Top 10 Games of 2023 with Tom, Zee, & Mike

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[Music] hello everybody I'm Tom vassel I'm Z Garcia hi I'm Mike delicio my mic is on Welcome to the final top 10 list I think ever of this year whoa wait a minute now okay okay okay good I didn't I didn't say it in like it was no it was very um a doomsayer you should have put that on a plaque what's the name of The Undertakers Paul Bearer Paul Bearer I should be like swinging a little thing oh the last top 10 of the Year all right this is our top 10 games of the year there's not much more to say uh but I have a caveat um well I said one at the very beginning but just a reminder in case you're just tuning in yes we did not play every game that came out this year speak for yourself I will speak for myself I played what's it 280 290 something around there different you're a lazy bum I think I played 7 12 games this year and you I played 12 two of them are trash welcome to my top 10 of the year but we can't play everything we know that but I will say this we go to way to play games we're interested in and because of that you if you just watched we just did our top 10 of 2022 Revisited and at least for me there was very little change I think I only had two games I had a couple that shifted up or shifted down yeah no I mean they they were great games so we try to play as many but there might be some and you know what we'll do revisit it again next year but for now these are favorite secondly there's a game I really really like a lot and I can't remember the name of it OBO video game or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah that came out and I love that game but it's not out in English so I didn't put it on my list okay so that's good I did not put and I don't think I'm this isn't a spoiler because I have a reason I did not put zuis in consideration this year good because it's a reprint because it's a reprint now it's a some significant changes but I still decided for the sake of you know just trying to be as you know I don't know whatever as possible it's not in consideration it would be in my top 10 of the year if I allowed it to be in consideration I thought that was like a very different game from the Orin they add two significant rules oh okay it's a tough call it would be I would have given him grief because it's mik our job correct we're doing we can yeah just know it be on there if it if I counted it as eligible other than that let's get started I have no idea what's on people's list here we go my number 10 think there'll be any crossover there will be crossover there will be crossover not with my number 10 I can guarantee you that CU I know you two haven't played it how do you know these things you you don't know he's played 700 games 712 thank you my number 10 was one of those 12 that's such a bad joke it's not even a joke look let's just sit there in awkward silence for a while right my number 10 is part of what I like to call the trick tricking trick tricking Renaissance the trick trena trekking across history Renaissance trick taking Renaissance this is my favorite trick-taking game of the year it is called Kings trick taker so this is a game that was uh it's part of a family you know why we didn't play it cuz you stole this from our studio yeah that was definitely here you told me specifically I remember wanting to play this and I was like you know what I should do I got up from my desk and I went back there and I thought I'm G to play that Kings trick takers game no you got got uh so yes I took this game for the purposes of a review and and uh it's in my top 10 of the year this is a fantastic trick-taking game you could see here we played it at the retreat I played it a number of times there and taught it and this one is not for beginners to trick taking games okay uh because it has some really interesting things going on the main idea is that everybody's going to be drafting suit cards basically king queen and Jack that have particular power so you have those throughout the game but then in the other in in the three rounds you're also drafting characters that have special power so you draft three of these characters two of them you're going to keep face up for their power the third one you flip face down and it is the your bid for that round how many tricks you're going to win okay and then these characters do some really interesting things and you can't keep those characters for the next round unless someone else played Thea same character you can take it from them but it's just such a solid solid game that does not feel like any other trick-taking game I've played and um if there's a learning curve but once you learn those characters it is so rewarding absolutely Stellar production to beautiful cards I love the art um and so Kings trick taking uh had a it did have a Kickstarter here in the state so it is available somewhat um and you can get it from Japan now too but um I would not be surprised to see this get picked up by somebody here in North America there's my number 10 Kings trick takers or trick taking game whatever it is that also means that there are no more trick-taking games on your list that is correct oh the highest trick taking game on Mike's list only clocked in barely I should say at trick taking Renaissance it's a trick taking blip my 11 through 46 are all Trick takers there it is now we're talking I did a top 10 trick taking list 2023 earlier you did great all right my number 10 is Zu [Laughter] it's not I haven't played it um no my number 10 is a fantastic card game trading card game style all in one box and woo boy I love that stuff you know cards with powers and it's all right there there's no need to expand and no need to go get any more of it this is the veil of Eternity I thought this make your top 10 cuz when missed when it was on the surprises you didn't say anything I was quiet like a peacock that's right like that the veil of Eternity is a Wonderful Card drafting card playing combo Ric card game in which you can use this display of cards that gets flopped out there for a couple of different things you might go for one because you want the coins that position gives you yes forget the card I'm just going to throw the card away or you might want to take that card into your hand and then deploy it in front of you all these different you know play instantly and it gives you some ability stay in effect ability it has this really interesting idea of your display of cards can only have as many cards in it as the round we're currently in right so at the end of the first round you can only have one card at the end of the fourth round you can only have four cards so you have to be careful times you play something out because you can and it's quite costly to create a space in your display you have to pay just to like dismiss that thing I really like this one it looks fantastic again it feels like a trading card game in a box um I love that stuff I just don't like most of the baggage that that kind of came game comes with and this has none of that baggage I really like it the veil of Eternity wonderful release my number 10 I usually don't like this this stuff that's why I was on my list I also like the economy in it you can never have more than four coins really clever yeah and you can't make change all these like little rules that are small but elegant I love it my number 10 would have made my surprises list except I put it on this list um and this is one I hadn't heard about almost right before Essen and it made your top 10 surprises and that's path of civilizations yeah man oh yeah man or path of civilization just one man this game is so much fun it just it to me a lot of people were comparing it to the Seven Wonders and I was kind of opposed to that feeling but it really you know if you say Let's Play Seven Wonders I would keep going but we could play path of civilization it's the same kind of thing in in many ways it's a civilization game that's about playing cards and doing things and getting leaders and wonders of the world and all that stuff but really isn't that strongly thematic it's really about moving a bunch of tracks and different things but the simultaneous play the fact that you can play this with five yeah and it's other than table space it doesn't really affect the game much at all right I enjoy that I just I really enjoy I like the tiebreaker rules in it I like the again just the the how fast the game is you when you first learn about the game you're like I'm putting four out of five cards that's it yeah and two of them don't even do anything so I move up some tracks then I take another card that's it but it gets a little bit more involved as time goes by and your choices spiral and you're different than everybody else progession is so fun kind of like forced progression you have to discard a card and take a better one you know I love that feeling of like you're always like time passes on your things get better I love that I'm planning on playing this soon Weight Wise is it is it heavier than seven wonders sure sure well I mean it's it's heavier that there's more things to pay attention to barely okay that's great man if it's fast and it's not overly only a dummy would think that this is heavier than seven wonders check out anyway I really enjoy this one um path of [Music] civilization all right well number nine is a game that is maybe the newest it is the newest game on my li out yet 2023 it's technically maybe not out in like the veil of Eternity you mean um fraternity is out not in the United States it ain't it's in English I think internationally okay so do I oh keep that in mind for my list good um you just gave me a lot you gave me a pass baby I Tom hasn't that's true Tom doesn't matter let's be let's be let's be honest my number nine is Scholars of the South tigers and this is uh the second in the third Trilogy by second in the third the ultimate of the third Trilogy oh yes uh from the the the people at Garfield and and this is what I would consider to be a heavy uh Euro game and I just absolutely love the theme in this one I love this translation idea I mean it appealed to me right from the get-go I know that it didn't work for everybody you didn't love you know that kind of that idea but I love this idea of your list we're not putting any no no I I'm aware trust me Trust me uh he thought PS of civilization was heavy right okay right so let everybody take a deep breath opinion invalid for everything else um now I'm good go ahead Mike tell them about Scholars to be fair I've liked most of the games that this design team shm PHS and Sam McDonald have done but this one was particularly interesting to me because of the integration of the theme with the mechanics and I really love the the just that whole system of what I thought a comment that made me laugh it's nice to see Mike starting to come around and guard yeah look they lost me for uh you know the last several games you know I just what what is this but now they got me back number nine yeah true how many new games even have this year well you know why it is number nine it's because I haven't played it as much as the other games on my list because it's the new it's the newest game on my list um it's great Scholars of South Tigress if you like heavy Euros or I'll get shouted down by some people mid heavy Euros whatever whatever it's really really good if you're not calling as a heavy Euro come on I agree come on this is a heavy Euro I agree if nothing else it's a Euro you got to give me that it is a euro all right my number nine is a tiny game I believe it was already uh in Mike's surprises I want to say um and I'm very glad that this one I think you said something very similar I'm very glad this was a return to form for the designer oh nice this is number nine siberon mhm from uh the aniverse series of games and impatience they are the publisher uh shatty torbe is the designer and this is a solo or two-player game with a lot of neat stuff going on it has this feeling of small rewards small small continuous rewards this feeling of every time you do anything you can turn that into a reward of some kind you complete you're using cards to complete these uh you know targets or you know machine parts or whatever but that machine part once you complete it you set it aside and then you can spend them for another reward and that reward becomes a an upgrade of the first thing you were doing so it's this nice cyclical like just getting better at everything everything you do is just get better at something and it feels really good it retains all the tension of the previous games it's got that weird look I know Tom is not a big fan I have not said this for the last 17 times hates this artist with a passion correct on a on a deep personal level I mean he's written some emails that I would be ashamed to have he hasn't sent them he he writes them and deletes them I've seen them he sent them but he sent them as Joey Evans oh is that what happened okay anyway I really really like this game I think it's a wonderful solitire game if you are in the market for solo game that does not take up a whole lot of room but has a nice quick pace and a fun amount of tactics Siberian a really really fantastic one my number nine all right my number nine is one of the most crossed over games on all the different top 10 list of everybody including contributors I think and that is Thunder Road Vendetta just straight up um and I would like to speak very briefly because some people said you're talking about the expansions thrown into to the Thunder Road you know blah blah blah blah yes I am I'm not going to hide that fact the expansions are amazing they're super fun but nothing kter exclusive I think the the game without the expansions is fine it's a good game I would I enjoy it with the expansions it's amazing I think it's fantastic and I will always play it with them and I love this game because this is it's almost I suppose it's a racing game it just blow people up and this game is just a game of stories just crazy stories by the way thank you Jen for the Super Chat yeah thank you thank you um this is it's hard for me to think about anything about this game I don't like it it ends at a reasonable time it doesn't go on too long it's a big Amer trash game in many ways but but one that ends at a reasonable time it's exciting all the way to the Finish yep um you know if you're eliminated then the game's going to end there's the the the big rig is is a silly way to play the weapons the theming I can see this not being everyone's cup of tea for sure sure you know some people don't want to play this because if you're not into the theme this game is going to mean nothing right right but uh it's it's had its heart if you boil it down and you know who you are if you boil stuff down it's a rolling move it is to some extent I think if you look at this cover and you think it looks really cool you're going to like the game that's likely you mean silly as it sounds that's likely a good test if you look at that cover you're like what does that cover make you think yeah if you're like oh yeah then you might like it yeah so there you go Thunder Road Vendetta [Music] my number eight is a game that is available internationally Z yeah okay this is the the newest game and the biggest game in size as silly as that sounds from this Japanese publisher known as Sashi and Sashi and this is Come Sail Away Come Sail Away yeah I I I I nail I named this one on my review sticks The Landing yeah um so Cil away is while it's the biggest box it's not the heaviest game in there it's a relatively light very very welcoming game that you could teach to I think most people it has uh if you're familiar with the idea of mangala at all it's going to have those things that are familiar to you um but really this is a puzzle uh and and it's a spatial puzzle and it's one that I just feel like is so smooth and elegant I know those words sometimes get overused but that's what this game makes me feel I always say that the word that always comes to mind with his game sashi's games is delightful right I just I feel like they're just delightful and this game is also delightful you're trying to get passengers onto a uh cruise ship in the late 19th century and you're trying to get particular p passengers in particular rooms so uh they they make it as thematic as a game like this is going to be so like if it's the dining room you want to have you know couple sitting together things along those lines you want to have uh luggage going to the store to the state rooms things along those lines which gives you some bonuses this is just a really lovely game and I feel like it's one that would have very wide appeal um and sashi's games do tend to come to to the United States eventually so um I'm hoping this becomes very widely available because I think it has uh have you played this Z you you haven't played this I don't think that board looks very attractive Mike it's not necessarily a board it's a module you're putting out things okay fine I don't think that modular thing that acts as a board sure looks that's that's everyone has one everyone has their own ship so here's the thing though I think that you can say that about the art of any of sashi's games is that it's going to be it they all look I think it looks better like that I don't mind it as a cover I think that looks charming and all as a board I thought oh that looks more prototyping for some reason in that form I'd be interested if you you might still feel that way if you saw I might like the game I'm not saying that right yeah no uh but yeah this has a very particular style this publisher has a very particular art style and then it can be divisive for sure I love it but there you go my number eight Come Sail Away all right stuck in my head all day now mhm my song see you play that game I guess I do need to play that all right my number eight is Come Sail Away come sa um that is my number eight that is my actual number eight you are a punk you are such a punk I knew you played this I'm like I'm losing my mind here this is a crossover with melo's number eight I have played away I got got you got got I got got big time Mike is right this is a lovely game Charming like he said I love the Malala Vibe of this you know what this actually makes me think of the most is uh let's build a train let's build a a bus route yep it has that same like play 12 very quick rounds this game is incredibly fast it really is you're doing but instead of like connections it's Mancala you're playing Malala yep so good so quick lots of nice content in the Box mhm one wonderful wonderful game Mike is right um this I think has the theme the mechanisms the appeal to be a big hit from them I agree I think they you know Sashi picks very interesting themes that might not always have the widest of appeals or come across as a little esoteric I think this is this is something that everybody could get into I could see this getting the yellow treatment like they did with get onard I can see this being one I am on board then there it is all right there you go my number eight thank you Steve for the chat Super Chat thank you by the way I am not do not on my list I'm not lying to you like others now come on it better be this you're number I will say as I'm going through my list there's G to it's going to look like I'm a pretty strong I'm herit trash gamer here for a while number eight is all about theme and that is Freelancers Freelancers which is straight up the sequel to uh forgotten Waters from plat hat where you use an app to go through a story it's a spiritual sequel I didn't say that at all um it it's uh it's in the same series I think it's not a sequel It's it's in the same series us same mechanisms it has a smoother play than than forgotten water and forgotten Waters was one of my favorite games already Freelancers has a smoother play to it and the story is just on fire it's funny but good funny so there's different levels of funny there's there's munchkin funny which is like the one time joke and everyone laughs but Freelancers is just a funny story I I would consider say it's funny almost in the same way that like an Indiana Jones movie is funny like maybe but funnier than that maybe even but I thought it was much more more goofy than that I would say it's funny in the way that like uh Rick and Morty is funny you know what I mean it's almost that okay yeah you're right that's that's well it's a little it's a little less like runchy maybe but it's not if you play with the cursing I've heard okay you go no it's way less R have you seen Rick and Mory no it's that it's got that kind of humor and it's very funny but it's well done the voice acting I think I think I could say this is the best voice acting in any board game straight up not that there's a lot and with all due respect to my co-host on the podcast um but I I thought this was phenomenal and it's a fun game different things can happen in each game it's just it's just an enjoyable romp need to play this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] one all right well unfortunately my prediction was incorrect for this year that we talked about today during our board game sh morgas sport that a single player only game would break into the top 100 didn't happen didn't happen is this the witches game or is that not out yet no that's out um you know I'm actually glad you brought that up it was definitely in consideration the fact that it was so similar to resist kept me from putting it on the list we're talking about witchcraft from Salt and Pepper games no my number seven is a solo only game called Legacy of you yes I know I finally come around to Garfield and they got two games on my list this year so far yes thank you Sandra sandre Super Chat thank you very much so Legacy of you is by shm Phillips and it is a solo only campaign game now I've getting been getting way burned out on Campaign games but this is campaign done right in my opinion where it's an indeterminate number of games basically you're either going to it's a com of winning or losing seven times and that's going to lead you to a particular ending there's a small amount of Storytelling but it's not a huge part of the game what it is is an efficiency puzzle which I love I love efficent efficiency puzzles I love multi-use cards it has that I it has Resource Management it has a really interesting trade system of your resource uh that that I've never quite seen utilized like it is in this game there are like in many games like this multiple ways to lose one way to win although not as many lost conditions as like most co-ops or something basically you can lose by the flood you're trying to clear out this kind of RI this canal before the the flood comes through and so you're staying ahead of the flood or you get overrun by barbarians which get added more and more across the top of the board those are your two ways to lose and what's interesting is that the way it's set up is that if you lose the game you draw a defeat card and what it tells you to do is going to depend on which way you lost if you lost by The Barbarians do this if you lost by the flood do this um really neat really really neat game completely resettable um and you can certainly replay it after you've completed the campaign but probably not more than three or four times but it's still worth it in my opinion not more than three or four times through the whole campign 25 seven exactly right okay there's my number seven Legacy of you huh all right my number seven um I think got a lot of love I think it is still very popular it just happened to come out earlier in the year so I do wonder if it's being forgotten a little bit but this was one of the bigger hits of the year and deservedly so my number seven is earth oh Earth is an excellent game I thought it did a lot of what these other modern games had been doing giant bunch of cards with all with unique abilities all with different stuff that seemed to be a big push over the last few years you know probably best known uh in Arc Nova mhm and a few other games that did it I thought Earth did that thing the best yep it kept its likess it kept its its quick turns it managed to give me this big scope a lot of things growing evolving way different ways to do stuff but it moved along at a nice clip I just had to build up whatever it is these 4x3 or whatever that's the game I feel like I've I've you know I've accomplished a lot in a small time frame whereas Arc Nova was a little long for me I thought it really kind of took that idea and dragged it out a little bit so I really enjoyed this one I like the this feeling of what are you going to do What which thing are you triggering green fantastic and then I get to do all these things on my board as I'm as you're triggering green I get to activate everything I want this grows I get a new card every time you look at new cards in this game you go oh but that really doesn't work with my strategy but I but I want it no I guess I won't like every decision you make is going to be a little bit agonizing in a good way that good agonizing I really like this game it's a wonderful card game lots of um fun puzzles built right into the game Earth is excellent my number seven all right my number seven would probably be higher on my list if it wasn't so plain looking unfortunately I love the game playay a ton but the game doesn't look that great I think and that is Seas of Havoc I agree with you on the look yeah I I'm not the box cover here is fine I I don't really have any strong feelings on this but uh when you look at the board and probably the yeah looks fine and the cards don't have a lot of artwork on him but man this game which is a mix between worker placement and then card play sort of well I should say sort of there's deck building in the game but it's more about getting cards that you want to you're moving your ships around and then just shooting at everybody it's a little Thunder roaded yeah yeah a little bit yeah and you know what actually the game I think it's closest to is the robot game the robot Quest arena because that same thing that when you're just moving things around Bowling Stu up here you doing that and there's a little bit of negativity when someone shoots you because you put like a damage C but there's so many ways to get rid of those everybody's shooting everybody and there's a little bit of almost programming to it too I mean it's like all really light but like figuring out how your ship's going to be and where it's going to end up and and I really love at the beginning there's that smashup mechanism of pick your captain and pick your ship and you're you got special abilities on the ship and your captain get you gives you special cards and that's just a fun combo it is I I'm just having a really big uh I just really love this one it's just a lot of fun I didn't think I I think my review of this is probably lower than you feel now than I feel now because when I was done I went I played it with my kids and they liked it and I just had a blast doing it it's a great three-player game of all things I I played it at four to a lot but the three player just worked really well so this one just missed my surprises list I really liked it I I like rock Manor they're definitely I feel like they're a company which unlike the ones that you're slavishly um slaves of um their stuff is different yeah I know I couldn't think of a good word to do that but no you nailed it I always like to repeat the same repeat stuff is different but no like they have lawyer up when you know the the what's the game they're best known for the the the the apocalypse yes and they have these games and they're very different games I think that's neat sometimes um rather than saying which of the Tigers games is this mhm no I get that ultimate one no a fa I'm being I'm being a little silly but that's not quite true but I do like that they try to it feels like they start not theme first but close to theme first and that's just fun for me yeah so Seas of [Music] [Music] Havoc all right my number six is a game that we actually played live here during our winter spectacular and it's a game that I have a strong suspicion is is actually going to grow in in esteem for me and and and uh I would not be surprised to see this entering my top 100 if it hasn't already um this is the fox experiment from from Elizabeth Hargrave and Jeff Frasier this game really really reprinted by gar game yeah well look I know this is my top 20 I got you here no this game is terrific first of all it's fast it is fast it does not overstay it's welcome one thing it does do is have ridiculous table spread but other than that I think this game is terrific it's a game where you are rolling by the end of it ludicrous amounts of dice but never feels like it's random and completely luck dependent right I I just I never feel like what I rolled had a too much of an influence there sure there are times where you're like oh man I wish I can roll this one or I wish I got a couple more of those wild tokens but for the most part you are building things up throughout the game and I love that feeling of progression especially in a game this short where you start with you know what usually four dice you're rolling on your first p and then you're already in the second round getting more and more if you've kind of gone that route um I I like the uh the scoring of the game I think that it's simple to understand but you've got multiple things you're working for I like the turn order I like i t like when games turn order actually matters and in this game when you're selecting three things at the beginning of every round one of them being turn order that can really be a huge decision and I like it it's not inconsequential it it really matters to the extent that sometimes that is the first thing you select sure um really nice production I really like the theme uh so Fox experiment I just think is a really really good game that I'm just liking it more and more the more I play it and I played it a lot this year yeah quick it moves is definitely a big big plus it there's the newness factor to it right recency biased that I'm like better than wingspan I don't know if that's quite true but I it probably isn't because wingspan has a wider range of difference between games because there's so many different birds right it does but but just to be clear I I know this is not going to be the norm but recency bias is not as much of an issue for the of us because I we've been playing it from early this year oh no no I no we played it last year oh that's what I'm saying yeah so we I've played this game a lot I know it's just got released for most people but we've played it a lot uh so I definitely don't like it more than wingspan I don't think it's a fair comparison they're nothing well the same designer and they're both nature games but that that's my only comparison like I don't think it's any better than Wing it's definitely not in my opinion better than wingspan but it is a really good game mhm and it does its own things which I really enjoy it's its own creation all right my number six speaking of its own creation this is one that's going to get compared to the first creation quite a bit because it's a followup to a giant giant game sidee this is Expeditions wow this made your top 10 Expeditions a sequel to sidee talk about a double-edged sword you put on that box a sequel to side on the good side of that sword you're going to get a lot of people wanting to look at your game picking up your game because they love side yeah the other side of that argument is everyone is going to compare this game to S one of the best regarded games of the last two decades yep that's that's a tough you know Hill to climb I very much enjoy this game because I love car driven stuff and I love that this game gives you a little bit of a lot of things I really enjoy exploration a little bit of it is is plenty for me and I really enjoy that feeling of move onto a tile flip it over oh this is the tile that let you do the whatever thing great my Mech is on there I can take that action action selection this really neat idea where you get to do three things move play a car do the whatever and then you have to always move and do two of the three when you take a rest action and recall all your stuff one time you get to do all three of them it's a minor thing but it's a fun little like you did great you give you a little bonus I love the personality in the game the feeling of those characters and your little companion the setting is even more bizarre than than Sye that's a good point because they got the meteors and all that stff it's sy's world where these meteor meteor rides or meteors or whatever have fallen from the sky there's sort of an alien entity about there something strange going on I love it the weird purple glows and the strange things contaminating people and what have you um I really like this one I think it's a great game uh it's it's sings for me I've been hearing some people say like oh Expeditions was kind of a miss this year and it might be I have no idea but for me this is a really neat design it works for me because I like all the things it's doing and while they each individually kind of feel smaller than side I don't have a problem with that I really like the scope of this one and I think it scales down better than size I can play this at two players no problem where SI is just really do out that good with lower player counts so for me Expeditions was a hit this year and that's why it's my number six yeah the player count thing is interesting because I really like Expeditions obviously um but I wish that the map scaled for larger player counts MH that was an odd decision to me that it didn't right it really is a weird thing I don't get that yeah I just chalk it up to there's always some sort of play testing thing with a a stone Meer game right but yeah no I like this one a lot yeah my number six I almost did not play because it was a large box and I do not like the base game that this is based on at all and yet it's just a fantastic game taals from Red Dragon in um I'm getting a little tired of dungeon crawls there's so many of them I love them but I how much effort it is and then red dragon in I was like ah okay maybe whatever these guys are making a Dungeon Crawl yeah and it's I just love this game so many things about it I love I love the maps are there's 25 Maps when you play through this and it's done everything's on that map the monster stats are on that map the terrain is on the map you open up the map you might need to put out a few tiles based on some stuff going on but the characters themselves level up they have a really neat system where they have these cards that you can use but whenever you use it then you need put like some Focus tokens on it and then each round one comes off but one of your actions can also be like instead of this action ter it's going to take two of these tokens off or something like that and that that's pretty smooth and you have and you also it's not that hard it's reasonable I'm not saying that's I mean you can make it hard too I played on the easiest setting I had a blast and it still was a little challenging but it wasn't like oh here we go again you're killing monsters right and left it's silly fun one of the characters I mean their characters from Red Dragon in today silly things but one of them has a rabbit that this crazed rabbit so if you have that rabbit you roll the die and you see what the rabbit does but might be launching at the nearest enemy and biting it you know whatever it might be it's usually pretty helpful and that's just a funny thing to have in the mix yeah that's fun and the characters also feel very different it is a blast it works well for kids works well with adult has a lot of story in I mean there's a lot of game in there this is so this is like so unexpected I me Nei or I might have made my unexpected you know surprises list um but yeah just I don't know I would just assume that a red dragon in game is like red dragon in and I kind of don't really like those so it's wild that this is so different it sounds so different it is and I did put it to D St library because it's a campaign game and you like almost you don't want to have to resort out all the cards each time that you play it but I did take it home so I can play some more with the kids cuz we just had a blast and I not spoiling list cuz I just played a few bit ago but it made both my kids top 10 five so yeah [Music] nice top half of the list top half of the list now we're getting to the good games that's right let's get to the good games you got to bring that Golden Nugget out every year right you got to got to go with these are the good games here it is he uses it like eight times in the top 100 too I know but finally it's like um it's like a warm cup of like chicken noodle soup it's comforting when you come with that I'm like yes this is an official top 10 now right glad Mike understands thank you for that and doesn't mock me right openly while we're live my number five is is a game that is from a publisher that I really think is On The Rise um it's an international publisher I think sit down games arrived a long timeo sit come on now it's go I give you gold why don't you eat that we're to the good games have some chicken soup um joke doesn't work a second time my number five is life of the Amazonia from uh bad comic games oh yeah I should have known this was on your list oh this is such you're the only person who liked the first one well then no well their first one was shaia which I I really really like and you like I don't me Shia the one that wild serengetti I like too although it has flaws that I absolutely see the main one being it's not a very good game no no I don't agree with that I think it's too long um right that makes it not a good game no I don't no I disagree with that some games are too long and and bad right well that's not one of them life of the Amazonia is a fantastic f fantastic game where you are creating your own little ecosystem your own Amazonian ecosystem in front of you you're doing this by um getting animals uh and putting them onto appropriate terrain for those animals and that's in the service of scoring cards which are going to be based on different things patterns perhaps or types of animals in that certain terrain or their proximity to flowers or trees um all of that sounds very very you know kind of like by the numbers but this game in for some reason just feels satisfying because you've got different things going on you've got the tracks which that waterfall is three different tracks that you can move up that give you Boon and that's satisfying and you've got different animals that have different you know they don't just score one one way you can pick at the beginning of the game which way you want them to score replayability it's got a table presence which is ridiculous at the end of the game everybody win or lose is going to want to take a picture of the little habitat they made in front of them because it looks fantastic this company this uh uh why why am I having trouble I keep wanting to say production this uh publisher is well known for having really nice screen printed wooden meeples right and uh so that was the Hallmark of wild STI and uh it's definitely here and it's in their upcoming game wondrous creatures which I'm s that would be in my most anticipated games if we were doing those love this game life well you know maybe life of the Amazonia my number five so good this was all my short list mhm but a that stupid waterfall and I'm sorry that's a pain in the neck it really is you have to assemble it it's not easy to assemble you actually don't have to assemble it yes you could then no but it doesn't sit flat well either there's not a flat board alternative if there was I wouldn't complain about it then put three side by side next to each other I'm sorry to keep that off of your top 10 I think is kind of petty good a little bit yeah good make a better one okay secondly there are some minor things I think that scoring W it's awesome they're not they're not always easy to understand those scoring things I have a hard time teaching them to new people I'm saying okay you know this matches with this yeah and and there's a lot when you're looking at them you're like okay I want to take this one and I put it here there's a lot of things I like about it it just it feels like it's slightly bigger than it needs to be just slightly okay I love the back building I like it a lot don't I didn't even mention the bag building yeah the game is very good it definitely feels like Cascadia all growed up yes if you are someone who likes Cascadia and you find that too light for your taste you need to take a look at life of the Amazonia yeah I think that's what it is Cascadia has the five animal scoring right is it five I believe so something like that this has eight and that's not even the game there's I mean that's the whole game there's also these things out here that's what I meant by all Gro up y yeah okay anyway great game good choice thank you stupid waterfall my number five the waterfall from this game let's hope it's life of the Amazonia no it's not surpris saww I was on your surprises it's fine yeah yeah it's fine okay my number five is tickets a ride Legacy Legends of the West you have not played this Mike yes played a session of in for Joey right that's right so you've got a taste of it I got a pretty good taste um tickets a ride leg iy obviously I'm not going to tell you too much about the game itself obviously it's a legacy version of Ticket to Ride it it's not one that I would say is I'm trying to choose my words carefully here I don't think it's mechanically revolutionary and I don't think it will be to anyone who plays it I agree okay I don't don't don't go into this expecting maybe if you played pandemic Legacy season 1 and some of the stuff in there you felt was revolutionary don't expect the same feeling this one goes more the tried and tested route yeah you know like there's mechanisms in here that you've seen in other things that will come together well will give you a really fun experience if you like that feeling and you like the setting obviously but if you like that feeling of let's open up another thing let's see what it is now let's see what the what what flavor gets added to the stew now what flavor I'm trying to be careful about spoilers but things come in and things leave um the evolution of those things every game I sat down to play every time we sat down to play this I was excited to have at it again to see those parts come together again I really enjoyed this this is about as as comfort food as you can get with a legacy game that's always changing underneath your feet would you say it's like a warm bowl of chicken soup I will tell you this we're getting to the good part of the list now my number five is Ticket to Ride Legacy Legends of the West all right my number five is not on either of your lists and finally it's a departure from this amerit trash Stu this this game is all Euro all the time and it's also for many people the very visually similar to the tie I'm currently wearing and that is arboria I really love this game wow you liked it that much I really do 10 of all time top five it's in the good ones and not of all time of this year no no no it's all time this game is so much fun I think it's because it lets you do so many cool things on your turn you have these little dudes and they're on these I keep calling them surfboards it's that's not what they are but they're sliding pieces and you can jump off or you can wait till another turn and jump off later but the the longer you wait the more of the stuff you get it's very similar in many ways to Zulan in that regard except it doesn't have the gears it has sliding tiles but it's faster than that and there's just so many different goodies and so many different ways you can score points it's a very Point salad Style game you're building a little tblo in front of you and getting monsters to go to that but that main mechanism of jumping off and then you slide down this path and get all these symbol you get everything you cross it's just so much fun I really like it it like shoots in ladders would you say this The Gamers version of Candy Land yes I would say that that's great okay and you get to you get to jump off on someone else's turn which is also good I like that too you know you decide when to jump off the track it's a lot of fun huh uh and yes I won argue that the the lack of tan in this game there's nothing Tan in it there's not it's like they definitely it's like if if there's a continuum yeah they broke the other end of the Contin that's right yeah I mean they tried to get that Skittle sponsorship just didn't work out but I really was like calm down arberia look okay I'm good with Taste the rainbow but this is ridiculous this is not the only Euro on my list but it's definitely I would say the heaviest one there's a lot going on in it [Laughter] arboria yeah that was the lie you were told that was yeah remember it still stings remember that they had played even it still stings I thought I can trust you is my next one no man that was your first and possibly your last mistake you're dead to me my number four is a crossover see I just come out and tell people uhhuh yeah but there's so many games is a crossover with me yeah no how about that no hold on how about that no no it was going to be but now it's a crossover with Tom wait what really the time canum was exploding in my mind well the only one on my list I could see you you putting on there is the Thunder Road my number four is Thunder Road Vendetta this game um if it wasn't in my top 10 would have been number one on my surprises list because I didn't have any connection to Thunder Road as a kid I probably played it but it didn't make an impact on me all right and the first time we played this first time I played it was here okay and I was so shocked at the feelings that it brought up on me it brought up Nostalgia for something I never had does that make sense yeah um I was like I feel like this game was trying to evoke particular emotions it was trying to convey a play experience right this was not about mechanisms this was not about things like that it was about trying to create experiences every game yeah that's really interesting and that's got to be hard and and they nailed it they nailed it thank you for the Super Chat T thank you um T played way more games than uh Z did apparently so yeah yeah that's a lot of games um this is a game where winning is great but I will always choose the riskier option this age I always will too like if I if there's a chance I could do this jump crash here and do that right we're doing it if there's a way that I could launch off a ramp and there's a good chance I'm hitting a mountain I'm launching off the ramp you know what the thing is though cuz sometimes it works out and when it works It's So Glorious right and actually it's very modular right this game is is it's got so many things and and even just within the base although I will say I'm with you Tom I think this argument is kind of a false argument that oh just the base no just the base game is fine but I always want to have chop shop right I always want to have the powers um I don't need to have everything and I've never actually played a game with everything in it you I don't yeah that's that's Madness yeah right but this mad Madness you know the the fact the fact that the production of the game is not my favorite element of it says something about it oh my gosh yeah because it's an amazing production so there you go my number four Thunder Road Vendetta if it's even a little appealing to you you should try it I haven't played this one yet my number four is Thunder Road are rocking this two times so you forgive me now Mike will you be my friend that one made up for the other one what yes see we're good again we're good again Tom yes now we're turned on it's like when I liked it better when you when Ross and Rachel got back together I don't know what you're talking about is that from celd pivot all right Thunder Ro Vendetta is my number four everything it was on your list just now as well yes yes this is our first three-way cross go everything these guys already said uh gamees excellent uh I like it with I'll tell you what for me base game if I'm playing with non- Gamers yeah awesome game really fun Chop Shop if I'm playing with Gamers yeah that's it and in fact that's all I have cuz I like that box size right it's pretty good that's the box size I can fit Chop Shop in there yeah in the base game and it's about you know that big I supposed to maximum Chrome which is amazing but it's it's a big box so yeah that's the only thing I'll Li these guys said it all incredible game such a fun packed box number four all right my number four is a crossover with z that's what I'm talking about make a guess Z which one is it I'm guessing Earth now it is Ticket to Ride Legacy now I no longer put Legacy games on my top 100 because I don't keep playing them over and over again that being said I currently in my second playthrough of this playing with my family cuz I enjoyed it that much it is one of my favorite Legacy games it is Z's right there's not mechanically not astounding and I would argue story-wise my mind wasn't blown either no no no no that's not really it that's it's weird but that's not what it goes for but it was a fun trip it was a really fun trip there's 12 games and it's 12 fun games that's it and each of the 12 games felt different than the other ones and it's really interesting to me going through now to see the differences because there are differences which I will tell you off camera um now uh but it because just things that are happening in different orders and that changes how this game plays it's also easily the most replayable Legacy game afterwards yes right um and so when we're done playing this a family we'll keep it at the play later that's kind of cool so anyway I just enjoyed it a lot tiet to ride [Music] Legacy physically possible my number three hey everybody bu um we should just have a compilation of all the things that are said on these and pieces yeah let's not do that let's not ever do that again ever again no let's never do it in PR first place my number three is an international game z um and this is a pure Euro uh I've got a couple of them yeah we've already talked about a couple um but this one it's just to me a special game it's osta this is oh wow yeah this is a I haven't played this one yet it's so good I haven't played and I this is actually of all the games on all three of our list have fun trying to get this one well except that a they're in January doing a reprint so you'll be able to back for a reprint with along with an expansion if you want it um and B I'm not 100% I feel like all you needed was a but go ahead but I also believe that it's going to be picked up by a a North American publisher I'm not positive on that that I haven't heard um I mean that would be weird to have both of those things happen Mike it's happened before mik when mik when Mike first mentioned this I went to go buy it and I just couldn't pull the trigger on it was so expensive oh okay yeah yeah it's not cheap um to on the secondhand Market by any means but this is a beautiful beautiful production of course because I say of course because this publisher actually their business was creating wooden components for board games and then they started getting into board games the one that really put them on the map was Aqua Garden which is by the same designer as AA but they have a lot of really good games and the the central uh mechanic or mechanism of the game is a Malala style it it has some similarities to trun as a matter of fact it was listed as a inspiration by the designer they don't shy away from it but unlike trun where you've got these what many people feel are disconnected mini gamess these uh all of the actions on your Malala are directly leading to a shipping you've got you've got shipping lanes that you're going down and so it's not disconnected in any way I also like how the Malala is twofold the place you start from however many ships are in that little wedge are going to give you that many of the resource that that Port produces okay I like start with the resources then you do the pickup drop and take the action of the place you end I love that yeah it's a really neat little twist uh but it's it's significant and uh just a really really solid Euro fantastic looking game AA is one that if you get a chance to play it you should really check it out if I swear if you're number three is AA I've never played it my number three is No One Believes you anymore when you say that no that one I definitely I have not played but it looks great and I like that idea if anyone wants to get rid of a copy for thar Library we're looking for one yeah yeah all righty my number three was um is a game that's had a lot of predecessors but this one I thought changed enough and I enjoyed those changes enough where I knew it was going to come in somewhere important on my you know my end of the year wrapup this is Marvel Zombies a zombasite wow wow Marvel Zombies I'm surprised it's it's highest three yeah it really kind of rewrote the game it changed enough now to be fair zombicide games have been around for a while now and they keep doing iterative changes small changes from version to version they Chang this they change that they take away noise they add a single token for noise they doors are pre-printed they're not pre-printed this connects to that whatever this game I remember distinctly reading the rule book that I think they posted online when it first was on Kickstarter and I would do that thing you probably know what I'm talking about where you're reading or something and you're going oh I hope they change this rule to that other thing and sure enough three lines later I'm like they did that's how it works now oh and I hope that the the I don't know that the noise thing is gone sure enough it's gone it's like oh I hope that your Miss has no longer hid your friends sure enough no longer does that all these things all these changes the game is punchier it's faster there is a much better way in which you draw abilities and they're one use so you go through these and you're like I'm doing something amazing search another one oh now I can do this thing it's so interesting you have kind of again there's kind of two ways to play here uh you being the zombies that's another really really big one where you the players are zombies IES but you can play the other side of actually like that's my favorite way to play yeah you can also just be superheroes fighting zombies they're both really different you know in in many ways you have like hunger Hunger track that you have to keep an eye on if you're zombies but I really like everything they kind of update it you know and it feels way more effortless to play this game now than it ever has before um this is one that's going to hit the table a lot more cuz it's so easy to bring out it's so easy is set up and play and it wraps up way quicker so Marvel Zombies love it I think it's a I think it's the best zombicide version that's ever been done I want to make a quick comment a couple people have mentioned that they see that BGG ranks puts AA as a 2022 release it's not it was it they began delivery in December late December of 2022 so you got it at the beginning of of 2023 overruled thank you how big can an asterisk be massive all right my number three plastic is cool I like plastic in games but you know what sometimes wood trumps that and it does in this game what this is world wonders wow world wonders all right fine just has little wooden monuments the little wonders of the world that are wooden and it looks fantastic you are so proud when you take one of them and put it in your area it's great it's such a good game the the tile laying putting out The Monuments and like Z said and this wasn't your surprises right yeah yeah that whole idea of spend all your remaining actions to get a monument and for someone like me who wants every monument in existence that's a tough rule that's a tough one CU I don't want to waste all my actions doing that but you're going to get some monuments you're just going to as the game goes by and also then you look at your it's such a satisfying thing these polyomino games are always satisfying to fill the things up this this takes that an UPS it a level and it's also an easy game to play it plays pretty quickly and it feels tight very interactive like Mike I swear if you take that tile you know it really is our civilizations will be at War even though it doesn't exist in this game it's great and I am so excited to play the new expansion with all it is is more world wonders care that's a perfect expansion for that game yeah also we have never mind but uh look for our kickstar next year very setting almost spoil massive asterisk we're getting to the good games world [Music] wonders don't give me your leftover stop this is actually I'm thinking about it this this is a little bit of a different top 10 for me for a year top 10 because class can no it's not that um it's that more of my games were from the first part of the year than probably in any of my other pretty rare right releases second half of the year is really the loaded half yeah so you know Osio was there right there and right at the beginning of the year was technically 2022 not 2022 um that's AE this is a crossover with Tom no with Z not with Tom with z although I'm wondering if it's going to be we'll see my number two is Earth yeah baby Earth yes sir Earth this game Z Already eloquently spoke about it and and I I Echo what what Z says to me again this is a game that gives you the feel of games that take much longer and I feel like it is a card game maybe like um this is not a good comparison but like um through the ages is a card game that doesn't feel like other card games you know what I mean it feels like a bigger game Earth is a game that really is just a card game kind of Tableau Builder but yet it feels kind of more than that to me in a still a very short amount of time um yeah I this is one that just I loved it at the beginning of the year I gave it a 10 but I still wa it a 10 it might go down a little bit um but not by much and I still play it throughout the year I'm you know you want me to play it now I'll play now I'm happy to play it I have it has not worn out on me just a spectacular game that to me kind of came out of nowhere I I I didn't know anything about it and when we were playing I you know i' I said it at the time it made me feel giddy I was so and and the funny thing is someone actually and I don't usually talk about comments that were made but somebody made a comment about that giddy thing they're like well of course it made you giddy Mike it lets you do whatever you want yeah yeah yeah yeah what's wrong with that it lets me do what I want to do Anarchy right that's great also restrictive games are great when they're good sure this isn't that g that game it wasn't trying to be I like Freedom more than Anarchy yeah so burn it down fantastic number two Earth my number two is a card game a bit comparable to Earth even smaller but again it gives me that feeling of oh it's that one and then I re and then I played it again and I liked it you want to guess Tom I think I know what it is I think it's far Shuffle no I think it's ancient knowledge oh one of the two of you is right it's a wonderful game it gives me that feeling of puzzl it gives me that feeling of having to be careful with my Combos and this has a great idea built into it in which combos Decay over the passage of time it's ancient knowledge though for Shuffle is a wonderful card game as well yeah not in my top 10 um ancient knowledge is excellent I really enjoy again clean card design a few different rules and things to worry about you have two things you need to worry about mainly the always on abilities those are the ones sitting on your board and then the ones across the top of your board that decay over the passage of time I love that idea the idea that the game found an elegant way to break your Combos and force you to make new ones what a stroke of Genius I love that I remember when the original 51st date came out years ago ignosi the designer had a limitation on every card that it only worked three times and then you'd have to you do this replacement thing and the reason was because he wanted you to replace the Cs there wasn't a reason you know what I mean yeah yeah and in fact he's he's written about it very humorously in subsequent uh printings of the game and the new versions no longer do that thing I think this game manages to still do that thing where you can't do it forever yeah elegantly I love that I can set a card way over here in the sixth slot slot and it works for a long time whatever it does is great or I have one that goes just in in number two and I have only two rounds to utilize it to mine it out or or gain gain the knowledge of of it or whatever I need to do I love that combination just managing cards with abilities is one of my absolute favorite Delights in board games this gives me plenty of that so my number two ancient knowledge you got to try it if you like that kind of game really good game all right my number two I was actually surprised was my number two cuz when I I knew it might make my top 20 and the more I played it the more I thought about it it just kept moving way up and it is a crossover with you I think um this game is amazing and it's just a small little game I've played it so many times this year and that is veil of Eternity I love this game I really wow that's amazing it's so smooth man I just it's great cuz I don't know I mean you I don't think you had even mentioned this to me yet you might have mentioned it in the side and I took it in a pile of games I was like ah we'll just try this one out oh you don't get change that when I first read that rule I was like oh what a dumb I hate lack of change and all that and that's a great rule of this game it's huge oh there's take that cards in it I don't know if I like it they're actually you take that against yourself in this game sometimes because you need to clear out a car right and so there's just so many cool little combos yeah my only complaint about the game would be like I want to see like 30 more cards like a little pack you can plug in there 30 but even still I don't feel like I've seen everything in this game I just love playing it I like teaching it because it's it's a kind of game that as you play it you're like oo oh oh it's just fun yeah it it takes a lot of games that use cards for multiple things mhm and condenses it down and it feels like a ccg with almost a Pokemon style theming and it just makes it very accessible I really love this game so good fantastic give me your [Music] hat should we try to guess each other as number one we should try to guess each other's number ones okay I know see I don't know if I know Mike's I honestly don't know if I know either of yours I don't know either one of yours I barely know my own hang on hang on let me think wait I knew you was a minute ago I was like oh yeah that Z's number one Mike what's uh what's your number one here's a clue Tom you've played it wow thanks thanks you didn't like it very much I don't know what it is but I think you thought it was mediocre my number one is a game that is far from mediocre it's outstanding and it is ice um oh right you told me you when I told Mike I was like that great Mike's like I played it 10 times I was like wait why yeah I have not played this really I haven't played this um yeah I've played the heck out of this game um there's everything about it I think is just again this is a game that that speaks to me number one you've got player powers that are unique but not so unique that you're playing a different game than the other players at the table you're all doing the same things you are playing as um people that are Excavating Expedition leaders who are digging or yeah digging down through these ice layers to try to get artifacts which are represented by those hex tiles that you see on the player boards there so you've got not as cool as it sounds you're just finding you're just finding hexes of different colors no you're you're being way too reductive it's it those how am I they're not different they're 100% different they give you they give you power I mean there's five different colors it's not like like o I found the sword of whatever or I found the binoculars I don't want the sword of whatever I want the one that allows me to do a particular power that I know and I only need to remember five of them I don't need to read a rule book have abilities yeah then then you're wrong Tom you're being reductive yes thank you okay thank you come on now they do something no no I'm saying that but I'm just saying that you it's not like are they boring 100% do I wish Mike would shut up yes but they have different abilities sides I do what I W good sir you also are not going to get your wish cuz I'm not done yet the top layer of ice the back of those have one time use powers that you can play uh which I think is great the I think I think they're two wild and crazy random those Powers not there's also some take that in them a little bit so what you just got done talking about a game that had take that in it I I res yes what you're the worst lawyer wor exactly no this game is is this is I think a special game and it's not just the ridiculously Stellar production I like that you have it really is beautiful yeah you have neutral uh AR Architects that you can use that other players can use I just think this game does so many things well the card play I think is interesting so this is a game that really um you know I hoped would be good of course I had backed it and I thought you know this is if nothing else this game is going to be beautiful on the table the fact that it has a game that I love so much is great it has an action point system I think done right an action point system for the Modern Age and uh and I like that system but I you know you have a point about the old school you know that he makes turns too long that's not the case here so ice my number one3 it's more of a resource management I don't think action points because it's it's going around I mean it is an action point system I mean no you're right different actions take different numbers of points you that's that's it that's the giveaway there yeah we you still out of an argument pleas sorry sir okay you just objection goofball okay Z's number one I am curious if you want to play this game real bad no I want to play AA too yeah I want to play in the library ice is in the library ice is in the library oh hello hello okay I I know I thought of your game earlier but I can't I'll tell you what oh I I think it's a popular number one what else has been number one for people mostly Earth and right you already you already had you already had Thunder Road this already on like three people's lists and it's been like number one twice oh oh duh I remember now Adventures the the unmatched unmatched for sure you get that a 10 yeah it's unmatched Adventures number one is unmatched Advengers Tales to amaz Legends of the West um I really like this Cooperative version of unmatched they came out with I think it's fantastic it's enjoyable it's quick playing Punchy thematic they pulled off an amazing thing above and beyond this game in this box which I gave a 10 to I love it I think it's so so fun and immersive and a a great Co-op but above and beyond that they pulled off something I haven't seen anybody else pull off before and that is take a line of games that's been going now for a few years and go you know what we're going to revitalize all of this stuff by now letting you play it all in a new way it's now all Cooperative go play mhm that's insane to me it's great who does that you know what I mean so that's really amazing they could have just made a an unmatched right Cooperative game it kind of behaves like unmatched you know but it's clearly not compatible and it's its own game that would have been amazing and that's what this is but they can also go get you know Bruce Lee or Little Red Riding Hood or whatever baywolf and Bam throw it into this I think beay Wolf's in it I don't know I think so um and it works you can just play it yeah it's like they could have had a pay wall and they didn't because not only do all those old characters work with this these characters and the one they're going to continue to come out with work with the the regular and match syst it's this is a very not only is it a great game it's a very cons consumer friendly design way to do this yeah yeah um the characters that come included in this the player characters that come included in here are wonderful is there rules for regular unmatched in the box it is for regular unmatched in this box no are so cuz there's no board to play on I think I think the unmatched rules are in the Box it might be I'm not sure um the point being you can play with these characters in regular unmatch to you know competitively you can take you know Nicola Tesla or golden bat or whatever and play those characters against Daredevil mhm it's wonderful the characters in here are amazing and someone says dice Dr did this too but unmatched does it way better it does and I like Dior Adventures this is better yeah so my number one yes unmatched Adventures Tales tales to a maze is an incredible release they knocked it way out of the park my number one yeah and Tom's number one is GNA be there was that one Dungeon Crawl that I think too hard about this honestly is it Earth it's earth oh yeah okay you haven't had Earth on your list okay gotcha I so for me 2023 was definitely a year there's tons of games I loved and had a great time with I had a hard time picking a number one honestly I Earth was I'm like I played Earth the most I had so much fun with it and again it's easy to forget about it because it was so big at the beginning of the year it was huge but it was F it's it's fantastic I like games where I can just do combo combo combo combo combo combo I about the combos I like Earth because I like to pick one of the actions MH and see how much I can make that one action worth and you know what I don't care what you pick in your turn yeah you pick it I'm like okay I'll do a few things I'll do a few things and now we're picking this action right right so Chris says yeah the regular unmatch rules are in the Box because the co-op rule book mostly says use the basic rules with these changes uh okay so I guess you can play competitive right in there there you go so anyway Earth just a fantastic game and I was actually thinking as I was looking at that cover like I I really want to go back to Iceland I want to go find that spot I know because I thought that was like a madeup cover but that's I I found the picture that that's an actual spot in Iceland which does not surprise me there's only one way to confirm that and I think it would be a perfect ending to next year's top 10 do it from I one let's say the three of us go to that spot right now and go to that spot and we take a picture there and maybe stay for two to three weeks then we come back and do our thing at the end of next year we'll do our top of 10 games of 2024 and we'll call it full circle and we'll have a picture of us in that spot maybe holding up sign that says 2024 or something we're not done yet we got the People's Choice all right let's see what the people my goodness me I don't think I was ready for this here we go all right I think uh yeah I think I tell you what's not going to be on there hostia it won't unfortunately not enough people have played it all well let's see I think we're going to show 10 through six first or 10 10 hey hemony wow yeah I'm telling you the people who love this love this game it's it's one of those games that I think we still be talked in 10 years like like an 18xx Style like deer the people talk about Decker still today by the way people come on play some modam they're talking about hon in 10 years well that's because it's how long it takes to play a game right yeah yeah it's about nine and a half years CH number nine light slightly shorter than hemony slightly easier you could you can basically have the heat death of the universe in less time play to be fair running the government will always take you longer anyway true nine last line let's number eight number eight for shuffle for Shuffle I need to play this you thought was my number uh two there for Shuffle is great Mike I need to play it I put it on my big games and small boxes list because it it fits that list to 18 you could easily learn it oh yeah pretty quickly so like it's a little box but there's so much game in there almost picked it feels like Earth like wow junior or not Junior but like I know what you mean okay seven is a a the be death of the universe actually that's pretty impressive this made it on considering the game just came out like a month ago that is very true all right number six the I'm surprised that many people played this I like it a lot it's it's got out there it has got out there and it's yeah it's getting played all right Sky Team okay that didn't make either of your top 10 well I played it for the first time two weeks ago it was not in my top would not be in my top 10 but it's it's clever it's good I enjoy it number four Ticket to Ride Legacy now that one actually surprised me the most because it it literally came out beginning of November yeah and people cannot played it that much but it's doing really well it's getting a lot of Buzz three Thunder Road Road not very surprising there very popular game number two Expedition guess I was wrong about people I thought the same thing Ticket to Ride seems to be getting mixed you know feelings and Expeditions I thought was getting mixed feelings too guess not Expeditions was in the mix for me I it kind of hurt not having it there but and there's number one Earth Earth wow okay so threeway Crossover with well four-way crossover for for all of us but for it was on a lot of people list number ones you and the people Earth is clearly out of touch I saw the voting and Earth is was a clear winner here there was it was not close between first and second um that's special again not to beat a dead horse here but that's a especially impressive since it came out in January right I mean this this game has been out there a while and it's still yeah yeah yeah so anyway there you go folks okay real quick um we're about to end this video but we're about to go to another video so just get off this one go to the next one we're going to be showing you our blooper real for the year and then the winter spectacular shall be over um but two did you like voting on the top that top well Mike is leaving in a bit here to go back to Indiana but he's coming back in January to do the top 100 games of all time um we would like to have a People's Choice top 100 games of all time you can go vote on that now go to uh go down to the bottom of the homepage and there's a spot you can click you can register you have to register with email address that's just to keep us from getting spammed I don't use those email addresses for nothing I don't even know how I can act access them all right so only the Web Master can get a hold of that information but you can vote there for 25 games the order of your voting matters you put your favorite game at number one and we'll be doing that at the beginning of January so we're going to log off here we'll see you in just a second for the bloopers but thanks for watching our best games of the year I'm Tom vasel I'm Mike delicio I'm Z Garcia have fun playing Earth [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 139,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: NWgaBx0vatY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 39sec (5139 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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