Top 10 Board Game Expansions

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good well whatever time you're what afternoon afternoon good afternoon everybody I'm Tom basil I'm Mike delisio I'm Z Garcia and today we are redoing a top 10 list that I've done twice before I think I've done this well over a decade ago and a decade that's 10 years wow oh what I meant now yes I know wow 10 full years so when I first did this lesson so we're talking about top 10 expansions as you can see and that's below me the first time I did this there is no crossover I think between my list now and then wow for two reasons one a lot of great expansions I have some several new expansions on my list yes but two my games I've also shifted too like there's an expansion I'll give an example catapult one of my favorite expansions was the expansion for alien Frontiers okay I really like that expansion it is a great expansion I just don't play any Frontiers as much these days sure 10 years is plenty of times to cycle out the entire thing yeah yeah it's also slightly different than the last time we did this because last time we called it top 10 essential expansions it's almost the same but I'm being very clear that these are my favorite expansions right I'm glad I'm glad you said that I don't know if I was in the essential ones or not I don't remember but that I went I was telling Z earlier I'm kind of way off the reservation yeah and I've got some some things that I think will surprise both of you I didn't do it for that reason some things I was already planning to be surprised and practicing my face um oh dude do it the hands too you guys are so adorable I'm sorry I'm sorry adorable okay adorkable isn't that the door I will say though for my list all 10 of my expansions I will not play the base game without them uh oh no wait there's one exception and that makes sense there's no such thing for me that's not true for me like I I don't think that game exists yeah that's not true so literally none of these would I not play the game without the expansion yeah I don't know I think I'm closer to Zion so there's also a few things we were talking about what concert's an expansion yeah you know as a single card I will say there are some things I excluded from my list and this is just me you guys because there's so much stuff so a good example for me is Marvel United right I love Marvel United but I like it with all the extra guys that's like 20 expansions so I didn't shove that I guess I could have put that in the category and said all the extra stuff but I did it so there's a few things like that Summoner Wars I like all the extra factions you know whatever it might be hmm mine are more specific they are these expansions yeah it's interesting when a game has a bunch of extra content that is all sort of mix and match because it's hard to go to a point at one expansion and go that one does this right it's like no that one's more more characters or that one's more factions or that one whatever yeah I like all that stuff I like I might like some more than others but so that's a little harder to put a finger on well some of mine though are an expansion out of 10. really I don't have that either on my list I do and the Marvel United one you were the weakest link out Marvel United is not on my list here but it definitely would easily be a game that it might be the only one Tom that falls into that category of I'm not playing without experience I was just about to pull that you're like I know you won't play that without at least some of the extras yeah that's the only one possibly that would fall into that category it's not on here no four factions that come in the base game are solid they're boring compared to all the new ones I disagree with the base game but that's okay I prefer it with the expansions but I would play Marvel United with the bass characters no they're all I'm introducing a new player sure no that's different but introducing a new player doesn't count for all right all right well what do you mean it doesn't count it doesn't count because there are many times I'll introduce a new player to a game with the intent of okay now you got it now we're throwing in the thing I always play with um you're the problem it sounds like I know all right let's go number 10. I've got a lot of numbers crossed off and Rewritten on here so I'm really hoping that I've got the uh the right oh boy it's gonna be like the robot list all over again oh okay if my number is correct my number 10 is on here and this is again very specific to me here we go this is an expansion me no no this is an expansion that took a game that is not very well known it was a Kickstarter game um and it was a direct head-to-head kind of like fighting game and it added a a expansion that allowed you to play it solo against an AI opponent okay and it's allowed me to play the game a lot more than I would have otherwise this is an expansion for a game called shaolia All right yes the right one and the expansion was called great houses and so what's nice about this is that not only does it add that mode where you can play against the usurper which is a an AI opponent Yes actually in this picture but it's a it's a game that already by its very nature the original game um which was called Warring States I think Shelia warning States it was a modular type of game like you could play head to head you can play three player games with like a kind of a battle royale and it adds all new types of modes new cards new things it's one of those expansions that adds more more stuff which are the type that I tend to like and so um this is one that I didn't get to play as much before because really I played it with Roy I played it with you I think and Tom and Tom but other than that I don't maybe believe it with Chris I think I played with this was for 2020. when it came out yeah yeah so I really like Shalia but I play it mostly now solo game because I've got this expansion the the uh the great houses one so uh good game one that um again it doesn't get talked about very much I don't think it's in wide distribution but uh it looks cool I'm a big fan of it yeah what I've expected but I also did not know this expansion existed so yeah yeah yeah it's learning so much right it's one of those games you where you you have like a front line and a back line and you are buying cards from a market putting them in and you're attacking the other people either directly attacking them or there's also like a science I think or a magic track you can win so there's two weird conditions it's attack the other person or build yeah basically okay yeah it's a slick little game November 10. well speaking of a front line and a back line Mike my number 10 pick is very much about a front line and a back line it's not garbage like overpower this is paper Tails WoW paper towels has an expansion called beyond the gates it's the only expansion for it how many expansions have that also has like Beyond or Beyond the Sea some sort of and there's more yeah yeah yeah this one gives you more cards for the regular game which is straight up good right there straight up good right there more variety fantastic it also gives you a solo mode which is actually a very good solo mode it's a very very solid solo mode games that let you play the game solo yes but then also above and beyond that and this is the big one I think for replayability here the original game comes with I want to say I don't know four or five or six buildings that you can build up and everybody has the same ones every game this expansion gives you a bunch of new ones and so every time you play the players will have then you still are all meant to have the same ones I believe but you can have different ones like oh this game will have the library and the library does something different okay you can invest time into building it leveling it up on the back uh back of the card so it changes that replayability tremendously gives you more wiggle room I'm a big fan of that in games yeah a game that feels like it lets you it you know it already set its boundaries but the expansion shows up and goes let's open up these a little bit let's give you more wiggle room in here the scores are now a little more spacious yeah there's now a few different places where you can make victory points you know it plays with the with the playing space I love expansions that do that and this is one that I feel does that you know a similar expansion I would have put on my list was the Kingsburg expansion Yeah the more buildings but I didn't put that my list because it now comes in the base game gotcha so that's fair that's fair I like to apologize in advance for my number 10 because this is easily the most expensive to find on my list this is way out of print goes for very vuku bucks on eBay this is for Memoir 44. oh and it's the campaign book and so I apologize I wonder why days of Wonder has not it's a book print more goodness gracious so the thing about that you can play and there's usually anywhere from 10 to 20 in a game right usually this book adds like another 30 to 40. it adds a whole way to play as a campaign which is also cool but just straight up gives you like have more than half the battles of World War II in a book that's great it adds so much content because you play Memoir you want to play different battles and each time you buy an expansion that expansion gives you like five to ten more battles with the new stuff this is like move on and they made two of these actually so you can buy either one I really like this it was a simple thing that just added so much without it doesn't also feel bulky or anything like hey oh I gotta learn all these new rules not just another battle Yeah I really like this I wish more games would do stuff like this I wish you know a Dungeon Crawl that has ones that were like hey here's a book of more dungeon crawls yeah yeah right you know we made especially like war games like uh we're playing uh I just played undaunted undaunted could make a book here's yeah 30 more battles I'm surprised more companies don't do this I would love that sort of thing yeah that's true you've got the components you've got the system in place just give me more ways to kind of play around with that system yeah that's true and a lot of a lot of campaigns especially crowd funding campaigns do an art book yeah it's very low barrier of Entry to be fair it's really easy to put together already producing it yeah but if you combine an art book with a with a a scenario book that's a nice that's a nice idea yeah you can you can please two different camps at the same time there that's true so I agree get on that that's my number 10. [Music] thank you my number nine is um maybe soon not going to be as big of a thing because it has now become part of a brand new Big Box edition of the game this expansion is now part of a just released Big Box Edition and my number nine is an expansion for a an older area majority control game called Radice you know which uh which expansion I would put in no because I don't know the names of any of them the Pied Piper it's the first one you like that one I love the Pied Piper Africanus yeah what is it pipe hyper Africanus you have mercantus yeah yeah yeah yeah the Pied Piper this was the first one and it it's because it just it added more of the rolls and it added the walls and I thought that that was a nice uh that was just just those little things the the new versions of those roles because the way the game works is that you've got different classes right um and in the base game you had a certain number for each of the classes and now this just adds to it it just ramps up the replayability of the game the variability of the game a lot it's a very simple system at its core very very simple which is one of the reasons why I like it it's so easy to kind of teach the core but this shows you that there's a lot of Versatility there the the the new ways that they're interacting with the plague doctor or that they're interacting with the rat tokens or with just the population cubes it showed that this was something that maybe was a little bit more wide in scope than it might have appeared with that first base game which was very very uh simple right it's a very simple like game but this show that you can add quite a bit of depth and complexity depending on how you handle those roll cars and so this now Radice has come out with a big box Pied Piper is included with that as is the Africanus and maybe the mercantus as well I believe so it's all it's all in one I think but these are still as far as I know still in print like the original uh bratis the original uh Pied Piper still in print I want to preface this was saying I like radish not as much as you I like it I think this is a dead game I know and how many people have talked about it well just come out Tom yeah it doesn't matter it's not even been a couple of weeks I'm telling you these I don't think oh older games have a long shelf life yeah anyway I don't either but I don't know I still like it and I've interviewed I know you like it I've introduced it to people recently and they've liked it so I don't know I mean it definitely is you are a pleasure to play with well thank you sir um and and I understand you know maybe they know I like it they want us they want to make me happy so I get that but no I don't this is a game that has definitely uh it shows its age a little bit but it still feels classic to me and no no I get that it's yours I just don't think you're right it's not gonna I feel like this right yeah I don't know what it is I like the game too but I didn't notice it just kind of that big box came and I think it's going to be gone probably I do agree that Radice is a game that tremendously benefits from expansion it does I think it really does liven up the proceedings no pun included there also the big box is a normal size box so that's it yeah that's good that's a good thing to get it is all right my number nine is for a game that has quite a few expansions there's actually a couple of expansions I haven't even played yet this is everdill and the expansion that I like the best who I need to know the Spire crest so Spire grass is the one in my opinion of the ones I've played I haven't played the new stuff um that's a great piece of art man I think the uh Crest is the one that manages to not pull Focus okay I think the first one with the pearls Pearl Brook Rook I think or yeah I think Pearl broke is interesting I find it pulls Focus from a lot that was already going on in the game okay there was another expansion which was sort of a catch-all expansion that just has a bunch of little modules it's fine you can sort of take and choose whatever you want and it pulls a little bit of focus I find Spire crest manages to give you more to do and it manages to mostly slide that new interesting stuff in between things you were already doing there's a track that now gets attached to the very bottom of the main board you are taking your little hair rabbit whatever and going on a quest on along a road and every time you pass from one season to the next season normally you do nothing during that step you simply recall your workers well now you move along that track and take a token if you pass from one stage to the next first you will be the first one to have a stab at these tokens so it incentivizes you in a way to pass early but you really don't want to do that because you want to take every action you can and then it also gives you these new animals that are the large animals you put a saddle on them and you jump on top of that it still bothers me thematically why are animals riding other animals because they love it they're friends you know have you ever you've never seen monkeys riding on elephants it happens all the time yeah it's true your logic is wrong they'll try to try to pinpoint why no it's not no it's not monkeys right they hitch rides with elephants all the time why swing through trees if you can let the elephant do the work that's true let the elephant swing through the trees right that's what their noses are for the big so the big animals in this one change your your work replacement ability which I think is really really cool it's me you know so anyway spider Crest is in my opinion the best one for the everdo expansions of the everdel expansions and while I again pretty much none of these will I always play with if I have to pick only one this is the one it's really really solid stuff all right my number nine is the answer to the question I get asked all the time why won't you retire [Laughter] D wow but you're a little too fast with that one it's like sure yeah that was really cool all right you know but people have my good days they know I love cosmic cat or like which is the expansion they get and until recently I would have told you Cosmic incursion the very first expansion yes that is a great one but now but now it's Cosmic Odyssey which is the very latest expansion now Cosmic Odyssey has a very big Campaign which I have yet to play and may never yeah yeah you haven't really messed with that it's well also who am I going to do it with you're like Skies make enough that they're going to want to play multiple multiple games of it in a row um Roy raises happening that's two it's not two player game unfortunately and I don't even know to do that right but this adds so much stuff the reward deck that was in the first one yes the next half if there's more reward cards in this one this adds to all the other expansions and I normally mock that yeah when Arkham hard did that I made fun of that but this had so much content in it it it's it's it's you know when I went back and looked at my original list I guess this is kind of a duplicate one of the best expansions ever is more Cosmic Encounter for the Mayfair version because maybe if you're had Cosmic Encounter and more Cosmic countered like quadrupled the content right it added in weird stuff like Luca and moons this is that same thing it adds in it's not Luke green where it's called something else and the moons it adds in so much stuff now I will say Cosmic encourage is pretty close because honest make incursion adds another player and Cosmic Encounter needs I think six players six players works great with Cosmic five is tough but I mean um that's why I say I don't I will not play Cosmic counter with at least one expansion because I want six players okay okay I don't mind Cosmic at five but I guess I don't mind it at five either I just love playing it at six um but I really like this new expansion it's really cool I was it also fixed old aliens took some aliens and added a ton of new ones on top of that I guess my question when it comes to this expansion is this enhances all the other expansions don't you kind of want those no no you can do that but I'm telling you this double the content of those old expansions to the point where if you didn't get those you could still use the content it's the same as the original expansions okay okay so I do need to go through and do like all my favorite aliens again I've done that before but I think it would change now with all the new ones this one has okay this is the final expansion probably not really I'm assuming but it probably is it really should kind of be right it does feel like it could be but I also thought they were done before they announced this sure so Cosmic Odyssey foreign [Music] crossover I think there'll be one crossover it'll be you and me yes I think so too I think I'll have a crossover you may have no time we may have two we may have two I want to have oh you're right we might yeah I'd like a crossover no sir let me look I'm on Mike's team on this thing [Laughter] until you said something earlier about everything like not having anymore ignited on your list oh yeah you were super quiet we know you got Marvel United coming somewhere on my list not here though uh my number eight is an expansion that takes my favorite five-player game by far and in my top five games of all time and makes it a viable game for a smaller player no um you should be able to guess what this is just based on that little makes it viable for a smaller player yeah now you could have always played this game two to five well actually one to five um but I never recommended it certainly not less than four four was okay five was the best five player game that I could ever uh you know that I always recommend and this adventure makes it good for two makes it good for two three because it gives it a different board wingspan no my number eight is the status update 1.1 for smartphone Inc oh yes yes yes oh it is a good choice absolutely yeah because so many people will ask me hey you know I've got you know I I know you love smartphone I hardly ever play more than three players would you recommend it and I'd have to be like honestly I really don't you know I disagree on that I don't I I don't mind the what are they called the corporations whatever I think they're called like vendors or something like that they're okay Tom but I just feel like this makes it this feels more like smartphone this is better yes yeah yeah with because you've got the tighter map and on top of that it also added in new technologies and and did all the things that you want you know more Tech more of the of the bonus powers and stuff like that that had me right there yeah exactly and and so a game that I already loved but I felt like was limited in player count now is not as Limited in player count if you if you know you're going to be frequently playing at two or three then you get the the status update expansion and you can have you know still I still think it's best base with five I mean that's always going to be my go-to but even with that you can add in some of their returning our top five player game was I will be like best game for four to five and then it will be better that would be an odd lift and it would also be a terrible thing let's do that let's say you're four or five or five players yeah yeah four and five players how about that and the both players both groups want to play the same game you have two copies what game are they both playing at the same time well smartphone make that list not without the expansion now without the expansion they won't all right okay status update 1.1 for smartphone ink get that smaller plan not a great name for the expansion yeah very good pick though you're right that this is the way to go for two players all right my number eight is an expansion for a game we were discussing earlier I mentioned by name earlier this is an expansion for res Arcana oh boy resercon has two expansions I think the second one is better uh I've not seen the second one what's the different the first one just added more stuff the second one came later that's the main difference thanks Dad uh Imperial Pearl something like that so this one uh the first expansion to me felt like a more traditional more of the same type expansion okay it's great it's just more of the same though and it also feels slightly underwhelming when you look at the sheer amount of things in there to be fair the base game is sort of a minimalistic game anyway so when you look at that stuff you're like oh it's not that much but it really is the percentage-wise is fine you know the second expansion this expansion gives you pearls literally a new type of thing in the game now it moved the victory Point goal from 10 which triggered the end game to I want to say 13. wait you won a game you don't want to explain this game longer it makes the game not longer because you now have more ways to make points but again like I was talking about it it gives you wiggle room you can pursue those pearls now they're very powerful they're worth victory points in and of themselves and there's new things you can now do with that new currency it it begins the entire thing it gives you more to do okay all right so I really really like it I this is a little bit of a stretch because I'll never play this expansion without the first expansion okay you know what I mean yeah it's really like it's both but if I was gonna pick one expansion which I think is the better one it's really like the second one I thought was like wow this is nice like look at what they've grown what they've added this is a new idea I really really enjoy this one I this might be the closest on my list to I won't play without okay well let me sign and seal that one this this one here I will have the agreement of almost everyone who's a fan of this game this one I will never play without this expansion and it is the only expansion I can think of where they could have put minus 15 minutes on the time on the box that's correct prelude for terraforming Mars yes Prelude just makes a startup for the game it's it's the smallest expansion for territory Mars and it's also one of the few times where people like I want to play Third Floor Mars I'll hear people say I don't play any expansions well obviously Prelude I'm not talking about prayer we're just playing with Prelude Prelude adds some cards to each player that give them a jump start in the game because therefore Mars is an engine builder and this makes the first six turns faster or whatever you know that basically deletes them it's so wild they should have it would have been nice if that was just part of the game sure and you know what though it might not have been thought of this is not one I think they held back I agree um but it really makes the game faster and better I also makes you more diverse in how you start yeah because they're always you already had a corporation now you have two Prelude cards that also differentiate you and I really like that I also like that you draft them and their starting card and your hand of cards at the beginning of the game so you can kind of make stuff match yeah okay ah yeah this is again this is just an automatic if if I'm gonna play terrifying Mars and you don't have Prelude I will not play it with you I think straight up you'll just get up and leave the table well I want to sat down I'm not saying a word you look say go away I look around them I need to go bathroom and then I never come back it's Cayman Dash gaming Dash I like that that's where you have to play the game though first for that's accounts that's true Damon Dash is when you play the game and you leave before before you're like nah I gotta go if I stay I will pee on your game I've been accused of gaming and dashing before I've been guilty of gaming and dashing before oh thank you a little bit all right I did it before your game no don't let that sucker clean up his own game okay also I took three or four random pieces I didn't do that that's worse I would not do that okay let's move on [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] man all these expansions have been good so far we're not even in the top seven I know right well we are now um you know I said that I thought that Z and I would not cross over I think this is as close as we're gonna get I disagree okay um my number seven is one for everdel yes but it's one of the newer ones and I think that solo one of course is a solo one come on Mike is that really it yeah but it's great it's Mist wood this is fake because here's the thing look uh these cover was better ever Dell came with a solo variant in the box and it was not terribly satisfying really I like it was okay it was fine this is a full-fledged AI car driven opponent that is not that difficult to manage does your opponent the spiders yes it's it's because they look evil it looks like all the creatures are mad at them yes yeah it's nightweave which is the mother spider and all of her baby spider I hate this it's like a yes we're never done a horror game 100 it's great so nightweave is this opponent that you play against it's The Spider and the baby spiders and it has a very clever card draft or card driven uh AI system that allows you to really feel like you're playing against an opponent and for solo Gamers out there that felt like I like everdel but I don't really love rug Ward as an opponent it's kind of easy it's too easy to manipulate and and beat this really does that but it does also add other stuff even if you don't use the solo variant at all you can you know you could still use uh nightweave as one of those animal characters sure and it has more more cars you could ride night wave like one of his I think I don't know if you know I don't think he means he could just make it your player pieces yeah you can make it like a thing yeah which is pointless because there's like 80 of them it's lovely anyway this is a really great expansion for adult Gamers and then hey I'm sorry that's a lot of times when I look at expansions that's going to be a part I didn't realize that religious was the top 10 expansion it's not it already was this just made it a better solo one I haven't played with this one and I haven't played with the other train one whatever it is um but I'm glad to hear that it's easy to manage it is because that was my main concern when they were like oh one of the two new expansions is a solo expansion like the entire thing is for solo that makes me worry that I'm not going to want to manage that yeah no it's not tough it's it's it's it's definitely made my smarts it's easier than other ones I know that you've run before so um even you you can handle it is what he's saying uh you know does this ever happened to you or approved yeah I'm gonna put that on all my games now all right my number seven is my favorite expansion to my favorite game oh this is 51st state I knew that okay it's gonna be one of the factions factions no you're thinking of new or shoes yeah that's what I'm thinking so this is allies this is this expansions allies uh this was uh is that a rat that's a rat baby it's a rat person is that a human-sized rat is that a human size rack yellow rainbow yes this is raining rats don't want to get wet they don't want to go otherwise that so this one uh the main idea here is and again much like other I was talking about everdel I want an expansion that is interesting gives me something new a new flavor but doesn't pull Focus I need it to be something that'll integrate into what I was already doing right right I like that this one that's a lot of personality the deck of cards you're shuffling into the main deck is composed of three kinds of cards rodent restoration the rodents guys it's basically three Clans right so the rodent people are the shiraj those are the ones on the left there the middle one is the iron gang and those are like bikers those kind of people okay and then over there is your Annapolis which are like again mining Colony underground big machines say the name again um where what are they mining it's like and you're Annapolis it's called uranopolis what are they mining uranium I'm guessing oh um not what I heard no interesting I noticed that Broadway's show yeah you're in town you're in City so I like that no I think apple is a city oh yeah yeah so yeah anyway those totally derailed those three different factions like characters in the game basically you can hire those cards whatever and then they'll often give you tokens which work for themselves okay and the fun part is you can use those tokens to hire more of those people like if I'm In Cahoots with the rats I get tokens and I can hire rat people more easily but I can also use those tokens against the other two factions more easily and I really like that you sort of picked teams in a way right right you know as the game develops you're like the iron gang over my sworn enemies and I'm gonna use my own thing here to to easily defeat them attack them what have you I really like again flavor wise this one managed to do a lot with a little and that's why I like it a lot so that's my number seven we got trouble right here in urine City uranopolis it's a trouble with a capital you yeah that's fantastic all right my number seven is very similar to my number eight Prelude a small expansion for terrifying Mars this is also a very small expansion that again I never played with that and the company itself has in some versions of this game added it in to the base game um it's just River for carcasson no that's actually I got into gaming after the river was already part of cartoon yeah that was not an ex that was an expansion for like the shortest time any game has been an expansion for anything yes um no there's a deck of cards and it is oh the The Ticket to Ride Ticket to Ride 1910. yeah yeah yeah 1910 included now it is it's included no it's included in sum I don't think it's included still with the base case oh okay and I know this because when they did it for the world series board gaming they weren't playing with 1910 and I was like ah yeah yeah 1910 rounds this game out the tickets right is a fine game it's a fantastic game but 1910 evens out the ticket distribution also back in the day when it first came out it made the it came with big train cards instead of The Hobbit size cards that were in the original game but the big cities have you can there's different variants this is so great this expansion it's a little expansion and I never play without it if you play online you can turn it on or off you know the thing and I always have it on because why would you not yeah if you don't play with this there's two tickets that go to Vegas um if you do play with it there's like six that go to Vegas it just again it kind of evens everything out yeah there's fewer long routes than the base game again it's a small little expansion but to me it is absolutely essential and I really like it yeah yeah this is almost one of those I don't think about right yeah that's true but I was looking at my rankings of expansion I'd give this one a 10 because it makes sense makes sense I just always play with it so 1910 and I love all the Ticket to Ride expansions yeah yeah there's a lot I considered putting anyone uh you know the the my favorite of the maps is Pennsylvania UK I really like that map set yes and I like the new Japanese Japan map set but this is the one I always play with right that makes sense well I don't play with it on the Japan map that'd be weird but when you play a ticket to ride uh Europe you you throw in USA 1910 well they did make they did copy this per year 1912 but it wasn't as necessary right no I agree they've learned from their mistakes [Music] so I've been uh vocal lately about not every game needs a campaign mode yes and that is true but my number six is actually an expansion that is a campaign for one of my favorite games this is making a solo game then no it already was a solo game as well um but uh but I did not but I did not play this expand I didn't play this um campaign as a solo game I played it as a three-player game my number six is the rise of Fenris expansion oh fellow that's gonna 100 be across level I think it may be yeah I believe he should shut your back that's definitely I know like I hadn't thought of it played this yet actually but yeah when you said it I'm like oh hello yes 100 so side is one of my favorite games and it came out with it's had a number of expansions the first one was the Invaders from afar and that was cool because it gave you some new factions right gave you some new factions and some other little things although that I consider like a 1910 type thing it rounds out it like finishes the game they're pre-printed on the board that expansion feels like he was like sure yeah that's true you'll get that later right yeah then the second expansion was the wind gamut the best one of them no it wasn't this one okay I don't even really the airships inconsequential to me take them leave them they look the alternate win conditions are my favorite part of that expansion the rise of Fenris is the first one that feels like okay this is taking a game I love and showing me a whole different side of it the rise offenders had a bunch of whoa moments and that's what I that's what I was excited about because my question is and this is honestly a real thing I'm considering because I did buy this expansion just haven't messed with it yet will I still get the wool moments if I'm like just cracking stuff open and playing with it or do I need to do campaign you probably need to do the campaign to get the woe moments but there's still cool stuff in there whether you do it or not I'll tell you later Tom will tell you I chose this it's on your list I chose this picture specifically I don't know which picture I have nothing to say at this point guys look I mean you could still say it's been out a long time I don't know if you have to worry about spoilers this is a spoiler I've never seen those dice before I don't care one what about spoilers I'm gonna be telling you everything in detail all right well we'll we'll save it for Tom my number six it was dead all along is the rise of Fenris from Scythe I think the people would like this seems like the first one that is a no-brainer Crossover with the people I think this expansion is considered one of the best expansions out there you know what a mansion yes it really is and I think my number six is also one of the best expansions out there and I think the people would agree with me okay sixth best of course I'm giving a little I'm taking a little mm-hmm number six is King of Tokyo power up expansion good good I considered this this was I like a short list okay the power-up expansion is an expansion that makes it finally delivers on the promise of you pick a Kaiju type creature and you are that creature busting up on Tokyo yeah in the original game you didn't really do that you were a piece of cardboard that was meaningless are meaningless meaningless much like a piece of human cardboard in real life and you're in Opelousas in your Annapolis yes and so power up now gives you a small deck of cards that ties to your Kaiju your monster and gives you unique abilities now picking cyber bunny matters yeah now you are cyber Bunny and have a deck of cards that is specific to you that right there takes the game from being like who do you want to be like that question the beginning who do you want to be it doesn't matches pick one who cares yeah but if you're playing with this expansion it puts you in that in the shoes of that thing or that creature a little bit more I really enjoy that definitely not one I throw in all the time not even close it's it's more complex there's more things to deal with but if you want more personality in your game of King of Tokyo you need this expansion that's my number six King of Tokyo power up yeah I considered this this isn't my short list for sure all right guys I'm gonna cheat here okay cheat cheat away my number six is two expansions oh boy one of them I'm saying it's two expansions because I could not choose between them both you love them both equally glad you're setting this precedent Tom oh what is this trash Guys I picked 10. no because I think I like one slightly more than the other but then I go back and it should be that one Imperium and immortality right yes come on now they're both really good what's the second one I haven't played that yet immortality adds that little track that you move along which I thought would be mad but actually is pretty fun it adds cards that you can combine together and it adds um that I always play with even if we play the base game I'm like that's just a rule battle Yeah just refresh find some things I've played and it's it's sweet it's really good yeah yeah but both of them I mean then you I could play with one I could play with the other I don't feel like I have to play with both to play the game but I'll play with one will they combine okay or is that combined fine I don't think it's too much it'd be too much I think maybe for a beginner yeah so this is this is one of the few exceptions on my list if I was playing with someone who's never played before I might play with no expansions um but I love both these expansions I break them both when I played the first I'm like I'm never playing without it and now when I played the immortality I was like well I'll never play without it unless I'm playing immortality then I might play without the first one okay yeah yeah okay but they're both really good I could not decide between them so you could have but you've chosen up I could not it's like asking me to pick between my favorite children so it'll be next they're not watching this right it's Sarah [Music] said the long lost kid my my children don't know I have um boys I'm trying to get me in trouble stop trying to get me in trouble oh my gosh I'm going off the rails yeah we're off the rails my secret family go ahead Mike Sarah what's my number five is a an expansion for uh an asymmetric game and this adds new factions and new maps to a game that already like a whole lot my number five is root the underworld is wrong I was wrong Mike I was thinking of something else I'm gonna write it down what I was thinking of so root is a game that is kind of like a um it's a war game really with the Woodland creatures and you play as asymmetrical factions and it came with four factions in the bass box which were you know they're good they're all very good there were there have been multiple expansions that have come out since but this is my favorite one this is one of the more recent ones because hey I love the two new factions you've got the the pros so cute on that wrap yep you've got the crows there and then you've got the moles both of those uh factions are two of my favorite they're in my top probably five of all how do you play like what's a quick rundown of each one the moles are super they're they're like a strong one like the cats they have a lot of presents on the board but they have tunnels that they can build that make them pop up anywhere they want and the crows lay traps see those little uh that little bomb token that's a that's a trap and so some of them are trapped with some aren't and that is one of the alternate Maps is it also has the the the lake map which you can get on yes you can get on that raft and sail uh you know not sail but but slow down the the uh the lake there so I really really like this expansion because again both of these the both of those factions are two of my favorite factions and the two new maps are really good it's a double-sided map so if you're gonna play with something like this that you just substitute one of the four in the base game for one of these you could now I won't get too deep into the woods here but they've got a little bit of a of a system they call the reach system that is helps balance by player count so they're saying look if you're gonna play a three player game try to keep your reach value somewhere in this range and and so like the moles will have a very high one because they're they're uh they're they're a strong faction you probably wouldn't want to put them in the same game with the cats because I do now oh okay okay in other words there are ways you you'll have multiple tell me a combo I can't do Mike and I'm playing it tomorrow play play a three-player game with the Otters and both vagabonds okay I know enough about the game yeah I'm gonna play just four vagabonds there you go just do that so yeah yeah you know a little more about Ruth than you're like yeah don't forget barely yeah you're not a root expert is a rooter a rexburger all right okay we're done speaking of digging my number five is root the underground expansion my number five is uh expansion and I want you guys to guess which one you think it is here an expansion for Seven Wonders there are four there is which one would you like the best no I was saying there is only one oh okay grammatically correct okay appointment I'm gonna say I'm just gonna I'm gonna go OG I'm gonna go leaders okay and I'm gonna go the third one with the ships Armada Armada right yes and leaders is the best okay that is not true but that is uh this is my favorite true yeah the first expansion leaders is my favorite uh then they came out with the second one was cities in the world I like City so much I like it it's my least favorite I think the next two are also very good but leaders does something which I thought was honestly the only thing missing in Seven Wonders out of the box focus focus and Direction yeah it gives you something to go for yeah those are not the same thing okay if I tell you hey Direction it's not really the same no but in this game that's what that means what Focus am I going in no yeah in this case you're using them the same way no I disagree let's agree to shut up um focuses to the newest grocery store please my goodness um so leaders here gives you something to shoot for you draft them at the beginning and then as you hire these people every age you can hire one again it's sort of directions you towards a specific thing you might want to do more than just anything else anyway leaders my number five I've lost all sense of direction here all right well actually that that does work darn it I just gave Thomas all right my number five guys so I cheated here oh no again here we go two expansions this is all the expansions to the games on show five I could not does this shelf five actually I know I could not um pick between these there are 16's expansions for this game so I picked my favorite two wow yeah it's Dominion okay let me hold on I know one of them I bet my favorite is uh the orange one Seaside Seaside is blue well the orange cards are the the orange cards well I like them a lot Seaside is my second or third depending on how you say no it's prosperity and then the newest one which is plunder really which is more more money and also more orange cards you would like you would like Ponder I'm wondering my plunder adds a new deck of cards yeah sometimes you get them and they're like uh gold with a special ability okay and you draw from that and you're the only person to have that card in your desk oh my God but you know so aggressively ugly it has to be possession cards where you can possess Pirates I want to be clear I did not I did I picked these based on how they look yeah you do not choose car yeah but wow we're based on apparently English language but English is overrated you want a platina I don't like a platinum anyhow I love the more money cards and things it's my favorite thing to add so I Prosperity has not even been close to been challenged for the longest time but the news expansion plunder I was like oh man I like this as much as Prosperity wow okay but Seaside then is right after those two I like that stuff I like those uh orange cards with that linger for one round blender has orange cards and money cards okay money money is what brings US Air together today at some marriages [Music] my number four is an expansion that takes uh one of my favorite games although you wouldn't know it from my latest top 100 um there's always these little Instagrams you forgot this is the this is an expansion for the game that was supposed to be on my top 100 but got inexplicably left office no one was upset about it it's not like a big Scandal oh it was a scandal um my number four is an expansion for the game wildlands which is a Martin Wallace Skirmish game look at that I wrote it that wildlife that's what I thought you were going to mention when you said Roots I thought you were talking Wildlife oh there you go you know what I don't think I played the Ancients and I love the skellies yeah the skellies are good to the adventuring party yeah um the the ages is really cool because what this does is it adds a whole new mode a whole new way to play the game you can now play it cooperatively against these big ancients and it still uses that same really clever card play System uh it still feels like wildlands but now you're facing off against these kind of big bads very very smart systems do you like this better than the original game fighting other players I don't know that I like it better I just it's a different experience that I like equally well um well no no that's not true I probably my my preferred is head-to-head two-player wildlands probably or or yeah yeah probably two-player wildlands especially on one of the smaller Maps but this is a very close second the fact that this normally I don't like games it's like oh you can play it cooperatively you can play it competitively this one does work very well for that it also adds two I believe two really good maps um that do some cool stuff this is a game that I really hope that Osprey continues to uh support even if they don't care about yeah it's a conveyor belt map it's very cool um I know um I even if they don't they've already put out a fair amount of stuff for it done so and so I really like the wildlands and the wildlands Ancients expansion is just terrific nice man yeah I figure this would be Evolution you think this game is done now I don't even say anything this is the last expansion and it's been about eight years or so maybe two yeah all right my number four we're at four yes my number four is an expansion for Elder Sign again this one reads a lot this is the one that brought it back for you no it's the one that kind of opened up the game the gates of Arkham Gates of Arkham is the one that opened up the game the game originally Elder scientist said in the museum and every card is just a whatever it's like a thing you encounter in a museum it's actually a very small scope in that way yeah and then when Gates of Arkham this expansion came to see the cover right I'm not remembering which which one you first went right it's the second technically because I think there was like a tiny little expansion oh okay that came first that one's almost inconsequential I feel bad for this guy the gates of Arkham then said okay we're gonna open this up to the rest of the city you're no longer in the museum you are now walking around Arkham and it did a couple of things which are very very interesting one of them is the backs of the cars now have information the original game the backs are just blank you just flip them over and put them on the table well now when they make it all into the table they do so face down and on the back of the card it tells you a what they consider to be the scariness of the card yeah yeah it's green red or you know um yeah orange I'm scared of all mine don't care I'm sorry green stuff yellow or red yeah and then at the bottom there's some ability you may triggers you when you approach this card when you choose to go to I don't know Auntie May's Diner or whatever you're like it doesn't seem like it's going to be too difficult to Glo I should be able to handle and I'm built up and I can also do you know whatever I can spend this thing to gain something you do that then you flip it and encounter it the theme also goes way up because if you go to on teammates Diner on the back until it lets you know you're going there you flip it you're there there's something going on there you roll dice to encounter whatever's happening there so it also just gave you more theme and again this was sort of the jumping on point for them to go you know we can add more theme to this and they went to all those Omen expansions yes well we'll take them to the ice we'll go to the Egyptian one do the Expedition one so this was the jumping on point for that in my opinion is again absolutely one of the best expansions that takes an idea and opens it up in a tremendous way this blossomed this game I agree from a small concept to something with way more variability and possibilities for storytelling so number four for me Gates of Arkham for Elder Sign pretty much Essential you it's a good call yeah you you're gonna want this to really get what Elder Sign has become has become and really offers yeah so there you go that's my number four all right my number before I cheated a bit here I'm just kidding with Mike is that with me Fenris SCI the rise of veterans I really like this expansion skip skip no no I hate you so much I like that that has a campaign and it was a fun campaign it's also not too long not too long but I liked all the stuff it added it adds two more factions I don't care whatever and they're really fun Fashions cool facts really fun it also adds alternate Victory conditions like it helps hmm so all the stuff in this game is modular at the end and I really like that okay and many of the modules I would rather I would I want to play with some of them I'm like you know what I want to play this module this game and next game I don't want to play this virtual exactly I put the game after that the way it handled them the mech abilities and stuff is just great there's new Mega abilities well not just that Z anyhow I don't think you need to play through the campaign you could just open everything up playing through the campaign though there's like Mike said there's like oh my and then in retrospect I'm like well it doesn't seem as oh my anymore but when you first see it it's pretty cool yeah it really is you did you did a clever thing which I thought was pretty funny um but it's it's a lot of fun and I a great experience yep [Music] all right my number three is an expansion for Marvel United so it's one of the expansions it's one of the expansions and it's because it's my favorite of the new of the game modes that it added okay can I guess I'm gonna guess Sinister Six my number three is the return of the Sinister Six yes indeed I am super super pumped about the Sinister Six expansion and the new one yeah where you can mix and match all Spider-Mans but Marvel United is a very very simple game at its core it's an entry-level Cooperative game and what I thought they did that was really smart was some of the expansions are just kind of building on that More Heroes more villains more stuff then they've got these expansions that add new game modes in addition to those other things you can still choose to not play with this sinister six game mode and just play with these villains and heroes and that's fine but this game mode specifically is really cool I thought it opened my eyes to how much more versatile of a game system this was than I realized I was like oh man they could really take this in so many directions and they have since they've added the Sentinels now and all of these other things and I guess I really thought I underestimated the core design of Marvel United until I played specifically this expansion and then subsequently there have been other ones that have also been like yeah it really has a lot more depth to it a bit you know the the possibility of depth than I would have seen design space design space yeah it's a much broader design space than I saw in that core where it's just like really there's not like much to this game right you know you're just kind of doing stuff this showed that I love this yeah imagine yeah so that's why I picked this one although you could have picked other ones too but I considered it but then I just kind of lumped it in as everything but this is if I had picked something even though I love the Sentinels it would have been there yeah yeah and like I said I cannot wait to mix and match oh for sure the different six people yeah the card and stuff looks fantastic it really does look good yeah I just if they had just said a new Sinister Six I would have been like cool but the fact that you can mix and match all his yeah that's awesome I'm very pleased about that yeah all right my number three Return of the Sinister Six for Marvel United my number three is the one I get the most garbage for often from Tom but I still think it's a fantastic expansion and uh maybe I'm in the minority here I don't know I would say something nice no matter what you say here my number three is Jamaica the crew foreign Jamaica the crew is um again I guess when I when I look for expansions that I particularly enjoy I want them to yeah tighten up things I thought were weaker um whatever give me more variety give me more of what I already like but I also am a big fan of expansions that kick up the thematics of the game the investment emotional investment I had in that game and I think Jamaica the crew does that for me it gives me now characters with abilities that instead of you know there were there were in the deck of loot cards it was a deck of you know little cards you could pick up when you dug up treasure in that deck which was numerical generally they're like three or four cards that had abilities instead cool whatever well they've done away with that you remove those cards from that deck and instead you have a whole sideboard of characters that have abilities you can load them on your ship you hire that person boom they're on your ship they take up space on your ship as logic would dictate and they give you some ability that right there immediately gives me more again personality more theme I have this person on my ship and they're a Canon ear you come near my ship I'm blasting you from one space away I don't need to wait to you for you to approach me but you are allowed to throw that person overboard if you need the space and again there's the humor there's the interest the the game just benefits from having that extra flavor added onto it I really really like this expansion I enjoy everything it brings and honestly I find the game to be easier to teach with this expansion including hmm so anyway my number three Jamaica the crew or die crew if you get the German one yeah my number three is another one I will refuse to play the game without is it the crew no this is one that made the game go up over a hundred ranks um and my it went from a game that wasn't even really near my top 100 I enjoyed it wow but it cracked it into the top 100 and also everyone who's played this agrees with me that this is an expansion you always play with and this is champions of midgard Valhalla oh oh also on my short list yes yes this is just I mean I like James and midgard it's fine but if you play the base game there will be an occasional game where luck just screws you over you're like but Hollow you're like oh my guys all died but now I can use their souls to whatever you're right right it's great the other expansion is fine too whatever it's called Dark mountain or something like that I don't like that one too but Baja also adds leaders which gives you like a player power yeah it's like a a double whammy of goodness don't die well I mean of goodness was the original title but then when they went with Valhalla boring I don't know why yeah it's like Tom basil this is a good game I enjoyed it period very much not even a very much muchly anyway if you own champion and you haven't played Valhalla you really should get it it will enhance the game a lot but if you have played it then you know that you'll never play without it yeah again I don't know that I've ever met someone who said I prefer to play it without Valhalla yeah I can see that yeah okay I I'll give you that one yeah it's not on my list because I've only played it one time and it was with both expansions and that when I learned what was what I was like oh yeah I would never want to play this without it yeah if you and that happens a lot people are taught with both and then having explained you know what is being added you're like how did the first one sure like how did the base game come out without this it's hard to go back for sure sure and I again when I first played baseball I thought it's fun yeah but you were like oh there's you know something missing here some sort of a holla-esque nature but they didn't listen to me you know there's a double whammy that's missing of goodness number three chance the midgar Valhalla all right double whammy [Music] my number two I have a strong suspicion will be crossing over with Tom but I think it might be one number higher for him what's up with you guys not crossing over with me then I know what your number two is because you may be right but don't assume okay my number is closer where the company you've already said it is okay well there you go yeah my number two is a game or excuse me an expansion for a game that I will still play without the expansion but if I have my druthers I'm always going to play with Tuscany I'm always going to play oh this one come on I gotta look a little surprised yeah yeah you didn't so um now I did not play the original Tuscany with the fromage and the and that's the only way to play I I've played boss in your game Mike no there's no possible I play the essential edition of viticulture with the essential edition of Tuscany and to me that is the way to play the game that that to me is is the where you get the richest experience you get everything but you don't have more than you need it doesn't feel bloated it feels just where it should be a really solid midweight Euro with some cool thematic elements Tuscany adds the you know the extra board the extra Seasons the little bit of area control over there um the the the um the powers what are they the those orange cards those come in there the structure cards are in there so structures right yeah yeah I just I think the Tuscany is just a a fantastic expansion um where I think I differ from you was that I think I liked basic viticulture better than you did you thought it was like a six I think no no no no that was a six was my first rating of the game oh before that and the Grande the Grande changed it to like an eight eight point five I gotcha okay so that's true I've never played viticulture without the Grande worker first time I played viticulture it had that so um yeah it would be huge it's a huge difference yeah that's a rule therefore that will be in my top 10 rule changes the games that made a big difference oh wow yeah but that was I could do no I could do one yeah the Grande work one anyway number two Tuscany is a fantastic fantastic expansion and uh this is one that depending on the player I might I might put this in their first game I don't know I thought this would be your number one no I'm curious what you like better than this and you'll find out okay go ahead number two is um over with you guys as well my number two is um possibly soon going to become obsolete I don't really know what the new uh version of cichlidies will look like oh but my number two is cichlidies Titans expansion this is really short list for me also I like c3k which is dumb sure yeah the sigilities Titans expansion makes the game gives you a new map where now you have multiple um instead of it being a bunch of little pieces there's Now sort of a zoomed up look at just a couple of islands well I guess a few Islands but there's now Islands broken up into actual territories and you can march across the island not just hop out to the water and then hop onto another Island the Titans also give you much more Mobility on the map which before felt incredibly limiting you had to win the favor of one specific God to move it all now with the Titans you can pay to March them and I find that to be just a much more Dynamic game there's now more excitement in the game there's the ability to just really get more done to their kind of multiple paths to the same thing now I really find this expansion pretty much Essential the original game and again the Cyclades is being reissued I don't know what the differences are this might be in there the game might have just been reworked anyway to not need this I don't know but in the original game there was this big sort of game of chicken or bidding sort of outbidding each other to manage to do anything sometimes this loosens that up lets you get some things done even when you lost something you thought would be key you can go oh wait if I make money I can do it this way instead or if I hire that creature I can find a I can find a backstage pass to do something I thought I couldn't do before I think Titans manages to do that so my number two cichlidies Titans my number two is not a game I think that you guys would have thought I would put on this list this expansion if you've ever played this game with me and hundreds of you watching probably have you don't even know that it's an expansion because I always include it I always play with it and it makes the game 20 times better especially for spectators okay it's gonna be a party game of some type sort of party game the expansion is called extension number one and it's for pitch car oh geez and it is the jump straight up the jump makes pitch car twice as good have you ever seen me play it without the jump I've never seen you play It's My Fair well that's on you then yeah I try to not watch I try to make it so you cannot but what if you like to jump better than the loop but in actual practice but the jump every time people play as soon as people start doing a jump there's wow moments and exciting moments it makes the it makes pitch car that much more exciting it does everybody loves a jump people stop to watch to jump people mess up on a jump when you jump six times and fail and finally succeed the whole crowd cheers for you it's it's I don't know again I think some people will be disappointed because they play it then they go by pitch car and there's no jump and that jumps a big deal it is it really is again this might seem like a silly expansion but I really love it no I mean it's a weird I mean it's a weird pick when you think of it but yeah I mean it is an expansion and it is like you said one you'd always put in there expansion they added different curves and the the higher level and they added you know the loop and stuff but nothing nothing compares to the jump yeah oh Van Halen money pretty soon if you keep saying it chop the jump my number two foreign [Music] about your number one because I think you know my number one is which doesn't seem fair um you're number one so let's think about your favorite companies that you're in love with I don't think you would put a garfo expansion as your number one I do I think it's going to be an expansion to Raiders oh I cheated a little bit okay my number one and it's not as much of a cheat because they were both released at the same time are the two expansions for Raiders of the North Sea what do I get Hall of Heroes and Fields of Fame yeah I don't know what do I got in my wallet so Raiders of the North Sea is a um relativity yeah oh there you go I want that track you can play some skee ball with that it's a relatively light worker placement game but with a neat little twist on how you you know place a work or take an action pull another worker and take that action both of these expansions just open the game up and make it a much broader game so you've got yarls now that have got special powers and you've got Mead which is a new uh resource that you can use to to make you more powerful in battle because you drink this meat and you get more uh courageous correct that's pronounced courage but if I if I had to pick one probably the Hall of Heroes would be my favorite of the two but they're both really which one comes with the drinking I think the Hall of Heroes comes yeah all heroes comes with the me this was my number 11. yeah it really was really I just played this actually that um so I was I'm very interested on the app they are not no especially unfortunately not yeah and I agree it's been so so long since I played Raiders on the table and I played the app and I thought gosh this is a small game it really is it's a very small pack it is you just you you can prevent you build up you build up you get your crew you go fight yeah it's felt again just diminutive and so this is interesting I'm very curious to hear about this and so they're both adding a board as well a little little sideboards yeah okay one gives you a player board and one has a sideboard I would love for them to produce and I don't think they've done such a thing just produce the base game like do a big box and you produce a whole big box but it's not but have a board that includes the other one you know what I mean they've never done such a thing I think so I well I think the the play mat may have both okay well that makes sense yeah the play Man may have those in there I'd have to look at it again it's been a while since I've unraveled my play match I'm furled unfurled thank you my playback my number one favorite expansion both of the Raiders of the North Sea expansions they're both fantastic I think picking two expansions is perfectly fine thank you good remember you said that oh my number one is is it a tie between expansion it is a tie for expansions yeah it is um so I've mentioned my ten through two they were expansions for games I really like my number one is every other expansion for games I own and I will lose them now here we go alphabetically hey hey Abyss who is that it is Abyss Leviathan Leviathan yes also on my short list this irritates me you can see it right there because I played the other expansion but not this one yeah the other expansion is a fine expansion right the Kraken expansion is fine it's interesting it's a little bit of a side step and again like I've said before here pulls uh Direction a little bit and I'm sorry focus it pulls focus a little bit the Leviathan expansion I think Shores up a weakness that I consider a little bit minor minor minor weakness in the original game and that is um the monster fighting Martin this idea of every time you're flipping over you know the little cards you flip over a monster you can fight it you win automatically or you let it go and then your reward gets a little bit better you just kind of push up this little track but you never gets higher than three yeah I should have taught the game the other day to at the convention and uh the folks I was playing with they let that bad boy go past like the first key he went past the first key it just kept going I'm like I've never seen this wow all of life I've never seen this uh they were they were dummies um I'm joking films had a fantastic time playing with you I'm kidding so this expansion surgically removes that and gives you a new board where you're fighting actual leviathans monsters it gives you the ability to attack these things with some of those little cards it gives you dice rolling to attack these things it makes that part of the game so much more exciting and livens up the entire proceedings it is fantastic this is a great expansion you might be the real dummy for not having played this yet I am the real dummy well the real dummy please stand up though don't stand up stay in frame um so there you go my number one a leviathan expansion for Abyss shortlisted with good that's a good one yeah my number one is viticulture Tuscany because surprise but this again I wrote this down and then went to work on the rest of the list right this was so easy for me I love Betty culture and you know what I think I can now say this because it is confusing essential Tuscany if you want to hear because sure but I don't think it matters because I think viticulture and Tuscany are not really sold anymore I don't think they should not be available right I mean that's the thing right so originally I would have said Tuscany anyway but several of the things in Tuscany I like they add it to viticulture right but the main thing the Four Season board I love the Four Season board I really do and I also love structures um yes those two things are my two favorite things to add um besides Mamas and Papas and uh that's included now those are now included but still is the land also included now yes you can sell your Fields yes yes oh interesting okay so those two things right but man I just picking this which workers in the two seasons is interesting Four Seasons even more so yeah I love that wake up track stuff yeah it's the wake up track really makes me happy yeah the whole thing I just it's really enjoyable um it is funny we both had two expansions from stonemeyer and I had a third one on a short list what was that the latest for um tapestry the arts and architecture was close too ah I've not played that one but yes I guess he's pretty good at making expansion so there you go guys there was no Crossover with me at all I was serious yeah I looked at my list the only one that I might have done is I might have done Titans that was close and power up probably right power-up's a weird one because when I first played power up I didn't like it I was like what this is taking a game I get two complex and then as time went by I was like I really want to play more power to the point now where I'm like when I make a new I find a new monster because there's like 80 of them yeah and that's not an exaggeration and it doesn't have power up I'm like it's a piece of trash right yeah it kind of it's yeah it makes me feel bad about the promo monsters or whatever actually monsters that don't have it it's like oh I want that stuff yeah we were close on a couple of the ever done a different everdel and right my short list so yeah we were close tell us in the comments what your favorite expansions are you know I recently I read like a dietary from somebody who was like every expansion makes games worse change my mind no no clearly not true now I won't I think you could make an argument that most expansions aren't needed sure I agree with that you know that that's that's legit yeah but there are most of them are made for people who like the gay men are looking for more stuff that's fine right um but there are a lot of amazing expansions out there and these are our favorites and I I as much as I like to poke fun ideas except for one terrible mistake he made um these are good choices it's a crew the crew yeah yeah I don't like the crew with their bikes like I do it I gotcha all right thanks so much for watching Everybody until next time I'm John vasel I'm Mike delicio I'm Z Garcia join us next time when we have an expansion [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 109,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: NU_hc-2Jxyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 24sec (4884 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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