Top 10 Magic Items For Warlocks in D&D 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks Ted From Nerd immersion here and I'm just gonna come out and say someone suggested it and I think I kind of like it that I may possibly just gravitate away from the top 10 Tuesday moniker and just go with either top 10 or Ted's top 10 so we can keep the alliteration there um so that way I'm not bound to having something come out every day on Tuesday but anyway we are continuing with our magic item based Series so this is the top 10 magic items for warlocks if you want to see what the rules and specifics are for that stay tuned so if you've seen this series anything in the series before you're familiar with what I'm going to say but uh the specifics are we're only going to be covering up to very rare magic items here so nothing of the legendary category usually because most people don't get to a point where they'll get a legendary item in their game and if so there's usually not a whole bunch for everybody we're also not going to be covering anything consumable like potions and Scrolls because you can usually have as many as you are allowed to purchase based on the gold that your DM provides to you uh we're also not going to cover any magic items that you can use and then they run out of charges and they don't come back like a chime of opening which has so many charges and when the last ones expend it just becomes inert because that doesn't kind of provide Evergreen content in that way and we're also going to ignore the tomes and manuals that increase in ability score by two because regardless of what ability score you use it on it will always be beneficial for everybody because who's going to say no to a free plus two to an ability score that's also happens to be not opportunity we're also going to make this subclass agnostic I know that's a little tricky because you could argue that hexblade is kind of an own subset of a class in and of itself but this will be items and things that will be useful regardless of the class that you are playing or the subclass that you're playing so that way regardless of what comes out in the future or if you're playing one Warlock and go to play a different one this will be useful to you all around it also should be noted that this and any other video in this series should be paired with the first video that kicked off the 2022 revision of this series uh top 10 magic items for all classes because those are applicable obviously to all classes and then if you're looking for more warlock specific you would use this video I will also say I did make a separate playlist just for these 2022 magic items so if you want to watch just the ones I have a whole long top 10 Tuesday playlist that's been going for years but if you're looking to add just the more recent 2022 revisions which I would recommend because there have been significant magic item improvements and magic items released since my original series from like 2019 2020 so anyway with all that being said let's Dive In number 10. the imbued wood Focus specifically the chavarin Birch Focus this is the only common magic item I think I've put on one of these lists this go around it is Attunement it comes to us from wayfinder's guide to eberron but you can see what it does is essentially this for a it is a tune man it is but it is common so the chances of you acquiring one should be pretty realistic given the fact that like I think it's 50 gold pieces to buy a common magic item and because they're common the argument that your DM should let you get one is is pretty substantial but here's what you get for that one or two Min slots is when you cast a damage dealing spell using this item as your spell casting Focus you get a plus one bonus to one damage roll of the spell provided the damage type is associated with the items would shavar and Birch works for Force damage you as a warlock more likely than not will have access to and probably be using Eldritch blast one of if not the best cantrip in the game definitely the best for damaging and this allows you to get a plus one bonus to the force damage depending on where you know man if you're able to tack on agonizing blast on top of that you could be adding a decent amount of damage from very early on as again acquiring a common magic item should be common number nine glamored studded leather unfortunately there's not a lot of great options for light armor in this game and far you know in fifth edition for magic armor for uh light armor wearers which kind of sucks there is a lot of armor there's a lot of heavy armor and a lot of medium or heavy armor and a bunch that have sort of a variability where they can be like some medium or some heavy but you really have like I think three options I could be wrong on this of light armor that has any kind of magical properties aside from just traditional plus one plus two plus three armor so the Glamorous studded leather armor is rare and it is a plus one studded leather armor so as it stands right there you're with that plus one the equivalency of Mage Armor and given your limited spell slot usage and spell selection and to a lesser extent limited number of invocations having glamored studded leather basically saves you from having to take armor it's armor of Shadows that gives you free Mage Armor and it has a little bit of a um a disguised capability to it as well you can use a bonus action to speak the Armor's command word and cause the armor to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor you decide what it looks like color style accessories blah blah blah I always basically let my players essentially do whatever they want with their glamor studded leather right if they wanna like it says to a normal set of clothes or any other set of armor so you could in theory make it look like I guess I was gonna say like plate mail but it's just a chest piece so like maybe a breastplate or something if you want people to think you're wearing medium armor but I also basically just let them reskin their appearance whenever they want like if they decide they won't just be wearing regular Travelers clothes or like a fancy elegant gown or what have you I don't think that's much of a stretch it already has the glamor capability in it and hey it's uh it's in the basic rules and it's non-attunement so uh again I would I think there's maybe two other light armors and they're both leather not even studded leather so this is the best one we have right now hopefully going forward we'll get some new light armors as well number eight the staff of the ivory claw this Attunement rare Magic item comes to us from Explorer's guide to Wild Mount uh and it is a rare Magic item so it's on a lesser Rarity scale but while holding it you get a plus one bonus to spell attack rolls again not trying to pigeonhole your warlock into only using Eldritch blast but you have it and it seems like at least potentially going forward into one d d that it's going to become a class feature for you uh so plus one bonus to spell attack rolls is useful as well depending even if you choose other can trips and whenever you score a critical hit with a spell attack that target takes an extra 3d6 radiant damage it's nice that that extra 3d6 radiant damage is a freebie you don't have to activate it you don't have to use charges and the fact that again if you're using Eldritch blast you have multiple blasts per use with the cantrip so as such that's multiple opportunities to potentially trigger a critical hit number seven The Cauldron of a rebirth from Tasha's cauldron of everything this is a very rare to a very rare two magic item that is only tunable by a druid or a warlock and this one's just kind of fun and it allows you to do some things as a warlock you might not typically be able to do or you may want to save spell slots for other things so first of all uh it functions and is usable as a as a component for the scrying spell so you've got that going for you but when you finish a long rest you can use the cauldron to create a potion of Greater healing that lasts for 24 hours or until it's consumed but this essentially is in a minor way a way for you as a warlock to get access to a little bit of healing whether for yourself or the party as an action you can cause The Cauldron to grow too large size for a big enough for a medium creature to fit in it you can revert it to normal size as an action and then it'll just pop Anybody Out nearby uh if you place the corpse of a humanoid into the cauldron and cover it with 200 pounds of salt which only costs 10 gold pieces for at least eight hours uh the salt is then consumed and the creature returns to life as if by the raised dead spell at the next Dawn which is again one of the only ways you're going to be able to do it and potentially if this is big enough that you can hop inside it this could potentially be mobile cover for you as well because normally when it's not expanded it is Tiny size number six wand of the war Mage again we talked about being able to attack with cantrips and things wand of the warm age gives you a bonus to spell attack roles which again the very rare version of this is a plus three so a plus three version to your spell attack or plus three to your spell attack rolls and it allows you to ignore half cover when making a spell attack cover I found in my games is either present all the time or almost not at all it's whether or not uh you as the DM want to have your monsters think intelligently enough to hide behind things or if your players use it and while it's not as good as some of the other things on this list you nothing's stopping you from having it says while you're holding it so you could hold it and then still use another wand or a staff and if you were able to get a couple of the items on this list you could really stack up those bonuses to hit number five the Voyager staff this is a very rare tuna magic item that comes from Guild Master's guide to Ravnica and first of all it has the benefit of being a plus one quarter staff so you can use this in melee for attack R damage with that plus one it also gives you a plus one bonus to spell attack rolls so you've got that going for you as well and it's a really good utility staff because again as a warlock you are very limited in your spell selection and even more limited in your spell slot usage so the name of the game for you as a general rule when it comes to magic items is things that will give you versatility options AOE and just more uses of spells that you wouldn't normally have access to and I do feel like the Voyager staff does a pretty good job it has 10 charges while holding it you can expend it and use an action to expend a charge to cast a couple of different things um and then it's banishment for four charges blink for three charges Misty step for two charges pass wall for five charges or teleport for seven uh and it gets a D6 plus four charges back daily at dawn and if it's you spend the last one roll a 20 and a one it's destroyed the only potential downside I see to this and this is something we've seen before uh is it does say you can use an action now technically Misty step is a bonus action to cast but according to this I guess if you're using it via this staff it would use your action to do so I do wonder if it should just say you can cast the spell like utilizing you know using the charges and not like specify whether it's an action or a bonus action so that it reverts back to the base that's required uh in the spell itself again there are other spells that work in the opposite direction of this for example like I've said in the past the necklace of prayer beads allows you to cast things as a bonus action that are normally a action so I guess that's just kind of the trade-off that we make number four the pearl of power this is an uncommon magic item that comes to us it is Attunement from the bass rules and basically while you have it you can use an action to speak its command word and regain a expanded spell slot uh if it's a fourth level or higher spell slot it is now a new third level slot but you as a warlock while you do have access to the ability to short rest and get all of your spell slots back there are instances where a six second action to get a spell slot back could be very beneficial for you whether that's in or out of combat in theory you could as an action activate your pearl of power to get a spell slot back and then you could in theory in that same turn use a bonus action to cast the spell using the slot you just got back again it would be limited to only third level as opposed to whatever your normal spell slot would be but either way this is pretty useful and it's one of the limited options you have to get spell slots back in combat or without having to take a short rest number three the staff of power this is a very rare Attunement magic item that comes to us from the base rules and this is one of the best uh non-legendary stabs out there for uh any kind of spellcaster but in this oh I guess really specifically for sorcerer warlock or wizard so first of all it's a plus two Quarter Staff so that has its own benefits there it also provides you a plus two bonus to your armor class saving throws and spell attack rolls again potentially even if you had multiple stabs you could use this to just really chain up that to hit bonus it also has 20 charges which it can be used to cast a variety of spells and as I've already said variety is the name of the game when it comes to magic items for a warlock you can hit somebody with the staff and choose to expand a charge to deal a D6 Force damage or expend one of the charges to cast one of the following spells um cone of cold for five Fireball at fifth level for five glow of invulnerability for six old monster for five levitate for two lightning bolt at fifth level for Five magic Missile for 1 rayovan feeblement for one or wall of force for five it also has the retributive strike ability where you can basically choose to break the uh the the staff and then it essentially explodes and does damage equal to the number of charges it had left uh and there's a chance that you get ported to another plane of existence completely avoiding the damage that's really kind of like a last-ditch oh because the wand is essentially Disturbed the staff is destroyed more or less after the fact so it's really if you'll need that damage quick and it's kind of usually I would imagine this is like an end game finale style thing you would do to save yourself the party or the world probably not something you want to do early on because you would have just severely limited the amount of damage and other things you could do number two the rod of the packed keeper this is a Attunement for warlocks only comes to us from the dungeon Masters Guide and it is a variety of area to tune in right we have the uncommon one uh a version is plus one where is plus two very rare is plus three so similar to a lot of the things we've seen on this list so far that give you a bonus to your spell attack roles this also gives you a bonus to your spellsave DC so not only does this potentially if you have the very uh the very rare version gives you a plus three bonus to your spell attack rolls but also to the saving throw DCS of your warlock spells so this is pretty substantial here and if that wasn't enough uh you can regain one warlock spell slot as an action while holding the rod once per long rest so similar to what we talked about with the pearl of power this has that same functionality built into it however it's not limited to only being a third level spell slot it can be any warlock spell slot so this is probably one of the crowning Jewel magic items if you're able to attain one because you can get the magic the slot back it boosts your spell save DC and your attack rolls all rolled into one so actually if you have just one of these you could potentially eliminate some of the other items we've covered on this list already or use them in conjunction to chain up bonuses to spell attack rolls number one probably surprising no one The Illusionist bracers once again make it to the number one slot for the Warlock these very rare two-man magic item comes to us from Guild Master's guide to Ravnica and as I've said a couple of times you have access to Eldridge blast one of the best damaging cantrips in the game and Illusionist bracers let you double down on that by while wearing these bracers whenever you cast a cantrip you can use a bonus action on the same turn to cast that can trip a second time now the reason that this didn't appear on something like the sorcerer is you do have a lot more spell slots as a sorcerer and realistically you'll be probably burning through your spell slots you may cast can trips sure but you may have other abilities and other spell slots that you want to use a warlock because of the way it's designed is one class that from level one you'll be probably casting a cam trip pretty frequently all the way up to level 20 you will probably also be casting that same cantrib again it being Eldritch blast so when you get to higher levels if you don't remember how Eldridge blast works it adds additional shots that come out of it so I think it's at 17th level you shoot four Eldritch blast beams uh with The Illusionist bracelets on your turn with an action and a bonus action you could now shoot eight beams and if you were to have some of the other things we've talked about on here that boost up your spell attack roll that could possibly boost up the damage if you Critter things of that nature uh you really could do a lot with this I guess if I had to pick just three if we're ignoring the original list and everything here I would probably pick uh for my three Attunement slots Illusionist bracers a plus three Rod of the pack keeper and then if I'm really doubling down on Eldritch blast I would probably go with the staff of the ivory claw to get me that plus one bonus um to my attack roll and then just the freebie opportunity for the 3d6 damage on a crit if you tend to roll hot that's probably pretty useful but you would never go wrong by just choosing basically the top three of this list The Illusionist bracer is the plus three route of the packkeeper and the staff of power which is also going to give you assist to things like saving throws and AC so that's actually almost better than having magic armor uh it's just again that's three very rare magic items the potential of you having all three in your campaign is pretty slim but hey if your DM likes to throw a lot of high-powered stuff at you which I get it I do it as well I like to outfit my players with a lot of high power magical items so that I can throw more difficult encounters at them and really just beat them into the ground but allow them to survive uh which I enjoy I enjoy using difficult and making difficult combats I like watching The Players struggle but then ultimately succeed and I've really only ever had I think one tbk so um with the amount of you know things I throw at my players One Singular tbk over all these years of dming I think that's a pretty good ratio right I've had a lot of tense battles that get a little close but just watching the excitement and the relief when someone deals the final blow uh is a lot so I like to give my players a lot of cool magic items and stuff early on um and frequently so anyway folks thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this top 10 magic items for the Warlock next week will be the top 10 magic items for The Wizard and then at that point we will have formally concluded this series with all of the actual fifth edition classes however I will do a following week with the top 10 magic items for the Blood Hunter uh because many people seem to consider that a secret also official class even though it's not um but also the last time I reviewed the Blood Hunter was before they made the 2020 update so like I think it went from a wisdom based class to an intelligence or wisdom based class which severely changes up what some of the items are and we've also received a lot of interesting magic items since then so uh anyway thank you all so much for watching thank you to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me and the channel and we'll see you all next time thank you [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 27,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, D&D magic items for sorcerers, sorcerer magic items, dnd magic items for sorcerers, dnd sorcerer guide, 5e sorcerer magic items, dnd 5e sorcerer magic items, dnd 5e sorcerer guide
Id: KdW50i38Yas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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