Top 10 D&D 5e Uncommon Magic Items | Nerd Immersion

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it's tuesday so it's time for another top 10 video i'm grabbing the third runner-up from my previous poll from my patrons which was the top 10 uncommon magic items so i thought it'd be an interesting change from last week where i gave you my top 10 worst magic items and you had a lot of comments about what you thought about that video but then i said let's do top 10 uncommon magic items to go more on the positive side so if you want to see what's going on with that stay tuned something new in the background how uncommon what's going on folks ted from nerd immersion here and let's just get the rules and a few things out of the way up front first of all it's uh as far as rules go it has to be an uncommon magic item i think that goes without saying but that means it has to be an officially published magic item or from wizards of the coast by that i mean not just in the dungeon masters guide but it can also be contained in the various campaign books as well as in the printed pdfs that they have or the official pdfs like lost laboratory qualish the total package and so on so those are the rules behind that uh it is my top 10 list i'll stress this again therefore it may not be the best uncommon magic items but they're my top ten and i'll explain why i think that they're the best in uh you know as we go through the video also i have a giveaway going on right now to win a limited edition cover of mythic odysseys of theros this is going on right now goes till mid-september there's a link in the description if you want to go check that out to see if you want to enter to win all right on to number 10. number 10 adamantine armor this is uh holds a personal bias to me but i also give you some reasons why i like it so first of all again uncommon found in the basic rules but it is also non-attunement and it will make armor go from non-magical to magical certain abilities certain enemies can do things to non-magical armor so this will help you there but basically all it does is it takes the a regular critical hit and turns it into a regular hit so if i hit you with a great sword uh and i crit and would normally do 2d6 and when i critic doubles the dice to 46 and with adamantine armor if i hit you with it is now a regular hit still doing only 2d6 damage it would normally it automatically hits because it's a critical it just removes the double dice now that's not a big deal on a standard hit but if you're getting into enemies there possibly have pc levels like an enemy with uh let's say paladin smite abilities or an enemy with rogue sneak attack abilities and they can roll a bunch of dice a critical hit will deal a ton of damage to them as well as if you flip it the other way and if you are dealing damage to an enemy and the enemy has adamantine armor then the dm can throw out of anti-armor on them to reduce the overall damage that they would take make it a little bit easier to survive aside from that this is one of the first magic items i had in my first fifth edition campaign so i have a little bias towards it as well and again i don't really find a scenario where if i have an option for adamantine armor and i can get it i'm not going to say no to it because just that extra survivability and there's other combos and things you can do with it but overall i don't know i just really like it number nine so the gauntlets of ogre power right here they're uncommon they do require attunement and as long as your strength is under 19 it makes your strength equal to 19. so this is a great way to get around possibly poor ability score rolls um maybe you're doing point buying or trying to get a little bit of a higher stat or maybe you're not prioritizing strength as you're a dex based character something else and you happen upon these and you might attune to them while you're waiting on other slots now you can have a high dex and a high strength again the headband of intellect does the exact same thing but sets your intelligence to 19. uh and that i feel like again i've stated it before i feel uh intelligence unless you're a wizard or one of the few classes that use it intelligence is often a dump stat so being able to bump your intelligence to a 19 is kind of a nice little benefit and can help you out a lot in the long run my only downside with this magic item is why do they only pick strength and um intelligence to get these items why can't we have something that does the same thing for dexterity constitution uh charisma wisdom i don't see why they just stuck with so few options for this in previous editions it was super common to have the same kind of items that would do these things so i don't know why and i mean that's super easy to homebrew right you know gloves of dexterity sets your dexterity to 19. you know cloak of charisma set your charisma to 19. super easy to homebrew i just don't know why those items don't already exist number eight pearl of power so this one does require a two-minute by a spellcaster because of the what it does but while it's on your person you can use an action to speak its command word and regain one expended spell slot if it's a fourth level or higher the new slot is third level once you use this pearl it can be used again and it can't be used again until the next dawn so some benefits for this obviously there's the most basic i'm a spellcaster i cast a spell i use the pearl i get that spell slot back that's good if you're a warlock this can be a life saver given the fact that you have so limited spell slots uh but this can also be something really nice for someone like a paladin because it's in theory one extra smite because i can go ahead and smite with a third level spell then use the parole to get the slot back something else i didn't really think about until i just read it now is you get an extended spell slot back if the expended slot was a fourth level or higher the new slot is third level so in theory if i cast a fifth level spell and i have a pearl of power cast my fifth level spell i can get a new slot from pearl of power and get another third level slot so in theory i could have my full level of of my full slots of third level spells and essentially get an extra third level slot uh by using the pearl of power again it's not super crazy powerful but it's something that i feel like you can give out to you know a party early on and no one's gonna be upset that they have this especially if you have spell casters obviously if you don't have spellcasters in the party this serves no purpose but just being able to quit get that slop back as an action especially if they're not someone like a warlock who can get them back on a short rest and they've got to go through the whole day a pearl of power can go a long way to add survivability and give more options to those characters as the day wears on and they've gone through more encounters number seven gloves of thievery i put these on here because they are one of the few magic items out there that does the very very rare plus five a static number bonus normally you only have things that will give you advantage or certain things like that or like we talked about the set your ability score to a certain thing uh gloves of thievery give you a flat plus five two dexterity sleight of hand checks and dexterity checks made to pick locks so that means that you don't even oh and they're not attuned by the way and once you put them on they turn invisible so no one knows that you have them so what i really really like about these is the fact that it is a static plus five so i could be someone that doesn't really have proficiency in sleight of hand checks or doesn't know how to pick locks but i can wear these gloves get a flat plus five to those and then i might be in a pretty good spot alternatively go the other way and let's say you're a rogue or someone with expertise and sleight of hand or expertise in thieves tools this will make you that much even better at it by giving you a plus five on top of that so this doesn't have any of that like oh i have expertise it's double my proficiency bonus it's all of the double proficiency bonus and your modifier and then this is on top of that so you can hit truly truly ungodly numbers especially again as a rogue with something like peerless talent number six sentinel shield this is another one of those items that i like to give out to a party early on it's an uncommon magic item this one's the dungeon masters guide not the basic rules but while you have it while you're holding it rather you have advantage on initiative rolls and perception checks and then it's a basic shield so it does all the benefits of a shield giving you a plus two to ac it's magic so it'll resist things that don't affect uh magical armor and shields advantage on initiative roles and perception checks well you're never going to be upset to have advantage on initiative roles nobody everybody hates rolling that one on initiative and then this might help resolve that but advantage on perception checks it's all perception checks it's not just perception checks that rely on site not just perception checks that rely on hearing it's all perception checks and if you have a consistent advantage on perception checks advantage constantly on a check gives you a plus five to the passive bonus so if you have a sentinel shield giving you constant advantage on perception checks your passive perception will also go up by five number five stone of good luck i think this one's pretty self-explanatory uh uncommon requires attunement and it gives you a plus one to ability checks and saving throws so that's going to give you again all of your skills but you know a thieves tools check is an ability check also initiative is an ability check so give you a plus one to your initiative as well also a plus one to all of your saving throws this again a really nice item to give out to especially if you have a player who can get overwhelmed with options uh like if you give them a magic item that lets them cast spells or do something else that might be a lot and might overload what they can do on a turn a stone of good luck is one of the items that i consider to be one of those really good static items it's kind of you get it you apply the bonuses when you get it and then you just sort of forget about it it's there in the background doing what it needs to do and you don't really need to worry about it you don't need to add or apply things as long as you make sure you're adding that plus one every time again if you are using something like d and d beyond those benefits will be automatically applied to you so you don't even have to worry about it or you worry about it even less number four cloak of protection uncommon requires attunement and this very similar to the stone of good luck is going to give you a plus one to saving throws but instead of giving you a plus one to all of your ability checks it's going to give you a plus one to ac this is yet again like i said one of those ones you can just give to a player leave them alone they can set it and forget it it's going to be again if you had both of those items you'd have a plus one to ac plus one to all ability checks and a plus two to all of your saving throws i also like to take the time if i'm going to give people a click of protection and make it fancy like that's a just like like give it a different description don't make it look just like this standard one you could but maybe you make it look maybe it's more unique maybe it's a cloak and it looks a little bit different maybe it's more of a cape than a cloak you know just you can have fun with the design of it and the material that it's made out of but it still fundamentally does the same thing number three wand of magic missile this along with a lot of the other ones that i've been talking about are ones that i often give out to an early level party i feel like giving out a wand of magic missile is something that most i think a lot of the pre-written adventures do relatively early on and i like to do as well it's a nice little boost of magical ability whether it's to improve a caster to give them more options or to give the fighter some range options that they wouldn't normally have or some magical options uh and basically i mean it lets you cast magic missile have seven charges you can expend one charge to cast a base level magic missile shooting three magical darts for each charge above the first one it increases the level of the magic missile therefore adding more additional magical bolts that you're doing uh and again each charge goes up by one it regains one d6 plus one charges back at dawn if you expend the last charge you roll a d20 uh if you roll a one on that d20 the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed so as long as you only expend six of the seven charges daily you'll never have any issues with potentially losing it you could again cast it you up cast it out of a higher level slot with the wand and then just do a whole bunch of damage or just do a bunch of first level magic missiles dealing three you know shooting out three darts you're never going to be upset to have magic missile because it's either going to be like i really need to hit this guy they're almost dead let's get them they're within 120 feet this auto hits and does the damage or i'm going to hit this guy and then they're going to use shield to block it and then i just blew one of their spell slots doing that again something that it's not too overpowering to give to a party early on you might even let the party start with a wand of magic missiles and the fact that it's non-attunement is you can swap it between different characters and anybody can use it whenever they need to number two well it's me and if you recall any of my top 10 magic items for the different classes you would know that winged boots has to be on this list it is uncommon it does require attunement but it's going to give you access to pretty much concentrationless flight for a significant amount of time you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed obviously if you're a race or a class that gets benefits to your walking speed this will be even better because your fly speed will be higher you can use the boots to fly for up to four hours total you can do this all in once or break it up into little bursts to a minimum of one minute if you're flying when the duration expires you descend at a rate of 30 feet until you land and then you regain two hours of flying capability for every 12 hours they aren't in use so things to consider you have an automatic kind of built-in feather fall so you'll never fall and die if you run out of fly speed you have four hours of total fly speed that will almost never be an issue if especially if you're like only flying in combat or to do like short little trips i guess if you're trying to like gun it over land for four hours then you'll have an issue with this but in my experience most people that have winged boots they never run out of the fly speed because they're using them in combat to get up out of an area to be able to get advantage to fly a rope up to a point to tie it off to allow other people to climb up all sorts of things like that uh and then it's two hours gained back for every uh 12 hours that they aren't in use so after a full 24 hour rest you'd have all of it back assuming you used every every you know bit of it but the fact that you can use it in one minute bursts means one minute's pretty much going to cover most combats again fantastic magic item i don't typically give out wing boots super early on but they're not a bad thing to have and i do typically tell my players in most scenarios like if they were to start not at first level you're going to start with an uncommon magic item and if they picked wing boots well i did that to myself number one the bag of holding it's a tried and true item for as long as i can remember playing dungeons and dragons and it's a quintessential like staple item for a party to have and something that no one will be upset about so if you don't know what this is uh one what do you do playing d d bag of holdings are super common they're an extra dimensional space a bag that constantly weighs i think 15 pounds regardless looks this one particularly looks like a messenger bag but 15 pounds regardless of what's in it and it can hold inside um sorry the outside dimensions are roughly two feet uh in diameter at the mouth and four feet deep it can hold up a total of 500 pounds and a volume uh not exceeding 64 cubic feet so you if you i mean you've seen it in pop culture and things where people pull stuff that's way too big out of a small bag or a small space that's what this is you can put a ton of stuff in here you can have a a ton of storage space it can free up a lot of the inventory management as well or you give the bag holding to one person and they're in charge of the inventory um and then again you can just turn it upside down and dump it out if you want to get everything out of it spill everything forth from it you can actually put people inside it breathing creatures inside the bag can survive for a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures inside minimum of a minute so if you need to sneak somebody in you can sneak them inside in in your bag of holding or if you are say a necromancer who summons undead and they don't need to breathe a whole bunch of them can go into the bag of holding and then they can come out um and then there's the ever you know the nova move when you're worried about it if you put a bag of holding inside another extra dimensional space extra dimensional space like a handy haversack or portable hole or another bag of holding uh they both are instantly destroyed and it tears a a gate to the astral plane uh it originates where the first item is and any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked to a random location on the astral plane the gate then closes it's one way and can't be reopened there's a lot of cool i'm sure you've seen it where people are trying to like make an arrow with a portable hole in a bag of holding so when they shoot it they impact and make a a tear to the astral space or astral plane it also does not give you a saving throw to succeed if you are within 10 feet when this goes off you are sucked into the astral plane regardless of size you could use this to suck a dragon into the astral plane to suck a tarasque or just an enemy or as like a we're gonna all die let's go to the astral plane and figure it out from there and then if you have access to things like plane shift or other other ways you can get yourself back home but it's a staple item of any dnd campaign that's why i had to make it number one so let me know your thoughts in the comments down below what is your number one uh uncommon magic item was it on my list is it something separate something that i missed let me know your thoughts in the comments down below i'm genuinely curious to hear what you have to say i said it at the beginning but i'll say it again i have a giveaway going on to win a limited edition copy of mythic odysseys of theros i will put a link to that in the description as well as i'll pin a comment so you can just go ahead and get quick access to that as well thank you to my patrons on patreon for continuing to support the channel and voting for fun polls to see what we do with top 10 videos every week i will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 90,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, Top 10 D&D 5e uncommon magic items, D&D 5e uncommon magic items
Id: 3BSDwlYC9fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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