The WDR review of our games of 2023

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[Music] hello and welcome to the hudes rolls review of the year of 2023 this is me and Ben who I will introduce in a minute in the video awkwardly I believe um going through what we' played over the Friday nights uh game nights um and some of Ben's perspective occasionally I let him talk uh so that's what this is it is a long video is an epic video I did look about chopping it down to Parts but let's be honest I don't know where to begin with that so I thought that's just let this out into the wild so this is something you can Savor maybe over a few nights as we are looking at over an hour and a half's worth of nonsense here um and we will cover a bunch of games within we'll pick some highlights of that we'll pick some stuff that we didn't enjoy so much and it will be here for you to savor over extended period of time or you could alternatively sit sit down and watch the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy in less time I feel but yeah enjoy that indulge lovely see you later hello Ben this is Ben from Friday night games hello this is Ben uh so yes what we're going to be doing is and part of series of videos which may have already or not happened um I will be catching up with the various party members of the various game nights try to get overview of what we have played this year so we're going to do that now this will be Friday night game I have a list but a chronological list no well it's in date order and it's only based on the vague few things that I have tracked on Bard Game Geek which isn't many because I'm shited doing that and some random stuff that I've went through my Google imag search to kind of piece together a uh a through path of stuff so if we if we can we can go by month for if you want that probably seems the most logical well there we go so in January there was two main things stuck out in January was Frost Haven which we aren't playing on Friday nights I know you have a copy I have a copy and it's just sitting on my shelf and I have no idea if or when it'll ever get played I'll be honest with you don't worry I am seriously considering selling it maybe I'll hang on to it for 5 years and it's out of print and yeah you could probably quite easy spit it at this point uh Frost tration is what I'm now calling it at the moment it's it's pissing me off it's a load of work to to a lot more than Gloom Haven yes okay that's using the app using all the stuff all the extra I mean I it's lovely I enjoy it it's fun Robbie very much loves it but for me it's turning into work it's like oh God got book him for my evening work but the other big thing anyway for frost Havens that Frost Punk yes which I know that obviously that's a that's a big one we haven't played it for a while we haven't but the so the last game I had was at cabin con back in May um and I think out of all the games that we played this year and perhaps out of all the games I've played it is the most unique experience I've had playing a game um the game that we had at cabin con where we had proper time to breathe with it so we lasted I think about 8 hours in that whereas we can only do about 4 hours on a Friday night that's the problem um yeah when we could properly let it breathe and we had proper collaborative discussions rather than the Friday night arguments and things like that it was it was just completely different perhaps we should say a little bit about what the game is yes it's set in a steampunk world so early 20th century um and that it is a new Ice Age basically uh this there have been generators set up across England uh most of them are broken you are leading a group of people who have found a generator somewhere in the north of England and you are trying to survive uh a number of turns to get that generator running to keep people warm enough to gather the resources and to be able to survive yeah the idea is it's like um this world of mine in that it is presenting you with choices to to be made which not easy choices and ultimately probably someone's going to suffer and it's a case of who's going to suffer more and and then and more important I quite like how it worked and it did well there's kind of a legacy is feel to it that there is repercussions to stuff that you make decisions with that can come back and bite you in the ass later yeah so you start with an event deck and then as you go through each day presents you with some kind of a dilemma you make a decision that puts another card into the event deck that could come out at some some point in the future there are constantly these storytelling elements about your the population that live with you you have cards which have people's pictures and names on so sometimes you have to sacrifice somebody on a on a particular Mission or whatever and you you know it tries to involve you in these being real decisions that you're making about real people in some way so it's trying to get the empathy going uh that kind of a thing which isn't something you often get coming across in ball games no I don't I mean I think this one mine is one I think of that has that kind of up front and center but yeah other than that that's probably the closest thing is and and it is um a collaboration I think between the designers of this war is mine and um Nemesis yes yes but yeah first I really enjoy Frost Punk it is one I think I mentioned in the video a little while ago that you know we hadn't played much of it since um I quite enjoyed what it was doing but yeah I would like to revisit it at some point because I thought it was kind of cool yeah I mean it was a away on the Friday nights but the problem is we are limited by the time we have to play it exactly yeah but yeah that's a definitely a good one right well that's January that stayed well and here for February is the uh the tapestry expansion came out yep the um my friends and foes no it wasn't that something else F FS it was I can't remember anyway that came out I quite enjoyed that U it came in an envelope it was mainly B just a bunch of cards which is kind of cool sometimes expansions I think yeah just give me more content um and that added predominantly added the charms on the tapestry cards which were cards that then had actions that if you played them before after certain cards triggered an extra bonus for you just a bit more stuff bit more business going on a lot of more factions yeah and um location Ms so just more stuff which I like about expansion it's just more stuff yeah rather than necessarily trying to add a new element to the game that changes it in some way which can make it then feel like it's too much yeah just just a little you know just some different options I like that and I still continue to enjoy tapestry Like It Is Random it is a bit crazy um but I kind of like all that yeah and it's it you've played it more than I have um but I so I I suppose I L with the other expansions that have come along as well when we added this one in I couldn't properly remember the previous expansion so there was a lot more new stuff going on with it I do find the new expansion does really kind of it it's a all all the factions all the stuff architecture isn't it that was one before okay oh so you're sorry you're talking about this year I'm talking about yeah the last one yeah yeah there there was there three expansions so there's the um one add the Arts board which is a nice touch nice thing I don't know that was first or second I think it was a second then there was the one arts and AR I can't [ __ ] no that is arts and architecture Jesus Christ that that adds the fifth track doesn't it um but the I think there's one last tapestry thing being released this year I thought he said he was done I thought that was no no no the one last thing is a uh revised rule book with all the adjustments to the factions I think it might have some replacement faction cards so they're printed on it so that you then you don't have to then go and check on the back of the rule book to make sure you've got really much of a challenge cuz the last expansion brought out like a one rule book where comined in which was nice um and I I found that more than satisfying and on the back page of that I think it's got the yeah but now there's more factions from that one as well so they've patched the factions anyway you know that that's probably the biggest complaint with that actually is the fact that they have had to patch it as they've gone along there are so many factions trying to balance everything out uh it has it then just there's just that little bit of extra overhead in the setup of you know what it says on your card we now do this differently there's usually a minor we get around it I kind I like the crazy crazy of it to be fair that's always What attracted me to it was that it was a little bit and a bit mad um so yeah I'm quite happy to bit the madness so anyway that was that was February which was that March we we Rita Lada kind of hit us over March april-ish time because we've got Escape Plan definitely around about that time and on Mars are two that bounce at me I don't think I ever played this you played that I think i' no I've played uh the gallerist oh G it um and you have missed off that list camb V I have so I now not M I think that the timing might be off on this so yes uh Escape Plan I really like really like skate plan that's my favorite theas and it's weird because there are lots and lots of little bits to it but it all plays really smoothly and intuitively exactly the theme works it works with the theme which is really nice in the Euro because you don't get that all the time and it actually smoothly works and you can get into the theme and it feels it's kind of that it's a little bit of mtin wallacy crossover from euro into a little bit more kind of other game going on so again a little bit about what it is oh you're a bunch of Thieves the net is closing in on you you've all sted money around the city get as much money as you can and get out of the city before the police catch up with you pretty much it it's got a nice lot of take that elements in it which is nice um the idea is you know you've got this ticking clock of when the exit will eventually become available to you you don't know there's four exits at the start only one of them is going to be valid there's also a point that once someone does escape so we'll push you luck time once someone escapes it starts really cranking the pressure because then the the price to get out is rising and the door window of opportunity is closing so it's like do you make that one last gas grab thing run ah yeah I love I really skap plan if I was going to pick up one of the sers that' be it I find everything else increments of just too much going on to really see I kind of disagree with cban I think cban is pretty streamlined I think that the real problem for you and it's something we'll talk about with another game later on is you don't give a [ __ ] about the theme yeah that might be I mean Canan yes um I mean yeah I suppose I just think like even on Mars I liked kind of what on Mars is doing and and cand to a point they're doing similar variations on this you you're finding different engines there's loads of like Little Bits you're trying to find the jigsaw to fit it all together and I think for me there's a game later on in the year we're going to discuss what takes a lot of that dumbs it down not dumbs it down but makes it not quite as lader but still delivers to me personally that feel of little bits and pieces going over the board and and some tickle my brain I find some of that stuff is just I don't know yeah maybe the theme maybe I'm not engaging but on Mars like space stuff doesn't I I don't mind it I think I think on Mars is a bit more complex and I don't think we quite played it enough to really crack it I also I do have the expansion with that but um we haven't played that yet um I would quite like to get it back to the table but it it's it's yeah a bit trickier to get your head around cban is very streamlined it's a Euro you're moving you got five places that you can put your worker and that's it basically you're going backwards and forward and it's just how can you get your engine running it's very streamlined and very simple and I think there it probably is the theme whereas on Mars is more intricate and there's no obvious root or way to streamline it's a bit mudded of like where am I going with this I mean I don't mind them um I agree what we said Escape Plan by stands out far ahead and shoulders above all the rest of them cuz it just hits a sweet spot between the complexity the theme the fun and and still kind of getting a nice burn but actually a really satisfying play and that's the one that I'm like that one that does it and I think before the last time we played it you were still singing its praises and also admitting that you were always fourth or fifth oh yeah and then and then well no but then last time we played I think you did win you win came came second by couple of Maybe by a couple of thousand but I do enjoy I don't mind yeah I'm not I'm never one to be like I don't give a [ __ ] if I win or lose to be fair most of the time unless I'm playing against Bob Maybe um but yeah most of the time I'm just there for the As Long As I enjoy the journey I think it's the key thing on that and I you know enjoyed the journey on some of them no thanks is the only thing that R I've got no thanks there which has seen a lot of to time I think it's been usurped a little bit later in the year by another card game y but no thanks um I've enjoyed that I still one my I picked it up after we played it I thought it was really good for the value of it it's about 10 it I yeah something like that absolutely no brainer I mean it's what is it 35 cards and about 60 Min yes tily Winks April um a couple of big ones here I've got listed is food chain magnet yep uh well we didn't play the word war craft ball game we played here and heat is making it potentially first appearance on our list Y which sounds about right because we were late to heat you picked it up but it was sold out originally didn't it yes um so fuo magnet I've had I've had a a journey me and food chain mag have gone on a journey together I don't get what I enjoy FJ magnet and I like I still it's vicious it's a viciously brutal game yeah it's I mean depending upon your opponents it you can't well you can't you can get you can yeah you can't you you've got it's like a a gria you've just got to hit every point right unless everybody else is making mistakes around you although having said that the last game we played when you again had pretty much now ding ding ding ding ding to the guru and I was like [ __ ] I'm not I'm not going to catch that and then in that one round you'd missed the step to have everything to be able to sell the products and me Bob was luck yeah and Bob Bob had the guru as well so he could do the same amount of training um but yeah so then it it came down to between the two of us and Bob could get that little bit of runaway but what I like I suppose because it's a weird game unlike any other game when you're laying out your Tableau of employees and what going to do um and I like the fact that it is weird and different from everything else that we'll play and I quite like the fact that it's so swingy and actually you don't know until the last turn kind of who's going to come out and win it I don't I mean it does a lot of stuff that I enjoy it's got viciousness It's got the opportunity to [ __ ] people ever which I always enjoy a game um unless it's you I think there's I mean the issue well I had a bad week up here that's the only but yeah I mean as we know I table flipped on this one um um and I think that's the problem with it is like the night where I went [ __ ] is that I already could see that there was no conceivable [ __ ] hope in hell that I was ever crawling out of the hole I was in um Robbie was in a similar situation but didn't understand it until the next round after he'd been punched in the face they was like oh which I still annoyed no Robbie's the only one who tipped the game you were still playing at that point I steep back and said no carry on Robbie's the one who [ __ ] threw the game at that point I was like ah but yes food chain magnet I do enjoy it it's one I love to hate you've got the expansion coming coming hopefully yeah they're reprinting it this quarter so you didn't back it on Game Fan no I didn't didn't quite want to remortgage the house no I I think it was missed opportunity that one I do feel but um it's I haven't picked it up yet it's one I've toyed with I I've toyed upon it on my birthday list but I think almost in some ways I don't know what the Sunday crowd would do it would be brutal I feel but it's so it's nice to kind of when we comes out is to play and enjoy it I think because I don't know often I would get it to take yeah but I like I like some of what it's doing but you know the caveat that wave it is a vicious game yeah and if you wanted to play on a Sunday you can always borrow it well yeah well well yeah there's always there's always that um so yeah wild b game we never played heat however we can touch on I mean that was the darling of whenever it I don't know when it actually came out I think it was November of last of 2022 go there we go there's heat days of Wonder uh lovely Vincent 22 I love bit Vincent he actually designed it I was old um um asgar Harding who did um Farm Rouge yes and it very much takes a lot of the farm Rouge bits that's probably more sensible ever the pro um so he heat yeah racing game um I mean I don't mind a racing game I quite enjoyed F Rouge I I really I've played a lot of and have all of downforce was one I enjoyed it's not I mean Technic is a different thing but I I like downforce in that it's throwing to the table better to play a racing game without much effort it's fun um this kind of straddles that with far Rouge ement it's got a bit more strategic thinking going on in it yeah and I like that so it comes with uh four different tracks to race and um set up for a number of different seasons which introduce additional rules to certain tracks and things like that you get improvements to your car so you can upgrade it from race to race all of those kind of things which makes it quite interesting it means that you start to diverge from everybody else around the table about what your car can do comp compared to theirs um and I'm not a big fan of um kind of the destruction Derby type car games I'm trying to think what you said that and I'm just trying to think what they are um but I'll go for straight out race absolutely um I just in in that kind of race scenario get from point A to point B I don't like the fact that somebody can [ __ ] me over and it's nothing to do with me I I understand what I mean I don't need any help playing I mean I'll be honest I am terrible at this game absolutely [ __ ] terrible at it I I enjoy it it's not one that's grabbed me wholeheartedly um and I don't know what it is about it because I like a Wasing game it's got some interesting mechanisms going on it's giving you lots of control over your card play and that's a nice the card play is really nice how you work out when to push your luck and what to do I tend you just [ __ ] around and blow my car up most races we have um but yeah they're doing expansion isn't they coming out yeah I think Heavy Rain um they there's not a ball Game Geek page for it yet I know that much so uh it's not that imminent but um Easter kind of time I think is what's moted uh it'll have a couple more tracks it'll have some addition you know there'll probably be an additional season that you can run uh things like that I've been tempted to dig up formula day because I haven't played that for ages but that's madebe random dice rolling but racing game you should do that more CU Bob loves a racing game yep so we should probably play more racing games just to keep him happy but yeah heat no mind it's on there no next one may I've only got one game on here for May there may be more but there a big one there a big one for me Scarface 1920 yep uh I enjoyed that we more um I kind of enjoyed it but I'm so I've also backed the expansion which is due in the next couple of months I think um which introduces two new gangs so it's Scarface 1920 it's dealing dealing arms and dealing uh dealing alcohol it's it's kind of a little bit of Godfather it's a little bit sons of alery it's a little bit of all those Bob mobster mob games but kind of with its own spin um and kind of a bit meteor than both yeah I kind of the issue that I kind of had was I felt that there was a particular route that didn't encourage com comat that you could just go down and you just you and actually you can really streamline what you're doing in your turns and maximize the money you're doing and actually it becomes not particularly fun because you're just doing a production line of the same thing over and over again and making money and I think that the new the expansion is going to change some of those Dynamics because one there'll be potentially more um gangs on the streets trying to control the city but also I think that they encourage a lot more fighting with everybody right yeah because it didn't have you could take the PA of least resistance with it I guess what you say I mean I we've only played three times and to be fair each time I've played it I think I've had one of cuz they're asynchronous Powers Yeah and I think I've had a different Power every time and whilst I focus on that I've also they've also steered me to focus on one of the different mechanisms of the game so one game I think I really went on all the cards and how they did stuff and like one another game I went something else so I've never really I've kind of just been playing with it and toying and pulling on strings on it I like all of what it's doing and it's meteor of those other games Godfathers a lean game I think Godfather essentially they're both doing the same thing Godfather presents you a very lean streamlined version of that this is the big I use bloated not meaning necessarily way that big kind of fat Kickstarter feel of that game and some of it feels a little bit maybe it's a little bit too bloated and big but then I quite like get all the ugly spots and all yeah I think so the last time we played so one of the mechanisms in it is that there are certain number of days and after uh once a number of days have happened then the game is over essentially and you move the time marker Along by completing your deck so it's not so every time you take a turn out to shuffle your deck and deal yourself a new hand you move the marker along which means that if somebody's not buying cards not bloating their deck up they get through their deck really quickly yeah that's what Bob was doing and he had streamlined if I just do this I make money and money is the aim of the game and we were trying to do the interactive things and then buying cards and taking much more time over everything that we were doing and then was like oh I'm set up to do stuff the game's finished yeah no I'm with what you're saying yes so that that was what was problematic there was nothing that was incentivizing Bob to buy Cards and do stuff no he was just going I can do this and I can win we should have fat with B that's would need future efforts we need to just be like well done a minute let just clearly go and just [ __ ] with Bob yeah um but yeah I I like I think the problem is I would have probably [ __ ] with Bob had I i' all those three games is very much like a learning game yeah it's been for me it's been going down a different avenue of what it offers to get that feel for all of it which now I'll be honest with you I probably forgot most of it um but yeah I I do I love a gangsters I love a gangster movie I love the godfa I love all that stuff and this is doing that cool sweet spot for me of all that good stuff but is a monster I will be interested to see what we play five player with the expansion well isn't it yeah there are certainly six gangs that you can have then I don't know that you can get all six on the table um but I don't think we would we would very rarely have six anyway no but um we might do the five yeah yeah so that's what I had there in May um in June um which is coming up the Expo each time um I had after us so I must picked that I picked that up at the Expo um which is the monkey C game oh yes I buried it under about four or five boxes so I'm not going to [ __ ] pull that out of there um I quite enjoy it I we it's a jolt of engine builder it has got attached to random because you're just pulling random cards but it is very quick very fast and for that I like the it's a game that you building a tableau of cards in front of you where they all kind of link up boxes that then kind of generate you stuff and I like that sort of puzzle and I know what it does and and it doesn't not stay as welcome it could be done one and done in about 40 minutes maybe maybe with this four or five of you so that was one that you played a couple of times I think when I was away on holiday and I came back and you you guys were like let's play the monkey one I'm like [ __ ] you talking about um and so you then kind of had to talk me through it what I found interesting because it's very much you build your own board with different effects that you can get in in different ways but I don't know whether this says something about me or says something about the other people we play games with you just let everybody do what they were doing trusted that they were doing the right stuff I was less comfortable with the idea that they were always getting it right I understand what you're saying especially with some of the people at the table were playing with um I mean Robbie I don't trust as far as I could [ __ ] throw him um and so yes and he does win a lot of those type of games quite regularly yeah there will often be that oh I forgot to do this takes 12 more resources yeah I mean if that's I mean I what I I understand what you're saying I quite enjoy the thing and I enjoy what doing but then I'm unaware of what [ __ ] is going on it's not a complaint about the game that's about I think the complaint about the game that Jamie raised it and I agree with him is there's no interaction absolutely zero Other Bar than you're borrowing a power once per round off a neighbor if they've played it I guess the thing that I would perhaps liken it to in that way is Imperial settlers yeah it is a very fast quick mean compared to Imperial Al we have now got Imperial miners which we'll speak about later I'm sure which kind of does that thing as well I like that um similar critique there's not much to do between you all uh the only other played around about them was Thunder Road which I know you were thrilled to play Tony backed Thunder Road it came I bought it I think one week because Bob likes a car game uh very much random Fest um postapocalyptic based on a 1980s board game which I vaguely remember it's nothing more than rolling dice driving down the track and [ __ ] happening and which is all in your wheelhouse it's you love yes I I love Randomness I love the things that I can't control any way shap for can't anticipate about worst [ __ ] nightmare there was a game we played of it here one night where I just randomly laid out the boards and none of us survived or was it on the Friday I none of us survived the first Bard it killed everyone so yeah find the road yeah I love it for it's crazy I I appreciate that not you're not so high on your list of things to be doing um Expeditions yes um which is which was I'm still my big release this year before the one came out later on the year yep so this was Jamie's design this year the other one is not his design this kind of a seel squ to side sort yes so lives in the same universe as scthe yes um U same same sort of idea I mean it's to tiles on the board you're going around it's like a work of placement but the tiles you go you put your Mech on give you an ability of power there lots of random multiuse cards that you're collecting to do open un lock do stuff on your board it's kind of it it Vibes scye in its mechanisms and stuff but it isn't quite it's kind of like a side to it yeah it's a it's a scythe Junior in a way yeah um not my little Scythe but but in terms of complexity uh and speed of play and all of that kind of stuff you not going to get really get analysis paralysis playing it whereas with side certainly with newer players they can just freeze with the options uh whereas yeah this is much more much more streamlined we played a few played it about three or four times on the Trot I think first I quite enjoyed it I think I called on it afterwards it's not one that has left me going oh I want to play it again I'd play it happily if it appeared cuz I go oh that yes I'll play that I think I'm still left with I feel that it's one expansion way for something coming into it to do cuz it just feels like there's something it's good I love all the connected bits seems to be a connective piece of tissue missing to kind of really I think my thing would be and this is a thing that I have with a number of Jamies games that they're erased to an arbitrary Point yeah um C suffers from the same problem and it feel the the end feels very anticlimactic considering all the World building like C all the well building going into that all the all the Aesthetics all the art the design all that gorgeousness and ultimately comes down to if you got 10 Stars it kind of just abruptly ends uh yeah and somebody can not exactly spring it on you you only claim one star per turn uh you got to get to four but um so you can see when somebody's on three and they've got a turn where they could get to the place where they can then boast to get there at final start so you you can anticipate it but it just kind of feels like oh that's it rather than and it can race to that last finish quite quick I found but yeah I am with you and I say that was the same problem I think one of the issues I was side was ultimately it did all the good work it did building you into that ultimately wasof in a oh well 10 Stars yeah um yeah I mean even the fedis we played the rise of fedis campaign with side which was okay again it still ultimately had the we we haven't got it to the table since we played that no we haven't I mean as say I'm not a massive big side fan because ultimately I think I wanted what it wasn't ever offering you you wanted the fourth X yeah and and it didn't and I think it always felt it penalized you actually for trying to yeah but I go knock it I mean you know and other than it magied a lot of good mechanisms so like the player balls from ter mystica I loved that mechanism when I first played ter mysa that I Ador that and it's in there in front of Center and c and great um but there's ultimately there's nothing terribly Innovative going on there it's borrowing some very good stuff from other games and and combining them into a very good game but yeah anyway that's c um Expeditions yeah I don't have an issue with it I came very close the first couple of times we had of it like going I think I might have to order that and then I kind of called on it um so we'll see what happens there's obviously an expansion coming sure there was so we'll see whether that introduces something some some new aspect yeah I just think I don't know I I enjoy it I don't it's not terrible it's a solid game and I love a lot what it's doing um it just ultimately left me going a little Hollow whereas we a machine yeah so this was I have I have a list of rather than going what we played throughout the year I did my my best games of the year and there is one entry under the worst weather machine which is damning at many levels because you are the king of why I would call this a spry game you love a spry game a Euro a bit and the meater and the the better you are that's your that's your jam we will come back to spreadsheets later we will I'm sure um so so yes whatever machine you would think was yeah and one of the things about Lera games they're typically paired up with Eno tool the the Artic who is talented graphic designer who streamlines the boards really really well to make it easy to understand what you're doing and how things link together and sweet pass Everything At a Glance it's like and this board felt like a mess like there's a lot of detail in the art that's just background stuff which makes it then very difficult to pick out the icons that are on there the spaces and how things link together and it just didn't feel like there was an intuitive flow there was also a use of an iconography of the cogs I think that I mean I may be wrong we I thought ultimately we thought meant something and it was just an aesthetic choice and you were like why would you choose a thing that's an icon on another bit of the board to be just an aesthetic choice although we may have got that wrong because I know sub even after the last play we were like hold on a minute this is a [ __ ] thing I mean this is a game that comes with a [ __ ] volume of player yeah so that that was the first thing I noticed when I opened it normally you get maybe a two-sided card that will give you the icons just as a quick reference guide this is an eight page booklet for each player to refer to I remember filming it I think it's on one of the early videos of me flicking through the player guy it's like what the [ __ ] yeah so um yeah I mean it's ultimate Lada is like a different stages of the game a whole different mathematic puzzles and equations to to to kind of work out to then link it together into that bit it just was [ __ ] me it was a lot of work yeah so um I'm now trying to get rid of my if i' not if I've not put you off feel free to comment underneath we can work out deal we can do your deal um I remember we played that last game and you you were like yeah know that's not going played again let's get I mean that the thing is even if I really like the game I wouldn't get it back to the table here would I I think you'd struggle Bob I think out I mean I'm always willing to get my tee into something and ultimately you know I was happy to get and play it again and go but I was left going [ __ ] hell that was a lot of lot I'm hurt and I'm like have I gained any pleasure and ultimately I thing I mentioned before is it just this this very complex mathematical puzzle that you're ultimately just using to transfer these amount of points into those amount of points that's what you're doing yeah just it's like algebra the game but like Less Fun Bob was as angry the female yeah there was that as well like well so weather machine not a roaring success then um next August I only have tagged here was reso and blood we skip through them but rakana I will say an absolutely [ __ ] stoning Game Y um I just recommend you just own it in your collection cuz I [ __ ] love it it's really good gets played a lot lot I introduced it to cin con this year I was surprised that nobody else had brought it like a sleeper hit out there when I remember when I got whiff of it and I was like year or two ago and and people said about it I saw it cheap and oh well I'll take a punt and I like this is [ __ ] amazing Tom Le Leeman the designer of race for the Galaxy so it should really have been expected I suppose the important thing to say about that we won't Dell in it for too long but the important thing to say is that there's a new expansion due this year oh yes there is yes the final I think is the fin I don't know how it's going to fit in there but um we should wait and see uh August no I've done August September scout scout is the big boy here really we had Freelancers I'll come back to but Scout now we have to thank you up and sit down for this really don't we yep absolutely cuz they went this is really [ __ ] good and he went I've heard this is really [ __ ] good we got it and we played it went this is really [ __ ] good uh yeah and we played it every week for like half the night every week um so normally we have half an hour at the end of games to play something um and we were typically trying to get an hour and a half at the end of the night so that we could just play it again and again and again a nice sub schy bought a copy and we did the same on Sunday nights then Tony bought a copy so I mean I mean it's one I mean there is a theme there and I think we've all come to conclusion that utterly irrelevant U number Wang I think really ultimately what it should have been themed around uh but ignore that it's just as a card game that you can play two Muggles to quite place up to five yeah five yeah um covers quite a work base you can pull that out with a bunch of as to say people don't play if people can play Uno and stuff like that they'll be able to play this this should be selling Gang Busters for Uno because Uno piece of [ __ ] I did see it in water stones just before Christmas so it is getting some mainstream exposure aside from the [ __ ] fee my only other critique is it's quite expensive for what it is yes um but and sleeve in the cars is a nightmare and blah but all that side it is if it was a cheaper you could just just keep buying copies and playing and killing it and and the amount that you're going to play it you're going to want to sleeve it yes you are uh but yeah a cracker absolute cracker Freelancers I'll touch on we played which is the pla hat game uh Crossroad game setting the bit economy U we only played it a couple of times I quite enjoyed what it was doing I enjoyed the party game the party game the Pirate game we' played before off the same sort of thing I quite like the the jok it was quite humorous yeah so I think I'm I'm opposed generally speaking to app based games yes um they've done a really good job with this one the the script and the acting for it is brilliant really really well done genuine laugh out loud moments listening to um it that was the one that asked you do you do you want friendly language or yeah so you could basically I think that then it gave you a slightly branching story line in which there were double on Tundras yes lendos yeah there wasn't actual swearing no but it was if you were there and you caught it you were like oh that was rude yeah um so and to be honest I didn't think the game itself is that great but when you combine it with that as an as an inter effectively as an interactive story that's what is good about it I like it that it can give you that kind of play an RPG session but in an evening kind of you'll end up with a character you can get into vibe that as much little as you want but as you say it does a lot of heavy lifting with with the plot and the script the characters and it kind of carries you along this derange story very um Adventure timey Vibes to it I think it's pretty it's I like plat out stuff I I think my only critique is I love dead of winter that original Crossroads game and I love that mechanism of that card deck and how it would [ __ ] with the game and change things and cause things unexpectedly to happen and they kind of ultimately never paid off that really good start with that Series yeah um this is a crossroad game it's all at base so you don't quite get the buzz of that crossroads moment happening U but yeah I quite enjoy what it's doing October um so did Robbie bought descend yes once uh twice oh yes and I've been trying to get it back to the table since then well has he he was about selling it oh was he oh I think that that might have been the muted response cuz he mentioned it it was my birthday weekend there was four of us yes and uh he said oh descent and I went great I put a a gift of yay or something like that I will be honest um I mean he got it at a good price uh the whole thing was he was going to bring that to a Friday night because Bob want did something with dice in it so you know and I originally the whole pretense was nsman you weren't there it would be yeah an alternative where we would all play and I knew it's not your jam really um so yeah I thought all that and then the whole thing wobby was like well you do frost Haven when we play it I'll do this but he can't even [ __ ] do this and it's doing 99% of all the heavy lifting on oh his only issue is is he can't be asked to pull scenery out of a [ __ ] box um I don't I think it felt more game than more app than game yeah it's I mean we won't touch long on this yeah well there are a few things I think it relates to Freelancers in as much as it is app based when you're doing stuff there is a lot of reading to do with this end and so you're constantly looking on your screen trying to you know crane your neck and read all this text out somebody gets that job of just talking the whole theor for the yeah um whereas Freelancers great voice acting great script does that really well compy playing it playing it shortly after Freelancers it was a real Comedown on that front oh yes I would say that you're all right and and then you're right you're so when you want to fight a moner so it's a Dungeon Crawler you've got your map out on the board you're moving your pieces around you're showing what's there but then anytime you want to attack something you have to draw it on the screen you're doing all of these actions I'm now opening that book case whatever it might be you're doing all of that on the screen rather than on the elaborate thing that you've construct you spent half an hour constructing on the table in front of you it because it's kind of mirroring a lot of what manches of Madness did and I think manches of Madness does a Bas thing to this but does it better I think because I don't think it has that abundance of ridiculous amount of building a dungeon in front of you doesn't it doesn't have that but it does a really good job of having that interaction of the leaner end of it works with man's Madness um whereas yes descent feels it's just you having this big RPG and you say these moments where you're having these cut scenes and you just sat there reading for 10 20 minutes or whatever the [ __ ] going on and ultimately are you engaged probably not no one's really listening are they and it depends how if anyone's really putting their or into those cut scenes isn't going to matter um but yeah so and then likewise so when we've played the original descent and um also there was the Star Wars one which which is basically the same mechanis weed you got cards that you're upgrading your characters on this you're doing it all on the app to I'm now going to this and what do I buy here it seems like it's automated in that way because you can do more complex constructions you can get these different ingredients combine them to get a thing which you then have to find the card for but it feels like that's just too involved for this type of game like you bring me back to frost Haven actually cuz Frost Haven is also doing all of that but obviously without the [ __ ] app yeah so that is I am the app so there is all those ingredients there is all this col building in Frost going back to there's all this abundance of stuff that I was like oh that is evoking all the cool stuff from those games but it means that some four [ __ ] was doing all that work in my case that is me I've been relegated on Sunday evenings to [ __ ] app um so yeah anyway so that's that's that Texas Chas M slaughter house is the other one we played which I know is not your jam still quite good F I'm going to say I mean it's there I mean for 25 [ __ ] quits which is what I paid for that foration be which was an exclusive HMV it's from PR H to design who do some really good Funko publish this I think for capturing the theme of the movie The Aesthetics of the movie they [ __ ] knock out the park especially at such a cheap price you that's cheaper than a [ __ ] Pizza yeah what so certainly it used to be and the same went in video games as well when you did tie-in games with movies particularly with video games it was just let's stick stick this logo on it like the infamous ET from the 8S would be the the classic one of that where there were what 500,000 in a landfill somewhere um and so people wouldn't bother making a game CU they're just selling it on the basis of the name that's on the front of it like the multiple monopolies monopol monopolies monopolies yes and this and something that we will talk about later that I brought along that isn't on your list um they've come up with really interesting games designs or really or if not interesting at least ones that work and that experience a lot time as well I mean they did CR Hall I mean prior to them I think gaale Force 9 would rise in my list of those guys that got licenses that actually really did Justice they did Sparticus I think they nailed that with that the sons of anak they were really pting out license games that as you say had were a decent game and PR Hall have really gone forward they did Jaws they've done this I'm trying to think they've done a BN the future they've done nearly always the whole quality the Aesthetics of the whole thing and the gameplay it really works and this is a home run for me the only downside I say is it was exclusive to Ag andb and I believe it sold out right um but if you can get it and you're a fan of that highly recommended by me U and you even enjoyed it yeah I'll be it again because it is very quick and easy yeah yeah yeah I mean and let's be honest if it was a three-hour game then it would probably lose me oh yeah but that's like a 45 minutes yeah it's it's fast one and done really is it yeah ay space bees um Stone me's other game this year yep but not Jamie but not Jamie this was Connie vogelman I going to say yes nailed it I'm not going to pronounce kichi kichi m sorry kich quanchai Moria going to say well fine there we go somewhere in between that we may have got it right yes con vman her first design um space bees ay earlier one I alluded to a game that I felt hit that Lada Vibe of all those mechanisms being tied together into a neat bow if you could find the path through the game I was thinking of this because for me this does a lot of what Amar does does a lot of maybe a little bit of what C Ban's doing definitely a Mas it vibes from other that Lada games but in a much simpler easier simple thing to get your head round but still with meat to it so this isn't the criticism of AP at all i' I've I've really enjoyed it I think it works really well at the table it's one that is simple enough for um your less Advanced players to be able to catch on but deep enough the experienced players are going to get enough out of it so really well balanced in that respect I don't quite see the lerda thing in as much as when I think of the best of luras there's often a natural flow you do this to do this you do that to do that and it takes you around step by step this doesn't quite do that it's not you know the the section in the top left hand you don't do that to enable you to do the next one necessarily doesn't quite have that natural flow to it when you when you hit all the sweet spots in a row like you really wanted to um but like I said that's I I don't think that's what the game is quite trying to do I think it's got enough faired actions in there I think that there's enough competitiveness of oh you bastard you took that spot I was going to do that on my those kind of things which are you know nice so you've got to constantly adapt your game play according to what other people have decided to do although you can bump workers so which is call back to uh yeah but you've taken that tile yeah but there is it's got the bump so you're never out of doing something but there is as you say there is that you could lose out if you and I do it all the time to Obie that's not just in this game no every single [ __ ] game um but yeah no it works it works really well um and yeah it's been easy to get to the table and there's been no complaints at all when it's coming back to the table played it three or four weeks you bought it we played it a couple weeks I was like I like that and I went on ordered a copy as soon as as soon as I think it hit the yeah retail my place I picked up reasonable and I was like yes I really [ __ ] enjoy what it's doing it's not doing anything new it's not doing anything revolutionary I don't think in this mechanisms of what it's doing but what it's doing and more probably I think the variety it offers in that box I I've lamented a couple times in videos that it it is a complete package it doesn't actually leave me going or if we had an expansion yeah it doesn't need anything yes they're always nice and the thing if this had an expansion I would like to see one of those just more of yeah but even then in those four plays that we've got out of it there are 20 25 different factions and we've not got through all those factions and there's enough Variety in that I genuinely don't think you need to add anything I'd be kind of disappointed if an expansion in a way but I [ __ ] love it I think it's really good I mean some people slated on it but I think it's really good it is just sweet spot for me it presents me a puzzle that I have to wind my route through depending on what the faction I've got on the board I've got find The Sweet Spot and just go for the points and I and it's fast again it's got that if once someone has started tear through stuff the game Rockets along it doesn't not State as welcome no and as you said we've bought it a few times and it's been very popular yep love it love a bit of a uh zuis zis STS it down isn't it again we thing there we go [ __ ] so um a negotiation game it's a relatively simple board it will play in half an hour Ria uh yes originally quo vadis from 1992 I think uh and it's there's a really really good designer diary on B Game Geek that I recommend people read taking you through why they wanted to do this in the first place how they came up with the changes that they made so now so originally it was about senators in ancient Rome trying to get uh their path to be becoming Caesar this is now about animals wanting to be the star exhibit in a zoo I don't know who does it really matter I mean to be fair it kind of Kia his designs you know he does a lot of them I mean he is a stepen king of 4K designers um but yeah he wanks stuff out wanks stuff out that's not I want to use cranks he cranks stuff out well go with whatever you like there um but yeah it says a lot about it that you could basically B any fews it would really [ __ ] matter yeah it's all about you so one of the changes here is that now there are asymmetric Powers so each different animal has a different power but the Clincher with this is that you can't use the power on yourself you can only use it on other people which then means you negotiate with other people to find your way through so there are particular paths you need to get enough votes to be able to move up the pathway so you've got to be able to bribe people to get those votes and you can offer them your power in exchange however the only negotiation that is binding is the one for this turn right now so you can break any any deals that you do in the future indeed I think for me I've not found I think you and I got it got involved in it and I don't think anybody else did I think like that first game and I I mentioned when we first played this is that I kind of attempted to set up those negotiations almost as a look what we're doing guys this is what you can do and ultimately I agree with you it's it's kind of they none of them have come back I'm always presenting offers and usually winning with you because the rest of them are like so I think this this is this is one that will go down really well at at um at cabin con where people are much more engaged in those kind of backwards and forwards definitely the table presence and the people there have a point to take on how that works Judge on the personalities your of your group I think it's it's a fine solid game and I I quite enjoy what it's doing I think yes it's very group dependent yeah it's a it's a 30 minute game which means at cabin con it'll be 90 minutes and lots of shouting oh God yeah you probably get about two hours out of that would super mega lucky box that I presented to everyone which I've seen oh there it is which I quite like super Mak Lucky Box Phil Walker Harding I want to say I don't think it's got ever on don't say it well yes yes uh designer of Baron Park amongst many other things um it's basically bang Bing Bango Bingo on crack I don't know it's Bingo Plus it's it's a roll and right but except it's not a roll and right it's a draw a card and right y um but Bingo basically you essentially have Pingo cards in front of you that you're drafted out you pick them they've got numbers on them with special abilities that are powered if you get row and columns completed you have deck of cards that are randomized you pull nine cards out every round is nine cards that play out random numbers that you cross off you maybe get extra abilities from the stuff you do at the end of it all you score stuff basically that's it and it plays very quick Y and it plays up to six I think um and it's great and I really like it and it's really hard to get hold off because of the plastic bits in it and we won't allow it in the country because it will kill children okay we murder children even though it looks like this nice sort of Sesame Street style Vibe 1970s look it's murderous um but if you can get it I got it from eBay for quid which seemed to steal for me actually for what's in there components really good and I quite enjoy that y Lucky Box quick and easy done um wingspan we played again yep Wang spin Wang spin which a game as I say I don't have an issue with it I just the theme just I go yeah this was what I was referring to when we talked about cban that um I think that that that kind of theme leaves you cold and you mentioned specifically when we played this that this theme leaves you completely cold I just yeah that especially I think the birdie thing just I mean can man I can to a point and there's a bit of meat to it but W I think wingspan with it being relatively and we haven't played in the expansions in your very big box that you have of this um we've only I've only ever played the base game so I don't know whether the expansions will add that cuz it just feels a little bit pedestrian with a theme that I'm likeah ultimately I just go I don't mind it but it feels like I could have played something else during that time yeah know I quite enjoy it I think it's I should hope you [ __ ] do it's it's meaty and it's I think it presents itself as uh a welcoming game to the newcomer which I don't think it really is it's it's not it's not that entry level no um but uh yeah I do I do like the I mean you talked about it essentially being again another spreadsh sheety type game and it kind of is in terms of the calculations that you're kind of processing of I need to get this to do that to do that to do that you know trying to line things up and so on and so forth um but yeah I think I think it flows well but I understand your reservation yeah I think there the only reason is not grab me because you know there is stuff I mean the space be didn't bounce off me they're not doing anything probably more complex than each other to be honest but something about space bees and how that work worked for me that didn't by you know you know there's plenty of games in the sea scate and CIT we played we did I I don't mind scate for C is I mean it is what it is yeah I like it I think the thing that struck me when we first got it so I got it a few years ago and we kind of played it once a year yeah it's almost like a Christmas tradition now yeah time to escape from C watching the greatest um and I I I think if you're looking at a game where you are rolling to move this is probably going to be the best one that you're going to find pretty much about Talisman um what I do think what from the first time that we played it I thought that there's a way to turn this into not a well it could be a deck builder but but a deck that you're cycling through like in heat for example where you've got different cards with different movement values and you've got to manage your hand to try to save up the right cards to then Rush rather than it being in the lap of the Gods games did this so this is like a a republish of it and they tweak some rules in there it's one of those games that I think if restoration games have got their hand mitts on it yeah that they would have done something else because they whenever they redo these reprints of these games they take the existing game and they do a tweak to modernize it to bring it into our century and I think OS all they did was really very much other than they added some refinements very brief refinements to It ultimately just it is a very shiny version with L swers that that's ultimately what we got but yeah I agree with what you're saying if there had been that little bit more effort I think actually it could be quite an interesting game with that with that me yeah if you're say if you've got five cards you can only play a couple you want to save up the right hand to be able to do that push out and then the person playing the Nazis trying to stop you is having to manage the hand of do I do this now to catch that guy do I hold those cards back to be able to catch that guy next time how do I balance cool yeah so I mean you know Bob enjoys it yes he's a simple creature yeah enjoy I enjoy it yeah it's fine it's perfectly fine for when it comes out with play it I always get to be the Germans because for some reasons it's and uh and you always [ __ ] Escape bastards Absolut by shock well I think when you say you I think you're just referring to me I don't think anybody no did Robbie get iot back somebody got somebody out I think Bob I think everyone have ultimately got one person out but you got two out um but I took great Rel murdering the rest of them um yeah you know it's fun I don't I just enjoy the the journey that's kind of I bottom out of that point of stuff okay there's other stuff that I've got here that we've not paided and not bought so there seems little point to mention that but I've got a couple of things here so first of all we did Squeeze this in last year we did uh and this was we were talking about the Funko game before this is another one rear window again um so uh based on a timely version of the 1954 Alfred hitop movie Yes starring James Kelly James Stewart and Grace Kelly I was when it was being me I was like really we okay but it works yes um so it's in the what mysterium and Dixit kind of Realm of you're presenting images to people and so and it does actually it's another one that really does the theme of the movie well so one person is playing Alfred Hitchcock the director and they are they have different people living in four different apartments and those people have characteristics and through playing of cards over a sequence of four days you have to try to Clue the Watchers as they're called in the game into who who these people are in each of the apartments and what their characteristics are so it's like the old Mastermind game where you're guessing things and then trying to work out we on that day and then we got four which ones are we carrying over does that all match up from those days works really well you know and is what elements you pick up from these cards they're all kind of artistic versions of things you might have seen in the film stuff like that there are powers that are related to the characters it it does really really well with that theme um there is also the possibility instead of there being a characteristic about one of these people that person has committed a murder a murder so if there is no murder everybody wins together if you get all eight things uh if there has been a murder either the director wins or the Watchers win um depending or nobody wins um but you can't have everybody winning um so it adds a little element to it so we only played this once and I think you and I got it Robbie got involved I had I I it was I had a lot of work that night yeah and I tried to engage them all I really did um Bob was just disengaged was bouncing off every attempt I had one of the reasons why I particularly wanted to mention this is so we played it on Friday uh just gone the 30th yes uh no 29th um I subsequently have played this on the 30th the 31st and the 1 with my 8-year-old daughter right so uh I having played it together I thought oh this is one that she could actually join in on she's big on Mysteries and detectiv kind of stuff yeah uh so we thought we'd play it and she loved it and has been insisting on playing it every day she wants to play it the you know she finishes it and wants to play another game immediately she's had her turn being the director so you can play it with younger kids I'm not sure what age range it says on there um if it has 13 plus so um your mileage may vary my 8-year-old really enjoys it so um and I really like it as well and it is you know it is the answer I give to what's your favorite film is rear window um so you know it's ideally suited to me but I I do think it's a really really well game think yes I agree all what you're saying I think it does a really good job of catching the theme of the movie I think it does a good job of that mysterium big zy viby game uh there's enough different mechanisms going on there and a different vibe to it I all works um it's a sweet little deal again I think it's hard to get hold of at the moment because I think it was available now it's not so that that was in water stones just before Christmas that's where that copy was bought and I was given it at Christmas well there you go so uh that might be the place look the next thing I brought along was unded Battle of Britain ah the unded games um so this is the yes they are two players although there are Bard Game Geek suggestions as to how you can play it with four and things like that um so Battle of Britain the first one that's not based around the armies on the ground but so instead it's being fought over the coastlines of France and Belgium and and Britain uh and uh it's interesting this is the only undaunted I've played I've never played them I hear great things about them um but yes I've not actually played them the difficulty obviously being that we don't normally play games as TW no this is my problem um so what I found in playing through is that it's quite because they're planes with armies you can get them to stop somewhere and you can you know hunker down and fight and stuff like that I'm reading into what the how the other games might play with this your planes are constantly having to move if you're activating a plane it's moving and so trying to line somebody up for shots is quite tricky do fighting yeah so I think that there is going to be real skill that unveils itself in playing this in terms of working out how best to get shots on people and I think there are I think 11 different scenarios in there and they set it up so you can play it as a campaign if you want to one person always playing the Nazis one person always playing the RAF um with like bombing raids in there you know it's not just the dog fighting there's all sorts of stuff like that so I think it would be really interesting to play it as kind of a mini campaign and you know each side learning as you go as to how best to maneuver these planes different planes have different kind of speeds and maneuverability and things like that so an interesting game one that I look forward to playing properly in 2024 yeah I have a similar thing to that which we started playing on Sundays and we haven't played for a little while which is the war of the Ring card game uh which is Lord of the Rings down there actually right in those boxes got be out that is four decks of cards it ideally seems sweet sort out for players and that you've each got a faction you're controlling that all kind of the two guys are good two guys are bad so there is some crossover but you don't don't communicate you so it's kind of you're playing and taking areas on the maps and there's this Synergy there I have yet to really discover there's quite a bit going on right um I I like that sort of asynchrony sort of powers thing happening it's a similar thing yeah and then the last thing I brought along uh was what is Luna Luna which B my wife likes yes Mrs Dez rolls has has enjoyed this game Mike has only seen it not played it so far um but it is a 10-minute game with like a one minute teach um and uh it looks very very pretty and Mike is going to get some shots of that to superimpose hopefully over this yes it's pretty it's on the tablecloth yes um so uh yeah highly recommended as a as a little game and certainly one that non- Gamers can easily pick up and play um you'll be able to get it to the table with anybody and people will stop and I had this when I played it at the Game Cafe people walking past was stopping all what's that that very kind of present is really good T I mean the only thing I said to her that I dig up and play and now I can't see it I had it up was um Andy hopwood's M Leaf which is it's again a two-player game that's tiles more than that it's not as aesthetically pleasing as that though he he self I don't know where I was going with that he plays with his wood and creates these wonderful bespoke bits of wood that you can play with it's good game u i out at one point and now I can't see it for life of me it was on the table it lost it so who dogs probably eaten it probably um but yeah I that's another one I quite like but I tempted maybe pick up because she might play it so the other thing that we haven't talked about that I'm sure was 2023 was Twilight inscription yes a bit of a year of Rolland rights one way or another there been it seems to have been you know after the big Spurt of Legacy games that we had when that became a craze roll and right and now going big um and yeah I really enjoyed this you I like I mean I was I'm the fence because Twilight Imperium was a game I love you've never played it and I don't know if we ever will um because it's just a behemoth um but this is I think is a nice it gives you a taster of it in a roll and right theme I mean it isn't Twilight Imperium is never could be but I think giving you an epic roller right and giving you a bit more strategy and a bit more interaction a bit more going on and a bit to it it does all that I mean it is a full night's game so I think people when they think of rolling rights will think of something like I think more like this is in my opinion is what I want to have run right most time a 20 minute game yes that kind of thing I think white I think should be that and this is what a 2 and a half three hour game yeah it is and it's it's I quite engaging 90 to 120 Minutes it does side in the back he plays up to eight maybe it's something you can take to C pay for a month um but yeah I I bring I keep bringing it because it's relatively quick to grook sort T but it's then just the complexity comes in you kind of dive into it um but yeah I've not played it nearly enough and I've yet to failed to get it to a sun the table on a Sunday because Jam's very opposed to R rights seems to have some sort of just like doesn't so this can he not WR maybe this could be something to do with it I he's not engaged at every any point party games are roll it's really hard work but I really thought with this being the Twilight imperian Vibe which he loves Twilight Imperium so maybe I maybe I can get it to the table um in the year ahead 2024 maybe will be our year but yes I quite enjoy that un opposed to that I will say Richard is from the Facebook group is watches this he's going to catch this he's get angry because I'm sure he was the one who was on about rolling Realms about how it's amazing and they should everyone everyone was buying for a while on roll I [ __ ] hate rolling RS again in my opinion it does everything wrong with what I want for roll white because every [ __ ] round you pull a different card more complexity then you spend 10 minutes explaining what the [ __ ] is going on then you do it and then someone gets it wrong and then you pull enough card to do the [ __ ] me again so I picked it up for about 8 quid on Amazon that was the only yeah that was the only reason because it was going so cheap um and uh yeah I can see kind of how as a game designer it's a nice little challenge can I make a little card game you know not only that I think he's laughing all the way to the bank because I've seen people post if Richard it wasn't you I apologize it wasn't but there someone had spent like 100 [ __ ] quid on the game in all the packs like Jesus Christ it's yeah it's not1 pound no no this is your jam then fine I mean I I got it played at cavan con I think it was the last game I played at cabin con this year um before before I had to come home and um I think people were a little more enthusiastic there but there was still you know lots of experienced Gamers who are they're not the Bobs and Robbies of this world um and there were still people who were marking things down wrong because well I was struggling with it cuz I you know especially late the day we played it but I just ultimately it's just offering a level of complexity and thing that I really when I go into R and right I want it I like the pimple game was fun we had you had the pimple game we enjoyed that again relatively easier that was the other one on my list I hav mentioned ah well there you go um you know all try description apart because that is a bit involved but super mega lucky box is definitely one that his more of what I expect out of a Basics R right is that real simple fun easy just get with it I think Super skill pinball which just mentioned that that I really quite liked but it is one it's a solitaire game yes you're all playing at the same time but you're all doing your own thing you're not paying attention to what anybody else is doing at all and also it if you do well it end ends up feeling like it's dragging on and other people get knocked out because they they've lost their balls because they've not played it as well as you have and you you just keep going and going and going yeah and it again it kind of rolls a bit longer than you want it to and you go ultimately this this been fulfilling no which again Sweet Spot with Lucky Box because it hits the table does its business and [ __ ] off doesn't say as welcome I think you either do this and just go balls deep yeah and just or evening or that in the middle annoying um so favorite best play what for you as your that Frost Punk game that I talked about we had at Cav con um I it was just a unique experience at the gaming table for me um and and it was also I can see on your list is surprise as well I think Frost was was the best surprise of the year I backed it kind of on a whim an expensive whim um and um not being particularly familiar with the I would suppose you backed it because knowing how formatic a game it was probably going to be you not no that's not from the center when I think of you of a game as a thematic game but I wanted to Branch out and get games I think think now generally speaking I want to try and get games that I don't have anything like in my collection already um and so that was one of the reasons um I like the models that come with it to be honest it's you know it's got a really nice big model in the middle of the table it's got real table presents with it um and and I'm really Pleasant surprised by just how much how involved I got in that story that it told when we play I I would quite happily play it again um I appreciate it presents a table time thing um for me I don't know I'm because I'm going to try and limit this to the Friday nights I really enjoyed see Scarface I don't played enough of it for me to really grasp it I mean April from the Friday nights really jumped out to me because I picked one up I think it came as a surprise and I really enjoyed what they was doing feels like a dull choice in compar to the other stuff we've done well I suppose the the duller choice for surprise of the year is Scout we talked about played it I suppose Scout really probably trumps all of that because I think Scout has seen a I bought it straight after you played it played it a lot I've played it massive amount we've played it on Fridays like you've obviously played it Tony picked out he's played a lot I think just as a surprising thing so yeah yeah and the worst we've touched on yours y I think it's probably mine as well actually to be fair to you because it just was [ __ ] hard work ultimately going oh God so yeah I think weather machine probably from the Friday night evenings is of all the stuff we played it's yeah just not ultimately very enjoyable so that was it that was kind of it that was our minor Ben's take on the Friday night's gaming and and some highs and lows I think we all agree um and and that's what was quite the journey wasn't it there was more to come on this video of us looking forward to the year ahead number one it's not here because this video would be going on for an extra hour or so and secondly actually the battery run out the camera and we missed half the recording of bit so that is mostly lost to time and space um I'll have a look what I can salvage of that and I I think at this point as we're now kind of tunneling way away towards March that it's probably unlikely to get filmed again uh I was hoping to catch up with the Sunday crew and do similarly that has not yet occurred between sickness illness uh just getting your schedules in in a line it's it's not happened whatever that will I don't know it would been nice to do um but at least you have this this to look upon these wonders and weep um thank you as always for liking sharing subscribing uh and all that stuff and continue doing that uh I hope this is enjoyable let me know I know it's long I know it's long I'm sorry long videos no one likes but it's long I could have cut it into bits but it would have just been short long video I don't know let's be done onwards to 2024 that we're already in uh let's crack on with that see you later [Music] bye-bye
Channel: WhoDares Rolls
Views: 156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8GmbmARaPc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 24sec (4344 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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