spell you cast by rolling on the table for the level of the spell slot you expended if it's six level or higher roll on the fifth level spells table and if you try to cast a cantrip uh that you don't know the DC for the archana check is 10 and on a fail check there is no effect so here you can see there are six options for first level spells right burning hands chaos bolt color spray fairy fire fog Cloud Thunder Wave blur gust of wind heat metal melts acid Arrow scorching Ray shatter so there are really good spells on this list so like potentially you could just do it and then hope to possibly fail to pull out one of these spells or you know if you're casting like say like I didn't prep Fireball today for some weird reason uh let me try it and it's a dc16 Arcana check and you fail you could pot you could roll a three and still cast The Fireball uh confusion Ivar's black tentacles animated objects so there's really good spells here and it just adds a lot of variety uh and again the versatility of being able to pull up potentially any spell from your spell list without having to go through the effort of learning or preparing it number seven The Illusionist bracers these very rare two minute magic item comes to us from Guild Master's guide to Ravnica now this is useful for a wizard but I'd still argue that it was more useful for the Warlock given the fact that they have ready access to Eldritch blast but the way this works is while you're wearing them whenever you cast a cantrip you can use a bonus action on the same turn to cast that camtrip a second time so like obviously you could think of a bunch of different ways you could use this for example like icast Fireball then I could cast Firebolt again uh one of a great example this is a fantastic blade singer magic item because you can attack replace one of your attacks with a cantrip and then attack a second time and then this would potentially allow you to bonus action use that cancer again they obviously normal choices I feel like a lot of the time for these are things like booming blade and green flame blade but you could cast it attack and then cast it again a lot of interesting synergies here and then again because you have such a big list of Camp trips to pick from you could really do a whole lot of interesting variety uh with how you want to use this right uh the only thing that would be is if you cast a cantrip that's concentration and you go to cast it a second time as a bonus action you drop concentration on the first one but again you can't really argue with like back to back Ray of frosts for example two-ray of frost and turn possibly lower someone's movement speed I I think that would stack together and lower it by 20 feet so that's pretty interesting number six the blast scepter this very rare tuna magic item comes to us from Water Deep dungeon of the Mad Mage and A1 can be used as an Arcane focus and two grants whoever wields it resistance to fire and lightning damage to very common damage types and gives you the opportunity as an action to cast Thunder Wave as a fourth level spell with a spellsave DC of 16 as often as you like as long as you have the action to cast it so this is a way for you to deal damage again not saying that you're the damaging kind of wizard but it's an AOE uh and it's a fourth level spell which it's 2d8 for a base so 3D at 48 so it's a 5d8 AOE spell that you could cast every in theory every turn as an action without ever expanding a spell slot and that's pretty awesome number five the dragon touched Focus this varied variety uh or varied Rarity rather magic item comes to us from Tasha's culture and everything no it doesn't it comes to us from fizzband's treasury of dragons and the way these Dragon specific items is a horde magic item so there's a little bit of a process to get them but they can level up to up to a very rare and then eventually if you wanted to Legendary but that's outside of the scope of this video uh the base level slumbering version of this gives you advantage on initiative roles and while you are holding it you can use it as a spell casting Focus if you were to get to the stirring level which and then that would change to rare Rarity uh it gives you an opportunity or a different benefit based on the type of dragon that it's based on I think for you the best bet as a wizard in possibly dealing more of damaging type would be the chromatic one whenever you use a spell slot to cast a spell that deals acid fire acid cold fire lightning or poison damage roll a D6 you gain a bonus equal to the number to one of the Spells damage rolls so you could roll up to a D6 extra damage I think this is pretty useful for you as a wizard because you do have a variety of damage types to deal some classes may only have one or two damage types and maybe not even all of the ones listed here so this gives you a little more variety you could also if you are a gem whenever you cast a spell using a spell slot immediately teleport to a space within 15 feet that could be a good way to get out of you know jail free card if you're in in trouble and you have the gem dragon version and then the metallic is what a creature you can see within 30 feet if you makes a saving throw you can use your reaction to give them Advantage again a little bit of group Synergy and you know helping out the party and then the awakened level which is the very rare version uh gives you the opportunity to cast some spells with it uh once until you know once per day basically once the item is used a casting spell it can't be used to cast that spell again until the next Dawn um let's see you can uh well their terminated family of dragons blah blah blah okay so your options are if you have chromatic it's hold monster and Rhymes binding ice gem is rari's telepathic Bond and relithim psychic Lance and metallicus Fizz man's Platinum shield and Legend lore again I think chromatic is probably the winner overall in my mind but either way they're all useful and it's two free pretty powerful useful spells again metallic fizbans Platinum Shields not bad if you have the concentration to give up for it and Legend lore is something you'll never gonna be as sad that you have access to because you could possibly use it to get the DM to give you a little more Exposition on the story beats that you're working on number four the robe of stars this very rare Attunement magic item is basically uh a nice set of ropes for you to wear till you get Robes of the arch Magi and also like a slightly better magic or wand of magic Missile first of all it looks badass I love the look of it and it gives you a plus one bonus to your saving throws while wearing it and you can pluck off the stars and fling them at people which when you do casts a fifth level magic Missile spell and then daily at dusk a D6 of the Stars return allowing you to continue to cast that spell again uh possibly again you could cast if you have all six and then roll a six you could in Theory cast 12 fifth level magic missiles all in the course of One Singular day without ever touching a spell slot and if that wasn't enough it also has a really good get out of jail free card with the ability to use an action to enter the astral plane uh and then remain there until you use an action to come back uh again you come back into the same spot you're in or the nearest unoccupied spot but if people don't know that you're there you could use it as a way to kind of sneak into a place or you know just have like if you're in a combat and things are getting hairy and you're low on hit points you could Banff to the astral plane and just hang out there maybe pop a couple potions or just wait it out see what happens number three for this I'm calling them basically the wizard books from Tasha's cauldron of everything these are all rare they all require Attunement by a wizard and there is a different version of a variety of different books they all provide you with four or five maybe even six different spells that you can cast from the book it also functions as a spell book for you they also all have uh and they can also be used as a spell casting Focus they all have three charges get a D3 charges daily back daily at dawn and basically they all have the same first ability which is if you spend one minute studying the book you can expend one of its charges to replace one of your prepared wizard spells with a different spell in the book the new spell must be of the X school right so for the alchemical compendium it must be transmutation and so on there's one for each of the schools of magic and then they also have some additional benefit that you can use by expanding a charge one that I'm a fan of is the fulminating Treatise this is the evocation based one one right contingency Fireball gust of wind leomin's tiny Hut magic Missile Thunder Wave wall of force uh and then the option here is when you when one creature you can see takes damage from an evocation spell that you cast uh you can use your reaction to expend one charge to deal an extra 2d6 Force damage to the creature and knock them prone if they're large or smaller it says with a spell you cast evocation spell you cast so I think that does still technically apply to cantrips doing extra 2d6 Force damage and an auto knock prone if they're large or smaller I do think this is one of the stronger ones although I do also think the heartweavers primer is pretty good this is the enchantment based one because its ability is when you cast an enchantment spell uh you can expend one charge to impose disadvantage on the first saving throw one target makes against the spell which is pretty powerful depending on what kind of Enchantment spell you're casting some of these can lock groups down for a while if they were to say fail that first saving throw and and you could possibly impose disadvantage like I said there are a variety of here of these here it's just you would pick whichever one works best for your uh particular wizard now you don't necessarily have to be if you're an Illusionist Whisperer take the duplicitous manuscript as that's the illusion based one you might find more benefits from it because you may be taking more spells of a specific school but again we can use blade singer as an example they don't really fit into any of these you could take whichever one worked best for your character number two the staff of power this is a very Rarity magic item comes to us from the basic rules and you've seen me cover this before it provides a ton of passive and active benefits for uh a wizard plus two bonus to attack and damage Rolls made with the magic staff itself plus a plus two bonus to your armor class saving throws and spell attack rolls it also has 20 charges gets 2D 8 plus 4 charges back daily at dawn and then has the standard if you roll a one after the last charges expanded could possibly be limited in this instance it would still remain a plus two Quarter Staff but everything else would go away you can use power strike when you hit with a melee part of the staff attack you can expend one's charge to deal an extra D4 or sorry D6 Force damage or uh spells where you can expend charges to cast one of the following using your spellsave DC and attack bonus coming with cold for five fifth level Fireball for five charges Global vulnerability for six hold monster for five levitate for two fifth level lightning bolt for five magic Missile for one rather than feeblement for one and Wall of force for five and then it also has the retributive strike ability which is basically where you crack the staff over your knee and it explodes and does eight times or does damage basically on a cascading effect based on how close you are if you're within the 10 foot radius it does eight times the number of charges in the staff worth of damage again reminder that the max staffed that you have charges is 20. so that's a pretty substantial amount of damage you'll be able to do if you so choose to do that I think this has to be a last-ditch effort it's a very powerful very rare Magic item and for you to crack it over your knee to just do burst damage again I imagine that for the most part you're only going to do this if this is a last resort or you somehow happen to have two staffs of power and you want to just blow one um and then again there's an opportunity or potential when you explode so for you to be teleported to another plane of existence a random plane to avoid the explosion damage number one the Arcane grimoire this varied Rarity Attunement magic item comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything and similar to a lot of the other items we got in Tasha's cauldron that do a based on the Rarity they increase a thing for you that's what we have here so this book can be used as a spell casting Focus for your Wizard and it gives you a bonus to your spell attack roles and your spell save DC based on the Rarity uncommon gives you plus one rare gives you plus two and varira gives you plus three Again The Uncommon version is still immensely useful and it's something that if you can get access to relatively early on will be huge again we could for example if you happen to have the uh not that I want to load you out with all uncommon magic items but if you happen to have the headband of intellect and The Uncommon uh version of the Arcane grimoire you essentially have what would be uh you know a spell attack bonus and a spell save DC of a level uh of a character with sorry an intelligence score of 20 for just the cost of two uh uncommon magic items if that wasn't enough all this book also gives you an additional benefit you can use this book as a spell book which we kind of figured and when you use your Arcane recovery feature you can increase the number of spell slots you regain by one for those of you who don't know Arcane recovery is basically once a day on a short rest as a wizard you can get half of your level worth of your your wizard level of spell slots back I think it's rounded up so if you're a level 10 you can get 5 up to five spell slots back on a short rest once per day when you do the Arcane recovery now this could be one fifth level spell uh you know four first level spells or however you want to break it down this gives you one additional level on top of that uh which is pretty cool the number sorry the number of slots are one additional slot in that way so when I said you would have five if you were level ten you would now have up to six uh spell slots to regain if you so chose so there you go folks that is my top 10 magic items for the DND 5e wizard we will be back next week covering the Blood Hunter because so many of you have asked me to do that and a lot of people do seem to consider the Blood Hunter as basically The Unofficial 14th class of DnD 5e so we'll be covering that uh I hope to see you with more videos between now and the holiday however I also uh there's a pretty nasty storm coming in and again for those of you who know I do for my day job uh storms really wreck what I have going on so I know I'll be doing night shifts in the next couple of days 12 hour overnight night shifts if not longer than that I'm just hopeful that if there is inclement weather like they're participating expecting there to be and the damage is there that I'm able to hopefully finish it up and get everything restored and all the power back on before Christmas so I can spend it with my family but if not I'll be working because you know what that's what we do here right we took these jobs with uh where we're out there working all the time you know you take a job for a utility that's just what happens right you know you have to work so anyway uh I hope you all have a wonderful holiday whatever holidays that that you two choose to celebrate uh and yeah I'm excited for 2023. I'll be making a video closer to the New Year talking about what my plans are and things I want to see and want to work on come 2023 but anyway in the meantime thank you to my patrons over on patreon for supporting me and the channel and I'll see you all next time thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 29,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, D&D magic items for sorcerers, sorcerer magic items, dnd magic items for sorcerers, dnd sorcerer guide, 5e sorcerer magic items, dnd 5e sorcerer magic items, dnd 5e sorcerer guide
Id: PrTRhk23JoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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