Top 10 Magic Items For Rangers in D&D 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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going on folks Ted From Nerd immersion here and it's time to talk about everybody's favorite class that's right the ranger this is my top 10 magic items for Rangers while we all may have opinions on how we feel about the ranger there is no reason we can't talk about what magic items will help make their experience that much better if you want to see the specifics behind it stay tuned before we dive into the specifics though I wanted to talk to you about the sponsor for today's video our friends from Nord games and The Ultimate Guide to forging harvesting and natural Discovery I did a full video covering this in depth about 15 days ago so I won't dive into things too much here but it obviously shredded through its initial funding goal of 20K currently sitting at over a hundred and sixty thousand dollars for the low low price of 25 will get you access to the base level PDF of this fifty dollars get you access to a hardcover and there are other tiers above that that provide you options to other content thanks for magic item creation and things of that nature but if you're like me and you often lament the fact that it's pretty difficult to be able to go out and come up with magical materials for your players to find whether that be plants materials mushrooms what have you and they want to use that in the game make use of all those cool Artisan tools that we have like the herbalism kit things like that nature well we've got that right what about harvesting monster bits I'm sure you you and I both have killed the dragon and decided you wanted to save all of its parts to do something cool with it only to find out that there are no rules for that well those kinds of things are also contained in the for Ultimate Guide to uh forging harvesting and natural discovery you've also got things here as I mentioned magic item cards for how to create custom magic items whether you want to do this ahead of time and plot them into your game or do them on the Fly for your party to find as time goes on looking for a delivery date of this of November of 2023 and as I said it's got a little bit of something from for everyone including things for extra downtime activities uh player Hooks and quests and things of that nature there's a lot here it's definitely worth checking out there is a link at the top of the video description as well as a pinned comment that are tracking links so go ahead and check those out if you're interested so as I said I wanted to talk a little bit about what the specifics are for this video but it should come as no surprise to you what they are as I've said in the past first of all the video that kicked off the renewal of my top 10 video series was top 10 magic items for all classes you'll take that video and then pair it with what's contained in this video to make your whole list for a ranger right or if you wanted to talk about paladins from last week top 10 magic items for all classes plus top 10 magic items for paladins so as far as specifics of what we're going to be including here it's what I've been talking about before but if you're new or this is your first time watching I'll explain it all here we're not doing any legendary magic items because legendary magic items are in a class all of their own so we're talking common uncommon very rare and rare magic items only we're not talking consumable magic items things like potions and Scrolls we're also not talking about anything that's consumable with a limited number of charges and then is gone forever something like a chime of opening where once you used all its charms the item is just useless we're also not going to be covering any of the tomes or manuals that increase any of your ability scores as they are all useful to any class as they are not an Attunement item are things of that nature and lastly we are not going to be focusing on anything that is specific to a certain type of subclass right if something is really really useful for a hunter Ranger but maybe not as useful for a swarm keeper well we don't want to do that we want this to be a subclass agnostic video so whatever kind of Ranger you're playing these magic items will be useful for you let's Dive In number 10. Racers of archery now I'm not saying and I want to make this very clear up front that you need to be an Archer if you decide to be a ranger it is more than capable that you can be a Javelin throwing Ranger you can wield two swords you can wield one sword you can wield a hammer right no one is saying that you need to use a bow however it does seem more often than not that Rangers tend towards the archery route so there will be things on this list that are for people who want to be archers and there will be things on this list who want to deal with melee and kind of want to mix and match so the bracers of archery are a simple uncommon etuma magic item that comes to us from the basic rules that gives you proficiency with the Longbow and the short bow which is something I do feel a lot of people forget that that is part of it so giving bracers of archery to someone who is not focused on archery can actually be beneficial this could be a way that your sorcerer for example could get access to a longbow and on top of that it gives a plus two bonus to the damage made with such weapons again eliminated only to Longbow and short bow doesn't do anything for folks who are using a crossbow but either way it's a simple item getting one is probably not going to be a big ask from your DM number nine the moon sickle this varying Rarity magic item we've seen this before we talked about it with the Druid but basically it's one of these varying magic items that comes in uncommon rare and very rare and has Associated bonuses with it it's Attunement it comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything and the reason it's so high on this list is some of the benefits are potentially less useful for the ranger but let's talk about it right so while holding this magic weapon first of all it is a magic weapon it is a sickle that does a D4 damage you get a bonus to attack and damage Rolls made with it and a bonus to your spell attack rolls and spell save DC's equal to the bonus right so if it's uncommon it's plus one rare plus two very rare plus three you don't have a ton uh if I recall of attacking uh spells as a Drew as a ranger rather you do have some and it will raise the spell save DC of your spells which could be beneficial I don't know many Rangers that are using at least in my personal opinion maybe you know different and that's totally fine that are using their spells in the form of spellsave DC's in my opinion and from my experience from playing with and running games for most of the time the Rangers that I played with that used their spells were using things that would somehow something like a hunter's marker otherwise that would be a sort of self-contained boosting item that will provide Zephyr strike and things of that nature uh less things that required a spell save though they did come up and then the other benefit is when you cast a spell that restores hit points you can roll a D4 and add the number rolled the amount of hit points for sword providing you're holding the uh the sickle this would have been prior to the healing Spirit Nerf this would have been absolutely busted if that was an option but it will still work with your Base Healing as a as a ranger and it will still work with healing Spirit although the overall healing amount that you're able to do won't be as much it'll also actually be pretty beneficial now that I think about it with the one DND play test as well version of the rain dress they do have access to more can trips and more spells including things like healing word so if you're playing one DND play test Ranger Moon sick will be useful for that as well number eight cloak of the bat this Attunement rare Magic item comes to us from the basic rules and I think it really fits with the overall theme of the Ranger so you have advantage on stealth checks while you wear this this has no caveats to it it's just a flat out always having advantage on stealth checks which is pretty awesome uh not to say that you'll be a stealthy Ranger although most do tend towards dexterity either way uh and then if you happen to be in an area of dim light or Darkness you can grab the edges of the cloak and use it to have a fly speed of 40 feet now I know it's supposed to be cloak of the bat right so you're probably supposed to grab your cloak and kind of hold it out and sort of fly like Batman kind of that way but in my mind I imagine it grabbing the base edges of the cloak and sort of flying like Super Mario from Super Mario World where you would like go up and then when you kind of grab it and go like like that's how I imagine you flying I know it's probably not what it's like but I can't see it any other way in my mind and it makes somebody flying with a cloak of the bat even funnier to me uh if you do happen to let go of the cloak or enter an area of that's not in dim light or Darkness you will lose the fly speed and plummet however you also have the ability if you're in dim light or Darkness to polymorph yourself into a bat but different than traditional polymorph is you retain your intelligence wisdom and Charisma score I want to use that ability you can't use it until the next Dawn but this is kind of a great tool for Recon reaching areas you couldn't normally reach and it helps you live out that Druid fantasy as a ranger without actually having to take levels in druid number seven fentanyl Shield this uncommon non-attunement magic item comes to us from the dungeon Masters Guide and it's just a really solid Shield all around if you happen to find yourself again in melee and not wanting to go the dual wielding route which honestly I wouldn't really recommend as it doesn't really pan out too well at least in the current version of dual wielding I do believe that the 1D play test version of that is significantly better so if you're using that by all means but uh I think you'd be better off with a shield more often than not and this particular one on top of providing the plus two bonus to AC that Shields typically provide it also provides you advantage on initiative roles and perception checks as long as you're holding the shield so again flat on advantage on initiative this is awesome this is a very useful thing especially depending on the type of Ranger you might find yourself being I know Gloom stalkers get some benefits if they're they're earlier that I think the earlier they go in a turn well if I recall correctly so that would be a benefit and again just a flat out advantage page on perception checks which as I've said before advantage on perception checks means a plus five bonus to the passive check so it also gets you a plus five bonus to your passive perception and it all comes from a non-attunement magic item number six I'll be honest this one's a little bit odd but I'm gonna go with either the Wanda Fireballs or the wand of lightning bolts here you it requires Attunement by a spellcaster this rare uh Magic item that comes from the base rules and as of a second level Ranger you are in fact a spellcaster so you can utilize this also I feel not a hundred percent of the time but Rangers possibly I feel like again most of the ones I've encountered focused more on the physical aspects and less on the magical aspects so wisdom was still a high priority ability score for them but it wasn't their top priority so their spell save DC wasn't necessarily phenomenal as such having a spell save DC of 15 on a fireball that just granted to you from a magic item might be pretty good especially early on but might even still be good for you later on if you're still working on raising your ability scores also you won't typically have access access to Fireball though I can't remember you might in the one DND play test and I definitely don't think you'd have access to lightning bolt at least for base uh Ranger but this will get you a nice long distance AOE that allows you to save your various um any kind of potions or other things you might have that you be or or salves or oils that you'd be applying to your weapons to try to do more damage and also save your spell slots potentially for healing or something else utility wise past without trace and allows you to kind of get the big boom that you want possibly from some of your other higher level Ranger spells by allowing you to just continually use this Wand Over and Over You can technically up cast these with using more charges but honestly it seems like a waste of a charge rather than casting one uh upcast version of a fireball using most of the charges in this one you'll be better off to cast multiple individual third level Fireballs overall you'll I think you'll get more damage in the long run and then again as the standard stuff with wands right if you spend the last charge you have to roll a D20 if you roll a one you lose it forever otherwise it gets a D6 plus one Chargers back daily at dawn number five so this is sort of a two for one and it really comes down to your uh whatever you decide but that's either the bag of tricks or the figurine of wondrous power and I'll kind of take a look at both here but they kind of allow you to live out the fantasy of being a Beastmaster Ranger without having to actually play one and I do stand by that I think Rangers possibly should get some sort of animal companion as a base class feature and then something like The Beastmaster should just have a better version of it but that being said we do have things like the bag of tricks which has three different variations that allows you to reach in and as you can see it has like a ball of fur that you pull out and throw on the ground and it transforms into an animal this is also an uncommon non-attunement magic item you can throw the ball up to 20 feet and when you do you roll so there's a gray rust and tan bag of tricks that have everything from something little like a rat to something pretty substantial like a direwolf a lion or a tiger obviously depending on what you want to use this for it has different uses but as it's the feature is friendly to you and your companions it acts on your turn however you do need to use your bonus action to command it to move and do whatever you want it to do uh you can pull up to three of these creatures out at the same time um let's see uh you can use an action to pull it out throw 20 feet transforms into a creature uh creature is friendly towards you once three fuzzy objects have been pulled from the bag it can't be used again until the next Dawn so um I don't and I think it also says uh the creature vanishes at the next Dawn or when it's reduced to zero hit points So in theory if you roll very well you could possibly if you rolled three sevens in a rust bag of tricks you could pop out three lions and have them there that follow you around are friendly to your party and you could command uh it says the bonus section to command how the creature moves I don't know if it works I've always treated it as if they have multiple companions they can command all of them as a bonus action I they did also Nerf it a while ago because originally they didn't used to disappear at the next Dawn they added that language after the fact So in theory every day you could have just been building up a massive Army and like I said I also want to mention the figurine of wondrous power which has specific options with varying Rarities as you can see here doing different things um one that I've seen given out quite often is the golden lions that you can use one or both figurines to summon a lion for up to an hour only downside with the figurines of wondrous power is they have a time frame it's they can be summoned and exists for a certain period of time and after the fact that they transform back into their figurine form for a degree so for example the Lions they last for an hour once they've been used they can't be used again for seven days the only upside to that though however it does understand your language and obeys your spoken commands however it doesn't actually specify as far as I could tell anywhere what kind of action you need to use on your turn to command them to do anything it says they understand languages and obeys your spoken commands if you issue no commands it defends itself but takes no other actions so as far as I can tell you could summon these things and then just command them with your words in combat and then they'll do that and essentially is giving them their own turn not utilizing because I don't think it says it it says it yeah it doesn't actually say when they go in combat so I assume that they go on your turn as an action to summon them into existence but I guess they kind of go I would put them going on your turn but it doesn't appear it costs any action economy for you to use them so they may be more powerful but usable less often I don't know which one do you prefer bag of tricks or figurine of wondrous power number four the Nature's mantle this uncommon two-minute magic item comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything and while wearing this cloak which couldn't be more rangery in theme and design you can use it as a spell casting Focus for your spells if you see fit but it also while in an area that is lightly obscured allows you to hide as a bonus action even if you're being directly observed which is typically not a thing you could do also as I've said before there's technically nothing stopping you from wearing multiple cloaks and or capes or mantles so you could in theory combo the Nature's mantle with the cloak of the bat allowing you to have advantage on stealth checks and then also be able to hide as a bonus action comboing the two together this is a pretty cool magic item uh and I think it definitely fits it kind of out classes although I do feel like it should provide some benefit to stealth it it Rivals I think the boots and things of Alvin kind in a lot of different ways boots and cloak of velvet kind they give you Advantage this lets you hide as a bonus action I like them both though number three the dragon wing bow this comes to us this rare tuna magic item from sorry from fizzband's treasury of dragons and this is a pretty cool bow in that when you make an attack roll with the bow and it could be any bow it does not limited to just long or short poke crossbows are welcome as well uh the target takes an additional D6 damage of the type of the breath weapon that's based on the said dragon acid cold fire but it also uses gem dragons as well so Force lightning necrotic poison psychic radiant or thunder so pick your type I mean again it depends on what the DM provides to you or if they let you decide you could choose a type of damage that you want and then your bow will provide an extra D6 of that damage and also again something that doesn't necessarily come up too often maybe it does in your games but uh it basically produces its own ammunition uh automatically creating one piece of magic ammunition when you pull back the string and then it vanishes after it hits or misses again if you're dealing with a very heavy forensics running from the authority situation your arrow will impact the enemy or or what have you and it won't leave any trace of even an arrow because it's created from energy uh also you don't have to worry about mitigating and dealing with Quivers and things like that because the bow generates its own ammo um but that does actually make me curious do you guys actually track ammunition in your games I feel like most games don't but I'm curious how it works in your games at your table number two serpent scale armor this uncommon non-attunement magic item is probably one of the best things for a ranger out there in that it is scale mail so normally scale mail it's an AC of 14s that's your armor class to 14 and allows you to add your dexterity modifier up to a plus two typically and that's it however this allows you to apply your full dexterity modifier allowing you potentially if you have a 20 dexterity allowing you to apply all five of those points to your armor class basically using with this armor alone if you had a 20 dexterity you would have 19 Armor class in addition it doesn't impose disadvantage on stealth check something else that scaml typically does so this allows you to be stealthy and possibly have a significantly higher Armor class I mean again a starting base 19 Armor class would be potentially actually it would be one of the highest armor classes one could attain without delving too heavily into rare or greater uh magic items for example you know plate mail is an 18 AC but I think plus one platemail is a rare Magic item you'd be having essentially the equivalency of plus one plate mail assuming you had maximum uh dexterity with an uncommon magic item which is pretty cool and like I said the fact that this is not Attunement is also a huge win number one and I'm gonna have to give the number one spot to the Scimitar of speed this very rare tuna magic item comes to us from the basic rules and on the most basic of levels this is a plus two Scimitar now normally that would actually be kind of weak because typically very rare magic items are plus three magic items but this one has a very unique and very useful ability that in addition you can make one attack with it as a bonus action on each of your turns and the reason I had brought up some of the other stuff that I did is you can use the Scimitar of speed in conjunction with a shield and basically also still have the equivalency of two weapon fighting without needing to focus on two weapon fighting this allows you normally as a ranger you could equip two scimitars both dealing a D6 damage plus your dexterity modifier however if you wanted to use um uh to weapon fighting your initial one would do a D6 plus your dexterity modifier and your secondary one would just do a D6 unless you focused in a fighting style specifically to allow you to do that this Scimitar of speed will allow you to attack twice with your extra attack once as a bonus action using this automatically again applying uh that dexterity bonus not having to have you focus on two weapon fighting allows you to still benefit from the access to a shield and whatever kind of magical Shield you might have and you can use your fighting style that you get as a ranger for something else whether that be archery for the plus two to hit or one of the other newer ones that was added so I really truly think specifically for a ranger although it could be beneficial for other folks you do have some bonus action utility as a ranger through spells and things so there may be uh some possible offsets there but if you think about it if you were to bonus action Hunters Mark somebody on the first turn you could then hit them three times on the subsequent turn getting that extra D6 damage more often than not allowing you to further knock down enemies HP while still having if you were to have say the serpent scale armor and the Sentinel Shield both of which happen to be non-attunement magic items that are also both uncommon and you were lucky enough to have maximum dexterity you'd be looking at a 21 on AC advantage on perception checks advantage on initiative roles being able to make three attacks a turn without disadvantage on stealth and each of those attacks would be at a plus two attack plus two damage and who knows you could still have things like a uh you know things like a bow and other things to be able to deal with long range of combatants as the need may arise so there you go folks that is my top 10 magic items for the D d5e Ranger let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below if you haven't figured it out yet we're going through them alphabetically so if you're just watching this video now and you're like do the Druid do the cleric I already did you'll have to go back and look as we're continuing through this alphabetically which means next week we'll be talking about the Rogue thank you to everyone who's watching thank you to bringing this number up to 99.6 we are closing in on that 100K Mark for packs unplugged in just over 15 days can we hit the mark I'd love to do so I'm also gearing up to get more swag to bring to Pax unplugged so if you want to see me there I'll have fun stuff to give out and who knows everybody seemed to love my d d mug my nerd immersion mug scavenger hunts that I did at Gen Con maybe we'll bring them back for packs on plugged as well so thank you all so much for watching thank you to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me and the channel I will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 18,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, best magic items 5e, D&D magic items for rangers, ranger magic items, dnd magic items for rangers, dnd ranger guide, 5e ranger magic items, dnd 5e ranger magic items, dnd 5e ranger guide
Id: HW2ynnY5v-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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