Top 10 "Back From The Dead" Games

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hey we're on welcome everybody uh what's going on Frozen back from the day what just happened what's going on super confused we're back from the dead are we here all right yeah there was some uh some little thing there at the beginning that Roy put into the top 100 bumper he did it on purpose because we could be back from the dead that's right I keep saying it I'm trying this could be one of those things that happens every number no no I'm not gonna call back well maybe we'll see if it's if it's a if it's an organic callback we'll make it happen though organic like organs yes like brains back from the dead like zombies we didn't use our zombie dice because we haven't even introduced ourselves hey folks I'm Tom basil I'm Mike delicio I refuse no we're talking about games so today we're about games that are not Cult of the new right this oh yeah we had a conversation a while back in the top ten that you have not yet seen I wasn't gonna say it but okay yeah so we we've we've filmed one it's in the can that's what they call it in the industry and during that top ten so I don't even remember what the context was but we started talking about games that maybe we've gotten rid of and that's that's definitely the route I took on this on this list games that I either have played a long time ago and have an interest in playing again or haven't played for a long time I will tell you but on my list of the 10 items here we go six of them nine of them were games that I've owned at one point and reacquired no there's only a couple of them that I have but if they're on this list it's because I either really want to play them again or I'm considering reacquiring them I think a big portion of this is a game I tried again or try it in a new way or tried a new edition of and went this is much this is good why did I not think of this game for a long time why did I play and then dismiss eventually or right away right right and sort of eventually made its way back to my table or what have you and I went wow this is fun this is this holds up it's good what have you you know that's generally the sort of feel I'm going for okay most games go down as time goes by to just who it is there's game Decay game liking Decay it happens but these games have fought against that uh how Colgate but game Decay oh my God gingivitis tooth decay you talking about gingivitis gingivitis is bad breath simple simple chronic halitosis all right simple chronic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious very simple so we kind of approached this from slightly different uh angles but I think that's good this this was a there should be zero crossover why Tom um I expect I might have one Crossover with Z maybe I don't think anyone will cross over with me I'm gonna have one Crossover with Tom okay one with Mike okay and ten with myself wow that is impressive none okay well it's been gaming long enough to have any all games that come back what are you talking about new games computer off he's gonna put up another static image I'm hearing him to say something else stereo all right all right whoa sensor Tom this is what happens when you give him power all right all right well with that very rambling intro here's number 10. yeah my number 10 is a euro game that I uh I think I got it when it first came out and I really liked it and I'm struggling to remember why I got rid of it I think it was maybe because believe it or not I think I got rid of it because it was too much of a table hog but now every game is a table hog so I think this game was before its time yeah my number 10 is Legacy uh The Testament of Duke de crazy or something like that crunchy or something along those lines yeah I really liked this game I liked it because I thought the theme was neat this idea of you're trying to build this family tree and you're literally that's why it takes up so much table space you're literally building this family tree on your table but it's done through a worker placement mechanism at its heart which I I enjoyed that um I thought this was just a unique approach to essentially a card game but you're this is Obsession before Obsession was cool yeah this game was a little bit ahead of its time I would say and also unfortunately came out from Portal right who at this point was not known for anything but they are kinds of games because you know thematic yes crazy post-apocalyptic what did it fit their their portfolio there yeah does it come out from a different company it might have done better yeah it had a different name it might have done better correct but this game yeah I agree it was a little bit ahead of its time yeah there's times Legacy game yeah right the first place but this kind of thing is more prevalent now this is a game that I kind of you know if I can find it for a decent price I might bring this back into my collection because I remember really enjoying it you probably can they probably could right like they this game just got dumped yeah it was everywhere for like well no there was a second edition though Z that that picture actually is not the one I had I had early yes I had the earlier Edition with a different with different art and a different okay I thought that cover looked off yeah yeah so there was a second edition of it um it was always on sale everywhere yeah all right well anyway it's one that is not garbage is what's easing that's not what I don't think he's saying that at all um yeah I want to play this one again and I might pick it up if I can find it for uh I'm translating oh wow no that's not I think something got lost in translations yeah back from the dead okay uh is it me pineapper my number 10 is a game that I probably got rid of because a the genre is something I don't really the game style the mechanisms is something I'm kind of over they did too many of these and B it was butt ugly well I played the 10th anniversary edition and it reawakened to this game for me and this is Ascension Ascension it's a good call is a really neat game that player is the original cover oof uh the game didn't look great and again it was very early on in the life of of deck building games and so it felt a little like Dominion oh that's the 10th anniversary edition cover they are much better immediately better um it's much prettier which is gonna help I'm sorry it is but also hindsight having played a bunch of other deck building games now and going back to one of the first ones yes you're like you know what this was so much cleaner right it was clean there was no need to get messy you know it was no need for this to do more than it was doing and what it did it did really well so yeah playing again finding those fun combos this idea this was the first one I had this idea of you buy a card you put it in your disk or whatever but when you play it it sticks around right many deck building games do that now but this did it first that card sticks around on the table it's not a one round thing yeah this this holds up and it was nice revisiting that and finding joy in that Simplicity again this was one of the games that I played as an app and I played it a lot um so yeah no I I have a soft spot in my heart I don't really love a lot of decorating games but I have a soft spot in my heart for this one that's pure deck builder you know just encounter this statement that's made every time I do play and Ascension is good I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this no just saying that every time along with two there are too many deck buildings you say there's too many decadent games if you say I don't play many things more than I ever say anything about solo that's a flat outlizer no it's not it's a big lie there's too many solo games too many solo deck builders there's a couple yeah like uh paperback and yeah so many word games my number 10 is a big game that I am so eager to get to the table at this point I'm gonna do it in spectacular in our 30-hour marathon make you all play it but there's nine games before this one you're gonna have to play first no no these aren't games I want to play some of these I have been playing these are not games you want to play no I want to play them but I've already been playing it but don't trick me what's your number down from the dead my number 10 is the game that introduced or didn't introduced but made popular the cube Tower and that is wallenstein you've been talking about this you mean Shogun I mean Wolfenstein Valenstein Valenstein Valenstein um yeah you know again I think like Mike said this used to be a big game this used to be a big deal for you yeah but I mean it used to be considered a big oh literally normal medium-sized uh light to medium weight you're okay is there like a cathedral thing shown through a window yeah yeah it's very hot it's a window dressing picture right I like this game the cube Tower is great and I really think Cuban places right no I think you would like it I I make sure to play it without you fantastic I've always wanted to play it I I mean I like the cute honestly I mean as much as Queen has kind of almost ruined their reputation I like a lot of this era Queen game yeah it had a lot of good stuff around this time I didn't think of it but Shogun which I I might not have actually played wallenstein but shook it's sort of a similar you know they're the same game it's the same game with a different theme slightly different map what have you could have easily made my list Shogun I think because that's I agree this is a game that used to be an awesome like I remember having a lot of fun with it it's dirt can right yeah it was crunchy it was engaging the cube Tower is interesting what it simulates and it just went away but yeah it went away for everybody I haven't seen this game played in public in a decade it's still a big box even for even nowadays yeah it's coming back I'm bringing it back baby bringing Wallace time what am I bringing it back from the dead that's number 10. [Music] foreign that I think slipped through a lot of cracks it did not make a lot of fanfare or could gain a lot of fanfare um and it was one of those games that came in a standard edition and a deluxe edition with pre-painted Minis and I got the pre-painted minis and it looked so great on the table so did the Giants assault of the Giants good job I was joking oh no this is in the library you better not disparage this no no it's not that it just I didn't even know you had played this game I owned this as a matter of fact yeah yeah call me Andrew Parks not only did I own it but this is the first game that I made a custom insert for I got some of that they it's like the foam that you pull you pop out pluck foam thank you I got some pluck foam because I wanted to eventually called that yeah yeah um and I I did it for the mini and I got little tuck boxes for all the different factions I had it all looking really nice and I could never ever get it to the table and it did some new things I really liked the way that they were asymmetric right the different factions played differently and I really like that card system where you were playing cards to the right uh I think it was almost like a splaying system it's been a while since I've played it I played this game with you actually yeah I don't remember it I really don't but I'd like Andrew Parks I think he's got some interesting ideas yeah tell you you mentioning Andrew Parks which I forgot this was by him reminds me of another game that could have made this list very old game yeah it's an IP game I wonder if you guys ever played this that Andrew Parks made a long time ago based on 300 the movie I played it never played it that board game wasn't half bad okay but it was half bad yeah but the other half was not bad yeah yeah so I think this one actually for me is more on the opposite end I was very enamored with this game yeah but I'm finding it less exciting as time goes by well there's a lot more of these types of games too now but but I don't know I just uh this is one that I got rid of it and then I was almost I was like if I had the group to play this I would want to play this at least a couple times a year it's not something I'm gonna pull the table all the time but this is one where I I just I as a matter of fact when we were doing this list I did what Tom said that he did was I walked through the library and uh thank you I walk through the library and I saw this I'm like yeah you know what I got it with the pre-painted minis I made the insert and I was so excited about it and I played it a couple times and really enjoyed it but then I just couldn't get did you let it go yeah yeah for sure yep yeah we got a couple super chats only for me I'm gonna eat twenty dollars worth of Pizza in front of all of you he says he's salty about the dwellings hate from Z yesterday twenty dollars worth of pizza absolutely not well it depends on how expensive the Pizza Thank You Blake because I've never ever stopped loving magical athlete so it doesn't make this list I love people actually believe sometimes about some slinging yeah yeah fake insults at each other all right here I go now you'll get twenty dollars mine yeah because you were mean to me let me get some tacos 20 towards these uh burn cream fund that's it my number nine is uh is a similar story to my number ten played it originally you owned it for a while I got played a decent amount but a the genre got crowded Cooperative games okay really crowded and B they just put out a new addition which meant I played it again which meant I went huh this is light and and why do we forgive some like co-op games and not others yeah Castle Panic is my number nine whoa wow Castle Panic when did you buy the new version Oh the very very new version yeah the new one the way to the gigantic massive deluxe version I know I haven't played that yet that might be too much I'll tell you I think it is too light for that yeah yeah I wonder if that'll put it back in the dead hole but it probably won't um but no I played it again and it was just fun it's such a clean system it's such a fun introductory Co-op game you know where you're like you can easily trade cards with one another you play your whole hand down boom boom kill a bunch of guys wipe the board it's got a great feeling and then a bunch of new bad guys show up around the ring you know so it's this fun castle kind of Tower Defense Vibe which not a lot of co-ops were doing yet there's a few now but not a lot of them were doing that it was just too light for me and so I was I was like exploring so many other Cooperative games this went away I got rid of it but yeah having played it again and the new look I think was great it was fun to dive back into it is it what I'm gonna pick up again I doubt it I just don't see myself playing it um like doing a lot of introducing it of it to other folks but I feel like um forbidden I was just gonna make that comparison Island gets a lot of love and gets a lot of passes and I feel like Castle Panic maybe doesn't that's too bad because they feel the same Niche they really do like introductory level co-op games yeah I agree yeah and this honestly is a little easier to wrap your head around this whole the Island's sinking but only chunks of it and you can bring them back up it doesn't really play Castle Panic there's monsters attacking your Castle also I do I do like though that there are multiple types of introductory like so like you said this is like an introductory like Tower Defense forbidden island is kind of an introductory bad things happen you've got you know the the introductory dungeon call with Dora coraquest I like that there's more of these out there for people to get introduced there you go down here that was for you Dan checks in the mail mostly Cora that's my number nine Castle Panic my number nine is a game that I am not the only person this is happening for now I am not a kinesia freak like some people that's correct guilty is true Mike is wearing kinesia underwear uh how much he likes kinesia TMI yeah you're right um but it's trademarked is that what he said I am a I like kitty to find finally to get my top 100 what yeah I know it and B I'm really called on auctions but over the last couple years this game has really come back from the dead for me and I'm excited to see the new version for it and that's raw yes and this would have made the list even in a new version not been coming right I'm excited about this new version okay but man we played it last year I guess at some point I was like man I forgot how much this game is good as I've been dropping it I think until six almost wow and that's horrible you should be ashamed of yourself for being a bad gamer um I've always been a bad gamer yeah no no like uh not like bad games but like uh your bad game or you like that I'm a bad gamer that kind of bad gamer I don't know what that song reference was let's move on eyelash I don't know that one is it a show tune no all right raw is a great game Tom it's a game that holds up still and it's a fantastic pick thank you [Music] my number eight is raw no that's Palms number nine does whatever dropped for you never did drop and actually it raw is in my top if it's not my time it was close by top ten I think it was yeah it's definitely the top 20. anyway uh my number eight is here because of Z Garcia and it was because of Z Garcia on the top 100. that's twice it's in your top 100 yes it is it used to be in mine yeah and I don't have a copy of it anymore and I and when Z talked about it I'm like yeah this game is really good why don't I still have paper tails in my collection oh paper tails is a really good drafting game right and and it does feel a nice niche it's a bit heavier than Sushi go right yes it's lighter than seven wonders it's closest to fairy tale and I prefer this to fairy tale yes so why not have that kind of mid-level drafting game in my collection and and the answer is I don't know why okay because I wanna I I feel like this is something that still has a spot in my collection and I would play this anytime this is a game that I would never refuse to play um I really like the the how everything on those cards tells you when it's going to trigger how it's going to trigger I like that the cards that kind of cycle out and you can you know if you've got that you know ability to bring them back it's just a really clever game and a unique take on drafting um because I love Drafting and this is a nice version of it and and again it's something that is it has a particular Niche that I can all I can't think of another game that quite does what it does it's a good mix of stuff it is again it says a lot of steps it's like seven steps it's very procedural but yeah but it's very clear what you do and when you do it yeah and for me this is one I often do compare with seven wonders but I think they coexist yeah right there's some games that came out that were like seven wonders like Among the Stars right that I thought didn't really coexist very well they're too close for me they were too close you know right this one does its own thing has its own look its own breakdown its own Vibe and yeah it's for me it's up there yeah that's and I blame Z because it was you talking about in the top 100. I'm sitting here listening to you I'm like I'm agreeing with everything he's saying why don't I have it anymore that's very nice of you my number is the nicest thing Mike has ever said it's flattering you tremendously I agree also you're not getting any pizza all right maybe a piece wait he wasn't flattering you I'm really confused now I don't know hold on one second I've got to flattering oh you're gonna do it now go ahead no no let me make sure it's a game that actually might get your next topic okay all right that's good okay my number 10 is a two-player card game called Hera and Zeus I am not talking really about Heron Zeus Aaron Zeus sucks wow and the cards have no text and you need to go look at a reference card for every card but that art what I'm talking about is the reissue of hair and Zeus this is thunder and lightning oh uh those cards you're seeing there are from thunder and lightning and they have this mystical way to help you learn a game and figure out what's going on it's called text on cards um they just came up with it imagine when herons came out they hadn't invented that yet because before writing do you remember playing herons I know you did back in the day I like the game but I like the two but it was a pain like I'm playing I'm playing oh wait Pandora's Box has like four abilities let me look this up you know which one am I doing uh and then yeah it got it came out again re-themed gorgeous illustrations they changed up the theme a little bit but at the end of the day it's just stronger because you can play more easily it's a fun it's like what's that game I'm thinking of that this is like the classic um Stratego Stratego thinking it's like Stratego with cards where you're trying to hide a specific card it might be on the table I'm hiding it from you it might be not you know in the deck still but it might be in my hand it's in your hand it is in my hand it might be up your sleeve if you're playing with Joey Evans yes that's why I don't Blazers you know what I used to worry about that playing with Joey like he was hiding cards up the sleeves but his win rate proves he is not he's very fundamentally bad at games and at Magic and at Magic because he could hide them up as leaving magic yeah so you're saying he's a bad gamer he's a bad magician he's back from the dead Aaron Zeus I.E thunder and lightning is my number I'll make it back from the dead happen I know right all right my number where are we on eight eight my number is the one I thought might be a crossover with it I have seven to go it is possible this is a game I used to like a lot and then I kind of forgot that it existed until the last few years I've been pulling it at little conventions because I'll say to somebody someone will say something like I'm glad games have progressed past roll and right and I'm like I roll a move and like but wait there's one that is good and that's that's life that's life or reflixed that's what it's called The Dice Tower Library okay okay because of the original version of it that's life is a game you move around with pieces you rolled out you move one of your pieces if you take the last piece off a tie you get it for good or for ill that's the whole game and it's pretty good it's quick it's fun has some neat pieces yeah this one's not on my list because I've always thought it was pretty good I didn't like cool on and it came back it's not that I cooled on it as much as I totally forgot about it almost I I owned a copy and so I've known of it for a long time again it's always kind of been like a it's like a 6.57 it's a solid game again it's almost more of a gimmick to counter someone saying roller move was dead from the dead because it's alive that's live uh it's also a Wolfgang Kramer game is it really yeah wow see now Mike's interested yeah right that's it look you've got to give me that cachet you're like a scholar you're like ah that sounds stupid you're like well this famous person said it Mike's like well that must be true right well yeah it's not on my list but that's a good call Tom yeah this is uh I feel like a lot of people maybe don't don't you know kind of your eyes gloss over this one it's a fun little game [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] number seven is a game one of the one of the earlier games I remember it's not it's not really an old game but it's one of the earlier games I remember that felt like a bigger game than the box would make you believe it's a game from devere actually and it's based on an IP that I'm not familiar with but I think Tom is um I think you've said you've read Michael stroganoff before is that correct yes that's like a classic book Mike it's not an IP it's an IP Jules Verne he gets he gets a book every time I play Michael stroganoff Michael stroganoff is a little uh kind of a mid-sized box from devere and this was a game that when it first came out I was really into it I played it quite a bit I played it solo I played in multiplayer and then I don't know for one reason or another I got rid of it okay and I'm struggling to remember why I got rid of it because I liked it it's it's a race game essentially but it's a card management game I know Tom doesn't like it as much as I do but I really liked it I thought it was a neat game and it's also very unique that's another thing about it is that as good as the book well it is anyway this game is it's not very well known I don't think that it made much of a splash but it's a solid game and I realizing it's too esoteric I think it is it is esoteric it is kind of odd it's awesome they did the r backwards it's confusing anywho no it's good it's a it's a kind of a i z i would be I wouldn't say I'm not going to say whether you would or wouldn't like it but I think you should try it I think we have it in the library no we don't we don't we should have it in the library I choose what goes in the library I'm going to get another copy and you're going to play it I'm interested in what I'm interested in what you would think about it because hard play I probably would like it I like clever card play honestly I think that's a big draw for me with a with a racing kind of element to it so like the look and I don't know about this theme I promise there's like if I remember correctly there's different rules per section almost like you're you there's there's three different areas of your trip that's my thing it kind changes a little bit as you go through so it's not that that's not clean yeah I don't know I don't know that I'd call the game elegant but I'd call it interesting okay yeah it's got to call it interesting people say about me I'm not elegant there you go yeah yeah no I really I really like Michael stroganoff and again this is a game where I was looking back at games that I used to own and I'm like why did I get rid of this I would play this right now okay so that's kind of where there's been getting around a lot of games recently well I did I called a ton of games uh and within the last you have a lot of fodder you got rid of those games in prep in prep for the next year yeah that's dedication yeah going to be dead my number seven I'm I'm not doing that and I wasn't even familiar I didn't even know that it was based on what is that what did Michael stroganoff who usually wrote sci-fi yeah but is it more of a sweeping epic of it's a Russian Russian with like some not spy but like Intrigue really yeah Jewels burn it's almost like a Russian last Mohican style book most interesting but all right by a French author right Jules Verne was indeed fonsi my number seven is a game that I reviewed with Tom on the channel and Sam was part of that review we all were pretty mad on it and then many many years later hundreds not quite but doesn't it's not quite several ones ones yeah ones years laters uh I came across a copy Tom's got a drinking problem yeah yeah I came across a copy at a Marshalls for twelve dollars this is the Godfather no it's a different game from the same company though you're gonna be like shocked whenever you're gonna be like this game's a piece of crap you can't possibly have food the dagger one I don't know what that is besieged oh wow oh this game is trash I just got Accused by someone of destroying this game's reputation well let me help patch that reputation a little bit I'll do it I own this game okay and I would recommend it what you did it in a review for twelve dollars um did you play with the updated rules there's updated rules that helps okay so yes they were clean cleaned up rules I also took it and took out some cards I just didn't want showing up in my decks in the decks of cards I made it my own thing what do I think of the game out of the box back when we reviewed it well whatever I said back then because the game was shipped with some issues oh it happens but then I played it again many years later ones and kind of made it my own thing and I've enjoyed this game it's it's kind of like Castle Panic times 12 because it's a tower defense game yeah with a lot of complexities and sort of a lot of monsters Marching In and you're wiping them out it's a little long for what it is um and it's a huge table hog because you need to put these squares like the center Town one square here one square here one here one here it literally does not I can't I can barely put it across my table that's how massive this is but I've had a good time with it I've enjoyed it I've sold it even and I I enjoy it I again it's a trick you want to recommend if you can get it very cheaply at Marshalls there's there's some fun to be had there by Marshalls so you're at Marshalls and you got 12 bucks right you're like okay what am I gonna do do I want this candle right do I want this single pillowcase right I want those weird snacks to have do I want those weird snacks on the verge of expiring or do I want be sieged sons of the Abyss if you want there you go see each is what you want um yeah again it fit the list is my point yeah this is one that came back from the dead for me very dead it makes it worse because it was the most dead sure sure that's what it is you know what I mean yeah no I I like that that's the spirit of this list we're not necessarily saying these are like top 100 games or games yeah but I had like I was done and then I see that Margo Kenny of course tells me and I'm like oh really and The Godfather Kenny has the current stock of every Martian that's true mostly his collection number seven for me my number seven is was the least dead on my list okay but it is again faded add-on and again I'm wearing to play it right now and you hit my top 100 actually wow um and that is Russian railroads oh my goodness oh goodness I like brushing railroads when it first came out it was super fun and then I completely forgot about it almost I mean it was neat but recently over the past few years I've been playing it again and really enjoying this one yeah okay and I'm like ready and you haven't played it I think I'm not and I really think you would like it I doubt it that doesn't look like I won't even want you to like it okay uh why waste everyone's time I don't want to like it Michael stroganoff over there and pizza and pizza are you using his pizza is the way like his games better I don't know what kind of pizza is it yeah it's true what kind of pizza I tell you I mean I don't know is there any fruit on it there might be I don't want any of your tomato is a fruit gotcha I gotta get it for like a New York Pizza for Chicago pizza but it's true it's better who likes Chicago Pizza more than New York Pizza Chicago no they're lying to themselves you need to pick up a move Mike Ditka anyway this worker placement placement about moving up railroads very very good game and I think it holds up well especially compared you know I think sometimes that the overly complex or overly convoluted games of today sometimes make us go back to sing games like this and go yeah not so convoluted I get you that's true nice and smooth do we have the Ultimate Edition in the library now no I thought about it and I thought you know what no someone's gonna pull from the library they're just going to pull Rush railroads oh so I don't have the ultimate well there you go all right some below but I don't know if I won another giant box in the library it's going to be more intimidating than not I honestly do think that I agree so this already is a big epic games people looking for this we'll just look for this OG one that's right that's the number seven Russian railroads or RR nobody calls with them foreign four copies in the world no two on the list that I actually did reacquire oh really yeah I thought you had reacquired quite a few of these no none of them so far today he's moving he's gotta go down that's right he's gonna buy these all when he gets back my number six is a game that attracted me primarily because of its theme uh it's called Tavarua this is a surfing game oh wow well the designer of ziya believe it or not yes Cody Miller and it's a game it's a game that I got and I played it almost exclusively solo and enjoyed it and then got rid of it and then started actually learning how to surf and then wanted to play it again oh I see so I bought it again I bought it again wait you're starting to serve yeah I didn't know this yeah yeah everything Tom okay you guys are investing now so now Roy's got to search I beseeched my board to Roy so that he may now uh Hang Ten so it's a it's a clever dice game where you are trying to catch waves literally catch waves and you're trying to hang ten and the other reason I think that this has been one that I've wanted to play more is that it reminds me a little bit of what happens in skate summer a recent game that I love so much about balancing on your board it does something similar not quite the same way but very similar Is that real to the sport of Surfing it's 100 real like when I'm on the board I'm rolling dice so it's hard to keep that I feel like I just got some bad jokes Jiu Jitsu done on me Judo as far as like balance yes that's very it's like if you're skateboarding same thing like you kind of want to make sure you you have a good Center of balance you've never fallen and got hurt I've never seen you come in Monday like limping I haven't gotten hurts uh surfing I've very much gotten hurt on a bicycle on a motorcycle walking through yeah well you know putting a towel up yeah I've gotten hurt in many other ways but thankfully not surfing my number six Tavarua all right my number six is one of you you got me curious one of three I have reacquired and it's the first so I actually haven't skipped in here all right I've required all mine required yeah when I built the dice yeah okay all right so my number six is uh Australia Australia is a yeah it could have been on my list yeah I got rid of this and I want it again yeah so this one is a Cthulhu game kind of I guess it is it's a train game it's not kind of a Cthulhu game it is it's just like the weirdest Cthulhu game in his binoculars yeah yeah mentions the beast from the East you can see it in the in the yeah you never heard it yeah yeah I didn't know that I didn't know cthulhu's nickname I'm learning yeah that's what he plays WWE and they call him the beast from the East that's right weighing in that 600 tons that's right probably he uh so yes it's a train game like Mike said you are laying tracks you are building Farms yeah people are putting out it's all sorts of weird like Euro game stuff and in fact I could basically explain the entire game without touching on Cthulhu we have armies but you know you've got military units one have you but then these tiles that are preceded on the board get revealed and they might have Shoguns and like tentacle beasts and dark young and this and that and they attack you they they make their way to your farm so you need to prep armies put them on a train out there or a Zeppelin and go attack these things very interesting mix of two things that you don't think would go well together but they do it's it's it's clever it's engaging as well as that look like it kind of looks like a war game so it makes me feel like a refined gamer I couldn't handle the rules of a real war game right but if I play this I feel like yes look at me able to do these things you know what I mean yeah I enjoy it I think this is a solid game very clever distinct it's own its own thing and it just got some expansions not too long ago you know a lot of times like when people will say what game represents a designer you know for Martin Wallace it might be like brass for me Australia and study in Emerald are the two games that exemplify Martin Wallace he's just not weird man no a guy look I think that that kind of shows what I think he's about weird stuff I don't think so I think he takes risks I don't know I think he does he's a Euro game designer with a quirky Street I agree and I think it's similar to Freedom right it shows best in studying Emerald right uh hit zeroed yep they are the Euro games right with a Bend with a little Quirk too I agree with that all right we'll ignore brass but all right prices happens to be really popular because it's not quirky right because it's super boring that's right it should not go anywhere near anyone's top one let's go back to my childhood okay that's where this comes from no this one well no there's no roll movement no this is a game I loved as a kid that joke would work I played all the time with my family my sister owned it not me which is weird because I usually own the board games um and I got it just a few years ago for today library because I think it's good and I played again I thought I forgot how much I enjoyed it as a kid and at his clue oh the museum Caper oh oh really okay I thought you were just gonna stick garbage clue is garbage okay I don't know if I've ever played this one Tom yeah this is very much a mini Scotland uh Scotland Yard type game okay because one person is running around stealing paintings secretly on the board sweet and the painting will disappear and turn after they take it and everybody else is running around or using those cameras to see if they can see them there's some wonky bits still about escaping and getting out but it is a lot of fun I really like glue to museum Caper I've come back around the clue like it doesn't have anything to do with clue except they put it on there with the same characters except they've changed those characters in The Nuclear So you'll never know now that's interesting I don't I don't think I've ever played this one yeah no this is a bit like the rework uh that restoration game that they reworked stop thief yeah is this like that a little bit is it better than stop thief actually [Music] what's the typhoon something or other is that also a clue game or is that like a monopoly or something there's another one that's like a monopoly in other words clue gets a lot of grief about being an outdated game and this is considered to be like a a better version of there's another one that's like that no no okay no what name is that no no no so no Monopoly is a Monopoly Monopoly tropical Tycoon yeah yeah yeah yeah it is a version of Monopoly right this is not a version of Blue that's why this is literally using the clue Universe Cinematic Universe the CCU yeah um because you are all at Mr body's house but instead of a murderer okay the more exciting painting stealing is a character okay the body on live or dead in this I don't remember I think he's dead equal or a sequel It's a side call he's dead what are they doing at his house stealing art no so okay this is uh never mind it's a stupid uh Rabbit Hole it doesn't use clue mechanics at all okay that's what I find interesting now that again you've explained that which I hadn't heard before it's really just it says clue because they want to sell it right right it's a difference anyway Monopoly the great museum caper who would be the it would just be Mr Monopoly oh you the hat did it um yeah I believe the race car I always blame the shoe at Park Place on free parking [Music] now the Clooney versus George's domain yes oh ER seasons one through seven got it um hey freeze I'm Batman bring it up again my number five is a game that uh I had and I always love to show it to people because it has a really neat gimmick Factor but it's an interesting Cooperative game too like he's a and I know then I got rid of it it's here in the Dice Tower Library but it won't be for long because I'm going to steal it my number five is the faceless this is a really interesting Cooperative game that utilizes magnets that's legit because I might kick it out of the library at some point oh if you do I'm taking I'm calling dibs on it I really because it is hard to kind of it's a big unwieldy game it's a weird sized box I think that's part of the reason I got rid of it because I'm really trying to scale down my collection it's a super dark theme super dark theme it's got a little bit of that kind of like stranger things thing where yeah you're playing as kids and one of your friends gets lost in this other world and there's this there's this Baddie that's there and one of the the the is your friend the the compass your friend might be the company it might be like reaching out to from another world yeah exactly and there's literally a compass there that that is reacting to the magnets all the pieces around the outside of the board are your characters and they've got magnets in them and so you're trying to set it up in such a way that the baddies gonna move away from your friend because he files because He follows where the compass goes it's a very interesting idea now does it work perfectly no there's some quirks there's some weird things about it but it's so unique that I'm really kicking myself for getting rid of this one um because also they didn't make a whole lot of them I think they're talking about trying to do a second edition that they're going to kick start but who knows when that'll be um and so I'm really kicking myself for getting rid of this one because it's one that I would absolutely play right now that's the thing about getting rid of games I mean when no you can get rid of them don't start telling people to hold no it's true yes of course I mean again if you're a better person than I am get rid of games I have a hard time getting rid of games my point being sometimes you get rid of a game and then that thing keeps eating at you and it's rare double trouble you know it's not like something I can easily just pick up again yeah I had no problem getting again okay trash this is yeah anyway that's my number five The Faceless my number five is Tavarua um no my number five is another one I reacquired so I used to own this I liked it all right it was a Midway Euro game and it was playing in quite a crowded field and then after years of this game having been out I played Azul and I played a few other games from Michael hiesling and went back and picked up again a copy of Vikings oh wow really I did indeed I did indeed maybe because Sam had taken all the ones that I played this year's all the Vikings oh just this game but literally anything with Vikings um have you ever played this mic I have I enjoyed it yeah I enjoy it too it's an interesting game it's a little abstract sure well it's a lot it's not a little abstract yeah but as this clever thing in the middle which I now realized is kind of Michael kiesling's bread and butter is one clever thing at the middle of his game right that's kind of the kind of designer he is you know and this one it's well it's hard to miss because it's front and center and that's this wheel thing which is going to adjust the prices of the things you're acquiring as you buy tiles as soon as the zero is taken and it cannot just willy-nilly be taken it has to be taken the last of the of the ones that have a matching meeple once let's take taken the whole wheel spins and adjusts to set a new low value therefore the price isn't a bunch of things drop it's a clever idea yeah it's a it's a neat little you know puzzly kind of thing and going back to it yeah some of the clunkines are still there but the the cleverness of kiesling which I was you know under appreciating I think comes through in this one so I really enjoy it it's one that yeah I did reacquire it was a little bit tricky to get a hold of because it's dried up a bit yeah z-man put it out after it was originally from gosh I forgot who put it out originally but anyway z-man kind of did a reprint and it must have been a really it must have been a small print run because they went away they just did that every so often they did that with like palaces of Carrera yeah it was the same deal they put that out and like did you print 200 what happened where'd they go so anyway I was able to find a copy of that I'm happy I have one now and uh yeah it's a neat one it's it's a quirky but it's cool all right my number five has been another older game in fact there's very few copies of this game in English actually most of the games are most people knew it for a long time by its German name and I think we catch up close at this one a few years ago and yeah most everyone here is not a huge fan of it but I like it a lot and that's primordial soup okay oh yeah okay okay also now in fact I like how that in the parenthesis that's also known as her soup they don't do that anymore like also just in case there's the German title oh no they're like sucker you bought the game twice but this was the year that remember you you would say the name of the game in English and people would correct you to the German name yes oh I know like oh oh oh oh you mean her soup I'm sorry I don't say names in German right yeah I'm glad that went away uh this game is funky it is not particularly balanced it I think was one of the first games that had the skip a space score track on it oh wow interesting okay um it definitely has lots of Cubes but has even though it's mostly cubes it has a very wow factor to it because you look at his borders colorful cubes everywhere with these little amoebas with sticks and you're putting stuff on it's vicious it's the very definition of like I don't know this I would say I would have said it's the definition of an old Euro but it's not because it's so vicious it's very interactive right yeah no old Euros you I mean I mean the point was that that that School of Design was not mean right not punch you in the mouth in primordial soup is mean right because you eat food I eat food that someone else wants I also eat food that I eat you sometimes yeah yeah and the food is your poop from amoebas right delicious okay yeah but I still like this game a lot it's a lot of fun and I don't know I just want to I keep finding myself going back to it so originally it came out with a cookbook as well oh and if I had primordial soup yum [Music] my number four is a game that um I think I want to reacquire so much because I've been pretty vocal about getting into trick taking games again lately like that's been like I've really enjoyed trick taking games and this is a weird one it's a trick taking area control game oh wow there's like two of those which one are you thinking it's got to be the one with the uh Japanese theme yeah so I had jaraku early on not even this version this is the deluxe version I have the the small one that what was a TMG brought it over I think if I had a copy of this I'd give it to you because I don't like it I think it's really cool oh my gosh it uses trick taking as kind of a central mechanism to drive an area control game yeah and and I don't know that's just right now that kind of stuff is what I'm into is kind of like this this uh you know unique takes on a on a familiar mechanism you know what I mean this might have been a little ahead of its time too I gotta I agree I agree and this is the kind of game this is a perfect candidate actually for all play to pick up yes don't do it all play no this is a this is a clever game this is a really clever game yeah you can clean this up a little bit I liked it Mike I thought it was a little uh prescribed I thought it was a little by the Numbers yeah they ended up playing a little bit similarly the board had this idea where like the big points were over here so you had to Traverse exactly but then you made your way back I want to see both yeah you go yeah it had this weird I mean the games ended up playing a little bit similarly but you could you could clean that up you absolutely could I mean I think if you're right I think you could probably use a little bit of development work and kind of smooth a couple of edges but it's very very unique I mean like it actually still uh feels of its you know kind of of its own and so this is another one I probably I think you can probably get this I may I may end up reacquiring it um I also had a hard time at the time that I owned it the group that I played with did not like either trick taking or area control so it did not work well and I still don't like the game really it's okay we can agree to disagree on this one no I like it oh you're wrong uh my number four this is not like agreeing joraku I would wait to pick it up to law play and puts it out of here they're putting on it they're not putting it out I heard they were reprinting this under the dice tower also thank you wonders for the super Chad Scott and I also someone gave 20 hours for Z to have tacos earlier that's what I'm talking about 20 of some currency I don't think it was dollars patients aye pesos we'll have to see it was 20 something I got no money for food and then someone get their get ready with the conversion calendar calculator it's gonna be like three dollars it was shredded beef tacos I remember seeing well anyway see while he's looking and it gets to your number how much money I got in the bank there it is right there it's New Zealand 22's New Zealand Dollars it's three dollars you can't one time that might be a lot of that might be a lot New Zealand is pretty legit okay I'm going to New Zealand to have some tacos here we go my number four uh is on the list because I just played a nap for it and I was like oh man this is such a good Euro game I used to own it got rid of it I don't know if I'll pick it up again I doubt I would pick this up again but I do want to play it again okay that's Concordia I'm the only one again in the big picture here I've cooled on it people haven't this is very popular right there's a lot of expansions alternate Maps the app came on not too long ago it's a great app but I hadn't played it in a long long time playing it again and you know in the app which is not the best way to read sort of familiarize myself with something like this I still had a fantastic time with him I forgot how clever how engaging this game is especially for a buying and selling trading kind of game you know getting stuff getting rid of it for victory points what have you this idea of a deck of cards that is your own hand you play to do whatever and then need to reset that hand by playing one card that does nothing but give you all your cards back wonderful love that mechanism and then the other really clever one is this idea of mining Goods oh in this area which I'm I'm in I take iron and then this token flips face down it's empty it's drained and over here I take clay and whatever but at some point somebody's going to trigger that ability and instead of claiming any one resource they're just going to count all the face down ones they take money for that and they all reset yeah those two mechanisms make this game and it is excellent so Concordia my number four I think I think within a year I'll probably play this on the table again it's interesting that it's on this list because this to a much larger extent like the game that we've talked about obsession gets more and more popular yeah I think you're right I mean I think this game is yeah yeah no I am I'm not this is not a oh yeah people are not going to go oh yeah I've called on that too no I guess this is in higher esteem now I think when it first came out so yeah I think people are are kind of understanding the uh the Brilliance of the design so there you go yeah all right my next two games go back to my childhood again I got when I was 13 this one is my childhood risk and I already mentioned it when I talk about the last one long darts this one is taxes and allies Scotland Yard that was kind of done you know and then I was like look there's all these other amazing deduction games out there there's Fury of Dracula and it's not scouting yard is old but you know what I played it in the last couple years and it really holds its value I really like scouting yard it's the simplest you know we're talking about the simple Cooperative game this is an analogy to that I think yeah this is the Castle Panic to every other one it's the easiest one yeah but it's good I really like this one I like those pieces a lot can I get those pieces those are great pieces were those in the game normally they were just Pawns in there no it looks really they weren't they were clear pieces with a sticker dot on them okay these are better those look great yeah those are nice because you can easily see the numbers I went to Etsy to look for upgraded pieces for Scotland Yard and I haven't been able to find any like when you were 13 I only got to do it around yet I was the first Etsy [Music] number four after my [Music] Gatlin yard you got it out I got it out I I hate to uh continue to do this but I'm going to give another shout out to Z Garcia my number three is on this list again because I showed up today of Z's top 100 also you're getting a piece of pizza I'm getting a taco my number three is a game that I got when it first came out played the heck out of it and still don't know why I got rid of it it is Elysium oh my gosh so good this never went down for Z this yeah this is a game that for one reason or another I just I guess we stopped playing it but this is also a game that you can play a lot of because you know it's got a lot of variability in it they're just the the base boxes lots of plays right did they ever even come out with an expansion for this never did it never did I don't know that it needs one honestly no I guess not but it seemed like it was getting it it seemed like it was like being built Divine I dropped this this is like a red balloon man I know but it's a real it's all a game this was uh at the time Cowboys I think is that right I just know that yeah I didn't get the support it didn't and you thought it would have yeah yeah a really solid Euro game with some very very crunchy agonizing the the good type of agonizing decisions of timing elements in there I like some really clever play um yeah Elysium is another one that I'm like why on Earth did I get rid of this game it's just a really solid Euro game that has a pretty wide appeal I think it looks beautiful I mean it's attractive on the table it's not a terribly long game you know maybe an hour 90 minutes depending on player count and depending on group I just was like why did I get rid of this yeah this game came out today with the look it has yes you think it was a brand new game 100 has that look it has that like modern shiny attractive artwork all over the place and the design still feels contemporary yeah yeah no color mechanism it's not that it's difficult it's it's a little it doesn't matter it doesn't make sense completely it's a little counterintuitive the column thing which you you have four colored columns you have to acquire a card which will have like requirements like black and red oh I have my black and red columns I can take that you take it and then you eliminate a column right but it doesn't have to be black or red you just have to put one aside and that always will throw those people it's a weird one yeah yeah you just yeah you're kind of like thinking of them and spending the resources would be the way to do it it doesn't always make intuitive sense right right right my number three is um the most famous game on this list probably the most famous game on all three lists um that's Magic the Gathering oh my God you have that researchers of this I don't know what it is here's what did it for me okay it's it's sort of three things my favorite way to play Magic the Gathering was dual decks yes which is a thing you bought had two decks balanced against each other supposedly and that's it you just buy that thing you shuffle them up and you play them against each other okay they killed that line they no longer make that prop that's one two the most popular way to play Magic the Gathering became Commander and it is clearly now Commander I don't like Commander that much I don't like the idea of playing a 100 Deck with a guy you keep bringing he dies comes out you can put him back in but now he's more expensive Commander decks are or games rather are generally more fun multiplayer and they're a little long for me so I don't really like them they're quite long compared to yeah so and then C the last thing was jumpstart which we just talked about jumpstart to me feels a little like dual decks it gives me that same Vibe I don't get why you think that feels like cool games but all these starter decks they come out with don't it's about even footing a little bit I think but these starter decks are pretty good they come out with nowadays but they won't feel together you know they're in the same set you can get five of them you just buy any two they feel like they're meant to be played together they barely make those it's all Commander now it's not that bad sick of commanders you know what's sick of you what I don't know keep going okay let me know when you're riding jumpstart you can I am sorry oh there we go you can get some Jump Start packs Shuffle two of these things together it's not a 60 card deck but it's a 40 card deck and you can play that it's got a good power level they feel interesting again it just they're not pre-constructed it's not like dual decks but it's a nice approximation and it felt good to jump into that without having to do the nitty-gritty deck building but still play a quick format a head-to-head quick format so anyway Magic the Gathering has made a nice little Resurgence for me I'm still not throwing my wallet at it but you know it's fun my number three is a little personal to me it is a game I played as a kid a lot with my mom and dad when my mom died um my dad was like is there anything you want and I was looking at all the board games that I had there and I took I brought it back with me um and played it with my kids and they loved it and I think it's a really good game still and that is King's Court oh so I talk about this one a lot Kingsport is super Checkers yeah all your checkers can jump over each other and you can jump as far as you can and if you ever don't have one in that middle Square you lose so your first move is to move one in and the other person moves one in right and after that all bets are off it's probably solvable mm-hmm but the pieces are fantastic still like 20 30 well it's not more than 20 like 30 years later they're like they look like they're from almost like the gift series line and they wouldn't they like no they're like butterscotch plastic pieces acrylic or something yeah they're really good pieces this is like a really good game um super Checkers huh I really like it like right now I see orange could make a double jump move you know right there in the middle it's just really fun yeah and it plays pretty quickly it's a great it's a great game I saw it forward and then over is this is this a game that's been in print for in any recent year I think it's way out of print okay I think it it's one that you probably have to look for at thrift stores okay probably well I've never heard of it until now I think but if I ever see it on a thrift store I'm jumping on it yeah I think you would like this type of game yeah yeah yeah but I mean it really is it's just super Checkers but you got to keep something in the middle sure So eventually you form a square because they can't be jumped your opponent forms a square then you keep you're trying to force the other person to break their Square that's fine to me all right that's a cool one [Music] we're up we're up the top two now Mike top two and this is the uh Pizza themed this is the other one that I did reacquire there's only been two that I've reacquired one was Tavarua and my second one is this game that I know you're not a big fan of and honestly for this and I really feel very prolific designer not one of his most popular games um my numbers yeah it is konitzia and it's not one of his most popular games and you stopped liking it at one point no I I got rid of it because I could again this was another one I couldn't find the group that that liked it as much as I did okay and I think that I know more Gamers now that would be into this actually a large group game no it's I mean it's a it's a I think I think it just goes to F4 I think it's a two to four player game Knights of Charlemagne no that's an interesting call um it's a game that that uh purports to be a trained game but it's really a tile placement game Steve [Music] [Applause] that's the cover that I put this cover because this is the one that I reacquired 100 you would hate you would hate this game I've played Stevenson's rocket then you hate it no I don't hate it it's a really really cut throat interactive game super super Cutthroat and interactive that you can interrupt every month veto I hate that it's so much it's great and the thing is you're way overestimating how often it doesn't happen I played the game I'm not overestimating anything wrong twice is too much and you played it wrong what are you talking about that's a great aspect of the game it feels like you're getting smacked in the face yes yeah it's a very very I can say that with too much enthusiasm yeah this is this is that's exactly what it's trying to do it's a super interactive game and I I like it because it fulfills again a particular Niche that I don't have I don't have many of these types of games in my collection and so that's why I went and got this one because now I do know more people that I know I can bust this game out with I hate it's so much it's really good it's really mean and um it's fast though even though you know you talk about this veto thing I disagree you're not sorry it is fast it's like you can play this game in an hour easy easy also you you vote with shares yes I hate it how is that different than bidding points for turn order it's not different okay we're about to I'm like let's make the train go there you're like I like to make the train go this way like I will allow that if you give me a share of this company Mike's like sure what world does that happen in in Stevenson's world if you're asking if you're asking a mathematics question about any of his games then you're going down the wrong path because uh these games are every decision is there for a reason every decision is there you may not like the reason but it's there for a reason it's also a two-page rule book that just doesn't happen anymore it does not it's not a two-page 100 I don't know is that two-page rulebook game type thing that's like it's there's a it's not simple to play no no it's not it's fine but I'm saying when was the last time you played a robust game right that had two pages of rulebook yeah it just doesn't really you're literally putting a tile out or you're messing with the shares that's all you're doing it Michael shot used to do it but like in this day and age I'm sorry that just doesn't happen anymore games that you can't even get the setup in the first two pages you know what I mean it doesn't happen anyway I know you dislike it and it's honestly I really do it's not well loved even by kinesia fans it's an outlier it's not it's an outlier it's really not yeah it's an outlet I just got reprinted and that reprint yeah very nice well it came out but I'm saying died on the vine yeah it didn't do well uh even though it looked gorgeous you know tool Grail games but I got this version because you know I've got a you know I'm I'm a hipster and I wanted to get the the making a small version of this I heard oh Stevenson's pocket I love it Stevenson's Rockets all right won't you Steven says mock it for me huh jerk my number 12 where we got two my number two is the only one on this list that is going to be behind us today wait hang on it's habitats I can't I can't cover it it's basketball no I'm trying to look my hat side Sprite pointing out there it's nine lives it's basketball it's a basketball which is barely on it it's the panda that one basket boss um I always like basketballs Tom had a copy of has always had a copy of this and so I've played yours I liked it I always thought it was interesting I like Kawali games um I think that they are interesting designs generally and this is one I played your copy of a couple times and I always thought it was neat and then sort of didn't play because I didn't own a copy they were super hard to get never you know didn't really think about it too much but now it coming back into print from all play put it back on my radar and the new printing of it is really really good the one thing I don't like is the pun names I'm not a big bother me but I'm not a big fan of like punny names I'd rather they just make people up not be like oh it's clearly whoever but we can't use their real name Barry Bird yeah um I'd rather than just make up names and that's fine just make up fake people you know but the game play the interesting this great idea of investing in someone's career in basketball and you you push up their little tile there as as you know Seasons go by and they either get better they get worse as players eventually you might have to let them go and put somebody new in there or they have sort of weird patterns where they're really bad the first couple Seasons then have an amazing five point or six point season it's so clever it's interesting it's a it's a great auction Forward Thinking mix so engaging it's a basketball if you've never played this game you don't have to be into basketball to like this game is that really about playing it's about running the team and it's really again the theme is there but it's it could be anything it's more about the auctioning and the looking ahead and going this isn't good now but it will be I really like that it's a really neat game it wouldn't it's not on my list because I had never played it before the first time I played it was this new version Tom taught me and I was really impressed with it those powers that you're auctioning for too man this game is good it's really good it's really fun so yeah basketballs number two for me well Z opened the door for my number two with magic no number two was once my favorite game overpowered yes and then faded out and now is how many hours and I'm not saying this as a shaming thing this is to kind of reinforce what you're saying how many hours have you spent like sorting cards for this this year or in the last in the last year scores yeah right and you probably were saying you should be ashamed of yourself do you have fun just sorting yeah actually really some very kind some very kind people fans asked me what cards I was missing wow so I went online found the complete list of cards and found my list put them all authentic order picked which ones I'm missing and they sent me some of them I'm still missing a whole lot yet but I really like this game and I'm going to teach it to you thank you I'm working on getting it you said they were going to build a couple decks and bring them in I am I I'm I'm almost there okay I'm gonna teach Joey first you got God he's gonna make that deck disappear no game for you he taught you yeah he taught me how to play he taught me Joey before you teach me wow that's a betrayal of the highest order wow okay do I have a taco in my hand what kind of question is that I'll keep a euphemism to yourself let's move on your behalf and I'm still waiting for someone to bring back some version of this obviously overpower it's an IP game that can't come back but this idea of the venturing system in it I think is so well done so yeah I love this game overpower okay [Music] my number one is probably my biggest regret of getting rid of a game because now I'm glad he added that second thing my biggest regret it is it's because today I I've always loved the game okay I'm struggling to remember why I got rid of it anger no no I'm not going to say the real reason because it's gonna it's gonna sound like I'm I'm being too self-serving um oh you're gonna say you gave it to someone else because they wanted it more than you I think so because it it it's a very hard game to get and they might delicios halo over here stat I knew that was gonna happen right I got rid of it because to you know whatever you're not gonna buy I was gonna go to Marshalls and buy 75 copies of besieged my number one is now very very hard to get it's Dogs of War uh by Paula Morris seriously yes I've heard they're reprinting this oh are they I've heard such things actually maybe I heard a little something about that too but yeah I had this if I still had it I would give it to you in an instant oh my gosh this game is fantastic this is I never got into this very much this is the this you can see the seeds of uh Blitzkrieg in this oh interesting this game looks bigger than it is and again it's a ridiculous production even before ridiculous Productions were everything you know there's a Seamon with these Miniatures that don't need to be there but I got to tell you I did like it on the table I mean it looked ostentatious and ridiculous but the gameplay was so darn good that interesting that I really wish I had kept it I really really wish I'd kept it um huh that's an interesting one Mike I was I was not expecting this yeah it's in the library isn't it yeah it is it is I'll be checking no this is one that I think should stay in the line you steal two wow that's true if you're going to see a third one that Z likes to throw off suspicions throw up the scent all right let me wait and find out what his number one is I'll steal that from the library uh anyway Dogs of War is a really good kind of uh tug of war type of a game negotiation involved uh it's kind of like fragile alliances really good table talk if you've got the right group for this um probably plays best at five four or five I would say I think it's a three to five player game um yeah it's a really good game really really good game but like like Tom said it's nothing like it looks on the table it's a it's a it's a really it's more about the players than it is the stuff on them I'm so sprawling all those goofy Miniatures anyway but it was still good I see I never made that connection I haven't played Blitzkrieg but yeah I guess I hadn't made that connection that is sort of blitzkrieged yeah you could see the DNA of yes of dogs wearing both Creeks so yeah I'm trying to think of now what's the most expensive game in the library so you can steal it for me the black box though yeah yeah my number one is going to be a glory to Rome yeah yeah that's it why I don't know Star Wars Queen's game but probably probably actually right yeah that's my number one I still haven't played that no my number one is a game I used to have I played it it was too punishing I was terrible at it I got rid of it I reacquired it huh I have your original copy you have the original one okay um yeah my original one oh really okay I reacquired it messes it again a little more it tried to like I clawed that mountain up a little more I was still terrible at it sometimes just wasn't clicking for me I got rid of it again they came up with a new addition and I reacquired it this is the only game I bought twice I think I hope it's Lord of the Rings the card oh geez the living card game I think now finally it's stuck and the reason for that is well a few different things I played other living card games which have used this DNA in their own iterations that's one and I've played those games until I'm better at this now I get why I sucked at this okay two um they've made this a much stronger core box and easier to understand easier to get into game than re-releasing some content for they're doing that smartly and so I'm really enjoying digging into it now you know some more digging into I was I was I must have been doing really dumb stuff when I played originally because I remember the game just it was not easy it's a difficult game but it was literally like unable to make any progress you know I think I just wasn't constructing a deck well or anything like that um it's been a long time like I said so those resources probably weren't there where I wasn't smart enough to go looking for them but yeah I've like I said gotten it again I've enjoyed when I've played of it they're coming out with they just announced a new expansion for this and repackaged expansion and uh it's fun it's it's still not as good as the other two big living card games Cooperative living card games for me that's Arkham Horror and Marvel champions but it's in the bigs it's in the conversation and it's a classic it's been out for so long it's got so many expansions and it just goes to show you how robust it was that it was able to inspire two whole other games that are both also incredibly popular and holds up itself so Lord of the Rings the card game living card game wonderful single player two player if you like the the theme here this is this is a good one to get I played it once two player and I found it you're right very punishing like I was very punishing I I felt like I was glad that the person I was playing with knew the game very well yeah otherwise I would have been like gosh I have no idea what's going on here sure sure yeah all right my number one is made is designed by a fake person um a made-up name and this is a game that when it first came out I actually wrote a joint review with somebody else it was back when I wrote reviews and I was a negative half of the review and now it's in my top 100 games and I play it all the time what is it Stone Age no I like Stone Age wait what's the fake person is that brand Hall whatever the two games oh wait is it the really really ugly Petersburg oh wow yeah same thing and if you're showing you the better looking version which was the first one what's the story behind the designer so it's it's two people it's Jay Thomas and somebody else oh gotcha they made up a fake name I see okay yeah it's like that last name is Tamil Hoffer at the end there I gotcha it's not a real name anyhow this game the more I played it over the years I just like I like it so much more I can't believe I had to go back and find past Tom who wrote that review and smack him I'll hold him which one I'll hold past Tom you hit him I'll do it that's a good wake-up call for everybody involved yeah it'll be interesting um yeah this is such a great game I saw someone just playing it nice Tower West it's talking about how much I like it especially the new version of it helped a lot yeah but it's there's no game like this it's a very unique interesting game that whole the cards move down in that column I'm a big fan of this game this is easily one of my favorite I haven't plays in ages I believe you probably the last time I played yeah someone has mentioned that a surprise input Dominion but it never really went down and it went down on my list a little bit but it was still my top 100 never fell out of it yeah yeah St Petersburg I gave it a five or six on my first rating wow so yeah now I do want to say something here before we go off here folks there's been a lot of joking and Mike has said several times here he regrets getting rid of some games oh yeah and he's had some but you know how many games they don't regret getting rid of is in the hundreds the vast majority I don't ever want people to use these kind of lists as an excuse to hoard yeah because I think hoarding's a terrible thing you know if you have room for a game collection whatever but if your game question and you need to call it then call it it's literally negatively affecting you then yes of course you should of course or even if you don't really care you might say well maybe I want to play this game in the future but you'll probably you know every game we've talked about we have access to it somewhere that's true we can get these games played Mike literally said he's gonna steal some of them from me stealing them and I'm going to Roy's house and I'm stealing Lord of the Rings for Z that's very nice of you I appreciate it thank you I didn't want that I want that original one but um yeah that's it you're right though it's just like you know we talk about oh I wish I'd kept this one thing hoarders always say that but they forget about the 200 things they got rid of that they don't need sure yes and that definitely happens to us but this is an interesting thing it's very much the opposite of cult of the new for sure yes so hopefully these are games that we can all get back to the table and talk about and when you go to the Dice Tower Library for a future event come to diced our East you can find all these games and you don't have to fight anyone for them this is true and they're fantastic yeah very true and your chance of playing them with us is higher and just like these 30 or so games you heard here there are hundreds of games like that in the library here that aren't Cult of the new that aren't just came out this past week they're just games you maybe haven't played that are just as good just as worthy give some old games some love folks yep all righty this is the end of live stuff for this week but we have more videos going up tomorrow Saturday and Sunday so keep track for them we'll be back with another Full Slate of videos next week including some of our footage from daistow or west and a live play on Tuesday lots of stuff coming your way but until next time I'm Tom basil I'm Mike delicio I'm Z Garcia see you next time but pizza and Tacos yummy yes [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 129,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: k5jOacbENac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 44sec (5204 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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