Top 10 Games that Replaced Other Games

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[Music] [Music] thank you hey everybody I'm Tom Basel I'm Mike Delicia I'm Z Garcia you might think you should saw a skit that was a historical fact that is in the archives now if nothing else it was my copies that's right I have no problem throwing away other people's property let's make that clear very satisfying all right so today we're talking about games that replace other games we've done a version of this list before except last time we provocatively called it games that murdered other games yeah um so as we put this list together and this is this is I feel like now I'm always I'm always nervous when we do these kind of lists because people will say well how dare you well there is to how dare you but just because I think a game replaced another one and these have replaced these for the most part to the point where I will not play a whole lot of these other games oh I don't know about it okay see that's interesting yeah we need to come back then we need to come back to that too because I'm not that's not true for me actually it's almost very much true for me got it it's one I got it I've played enough uh Knights of the Round Table to know that that means one it's not a replay I have a very very high car to help you with shadows over Camelot much so what I mean what I mean though is I will always pick the one game over the other but that doesn't always necessarily mean I won't play the first one although in this case I would say a certain High number of mine oh I miss playing Camelot no right with its goofiness I think that was on my list Galactica but then I went back to Shadows yeah we we could do that list sometimes games with that that retained their strength games and rose from the dead yeah yeah ooh I like it games then resuscitated other games uninterred I like his rose from the dead we will do that games that rose from the dead we will do that Halloween has a future top ten the Halloween thing right zombie games one thing I did not do here is I did not do direct sequels um and I also didn't do ones that well here's a good example of one I didn't put on my list okay okay I did not put on I will I play Kevin instead of Agricola why okay that's a big one that's the whole game well no I'm just saying I didn't say it's not allowed won't criticize you much for you doing it um I'm saying I didn't do that my games are all from different companies oh even oh boy oh I think that's probably true for mine not true for me at all but that's okay Mike Mike's list is going to be Progressive he'll be like uh paladins replace Architects and then our good things by cats replace paladins the way bear connects to the paladins all right well let's see what happens here I have no idea what's on everyone's list all I heard was from the people who put these lists together that mine was boring so oh okay fantastic interesting here we go let's ten all right well my number 10 already is gonna break from your uh kind of starting explanations in that I will still play the game that was replaced but these games give me such a similar feel and I like the the one that's replacing significantly better and so my number 10 is how are we going to do this we're going to say this replaced this no first start because we're gonna start with the game that got replaced okay oh and then maybe will you guess which one oh yeah that's a good one let's do that we planned this I just up leveled this this list all right my number 10 game that got replaced is King of Tokyo a fine game I'll still play King of Tokyo oh I know it replaced it but this is a game that gives me a similar feel and I just like it better well the obvious choice here feels like dice throne but this one's only mostly two players but I'll say dice throne die Throne yes baby yes but that would actually make it make sense because King of Tokyo you really can't play dice down six players I guess you can but you shouldn't you you should although I have played King of token actually I've played dice throne with more than two players and it's still fine it's but it's all right it's best as a two-player experience but when I want this kind of dice chucking direct interaction battler I just love what dice Throne does and and and while King of Tokyo is still you know obviously a giant in our Hobby and I would still play it I'm always going to choose dice Throne over that if uh you know if I can and so um yeah this doesn't quite follow what you said I feel I still like King of Tokyo but dice known for me again it makes sense because of the player count I think yeah everything else exactly and I also just think that dice Throne has you know when I first played it I thought this is pretty good I like this but it's just gotten better and better as they've released more sets and as those sets I think have gotten even more thematic right you know they found ways to incorporate a very simple Yahtzee system really I'm kind of waiting for them and that's something new for this system come on I mean Marvel's relatively new right yeah no Marvel but it's out it is today and that's it it was kickstarted that they announced this is the latest thing right this one yeah right I wouldn't I want more I'm more well I mean it's spelled it with moar it's very successful so I imagine there will be more yeah and I think as I said they've gotten better at incorporating connections thematically with a simple Yahtzee die rolling mechanic mechanic so my number 10 dice Throne replaced King of Tokyo all right now we gotta guess this is fun this is what we can be involved on every player's turn there's no down time in this list because normally during these lists be honest I'm half asleep yes that's true all right my number 10 is a um it's one of those games in which you're trying to narrow down your choices until you get to one final answer it's a party game okay and every round you're given a clue and then you narrow down the possibilities there's a few of those the one that's being replaced here is a game called unusual suspects unusual suspects was an interesting game when it first came out from Cranium and then I guess cool mini or not I guess picked it up too I don't know uh and it was one in which you know somebody is like committed a crime they don't tell you what they I don't know stole a pair of socks or something and uh and then you have a clue this person drives to work or or you know walks to work and you're like and so you knowing who the person is you can say yes this person walks to work and so you're supposed to eliminate everyone who doesn't okay definitely already you can tell how this might be a little problematic you know what I mean like which of these people rides a bike and you're like well not that guy not this fatty and you're like oh geez okay you know what I mean so yeah it plays in the stereotypes guys yeah it does it's very much about that um so we got to replace by another game that is not very popular honestly I just think it's a it's a solid replacement oh because I was going to say similio similar is it similar outside but that is pretty popular oh yeah that's popular I was thinking either Museum suspects okay no I haven't played that or maybe I haven't played this either but awkward guests oh really well I see one key is closer to mysterium for me but all right it's a very similar structure though you are putting out 11 things on the table yeah yeah yeah and then you show people an image and you're like okay this one relates to the one I want you to keep this one does not at all and so you're like oh well okay that one lets me eliminate this one maybe it's very nebulous it's kind of like Dixit yeah a little bit but it's the same structure which you're eliminating a pool of 11 down to a single winner and if at any time that people mess up of course it's like you guys eliminated the one you couldn't I need to play this one again I played it one time at a convention and I don't think it was the ideal way to play it okay because it seemed a little convoluted to me but it sounds like it's not it's not it has a pretty clever system actually in which while the people are guessing the person giving the clues is preparing the next round so there is no down time yeah yeah so instead of me like waiting for you guys to like come to a consensus and then I prepare for the next round my Clues you're guessing on this round's Clues and then I'm preparing next rounds got it which is neat I like that everybody's kind of involved all the time so I really like this game again it went nowhere this was on sale immediately and you can get it probably for pennies on the dollar but I like it I think it's a really fun party game very attractive neat um and again it gets away from some of the problematic issues that unusual suspects has so there you go one key lovely little party again interesting well that makes through this game to the mix I feel like you guys are going to get every single one of them that's right we've already established your list before you know 10 is the one where I take a nap 10 is the one game on the list where I would still play the original game okay um although I haven't played it with the new set of Basil children as opposed to team a okay team a and Team B children are split up into two teams they are it's the older three uh girls were teammate and the younger through Team B we just caught them that for a while because there was a yep seven Jimmy's his own thing team C now he's team Jay for Jimmy team boy he's just the boy he's The Boy The Boy approaches I think we call him the redhead although that doesn't how anyway anyway I have not played with the new the new class the new class right um what is the one being replaced this is uh frenetic real-time game escape um [Music] Project's Elite right yes okay very very so boring here's the thing though these are very different in many ways yeah and that's why I would go back to escape um yeah I want to show that to children I don't think you realize some of the anime these kids watch that's the bad guy oh my word yeah yeah um but I like Escape it's rolling dice as fast as you can and it's a 10 minute game project deletes an hour game more so but it they both just have that crazy like and your tense and excited the difference is project delete I'd rather play that because it punctuates that with some moments where you're like okay let's all pause and just talk for a while while Escape is that 10 minutes of just it doesn't stop right you're like go go the gong sounds we all gotta run back to the room it's it's fun but it definitely is I think in my team a they didn't want to play it because they get said they got too stressed out they got too stressed yeah okay but I still like it but that's my number 10. all right foreign [Music] [Music] right game the one that's being replaced was the first roll and right game that felt like a full game experience it didn't feel like a filler to me because up to this point I had played rolling right games that were very light 15 minutes you're rolling a die maybe you're flipping a card maybe but there wasn't a lot of meat to it my number nine game that is being replaced is Fleet the dice game when I first played Fleet the dice game I'm like oh I didn't know Roland rights could quite do this two sheets you know some kind of interlocking things going on where where each time you're you're drafting dice so it was more than just a simple roll five dice pick a couple fill in some little things sure there was a lot more going on it again it felt like a full game experience um in this rolling right genre but it has since been replaced by a game that is another heavy rolling right well if you're a normal human human being I would say three sisters or Motor City but knowing you and your love for Garfield games I agree with Adrian it is Adrian's wall yes although you could have put Twilight inscription Twilight's inscription as well that is true although I I think at this point I still prefer Hadrian's Wall because of the art and well I mean the artist is yeah I like the art actually but this is another two sheet uh game where there it's this is a a full game experience right this this is a rolling it has kind of those standard roll and write tropes that that you know it's not like there are other games that have tried to do rolling right that you could tell they just shoehorned it in there okay Rome I didn't want to say it this is a woman roll this is a well this is a rolling right game in every sense of the word but it does add other things other elements to it that that kind of give it that more of a full game experience uh so what I'm hearing is two sheets is a full game experience four sheets that's Madness four sheets is two full game experiences yeah no full game yeah anyway if I'm gonna want to play a heavy role in right I will now always choose Hadrian's Wall over Fleet the dice game okay uh this next one um I don't know it might be a bit of a stretch but I don't think so so the game being replaced here which is technically not really a game I ever had so it's not like I'm replacing it but it's a game I don't see a reason to play anymore even though I did play with Tom this is Ave Caesar Ave Caesar is a racing game okay in which you are going around the where are you racing the Coliseum now right yeah you're racing the Colosseum or the the the track whatever it's called that's not the Colosseum what is that called I'm sure yes okay um circus circus maximum it's okay so yes this is so we are uh yeah racing around you're playing cards racing around trying to again obviously win you do have to make stops you have to stop at least ones in this one anyway it's a solid game but there's a newer game which I think is better faster a more fun theme a more fun game I'm gonna guess I haven't played obviously but I'm gonna guess it's heat I'm also guessing heat although they're very different experiences but not heat oh it's much closer to this mechanically okay where you're racing around you have a hand of cards the the one from restoration oh downforce downforce okay in downforce we're actually pretty close because one of the big Central mechanisms in Ave Caesar is you need to not run out of cards you have like cards with values and if you like play say a four but you're stuck behind someone and you can only go one that's all you go you just go one which technically means the math might not work out for you to actually make it yeah my only concerned with downforce the difference being is in downforce if my car doesn't win I'm I might still be okay which is what I like I like that about it I like then that it's a little more flexible there's other ways to mine fun yeah my car coming in first that's fine but also me putting a bunch of money on the car that came in first that's fun is there a betting element to Ave Caesar there's not right okay um you're just racing around trying to come in yeah it was racing yeah and I think it's okay that you can compare you know because some people have said oh downforce isn't even a racing game it's a betting game I think I didn't see that comment yeah it's up there I have seen no I say that I but I disagree with that I think this is a perfectly valid yeah comparison again it's just basically Ave Caesar with the betting element so I think I'm gonna argue against my own Point here in a bit probably but I think any game can replace any game I could say chess has replaced Magic the Gathering for me well sure because right whatever the reason might be sure sure I mean that's crazy my number nine I think he's laying scaffolding for the right I know right now my number nine is a an older game that was recently reprinted I think two years ago to no Acclaim at all okay it was kick-started it was a big box Kickstart but I always like this this game it was a grail for a while it's called Big City and these plastic buildings that you put out build a city and it's a really cool game you're really going old school okay so describe a little bit more on what this is so we can okay so big city there's a bunch of plastic buildings and you place them out and depending on how you place them you will score points in this game this is uh foundations of Rome like I said I'm being a little obvious here but yeah which was very similar the one with the towers um yeah what was that expanse City yeah expand City yeah could also replace but foundations of Rome it has all that cool plastic buildings I mean big cities I figured you'd do this for something like a choir or a quadropolis or even I figured you'd be like a choir gotta replace I'd be like cool you know what I didn't think about doing a double kill fatality it's a double tap right here so but really big city for a while I remember the first time I was like oh my word there's all these plastic buildings wow and it just it's just a tiling game yeah yeah as is this game yes very much but this one way more fun to play for me because big city had a few weird rules there's like little monorail system that would run around and depending on where it was you got points and stuff Foundation is just a smoother game so yeah yeah big city was definitely one of those Grail games for a while that was like oh have you heard of this one yeah yeah and you've never seen it I've not no yeah I got it might be in the library I don't know maybe but it has big chunky plastic buildings all right hey I mean that I can see the comparison as soon as you described it yeah I'm boring [Music] thank you hey you know what's hot right now fire heat always hot Florida you know what type of game is hot right now hey flipping stuff trick taking game oh yeah yeah yeah but I swear I see the crew up there Mike but trick taking games nowadays are a dime a dozen you need a trick taking game with a gimmick tricks got to do something different yeah so I'm gonna hopefully depending on what time you watch this video you may have forgotten this game ever existed because it's definitely a flash of the pan my number eight is the the game that's being replaced is the crew okay let's say this yeah if you see that comment because that comment's very true what there was a comment made Mike was like we're in a trick taking Renaissance right now why are we in a trick taking Renaissance Mike uh because it's it's coming back to Nostalgia no look credit where credit is due the crew kind of was the most high profile trick taking game in many years and I think that that Publishers are like trick taking games of course right you win an award you sell more copies people will follow to be clear again I'm aware I kind of put myself in this position to be you know I I did a hot take I've always liked the crew it's a good game I hate it I didn't think it was going to be this Evergreen he sits on it at work because his keeps his chair higher anyway if you if I want to play a trick taking game with a gimmick right I would rather play a different game okay cat in a box cat in the Box see I highly disagree so predictable Mike I like I like both games a lot but one's Co-op and one's not there's they feel so different but but we've just established they they don't have to be the same exactly I told you also I was going to go against what I said there didn't I to me look and there are a lot of trick taking games with gimmicks right but this is a high profile one that has also kind of gotten people's attention and I I just for me I would rather play you know if I want to play trick taking games with people that like trick taking games that like gimmick you know that want like twist to the traditional kind of formula I would rather play cat in the Box I think this is interesting yeah yeah I think this is a good actually recommendation for folks that maybe got into gaming with uh the crew right because I think it happened I think that game was big enough and made it to enough places yeah that folks might have just picked it up off a shelf right without being Gamers necessarily and maybe now are looking for we're kind of burned out on the crew yeah what's next well there's the crew too but that's the same game it is yeah but this is going to give you a lot of familiarity and a lot of differences right and and you know I don't know how much background I want to give on these games for the purposes of this list but basically you know Cooperative trick taking game this is a trick taking game where basically there are no suits uh in your cards are all black they're there they're there but you choose what that suit is once you play the card so it's a neat little twist yeah it's cool and uh I want a virtual reality version of this that when you declare a card or something the card changes yeah yeah that would be neat that's actually the app would probably do that oh I think it would right yeah the app would probably you could do that in the app I bet have they they haven't made an app for this no no I'm just saying if they made an app that'd be cool that would be really cool you open up actually the card exploded when it's not inside of it is a cat and then the inside of that card is another card with the correct twenty thousand dollars at a closet sorry okay get on that that's right my number eight is an award-winning game that honestly I I still own this is not a straight one-to-one replacement I just think it's replacement is a little splashier a little more thematic and so the one being replaced is Hanabi oh no to be fair it is not difficult to be more thematic okay so Hanabi crew on this I'm not so Navi is cards or tiles they've made tiles they are facing away from you and you are giving each other clues in order to collect sets you need to play the right card at the right time to the table without seeing it again without seeing the fronts before you play it and then but you must give other players a table crew now for me this was replaced quite a while ago actually by a game that got basically zero Buzz I'm gonna guess that little math deduction game oh you're gonna say the Shipwreck Arcana yes no but that's a great guess I'm guessing the one where they've re-themed it now it was coyote I think at one point uh coyote is not it but that came out way before it's really old actually as much older it was before now so the game that came out that replaces this was was an obvious reactionary move to Hanabi being popular much like a lot of trick taking games are coming out now but I thought it deserved more praise than I got I got no love it's a little um it's not the peacock game for cocoa or whatever coco no no no no no what was it called pikoko that's a game called Beyond Baker Street oh my gosh wow it's beyond Baker Street is this for about five minutes I know all right this is a Sherlock Holmes themed game yeah with similar mechanisms to Hanabi very similar this was obviously again all the demoers when they were demon is going to be like have you played hanabe done right you have cards they're facing away you're helping each other get Clues and that's where the similarities stop because the rest actually has theme you are trying to solve these cases trying to collect the right cards trying to whatever get this math figured out it's still basically abstract but there's something there that you're going for yeah there's a reason you're doing it there's been a murder what have you Sherlock Holmes blah blah blah play some Hanabi with better artwork that's what it is and I really like it I think it's a neat little game the thing that was probably its downfall is actually that it's got like three times as many rules as tsunami it does not because it's particularly complicated because I'm not being has like a rule and a half it does you're gonna have trouble going up against that you know and to some extent it makes the game a little bit loose Hanabi this is much more of a structured right right right yeah I have forgot like I think the last time I thought about this game was when I played it and the day came out yeah maybe so wow yeah but yeah I really like it I think it's a neat game it is unfortunately like you said just gone um but I I think it's worth uh mentioning I think it's a good game and just because something again is obviously inspired by something does not immediately discount it as an interesting package not at all I think sometimes we it's just people gamers in general but sometimes us especially as a knee-jerk reaction to something go oh it's ripping off such and such thing whatever everything's ripping off something yeah but you know that's that's just a knee-jerk thing so yeah Beyond Baker Street is a good one number eight hmm all right my number seven is waiting my number eight that's right got it my number eight is a I like short quick games of out thinking other people okay and so for a bit I really really like playing coup cool is all over the place now okay okay some people call it social deduction here yeah so this one is going to be more basic I wanted a short quick think out think the other person won so cool lasts it like a year before the other game came out replaced it okay let me think about it uh it's not masquerade which was the one that it normally got compared to was karate whatever yeah the for Duty game yeah this is simpler than masquerade though um what gosh something tiny that replaced it Tom I'm not even sure that this game came out first over the other game it's not the uh no it wouldn't be you don't love letter I mean I don't yeah I love letter yeah I love letter okay so love letter for me replaces cool everyone's like cuckoo and love letter yeah uh love letter and so love letter for me has been a bit of a roller coaster because when I first played love letter I was like let's play Love Letter and never stop right and then I was like that's too much love letter let's stop and then I'm like how many love Learners are they going to make but now I'm coming back around on it this is a very good little filler and I just can't imagine wanting to play cool over this because KU is essentially I'm lying yes or no right love letter has more Nuance to that 100 I'm like I think you have the princess you're acting like you do but you might not yeah I was I liked cool for about 10 minutes unfortunately and I backed it on Kickstarter when they reprinted it right right right because they had that really lovely edition of it because one of my absolute earliest kicks the Santiago version right no that was much later that was hard to find yeah that's Brazilian I think yeah that was much later but yeah I I you're right it's basically that and unfortunately one of the characters is also am I lying yes or no if I am and you call me you're out I've lost the whole game because normally you lose a cube or whatever but with that character they're kind of both cubes that you have are online you can both go out yeah I know yeah it's too it's a little narrower yeah and I get that people like it because it is that simple yeah it just for me I'd rather play lovely I would also rather no that's that's uh that's the first good choice you've made all day fair enough [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you seven number seven I'm expecting a lot of push back here we go baby everything's installed under here my number seven game that is being replaced is a game that I don't even own anymore so it was definitely worse this is a storytelling game I'm gonna go with that because it fits okay I know the game replacing it now my number seven is a it was a game about uh kind of exploration it's seventh continent Nancy gets here that is correct so is this is a bit of a stretch but I don't care because what what seventh continent kind of promised was this system where you can play through a series of Adventures an easy save system pack it up bring it back out I always thought that it was a pain I did not like the the the save system I always felt like seventh continent was too punishing for what I was looking for in that type of a game it's like I'm gonna follow down this this cave for three hours and the only thing I found out at the end of that was that I shouldn't have gone into that cave I've used that example because that happened right I've used that multiple times lands of gauzier is much more of what I'm looking for now in this type of a game where it really is easy to pack it up and bring it back out and it's more about the experience and the journey than it is about the the uh the mechanics right I also felt like seventh continent for as simple mechanically as it was was convoluted and messy I don't think it's simple but I think seven pounds it was a card system yeah no no there's a lot of little matching and whatnot and fiddly yes gauzier is not uh gauser so this now I will I like if I want this kind of an exploration type of a story game I'm gonna I'm gonna go here so this one has discreet game sessions yes which is a big deal it's not about that you can pack it up in the middle of a game it's the fact that the game takes an hour 45 minutes exactly and then you well back it up you know what I mean you're gonna play if you want and the next time you play yeah some things have changed but you were able to just basically put the game away normally just about yep seventh continent a session is I don't know 10 hours eight hours okay so you need to break that up but the save system was three hours really it's three or four it's not that long to completely no you're gonna die right oh but I thought it took a long time to find The Relic or the curse it takes a while yeah well it's definitely faster than it's longer than guys let's say six hours doesn't matter if I want to stop at any point and save it right it was not a clean method like you said like your map reset that was a huge issue I always wondered why that was the rule I don't know that's crazy it's like they want to punish you I I mean I didn't play that way I was like nah we're putting the map back but see that's the thing yeah if you play it as designed which I tried to it was I didn't enjoy it it just didn't like that safe like you're saying it was like you know you've went to bed I guess and you woke up and forgot everything around you right you're blind what happened forget it you know it's still there oh no I did forget it okay completely forgot you know this makes me think of something there are some some games that have been killed a whole series yeah we talked about how one game becoming a double kill then there's some games that are giants and it needs a whole bunch of a thousand death by a thousand paper cuts right right right right so for me that's where I feel about seven continents it's not just gauzier it's also got a sleeping God right and uh the Destinies and things like that yeah I get that I get that all right well good I didn't guess push back as I I feared I might so lands of gows are to me is definitely replacing you've read the comments yet oh that's true I'm sorry I gotta bring seven continent back to the table that's gonna happen this weekend see you in the week all right okay my game being replaced here is Lanza gauser uh nothing really fast hilarious no the uh the game being replaced here I'm going to tell you straight up right now is not being replaced I'm not getting rid of this game it's a classic for me I have a soft spot for it straight up it's a straight up lie okay I'm lying to you about this one but I think this new game really is a nice approximation of a game that I like a lot of a lot of people look at and go why do you like this game so much yeah the game being replaced is compatibility okay compatibility who is a game in which you are matching with a partner in this case imagery based on a topic you are given on a word prompt one word that you randomize from a little deck and then you try to match with somebody else is it a two-player game the one that replaces this no is this a two-player game this is a game played in teams okay okay yeah groups of two you technically you can play in other ways but you yeah but ideally in groups of two Stella wow I I was like Z is very picky with new party games you are I am I am absolutely but you know what Stella when you stop and think about it yeah it's really a very similar idea yeah it is you're given a prompt and then you rank a few cards on that prompt except in this one you can compare that to everybody at the table yeah you're not just short of doing this head head matching you know idea locking kind of thing yeah I really enjoy it you get to use these gorgeous cards try to read some subliminal messages in them or pick a little bitten piece and then try to explain why you picked the card based on this one little corner you also have every Dixit card ever as a ready-built expansion right that you can use in this game that's wonderful you know if there's one thing that was a downfall for compatibility is that yeah that deck of cards after you've played the game 10 times it's the same deck of cards yeah sick of that clown you know that one lady cooking you know the one yeah I really love that I hate that lady and so Stella is going to get a lot of you know or could have that replayability because of the cards you can use I think it's great it's a lovely game very well put together it makes for a perfect sister game to Dixon I agree not a sequel not a replacement they co-exist you know what I mean and they they sort of feed off of each other I think that's wonderful so yeah Stella dicks a Universe game my number seven love it I have an idea all right my number seven was replaced in a matter of a month or two and seven continents again I played this game and I was I said this is amazing you did not like it no one else in the studio liked it but I liked it a lot okay um and then I went to Origins and played the replacement game and I was like oh how sad I'm never gonna play the other game again I don't know what it is when I tell you the first one the game being replaced okay Jeff anglestein is Space Cadets dice duel which is a team versus Team game right in which you are all frantically in real time rolling Dice and working together to make your spaceship go around and shoot the other spaceship great concept loved it and then you went underwater that's correct and so the replacement game here Captain sonar I played Captain sonar and I'm like I'm sorry Jack yeah he said I remember he was like well there's room for both games there's not unfortunately I haven't met anyone who played dice tools since Captain sonar and the thing is Daiso is a good game it's not even it's just it's bad timing really yeah because Captain sonar you didn't need to roll dice and it was big it was not a game that quietly showed up no no it made a splash yeah big time yeah no pun intended it was a punishment no pun intended all right you're supposed to say milk on it no intended huh no pun superintendent anyway I really like Captain sonar the team versus Team I like team versus Team games anyway yeah there's very few of them that are not party games this is one of them is this a party game well I mean they're not party word games and the way people normally think about card games sometimes you'll have Team card games no that's a good that's that's fair this is one that the atmosphere might be party like but you can't bring this out on a real party and be like hey let's play sit down here we go page one it's like no this would kill a party and it's also the kind of game that you can play with people but it your second game helps a lot you'll understand it more but it is it is a lot of fun yeah for me this is a slam dunk replacement so Captain sonar yep hahaha [Music] all right well this is um I'll be interested to hear uh especially what Z thinks about this one so my number six game that is being replaced is a game that I still think is a tremendous design um this is one though where I actually did exactly what this list was I owned my number six game yeah enjoyed it okay good then when I played the other game I brought my my number six but you know and basically got rid of it because I knew that I'm always going to choose the new one over so my number six is a one versus all game called the others a fantastic game a fantastic horror themed okay versus all game I know why you're a replacement to replace data that's because you no longer need the one correct you can now just play yourself you can play co-op correct I'll tell you what I love the others and I'm not going to get rid of it anytime soon sure but Cthulhu death may die 100 can be played more easily yes that's what it is this gets to the table the others I struggle but what if you like wearing the one I I don't well that's the thing that's why for me I don't I didn't particularly need that I wanted this experience no no it's not that it's just that I I don't know one versus many I do like but it's a more fragile type of a game you're one of the few people I know who doesn't want to play the one oh no I liked playing the sin player in in the other day oh absolutely I did it but you don't fight the play the the I don't fight too I'm happy to to to do if the game is good both sides should be equally compelling right right and the others is I will say that it's just as fun to play uh either side but I think maybe a little more fun to play as the sin but in in death may die it just is so much easier for me to get to the table right um and it gives me a very similar feeling a very similar experience I had a very hard time getting the others played that's really what it was about was that it's a little more of a fragile system because I either felt like I had to play the sin so that I can kind of game master for other players yes right yes um or someone else really wanted to play as a sin you had to teach two games right and I had a really hard time like kind of stepping away and and being like you should play that you know we're about to steamroll you exactly you have to teach two games that's the thing you know what I mean has a little more yeah it's it's a little sillier yeah so again still have a tremendous amount of respect for the others and and would happily play somebody else's card not my coffee good luck okay I got rid of the others because I know I'm gonna be able to play and have played Cthulhu death may die many more times already although it's a much newer game than I ever played the others so there you go there's a lot more content I've supported this one whereas the others Kickstarter project and then never again that's weird yeah anyway all right my number six is uh probably the two is that right the two newest games on the list yeah both of them being replaced and the replacement are both the newest games on my list interesting and again this is not something I own or probably intend on owning anytime soon I can just it felt like to me like a replacement of one or two the other so the one being replaced is a uh I don't want to say flash in the pan but it's it's again people the crew the crew the people who love it the time's up clue now I know that for the crew the crew oh no people who love it I don't I don't get the the love and those people this is Arc Nova oh Mark Nova is uh oh Z I have no sleeves to roll up here but I would be imagining can I show you this was on my short list but I didn't I didn't include it is that right that's right yes Earth I have that on my short list I was afraid it was too new that's why I didn't put on my list Arc Nova is out Earth is in okay that's right Arc Nova thanks for existing once you go be extinct now that's right because Earth is here mm-hmm I think Earth does all the interesting things that Arc Nova does in what third the time a third of the time maybe maybe less right good night and I say well Earth is actually more like this game it's more like that game sure but to me these two feel connected I agree they're big sprawling 18 000 cars that are all different real photography also so there's that kind of feel to it where you're playing with like a documentary um and I just find this game more compelling you know the turns are much faster more straightforward there's less upkeep there is less overhead it's so much faster to play if you lead a game yeah yeah I'm with you Z I mean like I will always choose this over Arc Nova I am there yeah I don't dislike Arc Nova of course I'm being hyperbolic for the sake of being silly but I think it's a fine game I do think it's too long that's a straight up opinion I mean I I that's not a joke I think it's too long right Earth does not suffer from that immediately and I find it more compelling I'm with you almost almost did this exact thing all right but back to normality here you're crazy board gamers and people liking this game are different because the the original game is like by Collectible Gamers more often and that is Marvel or DC or whatever version even WWE Dice Masters I like Dice Masters a lot I like the whole idea of chucking Dice and then using them to fight other people I'm assuming this is the same as Mike's this is called a half crossover yeah right it's this uh is this Throne this is Dice Throne really now there's a lot of differences between them for sure oh yeah yeah yeah but I don't know how I can't I'm trying to remember as I played Dice Masters I haven't even thought of it in so long it's a collectible card game for all intents and purposes I've thought of it a lot because I keep seeing I'll see it for sale somewhere and I'm like oh I can buy a few more of that but here's the thing for and and and I was asked Chris asked me like are you talking about Marvel the Marvel here and I'm not and that I don't even think the Marvel thing has much to do with although it helps sure sure but the I could say let's play Dice Masters and in five minutes we're playing Dice Masters I mean I'm sorry yeah for today's matches I'm like all right well okay let's set up the teams and all this and how many dice do you want to pick and it's still great and fun I'm just finding that the I can pull out the box and play this one faster and get a similar feel they're very different games in many ways they really are they are but again you want to Chuck some dice and have some explosive fun this is faster and it's simpler I also I actually on my short list I was like King of Tokyo diet but I was like no I'll still play King of Tokyo five or six every time yeah that's why I didn't do that so I was like yeah you know what I'm not playing Dice Masters anymore and this is kind of the nail in the coffin really that makes sense so there you go [Music] now my number five is a game that is a very small and unassuming game okay and I still have a lot of affection for it uh although I haven't played it in a period of time and it's also had a number of different iterations it's a small little card game called timeline oh yeah all right so timeline is a game that I've used when I was a teacher I used it in the classroom but it's not an educational game necessarily I mean it's just it's a game that is very versatile I think you can play it with a lot of different types of people and the game is exactly what you think it is basically there are you know it could be historical events it can be movies it can be any number of things and you literally are trying to put them in a chronological order okay and this has been replaced by um the only thing I could think of because you haven't played that new zero to 99 game yet I have not which is similar is that color game I think you guys are are the color game from pandasaurus we have to say how much colors yeah I'm I'm going a little broader here I'm using this as a leaping off point history of the world trekking through history that oh my gosh Mike what no yes these are what nothing I like you're getting drafting cards to put in chronological order I would say checking through history places Raco well we played a game that that recently that was that does not replace right closer to Rocco oh man Vibes really it really does although there's more dates and both I got it and you're putting them in chronological orders huh but there's no I mean the other game is a guessing game that is just very soul is the fact that I have a card that I don't know the year for and I go I think it goes in between you know the invention of spade and uh the World War II I get that but to me that should have what spent one more spit invented I'm gonna say it was I could make this stuff shoot out of my mouth after no um is it a stretch of course I don't care yeah when I play trekking through history I thought okay people that like timeline might like this that was literally the first thing okay I get that I get that very few more rules like I feel like I could teach this game to the same one of the things I liked about timelines I can't teach this to anybody I might argue that you can teach timeline slightly faster but by slightly I mean I mean slightly I think so I don't know five more minutes I think tracking through history is incredibly approachable yes it is again very easy to teach but compared to timeline it's maybe five more minutes really I think this is a five minute teach and I think timeline is a zero minute teach right put these in order basically and this is a little bit more but anyway I don't know look it's a bit of a stretch I get it but I do remember the first time real good about my list now the first time I played trekking through history I do remember thinking gosh I bet anybody who like timeline would be interested in this that's probably true so that's why that part yeah and only that part that's a difference if you like this you'll like that that's the difference we'll do that later but again I would I would play this over timeline all right there you go my number five hmm and you're getting much much grief I didn't think that one would get as much grief as other ones no that's a lot of yeah no maybe that already happened I thought I'd get more grief about Gallagher then huh no no I thought that that made sense to us that would make sense yeah anyway all right my next one being replaced here is a game that died a long time ago honestly um and it's been replaced by so many things this is Sherlock Holmes Consulting detective oh boy yeah well the obvious oh why is this not on my list but I didn't really like Sherlock Holmes that much Sherlock Holmes Consulting detective is again a little shapeless it's sort of this whole go pour yourself over information and stop whenever you want to and answer some questions oh didio you're a you could have done this half an hour ago yeah well there's two games here I think the easy choices Chronicles of crime but you could have said detective too I would think yeah it's neither one of those oh okay this is actually also a Sherlock Holmes game wait what the one I'm replacing for Consulting detective is Chronicles crime that's what it says in the dictionary no I'm sorry no it says replace very similar and again unfortunately one that didn't get a lot of attention it's very similar but it has structure it's that little card game right no this is a fairly large box it's a game called uh Watson and Holmes so Watson and home I never played of which this is the the reprinted cover originally it's a game from Spain with a different cover and then I think asthma day or somebody picked it up and they reprinted it with this cover this has cases but then there are there are locations face down on the table which are cards and you spend a turn to go there and read it take notes you're doing a lot of the same things you do in Consulting Detective but it's competitive you're doing your own case solving right and again there are rounds and turns any time when the thing stops and you're trying to mine information you can sort of lead the other player astray a little bit you know I'm gonna have to accept this because I don't know so I am too but let me ask you this question because I don't know it either other than the theme yes right because I've not played this uh do you think that this is closer to Consulting detective than Detective not really they're all sort of it's hard to differentiate for me games in which I'm like here solve a case I can see this being a closer one-to-one because of the theme I just was like the theme certainly will be on the obvious you know parallel there if you like Sherlock Holmes right and the types of cases he's solving yes in detective it's modern you know what I mean but I want to use the internet to sell I was Sherlock Holmes case do you no okay um I like this one and even again the game Styles even farther away than say detective a detective you are cooperating you are doing all this together I just find this to be so much more structured more enjoyable to know that I pick up a card and I read that and I can stop reading now because the card ran out I'm not looking at like a newspaper but I'm really supposed to be reading just this one article yeah but I'm like pouring over this thing I'm like what I don't know what I'm looking for I feel like a and it just goes on and on and on so yeah if you like that idea and you haven't tried this out then I I recommend you check it I'm feeling like a this is the one to go for no no no no no the other one oh the other one okay my number five I had a hard time picking the game being replaced okay you just knew that this replaced something you never replaced something it really does so I'm putting in here okay one of my favorite straight up racing games which is the Thunder Alley okay well this is pretty obvious okay you're replacing it with heat yes okay well that's yes yay Thunder Alley it's really fun drafting Gray racing game also heat but you know what it was funny because I was like he oh my favorite raising oh I've he sees it but he doesn't replace obviously for me because they're very different games yeah he should have put down Force I don't think he replaced downforce because I'm awesome places let's go back to my number uh nine real quick it's another half crossover that's that's a full crossover I have now only half of both of you that's right but heat is like it's such a great race again it really is now it doesn't have some of the things I like in racing games well it has a little bit of drafting you're right it does I figured you would have said actually for this I thought you might go with formula D I thought that was actually my very first thought except formula D has been replaced by like every other race again I like formula D but man but he definitely through the last handful of dirt into the grave of formality for sure and when the new maps come out for heat that's that this is yeah you know when we look back at 2022 there are more than one game on my list from 2022 that are replacing our games yeah that's what it was people like oh there's not Innovation maybe but we're definitely seeing refinement when you say games these days aren't good you're that's insane to me right he is like a very good example of that it's a fantastic racing game that has built on everything that's come out before including another racing game by the same designers right I mean this is really building off of flam Rouge so that's true it took the good parts of farm right exactly added them to a race a better racing game in my opinion I agree yeah so he [Music] [Music] four all right so my number four was very easy for me because this was like the clearest you could have gone a lot of different directions you could have like gone with Ave Caesar you could have gone with like uh what was the one you picked my number four game that got replaced is down Force there's like three half crossovers okay I used to like to play Down Force when I wanted a quick racing game but now there's clearly no it is heat of course it's heat that's really funny so we've approached this and that's why it was so funny that's also why I was like yeah I'm really glad that you picked another game that's you know because yeah there have been people the thing I was afraid was like well downforce is more of a betting game no that is actually what I I kind of sort of say that but I don't know to me they feel very similar niches and and I'm always going to go with heat matter of fact I'm gonna go with heat over almost any other racing game really now really okay it's just it it has everything I like in racing games you know it feels like a race first of all which is you know the Thunder Alley to me never felt like a race it felt like a spreadsheet um this feels like a race and I like the card you know the card mechanisms or insulting but all right I'm just saying it didn't it didn't it felt like very ponderous that game okay that's better I feel like yeah it felt ponderous and this does this feels like fast and you know like you you know that that cover evokes the feeling to me of the game of pushing your luck which is another neat element yes that I think racing games you know when they're done well they'll usually have that because yes in racing you are right you you know going into that corner or you're right on that edge of blowing out your engine all that kind of stuff so you know to me down force and heat filled a more kind of a similar Lane and I'm always going to take the inside Lane with heat and let you know downforce go to the outside and take the the less efficient way down Force you're drunk that's right go go change all four of your tires go get an oil change that's right go to Jiffy Lube Manny Moe and Jack wow the Pep Boys I haven't heard about that in a long time yep that was my number four Heat's been represented all three times by three different games he replaces everything it kind of does right in fact it replaces my number four as well my number four is a racing game is it really it is oh that's exciting which is being uh replaced by another game the game being replaced is Lewis and Clark okay and the game replacing it is not heat but but it could have been he'd replaces at all you like the crew get rid of it get heat the interesting thing is that to me the obvious replacement for this but I don't know that you would do it because I'm afraid it would break what you thought was a spirit of the list would be Lewis and Clark the dice game they're very different games yeah I thought they actually were very different games I really like the dice game I don't like this one I like this fine actually this is again one that I now since I put on the list I've gotten the itch to Play It Again actually I still like ridiculous we're using cards to move down tracks what other games there's two big things you do in this game actually in my opinion okay you use cards for effects and you place workers so it's like one of those games that on your turn you do one of two very different things you place workers out or you play cards for something they do so it's like I'm taking a card play Turn okay and now I'm gonna send a dude right here to this crazy idea of what it might be but I bet I'm wrong because I don't know that you place workers in the game last Aurora oh gosh no that's not it you do place workers in that because you're also still kind of traveling that's not a bad that's not a bad approximation what could replace this black angel no wow no no black angel is really really thinky has the dyes too much is different for me I guess no this is evertel It's the incredibly popular everything okay you're back with the timeline yeah was the replacement for me yeah I think they feel very similar actually wow yeah the only I mean for me the one big big difference is there's no race in ever there's no race but to be fair that race was not a race not much of a race anyway um the only difference is they never know there's none of this cyclical hand type stuff if you play a card you leave it out hand management at all yeah you're like leaving it out on the table you're not picking it up again and reusing it but it feels to me very similar you gather Resources with workers or you use the resources or what have you to play cards out in front of you and then you do a recall round well you take your stuff back they feel very similar to me I mean look I'm not gonna say that your experience is invalid they don't feel at all similar to me but that is interesting I would never have thought that I the the two we mentioned I think are closer approximations today they're both good yeah yeah but uh they're both wrong I couldn't argue with that one maybe maybe you should have yeah right anyway for me everdale replaces Lewis and Clark but also I want to play Lewis and Clark again well my four can't possibly be heat again oh my four is uh terraforming Mars replaced by Earth yes you're so you're so predictable Bowser not but this not oh and actually dead and I thought about this should I say terrifying Mars Aries project the thing is Expedition I think I might play Aries Expedition more um I had already said that between terraforming Mars areas Expedition and Arc Nova that that terrifying Mars was falling off yeah I feel different if you had said Aries Expedition the card game I might have been like yeah yeah sure Earth has some of those ideas the following but the board game to me feels nothing like her oh no you've got you're playing a punt a bunch of cards in front of you you're using tags on those cards I'll tell you what yeah I almost put and this would have been a very hot take I almost put wingspan I don't think it would have been that hot of a tank no it would have been the hot take would have been the fact that wingspan's getting replaced oh my gosh yeah yeah oh I think they're there's a lot but I mean see that's the thing that's one of the reasons why I think Earth is is a special game is that to me it does evoke feelings of Arc Nova it does evoke feelings of both terraforming marks building a zoo and invokes feelings of wingspan and it does it in a fraction of the time yeah it's probably faster than wingspan you can probably replace faster than you can probably replace all the games on my list with Earth I agree or heat or heat or heat in fact with Earth perfect collection for 2023 is a copy of Earth and a copy of heat that's all you need all you need is Earth heat baby all you need is earthy okay listen here's the thing I know some people are gonna get on cool to the new in this thing yeah first of all that's the whole point of this list right as newer games are yes doing a better job than the older games we're not saying the older games are bad nope I am it's just that these newer ones I don't know yeah earth look iteration that's what that's what we're talking about the good news is I got no more news early in this list this idea of everyone's talking about you know Innovation yada yada yada iteration is a natural part of the creative problem I agree it's music or movies or books or look there's very little original out there right there really and so I had this someone in our game group was saying oh there's no original games anymore I'm like well first of all there is but secondly that's not what we're looking for the original games are often they don't they're often not that great many times original games are often also confusing and overlooked yes you're like this is scary and confusing let me go to my comfort blanket right that I call Earth and then somebody that take that confusing uh idea and find a way to make it a little bit smoother and more elegant and more approachable and then eventually it becomes a bigger thing I agree all right three more thank you [Music] my number three I've actually mentioned this on a previous uh top 10 list that this game replaced the other game it was on a different list but I should have written it down straight up so it probably will know what it is you will you'll know right away What It Is Well right away as soon as I tell you what game was replaced you'll know which one because before you tell us yeah do it right now um that game where you the game from Orange nebula Viking seesaw no I haven't put Viking seats on any of my list people you're messing up for it but my number three was a uh or is a Cooperative game of remarkably punishing difficulty um called ghost stories and so ghost stories is a game that that uh you know I have still a lot of affection for but to me it got replaced by another Cooperative game by the same designer that has a very similar but it is significantly less punishing my goodness my number three you know what it is Tom the fantasy version of it this old tree whatever blade last basket it's Ultra oh my gosh you really you really don't see bounced off it as heavy as he no I didn't I really didn't I'm I'm again being hyperbolic but at least these are not you've got a Central Area you do or you build buildings build buildings and you've got outer edges where problems that you have to deal with come how could you not see the comparisons between ghost stories why are you so blind I'm saying it's clearly an iteration on it but it's it's but it's it goes in a very different direction first of all it's nowhere near as punishing although there are difficulty scalings you can make Ultra a very very challenging you can actually Fighters with my kids yeah I think you should kids yeah I suppose you can do that you should because it's it's part of the reason why I think maybe you bounced off it as much as that keep saying that well you said it I mean this is what you said I remember if I remember some of the things that maybe you didn't like as much yeah I seen your remember that you didn't love the dice rolling and I don't think you you felt like you weren't always able to do something significant on your turn yeah very much that second one very much it's like you are on a dude on a horse but you get two at your turn is like sometimes you're out you're going to be moving twice right yeah that will sound like oh my goodness I can't get anything done yeah that's and but because you have to build up so that you can have those big turns I often felt like honestly in Ghost Stories many of my turns were absolutely wasted you know that's because you roll poorly but yeah true but off because the dice are designed for you too roll poorly unless you've built up things to mitigate them and it's the same way here um you actually play Ghost Stories on my kids to show them how unfair like this Mike what did you think of the replayability here with those those stories it being story driven and you were getting cards it's fine because the stories are are flavor text I don't play this for the story he admits and he fell into my trap no it's true it's not a storytelling game although it is based around a demographic novel I think or an RPG I think it's a French RPG French RPG you've got connection to that story maybe that would be a bigger deal for me it's not it's like okay here's some challenge that's happening in this in this area but it's essentially the same game there's little core elements that they change but no I think the replayability is fine okay okay I wasn't sure because you do have a story again yeah flip a card did you do this okay flip the card so there is that story to it yes with a couple of sprinkles of like yo there's a goblin right but you can build completely different buildings you can play with different characters all those things are going to change the experience okay maybe I should try it again maybe I'm wrong I doubt it I think you're wrong my number three is uh I think an award-winning game called Las Vegas oh okay Vegas dice Manor no dice manners no and this is again I guess I did this a lot and sorry I guess I didn't even think of it I replaced a lot of stuff with little known games that are very similar in my opinion this is not Las Vegas Royale by the way that when I'm replacing Las Vegas with that'd be it's the same game um and I am specifically replacing this because Las Vegas Royale I guess has a bunch of other stuff that I'm not familiar with it does I haven't played that so this is going to be a dice rolling Pusher luck game no it's going to be like almost the exact same system it's a game in which you roll down this manner it's not that I don't know what that is that's the uh oh no that's not it I haven't played that yet so you yeah it's the same idea you roll dice you pick a face and you put them all in one place the the wrong one uh it's a game called dice Age The Hunt oh my gosh yeah I've never I've never even no one's played that game wow why are there Muppets so here's the game oh it's Vegas it's basically Vegas right it's very very similar to Vegas so the difference is you are sending out your uh your tribes there that's what the dice represent to hunt animals and so like the mammoth is the 50-point guy over there the the dodo next to him at 20 and so on I want to play this but there's also then special abilities you can collect okay as you go out you hunt you get a little special abilities you get some end game scoring special abilities you can take that white die and have an extra die for your upcoming turn usual things that you saw already in Vegas Las Vegas with a few extra things and a way more interesting theme of hunting animals did this come through today Sarah Studios and I like having Japan I do too so anyway it's a really fun game I've taught this at a lot of Dice Tower event it's one of those that I sometimes will bring with funny though I don't think I've ever seen this on one of your lists before this might be the first appearance of this game on one of your lists I agree all right it is such an obvious one when I thought of this list when you mentioned lettuce I'm like okay so I know that dice H the hunt replaces Las Vegas for me because it's got it like if you played this you'd be like yeah it's all right okay okay um and so I I really like it yeah it's one again I bring with me to a lot of events and teach it to folks there you go my number three dice age the hunt with with animal that's up to Auntie here and replace many many games wingspan now this one's really obvious once I tell you what the games are being replaced but I I flip-flopped on this because I used to say they came out pretty close at the same time both of these series of games but one is way better than the other one exit that's correct don't spoil the whole please really yes I'm sitting on lock replaced exit the game the whole series they did I have not gotten the last I have not gotten the last two exits even though they did Lord of the Rings I picked it up and looked at it I was like but as soon as the new unlock comes out I'm like in because they just get more and more interesting they use the app to do really cool things not this is actually one of my least favorite scenarios here the Sherlock Holmes one but I like the unlock series a lot you're not bothered by the hunting for tiny little numbers on cards thing they've really first of all they veered from that so much that was my least favorite part of unlocked that's not really I also you're just I also really like that Mike well it's a group gaming there's something exciting about finding that that's cool I suppose but they've really veered from that and it's they've they use the app more and more yeah I haven't played a a not a lot game in years that's kind of where I'm at the last one I played was the Western one right right there was a western one in which they would every now and then you'd be solving a puzzle and be like stop flick flick something at like cardboard standings of cowboys and when you knock them all down then you may resume it was like a Time waster oh and I was like what is going on that's one of my lowest ranked ones but no right that that one the newest one or you're like chasing a woman who's robbed the bank and hi -speed car chase and the other one there's Robin Hood that is okay yeah no gosh I haven't played one of these in ages so I'm like really fun I like both of these series though quite a bit I do but unlock is now reign supreme for me okay foreign for this list when you propose that this would be the list we are doing my one and two came to me right away and that's usually a good sign that's usually why they end up being towards the top of the list I suppose um and I got a little pushback from the person who put together the PowerPoint for this I saw that I saw that uh one uh Camilla and she feels like these are too close to the same game and I disagree my number two that got replaced is a solitaire only card game and dice where you are playing as a hostage negotiator and you're trying to save as many people as possible oh you're gonna get pushed back to the whole audience here I don't think so I think these are significantly enough different uh while still giving me the the a similar Series so my number two is obviously being replaced by final girl okay let me tell you why I think you're not gonna get pushed back and I disagree please get in place because nobody likes hostage negotiator more than final girl no no that's why you're not going to get oh I don't think probably but I but see no one no one's gonna go no final girl's not as good well no one's ever gonna say that let me explain why I think because this this list is basically about iteration right about taking something and making it better this does that just because what happened he's trying to rip my microphone it's because it uses uh you know the the same Central core uh mechanic or mechanism doesn't mean that this isn't significantly different just the idea of being able to combine the modularity of this is completely different and it makes the game significantly more replayable and significantly more interesting because a particular location is going to have things that are specific to that location a particular killer is gonna have something that's specific to them and you can mix and match all of these things and the fact that there is a board in this that has movement completely adds a new element to the game that was not there at all very defensive because I know there's gonna be pushback and I've thought about this are all saying we love you and miss you Mike anyway final girl to me is a clear replacement for hospitals I agree it's not just a re-them it's not so everybody knows that everybody have you played both I played neither there you go there I'm not giving you punch back Mike I think you're doing I'm giving you a board back off a cliff stairs um my number two is uh a garbage game that thankfully was replaced and this is a game called space base I know you know what you were I know what you replaced with and you are so wrong no no no no no no no no you're wrong Colonel Sanders okay medulla oblongata Bad Company Bad Company replaced space space one to one replaced thanks for playing space space you can go home now wow it's I like bad company but it's not even close you like space space more space would you say that space space replaced Bad Company no because Bad Company came out in seconds writer about space space than Bad Company I'm I'm there's a couple things the one thing the one thing about space base that I really like is that you can really ramp up a number so if you know you roll a seven it's really awesome Bad Company lets you ramp up stuff a little you might put two cards in the same person of it of course that's three actually it's a faster pace game and I like the aspect of being able to buy what you want to upgrade and it's different so that's 100 what do you like better about Bad Company than space space What are you the moderator of the presidential every time go ahead okay well I would like I like the theme better for sure I think it's more in immersive I think I have a point of I agree with you I can relate to what's going on in space space it's like ship space attachment beam thing you know what I mean like nothing is anything that's my problem with it it's not a bad game at all of course again I'm being hyperbolic but I just like bad company I it's cinematic to me you know I I can see the guys getting better you hire your crew you fire somebody iron somebody new you're running from the cops you're breaking into places and stealing things and all of that stuff is more fun I think the mechanisms here are clean and straightforward I and again I think the mechanisms ultimately are probably not as rock solid as space base where you can pick what you want and there are these sort of shoot the moon if I roll a 12 and whatever whatever I can just win the game out right that's exciting yeah the only thing is space space could have easily been put and who knows if it's not Tom's number one that could be put as a game that replaced other games right because space based that mechanism is not unique to it any number of things yeah but I did not okay but no yeah bad company I think to me when that came out I was like oh wow okay yeah this is my space yeah yeah I get it I get that my number one and two are games that I really did replace and I'll never go back to the original games what but I love both of the original games my number two is descent and I'll show the second edition version out here um replaced by another second edition right it was actually um here's the thing glue maven's not really in the mix here because glue Maven is it's a dungeon craw esque game but it's a very Euro a strategic play cards it I want to throw dice kick the door in kill monsters yeah that is math descent is not math right and neither is what's the replacement yeah I love this one I still need to play this it's it for me this kills descent I don't know that and it descent three if you notice isn't even an equation sure but mass of Darkness I just like sometimes I just want to throw Dice and kill monsters and there's there's not a ton of these out there if you think about it they each of these new dungeon crawls is trying to be more complex than the last like it right massive Darkness too was the nice they're like here you have this little cool little weird system you're playing with bag building whatever but it's still not that complex roll dice see if you hit the monster tons of monsters you're killing them yeah you have not played this yet have you I don't know I've played yeah you thought it was fine no no I really like it oh okay yeah yeah I'd like to I think it's fantastic it's I just I was never actually have I even played uh descent I played three pointers I got you to play it once yeah I thought it was fine and then the new one didn't really like it I agree that this is one that does not feel like like they were fell into the Trap of throwing the kitchen sink in there too yeah they're like yeah every player is going to have the main twist like you said is you have this sort of merchants Cove idea you know I do this little funky thing that's actually why you should you love that a lot actually I love that yeah and the rest is simple right exactly that's that's yeah what you described us like oh man I'm all in I want to try this well that's my number two [Music] oh come on One is the Loneliest Number that you're legally distinct all right my number one is a game that um as soon as I played it I thought okay I don't know that I'm ever going to go back to this other game even though I I I like it and I think it has you know a place in the history of board gaming as a hidden movement game my number one is Letters from White Chapel that got replaced this was I I didn't play a lot of uh what a good coverage not so much funny this wasn't on the best covers list whereas the the next one was um so this is a hidden movement game and I and I didn't usually play a lot of them but when I was going to it would always be this one okay you know and and because I felt like this was you know just like the the the the the level of complexity that I wanted in Hidden movement game and then I played and my brain turned into that picture my head exploded and I'm like oh my goodness this is not much more complex than uh letters from White Chapel but I just feel like it gives such a richer experience and this is one of those games where I am absolutely fine playing either way and I have also taught the game unlike the others this is not again pushing back against the other specifically but I have taught the game to new players and taught them to be the uh you know kind of the the recruiter which is one yeah because I feel comfortable enough with both and I like playing both roles enough that I can be like okay do you really want to be the recruiter you then yeah I can show you how to do that if you would you rather me to play the recruiter once and then you can do that it's quick enough you can do that too yeah um you can you can play and then anyone who played as a rogue agent I think will video oh okay I know what you did there I can I can do this so to me this is my go-to hidden movement game now and it clearly replaced uh the one that I would pick before which was letters from Whitechapel so my management for me was the first thing I thought of when you when you I would have Sniper Elite replace letters from White Chapel but that's another great choice sniper Elite's a fantastic game and if I hadn't played this Sniper Elite would have replaced letters from Whitechapel so uh yeah there you go that's my number one all right my number one that got replaced and again to be fair I think other things that kind of killed it for me specifically but this is a better one to one is Flashpoint fire rescue Flashpoint fire rescue which is run into the place that's burning on fire and get get the people out that's the idea full tray very similar though Tom very similar I can see it's a Cooperative game what what it's a Cooperative game about running in and getting stuff out well this is post pandemic that's not Cooperative what did you say Clank um yeah they're gonna make a Flashpoint Clank thing you gotta register to get rescue people I'm like should you be rescuing that person like I got one I'm not done not dead man tell no Tales that's it oh okay okay so dead men tell no Tales you're running in the place is on fire it is yeah instead of rescuing people which to be fair who cares no one's right they're stealing Luke you're rescuing as the reaper to this come out I believe so I think so I think it's available now in like a different size box and stuff Renegade maybe I think I know Renegade was wondering yeah I didn't know if it was out yet um anyway so yeah you're running in there the place is on fire you're stealing loot this is very similar in in kind of In theme a little bit actually but obviously again Pirates haunted ship and there is an exploration element like you need to reveal the towel as you walk into it because you haven't been in there whereas in in Flashpoint you see the whole mansion the whole house the whole whatever it is I really wasn't playing a lot of Flashpoint anyway I prefer pandemic when it comes to a Cooperative game but when this came out and I first played it I thought wow this is a fantastic meeting point between pandemic and Flashpoint fire rescue and since I wasn't really playing that one anyway that is now legally dead I get it because I just won't play that I have no need to with this game existing Dead games tell no Tales either right that's right this is much more thematic more cinematic more interesting systematic wow it's yeah exactly this was in our first best coverage list wasn't it I think sure yeah is it straight fire literally my number one is a game that's not a very popular game actually I really love it and it was one of my go-to convention games that I always would like to teach people it is another racing game okay weird funky one and I even had to paint it which pains me I don't know I'm gonna play it ever again and that is what what's the game actually I don't know you're replacing it with Ready Set bed so what are you replacing ready set back you know what you can back off my head what is he taking out to put in Ready Set bed something that you still bet on things oh is this the Unicorn one yeah I love unicorn fever unicorn fever you set up all these things you pick stuff and then you bet on the unicorns essentially and then you race them because you want the best part of unicorns this is just the end it's like the last third of every round fever I'm like yeah we're doing this Euro game we're trapping cars and doing this now the fun part the race and we do the race and then we come back into the other part Ready Set bed it's just the race just that part yeah you know what this is a great pick that's a good call Tom this is your list with this one wow you're back right you are back I almost want to say Ready Set bed replays what's the waitress too but not quite yeah but but that's that's a different kind of thing but I just love this the speed of that and I said for a long time because horse fever I liked it which was before unicorn fever and I said I wish that they would streamline it more they did sort of so when unicorn fever came out we were like oh okay they found finally reworked it a little bit yeah right but then Ready Set bed I'm like oh it's just the races just the fun part just the meat please yeah there you go that's a good call that's a very good that is a good one all right folks tell us in the comments what your games that replace other games are and you know or where we've gone so wrong but be kind to see about the whole everdell thing it wasn't that bad I don't think you should timeline I'm trying to push people in a direction alrighty thank you all for watching until next time I'm Tom vassel I'm Mike delicio I'm Z Garcia thanks to our team Camilla Roy and Chris [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 209,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: pScH37pFeaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 21sec (5361 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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