Top 10 Rage Inducing Games

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody I'm Tom Bazeley I'm Andy Garcia I didn't want to tell you money oh no oh angry I just do angry on the inside today's list is our top ten games we won't play with Sam Molly that's basically what I did actually I was talking games and Meg is angry well make us angry when playing with you make you angry top they gave that inspire rage when now the spider induced rage I guess they inspire it as well fire inducing so with this list I specifically did not put games that made me mad because they were so bad because that's a much longer list like so that happens all the time or because the rule book was bad no that's right no I'm saying that some say this game soul got to be good game actually most most of the games on my list I actually enjoy playing I actually enjoy playing oh yeah they upset me all the games except for one on my let go sometimes I let him frustrate me there are two games on my listening I'd rather not every game on my list I have seen an argument in it seen someone get mad your business yes my list is gonna be soft not cool these ever arguing games I don't like I really like the games that mildly frustrating me that's a completely number miss that's our next top ten bring it in now I think that mildly prescription right so don't get angry against man in games a kind of upset me we did it okay well other people I don't play with those people I avoid Sam let's get started before you see a rage induce top ten number 10 all right my number 10 is on the list and it just squeaked on because more often than not Colosseum is played in a rather mild way policy well yes Wow we change a rule because the rule actually states that each person is supposed to go in turn offering up and everybody can trade during the trading phase everybody can trade with only one person right and then the next person gets to trade and everybody can trade with them and then the next person so forth that one rule it is a dumb rule however recently we've been we've been playing with that rule and I introduced that rule to a group of people at meeple con the other day and no lunch that fee over no no I I was fine with it but yeah most of them were not and a lot of arguments because what we do is to change the rule is we just have open trading right and the entire table can trade with anybody at any point in time you can make multiple deals with multiple people and once everybody says ok I'm done trading then we move on to the next phase yeah that's what we do I didn't go over so well oh you played that way yeah not like that mmm that's weird well I could see at the connote exam what's a line I'm like hey Z I'll give you a horse but I hear like ok boom boom before he can even like put his offering yeah then he needs to speak up no exactly well that you cannot be you know as you remain milquetoast you can't be millie hose right now I've got it we and and the reason I like that is because it gives you a better feel of being in a market where you're trying to get people and to listen to you and not listen to somebody else oh cut 30 minutes from the time guys but man there were there was some serious I think the group that I was playing with they were great friends with each other they used to be I don't know anymore because there were some like that I can't believe you did that boy you're a friendly gentleness and I can't believe you traded it to spend my lion yeah Lee and it's the first time that's why it's my number ten because that was the first night that I saw people literally getting angry with each other at the table now oh it could have been it could have been just that you know they were there was a great friendships and that was just you know part of their friendship you know they're very comfortable getting angry but boy they were angry and so that's my number 10 Coliseum that college I was excited Colosseum on the night all right I never expected Sam would put it as list but then he said he likes almost all the games live list so I'm not sure but I know I see it and get mad in this game and that and I've seen many people get mad and that's Robo rally okay Rob over your life you sit there you're like okay do this division you're so happy program place at your program I've got it all perfect then some yeah old car sable goes oh I didn't mean to play that card makes it worse because if they were like well I would you guys to go there that'd be one thing but if they're like oh yeah I meant to go the other way is it when they pushed out of the way yes but he's not the only person I watched Oliver play this game a very mild person who died like three turns in a row you know like ah push into a pit push the pin they're like thank you and you can see them breaking down a little bit every single time oh oh well okay the second time Devon yeah the third time yeah just go nuts it helped I was a much younger person as diamond and I I took great joy Oh situation like it died which sometimes is not the best maneuver not have known handle that so guys you did go Injection horrible robo rally my number 10 is one the probably does not make a lot of other people angry that makes me angry I'm or you know frustrates mildly frustrating model II most people I'm not very good at word games this is paperback Wow paperback you have a hand of cards and you are trying to make a word and you want to do it in a decent amount of time because I don't want to make the other people I'm playing with since they're for five minutes while I figure out a build a word with these three letters and then one wild letter which is almost worse it can be any letter so I sit there and I go through like every possible combination of letters and you're making me mad just listening to this I want to play that I was just thinking the exact same time did you know like every rug when I played on castles with my King Ludwig and I just like froze me up I couldn't decide what they'd set the price is that I feel like that when I play paperback I just lock up huh and I'm like my word is high H I hi that's it and then and then someone will be over my shoulder going like you could have made platypus in like I'm gonna kill you right now I can't all words and the wilds and the stuffs and I don't feel bad about putting Colosseum on the list now I actually it makes it frustrate me very much Scrabble was my number 11 yeah for that but for the purpose of me going oh good I've worked hard at my cat next verse is like you know develop like that's what I'm saying I always feel like Qi Oh triple work score yeah yeah I would feel like I need to like hit the books hard after I play favor back you know if you read up a little bit man anyway I for cab you Larry yeah so and it makes me frustrated what you probably feel playing paperback the way I feel playing if I tried I tried I tried you would you know my Lister but it's very similar very similar especially don't fear any less especially when people are saying oh yeah there's one I need to favorite like no one's looking at my hand right like if I'm my hand was open they're like oh that's a good word oh six letters on that wanna be like shut off exactly oh yeah no I ever back my number ten number nine my number and I could have stood in for a lot of speed games that is picked one and that's Holly golly we were sort of realized about this and I remember one time I played with a bunch of teenage teenagers they were my board game Club I've heard the reason they we were playing a game this was years ago and we're sitting there and Holly got you flip over cards and I made the rule slightly off but at the car if there's a vehicle regards to the same fruit equals seven mr. Bell and so someone flip over card and I would start seeing the card like the light from the card is just hitting my eyebrow is already wrong I had any kind of dinner I bill and I bells know but it's like time was freezing like and Oh what and before I'm even adding anything together I think I wasn't like you know you're going in and someone's like you know ya juggle a pea you gotta and someone gonna grab that thing and someone takes a finger off you gotta ask them are you a cokehead because of your girls one nail was a ha ha ha yeah 20 like the bad guy from what's a superhero movie mmm the bad guy who had the one long nail the Mandarin mystery man thank you for mystery man ok yeah oh [ __ ] me with us we're not by halle guy has to know about Frankenstein that's the one what if you could put you could put any fast game on his lips yeah there's always it'd be someone sitting there going oh wow you can almost put any game with a belt I hate games on the Bell I love little Bell was probably I probably go it's funny though how a bell sounds fun and those I meant didn't get obnoxious not fun at all yeah Holly golly my number 9 my number 9 is deception Marin Hong Kong which I only find to be frustrating or rage-inducing when you're the one giving the clues and people are just not getting it and in fact you have table summer than you went there like this with these now I know femme has experienced this actually we're sitting there you think you're giving pretty solid Clues a couple of people around the table are zeroing in on what the thing is and you're going in your head you're going yeah that's right get it and then one person over there goes what about this over here guys and everybody excitedly goes oh yeah oh yeah this one over here and you go now yeah and your hand because you can't talk right and they completely derailed they were clearly on track to hit yep and you just cannot reel them back into that thing they sort of they acknowledged it for a little bit and since they moved off of it they never come back to it you know that's frustrating that's enough before you know that's that being in that position where you cannot just say you were on the right track before you know me Roy that's very done lesson to the idiot Charlie great a murderer - of course I was pretty you know tonight was not the murderer sometimes it's just someone to have a CEO not be be off right now we were playin the other day a newsgroup and my son was the witness and he was like completely my daughter was on this side and she was going to accuse my wife and my son was was like edge not do your lot on mine you might as well just wear a sign and says I'm a witness and it will go here's your hat you know here's your cab with your time whatever oh my goodness anyway that's my number nine deception murder in Hong Kong all right my number nine is cash and guns 2.0 and the only reason I say second edition is because it's not my phone this time but anyway cash and guns is second edition only because that's the one that's available politically right now but first of all you're already pointing guns at people that's already you know you're kind of down the wrong path it's foam guns it's not real of course but pointing guns and people using to put that away right away or take it away under the day all your fidget spinner you can really cool beard but anyway I've just seen this game so many times where people pick on one guy just because they know they're going to get a rise out of them and so you have to go into this game with that idea that I'm not going to get angry I'm not going to get mad uh no matter what happens you know it's just a game you have to and I do whenever I'm running a game of this I usually try to make that point remember this is just a game if you die you're you know that's part of the game you're out of the game I just seen it so many times where people have just gotten really angry because people are just picking on people for no reason sometimes it seems mm-hmm and so it's not really a foe of the game it's more of a flaw with the game's gamers that are being played that are playing the game so I've just seen so many people getting rid of this game and so I always preface the game with remember this is Judge John yes exactly fake emotion I sure hope you're playing with fake gun number eight alright my number eight is Roman bones second time for simply the amount of dice chucking in it that betrays you at every possible turn every now and then and the one thing that really is problematic is Kent he doesn't know about dice either a guys are scary never said you never play 40k bad game is scary it's like a handful of dice your role in that right right I don't mess with guys like that all roll ones mm-hmm now in Roman bones the one thing that is really can sometimes just be like I had every right to get that you know is when you uh when you rig across from one ship to the other and it's like you know you don't even try to go for something extravagant right it's not like well I'm going to I'm gonna ring from here and land right on oh no no it's like two spaces across should be able to muster that roll of one dive in the water you know it's like and that skips your return with that character that hmm I should be able to get across a little too hop it's a hop across the ship and then so every now and then the dices get you and then yeah with general combat of course sometimes you can have the other player just wipe out one of the structures on your ship with some well-placed dice rolling and you are hacking away of whatever you're trying to get is just not happen but that happens in a lot of games like he had a bad game a torn I think you don't have a great game actually my the guy was playing with had a horrible game I felt bad for him but um and again the combat driven you know the dice was the car that's fine it's and I expect those swings of luck it's mostly the rigging across thing that the penalty for not getting that roll is you fall in the water and your guy spends all round climbing back up when you're done and it kept happening to the shark and it's like well I just want to go back home what's going on is he just like missing the water what's happening so that was my number eight eight I can see how it can upset people when you're just not getting four died I believe this was the problem right now I got this round who the die hey wait did you play yourself in that game did he have your number no he didn't play well I didn't have an expansion what is it a great pack great upgrade pack handy so it was second type of yeah yeah yeah all right what do you got oh it's my turn there number four number eight my number eight now again I told you most of the games that are on my list are games that I actually enjoy in this one is my number one game of all time blood rage up in the title yeah not right vo so yeah one of the most frustrating things and it's happened more than once to me is where I was like I usually happened to the first age too because that's where rage is the tightest and I've used all my rage and I'm saving my last rage for for so I can get all my quest cards out when someone steals it from and then somebody plays that card Lucky's trickery and steals your last rage those questions Bakula that's what it feels like it's like they're pointing at you you know oh my goodness that is so infuriating and I've done that to people and I've had it done to me and people have been so gracious because I had I had locations one of the last games I played we were I think I probably stole I don't know three or four rage from different people Wow in the course of the age and it's like I get and now I I know how they felt looking within yeah right is idea and it was it's so infuriating and they were so merciful when I when I when I did it to them so I appreciate that but yeah this is a game where if you get the wrong cards played on you or the other card where oh yeah discard all cards that were just played and play a new one why do people always sound so weird oh my goodness I've bluffed quest cards that I had locked in and I lost them because of that so it's yeah blood rage was definitely on the list I still I don't I know it's there now so I'm able to like you know goosfraba before I actually begin so I don't get I don't go away that much anymore but it's definitely there and I see it I see the the flames in other people oh yeah definitely well thank you Sam for sharing you're welcome my number eight my number eight I don't usually my cytosine anger occur in this multiple times one time the game did not end from hey from rage that's cutthroat caverns oh yeah alright cuz there are cabins who are all trying to go through dungeon together but you apparently all hate each other yeah so he'll be like I'm going to stab the guy but like oh I tripped you buddy sorry you were gonna kill it sorry I gotta be liability and I'm like Sam why this party even works together is beyond me exact the game is super fun but they don't usually work together there's kind of totally good if you've watched our videos you've heard tales of water being thrown into faces and it yo exists the game that happened to me when I was making this list I was actually burying the hatchet this game is not on my list I'm gonna keep it going yeah he is keeping it going this time he opened up that wound so someone threw water at you it was in this game yeah yep yep yep I was not involved Wow okay I was want to talk to you better go to and I didn't see that at all i cutthroat cabbage miner break in my number seven someone threw acid on someone's face one Batman the Joker returns and my number seven is Citadel's a brash yes and especially this is I think considerably alleviated in the end the new printing of the game because there's so many characters now you can you can kind of make the game a little less mean a little less anger inducing if you play with the with a different set of characters but in the original game where you have both the assassin and the witch was it the thief yeah it's a cement it is I the assassin and the seat for them rather than see from the assassin I forget which ones first but you could have several turns where if you were and you would even attempt to avoid picking a character you thought they were going to assassinate you know you could do the whole like well I clearly need the king or whatever because of the cards I have but I'm not going to take the king because I know so-and-so to be assassin and they're going to assassinate the king so I'll take some stupid character I don't need I'll have a bad round but I'll do something and then they go yeah you're the warlord clinker yes I am a boy King okay you're making it sound like somebody out there is trying to get you yes that's pretty much how no usually not for me if I'm going assassinate the monger try to assassinate the whatever I think we'll do the most benefit for me depends on the number of players if there's enough players at the table you can sort of like shoot into the dark and hope to hit someone yeah and if you're the one who drafted hoping to avoid that maybe the guy after you was the one who wanted that you know what I mean and they're hoping to hit them but they hit you ooh you know what I'm saying understand I think what you want now then they'll really be able to assess it an elbow think it out is serious in this if you actually take what you want though be like oh you definitely took the king I saw go by in my hand or only taking assassin well it's it already got taken or I would be the one killing everybody anyway I said they'll definitely can lead to that and if it happens to you a few times in a row you eventually continue screaming that name whenever you do podcast my member says is a game I really enjoyed but I think it'll get madness because of one thing that happens in Dragons gold dragons go Dooley again this is right reduce news on this list a lot and Dragons gold you have to make a deal you don't get the gold and you split it and everyone else agree to the deal and if it's not all agreed on by everybody then no one gets anything right and you can legitimately go for one minute and I've seen it done I may have done it myself is if you actually wait out a minute because that's just the obnoxious I don't know wait a minute but like I mean he'll they're like alright well I guess we're not it's not a minutes not up yet I haven't run into that yet no all right well you don't want to negotiate so let's just move on no there was a game level - I played just play with my with my family and my daughter and my two sons were at each other's throats for this very same thing I can't never know anyway the home game I can't I remember the oh it was a tomb traitor - traitor from level 99 they have a very similar mechanism where they go to everybody the same location you have to split stuff up and you have to agree on what in man at one point my son my oldest son Michael was just like you I'm not going to love it but everybody's getting the same amount nope I want this but but yeah and you can do that do like right right I want this for Dave and Dave totally Stonewall's the entire game no it's so frustrating it's in Cosmic Encounter it's in cosmic counters not as pronounced because in dragons gold you do it every time you divide up an iron cosmic and if you're not making a deal with the other guy you're both lose you know I mean this yeah it's usually a really good idea you only do it once in a while right and Dragons go you can be like no one gaming I figure like four people involved with a deal yeah yeah get a good one all right cool all right my number seven is bang the dice game now thank you that your game is one of those games that first of all whenever he Leela pull your elimination no it doesn't a player elimination is one of the main things I haven't I have a teen in my youth group that will actively avoid playing this game because one time actually it was one day it happened multiple times in the day he we played like because usually what happens we play a game we do it over because they go so fast we play two three times sometimes right so the first game he got he got eliminated like two rounds in the third game or the second game he he was one of the first to get let go it played out pretty normally but he was one of the first ones to get knocked out and then the third game my wife was instrumental in knocking him out of the game before he got his turn before he got one go yes oh no and that was like the straw that broke the camel's back at that point he was like I said I'm done with this game I will never play this game again he was there and he's very mild-mannered guy who wants to watch now not right now he was talking was face was flush oh no and he was just was ready to kill somebody are you read about in the paper and I will be bring bring some co-opt man but it's just what it aqua it again it's one of those games where if a person can get singled out that yes that part of the game just and again it's not really a game per se it's the people playing the game you have to really get into your character and make sure that you're not shooting your teammates before you start to everybody willy-nilly exactly so beta dice game has definitely has some of those infuriating moments and definitely for this guy so I had to be on my list number six number six is a game of Thrones the board game now Game of Thrones if you know everybody or watched the series you'll know that no one likes each other anyway they're either destroying each other killing each other murdering each other or whatever you're fighting dragons yes you've never seen it I've never so never read or seen it but the game is very much like that in fact before they fixed it with one of the expansions you literally with one of the factions could destroy our affection like I'm turn one good good but in this game you make orders you making deals with each other you are constantly working at attacking each other and it's so mean and so vicious there's no no reason to ever make permanent alliances with anybody you are fighting from turn one the random events might smack you around to while you're at it it's actually a good game that I will never play again because I can't handle the stress levels from it oh because it's just when I'm done playing it I feel like someone beat me up it's the same thing with diplomacy yeah right right now is Game of Thrones is that it takes like half the time yeah totally three hours all right yes the game of Thrones is my number six your turn all right my number six I all hurry sir I don't bad you'll see okay might not first okay hmm go ahead watch em er sake what do you keep typing on you my number six is okay sorry go ahead top ten lists that make you angry it is cattle star Galactica Battlestar Galactica considered one of those games where because it is a social deduction game you have to lie to people you know and just whenever games do that there's always that ability for the game to really get underneath your skin and for other people's actions in the game to really get underneath your skin and these distress oh yeah you distrust everybody and so when you're telling this person the truth and you know for the fact that this is a truth and they don't believe you you're like oh and now you're going to listen to that guy hear that toaster either Cylon and you know it does ever mean yeah it's it's more often than not I almost do almost be more up than that it is you but uh Battlestar Galactica definitely is one of those games that you you cannot go into the game already like you know if you need to have lunch before you play this game so you're not angry I don't hang green ten kids that they get angry I get I hop five will be anger inducing games the bottom five food you have a snack something just make sure you got to make sure I don't know take some medication I don't know but I don't play the SG in an already mad state because it'll just heighten from there yes you should actually if you're bitter bad you shouldn't play boy before game just go deal with that all right here we go my number six a lot of the games on my list of games in which you have hidden information that you are not allowed to reveal or you have to watch something go awry you cannot speak up about it I already happened with deception this one is mysterium that's my number six and in mysterium you are giving cards you as the I think it's the most frustrating being the ghostly player or whatever when you give a card or several cars to someone they look at those cards and they very clearly I think look at them and go oh it's the cook that's the one or you know oh it's this item here because it's very obviously the card I gave you pointing to that thing right No they'll pick everything else and then you have to tell them you have to give them a couple of carton they're like no it is and you can tell them no look at the red background it's the same yeah but I get mad as a ghost when they got I mean I get mad as a player if the ghost is not very smart yeah the group of this guy why would you obviously not be thank you it's anger inducing the other way - yeah so coming in knowing that it's for that it's that like I only have a limited amount of cards and I sometimes give you something that's not good and not at that point I guess I know it but sometimes like all this card's perfect here we go and they just miss it completely the thing I'm trying to get them to see it just flies under the radar I was playing this will first came out with Marty Cannella his family and it was I he was he kept giving me bad stuff and it got to the point where you punched him no no no no no I'm not on par so every story I read and I punched so where he would just like hand me the cargo I'm sorry yeah right and it just because it was just he could not find a good yeah it's a representation of that clue just happens and you know it got to the point where it was just comical at that point you know so yeah but yeah I definitely understand how frustrating you can be with my number-6 mysterium number five all right my number five is a game that we used to play with a group of teenagers in our school we played it in your room as a matter of fact cheesy walls and all well his walls were painted cheese yellow eyes of a pictures of food over me yeah he did Wow yes he did but anyway angry played this in a group of guys and which was a great idea they were all gamers they loved playing games risk legacy is the game that I'm talking about and we we would have a great time until I feel like I never died had a great time um reliving the hill as well okay I like it yeah he was in all of these games but he wasn't why he wasn't why the common denominator the reason I make my list is he couldn't rap but one guy would get a call his mom's coming in pick him up whether that does a game for everyone again it is a game fault but what he then did was oh oh I gotta leave in five minutes so I'm just going to go on this break next suicide run and just leave myself wide open whose turn wasn't next this guy oh happy sir I'll bubble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble he goes all the way the whole thing and oh look I guess I whine but Thanksgiving stories yeah pretty much pretty much because the guy just offered up the game on the platter and oh my goodness that's one of the reasons why I still have an unopened copy of risk legacy in my house because they're waiting for that guy no I'm fine desk no no hey Burton how are there stickers that is a good idea in Lynch but the idea is you know I really enjoy playing the game but the opportunity of that happening again has really made me go anyway I'm open Kathy I do that sounds like you're just angry at telephone calls though not that game no it's not telephone calls in that game allows you going around that yeah okay okay basically you can you can easily King make by running yourself out yeah so that's why I have an unopened copy and your noggin risk legacy my number five is the resistance and it's for something that Sam mentioned a while ago and talking about BSG which is that whole smell really I'm the good guy this time please believe me please and no I believe you could have been the bad guys twice in a row now and you are done for the evening you are done yes you could be playing Yahtzee and roll the dice openly in front of people no like that's not a Yahtzee they're all the same I don't believe you look at them please so that's the thing with the resistances so I won say I want they pegged you as a traitor then they'll never put you on the team again you're just going no I have to vote this down because I know one of them's a traitor that's you with your traitor trickery no no believe me so the resistance leads to a lot of that it's what I like about it actually is that it's really condensed frustration you know the resistance is such a short game yeah that it takes that frustration that could be spread out over a long game and gives it to you in like twenty minutes of just oh you know I'm not angry like I'm really upset of the people but like frustration that I'm not able to break through and make that connection be like it's me really stop believing other people you know so I like oh I don't like that feeling that game makes you look more it does right when you're that desperate like you're - definitely my number five the resistance to be a self-induced problem but I number five I don't believe you what you just said um my number five there's been a lot of games in here the old game intrigue we just read like people would I would have put that on the list but I hate that game me okay I like the game but it's kind of obsolete at this point but intrigue you say hey here I'm going to offer your nephew a job I'm flying okay he's fired and then there's mall horror and city apart which at the same thing where you're throwing someone out that is not these but the game that does this the best is lifeboats I like both you all just came off a ship and you're in lifeboats there one two different lifeboats then everyone votes which lifeboat gets to go forward we're all trying to switch lifeboat sink get the leak in it and then the people in that lifeboat wonder the leak who gets thrown overboard yes and I've never seen a game of this end without somebody getting annoyed not like I die doesn't have to get too angry again I think the game is just short enough where I would be like you know hey guys it's only be 45 minutes here you can make it through this you know but still it's kind of annoying when you're like I am losing the case I cannot mathematically win and you're still voting to throw me over when mr garrier here is winning is there some one stop listening to his lies and again you can see who's winning that's the thing you can look at the islands and be like yeah they're winning you're out if I jump off this bar anyway it's an interesting game I don't recommend it for most people honestly yeah it's like them it's like the exact total opposite of a cooperative game yeah yes so but I mean that's one of the few games of that sort that I'll play I like it but I mean it's first but that's because you got to go into it knowing what it is number four all right my number four is a game where I actually lost my cool and not on who I didn't actually punch anybody I don't punch people I don't I spoke that was there again no you weren't not this time yeah so that common factor is is done away with but I don't normally punch I don't think I've punched anybody in quite a few decades actually but just putting that out there no this one is where I actually took my hand of cards I had a lot of them because I had been planning to use them all until my wife and my son decided to block off basically two thirds of the map by two what they will say is strategic plays though the story on that yes I have yes but Ticket to Ride Nordic countries is a very tight ticket to ride map and I had my entire plan done set I was about to start playing them and yeah my wife played one of like all crud okay I can still do this excellence on and then my son it was about about card editor guy and I mean I took my cards your through your card and I threw my card so that it wiped the board so we could not start over we were done with that game it is one of the only times I have done this uh and mented know it wasn't real bad about it this is this is almost a decade ago as well I feel bad well yeah of course I apologize almost immediately yes I apologized well you do it again would you like to hear him there you don't have to apologize do it now but nice it's just one of those games where AHA so easy and my my boys when they were learning how to play we're just like crying about Avinash you know anyways children yes exactly but then you taught them this dark side of gaming but anyway that's my number four all right nor damn country's just very ah mildly frustrating almost an all the way from Trish we almost have crossed over me and Sam that's white though risk but 2210 yeah it's not so much any particular story I was just talking to I was talking to Joe there than in a phone and I was like hey remember that one time you played risk and I didn't turn one teaching you how the game you like them out I go mean I was about he did he would get a turn that's not right it really is it right and yet for some reason he's loaded keen years later I still am not sorry you know that that must be what it is I don't know I look back as many regrets not one of them oh my good but we have literally never played a game of this where someone didn't get like yeah Matt somebody like admit he mad really yes I gotta get this no I actually I haven't played it for over a decade I have not or that reason whenever with Sam and his family people what about the book 22:10 alright my number four is when you briefly mentioned when you were talking about lifeboats in that city of horror for the same reason yeah for the same reason right right you can just sort of like get thrown to the Wolves I say the wolves but get on to the zombies who call the city of wool city of war you got throw people out to the wolf mall of wolves but and not that even in it you are attempting to survive and you know sure of the zombies coming in and all that but that part the easy part is the negotiating with other people and them throwing you out so zombies get you and you don't really have a lot to offer in the game so it's just sort of like you know you look at a room and you you know sashay up to this person you like hey how about we work with and then you look at him you go oh y'all y'all already talked ah alright I'll walk out there and the problem with this gay but maybe makes it worse than life buzzes in life was I think it like six sailors and in City Mall party of three drivers three survivors yeah that's it so what is a gun for something the Gerudo it's brutal well in the inin mall for us the way it is and city [ __ ] they're slightly different the people are a little more different right so I like better but it's still very few survivors so losing one's a big deal you know I like the game but it can definitely be the kind of game that if things aren't going your way you'll be frustrated and it's not going someone's way you know so there's always someone frustrated in the game or you're getting getting it's getting to them so that's my number for city of horror number three number three is times up cool because yeah as fun as it is and this will never stop me from playing it I've seen so many people get angry at someone else now it's it happen more in the people one because it's harder to do some of the people yeah yeah if I get you know Jacques Cousteau and you don't know who that is right that's really hard to even get someone to guess it right right what's a pictionary uh the pictionary effect someone's doing something you're like it's a gold it's a donkey's the card so you know it's like that anger you know where you just can't help you guys anger there's the anger from the person giving the clue yeah yeah alright obvious and then there's the N for the other person who goes you're a [ __ ] you're not giving me good clues right so yeah this game I haven't played with my life of this game a long long time and good smart man we don't want a very didn't it now what the hell why goodness no but the pastor the pastor dad I was rather fry yeah is everything okay yeah I know we just get very enthusiastic with playing sounds up so would good but but really you you get yell at people it even like one mile I played and it's mostly fun there right yeah but there's still times you're just like I'm not bashing you how can you not know who that person is no something like that ties up by number three my number three is fused and this is my real-time game entry I don't like real-time games for the most part series is one of the few I enjoy but pretty much every real-time game can be frustrating or like speed grabby kind of games fuse is not a grabby game well it's a little bit but it's that whole year old there's a perfect pool of dice out there you take exactly what you need you put it on the dice you've got and then you immediately lose it again at the end of that round okay no progress there then you roll another pool of dice yes all right this one can go on this card and you lose it again immediately and that is frustrating that's really frustrating especially when you feel like the time keeps going and you're not making any progress and it's a good it's a good type of frustrating it's again like ten minutes of frustration as opposed to an hour of frustration but man it's ratcheted up to such an intense level that after playing that game I I need a break you know I need a moment to be like just again it's cool yeah but the game though you know I'm adding frustrating on it and induces raging me from the game system going here you go buddy I don't take that you know that it's like he's doing that to a Sukkah halt come on so fuse is my number three my number three has been mentioned by mr. bezel at risk 2010 it is times up really oh nice number and I might be my number one and you don't know and it is best basically for the exact same reasons the exact same stories that he shared I mean you get so you're trying so hard to be so clear on your time and then when the other person is like doing the same thing but they're doing it quietly so then you're gonna they're like hmm exam time is running so it's just man it it's it's all in good fun yeah but still anger very prevalent in times up for the exact same reasons it's just so easy to get so frustrated and yet late highly recommend yeah that's a very fun game you should you should definitely play it just don't play Angry don't let who you like yes number two my number two is my programming game and this is mechs vs. minions mech for Canadian cooperative property Lee yeah yeah it is and again I don't get upset at other people I just get upset at my stupid robot this is actually pretty nice to see like I don't get upset about people I don't normally get any new games we all get upset with what other people are doing it to take that game that kind of thing but it mechs versus millions you've done your program and you think you've got it all figured out and then three turns later it's like you could just flash forward three turns later I'm sitting there going you stupid machine stop going around and talk a little go back way you know your turn program blade [ __ ] the robot says you'll programmed me dresses so you keep hitting a wall or doing on it that game is I I it's a die roll for me I could have an amazing session where I have a blast playing or I could have a session where halfway through I'm really frustrated like let's finish you know kind of frustrated because it's really hard to watch something you've done you have a hard time taking back just completely fall apart slowly and not make any progress over and over and over and the little dudes keep showing up and you're not helping the team which is also frustrating because everybody else is like that's not us Mac this guy Bernie speakers are over here going on with I think that yeah it is so that's my number two mech sources minions just make sure you like things going wrong when you play all right what do you got number two alright my number two now my number two of my number one most of my lists have been games that I actually enjoy playing my number two on my number one pop - oh here a table - my tattoo now the first one is very much like Battlestar Galactica one of my favorite games because you ask the name of the game earlier I did I wonder why your sigil has I know I did see this game is almost just like us are going except for instead of having a hand of cards that you can choose from to offer you basically have to roll a set of dice behind your shield and you must give it's called dark moon my stronghold games have to make sure that I point that out that's right Advertiser you have to roll your dice behind and from that role you have to give your offering it could be you have no choice whatsoever sure you don't exactly see yeah yeah yes yeah so I could have no choice whatsoever I have to put a bad die out there nothing I can do about it I did nothing wrong and yet he thinks I'm the bad guy that's right because I had no choice that forced a part of the game where it's ah she's got to be bad I got to stop goosfraba because it just thinking about this room is making me angry because I hate I hate it when games force something on me that I had no control over whatsoever I don't like it at all so that's my number two dark mood I'm all better than he seems okay my number two is actually cross over to Z and was played very close to when we played dark moon one time and that is the resistance now there are various reasons why the resistance can make people mad what you talking about I had a great time and but part of it is what you're saying I mean I I just put the resistance on here because I see people get mad at it for various reasons they get mad at the other person if the other person doesn't play correctly but mostly the anger is you are lying to me I mean I'm telling you the truth but you don't believe me except I really am lying but you should still believe me because I normally tell the truth and I feel like I'm telling to lie in a very very very honest way so real great example this is like I mean this is a targeted tale now actually telling it's not targeted tale I mean yes there was that moment but I seen I think people get mad in it all the time oh I fell people get mad and especially especially when people say I see people go okay this this and this because you can work things out logically resistant and they'll point it all out and people won't believe them and then they just go bananas like I am showing you exactly out of work and I met done that before like no way he is guilty of it like no maybe not you're like you're more odd why were you even invited into this game oh my goodness oh this is escalated quick ha now it's over what the game's over I hope I love resisted some people should not play it really there is this is my number two finally number one [Music] all right dye robes I roll I built it 18 rating is good but it's as good as an 18 what almost at 18 ozone we had raw I was going to be a 22 and you knocked it over i quiet you with your logical trick I'm going to go first because I think mine's more obvious in your tube and then Sam will have you go laughing like no idea tears you know - the one game that I hate and I'll never play again almost yes and this is for the reason the worst I think it brings out the rage of people because of what he said earlier like oh there's only ten minutes there's only 20 minutes diplomacy is seven hours and the more time you're invested in the game the angrier you get and then that person who betrayed you is still playing the same game they might even betray you again three hours later Oh No yeah it's just I've seen someone cry after playing diplomacy or in the middle she was appointed I mean it was like a grown man curly Grove master I see people yelling at others I've seen I've heard at least five or six people after they play diplomacy come to me and say I will never do that again and I understand that they will never do that again this is one I'm never playing I've never played so many reason I bore you but number one in the points and that was why did I play so many times I have no idea maybe you're a masochist you know like other people I mean because I was mad I was angry in my very first day of diplomacy like five minutes in Bob sadly for no reason I'm still mad about that Bob oh okay all right what do you guys M is yours yours what I didn't know it was mentioned on your little yellow but the complete thing what is it Oh Robbie yeah I'm sorry rally card I put so much work making sure my robot goes exactly where it needs to go and then you put it so succinctly earlier some Yahoo simply says oh here comes the voice uh I meant to play this card that's a different voice equally equally uh oh my goodness then why didn't you play that card if you meant the plane why didn't you play it because now not only are you messed up you're messing me up I mean Oh take all your stuff throw it across I I will never play this game again I will never play this game again even if they they can't fix it that's the problem this is a game where just other people messing up mess you up - not fair not cool I will not play this game ever again you have nothing to top it with that I get really angry with yours the only one is oh no I'm not gonna be angry this one's one where it is - it's a two-player only game is an oldie but a goodie and in it in it you are going to be mean to each other chess a lot no babble oh I got a nice lane Babel yeah Babel is like I mean Babel is a game that you get mad this is no joke how me in the scanner rosenberg game people okay like mister you know build up your crops and feed your family nice guy mm-hmm not back in the day he was back in the day he was having you build up your towers and then getting them swept up from under you and destroyed and stole it and oh in this game you are going to spend on average three turns building up something and half a turn having it taken it away you know taken away it's it's a game built on not you building things up but taking them from the other person's hard work that's how that's how it's designed to work and it's a great test it's always the one I suggest to people when they have a significant other that is I'm not sure they like angry games and I'm like why don't why would you encourage a new couple to play that game are you no no no not wash no no surgery I'm getting along with Sally you guys should play battle they would know and they're like oh noise you know he or she likes Ann you know me and games and like all right try babble then talk to me good there's that's so likely they like that then yes they really like me in games no yeah not want that guy to come back and talk to you because he'd be like I'm did what you said I wanna she left me Monday after Oh anyway that was a particularly rage inducing game and it never lets up it never lets up and you're going to have you're going to be smacked around from turn one until the game is over is a game business I'm done to me you've never played no thanks ray I watched him and Joe play it and they got so angry at him oh no he wasn't angry because I was oh he was having a dream on but you were because he was like a fair man doing this I'm like okay fine fine fine I'm just going to build up and it's hard to come back when you have your hand gone I was like on yes exactly and everything is up for grabs so anyway bow will definitely try with your new look how us to pick up and to what games inspire rage what games make people mad what games a weak men there's probably games there's a lot of Kim times a lot there's a lot really for a different reason really for the most part it all jokes aside and our group very rarely as rage come out yeah and you really shouldn't it's just a game we're talking game rage for the most part but I mean if you do get angry easily then perhaps these are games you should skip we're doing the world a favor until next month on battle Alma Garcia thank you everybody Sam Healy see you guys a little flip side on the happy flip side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 246,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel
Id: DoOKc4vPhzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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