Top 10 Magic Items For Barbarians in D&D 5e! | Nerd Immersion

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what's going on folks Ted From Nerd immersion here and it is Tuesday so that is time for another top 10 video as promised last week we will be continuing on our magic items kind of revised for all of the different d d classes this time we have top 10 magic items for the Barbarian class so if you want to see the rules and specifics behind this stay tuned as promised here are sort of the parameters if you will of this video we will not be covering any consumable magic items that means things like potions and Scrolls but it also means any other kind of magic item that you could have that has a non-renewable source of things like charges right like a chime of opening is something that has so many charges and when it's expended it's gone or any of the sort of rods or things that can absorb so many levels of spells and then Peter out those are not here as well no legendary magic items of any kind and I'm omitting things like the tomes and manuals that increase your ability scores because those are useful for everybody and anybody can make use of them all the time and realistically if your character is long enough lived you should just get all of them and just read them and continue to wait the hundred years and read them again so there you go let's dive in to the top 10 Barbarian magic items number 10. the javelin of lightning this comes to us from the base rule slash DMG this is an uncommon non-attunement magic item it's also one of the pieces that's nice enough to have a piece of art that you can see above my head here and it's just a really good range and honestly it's just a really good item in general for basically anybody to have you don't need to be particularly strength based to make use of some of its abilities but it is more beneficial if you can it is a magic weapon if you can transform it into a bolt of lightning living out your Zeus fantasies forming a line five feet wide and 120 feet long shooting out a beam of lightning each creature in the line excluding you and the Target that you're targeting must make a DC 13 dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 lightning damage reminder you are picking a Target 120 feet away and throwing it that is the target but because it is formed into a bolt of lightning anything along that path to the Target makes the dexterity saving throw or takes 46 lightning damage it says the lightning bolt turns back into a javelin when it reaches the Target make a ranged weapon attack against the target then the target if they are hit take the damage from the javelin so the D6 plus your strength modifier plus any other bonuses you may have plus an additional 46 lightning damage it can't use this property again until the next Dawn in the meantime though it is still a magical weapon so this gives you 120 foot range it also bypasses the long range short range of a javelin right having a short range of 30 a long range of 120 this will hit at 120 just as as well as it would at five feet so this gets you the AOE damage of the line of lightning of basically the half damage of a lightning bolt and then if it hits the target they are still taking the base damage of the javelin again you playing a barbarian are probably gonna have a high strength so that will be a benefit you may hit on the target it does 46 lightning damage in addition and because this is an attack roll it has the benefit of critting you also have the benefit of being a barbarian if you're at a higher level brutal critical and things will come into play so there's a lot of awesome ways to deal additional damage for a simple uncommon magic item number nine this is a toss-up between the animated Shield or the bracers of Defense fundamentally in most situations we're talking about the same thing it's going to give you a plus two to your AC while also leaving your hands free to choose to wield a two-handed weapon if you so wish the bracers of Defense are a rare uncommon or sorry a rare Magic item from the basic rules or the DMG they give you a plus two bonus to your armor class but you cannot be you cannot wear armor or use a shield to gain access to them you do have unarmored defense as a Barbarian so that's a possibility but I want to stress this and I feel like I can't stress this enough you are not a lesser Barbarian if you choose to wear armor of some kind right sometimes and I've seen this I've been in games where I've played with a barbarian who just had a god-awful armor class because they were dead set on using just unarmored defense when in reality had they done something like add a breastplate or even half plate in there their armor clasp would have jumped up almost five points and it would have been infinitely better for them the animated Shield while this is also considered very rare So it potentially if your DM looks at Rarity to skew where Things fall this may be something a little less accessible to you it does also require a bonus action to activate in which the shield leaps to life and orbits around you the benefit of this is it is a shield which you can use as a Barbarian so you could be wearing some sort of armor if you wanted to and then use the animated Shield to provide you with a plus two bonus to AC while leaving your hands free to wield again a great sword or a mall or a great ax or what have you it does have the downside of it only being in orbit for a minute before it either will come into your hand or drop to the ground nine times out of ten your combat is Gonna Last less than 10 rounds anyway which would be a minute so that may or may not come into play the only thing is you would have to reactivate it had it fall to the ground otherwise again if you already have a very high AC or very high dexterity or high Constitution or both then the bracers of Defense are an easier sell I feel like but either way uh it's just to get that AC up a little bit higher number eight the butcher's bib one that I'm sure many of you aren't aware of because this came out and Explorer's guide to Wild Mount this rare Attunement magic item is really just tailored towards barbarians you get this sick looking black leather apron that is perpetually covered in blood uh which is a cool effect depending on the aesthetic you're going for and it has some really good benefits basically for anybody who uses a slashing weapon but I feel like it fits a barbarian's kind of power fantasy right so once per turn when you roll damage for a melee attack with a weapon you can re-roll the weapons damage dice if you do so you must take the second total so just consider when you roll the dice right if you're rolling with say a great sword and you roll double ones on your 2d6 then there's really no downside to Rolling that damage dice again because chances are you're going to roll better than two ones this also kind of gives you a little bit of the uh was it Savage attacker feet but without actually having to have it and if that wasn't enough your weapons that deal slashing damage score a critical hit on a 19 or 20. this is huge again as a barbarian again it is limited to slashing weapons so all of the fans like myself out there that love malls and two-handed you know blunt weapons kind of sucks because you're limited although I would love to make I don't know what we would call the sort of bludgeoning weapon it also doesn't work for piercing weapons as well but I would love to make an equivalent for bludgeoning weapons and equivalent equivalent for piercing weapons if you have ideas for that leave them in the comments down below but again as you get to higher levels in Barbarian you will get access to things like brutal critical allowing you to get extra damage when you critically hit you do have Reckless attack from level two allowing you to further fish for crits with advantage on your attack rolls and then again you just increase your chances even further by making yourself crit on a 19 or a 20. this is a great way to get around that with Hava having to do like a triple dip into you know a three level dip into Champion fighter to get that crit on a 19 or 20. this can be handled by a simple rare Magic item number seven the Ring of free action comes to us from the basic rules or the DMG this Attunement rare Magic item is a ring but it allows you to do what barbarians do best and that's getting close and hit things right so while you're wearing this ring difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement which is huge because there are a lot of situations where someone could possibly use a magic spell you could be fighting in a desert in knee-deep water or whatever things that are considered difficult to rain and while you do have that expanded movement of uh 40 feet typically and maybe a little bit more depending on your race and Feats you've taken being able eating that all up just getting to your opponent sucks and it will slow you down literally and this negates that and if that wasn't enough it also means that you can either be magic can't reduce your speed so even simple things like Ray of frost hitting you can't reduce your speed nor can you be paralyzed or restrained the tricky part here is how this is handled because depending on how you read it it says in addition magic can neither reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or restrained so the way I read that I think that's its intention is you can't be magically paralyzed or restrained so if something has like a tentacle and it grapples you and it grapple while you're grappled you are also restrained that still works but things like hold person for example you could just shrug them off because you can't be paralyzed by Magic again any I don't know of too many things off the top of my head that restrain magically but paralysis again is a whole person's a second level spell that can be absolutely devastating to a combat if a monster or enemy casts whole person on you as the Barbarian you are locked you can't get close the distance I mean that shutting down a heavy hitting Melee character can just completely shift the tide of the battle because while the enemy used to have to focus on the big scary thing right in front of them hitting them with an ax or what have you they now have you locked up and can choose to go focus on some of the more squishy characters whereas the Ring of free action I also think this could potentially be a magic item that is useful for just about any class but specifically those that move around the combat and get in close I think this is great on a monk but again I think having this on a barbarian if you can get it into your build is pretty useful also number six the watchful Helm one of the few good things to come out of candle keep mysteries in my opinion it is a very rare Magic item that requires Attunement but it does some pretty cool things one it gives you a plus one bonus to AC in this in that regard reminds me a lot of like RPG video games where you get like the new helmet that gives you a bonus to your armor class and I just like that I would like to see more magical helmets in the game again you can obviously Homebrew this but magical helmets that give you a plus one AC and some other benefit which this definitely does so plus one to your AC and you remain of your surroundings May remain aware of your surroundings even while asleep which is just insane so you can actually go to sleep and you still know what's going on around you and you have advantage on wisdom perception checks that rely on site we could stop there and that would be a fantastic magic item plus one AC don't have to worry about being sabotaged while you're sleeping or surprised you're completely aware and just a const and it's not advantage on your perception checks while sleeping it's just a flat out advantage on your perception checks that rely on site I've said this before if your deal your DM is dealing with passive perception and again You're passively perceiving Something using your site that is a plus five bonus as constant sources of advantage on perception on any passive check provide a plus five to the passive check and there's even more as a bonus action you can cast the C invisibility spell from the helm once used it can't be used again until the next Dawn I would also like to point out that c invisibility as you can see on screen is typically a one action casting time you can now do this as a bonus action the only downside to this Helm is that you cannot uh well actually let me rephrase that there may not be a downside that I was going to say I was going to say that while raging you can't cast spells however C invisibility has a one hour non-concentration casting duration so you can't concentrate on spells or cast spells while raging how however you could use the bonus action to cast c invisibility on your turn and then maintain that one hour worth of scene visibility while you then enter a rage on the following turn pretty solid magic item number five the absorbing tattoo this very rare Magic item that requires a team it comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything in a similar fashion at the base level you could use some form of armor of resistance which again if you are utilizing armor on your Barbarian this would be a way to get a resistance to damage types now again this isn't necessarily for everybody it's primarily limited here to Elemental damage types so if you happen to be a bear totem uh totem Warrior Barbarian you will likely have resistance to all of these damage types in error you know inherently as part of your build however this is a way for someone to one potentially again keep that power fantasy of the unarmored Barbarian work in some cool sort of visuals and lore about their character with a magical tattoo that provides them damage resistance from one of the following 10 damage types acid cold fire Force lightning necrotic poison psychic radiant or thunder damage again you could choose if your DM lets you choose the dma roll on the table or have you roll to choose what it is but if you were saying possibly to choose psychic and you were a bare totem Barbarian this would be another way for you to have resistance to all damage types while you are raging on top of the and I also should point out that this damage resistance is a constant on it doesn't have anything to do with rage but uh it also has an other activatable ability here called damage absorption when you take damage of the chosen type you can use your reaction to gain immunity to that instance of damage and you regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage you would have taken once you use this reaction you can't use it until you take until the next Dawn so again if your DM lets you choose the damage type I'd probably go for something like fire cold or lightning if these are something you don't have resistance to already as those are very common damage types and the possibility of you getting hit with a fireball being able to reactionarily take zero damage and then subsequently also heal from it is pretty solid number four not that I'm trying to turn you into grog's strong jaw but the blood acts the very rare Attunement great acts that was brought to us from Explorer's guide to Wild Mount is a great fit for any Barbarian assuming that you're interested in using radax or that your DM will spray skin it to possibly be a blood Greatsword or what have you uh again this was used famously by Grog in the first campaign of critical role and it was originally brought to us in a version of this from the original taldori campaign guide but then was officially published in a watsi product in the Explorer's guide to Wild Mount so first of all it is a plus two great ax which is pretty good again a very rare Magic item equivalency would be a plus three great ax this is a little bit less if we're looking at pure number game alone but it does have much more benefits than a plus three great ax would have just a plus three to attack and damage this is a plus two to attack and damage however the ax also deals an additional D6 necrotic damage to creatures that aren't constructs or Undead if you reduce such a creature to zero hit points with an attack using said ax it gives you 10 temporary hit points that's pretty awesome I think that that's pretty great I mean even if you don't have that feature that's kind of just icing on the cake it's a plus two great ax that deals an extra D6 necrotic damage against most creature types that's solid and then again throw in the fact that it can possibly give you a little bit extra resilience in your combat by the 10 temporary hit points also very cool number three the Eldritch claw tattoo this also comes to us from Tasha's cauldron of everything this is an uncommon Attunement uh Magic item but again keeping with once again the concept there's nothing saying you can't have multiple magical tattoos on your character uh this has a couple of different benefits one is a constant always on Mad your unarmed strikes are now considered magical and have a plus one bonus to attack and damage again that may not matter too much to your character but if you find yourself in a situation where you have no weapons and you only have fisticuffs or your body to be said weapon you can again use those to strike out to break through magical damage resistance that monsters may have again if you take a feat or something to possibly get yourself access to increased damage on your unarmed strikes that this may be actually a beneficial thing in that regard as well but the main reason that I chose this is the Eldritch Mall feature which is as a bonus action you can empower the tattoo for one minute for that one minute duration each of your melee attacks which is something I feel like people always focus on the unarmed strike part but each of your melee attacks with a weapon or on arm strike now have a reach of up to 15 feet so you can now as a barbarian with that blood ax let's say from the last one you could have the blood ax and now swing with the blood ax with a reach of 15 feet allowing you to keep yourself Supreme distance from an enemy allowing you to then swing and hit them with that extra range which is pretty awesome it also could possibly give you an option to hit flying creatures or creatures that were up on other levels that you would not normally be able to hit and if that wasn't enough those attacks deal an extra D6 Force damage on a hit and this is again can't be used until the next Dawn so potentially if we just use some of the things that we talked about in this video if you are using say the blood ax in conjunction with the Eldritch claw tattoo your plus two great X would be dealing that always deals an extra D6 necrotic damage would potentially now have a 15 foot reach and deal an additional D6 Force damage on a hit so again for those of you playing along at home that is a great ax damage of a D12 plus 2 plus a D6 necrotic plus a D6 force and again that would be for a minute but if you happen to kill anything in that time frame it would give you temporary hit points and then again you still have the bone the benefit to unarmed strikes perhaps you take the fighting style uh feat that gives you access you know that improved unarmed strike damage or perhaps you're in a situation where uh the new on our circana has come out and you're using those rules I don't know either way okay I just like the concept too of like the heavily tattooed Barbarian then the tattoos are magically empowered number two the crystal blade this is any sword this rare attune Magic item comes to us from fizzband's treasury of dragons and in favor of uh similar in some ways to the blood acts but significantly Less on the Rarity scale this one does not provide you any benefits to attack and damage uh numerical values but you do whenever you hit a creature with an attack roll using this sword which again could be a short sword could be a great sword deals an extra d8 radiant damage now radiant damage is one of the least resisted damage types in the game and this is also a d8 so potentially again if you're wielding a great sword that's 2d6 plus a d8 however it has more the sword has three charges and regains a D3 charges daily at dawn there is nothing that happens if you expend all of the charges so there's no reason not to if you need to and when you hit a creature with an attack roll using the sword you can expend one of the three charges to regain a number of hit points equal to the extra radiant damage the sword dealt Now reminder it is a d a 8 radiant damage but again using all the things we know as a barbarian you have a lot of ways as a barbarian to fish for crits in the form of whether that be uh you know something like Reckless attack something like the butcher's bib that we talked about earlier you have that going you're going for those crits you're going to deal extra weapon damage and then it happens if you were lucky enough to hit a crit the d8 extra radiant damage from this weapon would go to 2d8 and you would heal equal to half that not that amount of damage which is pretty cool also things considered and it also has another benefit which to some may seem useless but this could absolutely change the way a combat is when you're holding a sword you can use a bonus action to cause it to shed bright light in a 30 foot radius and dim the light in another 30 feet beyond that or cause it to shed dim light in a 10 foot radius uh and or douse the light so you can have a massive almost a torch level possibly even more than a torch in a 30 foot Bright Light 30 foot dim light just have a small localized little dim light radius of 10 feet or douse the light completely again to some that may seem like nothing as a lot of folks do typically end up finding Dark Vision in one form or another but if you have to say you happen to even have dark vision but one of your allies doesn't the fact that you could just activate this ability on your Crystal Sword flood the area with light and then allow your allies to attack without disadvantage or things of that nature again this is a great option it gives you extra damage it gives you self-sustainability in a heel again three times per day and you also have the ability to give the utility to the party by providing a source of light where otherwise they may not have had one number one I'm sure surprising no one the belt of giant strength is also on this list this is a variety of different Rarities does require Attunement and is found in the base rules or the player's handbook or I'm sorry base rules or the dungeon Masters Guide uh and again there are a variety of Rarities here you can see we have four that fall within what we're covering in this video rare very rare items and there are two legendaries we obviously aren't going to touch on those but from a simple Rarity level the belt of Hill giant strength sets your strength score to a 21 and then again as we go up Frost Stone and fire giant sent it to either 23 or 25 for the fire Giant and they'll still fall within our realm of possibility now originally I didn't put these on my list because I'm not a huge fan of the belts because I feel like that's one item that you're going to be permanently locked into for the entirety of your character and if you're lucky enough to grind your strength up to 20 the nice benefit of being able to if you magically get to level 20 Barbarian is that plus four to your strength score possibly putting it up at 24 but ultimately if you were able to score a belt of fire giant strength that's actually in theory one point better so these are a great option again I recognize that one not everybody's going to be playing their character all the way till 20th level that's actually very rare for that to even happen and you know depending on how you determine ability scores in your game if you are able to get relatively easy access to or conversations with your DM to be on the lookout for a belt of giant strength then it may potentially allow you to re-alter and shift the way your build is and possibly put you know if you're using standard array that's starting 15 in dexterity or Constitution and put maybe a 14 or a 13 in your strength and then rely on the Belt to bump it up the rest of the way rather than having to you know spend basically every ability score Improvement you have to building your strength up to 20 and then again you know the Paladin comes along and gets a belt of frost giant strength and you spend all this time devoting points into it and they end up being stronger than you in the long run so like I said it's not my favorite magic item but I do recognize the utility and the strength that it has for a barbarian to gain access to one of these I guess an honorable mention can go to the gauntlets of ogre power which sets your strength to a 19 I think as a rare or possibly even uncommon magic item again you want to be able to hit things reliably and hit them for a lot of damage and these items are the ones that allow you to do that so there you go folks that is my top 10 magic items for the Barbarian in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition let me know have you heard of all of these magic items that I've talked about or some of these from the slightly newer or more nuanced books that you may not be aware of or did not pick up uh are you playing a barbarian do you have any of these magic items on your Barbarian currently are you looking for any of them uh again as the way this has been going next week we're going to be dealing with The Bard bards can be a little bit tricky because they have access to so many different things over the course of just their character classes but they have added a bunch of new magic items recently that are really just really awesome objects for The Bard to seek after rather than just the musical instruments of the bar that were found in the dungeon Masters Guide so I wanted to say thank you to my patrons over on patreon for continuing to support me and the channel and a huge thank you to all of you look 98.3 we're closing in on that final little grind until we get to 100K and I can't thank you all enough for all of the support you've given me over the years so thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 22,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, best magic items 5e, barbarian, D&D magic items for barbarians, D&D best magic items for barbarian, barbarian magic items, dnd magic items for barbarians, dnd barbarian guide, dnd barbarian build
Id: 2Rmz2KIQdTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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