The Best Feats for Bards: D&D 5e 🎸 Drop the Beat, Use a Feat🎤🎵

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hey looters, today i'm going  to talk about the best feats   for bards in dnd 5th edition today on flutes loot see the link down in the description to find the  article that accompanies this video if you want me   to already take the notes for you or if you just  like to read along while you listen to my sultry   bardic voice how do you choose feats as a bard you  already use your bonus action for a lot of bardic   inspiration you're a charisma based class with  a little bit of dex and constitution investment   a lot of bards like to get counter spell with  magical secrets so they're using their reaction   i want to keep that available so with those minor  considerations we also keep in mind that bards are   charisma based again that's one of the most  common stats to build multi-classing around   because paladin sorcerer warlock bard they all  multi-class very well and they all can just share   charisma so that they don't have to spread out  their stats too much i'm not going to go into   multi-classing in this video i'm just going to  go straight barred what kind of feats to focus   on but bards are also very diverse in how they can  be built they're a jack of all trades instead of   just be just giving you a top 10 list of like what  are the best feats for bards overall i'm going   to give you some concepts of what kind of bard  you might try to build and what feats you might   consider you might want some stats and not just  five different feats i will give you some stats   to focus on and three or four feats to go along  with that concept the first feature goes with   the college of whispers and that's a mentalist  bard a mentalist is someone who reads people and   kind of gets them to give information and tricks  them that sort of stuff you're a very tricky bard   telekinetic telepathic and shadow touched as your  feats and you boost your charisma with your asis   in addition to your sooth saying as a bard and  your silver tongue you can actually move things   around with your mind create illusions and speak  telepathically with people some dms might allow   you to use your bardic inspiration telepathically  so that you can give bardic inspiration to an ally   without actually speaking or making noise a common  scenario is the bruiser in your party is in some   kind of one-on-one fight in a coliseum and you  want to help but you if anyone perceives it you're   going to be in trouble what about vicious mockery  can you telepathically mock them viciously ask   your demon about that because it's worth a shot  the telepathic feat in tasha specifically has a   picture that captions a bard giving inspiration  to someone with telepathy it seems like the game   designers had this sort of possibility in mind  telekinetic you can push people around for some   battlefield control with your bonus action plus  you get mage hand another spell is always nice and   it's an invisible mage chant you're basically  an arcane trickster now you shadow touched   to grab cause fear silent image or disguise  self and then you can have a lot of fun with it   the next concept is the leader for the college of  eloquence bard inspiring leader moderately armored   chef don't stone me it's just i it could be fun  and if you're halfling bountiful luck i would take   before chef bountiful luck is a great way to make  friends as you allow your allies to reroll ones   focus on charisma boosts beyond those feats  moderately armor allows you to greatly increase   your battlefield ac so you can have a shield and  medium armor and that allows you to stay close to   some of your allies without staying too far away  so you can be a leader they're in the middle of   combat dishing out bardic inspiration is needed in  casting spells inspiring leader allows you to give   scaling temporary hit points to your allies when  you rest when those run out if you took the chef   feet then you can give your allies a bonus action  option to give themselves more temporary hit   points and just keep them surviving a little bit  more and more chef isn't a great feat but and a   lot of people really don't like it but i threw it  out here because it seems like it could be a fun   feat for you here there's obviously other  ones you could pick why don't you try   thinking about it see if chef is something  that interests you for the temporary hit points   not more than the role-playing anyone can cook  food come on for another concept we have the   college of lore bard this is the researcher  if you're a drow you can take drow high magic   otherwise you can take skill expert fae touched  and shadow touched fey touched is always a good   feat so really you could put it on any of these  concepts and have some fun with it other than   the feats focus on your charisma this bard is all  about learning as many spells as possible being a   drought and getting drow high magic is really good  because that includes spells like dispel magic you   also want to be good with your skills so skill  expert can be a great way to add some expertise   and more skill proficiencies while boosting your  stats the next concept i kind of mentioned earlier   is the soothsayer for the college of glamour you  are one of those manipulators who might start a   cult you're going to need eldridge adept actor  shadow touched and fey touched actor allows you   to be a charlatan and pretend to be people you  are not you could do something horrible while   you are in the guise of another person or you can  manipulate a whole crowd while you are performing   you can make them think that you are someone that  you are not and they start to be prone to almost   worship you especially if you have the eldridge  adapt feat to cast to skye's self over and over   again with the invocation mask of many faces you  can cast disguise self over and over with no limit   with that invocation it's really fun invest in  some charisma beyond those feats and choose what   spells make sense to you though you might take a  few enchantment and illusion spells next up is the   college of valor bard and maybe you want to be  an archer people have talked about bards being   great archers before here are the feats that'll  help you be a successful archer crossbow expert   sharpshooter piercer and fighting initiate archery  basically all the feats that can help feed into   just shooting arrows or shooting crossbow bolts  to deal damage you might want to diversify and   get some spell casting or some defensive feats  overall this is the best way to help yourself   boost your dexterity probably more than your  charisma because you're probably going to be   picking spells that don't rely on your charisma  modifier too much or like your spell dc spell   attacks those sorts of things up your dexterity  and really feed into being a powerful archer the   next concept goes for any bard college really  and that's the defender moderately armored again   gets you that medium armor and shield defensive  duelist gives you a reaction to defend yourself   with a rapier or some other finesse weapon you can  take tough just to give you more hit points it's   not always the best feat but it is a vanilla way  to just increase your hit points and if you're   a tiefling infernal constitution it's one of my  favorite feats because cold and poison resistance   can be very useful especially because cold makes  you immune to things like frigid water and high   altitudes with freezing cold ice and snow and  it increases your constitution by one so that's   always nice too other than these feats boost  your charisma and make sure that your spells are   going to be really successful while you are also  effective at defending yourself with your armor   class being bolstered and having more hit points  than usual you'll probably want to use magical   secrets to learn like the shield spell as well so  you can just keep increasing your armor class as   needed this goes well with the college of swords  bard who can already use a reaction to bolster   its armor class the next concept goes for again  any bard college the initiator and controller so   you want to have a high initiative and you want to  control the battlefield alert fade touched choose   gift of alacrity between alert and fade touch gift  alacrity you're gonna have a big bonus to your   initiative rolls and your jack of all trades  will give you another bonus to your initiative   moderately armored make sure that you can defend  yourself so that you don't lose concentration on   spells from just pitiful attacks hitting you  because your armor class is low moderately   armored will help you out beyond that bolster your  charisma so that you can be a very effective spell   caster you can also take lucky or warcaster to  make sure that you bolster your concentration and   you don't fail those constitution saving throws to  maintain concentration speaking of concentration   any bard can become a concentrator they focus on  never losing concentration boost your constitution   with the resilient feat and gain constitution  saving throw proficiency warcaster lucky   and moderately armored again the armor makes it  so you're harder to hit so that you don't have   to make concentration savings warcaster gives you  advantage if you took damage and you're making a   save to maintain concentration and lucky is just  a re-roll when you need it other than those boost   your charisma going back to a pull arm gish build  you know a pole arm user who also casts spells we   have the college of valor bard take polar master  great weapon master warcaster and actually boost   your strength with your asis you'll be able to get  in the thick of combat and deal a lot of damage   with your pull arm master plus great weapon master  combination warcaster allows you to cast spells as   an opportunity attack and you'll have advantage on  those concentration saves like we mentioned before   if you took damage the bard has some excellent  concentration spells that you can be using in   combat so be afraid to be a valor bard with a  little bit more armor and be wielding a melee   weapon with reach and really to shout the damage  and be a strong party bard if you didn't like   the polar gish how about a scimitar gish for the  college of swords bard you want to be holding a   one-handed weapon and use your blade flourishes so  what can we do with that defensive dualist slasher   mobile and boosting your dexterity and charisma  will do you just fine you don't want to sit there   in melee as a bard and just let the enemy attack  you back you want to attack them do your blade   flourishes have some fun with that and then with  mobile move away freely and get far away and then   if they get close to you again do the same thing  if they maintain their distance they don't keep   chasing you cast some spells and help your allies  out or get in slash him some more move back out   but you don't want to stand there next to your  enemies so mobile is critical if you're a college   of swords bard so those are my thoughts on bard  subclasses and just general concepts for bards and   how i've seen people want to build them or ideas  i've had for how to build them what do you think   of these ideas you could obviously swap some  barred feats in and out some people would just   say take alert and fey touched and then whatever  you know but i wanted to give you some more ideas   for those who don't just like to go down the most  taken feats you know you don't just want lucky on   every single character you make are there fees you  really enjoyed playing as a bard either for any of   the builds i suggested that you think a feat might  be a good one to swap into those or maybe for some   other concept that you came up with or a feat  that you just thought was fun regardless of what   kind of build you were doing as a bard leave those  thoughts in a comment below or if you don't have   anything to say just post the lyrics to a song a  song that's stuck in your head go post the lyrics   in the comments because that's what bards do right  they sing so let's sing in the comment section i   hope you'll consider subscribing and liking before  you go because that helps us to interact again in   the future and like any bard we like to have an  encore and so i'd like to have an encore with our   other videos for you have a fantastic adventure  this weekend and i'll see in the next video bye
Channel: Flutes Loot
Views: 13,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, DND, dungeons & dragons, roleplaying, rollplaying, roll play, role play, DM, GM, game master, dungeon master, 5th edition, 5e, 5 edition, PC, advice, advise, optimized, optimize, optimization, rules explained, TTRPG, tabletop RPG, flutes, flutz, flute, lute, loot, valor, eloquence, lore, spirits, glamour, glamor, swords, creation, whispers, bard, bardic, feats, feat, feet, feets
Id: EI08Vs2e2_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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