Top 10 Beautiful on the Inside Games

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[Music] [Music] good afternoon everybody i'm tom vassell i'm z garcia hello i'm mike delecio we're back with another live top 10 we're hoping that you enjoy it even though you will likely disagree with it possibly maybe you will agree with it i don't know not going to agree with it we're not going to agree with it not this is going to be one that is very very controversial i think well the topic is games that are unattractive on the outside but they are good games yes you're thinking people will say no these are attractive games yeah i think some people will think that maybe either we missed some obvious ones or that the ones we chosen are not as unattractive as maybe we think they are i guess i'm a little worried about that too okay well i'll say this first of all subjective subjective subjective yeah all this is our opinion even though i feel like i swell on a popular opinion on some of mine but secondly this is not necessarily a negative list because i like all these games right right correct correct i also think we're gonna have at least one crossover but there's at least one on my list that i know it won't cross over you because you said every time i talk about it being ugly you say it's not that bad i know exactly what it is it is not that bad wait till we get there i didn't put on my list because i think i know what you're talking about because i haven't played it all right all right well let's let's find out here we go ugly games not well we'll see all right all right well the most beautiful of us will go first look i i am a man that likes to surround himself with beautiful things so this list was first of all closer to him than i asked her so that that computes this list was uh fun to do now i will say i kind of cheated on my number 10 because i actually like the art somewhat for this game but every single person did you not understand the point i do understand the point of the list but i am a man of the people never let it be said that i'm not a man of people every single person that i have played this game with uh to a person has absolutely violently roused detested plus points for using is that your word of the day yes i i i feel i feel proud because i feel like i bestowed that brought that word back into your election i definitely had ralph in my repertoire though i like that word it's a fun word anyway everyone hates circus flocati the grail games edition [Laughter] how did i forget this this would be my number one now this game is so hideous what are you talking about it's a it's a really good push your luck straight picture locker game from reiner kenitzia okay a solid design now this is specifically for this version which is the version that's i think available now the grail games edition the most recent i actually have a lot of affection for this version of the game i think it's a cool look i think it's very quirky but every single person that i've played this game with has been absolutely horrified by the anthropomorphic fleas look what's the problem with anthropomorphic fleas i ask i don't think you even need the word anthropomorphic fleas are just bad in general i uh you are a cat owner correct but i don't have fleas on our cats our cats are well why don't you have fleas in your cage because you kill them this is true but i'm just sad right now because i forgot about this that's all right i got you covered see uh my number 10 is is the grail games edition of circus now look even if you're put off by the ark if you like push your luck game this is a nice this is really nice no go find the old rio grande printing of this no matter how much you have to pay for it i'm going to tell you this i think the rio grande version is uglier than this one then you sir are illegally blind [Laughter] [Music] what do you think of this game it's good wait get out wait oh my gosh you're right this is horrible okay i don't mike you've ruined this whole list i can't top this i'm sorry this is my number one okay i'm gonna say that right now folks this is my number one it's not that art and i will now entirely tell you tell you what my 11 is okay everything is shifted this is a fantastic game all right i i was lovely you know i don't think i played that i think i played the other version okay i played this one i'm bringing it tomorrow now you've seen it you've seen it i've definitely gone through the cards and stuff it's horrendous this reminds me of the other game that katala game yes and that one though i mean straight up cuddly compared to this one you know i know where you're at look if you've never pressed your luck with fleas before then you're doing something wrong i don't want to do anything with fleas all right all right what's your number 11z oh gosh it is me right yes yeah my number 11 is a it's not that bad now i mean it's okay i think it's a very boring looking game it's a very bland looking game of the game in there once i played it the first time i was blown away by how good the game is it's a game called heaven and ale i don't hate the cover i do uh now the board look glorious look at it closer up keep i wish you could have that effect you're gonna keep zooming in on that guy's stirring that's terror that's terrifying that's really bad clearly what he's mixing up nightmare juice that's correct uh because the whole thing has a pseudo stained glass window look yes yes but it looks really crazy oh my god no it burns um yeah yeah if only they could just brood up some art direction that would have been nice so i really don't like the way it looks that's my problem that's very boring the people also don't quite look right you know all the uh all the brothers all the monks all the brothers this is about brewing beer i mean clearly there's a reason why they look the way they do i suppose that's true but there's some that beer is laced with something that no one should imbibe they are sampling their own wares i think yes um so i really don't like the look of heaven and ale but i think the game is very good i mean like surprisingly good i played this the first time and i thought how have i not played this before i kept passing it all because the way it looked but such a good game so yeah my number 10 heaven and ale all right all right my number 10 is the one already that i said z would disagree with because i don't hate hate as artwork but i think many more people would play this game if it would look better and that's ethnos ethnos um now the cover itself isn't horrific i mean uh it's a john it's john howe i i personally feel like john howe artwork for some reason to me feels dated it definitely you know it feels like i think it's on i mean not on purpose because i think that's his style but i think there is i wouldn't call it data as much as i would call it nostalgic i guess sure but i'm not talking about the cover i'm talking about the game itself it just doesn't inspire i mean look at that interesting at all but this game is so fun so i the reason on this one is it's not necessarily the again the game's called beautiful on the inside right i'm picking it because i think the game is so much better than it looks yeah um even it's kind of weird because i just sorted out ethnos the other day for the dysart library i was looking at just the pieces by themselves and i was like oh they look fine the card art doesn't look horrible but it doesn't match those cards does not match those pieces doesn't match that board the whole thing is just that they do look like you lost all the pieces and had to replace them it absolutely does you're right they were originally like little miniatures and they're like oh they're gone look at mom's mom's plastic collection that she has in the kitchen that they used to be magnets in the fridge right yeah we're going to use those instead you know what i'll give you that i think the pieces definitely don't match yeah it's very disgusting and the game is great yeah but yeah i can't compete with mike so i don't know your nine better like make me vomit i'm getting they're gonna all be stepped down to you i think i don't think i think i have just started with a winner there all right here we go nine [Music] he's about to tell us about the sequel to the circus wing game no yeah exactly how worse i i got to tell you i'm just very excited now it's humans made to look like fleas it's the whole body looks like a flea that's just a fleet yes i'm actually now that i know they're ahead of a flea that is what that is no you're right i could yeah i mean like a flea with the head of a human like screaming for its dear life but like the rest is a flea yes and acrobatics on top of that it's definitely a sorry bronze kafka game yeah no now that i know that z can zoom in on things i think this list is going to get even more exciting yes he's behind the scenes hey puppy i'll tell you when to see that's right z all right my number nine i think um all right my number nine is where i think maybe some of the controversy can come around i've got terraforming mars as my number nine and how's this controversial well because here's the thing i i know some people defend the art in this game uh i i don't they're mostly named stephen okay i think that this game has a number of issues and for all the apologists out there i would just say this if the game looks that good why is every single component in this game have some kind of that's true right it's what it's the most upgraded game it is it's like here's this game that you bought and here's four times the amount of money to pay to make it look like a game that you might want to actually play it's it's rough looking i mean look at that picture um that does not look like something you want to play the the the card art is is a big problem because it has very another and we know this because they just remade it the card game yeah and the art for that is fantastic and consistent yes yes why did they change it if it was so good to begin with right right and it's a solid game obviously this is a very well renowned game of the last couple of years i enjoy playing it but i don't like looking at it i think it is just an unattractive game with poor components and uh yeah that's why it's another thing too the the app for this game oh yeah looks amazing and stuff and just the new artwork right yeah yeah i'm like oh it's a living oh i'm it's mars that's what this is that's what we're doing yeah oh my god yeah yeah it's rough it's rough all right well uh mike's bringing the hits man all right i'm sure my list will get slightly better here we go my number nine is a game that i would not say is each piece is not unattractive all together it is not inspiring all together this is mandala is my number nine okay i think mandala that cover is i find that cover off pudding actually see the thing though is if you look at it long enough yeah it turns into a good cover no i don't think so no maybe with 3d glasses i'm going to try it i'm going to try it you look at that tom for a while you have to look through the cover a lot of the car i mean every card is square every card is just a mandala and that's great but there's also a lot of people there's also a lot of color repetition on the cards okay so it's like a car that mixes a lot of orange predominantly yeah that's not great and then a little yellow you know what i mean oh yeah baby oh here we go yeah these cards i don't think look that interesting you know um they look like coasters and i i just the artwork is not inspiring to me i like that board i think the board is pretty neat it is a soft border cloth board but the whole look of this game you would think it's just a you know just a whatever another little card game sort of coasting or not having any theme the gameplay itself yeah blows this look away i guess is what i'm saying you know and i really do wish because mechanically you could definitely find a theme to this game that works and yet they went with this insipid mandala you know stew that just says nothing about what's in the package i actually think a good comparison here would be azul which has some similar vibes to it right and that one looks pretty and they went with a tiling theme right right which you're like okay i'll give it to you you know what i mean yeah it makes sense you are putting towels do go next to other tiles and you build wall you know you you decorate walls with them this is you're collecting mandalas and there's a set that goes in the center and some that go in front of you and some that go in front of your opponent but but like why like it's nonsensical okay and yet the game is great yeah and it would be even greater with a cool theme on top of it perhaps uh anthropomorphic fleas bingo i'm in i'm in i wonder what your number nine is big shocker here i actually did not see what it was i just know that he went all right well my number nine is gonna come right it's concordia now is this for the just for the cover or for the game itself it's both okay so first of all i think it's hilarious everyone complained about the original cover which is the bigger one and they're like we'll fix it and so they made the second one like you made the same cover they're trolling you now yeah i mean that's a troll anyhow i i mean i guess the second cover is slightly better than the first one no but the problem is is that's the cover and i i've always made fun of this cover sure but the game itself is so bland-looking i like the look of this game and this is and well the car that board and the car the bits on it the map the the sort of loud colors that weren't that bright purple that bright green i actually like that i don't mind it so badly but the cards themselves are really boring and this is almost let me quick check yeah this is my stand-in of sorts for boring euro games in general because i could have put a gazillion of those like genoa for example and by the way these games in the background are not put up here because they're boring except genoa um i grabbed the boring one off the shelf but they all and i don't like genoa so that's yeah there's that i like these games i like concordia yeah i like a lot i want to be clear all the games on my list i like the games i play it despite that when i brand concordia i always feel like i have to do some fast talking yeah like i know all those cards your hand they're just a bunch of texts they don't look that interesting and the board itself there's a bunch of stuff on the board and that cover i know some of you one person ran out the store when i showed the cover come back it's actually a fun game a good game yeah no fleas of course but what do you do look can't have everything [Music] all right well my number eight is um an example of not only a single piece of bad art but probably literally hundreds of bad pieces of art if you consider all of the expansions too oh what what i think i know what it is it's dominion yeah my number oh okay there there are first of all the cover is an absolute eyesore and i don't know that i can think of a much worse thing why did they never change that font because they're stubborn it's almost like a change for the european uh there's a yeah yeah yeah yeah which is like considerably better game cover yes illustration and it's legible right this is awful i mean it's like every time they came up to a decision they were like the road less traveled please right i mean right right yeah woof you know no this is when the main thing you can pick up from the entirety of the cover is where it says rio grande now you know and this is just come on yeah no i mean that navigator alone right there that should be reason enough to he's one of the developers of the game i know that's who that is okay but uh now go back to shannon's chat though zoom in on that one roy um because shantytown is where it gets dangerous what is happening here yeah there is i love the fact that you're zooming in anyway there are so many examples of bad card in this inconsistent and inconsistent very uh the only thing that's consistent is that it's all bad but some of it is yeah but the problem is they look bad among the rest of the yard right right because you look at it and you go oh another style you know what i mean it's bad it really is like it all punches you in the face because it's all so different right while some in isolation you might look at it and go that's a well composed illustration it all looks like an absolute mess it does and you know you have games like magic where you'll say you could say some well some of the card art is better than others and some of them might even you might say that's just bad art but on the whole it's you know got some good looking stuff yes not here i mean dominion just generally speaking has really bad art and you'd think that over the years with all of these expansions they would address it and they just don't a good good comparison is ascension yeah 100 like the first edition of ascension's bad we said the artwork was bad people came back and said no it's stylistic but there's clearly an improvement yes like we talked about in the news today yes and we're like wow that new cover looks amazing right we did not say that it got better dominion they're like oh the guy who did the illustrations finally graduated graduated high school that's right that's what it is yeah i think now that when i come to the video they say here's the piece that's too good that's too good please redo it exactly yeah it's awful all right my number eight is uh certainly no eight floccati remember oh yes my number nine it's gonna get really confusing if i keep that joke going i'm gonna get super lost um i'll just have full cotton be my my honorary zero the best of the best my number eight is certainly not on the spot for the look of the cover which i actually like the cover i think it's dynamic and then you open the box and you go oh they forgot to print it and it is uh beyond the sun oh really beyond the sun i think it's a very cool cover that's a great cover that's i love the logo at the top i like the uh you know the planet and the rocket and the whatever is going on there but the board is like the you know the big tech tree yeah it's just it's a placeholder to put cards that's all it is just so even the cards aren't that beautiful that's my argument with this game if you look real closely at the planets which i want to say it's michael menzel i'm not sure who did that i'm sure planets but if you look at the planets i keep forgetting in the heat but you can't even see them from here they're actually pretty nice cards but they are a minor part of that whole yeah yeah the whole board just looks like tech tree the game and it it doesn't look captivating yeah unless you are an absolute nut about tech trees then yes you won't but you won't be looking at artwork that that at that point you're looking at sort of composition you know right uh i found the game to be very bland looking though the player boards especially okay they look unfinished you're right they look on finish yeah they do it's like this is the proof clearly right like you sent this to the publisher so they could look at the construction super protocol okay yeah yeah go ahead and print the color on it now because that's what they look like they look like the proof right yeah but the game is really good it's really good we just played a couple weeks ago mike and i i think it was uh it was went into this game tom was going to teach it and we both were sort of very apprehensive about what the experience was going to be like because it didn't look captivating but um the gameplay is just stellar there really is no pun intended um i really enjoy it i think it's it's you know it's a very cool game it's engaging there's a nice amount going on discovering new tag is great but then jumping on tech that's already there you know being opportunistic with that stuff it's a great game i do wish it looked a little more you know have more oomph to the look of the entire thing like the cover i think the covers cover is great so that's my number eight beyond the sun all right my number eight let's jump off the beaten path this is one i knew would not be probably like in the people's choice okay you know there's some that are easy everyone talks about this one this one has its fans though so i'm gonna irritate them but i don't think the game looks good and that's baseball highlights 20 30. oh man no i think this looks awful or 20 45 sorry base highlights 2045. i like this game a lot it's a deck building game i don't know this this cover is actually probably the best part of the game but that bad font mixed with that i don't know why they're showing the same guy twice he's an android and a robot three times you can see you can see it keeps going back further oh yeah there's no dilation in this game of time i don't know what it is yeah anyway the graphic design is the main culprit here yeah even more so than the art yes um which is really weird because eagle griffin especially with their lacera games are fantastic this is baseball it's a sport i like a lot and this game just looks bla i mean you have these pawns instead of they're running the bases so make little people running bases but the art on the cards isn't that good that there's this tan glaze over everything but if you think this doesn't look bad you can always go play the app they made for this where they somehow made it worse they added in eight bit sound effects like paper but i love the game i think it's so much fun it's a fun deck builder it's a back and forth um i think you have to like baseball a little bit for it to work i think it certainly would help yeah either that or you love deck building right and it's not really it's like a slow deck builder you add a couple cards and then you're just out guessing the other person also football highlights also looks pretty bad but that one i don't like the game this one i like the game so it's yeah sometimes it looks like old baseball cards i guess but they all look the same yeah when i'm buying new cards in this game i'm like i don't know what any of these cards do because the artwork doesn't help me differentiate any of them where's the shandy town anyway i didn't think of this but this is a good picture this would be high up on my list too i think i don't like the game that much but you're right that boy that look is right and again it's the graphic design i'm arguing against more than the art sure because it looks like i could have done it and i'm not good all right one of the dangers of this list is that sometimes you have to talk about particular versions because sometimes they do address art and it gets better in later i actually next every game on my list that met that category i did not okay i did not because uh my number seven is a game that it's still not great but it's gotten better over the years and that is dominant species uh especially i would agree the first printing of dominant species is not no i don't hate the cover actually the cover i mean i think some people might dislike it i don't mind it but the look of the board and the components it just cones man that looks so unappealing right this is another game where there's a lot of upgrades made for this game yes and there's a reason why because it looks unappealing the game is fantastic if you like you know heavy worker placement games action selection it's very you know interactive and and you know it's a game that was i mean wasn't it ranked number was it one at one point no it was never that high but it's it's highly ranked very very highly regarded um and and i like the game but it's just so hard to get people to want to play it because it looks like that terrible i mean that just looks awful um and it belies what underneath is an exciting that's i think that's my biggest issue is that this is the game that is actually exciting right it has a lot of interaction a lot of potentially stand up and all moments but when you're looking at that you know it just looks it doesn't make it look like it has anything not to mention you are a species that's a big part of this game i'm the spiders right i'm the birds and then it's like i have cubes and cones yes exactly and i've upgraded mine mine looks great and those little tiny cardboard tokens that you're always having to move and it's just too bad i can't upgrade those tiles though this is true this is true now later versions have gotten better the third printing i think is the most recent it's a little better but it's still not great that new aquatic one doesn't look as bad yeah yeah it's a little better too but yeah it's too bad because it's a really good game but that's that's that deserves a spot on the list yeah that picture is something all right my number seven is a game much like uh the one you're mentioning uh the dominant species that has gone through a few different versions in quick succession i i might add oh i know what you got i know this is a carpet deal yeah yeah carpe diem the game's so fine they printed it four times and each time was like it was like the most minor of changes um i think the final one the new one isn't that the best cover they're all the same no no the new cover is white so you know yeah the covers actually the the picture on the cover has always been the same which i don't hate that illustration you don't it's a little it's a little bit like uh concordia are you saying because the lady looks like she's stealing something from like that expressions on both of the faces that we can actually see are slightly his face is fine hers is a she's a little too she's too happy to be selling a fish yeah maybe maybe that's terrifying yeah but the game the piece is in the game uh it's a lot of just uh that like again there's something about that green like in baseball highlights it's it's just a uh what's that called it's a texture you know what i mean it's like you click on the computer and you're like type like green texture for a computer background right and then you put that on tiles yeah yeah that's right it's not great you know the whole thing has a real please don't play me look to it and they've gotten slightly better they have i think the new ones a little bit better but the first printing there was a lot of like there were two kinds of tiles end game tiles and just regular round tiles the backs are the difference well the the end game tiles were green the in-game tiles oh they're green as well a couple of pantone shades off like that's it it's like come on why would you not make these bright yellow i mean anything they could be anything why are they both the backs of the tiles mind you slot i mean like barely different so that made no sense to me and then that that sort of same logic continues through a few different things in this game the game play one of my favorite felts this game is a wonderful tile laying game it's snappy it's got interesting choices i i love the resource management in it it's a very good game why not play quite a bit i just wish there was a deluxe version of this that was i hate to use the term deluxe yeah yeah actually deluxe i mean they printed this thing three times in just english one time i've seen from broadway games that was a whole different look they make their own so i've seen four different looks and the game is like three years old two or three years old yeah yeah so come on seize the gray again though like eagle griffin games capstone games they show you how to make two big heavy euros which look really good yeah i i never understood this whole people like well you know these games don't need to look good why yeah i i i tell my wife i don't need to comb my hair and she says i do this whole idea if they don't need to look good even if i agree with your logic fine okay they don't need to look good right but isn't it better if they do why shouldn't yeah they're tactile experiences don't you want more people to play the game with you yeah all right my number seven is uh i could have put the entire company on this list practically no no look this is a company that consistently makes really good games some of the most highly rated games and they all look pretty bad it's gotta be a start gotta be a splatter right no no no no no no actually that those are both contributions i'm talking about freeman freeze and stuff wow we just got some bonus games in there for everybody so fast sloth is my pick here but such a good game but there's a lot of games i'm i'm sorry i just don't friedman phrases games the only time this artwork has really worked for me wasn't the the monster one fearsome fours yeah for some reason it worked there yeah i know he loves green and this one's even not that bad the green cover i'm not talking about the cover it's a terrible color that's not a great cover look at that i pulled this out and people like no i'm like no no it's really really fun so do you think this looks worse than fiom no but i like this game better than them that's the thing i'm picking games i really like i really like it and this one bugs me because i really think this would be a really well renowned game and it looks so bad i was thinking this game should have been a kenner nominee i really think this game is good i gotta tell you guys i don't dislike the way that looks really yeah i like that you may want to clean your glasses it's awful on the on the i will tell you legally on the table it's worse than yeah but i don't i i don't like that every hex looks exact same practically and that it's not even that those little animals they're hard to see on the board the art on them should be better yeah it's not exactly this would be in one place where they've been nice to have little wooden cutouts of animals yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i like that board though i will admit that cover though that sloth that was that looks pain by numbers like my first sloth that's a bad look that is not good guys stop doing this all right yeah again friedman frieza stuff i did not put on his most famous game power grid um because i think power grid doesn't look awful i think the cover does but a lot of his games are this way i look at them and i'm like oh they just they're boring strangely enough you know what that board reminds me of a little bit is heaven and ale yeah a little bit yeah yeah yeah so actually you know what that cover makes me think of is i would love for somebody to get a geek list going where they cut out the sloth and just stick it onto other board game covers of the sloth hanging off of other things that's going to happen by the end of the day someone i i think that would work it's on a green background so it won't be too hard all right let's move on all right [Music] all right tom well you mentioned earlier that you had a game that was kind of your stand-in for the boring looking euros and that's kind of what i did here because i feel like the rest of your list yeah no you could have made a whole list of just older euro games right but this is mine and it's a a kindred spirit to your carpe diem uh game uh z my number six is castles of burgundy this is a game that uh the cover's okay look there's nothing wrong with the cover i suppose although again it definitely is not going to be something that you're going to see on the shelf and go oh i'm in on this right um it just is you know it's it is what it is um it looks like the cover for concordia but she's missing correct correct yes you know what i mean she's like thank you and wash it out and they snapped another picture yeah right right yeah so castle the burgundy is a you know it's a it's a it's a fun game i don't like it maybe as much as the people that that have almost have a cult around it but i think it's a solid game that just looks that looks so boring this one you might get the most pushback on because people say that but that looks good no this no i'm sorry look you see those tiles around the yellow two and four yeah yeah there's two colors there right that's right you're right no i'm not okay there's gray and grayish tan yes that's a mistake no this is awful fix it here and fix it in carpe diem right and so this was and then and and you had a fifth edition correct yes and and so many people have complained about the art they're like look here we go this is a very well renowned game we're going to come out with a deluxe edition we're here you go all you people have been complaining about the art get ready here it comes i think it's worse almost than this one i heard i have not seen the new one with the cool cover with a big key or whatever right but i heard it was worse it's why can't you get this right it's why can't you get this right it's not that hard i think you know a game has bad artwork when every time it's taught to new people it starts off with an apology correct they're like okay no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait it's almost like that you're like okay come on yeah or when you have to point something out that is it shouldn't normally be you know knee pointing out like okay so we've got six different kinds of tiles these two are different okay i want you to pay attention to these two okay these right here they have houses make sure you look at the house not the color of the tile correct it's like that should not be a problem it shouldn't be a thing yeah it's a thing no it this this game is just shades of monochrome it's it's it's it's just not good it's just not good but the game is good so that's my number six the castles of burgundy all right my number six is a euro game and the uh the little line from lookout for two players like mandala like mandala they could have been any of those probably mandala is uh well it's better if looking than this since this is higher up um but normally those bring to the table a sense of history right yeah like they're like oh this is a really really boring place 300 years ago okay there's something to that yeah but when it's a really really boring place basically now you get glasgow no you know and glasgow is that gentleman there i do believe shortly after this uh oh he jumped no no listen that's not an actual picture of the guy that's what that guy sees when he's looking in the mirror that's the way he perceives other people right now i think that's the artist's sketch from the witnesses oh i think that's what that is that is rough right there yeah uh because uh and then the game itself has a couple of little buildings a few tiles the whole thing looks pretty uh uninspiring i like the wooden pieces in this game i'll give it that i think the wooden pieces especially there's some that are supposed to be uh i guess metal you know like the the kind of like a railroad track looking looking piece right the beams metal beams they look cool they told coins or coins whatever some of the pieces are nice there's a little barrel in there but the artwork the the characters they all have that look and i just don't like that artwork everything the towels are fairly small so the yard work in there is basically lost the whole thing would not if i was walking by this game it does not get two glances the problem is i again i i say the same about this artist he always i think he's better at small stuff yeah anytime you blow up one of his people like i like lahav and agricol i just don't look at the covers of them just don't blame people why i have to assume the original illustration is fairly small yeah and then from that they pull the artwork for the cover right because you can always tell it looks a little yeah it looks because it looks like it got stretched can we just draw it the size it's supposed to be because it always does look like you grew a picture into that right and uh now it just looks even worse this one same thing that guy looks really out of place on that cover he does yeah you know look at that chin though that's a that's a very impressive gin all right now i'm looking at the steven it's a very good game though i recommend that this is one that definitely is going to get overlooked and uh i don't think it should it's a really good really really good two-player game give it a go glasgow six my number six is my personal one that i wish more people play but i don't think they do because it looks boring and it's out of ages that's a number one no oh man you're so rude mogul all right so mogul gosh who's gonna find this tom no no they reprinted it a few years later and still didn't find that one is this the the cover you were referring to this one well they're both boring so it doesn't matter that one's worse the guy with the hat on the bride cover he's like hey look at me this game's boring thank you that's the one i'm familiar with okay i like mogul a lot it's a simple auction game that uses the mechanism from no thanks where you're bidding on something until you can't bid anymore then you take all this up except it's the opposite but wow look at that yeah let's play second edition that's a second edition uh game that that game that was the second edition yeah the first edition just had the cards around the boring board so the second edition got a little better but man i do like the juxtaposition of those components on the space background though right i know well this game is funny because uh the the components are there's nothing to write home about and then there's this amazing wooden bowl in the box oh that actually comes with it that ball yeah that bowl is in the box for no reason wow it doesn't do a whole lot it's basically you just put tokens in there and then empty them out but clearly rio grande had wooden bowls sitting around they were like they got to go in something or they're going to get counted right i love this game though it's a really good auction share game you're trying to buy these shares and they're more valuable but again you're bidding on it with coins but at some point if you can't put a coin on it you're out of the auction so instead you take them all off but if i take them off and then you're out and you can't take anymore you get nothing so it's kind of a vicious mean but it's short it's it's a filler probably 30 minutes or so okay i really like it but wow it doesn't look good no it does not but that's my last obscure one michael shot very good all right tom we made it halfway through the list before we got to our first crossover am i right assuming you have a crossover i do i've been crossing over with we have not had we have not had one no this is a crossover with mr tom that has to be concordia it is not concordia is it fast slots it is not although i wish i had thought of it it's ethnos oh oh my number five oh yeah you have to put it on the list i did put it on the list it was sneaky yeah yeah yeah wait so you're saying all these games are better looking than the flea game i'm really confused here i actually like the free art i only put it on the list because other people hate it so much i can't believe it i didn't to concede that other people don't like this stellar art that i thought your opinion the art keeps going up every time we talk about it he's like oh i'm going to buy you a painting of that for your wall and when i go to your house i expect to see it there i don't want paintings i want wallpaper i want the entire house made up in anthropomorphic fleece does tiffany know this she does not all right um ethnos is a really good game and it's a shame that it looks like this because this is another one of those games where you have to convince people that haven't played it before that it really is a good game because you sit down at the table you see this and you're uninspired it's a very uninspiring look and i don't want to belabor because we've already talked about it but that's my number five ethnos yeah yeah i get it i get it i do like the artwork i like the pieces but i know that the the hole looks it's just disjointed yeah i still keep expecting at some point an announcement of a remake from somebody well you also were expecting an expansion right because it's so easy to just have a new decks of cards but they've done this it seems like palomori with seamon games like they didn't do an expansion for dogs of war another really good game that one i think is being reprinted uh oh is it i thought and i don't think dogs of war sold that well ethnos did pretty well it did yeah yeah ethnos has done pretty well everyone was playing this game when it came out yeah yeah all righty my number five here is uh well let you take a look at the cover dimension oh yeah yeah this is a game or a school science project doesn't this look like the kind of thing you buy at the bookstore yeah and you give to a kid i was like hey hey i don't really know you that well kid but here's a science experiment for you to play yeah that's true you know i know your parents aren't going to have a problem with yeah it's like you know there's something about this that just nothing about this inspires cracking this open it looks like you're going to learn something and i refuse to come to the game table to learn so this is mostly coasting on the look of the box yeah i think they really could have done anything else uh and made this better the game itself still like i guess if you get to sit down and play with these fears then yes maybe you can have some fun with that but it still doesn't look that interesting and the card illustrations for the sake of being clear and they're fairly clear are super boring looking you know this is a little surprising because i i don't disagree with you about the thing as a boring look it just this one never even crossed my mind to think of stuff like this yeah it's just it looks like a again it looks educational doesn't it it looks very educated it has that whole look of like i'm just liking the game more and more the more z talks about it concerning that right now i'm learning something and i don't really want to be yeah i feel like i'm being true you're not okay good all right so there you go my number five dimension my number five is another crossover it's back at mike that's right oh i bet i is it uh dominion no it's terraforming mars this was one of the first ones i i thought to put on the list and there's a few redeeming things about this for sure i mean i don't dislike everything but like mike said my copies of terrific remarks have all been upgraded in so many ways i upgraded the tiles i upgraded the pieces that move on the board i upgraded this and that i upgraded to stupid player boards and it's like after a while i don't know why i bought the original game right right right um except for the cards and that's the thing if i could upgrade anything and it's it's the difference there's an actual photograph in one of i think the guy who made the game's pet dog correct and then the next one's like a picture of space and then the next one's a picture of something that doesn't make any sense it's ah and i love the game i really like this game and there's a lot of art in it too which is an issue right there's a whole lot of cards most of which look really terrible and they doubled down on it when the expansion came out they're like oh you want better art no no same stuff garbage but then again they made now i think the frexilius games didn't have as much to do with the card game i think that was indie boards and cards yeah and it looks very different that's an attractive looking game it really is it's good too it's also a good game yeah it is and that may be enough to push this terrifying mars off my playlist completely that's how much i like the card game and then this art brings it down and it's again it's the kind of game not only is that it looks overwhelming it really i mean look at it to me that this with the popularity it has garnered never got a second edition that did for it what the reprint of pandemic did for pentax right because pandemic was the game that just happened to become a hit and years after that they were like this just doesn't look mass-market enough or it doesn't have that appeal you know what i mean the average person will look at this game and go i don't like this cover i don't like what's going on in it and so they reprinted is it better worse that's up to you but it's more commercial right the new one this could have been made to look more commercial and you've already got that buzz i mean this game's been hot for years it came out that big box that's sitting over there you know so great you know i'm just surprised they never reprinted this one with a more commercial look better looking components better hard work just something to bring it to the table more and get people that you infect with it by teaching them to go buy it themselves right that's a i guess pandemic talk bringing that back around anyway i don't know how we got into pandemic out of this terrifying mars number six circus floki so you remember a little while ago when i said that uh castles of burgundy was my stand-in for old ugly euros yes that's because i forgot about my number four um which is i think the iconic right this is the granddaddy when you think ugly boring-looking euros that are good does it start with a c it does oh i know what it is does it end with a-list it does my number four is kayla's ah that's like that one this really is the cover whatever i talk about boring right a bad looking guy to cover i think it kayla's the first one now before we go off the cover roy um if if you are eagle-eyed and you noticed the intro to this video right that chris yee put together which was a stellar intro shout out to chris yee um apparently he found out that that cover was styled off of some i think french television show in the 1960s and i'm telling you it's exactly like they traced it it's that guy from that tv show identical it's identical and i'm thinking okay if you're going to choose something to trace maybe make something that's actually attractive looking that i mean i'm not nothing against the man who actually portrayed that actor but there's nothing about that makes me want to sit down and play a game so okay he's coming to get me i want to point something out guys uh okay has anyone noticed his fingers on the other hand oh is it just me or is there something eldridge about those fingers over there he's definitely not yeah let's let's zoom in on those fingers on the opposite hand the upstairs there you go there's something about those fingers that feel like they're about to become tentacles yes they are where is my expansion to chaos kayla's correct uh you know what you're not talking about recover i am not talking about just a cover if we switch over to look at that i mean that's just straight up ugly and there's another version of the cover equally ugly actually that that as much as i give garbage to the mad guy yeah that other cover of course yeah i would not buy the game based on another yeah so you know like when you when when you in probably junior high or middle school or taking your first art class and they talk about perspective yeah my first one point vanishing correct my first one point that's it right there how did we get to my little ponies so this game as well regarded as it light rightly is one of the earliest worker placement games um it's a very good rock solid design and super ugly ugly so that's mike stanton for all euro games but there are two no that's my last this is my last old year that's a two for one with those two covers that's great that's great yeah all right my number four yes four i did a little shuffling here of my top four every day um so i don't know if i'm if i'm as i don't know but whatever i don't care uh my number four is deception murder in hong kong oh deception murder in hong kong has a cover which yeah it's not great okay yeah cover's okay it's kind of a dead it looks like they jumped out of a cw show they're posing yeah yeah those were really detectives yeah yeah i mean there is something dynamic about the where they chose to put the quote-unquote camera yeah you're from the view of the victim yeah you sort of get the hand uh muddying up the the shot there i like that you know and then everything in the game is just very unattractive i think a lot of the illustrations a lot of the you know the way everything looks it's just so perfunctory you know what i mean there's something about it that just hat yeah it's and then the the the tiles the large styles just like you know really blow people's minds a dash of color this one will have a little purple this one though hold on green here's the thing though i i'm glad this was originally uh i think it's from china or taiwan cs files cs5 so no i know the game was i forget what country's from and so i know they work together but i think it's a detraction on it to have the two different languages yeah it's not that it has a uh an asian theme to it right not really so why is that there there are two different versions of the game well because it's murder in hong kong that's the only reason i can see why because it's sure where does that where does that come out of the theme anyway it doesn't it doesn't have nothing that's the only explanation i would even think of for why there's uh you know the characters on there yeah i just think the inside of the game is um yeah it's not a there's not a great look to this one once you get in there and start looking at all the cards and the tiles you need to be hooked or be excited about playing this before you get a real good look at all the cards around the table and that will not be the thing that draws you in and if you have not played it you need to play it despite the art it's a great game yeah i know it i mean it's i think one of the best if not the best social deduction game out there yep it just doesn't look that interesting my number four i broke my own rule i forgot there is an addition of this game that i think has decent artwork but none of the expansions really work with it so you have to go back and get the original one i understand asmadi games has their own style and purpose like hey we don't want to make our games look good that's apparently their philosophy okay um but innovation i really like innovation yeah i thought this might show up but it's again look at that cover it's rough this is a game about technology building and and in the world innovation the latest thing in chess yeah like what is that it's always been every time third edition on the cover is like there's two we added the moon that's right now and the cards but the cards themselves are that way now there's arguments oh they're functional yeah but they look awful and again yellow proved this wrong by making a pretty nice version of it which is almost derided by this and every time i talk about this fans like no no no no no yeah ah you know why this game doesn't sell that well now because it looks like this even the icons they're like squares and it just this also looks like i really like this game i'm sorry this is still actually i thought when i first went i went to the azmodi booth at at gen con and when i first saw this game and i thought it wasn't done yet i was like oh no we got a copy now it's like oh okay when is this coming out it looks very promising yeah i'm excited oh you're not pregnant that's totally what this is you know what i mean isn't that what this looks like i know there's some people out there they're as as money fans because most of their games look like this yeah yeah and i i i want art i want yeah graphic design too much look again the game is good you don't like the game but i mean i like the game but oh this one's a struggle to get to the table yeah it is so that's a good question that's a good pick good call [Music] my number three is a game that has not been chosen yet but it has been discussed already and that's because it's uh straight up ugly that is ascension um yeah the the original versions of ascension are horrifyingly bad they very much are doodling in the back of the classroom i mean that's this is doodling in the background i'm pretty sure i taught this kid yes it's weird because the original printing oh my gosh i mean i in the original printing of this what you could see the lines in the paper yeah i mean this is like literally really weird and i don't think they were going for like an effect right but you could on many of these pieces of artwork you might even be able to now you could see the lined rule like the the rule the paper yeah yeah do you remember uh the peachy folders did you guys ever have peachy folders they were like little um just twofold and they have little doodles on them and you'd always kids would always doodle more this looks like peachy folder art if anybody out there knows what i'm talking about you'll see them right now you know what you're talking about it's it's a kind of school full how old is this 1926. um right before the crash uh there's just the the game is is good it's a it's a you know a fun deck building game but uh boy that art has vastly improved that is a fantastic choice of those two images though those are two of the worst illustrations in gaming correct i think correct yes i very much yeah yeah i know that's pick the ones that are right yeah this is not going like this can't don't see that you never will here's the thing though the reason i didn't pick ascension is because i felt like they've improved they've improved a lot i mean tremendously and you know what they've improved because when we first talked about this people said oh it's the style they've improved and still kept this style right yeah i agree yeah it doesn't this is just rad it's just really really bad uh very unfortunate look to that gator yes poor unfortunately my number three here um again really any of these could have been my number one my number three is a really bad looking game but it's a great deduction game it looks like something you would find never mind at barnes and noble because it has that mass market look yeah this one you find i like the supermarket it's a game called think straight oh and think straight it's from hook and friends and it's a leo colavini like a like seduction game it's not a rolling right but the guys are coming i know it's weird but no it's not a roller right this is a deduction game now to be fair there's supposed to be an edition of this coming out and i probably should have found a picture an edition of this coming out from i believe it's mojito games the guys who reprinted cleopatra and the society of architecture yeah yeah yeah they've got this on you know in standby and that looks really cool okay it's got sort of an aztec theme i think it's a very cool looking cover which is what they've shown so far and maybe like a mock-up this one though and not just that cover but those components it's like yeah that's rough who got who put their scrabble in my uno but i mean it's worse than that too because you're only looking at it if you could feel the stuff oh this is paper yeah i mean if you're uh if the room has too much moisture in the air this will disintegrate it's really bad this i actually would have kept this game as one of the best deduction games ever i've ever played wow but the components are so bad i will not put keep it or even play it i got rid of this game because it was that low quality yes i don't know i mean hookah doesn't normally make games as bad something about this something happened and they were like well we have 30 extra dollars and this unpublished prototype should we make it i'm thinking 2 000 copies i'm really looking forward to the reprint hope that that pans out and it does it does play play out because i'd love to reacquire this one i really would fantastic game but boy this is uh terrible yeah this is one that's been that should have been reprinted a long time when i played it i know it's like great but i can't really recommend it it's so bad the component quality the cards are made out of vellum all righty my number three is another crossover with mike again what is happening he's my spirit i guess his spirit comes to battle i stopped before animal i didn't know what to say actually he's my spirit father no not that old okay anyhow um it's dominion oh okay for all the same reasons dominion is one of my favorite games i love this i hate the the thing the um the logo but yeah chris pointed out earlier they can't change the logo because it's in the back of the cards but yeah maybe they should have done it right in the first pass then it's that they keep coming out more and more cards for this game i know and they don't look that much better no they don't they even made here's here's one of the things they finally got there that candlestick maker is melting herself that is commitment to your crown but here's the thing they argued they argued they're so bad they argued for a long time because they were in the original game the the coins were all copper remember there's copper one two and three and people said why don't you make the silver one silver and they're like oh that would be too confusing but then they went ahead and remade it in a separate thing later and it was no longer confusing later on yeah before they realized it was a good idea all along i will say dominion is not on my list but it would have been my number 12. yeah it's rough man you're number 12. my number 11 is heaven and nail i already cleared that up earlier so uh yeah no that's you guys have shown two different images right not no crossover with the illustrations and each one is worse than the last it's amazing yeah yeah and you know what there's other things that they did they didn't use any symbology in the game right where it would have been useful the text and the cards and but man i love this game i play it all the time yeah and what i want is for the uh connoisseur out there who knows all the core guards by heart i want an art only edition full artwork no text yes i'll play that that sounds great my number three dominion i'm excited about my number two because this is something that i would not have been able to put on my list up until very recently because i would not have played it this is something that was in a cachapalooza what did we make you play twilight and bear in fourth edition no no i like the arc on that island it's terrible everything about that game is terrible no no no no this is uh nexus ops wow yes this game is horrible looking but it's a lot of fun it's not a good-looking game oh not a good look look at that come on that's awful that's awful tom you're telling me that is not awful no i don't you know here's the thing you're right i don't like the cover but i think the game looks cool okay hold on hold on let's do a new exploration of this tougher uh it might be awful okay let's go and go to the board you were talking about bad components this is filled with bad components other than the the little figures are fine because they you know some people might not like them but i like the kind of clear plastic okay but those styles are ugly and those big triangles don't have they're awful and the center thing what is that called the citadel or the monolith the monolith is is cheap yeah but you know the monolith is terrible everybody who owns this game has literally replaced that monolith i have a friend i got a rock you could replace anything and look at those energized cards they look awful you're right this okay it looks like i get my but i'll tell you what i like the miniatures so much it supersedes that yeah well i think the miniatures you could put them on almost anything i've actually replaced my uh hexes with uh dominion cards correct it looks way better yes yes yeah no you know what you've changed my mind tom and i both went into this like no you're crazy yeah no i think we're looking at it through rose tint right i'm looking at through those miniatures because you say what's it next up like a bunch of miniatures what else i don't remember and now that i've seen it on the table for catching plus i'm like wow this game is not aged well this is ugly all right yeah and your art is bad it's all it's all ugly but it's a really good game and i'm glad i played it so that's my number two next is the fantasy flight one looks better yeah but that's why i'm specifically talking about the you know what then i'm just going to buy a copy of the fantasy flight one and replace the miniatures yeah and put the put the pictures in actually i put the fancy flight managers in the old one then i'll be like here kid who i don't know very well right he gave the science thing to yeah i'll give a half game at least are you done with the dimension yet here you go this poor kid man you think everyone hates them all right my number uh my number two is a game originally called capital i think now i guess the latest is called warsaw city of ruins yeah that's terrible that's terrible and warsaw city of ruins looks terrible um truth in advertising that's true the board the i mean the the cover there is very flat looking it's just not very interesting a lot of browns going on there but then the boards or the tiles rather just don't look that engaging and i also find that to be a little problematic the clash between the tiles that feature a building such as the ones across the top they kind of look like the cover of the frame right with the other ones that have a an eth nose like brightness and cheer to them yeah popping green that really bright yellow uh uh red right there yeah but then the buildings and the whole like the city is destroyed we have gone through many you know decrepit periods of time and and we rebuild every time yeah but what are you putting in your parks because they're glowing they are radioactive i find the whole thing really it's a good game though it's a great game the game looks really really boring especially once you start building up your city the whole thing just looks really boring yeah it's one that originally that capital by the way you're looking at there is the original one from grana i just had no interest in giving it a try it looked directly you know off-putting but once i played it i really did enjoy this one i owned for a while actually so so good it never came to the table which is why i got rid of it because who would sit down at the table and play this with me but the game i would say if you're a city builder fan you should check this out you can track down the the warsaw one from uh north star that's a that's a good one so there you go that's my number two come on baby give me a crossover now show me some love if if anyone crosses over my number two be mike but i can't imagine this is number one but i know you will agree with me now this one i have heard stories of a reprint coming soon which might make it look better but this is another company whose every other games i think doesn't look good especially their miniatures but they don't have any measures in this game what's the what's the name of the company from england um games workshop no ps oh psc yeah plus the soldier company yeah the plastic soldier company does not make good looking games this one is blitzkrieg yeah which is an amazing game another polymory game you should poor guy right polymorph needs to just become his own illustrious witch creek is fantastic and actually this cover is not bad no the cover's fine but inside the game it is so boring all the areas actually for some reason this shot doesn't even make it look that bad and that's like the best blight they can put things i don't know how they're doing that but you were pulling these really boring tiles and the whole game i bring it out and people like yeah i'm not playing that this game looks horrendously boring and it's one of the best two player games i've ever played it's real spreadsheet it yeah it looks like like a boring spreadsheet and just i've seen you play this in person and it just looked to have zero interest i mean i yeah i agree with you i think i gave this a nine i mean i think it's that good of a game if you like watergate which by the way looks a lot better than this one they're very similar games this is almost like twilight struggle but condensed down into like a 15-minute game that's what it feels like it's just fantastic it's a great tug of war feel it's a really good really good game it does not look good that's a good choice i thought you would have this on your list but it's i i can definitely agree with you it's definitely not a good looking game i don't think i've ever seen or i don't remember seeing world war ii where the two was spelled out it says world war ii in 20 minutes on the cover that's true it's usually the roman numeral ii yeah i'm thinking they thought people would be confused with world war 11. i think they don't want the look of like world war the number two in 20 minutes might not look good yeah and they maybe thought about that well you should have thought about some other stuff all right let's see what these number ones are all right [Music] all right so my number one is circus again no no no no is uh what i would like to classify as aggressively ugly oh interesting uh this is aggressively ugly this game it offends me in its ugliness and this is the cambridge games version of glory to rome oh my goodness that's a good pick this is you almost feel like you're being trolled right like you only like this can't be they weren't being serious with this this can't be serious it's serious this is the game that if you were to purchase this is what you're going to get if it's the old cambridge edition um it's but that guy has two shoulders are you kidding me with this this well that by the way that sheet of paper doesn't i don't think that comes with the game i believe it did yes in the little clamshell edition that you used to get i don't remember that i thought i had i thought i printed this out for you it's a really good game it's it's you know i mean not everyone loves it because it's a you know chad at games can be a little bit nichey it's very much race to find the broken combo but it's a fun game i think i'm going to call them that from now on race to find the broken cop that's really that's really what it is but it's stealing that that's mine now it's yours now um it's but it's so bad looking that's mine now and that's i partially think that that's why the you know that black box edition is such a grail addition because even that one's not the best looking well they went the other extreme they're like oh we don't want to do cartoon er we're going to know this now there's nothing minimalistic i don't like that either although i know some people do right i'm sorry you get someone like ian o'toole to do this it would be well this is unfortunately going to remain ugly yeah because this game is lost in copyrights and can't be reprinted for a lot of right yeah i think there's something called chatic has like washed his hands doesn't even want to do it anymore which is a shame because it's a it's a really it's a solid game and and it just looks so bad and and really this is the one i think you can still get is the cambridge edition no do you crazy you can't even get that oh no no no what can you get now nothing no you can't get any of them you can get a picture of it 400 there you go all right well probably i mean i'm buying three of them all right i'll sell you my black box edition if you want you have one i had this and then i bought a black box edition and then i at some point i guess got rid of this someone someone donated the black box to the library but that's the only way i was not vandalizing my house that's leaving i knew there was a hole in that wall yeah no that's that that was my as soon as we heard about this list i was like oh yeah it's going to be the the cambridge glory to rome that's great you've got some fantastic pictures thank you you know what my number one i'm not a i don't feel that strongly i should have probably just left uh warsaw was my number one maybe even think straight should have been my one this one is not this one is so when i first saw it and then the game turned out to be really great after we played it it's just that it's a really boring theme there's nothing about it that maybe wants to sit down and play and the whole thing also super doesn't fit the way the game feels okay okay it's offshore oh i thought about putting this game on i actually almost put offshore on the wall when i was going through and looking for another game i was like oh maybe off short yeah well i'm glad you guys thought of it i like that cover it looks like some rejected piece of artwork from scythe it really does i like that color right like if you could put a little mac back there somewhere it'd be like boom side okay that's true for sure that's not bad this game and the board is i think worse than this the board really has that whole it's not a good utilitarian sort of like this is an icon it means what the icon shows it means but the gameplay has wheeling and dealing yeah it's a fun kind of like hey man this hand washes that hand kind of game the game looks nothing like that does not evoke that feeling from looking at the cover right from looking at the inside and those two things are certainly a mismatch okay the outside of this looks like you're attacking an oil drill and so it's like night ops you know or you're going in under the cover of darkness to attack this rig the inside looks like this very serious euro game about drilling for oil but the game is like oh i'm taking that and hey how about you do this with me and then i'll do that over there with you so there's a serious mismatch here i agree i wonder how many people are disappointed going into it expecting one thing yeah and don't get that or just simply don't you know pass it over because it doesn't look like it packs any interaction and fun and it does a lot yeah so offshore i i think it's a great game my number one i considered it well i'm glad i wasn't way way off uh off base here my number one so there's a couple reasons on my list one i think i think they intended the game to be as ugly as it is all right i think no i really do two i actually this would have been a diced out essential but i passed on it because it was so ugly wow and i demanded that well not demand it but i asked if the artwork could be changed and they said no and then it went and sold like half a million dollars worth of games because apparently people are looking past the ugliness of the artwork but it is ugly in my opinion and that is awkward guests oh look i love awkward guests i will argue with you but i just no that's bad this i don't even know if it's bad you know what i mean i i it just feels like it's just it's purposefully ugly and i think they did it this is the cover of the rule book not the game you know what i mean yeah yeah this is what the cover of your rule book would look like and that sepia tone you didn't want to go all crazy with the ink okay but the cover yeah that's rough because i know there's i know there's a seal of excellence on it because i love the game i really do and it's a great deduction game there's a lot of deduction games on this list by the way yeah you're right the font is all off on this too yeah yeah the awkward guest font definitely looks like that old uh what program was but i'm not talking about that i'm just talking about i think the people banner for squad art yeah yeah word are you people are ugly the board is yeah it's it's hard to read and find all that stuff on it and i like the game it's so interesting but it could have been beautiful but again there's a this could be a cultural crossover this is from spain and and you know i don't know but man they were and again it did really well on kickstarter despite all that so what do i know yeah but you know and and if you're looking at thinking that you should play it though it's it's this is the clue killer for sure i still need to play me too actually oh catch a palooza put it on chris really put it on the list i haven't played this yet you know why because it's ugly yeah exactly right man all right well that's my number one once they discover color i mean that's right so we put a i put a poll up on facebook so i don't think we have these numbered we're just going to show you the people's top ten let's see how many crossovers we have okay let's see let's take a look at this slide here all right oh no we do have the numbers on them all right okay all right so number 10 there trajan that's ragin okay i like transgenic but it's not the most beautiful board i don't know this is that looks terrible this is very eurocentric nine puerto rico eight carpe diem that's one for you seven power grid i get it i'm surprised by six six yeah this is one i don't know i don't hate the way lord's word looks like it looks like d and d i mean it looks right maybe people wanted more artwork of more dynamic people doing things and it's just a lot of text it could be and i know a lot of people didn't like the cubes representing the adventures and things like that it gets upgraded a lot that's one of those things that does get up very much i upgraded my my cubes yeah five concordia four dominion three ethnos two castles of burgundy we mentioned actually i think those are all five one through five all got mentioned none of them on my list mind you that's true so uh good job guys well two you could have didn't you put two on no i i went back because i like it more this is why yeah terrifying mars though this is and this is mind-blowing yeah i again i i really wish steve banker was sitting right here because i'd be like see i didn't put that in number one on my list the people did right yeah that's correct oh well anyhow these are still good games and they say don't judge a book by its cover the fact is i do you know i know we shouldn't we get new games here all the time oh there are guys there's that dude that's the guy he was modeled on right there that that i mean the same guy it's the same guy clearly right go back to the fingers and the real guy is he doing the technical thing like z matching he took his jewelry off in the in the yeah so that bottom finger is turning into a tentacle that's right on the artwork so the guy that did this said look i can i can trace fingers but i can't draw jewelry i cannot trade jewelry the bling is out it's out correct um well anyway but we do judge you he drew it in the first time and the guy checking the cover was like why is this cover so busy we we get new games in here all the time we do we 100 judging by they look right away absolutely it takes longer for uglier games to get played you have to it's a first impression i'm sorry i can't look i can't grab a game and close my eyes set it up and learn the rules and then look at it all right it's just gonna happen yeah all righty well there you go folks if you're watching this later on in the comments let us know what your least your favorite games that you enjoy the game but you don't like the artwork i've already noticed a lot of people mentioning various games in the chat there's a whole lot and is of course very subjective well somebody's i'd argue aren't very subjective but no anyway until next time i'm tom vassell i'm z garcia i'm mike d'alessio have fun chasing [Music] fleas [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 91,954
Rating: 4.9243183 out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: 6V8NDoZJfzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 50sec (4730 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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