Top 10 Magic Items For Artificers From Other Classes in D&D 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks Ted From Nerd immersion here and it is Tuesday so it's time for another top 10. as promised last week this week will be another artificer-based video however we'll be talking about magic items that are for other classes that fit for the artificer so if you want to see more specifics around what kind of do's and do Nots we're going to have for this video stay tuned so somebody came down to visit for this part of the video so Adam go over there say hi to everybody everybody else say hi to Adam uh anyway I wanted to talk to you before the specifics about the returning sponsor for today's video our good friends at RPG stories now we did a full video on RPG stories Kickstarter and everything to expect and there's a lot of really awesome stuff here but as you can see there is still 11 days left so if you want to get in on this now it's not too late as you can see if we convert things back to pounds uh they're at 45 000 pounds raised and I just wanted to let you know that once they hit that 60 uh K pound Mark that is a big unlock stretch goal over a thousand different models added to the game more customization options character sheets being imported so that is a very big upgrade that you will be able to get to anybody who backed it so if again if you haven't con backed yet and you're considering it there is a specific tracking link that will be at the top of the video description as well as a pinned comment so if you want to get in now is a great time to do so before things close out it will also be available on Steam and backers will have Early Access to this before anybody else does so thank you to RPG stories for sponsoring this video now again talking about the specifics for the artificer for the purposes of this video again artificers eventually gain access to similar to I think the thief Rogue has this ability as well where they can have access and they basically ignore requirements for Attunement whether that be race uh alignment or class type so primarily what we're going to focus on here mostly is things that have class restrictions the other thing I wanted to point out from this is as per usual like we do with all of these videos we're not going to be talking about legendary magic items we're not going to be talking about anything consumable not that there's really any consumable Attunement items but we won't be talking about those so uh it'll be an interesting set of videos but the other thing that you have to consider when you might something might jump to your mind and say oh I want to why isn't that on the list I had to go through and take a look at all of these and make sure that the way things were worded weren't about a specific class because there are a lot of magic items out there that when you get them especially the newer ones added in Tasha's cauldron that it will say things like it will add a bonus to the savings spell save DC's of your barred spells and obviously we're considering you being a just going uh all in artifice or not multi-classing because again if you're getting this as an item as an artificer and it says like it increases the spell save DC or spell attack rules of your Bard spells that doesn't really do anything for you so I had to go through and pick and choose items that were useful and didn't do things uh you know right if it gives you an additional use of your channel Divinity the item doesn't Grant you Channel Divinity that would come from your class feature so we had to pick items that fit would be useful for the artificial to have but then also also by Nature again all of these are going to be Attunement magic items as well but again useful to the artificer but not so specific that uh you wouldn't be able to use a large portion of the features because they're tied to a specific class or race number 10. Nature's mantle now this is higher on the list because again similar to what we talked about that first ability of it is unusable by the artificer right you can use this cloak as a spell casting Focus for your Druid and Ranger spells but the second part I thought was useful while you were in an area that is lightly obscured you can hide as a bonus action even if you're being directly observed it's very rare that you can have a way to get around the ability of where someone's watching you you can hide from them this one gives you the ability to do so and what's really cool about this magic item is it gives you a whole new bonus action utility that you didn't have previously so if you have any other magic items boots of Elven kind uh cloak of Elven kind even technically right you could have something that boosts your ability to make stealth checks or to hide and this now gives you the ability to do this as a bonus Action Now artificers do have depending on which one you are bonus action utility again this could be more useful for some other classes if they were able to get access to it but you can now hide as a bonus action permanently even while being observed as long as you have this magic item and then again there are fun ways you can build stuff out to make you become a like which I also think could be funny as a really like potentially bulky armored artificer you could be just like a stealth master and be able to hide as a bonus action while still doing full attacks like in theory move up to somebody hit them back away and then hide even though they're looking at you which doesn't make any sense but I love the concept of it number nine the guardian emblem I should have mentioned that the last item the Nature's mantle as well as the guardian emblem both come to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything this uh again as an action you can attach this emblem to a suit of armor or Shield which is easy enough as an artificer you typically will have one or both it has three charges whenever you are a creature you can see within 30 feet suffers a critical hit while you're wearing the armor or wielding said Shield you can use a reaction to expend one charge to turn a critical hit into a normal hit and it gets all its charges back daily at dawn this typically is only usable by a cleric or Paladin but it's something that is at least again I've said it before I feel like in my personal head Canon artificers fill a good utility role in a party well yes some of you brought it out in the last video that with a high AC depending on how you built it they can very much be a tank that is true but I still feel like even to a degree I feel like a tank almost fills a utility role in and of itself I don't typically think that the artificer is a heavy DPS class and while they do have healing I think their better option is kind of bounce around and touch on each one of the different aspects so this really goes a long way but it's also so high up or so low depending on how you look at it on this list because of the one DND play test and where we stand currently if they get rid of critical hits then this item is useless but until then it also don't forget it can work on it says when you or a creature so it can work if you get critically hit as well not just on against your allies and three uses per long rest is a pretty good deal per day rather it's pretty good deal number eight the liar of building also comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything this one typically gated for a Bard but while you have it you can cast mending as an action for those of you who don't know if we were to Mouse over mending mending typically takes a whole minute to cast so we have altered mending down from an at one minute to an action I do feel like the idea of faster mending and fixing of things fits the artifice are very well thematically you can also play the liar as a reaction when an object or structure you see within 300 feet of you takes damage causing it to be immune to that instance of damage and any further damage until the start of your next turn again this kind of fortification magic does feel very artificial in nature and if that wasn't enough you can also use the liar as an action to cast fabricate move Earth pass wall or summon construct and that spell can't be cast from it again until the next Dawn so potentially you may have access to some or all of these spells uh again pass wall is a fifth level spell summon construct is fourth so these are much later on in the artificers level before you get access to fourth and fifth level spells however the item while it is rare it's not you know if your DM focuses on Rarity a rare item isn't the hardest to get obviously we're only doing up to very rare in this in this video but those are all artificer utility style spells you could get them from the magic item itself and then have you know prepare other spells as part of your you know your daily ritual or I forget if artificers known or prepared but either way uh and again they're freebie so even if you did prepare or learn fabricate as an artificer you could still have one once a day freebie use from the liar of building this one just feels like an artificer item in general it's just it's gated behind a liar an instrument therefore it's barred and I think this is also a legacy item from older editions which is why they kind of kept it the same number seven the staff of dunamansi this is a very rare Magic item that comes to us from Explorer's guide to Wild Mount if you know anything about the critical role world and the use of dunamansi magic this was obviously heavily uh a part of campaign 2 of critical role they introduce an entire new school of magic Dune mancy which is kind of uh I don't want to say probability but it's like other timeline based magic kind of almost multiversal magic and this is typically only usable by a wizard but being an artificer you're able to get around this so it has 10 charges and gets a D6 plus four back daily at dawn has the standard if you roll a one on when you roll the last charge you could possibly lose it so usually you just wouldn't do that and then again while holding the staff you can use an action to expend two or more of its charges to cast one of the following using your spell save DC and attack bonus so it doesn't say your wizard spell save and attack bonus it says your so it works for you as the artificer fortunes favor for two charges which is uh if you it basically gives you Advantage right when the chosen creature makes an attack roll ability Checker saving throw before the spell ends casting time is a minute but its duration is an hour non-concentration um it can dismiss the spell on itself to roll an additional D20 and choose which of the d20s to use alternatively when attack roll is made against the chosen creature it can dismiss this spell to roll a D20 and choose which of the d20s to use it's as if the original role had advantage or disadvantage the creature rolls the additional D20 after so this basically works like the lucky spell does uh in the player's handbook so it gives you an additional role pulse wave which is a pretty cool spell it's almost like a force push or pull uh that is in a cone shape that can either move people 15 feet one way on top of dealing Force damage and then also gravity sinkhole which is a fourth level spell uh where you create a sphere of crushing Force at a point that basically everybody makes a con save and on a fail there take Force damage and are pulled towards the center and then on top of that you also have new possibility if you're holding the staff and fail a saving throw against the spell it targets only you you can use your uh you can turn your failed save into a successful one uh one until the next Dawn so that in and of itself is almost nice because it's basically it's not a re-roll it's a I failed and now I succeed instead on top of getting you access to three spells that you wouldn't normally have access to and again they're also freebies that you can cast from the staff number six the devotees sensor now I will say up front this really only works for the battlesmith unless you're another or a cleric uh subclass and you manage to get access to proficiency with either flails specifically or martial weapons as typically artificers only have proficiency with simple weapons it just doesn't make sense in my head that that's the case considering they could in theory make other weapons but they still have no concept of using them I know that just because you can make something doesn't necessarily mean you can utilize it but in my head they should also have martial weapon proficiencies right out the gate either way this is again comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything is a rare Magic item typically for the cleric or the Paladin but if you happen to get again be a battlesmith artificer or someone with access to other proficiencies uh one it's a flail that counts as a holy symbol again holy symbol is probably not useful to you as an artificer but when you would hit somebody with an attack with it it does an extra d8 radiant damage so the base d8 of the flail plus a d8 radiant damage it also has a bonus action that you can use to expand basically have a cloud of incense pop out of it uh and a 10 foot radius for a minute and then any creature within that heals a D4 hit points at the start of each of your turns so that's 10d4 healing over the course of a minute on that ability can't be used again until the next Dawn the only downside is it doesn't distinguish friend from foe so if an enemy is fighting you and they're within 10 feet while this is active you will also heal the enemy but consider that you can use this outside of combat and just do it for a one minute 10d4 heal to everybody around you on top of the fact that can already deal damage like I said I wish it was usable by all artificers rather than just the battlesmith but even though you can ignore all sorts of qualifications and things for magic items it still doesn't get you around the fact that you need to have proficiency with the weapon to be able to use it effectively number five staff of the woodlands this one comes to us from the base rules or the DMG this is typically usable by a Druid now I picked this one because it has a lot a lot of again really awesome utility options for you that you wouldn't normally have access to as an artificer first of all it is a magic Quarter Staff which is a weapon that you can wield and use as that as a simple weapon that has a plus two to attack and damage rolls on it so in and of itself that's pretty cool it also gives you a plus two bonus to your spell attack rolls which is a nice benefit it has a various number of 10 charges then it has the standard rules for recharge and whatnot but as an action you can expend one or more charges to cast any of the following spells animal friendship awaken bark skin locate animal or plants speak with animals speak with plants or wall of thorns I don't know if any of those are typically available to the artificer I'm going to assume probably not so that would just expand the versatility of what you can do it also has the benefit of allowing you to cast pass without Trace as much as you want without use using any charges pass without Trace is a fantastic spell one of the the greats that's out there and the fact that you can cast it from the staff constantly for free is amazing and then it also has you know the tree form ability where you can plant it in the ground and then turn it into a tree uh and then turn it back again again that's not probably the most useful option for the artificer but again some nice bass again it's a good magic weapon uh it could be something you hold on to if you don't have a druid in the party or if the druid's all tuned up on items or what have you you have the benefit to your spell tack rolls a lot of great options for spells and again free pass without Trace whenever you want it number four the Dwarven thrower now I feel like people would yell at me if I didn't put this on the list but unfortunately it falls into the same Pitfall as the devotee sensor where it is a Warhammer which is a martial weapon so unless you're a battlesmith or have some way to gain access to uh Warhammer proficiency whether it be through martial weapons or some other way it won't be useful to you again unless you're playing a battle Smith typically this requires Attunement by a dwarf I should also say that this comes to us from the base rule slash DMG um and so if you're playing a race that is not a dwarf then the Dwarven thrower could be an option that you could use again normally only dwarves would have access to it it is a plus three weapon so plus three to hit plus three to damage uh and it has a range of 20 60 20 short 60 long and then again if you throw it and are doing the range it does an extra d8 damage if that Target is a giant it does 2d8 instead of an extra 2d8 and then immediately it flies back to your hand uh so it you can live up your wolfgar slash Thor fantasy of being able to throw a hammer have it fly back to your hand which is awesome again it feels like it fits the artificer throwing a hammer again Smith all that kind of stuff especially the battlesmith I feel like it fits very well but again if you can find a way to get access to it and find one of these hammers there you go number three staff of healing this is one of the Pinnacle awesome items for anybody who likes to do healing or is looking for healing typically only attunable by a barred cleric or Druid your artifice or nature gets you around that I also have a sneaking suspicion that where the artifice are in the base game when the DMG was written or the basic rules that released this artificer may have been on this list at that time but again Paladin isn't so who knows but basically this has 10 charges you can expend the charges as an action to cast one of the following spells cure wounds as a first level spell for one charge and then you can cast it one to one up to fourth level lesser restoration for two charges or mass cure wounds for five so again whether it's single Target healing disease or condition cleansing or a nice you know AOE heel for you and the party and it gets a D6 plus four charges back at dawn has the standard like don't roll a one if you spend all the charges but that's a lot you could basically basically get a mask cure wounds and a couple other special heels in there as well without tapping into your limited spell slots possibly using them for other utility options or flat out damage and again like I said it's just a great item it also you know if you spec in a way that you don't take any healing but you come across a staff of healing that would be a great thing to allow you to then cast those spells when you normally wouldn't be able to I think this really fits again my head Cannon for where the artificer fits in the party and being able to work around it like I said I do feel like it probably would have access to it uh out the gate if this the artificer was in the original book but or in the original you know set of the rules but I don't know let me know what you think would you I mean the Paladin didn't get access to it so does that mean the artifice or wouldn't either and do you think when one D and D officially gets published in 2024 who will have access to be able to cast this then number two good old necklace of prayer beads this is one of my favorite magic items in the game again I typically play clerics or paladins so this comes you know this is a near and dear one to my heart it also is a tunable typically only by Clark Druids or paladins comes to us from the base rule slash DMG and it comes with a D4 plus two magical beads on it and those beads allow you to do a variety of different things first of all a necklace can have you know could have up to a variety of different options on it each bead contains a spell that you can cast from it as a bonus action using your spellsave DC now what's important there is it says it can be cast as a bonus action which means a variety of different spells that are typically one action to cast have now become a bonus action for you if you were to take a look at this bless is an action which is a great utility spell you can now cast it as a bonus action possibly benefiting yourself with the bonus action and then making an attack roll after that with an extra D4 to the attack roll same thing with cure wounds at second level again that's an option for you that normally was an action and that was become a bonus action same thing lesser restoration greater restoration as an action but is now switched to a bonus action branding Smite always was a bonus action so nothing crazy there planar Ally is a huge one planar Ally typically takes 10 minutes to cast casting it via the bead is a bonus action and then the same kind of thing with wind walk wind walk is how long is wind walk to cast a minute to cast wind walk you can now turn that one minute wind walk cast into a bonus action casting so these are all great spells they are great utility spells you also have an access to some things that could do damage like branding Smite or potentially what Ally you summon via planar Ally and you cut all of the casting times down to a bonus action pretty awesome and a great utility item all around number one the staff of power it pretty much had to be on this list it comes to us from the base rule slash DMG and is typically only a tune a little by a sorcerer warlock or wizard obviously being an artificer that would let us to break that and it works in a couple of pretty awesome ways first of all it is again similar to the staff of the woodlands a plus two Quarter Staff so there's a plus two to attack plus two to damage and it is a weapon that you can wield while holding it also gives you a plus two to your AC so that's a potential way to stack your AC even higher especially if you're someone like a armorer who already probably has a ridiculously high AC giving yourself plus two more it also gives you a plus two to your saving throws which is huge and to your spell attack rolls we could stop right there and this item would probably be worth it in and of itself but it goes on to do a lot more it does have 20 charges and has again a variety of different rules that happen on if you spend all the charges if you roll a one when you spend the last charge it still is a plus two quarter F but everything else is lost if you roll a 20 it gets back more charges um or gets back charges a d8 plus two uh then you have power strike as an ability here when you use the staff in melee you can expend a charge to deal an extra D Force damage uh 1d6 Force damage to a Target but probably what you'll likely end up using it for on top of just the base passive bonuses that it provides are all of the awesome high level and great damaging spells that it has right cone of cold fifth level Fireball glow of invulnerability hold monster levitate fifth level lightning bolt magic Missile Raven feeblement and Wall of force those are all fantastic spells that do a ton of damage I also have some of them have utility of things like levitate wall of force hold monster and now you don't have to one some of these I don't even think you have access to some of these are of higher level spells like I think cone of cold is a six level spell or fifth level spell uh Global vulnerability is a six level spell so you definitely wouldn't be able to cast that normally you have all these awesome abilities here and then you have these sort of last minute if things are really dire retributive strike ability which is you can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against the solid surface performing a retributive strike the staff is destroyed and basically explodes in a 30-foot radius centered on where the staff was broken you have a 50 chance to instantly travel to a random plane of existence avoiding the explosion if you fail though you take Force damage equal to 16 times the number of charges the staff has left reminder it has 20 charges when it's all the way full every other creature in that that area must make a dc-17 dexterity savings there it's a 30 foot radius so everyone within 30 feet must make a DC 17 deck save on a failure they take damage based on the distance and how many charges are left so you can see it here if they're 10 feet away or closer they take eight times the number of charges left in the staff if they're 11 to 20 feet away it's six times and 21 to 30 feet away they take four times the number of charges in the staff again if this was a full staff when you were really worried if they're out as the maximum distance that they can be harmed it could still be taking 80 points of damage so that's pretty crazy um but yeah the staff of power is a fantastic magic item and I mean like this is a great item especially in the hands of a sorcerer warlock or wizard but those typically don't have access to a lot of the things that the artificer has I can imagine a armor artificer who has like a ridiculous 25 AC or something like that 23 24 with all the different armors and things that they have stuff they've crafted themselves and they also have the staff of power which again they can use to fight on top of having a shield because remember you can wheel the Quarter Staff in one hand and then they can also be slinging all these crazy spells while further having the passive bonuses of boosted AC and saving throws so anyway folks that covers my top 10 magic items for artificers that are typically not allowed via I have to figure a better name for from other classes maybe um so let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below did I miss anything was there some items that were super great that I just totally glanced over or didn't even talk about have you used any of these magic items with your artifice or if they've gotten to that high level I'm very curious uh so once again a huge thank you and shout out to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me I do have plans to really Revitalize a lot of the content over there and I want to apologize for everyone uh who is a patron and hasn't been getting some of the things that I you know some of the rewards that I should be giving out so I have a whole plan to rework that as well as releasing new content with the form of like magic items and stuff like that over on the patreon so stay tuned for that uh continuing on the alphabet through the player's handbook we are now going to move on to Barbarian so next Tuesday be sure to stay tuned for the top 10 magic items for barbarians thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 13,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, best magic items 5e, d&d magic items for artificer, artificer magic items list, artificer crafting magic items, dnd 5e artificer guide, dnd 5e artificer build, dnd 5e artificer infusions, artificer
Id: zT4SfQGdpHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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