Top 10 Magic Items For All D&D Classes in 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks ted from nerd immersion here and i wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to adam our newer puppy but this is as promised a return to top 10 tuesday so considering some of the most popular top tens that i did and everybody's been commenting on them was all about my top 10 lists for the various classes in dungeons and dragons fifth edition and a lot of you have been commenting on those old videos saying well you didn't talk about this and honestly a lot of that's because those items came out after i made the videos so i decided i'm going to start that series over and go through all of the classes but to start i'm going to go with a top 10 magic items that are useful for every class and the thought process behind this is if i get these out of the way that means we don't have to cover them in the individual classes so things that are beneficial to all classes will be covered here and then we can get into a little more specific options for the different classes when the time comes so if you want to see what's going on and what the rules and specifics are for this stay tuned before we dive into the specifics for today's video though i wanted to talk to you about the sponsor for today a good friend of the channel start playing dot games now you've heard me talk about start playing in the past but perhaps you're new and you don't know who or what they are start playing dot games something that was born out of the pandemic when all of us were locked away in our houses and couldn't get out and play d d games or were looking for a place to play any kind of rpg out there and start playing has kind of jettisoned themselves to become the most popular and the best platform out there to sync up players and gm's across the globe not only did last year i found out at gen con that they paid out over a million dollars in revenue just to the professional gm's they have on their site you could find something for just about any game you could imagine whether it be what this gif is saying pathfinder vampire masquerade monster of the week d whatever the case may be it's available here although i do have to reach out to them because the obscure teenage mutant ninja turtles rpg from palladium books is not listed as an option on the website so we'll have to get that fixed but basically you can search for a variety of different things find games find players whether it's a game that you already know whether it's a one shot a beginner game or an ongoing campaign there are all different options there for a variety of different prices set by the various gms that you can go ahead and then jump into if you so if you see fit and then again if you are maybe that person that your players are always like hey you're really good at this maybe you should try to seek out finding if you can make money as a professional gm well start playing with a pretty simple check-in and vetting process can get you up and running as a professional gm you set the price of your own seat and then you're ready to go and get things rolling and you can actually start making money on this whether this is a side hustle that you do when you can or possibly even transitioning into your whole full-time job as there are several people onstart playing who just do this as a living you can get things like team events for your company to be run through start playing and yes while it is primarily only online you can choose based on the dm that you pick and their mat their mindset and how they do things theater the mind discord versus zoom roll 20 tail spire whatever all sorts of gms are out there running a variety of different games and a ton of different mediums and really the world is your oyster when it comes to that all you got to do is click find games and then look these are all the games that are happening in just basically an hour and a half from now some of these are starting and you can see how many seats are left in this big red banner whether it be four things like a battle tech rpg this one happens to be free so you don't even have to pay to sign up to play this one uh you can be doing something like edge of the empire or again you can see there's a variety of things a lot of d and d here but some of these are homebrew campaigns some of these are in third-party companies like cobalt press games kobold press also runs there so a whole thing kind of runs through start playing as well and then you can go and search by the daytime game type age range and i just went and checked just to see if folks were like hey i don't know if i really want to spend a bunch of money we did see that there was some games there that were free but if you search just by five bucks there are a ton of options hey if you really wanted to play that game you can't find anybody to run it maybe you can find it here on start playing jump in see if it's even something you like and then maybe go on to run it yourself or start running it for other people you can also click on find gm's if you're looking for somebody specific and want to see how their play style is you can click on that person and then say hey i want to book this gm or at least i want to reach out and talk to them or see whatever games they have currently coming up i personally also have a count here on start playing and while i do have some folks that left me some awesome reviews and some games ran i haven't really run a game on start playing in over a year but i'm looking to change that specifically to get stuff in and start setting up d d on arthur kana play test games where you can come and play test the anarch arcana with me and hopefully we can develop that feedback together to shape the content of the way we play dungeons and dragons in the future so thank you to start playing for sponsoring this video let's talk about the rules for this top 10. i realize that sponsor ad ran a little bit long but there's just so much to cover so it is what it is this is going to be again my top 10 magic items that are useful for any class as such i left some things out specifically i left out things like plus one armor because one not every class uses armor while yes plus one armor is always useful same thing with plus one weapons and you know things of that nature they're very useful all the time but wizards can't use armor traditionally a wizard is more than likely not going to use a sword traditionally again there are instances and things that have changed here we're also going to leave out legendary items of all kind because the chances of you acquiring a legendary item or an artifact are few and far between in the majority of games and we're going to leave out anything that is consumable whether that be a potion a scroll or some other sort of wand or magic item that has a finite use of it something like wands or things that have charges that come back those are fine but something like a chime of opening that has so many charges and then it's gone forever those will not be on this list i hope i've cleared that up for everyone and then again yes it's only going to be through i'm recording this in september 2022 so if the magic item you're trying to tell me at in the youtube comments in the future isn't on this list that's probably because it came out after the fact or well you'll just have to deal with that going forward number 10. tape of the montavonk this is a it's lower on this list because it is only a one-time use per day you do get it back daily at dawn it is unfortunate that it is at dawn so sometimes these things are once per long rest so if you manage to take a long rest in the middle of the day you can't get it back until the next dawn occurs i'm not going to dive into whether or not your world has dawns because that's a whole nother concept but it's one time use access to the dimension door spell now you do leave behind a cloak you know cloud of smoke and disappear and that's really all flavor but dimension door is an exceptionally useful spell as you can see right above me here where you basically get a one action 500 foot teleport it's a wonderful spell to have if anybody can gain access to it all the time but being in a cape form and a non-attunement magic item at that allows folks that may not have access to dimension door or even those that do to get access to a freebie without having to expend a fourth or higher level spell slot and it also has the benefit of being one of the few teleports out there that does not require you to see where you're going or even be familiar with where you're going you can just point in the direction and say i want to go 200 feet that way and then you do or again upward to the northwest at a 45 degree angle 300 feet now it says if you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object or creature you and the creature traveling with you because you can't also bring a willing creature along with you take 46 force damage and it fails to teleport you so that is unfortunate but you can also bring someone of your size category or smaller along with you as long as they're within five feet this is a great way to close the distance in battle to escape to perform that heist and then leave all sorts of great options with this spell and again it being a freebie and a non-attuned magic item you really can't beat it number nine the ring of spell storing now i know what you may be thinking well what if i'm not a spellcaster well one of the benefits of the ring of spell storing is it doesn't actually require you to be a spellcaster to utilize it it does require a tune in but it has the benefit of using up to five levels worth of spells in it so whether that's you having someone in the party when they finish a long rest or you yourself infusing spells into it it can one be a way to lessen the spell casting load on a specific caster whether that's me as my wizard putting in five ring five shield spells into the ring allowing me to cast shield for free five times uh you know at the end of a day where maybe i wasn't doing a lot of spell casting we can kind of get around things that way perhaps i am the paladin and i put a cure wounds or something into the spell so now that the wizard who has access to that this is their ring can now have healing right so any creature can cast a spell of first to fifth level into the ring by touching the spell basically gets cast but is a instead of a effect going off it is stored in the ring uh and then essentially whatever their spell casting ability modifier is is what's in there so if i'm a paladin with a 20 charisma and i cast a cure wounds that heals a level one that's a d8 plus five and i put it into that spell the wizard with a zero charisma or a one charisma right he has to have one at least to be alive could cast that spell then heal a d8 plus five so this has to benefit again and there's no reason that you can't mix and match right if i i could even be the barbarian and now have access to something like healing and spirit guardians if the cleric and the druid put spells a ring into the ring for me having one of these in your party or on your character will never not be a good thing in any way now the reason it's also so high on this list is it does rely on there being a spellcaster around to put spells into it but even if you in some instance don't have a party with spell casting of any kind which kudos to you for being that bold and not having a spellcaster of any kind you could go to a local temple or some sort of local magic user and use and pay for the services of having them infuse the ring with spells more often than not though the party will have at least one spellcaster even if it's only like a half caster like a paladin or a ranger or even a third caster or even a race now that the new races have the ability to cast spells multiple times a day could infuse you know a ring with uh that could be something too right if you have some sort of racial based healing ability you could put it in the ring and then have double the next day or store it up over five days to store you know four or five first level cure wounds if you happen to be one of the new ardling races that has cure wounds store five of them in there and on d6 you now have access to six cure wounds if need be there's a lot of versatility with the ring of spell storing and i'm sure i only touched on some of the options but you let me know your thoughts in the comments number eight boots of elvenkind are a pretty quick hit one they're uncommon so the chances of you finding them are pretty likely they are non-attunement which is also great and they are one of the few ways to get access to advantage on stealth checks without having to spend any kind of attunement slot now it is only on stealth checks that rely on moving silently so if you're trying to hide physically from someone like to camouflage yourself that won't work but if you're trying to sneak about it will and you make no steps your steps make no sound whatsoever no regardless of what you're walking over that is a fact no sound whatsoever is generated and then again advantage on stealth checks to move silently so if you're the rogue but let's say you happen to be a paladin right and you're wearing your plate mail armor which again typically gives you disadvantage on stealth checks i'd say more often than not the disadvantage on those pallet and stealth checks comes from when you're trying to move silently it's usually less of an instance of you trying to hide physically so that they can't see you it's usually more about when you're trying to sneak into a place or out of a place in your heavy armor and that provides it so that the boots of alvin kind would offset that and it would just be a straight stealth roll but like i said you can't really beat this for them being uncommon more than likely relatively cheap if your dm lets you buy them and then again they're not attunement number seven the stone of good luck also known as the lux stone this one does require attunement it is also uncommon but a plus one bonus to ability checks and saving throws boosting up your saving throws are pretty useful all the time because you never know when you're gonna get hit with something that comes out of left field usually folks will have uh whatever their class is based they'll usually have either high dex wisdom constitution saving throw but not usually all three and there are still some instances where the intelligence charisma and strength saving throws come into play this is a great way to sort of offset a potential negative stat to make at least have a zero roll so you're not losing anything uh whatever you roll on your d20 or just boosting something up not to be lost also is the plus one two ability checks well i think this personally excels on something like a rogue or a bard even better because of the thing like jack of all trades anybody having a bonus to ability checks is useful this could make your barbarian better at athletics checks this will also do things like boosting up your perception to boost your passive perception for finding things like folks sneaking around and because it is a plus one to ability checks and initiative also is an ability check it also provides a plus one to your initiative roles number six i don't think i really need to explain why the amulet of health is useful because it sets your constitution at 19. probably unless you roll the very good stats or you have some sort of boosted ability in some way or another having a 19 constitution is going to be a huge benefit to you or your party in some way having your character be alive allows them to either deal more damage provide more healing or at least provide a warm body for the enemies to focus on while somebody else maybe misses that hit and that extra constitution is gonna do that by giving you just about the best possible constitution score and hit points you can have unless you have something funky like a level 20 barbarian and let's say you happen to be wearing this amulet of life and then whether it be ability score improvements or class abilities or what have you divine boons granted from a god that boosts your you know your constitution up to 18 or 19 then you can always take off this necklace and give this to somebody else your squishy wizard is never gonna be upset to have an amulet of health around their neck number five the ring or cloak of protection they both provide the same benefit but because they are two separate items they will technically be able to stack the they're both required to make the ring is considered rare while the cloak is considered uncommon so realistically i would probably prefer the cloak but if you're wearing another cloak of some kind perhaps your dm won't let you stack two but they're gonna provide you a plus one bonus to your armor class and a plus one bonus to all your saving throws this would also stack again if you had the luck stone from the last video um again there is no limit in fifth edition to how many rings you can wear so you could have three a two rings on three fingers it's not really a problem whereas in older additions you had to have like slots so it's really just whichever you prefer the cloak or the ring i typically tend to gravitate towards the cloak because it's uncommon so it's more of a chance that a dm will let you have it but if you're already wearing a cloak perhaps the ring is your best option number four the belt of dwarven kind this is a rare attunement magic item and similar to some of the stuff we already talked about it provides a lot of good benefits right so separately from like the amulet of health sets your constitution score at 19 meaning it is always at 19. the belt of dwarven kind just adds plus two so if you had an 18 constitution score already this would bump it up to 20 or 16 to an 18 but it does more than just that right there is the role play-based situational but potentially useful advantage on persuasion checks made to interact with dwarves that could be something you use all the time or not at all and then in addition while you're tuned you have a 50 chance that each day at dawn you'll grow a full beard if you're capable of growing one this has a lot of fun potential role play purposes here or a visibly thicker one if you already have a beard and if you are not a dwarf it gets you the following benefits advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance to poison damage poison being one of the most common damage types out there as far as elements go so this is a big one dark vision up to 60 feet a great way to get a whole bunch of stuff on top of already giving dark vision to a race that may not have it and the ability to speak read and write the dwarvish language which is also again a pretty awesome thing to have my only small little nitpick is i wish it said or it extended your dark vision 64 more feet so if you're already a race that has dark vision that benefit is kind of lost on you like if you're an elf that wears a belt of dwarven kind your limit is your vision is still out to 60 feet whereas it could be potentially 120 who knows though right maybe in the play test version of the new dungeon masters guide that language will be changed whenever we get that version number three the absorbing tattoo now this is the first magic item on this list that is not contained any of the basic rules of the dungeon masters guide this one comes to us from tasha's cauldron of everything and i put this one on the list because it does things similar to a lot of what the armors right there are things called armor of resistance where you can get like an armor of fire resistance and it provides you resistance to fire damage as long as you wear that item that does require attunement so that's one thing right so it's we're still requiring two minute for this and that now this is a very rare magic item so it's potentially harder to gain access to but as i said kind of at the start armor of resistance is only beneficial to someone who has access to and the ability to wear armor one this also has the cool role-play concept of figuring out what does the you know the tattoo look like unlike real world tattoos it's completely unattunable and then the tattoo disappears from your body so you don't have to worry about possibly being branded with that tattoo forever if that's a potential option you know could be an issue with identifying your character but you get resistance to a damage associated with the color which you can see it's all of the elemental damage types right acid cold fire force lightning acronic poison psychic radiant and thunder but it also goes a step further because it has the damage absorption ability when you take damage of the chosen type you can use your reaction to gain immunity to that instance of damage and you regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage you would have taken and that is only usable once you use that reaction you can't do it until the next dawn but potentially if you're gonna get blasted by some like big dragon aoe attack and like a breath weapon and then you could just use this as a reaction to take excuse me no damage at all and then heal half of the damage taken in some instances it might be like attack i don't think you can technically fail a saving throw but like the dragon's gonna breathe fire at you you just be like oh no hit me and then use it to heal yourself up i think that could be a really cool concept and the tattoos again are a relatively new magic item as they were only introduced in tasha's cauldron but i think they're really cool and i think this is one that'll be universally useful for any class that would get access to it number two the cloak of displacement this rare tuned magic item provides basically a huge this is a wonderful benefit for anybody that finds themselves consistently in melee but it's also just a great benefit for anybody even like it's just as useful on the tanky uh you know heavy armor or high ac or you know good dodging ability character as it is on the completely squishy character that's stuck in the back because it basically provides to you the benefit of a displacer beast and that you project an illusion of yourself standing right next to you but in in mechanic wise it's causing any creature to have disadvantage on attack roles against you so it uh you know it doesn't do anything for things like area of effect moves like a fireball but if you take damage uh the property ceases to function until the start of your next turn so it never truly goes away so yes if you were that's actually a way to get around the cloak of displacement if you hit somebody with something like a fireball the uh the click of displacement no longer works as you took damage it's damage of any type but you know again attack rolls against you so this covers melee attack rolls this covers spell attack rolls and it covers ranged attack rules those all will have disadvantage against you i have had i've been lucky enough to actually acquire one of these in one of my campaigns on my one cleric character who was a martial tempest cleric who was always up in the thick of battle and having a cloak of displacement on that cleric was huge i was able to do things like put up spirit guardians and swing them all with no problem while constantly dodging all of the attacks as the dm kept missing rolling with disadvantage it does however have the downside that if you are incapacitated or restrained it doesn't work but other than that this thing is super useful like i said just as useful on the barbarian with max stats raging in the middle of combat fighting a dragon as it is on the sorcerer on the back line trying to sling spells from a distance number one and if you were a fan of my original top 10 magic items for the different classes series these probably don't surprise you at all being on my list and that is winged boots this uncommon which i will point out this is an uncommon magic item one that's probably very easy if your dm only looks at the rarity of the magic item to determine who can gain access to it winged boots are only uncommon yes they do require attunement but they provide you one of the biggest benefits in the game for little to no resource usage right so you can use these to fly at a fly speed equal to your walking speed if you are a class that gets a benefit or have a race or something that gives you a benefit to your movement speed again things that come into mind are things like the monk for example gets a lot of movement speed bonuses your fly speed is equal to that you can fly for a total of four hours at period right so if you think about well yes you could be using the flying boots for out of combat movement or overland travel you can use this also again primarily for in combat use and most in combat situations take what a minute maybe two at max for most combats so that'd be two minutes out of your 40 or of your four hours rather you can only fly in an increment a minimum of one minute and i'm pretty sure that is due to combat right minimum of one minute increments and then if you're flying during this is also a huge benefit if you're flying during the point at which your movement flight runs out you descend at a rate of 30 feet per round until you land it's not like you're flying and you hit hour four and then you're out of time and you just plummet to the ground you just basically slowly float down for no damage and then for every 12 hours that you don't use them you get two hours back which is just a crazy concept right i mean if your character takes a long rest for eight hours then within four hours you know two hours before in two hours you know after before you like get up and get going or when you're winding down for the night you could have regenerated two of your four hours worth of flying boots flight time like i said because of that mechanic this could be useful for overland travel if you're trying to like you know people tell you it's going to take you you know five days by the road and you know two days as the crow flies you could do your flight for four hours land basically take a little bit off and then keep going these are very powerful flight is we've seen it actually nerfed in any of the races that were to give you flight at early levels we saw the way they changed the ardeling or the way they established the new ardling race in the unearthed arcana is basically only given limited stints of flight as opposed to just flow blown flight all the time so i mean one it's a non-concentration means of flight one of the most common ways to get access to flight is something like the fly spell but that requires you to concentrate on it and it also causes you to expend a spell slot some of the biggest downsides to certain melee characters for example like a monk and a barbarian a paladin and others as well but some of them have other means to get around it is you are best when you are in the thick of things hammering on people whether it's punching swinging a great axe for a great sword or what have you but you need to get there to engage them in that melee combat and if they can just fly up i mean it's crazy how much like flying 30 or 40 feet up an enemy could go could just completely shut down one of your characters and i've seen that happen in multiple instances in fifth edition and in others where a character just takes off and flies up a little bit and if they don't have like a ranged expert or some sort of long-distance spellcaster the marshals are just basically like throwing javelins as their best bet or trying to find some way to jump off of something and try to get them but you know winged boots could solve that problem completely so you'd also be amazed at how many puzzles and things a dm can throw together that the ability to fly can just completely negate so there you go folks that is my top 10 uh uh magic items that will be great for any class so as we're going to continue this going forward we will start with the artificer next week and then we will continue to go through alphabetical order all the way to the end and then the very end of all the existing published classes in fifth edition we will do the blood hunter at the end so starting with artificer barbarian bard and so on all the way to the end of the player's handbook ending with wizard followed by the blood hunter so feel free to throw out suggestions for other top tens outside of that when those are done or concepts for magic items that you think are a good choice for a specific class in the description here and then i will factor those in when i go to do my continuing top tens in the future thank you to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me and the channel and i will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 43,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, best magic items 5e, best magic items in dnd, best magic items dnd 5e, best magic items in D&D, best magic items in D&D 5e, D&D magic items for all classes, DnD magic items for all classes
Id: jbjkQWMpK4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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