Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2024 - with Zee, Milla, and Joey

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[Music] [Applause] tell me it's the future 2024 we're there we're there here we are okay on the list flying car it's in the mail they told meard okay that robot that can make drinks that's happening it is or deliver your food like in the restaurants and the apocalypse TBD anyway welcome everybody to our top 10 my name is z Garcia I'm Camila you're Joey I'm we're going that way my I'm Joey who what start yeah no it's been like a minute okay robot would not have messed that up we are talking about our top upcoming games of 2024 and before we get into that before we get into some some future uh gazing let's talk about the future of the dice tower yes yes let's do that and how you can help secure that future with a simple donation somebody play some C clockin real quick I will remember yes yes bumet that was good I'm about to start crying oh my God anyway folks go to diow and pled your support to keep us going for another year lots of goodies on there check it out uh and uh again show your show your support for the channelate for sure so there we go so um obviously to games 2024 top anticipated things of 2024 yep there's a lot of stabbing in the dark here and this is always the case every time we go back and look at one of these the list we're like okay looking back um this one didn't come out this one wasn't good and you know all that's going to happen and in fact one of mine is a repeat so I go ahead no I was going to ask same question scissors okay I'll go um so I I actually have two that I didn't use because I had them last year and it like killed me so I did not include the repeats but I'm hoping they come up on you guys' list um they would definitely be honorable mentions very high on my list this this year as well I have one I think one that's a repeat for sure that is one of those I was like a unique position CU both of them were like you know this is on my last list last year and I didn't do a list like this last year so it was like oo I can just do everything there go so I should giv you my list of ones that haven't come out you to cover these for me and some are wishful thinking when I look I'm like ah this is it says December 2024 I'm like we all know I have one that is I looked after I made the list and it the kickstarter launches very soon I was like oh okay then I shouldn't have included it cuz I'm sure it's not going to be until 2025 but I didn't realize that when I made ex listed as a 2024 release so I'll talk about when we get there but you know like you said shot in the dark I'd love to be surprised too yeah this is a very hopeful list right and again we don't really know what we're getting here we we're going most of the time on very little information I will ask you guys have you played any of the games on your list yeah I included one that I had played but I definitely oh actually two I forgot I played that one as well but I definitely bumped it down because I had played it and not because I'd like it less but more like hey it doesn't deserve that top point because I've already played it you know I actually did the exact same thing with two of played okay and they're my 10 and my nine I didn't go that far down no no no no no they are basically off the list okay get out of my face if I have already played your game you no longer deserve to be spoken of # Colt of the future I I actually say I probably like doubled their position of what they would have been how about you I think I played Four good nice you a cheater like to be so connected in one capacity or kind of weird so Roy airplan passcode I'm going write that down that in the future I think it's time to not do the thing you're doing Roy's phone now we see what's happen are there comments how I turn that off Wei here we go okay here we go pretty much for can we go ahead Ro go ahead ready I'm ready to I'm ready to do number 10 let's do number 10 all right let's do 10 all right just you know my list is actually here on my phone first it's definitely not you right now that's Z the picture it looks like so it's Z we discussed this fine we all yeah we did there's a whole meeting I thought we said my number 10 my number 10 is a game I've already played and I really really like it uh it is adorable it should be coming out this year I'm thinking Marvel zomes and you have all played as well you've played you've played what have we all played this coming out this we probably all played together oh I wonder if it's crossover already what is it it's flock together oh I don't have that one on oh okay hey spoiler okay no that's how that works it's okay to say you don't have it on especially if you're lying and then you're like psych I didn't have it on that's really funny any flock together as a Cooperative game in which you are various chickens trying to push back against predators moving in on your Turf got it uh you are going to be going out moving around the coupe uh going after grubs and Little Critters attacking the big bats leveling yourself the game is steeped in amazing artwork from Andrew Bosley but it's also steeped in humor and a very light tone a very silly sort of vibe to the whole thing not that the game is easy it's still a challenging Cooperative game but everything about this game feels designed to put a smile on your face yes but not but not so over the top that you're like all right I get it I'm over the puns they're very they're there and obvious but also so subtle in the game they're kind of like game adjacent not Forefront in the game they don't make you laugh necessarily they'll make you smile and I think that goes the distance when it comes to like if a game tells you a joke it's funny twice and then you're like uh right yeah it's if the game makes you smile because it's a little silly and humorous you can play that forever right that's how I feel about that anyway so I really really like this one love Co-op love the art love the vibe of it I've already played it like I said and I know I know I like it so it's not necessarily that it's only at 10 I'm I'm only putting it at 10 because I've played it already so yeah my number 10 flock together I did not include this on my list again spoilers but I think it's because jerk in my mind it's already out it's not out I know that but like I have played pretty much the the full production copy you know and and so in my mind I'm really upset that I forgot that it wasn't out I'm upset in my mind you're not upet I'm very upset we're going have to ask you to leave my number 10 is um a game that is very it's 10 because it's very outside of my wheelhouse and but I just keep finding myself coming back to it I'm really intrigued it's coming from ion game design it's called Samu ramit have you guys heard of this game fun to say it looks extremely beige and and it has like some um not area majority I guess no but okay well let's say your Royal advisers trying to balance cooperatively balance different political threats and natural disasters and things like that during this really tumultuous time of the um you know in a area and so you're you're playing cooperatively and and moving around the board trying to again just maintain these political balances with all these different incoming threats um so you have some asymmetrical player Powers which I'm really full Coop um with asymmetrical you're all different advisers that have your different strengths and area of expertise and I I just I keep finding myself I look at the board I'm like ah it's not really my thing but then the more I look at I'm like this is really intriguing um reminds me a lot of some of my favorite Cooperative games where you have that asymmetry having to have that high level cooperation you know this is this is the specialty that I'm playing into but also I have to do stuff outside of my comfort zone to try and balance what none of us are able to do so I'm super super excited about this one okay okay it looks cool I like that Central image I don't know if that's actually the cover or not that is the cover yes really cool and somebody said it looks very Regal I agree with that it looks very I know ion they they take a lot of pride in in having historical games with a lot of tie to the mechanisms so they they try to be historically accurate as well as tie that theme into the mechanism which is you know I'm a huge fan of that that thematic integration with it so yeah my number 10 Samu ramit Samu ramit samur ramit all right so my number 10 is a game I've been looking for I for a while then I forget about cuz it's been a while you know this is the second iteration and when it first came out Kickstart I was really excited about it but my excitement's kind of Wayan it kind of went back up cuz I know I'm going to be let down but this is seventh Citadel oh I'm so nervous almost made my list it's been too long it's almost like but here's it's and way back down and it's here's the thing if they spent those years not worried about production worried about tweak and modernizing it it looks like more of the same it does and that's what worries me because this one I have not it is not hit the table but I have not gotten rid of mine yet CU I still am hopeful about this game do you still have yours I do still own it um I'm kind of there with you though Joey one of those like I want to like it more I want to play it more yes my main beef with this game is not even the play I like playing it is the if I had a place to leave this game set up and not think about it ever again and just go there like if I could just like press a button and whoop it reappear I'd be good it's that I hate the way this game puts itself away oh it's and it says how was supposed to be easy it is yeah they were very proud of like how nice it is how easy it is to sort of you know press pause on a campaign I mean I will say it is easy it's just time consuming well I hate it it resets the board okay that part that part I had to re explore everything I knew that is not that's not what I what I wanted when you said easy right right that is the biggest thing cuz it says just keep these main ones and then you have to go back to the beach find out what's there now when you've already right yeah this is I don't think I mentioned seventh continent was the first one um people wondering this is the new iteration of this the kind of a Dungeon Crawl I guess whatever it's anyway it's I'm excited it's 10 because it's I'm still holding on to Hope apprehensive that it is what we want it to be absolutely I I think you said it right when it's like I hope they modernize some of that stuff that I just the frustrations with putting it away and having to reset each time it being time consuming um it was a little bit it was so free form that I felt like sometimes you got lost in it the higher player counts you know things like that like I want it to be so much cuz this definitely could be so I'm glad it's on your list I just says just break that rule about leaving only the central thing yeah but then you have to like stack a you know 22 Cs and lay them I'll back out again next time you know it's a pain and then Mike says I was a different person when I backed this it's true this a long time ago and before this I was like I like a game that has no rails after playing this I'm like okay I need some rails some right exactly some guidance it's like okay cuz you'll spend five or six and the first curse in seventh continent was a horrible one to start with the six or seven hour one that's the thing too you can put 10 hours into it and then just die and you're I Che so much on this I'm like yeah not getting that card so okay anyway I'm excited about it but I'm also nervous 7 [Music] Citadel my number nine I've also played we played live here at the Dice Tower and I thought it was fantastic I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this this is a game called forsaken m and it is basically Western Legends for me you know what I mean it's Western Legends and I like westerns actually I'm a big fan of that setting but you throw in a ton of story a fantastic sci-fi setting lots of fun mechanisms working together in this big sprawling thing right and I'm all in I really had a good time with this one I thought it was a very immersive game in a in a setting we often talk about generic fantasy and the Sci-Fi version of that can certainly be true generic science fiction this is not that right this felt like its own thing when I think of forsaken I don't think you know like Star Wars or like Star Treck or like anything else it feels like its own right its own Vibe uh it stands out in all that it stands out as a space game stands out as sci-fi stands out you know in in a couple different Realms and I like the story I like a game that gives you a good amount of story while the game play is still there too this one worked for me I'm very much looking forward to playing some more and like I said we have a live play so you can actually go back and watch that being played so my number nine only here again because I've played already is forsaken nice very good uh my number nine is another Cooperative game and this is the one that I hope kind of gets me back into this tiny Epic um um kind of Realm i' I've played a couple of them but a couple of them have come into my collection and pretty quickly went back out I hope tiny epic cthulu is the exception to that I do love cthulu what really drew me in this sounds dumb but is the spinner I love when you take these kind of dated mechanisms so sad you're so sad no listen Child's Play thing all get your jokes out good hold on I got one more I got to think of it no go ahead I love when you take good when you take these very basic mechanisms like roll and move and then you actually integrate it into a well-designed game I think that the spinner in this has the potential to bring just enough chaos that you would expect from the cthulu Mythos you know and so I'm hoping that it as a mechanism not as the main driving force of the game is that just chaotic swingy nature that I'm looking for um there also going have bag building and push your luck so it seems like it could be kind of all over the map I don't really know what to expect but I'm really looking forward to trying it I am too and your word chaotic swingy really just describes tiny epic games right you but in this theme like that's kind of what you want in this Mythos right you're like you're going up against a great old one it should be like all right we got no chance let's spin the spinner let's roll the dice let's throw something in the bag and hope the right one comes out you know I I just I think that it's very fitting for this and um I I think it looks fantastic of course this is the the painted spinner um mine will look like that when I get it very quickly but um but yeah so I'm I'm excited about this one and hope this is the tiny epic game that I've been wanting out of out of some of the others yeah I agree I hope this is really good I'm like you I I still buy them every time they come out yeah and you know couple months later I'm like I don't regret it you know it's just not long term in my collection a lot of times um what was your favorite so far well obviously um galaxies I think well Galaxy I think was really you haven't played that I haven't played that one Galaxy I think is the best that I've played I think so heard I heard W was good too um but I actually like the zombie ones but again so the setup right and that's why it went out it was just like but the game was great right yeah there's always something that kind of holds me out back so I hope that tiny epic cthulu is is the one that is is the keeper I want it to be so all right so my next game here is um lighter than the last one but it is by oh W oh got it but by bitewing games which I'm excited cuz I do like I think they're hot leads they did Trailblazers and well they also did zuad but you can't betat a thousand but um it's just so but this is spectral and this is a new game it's really about treasure Hunters the whole the board looks great and the idea is that your treasure Hunters going into this mansion and it's kind of deduction you get partial information to cuz you're going to find find out what is in every area where the treasures are where the demons are sleeping demons demons are in this you're back in right yeah but sleeping sleeping demons how do I wake them let sleeping demons lie H I disagree so you're going to you're have this information and it ends when you finally choose your room for your treasure Hunters to be at so is it it's competitive or cooperative it's competitive okay yeah so it's just I mean and the board looks really nice you kind of can decipher these glyphs and you're going to it's partially information for everyone there and you keep that information from other people and you kind of just it's a puzzle Style game I think it looks really good it's a smaller game but I'm excited bitewing honestly they do good games are you out you just she had a spinner and you had a happy look on your face I have a real game I don't know I'm having a hard time grasping oh I'm totally going to play no this look they have a great record I mean in my opinion I think I really like their stuff this one seems a outside of what they've been doing I agree and B I can't put my finger on it's not exciting me that doesn't mean I might not like the game I I love the game probably will but reading it and looking at the pictures which is kind of what we do for this that's about all we got right I'm not going ooh makes that makes me lean in I'm like another game is kind of where I'm at oh interesting you know what I mean I don't know what it is the theme sounds cool but it doesn't it's just not hooking me man h fine I will play this with you I'll play this with you instead does it sound interesting to you it does it's death and demons of course but you know I'm so pulled in by like visuals and the look and I think it just looks fantastic when you're talking about like everyone has that partial information trying to put together kind of reminds me of like that stuff if it's a very simple part of forgive anything for theme like literally anything it could be like this game you roll and then you move exactly what you rolled but it's about you know digging up bodies and she's like I'm in out of 10 also Who's the artist shallow gamer unly yeah anyway it does sound like you have an awkward guest style thing to it too you're embarrassed to me I'm embarrassed just to be in your presence yeah yeah well you have to get over that cuz here we are we got another hour we're all three excited about [Music] it all right here we go my number eight oh I want to give a shout out to a comment I saw Juan Espinosa talking about that clickey clack shout out to that oh just somebody back before was no it's fine you don't have to look for it I'm just someone I think it's someone I know I'm pretty sure Juan is someone I know Juan do you know Z and clickity Clack is uh he knows what he's talking about I know what I'm was talking about clickity clack that clickity clack my number eight does not have any clickity clack it is from it's rolling dice this sound of rolling dice this my number eight is the new game from the root guys this is called arcs Arc oh what I don't know about this T you don't know about this no I'm liking this this is sci-fi route from what I'm gathering I almost you back in do not hate me excitement it was an excitement hit FIU Green Room baby see I know Juan yeah um anyway arcs is two to four players like it says there asymmetric factions I don't know how much information is out there if you dig and dig and dig I'm sure you can find it because people who are into this company are ravenous for information from leader games right I only put it at number eight because I don't really love any of their games any of their big games I should say okay I'm I'm just hoping that this one is the root for me just like for a s is like the Western Legends for me I'm hoping that this is the route that I want to get into because it's got sci-fi and it just looks like a I don't know a theme I like more you know what I mean asymmetric thing I hope the app is quick to follow that'll teach me to play it too well yes um it also seems to have a little bit of their other game um that had that sort of persist persistent thing going on what was that called um o oath yes thank you have a little bit of an oath thing going on but I'm with you with the root root was fine I mean oh you got to be careful saying that boy you need to get the theme didn't pull me this is see that's what and I don't understand why because it's in nature your little animals fighting but for some reason it's just the theme is not pulled me in which that theme is completely my wheelhouse you know yeah the root theme no the fighting little animal factions and stuff I don't I don't know why this is this is more intriguing played on the app I have not played rude in person I've played on the app I have the app I'll let you borrow your iPad um borrow steel you know we'll talk later I enjoyed playing it on the app people I think it's funny that people are like oh root the app will teach you you don't even have to worry about how to play root the app will do an amazing job I think it's okay back up Roy just said it's trick taking for sure wait might be back out this game is a trick taking game trick in it supposed to be trick taking 4X game basically trick taking forx play I saw people playing it a packs unplug like well that's a that's a you can keep your iPad that's a punch in the gut you back to Spectre now aren't you Spectre anyway my number eight is root no second edition let's say all right I'm back in with root I love that I'm there with you on that one no the Sci-Fi things got me hooked anyway my number eight yeah all right um my number eight is one that I'm having a hard time understanding why I'm interested in this game as much as I am um because the first it's not the first this is a sequel to Endeavor age of sale it's Endeavor deep sea which I thought was was fine like I was like Endeavor Endeavor age of sale I was like oh that's fine you know you're out there exploring kind of building up um I was a solid neutral territory on the game you know deep sea again maybe it as I really am is really forgiving because of theme and it's water and instead of going out and sailing with your I don't know bay ship you're like going down in the ocean and and stuff so has Tech trees I love Tech trees um and this this element of going down and and knowing when to return to the surface and so I I don't know I don't know why this one is so intriguing but it's one that I probably looked at 10 or 12 times you know like I just kind of keep coming back to it on BGG and looking for a little bit more information and and it's sticking with me and so for that it's it's not higher on the list cuz I don't know what but it it's got its little hooks in me and I'm I'm there for it I'm there to try it for sure I think this is my number 11 really yeah cuz I like Endeavor I haven't played Endeavor Endeavor is a very streamlined Euro game with a really boring theme like very boring like really 1600s moving around to different continents sailing oh got it you know like the ye old same old theme trading in the Mediterranean kind of theme but the game play is incredibly streamlined very simple it is yeah the reason this didn't make my list is because I'm worried it lose it's losing a little bit of that streamline nature it looks a little more complicated and also not sure if I want that also a of s has the board and I feel like that talking about the Streamline that board is very clean and very clear this going to the cards is a little concerning but again I'm willing to forgive you know based on theme and if this is the Endeavor for me then um I don't know it's your number 11 it's my number eight we'll try it you don't realize trick taking no don't break my heart why you so mean today what you get he so salty problematic you know why you're problematic this is my number eight and it's going to be great and it doesn't have trick taking Endeavor deep sea boom boom all right so my number eight pretty much epitomizes um I know little about this game except for I know some mechanics I'm excited about it it is um weirdwood Manor weirdwood Manor I mean the whole thing is this is crossover you're protecting get your eyes off my list you're not looking at your stupid list up here you're protecting this Mansion here and the whole thing is the manner ever changes and that kind of made me think of like movie 13 ghost with monk you know what it's like how the whole building changes I don't know not Cube who was in that Cube no not ice cube the movie Cube I've never seen cube is that it's called where the rooms change yeah happens to 13 ghost too right yeah but no one saw 13 G I saw 13 Ghosts it has monk in it I'm there who's monk the guy but Tony oh oh got it the actor from monk got it I forgot that's true name all anyway so this one looks really good I like the everchanging board on it and the theme pulls you're very being very quiet on this the theme really pulls me on this one this looks really cool I love the spinning board the um again like you're like I'm sure you're going to say the theme the vibe the spooky Manor thing the this looks awesome scarabs on there that come out I mean yeah the artwork is great Co-op I think it's competitive competitive okay we'll talk about it when we get um I have heard of cube I just haven't seen it I need to watch thank you Robin how has Joey not heard of cube all right I agree the movie is the person it's a movie oh you haven't heard of it either well that doesn't really back my play here I've heard of it I remember that cover with the sort of images and the big eyes of the F yeah is it any good I don't think I've seen it I just know the cover the fact that he doesn't know what cube is that's totally your era okay I know a cube is I just haven't I know what a cube is fine you know what weirdwood Manor is my number eight is it competitive or Co-op it's not [Music] [Laughter] [Music] important not ice cube movie dude I thought I thought like 13 ghost is Ice Cube and 13 ghost I really forgot think you're thinking of uh he's Ina yeah and he's also in the one with the no that's who's in the I forget it um ice cube is great he's in the in the loud order the Vin Diesel movie Ice triple XX the Vin Diesel triple xx movie he did a sequel did he really yeah he stepped in I don't know if he's the same character or not but anyway my number seven is a game called aberration and I wonder if you didn't see this one cuz I feel like it might have ended up on your list you seen it didn't tell me about it you know I love tentacle beasties my faite Power Defense game there's not a lot of information about it but it looks really cool I love the vibe I like the look of it please yeah absolutely this one that's kind of all I got about it it just kind of looks cool and I like the I like Tower Defense games um oh it's kind of giving me U what's that one Castle Panic Vibes just from the board there right yeah so everybody everything's kind of coming in and you're defending the the center you know of it they they' somehow mastered Castle the whole castle defense thing with Minis and the box is not the size of house and tentacles and the box is not the size of a house yeah you seen the new Castle Panic it's like Min so this is nice my son could live in that it's probably bigger than his room hly I love the castle defense system in theory you know I would love to see what they've added to it I do like that and I think they make they make a few Castle Defense type games there's not that many but yeah but I still it's it's one of those things that if I hear it and you know there's a few things like pick up and deliver or I SPL you choose Castle Defense falls into that category for me where if you say oh it's a council defense game brand new coming out especially if it looks like this right I'm like who I'm perked up I want to know a little bit more perked up he is this one looks good yeah can you yeah good it's coming from its publisher that makes sense that's my number seven aberration okay all right asking me all these questions you got you're about to get grilled okay my number seven who's the designer who's this I don't know the designer but it's coming from cardboard Alchemy luk Lory oh cardboard Alchemy is it Luke Lori Luke Lori H Lori that say right yeah yeah nail it who what is it do you know what it is Luke Lori cardboard Alchemy it is a sequel successor I guess Glory doing the sequels of the big dragon one uhhuh to dwellings of elderil yeah I don't know what it's called andromeda's Edge oh this one is again one that's kind of a little outside of my wheelhouse cuz it is this area majority but it gets me with these individual factions that you're building up that you're going up different tracks you kind of are building your own engine to really play into your asymmetry as you go out and you explore and try to dominate and dice rolling as you're fighting just a lot of kind of stuff going on uh but again so with the area majority not one of my favorite mechanisms but there's a lot of other things that I really like going on in it um that I'm hoping I can play more into that as I build my own asymmetry coming off DW dwellings of elderil which I've not played but I know um Mike really likes and everything he tells me about it I think I would like it too I just haven't had a chance to play um so anyway yeah super super excited to see to see what um what's up with this one and also I mean someone just said space me I'm kind of there with you most of the time I'm very neutral ground on space but this one it looks cool to me I think it doesn't look like just another black hole space game you know kind of black old space won't you play something in drama's Edge black hole space I'm done um that's my number seven Edge if I was a bigger fan of Elder Veil I would be more excited for this so have you played you have played Elder Veil dwellings or whatever the place yeah I've played okay all right got it it's fine yeah but again I I like the idea of of the second kind of iteration of it sometimes hopefully it streams lines a little bit cleans it up things like that so but again haven't played so yeah that looks good I we will see that's a great cover too yeah it's really good yeah again it's it's space without feeling generic right you know I like it so yeah number seven andromeda's Edge all right so my number seven is probably the first crossover m and yep and that it does not yet but this designer does listen so if we recommend one who knows but this is uh with Z this is flock together thank you flock together is I did remember this was coming out this year this is so mad I forgot about it it's so it's almost not tongue and cheek because like shellock Holmes and you've got EGA Christie the other thing there's so many things with this artwork is great I mean obviously Andrew Bosley the design is good but the components are just wonderful and that's why when you get a prototype it's normally not this nice these are it's really good and the fact that it's gone through so much play testing that he listens to little tweaks like now there's a difficulty setting they're going to have where you can make it harder or easier depending on who you get those bosses and the fact there's been that much R&D going into it really makes you excited about the game the final product you know because I know this could be really hard but giving that scaling up and down yeah I really really like this game it is and I think it it you know from the plays I've had it's really flexible game as well like I think you could play it with your daughter um I could also play it with my hardcore gaming friends it's a really uh versatile game that way yeah and he was at a game day he had this and he played it non-stop people just love I mean obviously the artwork pulls you in fans of everell and all that but it's it's hard it's difficult love it flock together good pig [Music] [Music] Joey okay all right my number six is the one I know the least about in fact I couldn't even find another picture for it just a cover oh that was it is hard to find pictures for some of these by way yeah maybe Mike found one but I don't think he did so my number six is called Grand Central sky Port oh that cover is from Andrew Bosley and the game is coming from 25th Century games those two things together that's enough for me then I guess uh Mike found IM pictures what's the food down there by the way you're so young there on the left wow cruise from the cruise oh that's the one he sent you when he said that there was a the night there was shrimp in the in the wind J hammer and he said it to like pictures shrimp alert shrimp oh all right yeah those are not the final components uh I could I would not expect them to look this good even if Andrew Bosley is working on the uh inside artwork as well yeah it just sounds cool I don't know it's the idea all you get is like the reading the description you know like on BGG you can look up the description of the game um the idea is it sort of seems to be a logistical game in which you have these um airships so it's this steampunky kind of thing airships as they come in they're going to push other ones out and you need to like send them where they need to go so I don't know if that entails managing where they end up root building if it entails sort of like you know pipeline kind of logistics okay I'm not sure how it's going to play out I just know that it looks amazing and I want to try it thematically super right cool theme I love the artwork I like the setting and the vibe here so yeah not a whole lot else I can say about this one because I don't know a whole lot else you like the steampunk theme I really yeah yeah well I was going to say I love seeing Andrew Bosley doing the artist here doing something other than what he's known for he's known for the cute creatures you know um and so seeing it's I don't think this is outside his comfort zone I think it's outside of our knowledge base of him or our comfort zone and what he does kind of he did the Trailblazer game right isn't that him he did John M tril yeah so he did this is kind of again it's kind of in between that that one yeah you like kind of in between that and and some of the more cartoony stuff I really like the look yeah he is everywhere right now and and it's I'm I'm ready for it it's fantastic absolutely uh anyway that's my number six grand central skyport yeah it looks good my number six is a game that we have played live um I was not part of the live play but I was intrigued enough about it that I kept the Prototype and took it home so I could play it that's where it and um what that's where it is that's where it is yeah I was that excited about I was like oh fine and I really enjoyed it uh this is creature Caravan coming from Ryan locket with Red Raven games I what pulled me in honestly from this one again the theme but I love uh Ryan Lockett here kind of going back to I think he says the roots of his art like this is the art style that he did when he was a teenager and he wanted to go back to that rather than the sleeping Gods um and I just the more of the line work and stuff just find it so sketch Booky and I I absolutely adore it but uh on this game you are traversing a a long board here you know in not hex grid movement as you're going trying to get to the end but you're making your own path through it so you're kind of adventuring trying to get as far down this path as possible lining yourself up to take different actions I love Tableau building so in this one it gave me kind of uh like almost fantastic Factory Vibes you know where you are yeah yeah buying different cards and playing them in your Tableau and then rolling Dice and using those dice um to trigger the cards based on the rolled results you know and trying to mitigate them and just set yourself up to get the most victory points you know so has some resource conversion has some adventuring in it um we played this live as well by the way if you want to watch a play of it you can see it on our channel right absolutely and I will say also I don't know how I didn't catch this is that maybe maybe BGG I I just kind of look for through BGG and I say you know 2024 to 2024 right like yeah if this is maybe tagged as 2025 is possibly how I missed it but if this is coming out in 2024 that's a major boo boo on my list cuz this would very much be on my list kind of like flock together for me where it's like oh no you played and you thought of it like you you didn't think of it because You' played so much of it maybe that's what I'm saying but it's a boo boo CU I didn't realize it wasn't you thought I mean you thought it maybe wasn't coming out too too far too far in the future if this is 2024 on BGG then that's my bad and it should definitely be on my list I am stoked for this game I really liked my play of this Dido for Red Raven game it kind of took me back to um took me back to like above and below which I really enjoy that one because it is such a I say simple game you know even in Rome like it's it's not very complicated from your first turn you know what's going on and then it's just about finding the synergies you know so it's not going to be this epic sleeping Gods it's not the now or never or the near and far both of which I really like but this seemed more about like above and below weight you know a little bit more streamlined a little bit small single game session kind of scope and I was really excited about that I think that's why I liked it too it's approachable yeah it is you know and still with a story right yeah I can see this game even just based again on Prototype type plays as being one of my favorite games from the year whatever whatever I would also say this would be some saying it does say 2024 and B if so I don't know what happened so I will say this would also probably be the Red Raven game that hits the table the most for me as well because that approachability I agree you know like if I'm if I it would be a frequent kind of play so anyway yeah right up there with it creature Caravan Red Raven games number six dang I nailed it it's a good one suck and it would have been higher had I not played it but this is one that I bumped down because I had played it stupid all right so my number six is a deduction Style game one of those that I sat down I have played the Prototype of this not the finished one but I I sat down thinking I am not going to like this game and then towards the end clue I it's no it's similar it has a spinner but um no it's it is a message from the stars and this is by all play okay and this is a deduction the whole thing is um you've got two teams and you've got one that's trying to give a message from space and the other one's scientist trying to decipher a message and the whole thing is they're going to send you a five that's times two so everything will have a value it doesn't but once you start writing it and sliding it over MH is it Cooperative or competitive it's Cooperative okay so you try to get messages back and forth with number values and you Circle numbers to figure it out and at the end you get points depending on which numbers you figure out or which letters you figure out you played this right you said did we do the live no is it I don't believe so is it kind of like decrypto but with letters rather than not really I don't know what I compare it to huh I can't think of anything but it's one of those that everybody they supp played on the cruise I think he had it out a couple times on the cruise too I've heard good things about this one yeah and the new one actually looks like they've done a lot more as far as artwork and stuff Mike is saying we played it live Mike K here not delet did we play it live play Live okay okay yeah I've heard I've heard really good things I tend to like deduction games like this yes it's also the exactly the kind of game that if you describe to me as you're attempting to do I'm like I just GL I'm like why I got to see it and do it and that's why when I sat down Joe from all plays like described I'm like I don't want to play this but then halfway through you're like okay I almost have it because it's a puzzle that's solvable all the information is there for you and that's what I like otherwise I hate the ones where you're just kind of scringy competitive unless it's about unless it's about killing people with tentacles or something that makes sense in a SP it's like fine yeah so um yeah this was really good met the Stars I think it was a Kickstart I think they also have um I think it's available this year I know like I so because this I double check some of these I checked this is mid year this okay got it perfect I have one [Music] that my number five is a reworking a reissuing of a game I know I like and I'm excited for the new edition the legendary edition they call it it's encounters legendary encounters it's sickes oh I am excited legendary edition didn't they just redo this wow is that there's like already a second edition to this right no this is it this is the second Edition I don't know what you mean um they crowdfunded this bad boy it's coming out this year at some point I don't know uh I've enjoyed sities for a long time they have a few expansions to the original game and they kind of went back to the drawing board on this one I think it's reworking some things but it's also taking some of the ideas from the expansions and they're just in there now you like the original of this I like the original My favorite way to Play Ces is the original based game with the Titans expansion okay the Titans you played then I have not I've got it you played this game at all that's what I'm saying no I've got it all right but I bought it at the flea market because I wanted to try it but now I'm like do I just wait okay so I'm that's where I kind of am yeah um I've liked this game for a long time it's a Bruno catala game right and I tend to like his stuff this is a bigger game than a lot of his stuff this is like a troops on a map kind of game and you are h ing or basically bidding on the powers of these various deities in order to and if you win them if you bid the most on them and you win them then you get to activate their ability which is you know putting out new troops marching your troops drawing creatures from a creature deck of whatever doing stuff deploying your Naval units that sort of thing I'm really excited to see what they do with it kind of How It's tightened up what they've added in from the expansions what's brand new second editions of games like this tend to always be a little bit stronger right you know um the perfect example is I thought the Cleopatra in the Society of architect second edition was very good mechanically was a very nice sort of tightening up of the original I just thought I just had issues with the components in that game okay you know the car quality I thought was kind of ridiculously thin especially for a game that every other component was like so insane but you didn't pay attention to your card quality that seems weird to me so I'm hoping that this one doesn't run into anything like that that it's a fantastic production um yeah it's a good one I think you would like it Joey did you play almond Ray when we played recently yeah so this has a similar mechanism where you bid on a God and if someone out bids you you need to take your bid and move oh what did you call it the um I don't know scoot bidding or something yeah okay get out of here bidding so this is a similar to that yes you have to move you can rebid on the same I did like that you can't rebid on the same one okay so I really like that mechanism anyway CES legendary edition my number five it's a good cover too and some people say Cades and yeah Cades uh you do you Evan Buu cles uh my number five is the game that I feel like I've had multiple opportunities to play but I just haven't because it's always at conventions when we're busy but it has been out and about quite a bit out and about it is the first game coming from Pika which is the sister company to Fantasia so it's going to be the like Lighter Side of gaming do you know what this is flow flow something like that flow it is y flow so this is supposed to be more their uh family weight kind of game line supposed to be what who Andrew B Bosley again he is all over this place Andrew Bosley fan girl okay yes it's true he is my favorite I know y trick taking hydr love what this doesn't have trick taking I looked no so that does have contract fulfillment which I really like and it has this um kind of exploration where you have your base camp and it's in thiso frozen tundra here and you have to go out and collect different resources to do a contract to get resources for contract fulfillment and Adventures with a little bit of story things like that but because it's a sh and Tundra you also have to manage your warmth and know when to come back you know and I really like that that element in games where it's like you want to go really far to get more stuff but you also have to come back and making sure that you're planning planning that as well so it's water um it's it's winter it's cold it's Andrew Bosley it's Pika I really like what Fantasia has done this is the one that I was talking earlier hasn't kickstarted yet I didn't realize that I thought it was a direct to retail release I didn't realize it was going to crowd sour uh CR funding so I'm sure it might end up on my list next year but I am hopeful because we've seen it at gosh for over a year now I mean I remember seeing it this I agree with you hold on you're telling me this isn't hasn't even gone to crowdfunding yet I've been seeing this cover for a solid Year yes right and so I thought this was like going to come out pretty soon I did too so I thought it was direct to retail and it was it's not it's going to crowd that now have the kickstarter pre-launch page or whatever they might peek early with this with this much again it seems like they started building Buzz way too early if they haven't even gone to crowd surfing or crowdfunding yet you know again the the main company Fantasia I know they're still working on unconscious minds which hasn't come out yet so that's again I I don't know where this is going to fall but um but I'm also okay I'm okay with them taking time and developing early and I'm fine with that I just think maybe releasing the cover this early like a whole year or a year and a half before you ever even crowd fund might be a little too early maybe yeah so so I don't I don't know if that was their intentions you know I can't um okay there we go Angela says it was delayed for a year was supposed to crowdfund in 2023 that's what I thought there was some delay there and I don't know what that had to do with um so anyway that would that would check out kind of with their timeline but again I'm I'm a fan of Fantasia I'm a fan of the development they do and um and and their style of game so I'm I'm definitely intrigued by this and pulled into it looks good yeah that's my number five Flo all right so my number five is actually another crossover surprisingly with Z I said not and this is Western Legends in space foren let's go this right here that's why was quiet on this it's sounds like when I first thought about this I thought this would be very very sci-fi Western so I was thinking like Firefly type things but this is um one of the designers this is Travis chance who is very heavily involved in Western Legends and and I love Western leg one of my top 10 games this one it's again sandbox but what I like about this is every character seems to have a bit more of a storyline they do in Western Legends right they were a bit asymmetric in Western Legends but they kind of that symmetry just helped you with what you do that's it this one you can have branching story lines as you progress through the game based on who you are based on who you are not just what you do right and that right there I really like the fact that this game will change every time you play it depending on which characters are involved and who's playing those characters because there's so many branches with a storyline in that this is I'm really excited about this one and I think I played it at West no East two years ago or it's another one we've heard about another one that's been it's like oh finally it's going to be out you know so I was I was surprised to see this is coming out so soon but I'm pretty excited about this again sci-fi Western that type of thing I'm pretty excited about I'm there with you man yeah absolutely looks great all righty my number four is going to be adorable it is called Defenders of the wild oh my goodness Defenders of the wild here has that same art style that a few other games recently have had um I'm trying to think uh there's like a couple two or three games that have recently come out that all have this very children's book style to them MH this one seems to also have quite a bit going on under the hood this is from Henry otoban that's I recognize it who's done quite a few games at this point yeah and I find his games while very enjoyable including the latest cosm octopus very enjoyable his games do tend to have kind of a similarity to each other which is right they have similar fine that's sort of how that that's how designers tend to work except for this one I think this actually looks very different from the other stuff he's done and I'm very intrigued by that I love the theme you are these little forest animals Forest creatures defending against the robotic Menace that's moving in on your territory okay so you'll see the meep there are little animals and little whatever and then the other ones the gray ones are supposed to be little like metallic robot little bits um and you are of course you know moving around the board populating taking actions trying to defend uh you know the wild it looks great I love the vibe I love the look of it I'm very excited for this one I forgot about this one that's yes took me actually admit until you said Henry Alon I was like oh that's right like I couldn't even place it a I'm worried about it falling through the cracks actually because it looks like other games right is this retail or is it I think it had a crowdfunding already yeah it did I think that's where we talked about it we talked about it being Kickstarter or something I don't know where surfing I think we covered it uh yeah I'm really psyched for it I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this good call good call good memory that's my number four glad all right now my number four is the other one that I have already played but I'm glad because I think if I had not played it I don't know that it would have been on on my radar as much it's coming from inside up games and it's going to be draft and write records yeah um it would have been I mean probably like at least peripherally on it just because that's coming from inside up games who had Earth who did Earth and so I really trust kind of Connor's eye on on choosing games um but this is going to be a drafting game with a the the roll and right kind of mechanism here so you're drafting cards in order to not only form your band and you're looking for synergies in them but you're also trying to get your whole crew as well so you're going to want to have a sound guy and you're going to want to have a manager and you're going to want to have all these different personalities but make sure that they have these synergies which are represented by uh these color connections so you want to have the right colors connecting and as you place them and draft them um in your little Tableau but at the same time you're a traveling band and so you have to also plan your trip and as you're drafting these cards it's going to help you fill in different areas of your of your map here which will combo off each other you know if you fill up up here if you get this whole Road done you get a bonus which will you know allow you to plan your trip a little bit more maybe change a color Synergy something like that cool so it's just a I don't want to say a typical rle in right but that one where you have that combo Centric that you're looking for but it has drafting in it which is one of my favorite mechanisms and um I really really enjoy this I played it at Essen and u i I was really impressed actually because I um Connor who is with inside up games here I played it with his daughter who's only 11 or 12 or something like that and so at her but then it was the rest were hard Gamers that we're playing with and so again just showing that scope that I think something like this can can reach so super excited about it I think the theme is fantastic it's very well integrated in it uh it's kind of an under represented theme I think in the hobby music themes are not that prevalent yeah they don't they don't yeah um and so I think it's really cool and just such a neat produ it's again I'm sold by theme right here and the little integration of it I love that the cards if you look at them the linen finish is actually like a record and so it circles out from the middle instead of being a typical like GD so it's little things like that like the cards have this Lin finish on it that looked like an old record and like like little things like that so I love the production I thought the gameplay was intriguing a lot of difficult choices in the drafting because you're looking in the game one of the games I played um nobody could get a singer so I finally got a singer but it didn't match the Synergy I needed so it's like oh do I take it do I pass it on because then they get it what if I don't get one it's just a lot of really tough choices too in a very short gameplay so draft and right records really really excited definitely would have been higher had I not already played it but um yeah can't wait to but if you had played it it wouldn't be in your list I know right what would I do I don't know already decision it's a cat in a box it is go ahead Joey all right here we go number four my number four is my lucky duck games and I just went off of it but um it is excited about this it is dark quarter ah yes I'm so glad you excited about this Destinies but all growed up it sounds like Destinies mixed with Chronicles of crime and a little bit of detective that modern crime board game it's from that Designer from Evan Derek detective City of Angels yeah so I'm like I love the idea of this the artwork is great and lucky duck is doing a great job you know with this type of stuff this one again I'm hoping it comes out this year cuz it's supposed to be out last year wasn't it it was this is so it's not on my list because it was on my list last year this is one I didn't otherwise it would have been like one or two like it this is I am so stoked I love love Destinies I love Chronicles of crime I think I probably like Destinies more but I don't know chonic of crime yeah but they're both very very high for me and oh this dark like Louisiana theme with the oh so super little supernal yeah that whole Voodoo like yeah I like New Orleans thing in that setting in the 80s or what ever such a unique set of it really fantastic and that cover is great so I'm excited to see what they do with both of those Chronicles and destinies you bring those together little detective in there like you said so I about this you said I didn't say nothing he said it all said good choice Joey thank you I like [Music] it my number three was mentioned already but it's not a crossover you mentioned it in passing uh my number three is unconscious mind oh got unconscious mind I don't remember if this was on my list last year or not I feel like again uh these guys at Fantasia Pika or P or what whatever I they they really announce way ahead of time I guess you know what I mean they they put out information way before Games come out yeah this one had production delays I believe okay um so yeah I'm excited I don't I have not played I know you played a demo of this at some point I played like one round of it you know kind of thing right um it looks great I love the artwork I love the vibe I I understand it's a pretty crunchy Euro game but the setting and the the theme and the look put it firmly on my anticipated list I really want to check this game out it seems like such a it seems like such an a grownup game and I don't mean that adult as in like the stupid adult connotation as in like a game for adults it seems refined it seems elegant it seems like a you know a game that's I I want to sit in like a suit while I play right seems very elegant and I'm excited about that I want to check this out so yeah my number three unconscious mind such a good pick I don't I don't know if it was on my list last year I think it was it's been one of those been on these it's been dragged through these lists for a year now or two so yeah yeah that's why I didn't being just fantastic it's so good I love that the two artists coming together one the real world one the dream world you know so that way they mix the art styles in there is so fantastic this is I'm stoked about that game my number three is a crossover with Joey coming from grey Ridge games oh it's Cooperative weirdwood weirdwood Manor D didn't know Cooperative sort of to be fair I don't you know I don't want to talk all right we're wood man it's Cooperative I love this idea of the rotating board that also as it rotates you're blocking off different ways that you can get through the manor the board is changing some like the cube yes some of the rooms slip over as the game goes and move around I like the idea that the actions you take cost time and as time passes you're actually running the clock out of the game as well so ultimately you have to defeat this big bad boss before you run out of time so you really have a lot of things to balance and plan ahead at the same time you're all asymmetric you know where you are you have these unique cards and actions that you as the player can do and you have to I love Cooper Cooperative games that force that communication and force playing off each other's strengths and picking up the slack as you can um I think this looks really a unique blend of a lot of those those different mechanisms that I like so I haven't played this but the look of it looking at the image there it reminds reminds me or it makes me think of a Cooperative version of that one with the big angel from Gray Fox oh EOS yeah it kind of looks like EOS a little bit the big spread in front of each player the big tall long card thing interesting you know what I mean like the round board the round board and the big tall cards and each player having kind of like Columns of stuff makes me think of like o it kind of looks like eels but this is Co-op and I really I like the better is this yeah yeah you lock the things Spin and you lock them with these little scarabs I remember seeing the scarabs on the crowdfunding and they were like really cool little uh you know Kickstarter upgrades or whatever yeah this looks great look it's not on my list but but it looks fantastic I'm super excited about this one and again just you have that little bit asymmetry but also you're getting cards and powers and when do you play them to advance the uh you have to you want to play the cards within the right time of day but also make sure you're managing time passing so you're not running the clock out too much again just a lot of a puzzly together um togetherness so super excited for weirdwood Manor my number three I agree okay so my number three was a game that um I did play I think we played it live here and I wasn't expected to I didn't think I'd like it as much because it's in the role player universe and role player was one I'm not as enamored with but this one it's totally different it's um Stone spine Architects this right here uh did you guys play this with us I don't think I've played this this is pretty much where you're building an architect of a of a dungeon and you were building a tableau you're putting the building the dungeon in front of you with the different laying out your cards and you're going against a blueprint and different scoring objectiv you have to get certain cards next to other cards and I like I like building the Tableau in front of you and it's a drafting game so you're going to draft those cards but I like the um I like being able to put those out and then on top of that having a path that leads from certain exits deeper in the dungeon and you're creating those places to go while there's treasure and monsters and you have to have that Synergy between the Cards you drop I like this game a lot is this kind of in line with cartographers it does seem like that it gave me that I feel like yeah so that right there I really enjoy this I mean number three is pretty high for me for a game I didn't know I'd like this much there's you played this a little bit you said I did I played it here live and I actually took it back and played a couple more times there's a Simplicity to it that really intrigues me you know that's comforting right it's like sometimes like yes I can get it you can get it the rules are simple but then to get those higher points with those Blueprints and those higher to score I really enjoy this and the artwork is great also apparently you did play it live yeah he said I thought you said you did he did yeah Chris and windy and rod rod okay all right yeah so yeah it's it's I think it's really good even if you don't like role player take a look at this it's totally different obviously but I would compare more to cartographers I think than role player okay yeah so it's good very Stone [Music] spine my number two is from De and dev has quite a few things coming out they're one of those companies that just I think keeps on moving up they keep making really interesting games they're not all hits but they have a very I don't know they have a good look to their games and they seem to be on a like upward trajectory as far as what they're putting out putting out hits putting out really well finalized games this one looks fantastic it is a game called sand and it is um in the same world I believe as a previous game they had that I didn't like very much and we called Sil I believe in which you were like a farmer in a fantasy world and you were like taking care of these silk worm SL cow things I'm in it was not very I didn't like it very much it just kind of didn't really work for me this looks amazing to me and it is a pickup and deliver game that it's hard it's core okay I don't think they make enough of those I certainly like that as a central mechanism the look here is very very fantasy world but it doesn't seem again sort of run-ofthe-mill it's got its own look the Sand Dune sort ofes vibe to it is really working for me the whole thing just looks warm and inviting yeah I agree I like that board I really like the way this is looking and I like pick up and deliver games I just don't think there are well a enough of them but B engaging ones you know I'm hoping this one really sinks its hooks into me because I'd love to get in there and play around in it it just again it it is one of those games that as soon as I came across the image I didn't I hadn't heard of this one I came across the image and I came across the image of that board and some of the components and I was like immediately like I want to play this right now it looks so good and captivating I pick up deliver I like but it's hard to find an approachable one that so this one looks very de's doing a great job with these that's what I'm saying too that's the other thing I'm like okay maybe but from De with this look going be well finalized liking de I don't I don't think I've loved anything yet from them but um but this one looks a lot simpler than like the silk you were talking about Sil is very simple actually silk is a pretty small game it's abstracted is what I you know it's very abstract this one looks a little less so you know he had that Moon one I forgot what that was called I really enjoy by D and of course white cast yeah CLE sand looks awesome I'm super into it it's getting a lot of love for sure yeah that's cool um my number two is coming from bad comet and they are on my radar if nothing else for life of the Amazonia which which one of my favorites of last year um I thought that was wild serengetti which was the one before I thought was okay fine but then the way they stepped up you know into life of the Amazonia so wondrous creatures is my number two and definitely on my radar I remember when we covered on the CR surfing and oh my gosh I loved the components of this it really pulled me in with the components with the me on me kind of thing but what I right I love this uh evolving kind of board here where you have to go out and you have to play so it's got the worker placement where you place it place your worker and then you get based on where you place it you get either cards or resources of everything that is surrounding so so you go through and you're like I want the purple card the purple resource so you're making making the immediate decision you know I want this immediate now the resource in hand or do I want this card to end up later playing out into my Tableau and giving me additional options and flexibility of play so I I love those decisions it's not just decision where to place but then that two step also what do I take and you get multiple things so I'm really hoping this is just really fulfilling kind of terms where you're feeling like you're making a lot of decisions and and kind of puzzling things together the little guys are like mounts right yeah the little mounts on it so they become like double meeples I remember that part isn't it sad I remember that part of right that's the comp and then it's life of the Amazonia oh you know again I just keep life of the Amazonia a little bit it does it looks kind of like a a conglomerate of a couple different games the Wilds here in Getty I can see a little bit of the roots in that as well so I'm I'm really hopeful for this game and um just the unlocking abilities and again the evolving characters is kind of what they talked about in their Kickstarter campaign where you're you're if you don't get the resources you take the cards then you're evolving your character and stepping them up on what they can do and giving yourself additional options and boom so that's cute super excited that's an elegant cover too that's like the cover where you like that cover well it's like one was you buy like Frankenstein but it's redone with a nice pretty cover like that doesn't it it it does it looks like a book at Barnes & Noble for sure yes I don't love that cover I think these I don't know I think these guys I don't like their covers I don't like any of their covers while I like life of the Amazon I don't really like and this one goes too far in the other direction I feel like this there's kind of a disconnect between the cover and the game it looks like a together said it does that's what it does yeah but it doesn't look like they come together you know it's like looks like two different products and so I don't know almost be like a 20th anniversary edition cover kind of yeah it does yeah yeah yeah so anyway I want to say thank you to uh wildchild for the Super Chat appreciate it you very much thank you thank you sry M number two wondrous creatures are you exciting about looks neat all right so my number two is a kind of a reimplementation of a Martin Wallace game uh studying Emerald yes and this is cthulu dark Providence this game right here is like I said it's like study Emerald but you're either the cultist or investigators and you're going to go around the board and you are going to it's more area control where you can take control of certain areas get deck get cards into your deck as a deck building you take control of cities you also get that City card gives you it makes it more powerful there's so much going on in this game you can pull there are different people that show up everybody historical from Wyer to Houdini are going to show up in there and you can pull them into your deck and you can attack other people you know so you're going to out yourself on who you are what you do as you attack other people it depends on what city they're in little things like that like obviously it's going to be easier to find someone in Arkham than it is if they're in New York it's going to be hard to go to a larger City to find someone so to get that cover if you know someone a cultist is coming for you you're going to go into a city you don't necessarily want to be at but it gives you more protection to be there and then you've got on top of that the area control and you get to claim at the beginning of your turn and there's that kind of tug OFW when you see cards come out and you're like I don't want them to have this so you drop a couple of Cubes just to tie it and you start wasting all your cubes and then as it comes around you can drop more Cubes but because if you can't claim it at the beginning of your turn you can't claim it but then you know beginning of their turn if they have more cubes they can claim that it's a really neat give and take and this is one of the first social like guess not um hidden roll games that the role is secondary for me to the game I agree with that yeah it's hidden rols is in your one side or the other but it doesn't feel like that's the end all the of the game it's a deck building game right in which you don't buy Cards you win them and you move around and can kind of do anything you want to you can it's a weird game it is a weird game it always was I think uh you know studying Emerald was always a weird game this is a more streamlined game it's just a more streamlined weird game it is have you played study and emerald back in the day no I have not I played all three of these now I played the original then I played the second study and emerald second edition which was streamline so people said like oh it lost its weirdness no it it was streamlined weirdness and this is even more so but I like this series it's just sort of interesting they're obtuse and I say that in a loving way I mean you've got so much you've got the tracks going on over here and then the fact that if someone takes over a city that you have you then have to go through your deck pull that card out and give it to them yeah so it's it's very there's a lot I I I enjoy a lot about this game yeah I've played this three or four times I'm enjoying this a lot so this is dark [Music] Providence all right my number one is a crossover with Joey and my number one is already said forsaken dark quarter really but you don't like Des come on H on come on H why why oh I'm interested to hear why because you don't care for Destinies this is interesting tell New Orleans pulled them in because new orle you didn't realize it was Destiny New Orleans know it's Destinies the setting is way better than Destinies okay yeah yeah um the designer is the the designer that did detective City of Angels it's not the designer that did Destinies they're just using the best part of Destinies what I think is the best part of destinies by far is the success check system thing right you roll dice and you you know you check where you make successes I got a total of eight I get one success at four one at six and one at seven that's three whatever right yep that's the best part of Destiny by far yeah and it seems like it's being put into a game that is that has way more interesting of a theme way more interesting of a story going on than Destinies everything else around that thing in Destinies is as generic fantasy as it gets I think oh I disagree anyway that's okay it's like you move around you find a wolf there's a witch there's some guy at the church he's actually oh never mind he wasn't a priest he was a scoundrel you find a tree I'm like just shoot me just shoot me you know what I mean I'm being dramatic I think dtin is fine I don't dislike Destinies it it it has that really cool system and everything else is is it feels small Destiny feels very small to me I'm hoping this doesn't I'm hoping this feels that's really funny wow more engaging I'm hoping again that it draws me in whereas Destiny's I'm like all right well I'm looking for whatever I'm looking for but mechanically I'm just like oo I want to manipulate the little things and make my dice checks and what have you so we'll see and you like Chronicles of crime too right I do very much way more than Destiny and detective City ofec C that makes sense then okay I didn't realize it was the same designer ASP that makes more sense then yeah this was definitely on my list last year so good pick it would have been on it had I not used it last year very good so all right my number one was called out super early in the chat it's like go the first day he like bet this is her number one it is it's the meadow Adventure book there it is I predictable so excited about this I love Meadow I love the idea of bring a standalone game right we're not allowed to put expansions on here we didn't say that we 100% said no trick taking no expansions somebody put a trick taking so that already went out the window never mind then I guess you're okay here we go um I I love this this idea of a standalone campaign we just recently saw this with uh lost ruins of arnac you know where it's a a small version that's going to change the base game a little bit to give you a little bit different flavor on what you already s is it it is very similar uh I really like it's going to be an adventure book that you can go through with six different scenarios uh three of them that they already told us about I'm so excited it is the one is nature themed one is windmill themed which we see right there another is weather themed but they're not all nature themed well they're all nature but I mean it is um what I forget how they said it it's a donkey weather Windmill and observation tower I'm sorry I said so it's the observation tower so that's only three there's going to be six different ones what I'm so excited about though is this Venture book is not just going to be another tacked on mechanism it's going to kind of like we saw in law room's arnet kind of highlight one of the mechanisms already there but also replace other things so it's not just going to be like here's one more huge rule set it's actually going to replace kind of keeping it um smaller scope you know so it's not just more overhead and I think that's going to make it manageable as you go through the words Adventure book is not like The Wizard of Oz Adventure book lord these it's it's pretty much me six like scenarios that you play through so kind of campaign style as you go through because you know the theme of meadow you're going through the meadow and observing all these things well this is you're going on on your walk and it's kind of I think the overall theme is you are journaling as you go and you pass this Windmill and so you play a little scenario on the windmill that has these different mechanisms that's introducing and then you go through next and you come across you know maybe your weather changes I don't I don't know we don't know a whole lot of this yet but I'm super excited for this kind of journaling aspect um going through and taking everything in so yeah very exciting twisting highlighting different elements of the gamep play coming second half of this year and I cannot wait so excited all right yeah what do you got Joey after that my number one I moved around my list so many times but my number One never changed this as soon as I thought it was coming out this year I thought yeah number one is it a horror theme this it is not this is one is prob IP based game no is it Cooperative no he doesn't know is no no no not really interesting man I'm just I don't know why I'm trying to it is one my top it is a it's a sequel and it is one of my top gaming experiences ever I mean and it is by Renegade and oh oh oh so much to where I had a friend of ours their son they were in it and it gave him a shirt that says for JC con that says bro do you even Clank and this is Clank Legacy 2 I am beyond excited about this one right here this is another Legacy game yes I am so excited because Clank Legacy 1 was just a fantastic experience and I honestly I grabbed a picture I think to put in this but I try to look at nothing else because I don't I want to be surprised I hope they incorporate everything they've learned with Clank I would like to see some catacombs things in there you know like you open something all of a sudden it's like catacombs it's like oh okay cuz that modular board right the board kind of me sad I'm like o we've learned something through catacombs guys but maybe they have those those additions there's so much that Clank Legacy introduced that showed up in later clanks from the white cubes all this this was such a great game and I can't really go into the for you that haven't played Legacy this one but it's I love the experience of this probably one of the only Legacy games I played from beginning to end twice obviously but it's yeah I play it twice cuz each of us wanted a copy oh wow and it's that's not Cooperative right Clank it's not I mean no it's not it's not okay I thought for some reason I don't know why I never played it but for some reason I thought that the Legacy one was Co-op but no it's the same as all the other CLS it the same thing I thought there was one of them that was Co-op is you're one adventure group so you want to kind of have your group do well but there is one overall winner there is no Co-op version of Clank no for some thought that too I don't know why yeah um all right so you said you each wanted your own copy so is this one once you play through it you have that unique board to play or what did you um it has not hit the table since then but it could in the it could in theory yeah so it's nice to look back and see what you name certain towns and the boards are a bit different so I'm excited about this again just I'm I really hope they incorporate a lot of new ideas like ticket to Legacy did like different places like that so really excited to have this obviously cuz it's my number one very cool Co-op version incoming says Matthew Gonzalez really that'd be cool yeah I'm there for that anyway there you go folks that is our top 10 anticipated games of 2024 how many of these are actually coming out in 2024 I'm going say half how many of them are we going to play interesting I don't know all how many of them are we going to like I really don't know R of the dice right but you can turn back tune back in 2025 and then we will do this recap of 2024 yeah assuming of course that we're still in the air in 2025 you want to help with that go to diow and support our currently running Kickstarter y to keep us going and keep us hitting stretch goals for the upcoming year thank you guys make sure you check that out please and thank you and that's going to do it for us everybody for today um um is there something going on live tomorrow live play there's a live play tomorrow that's right of the expansion for ruination make sure you're here for that that's going to be fun uh yeah that's it so there you go everybody thanks once again my name is z Garcia I'm Camila I'm Joey Evans we're going to catch you on the next one bye bye [Music] guys [Music] n [Music] la
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 55,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: 7Jc2K1bL4GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 4sec (5044 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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