WAR OF SPIRITS, SUPERPOWERS & DEVILS (Ephesians 6:11-24) | Dr. Gene Kim

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we discussed uh briefly about verse 11 so let's expand upon it just a little bit more the bible reads here put on the whole armor of god so the bible says that you have to put on the whole the entirety of the armor of god not just parts of it why that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil so that you can be able to stand against satan's tricks his deceptions wiles traps that's what wiles is referring to so remember this is literally word for word verse by verse explanation of this verse by verse bible study so that's the goal that's the intention so try to pay attention and try to interpret yourself every word from the verse that way you can improve your own knowledge of the scriptures so understanding this full text it is important that from the word of god we put on the entirety the wholeness of the armor of god because any missing area that you give is enough where the enemy will be able to take advantage of you and find an opening so you don't want to give an opening to the wicked one so make sure that you arm yourself holy so whole and armed because the devil he looks at the weak spot better than you can sometimes because sometimes you blind yourself out of too much pride and stubbornness so then the devil he sees your weak areas better than you so if you don't look at your weak areas to arm yourself you better know this as satan was probably years ago saw that and kept hitting you in that area it's only by the grace of god you're still alive so it is important to arm yourself in every area now it says tricks wilds deception traps of the devil because we're wrestling against his entirety the entirety of his system look at verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood so our wrestling our match our flight is not physical warfare flesh and blood it's not humans themselves but against principalities so notice that the principalities the dominions of this place against powers so powerful forces powerful entities against the rulers of the darkness of this world so there are rulers in this world people who are sent in charge over the darkness that satan has set up in this world against spiritual wickedness in high places now that's referring to devils against notice spiritual wickedness see that so it's spiritual entity spiritual evil that's found in high places so notice that devils that they are attracted to high areas now for some of you who don't know about the history that's why korea it had shamanism for over a millennium before buddhism came to the scene and shamanism they took mountains very seriously because they believe that's where great spirits or huge spirits lie within the power of some place high and the buddhism combined with that and that's the reason why so-called fake christianity in korea today who adopted charismatic doctrines because the charismatic doctrines coincidentally matched up well with the shamanistic buddhist beliefs in korea so then that's why they have these prayer mountains they would call it you wonder why they got that you thought that they would be very spiritual but no actually it comes from a history where of shock where they adopted from their ancestors from shamanism and buddhism now obviously look there's nothing wrong with praying at a mountain but korea's case with christianity it's not something that you can just follow their system so easily their system was born from this pagan practice a long time ago so you've got to understand that fact now if we look at this text we can see that this is not human flesh but then you'll notice some parts here that there's no doubt human flesh is involved in this spiritual powers in these spiritual dark forces for example it says principalities it says rulers of the darkness of this world so there's no doubt that spiritual dark forces that they empower some physical rulers in the devil's world so then is there a contradiction here verse 12 it says we're not fighting against uh physical forces but then it seems like the latter part of verse 12 there are physical forces involved well the simple answer is this is see when you're battling against uh the popes the jesuit order the professors in this school you got to be careful especially with false prophets and uh in my case some of you have known if you've subscribed for years how there were some false prophets online who attacked us for a long time but it's got to be understood that the main enemies are actually not those people but they are still part of a spiritual wicked force that you have to fight against that's the point the point is is that you're not battling some poor catholic or muslim wicked or lost they may be they're just deceived by the wicked one including false prophets they're deceived it's not those peoples because those peoples we want their souls to be saved uh false prophets i might kick them hard but to be quite honest i'd rather that they repent rather than get judged so that's how the lord tests your heart if you're truly have the right spirit when you're battling against your enemies now uh returning to the main pointer here so then it's not the people it's the system you have to understand that's the key the key is the reason why we're still battling against physical forces even though we're technically not so to speak the idea is we're battling against the system that's using these physical people who are simply chess pieces and objects so there are objects they're not the tools behind the scenery the evil force is moving it's this one right here the spiritual blame it's a spiritual warfare that you have to see it's a system you know to be quite honest i don't hate catholics but i hate their system that's the idea and you should too you should hate their system because i mean you should rejoice when you sing babylon is falling if you don't there's something wrong with you unless uh you're a christian that goes oh i can't believe you actually rejoice about the catholic church burning i mean how dare you i mean what lack of love no i should hate it because if i really love those souls who are gonna be deceived and burning in hell because of their system i should hate their system it's a wicked evil system it has blinded and deceived and damned uh over a billion catholic souls into hell which is sad it's very sad millions of catholics now understanding that it's a system that we're battling against that's why you realize you have to be fully armed because think about his system satan his system consists of so many dark forces and you're actually against the minori you're actually against the majority here it's a huge system of satan that you're battling against several factors that can be considered and i would recommend watching the video history of bible believers and you'll see more of the spiritual warfare behind it but some of them where i demonstrated was definitely and a lot of the online would probably know this but look at the top globalists today so there is no doubt some big elites behind the scenes who take advantage and through taking advantage they control systems in the world but but that's just part of it then you got so many false religions around the world and churches damning literally billions of souls into hell then you get hollywood hollywood has brainwashed our generation and that's where they learn their worldly language worldly dressing worldly thinking etc and not only that you're up against the education school system i mean it's because of the education school system that they can be able to brainwash the next generations where christians and even pastors feels incompatible to battle against because they're not as smart you shouldn't flinch against this system you have to fight you have to battle that's what i've been doing here at berkeley some christians and pastors and churches they're thinking only about their own little terrain and that's false we got to realize that it's a whole world out there we have to battle against it's a whole world out there that we have to battle against so education not only that you're against the government now i don't mean obviously rebellion and i've already given a lesson on that on the previous ephesians study but the idea is this is that there is going to be times where government is going to make you disobey god at that time we have to obey god rather than men not only that uh we don't have to rebel against the government while the government is deceiving us see so the government they might claim certain uh things that they believe people should follow or that they would recommend or have people to do or try to promote and send your taxes to support the public school system and then presidents and then governmental leaders tolerating sodomites and lgbtq xy and z and all the colors of zebras and animals and giraffes in their zoo so they teach that kind of manner and you as a christian don't have to rebel against the government but you don't have to listen to them either that's the idea you don't have to listen and believe oh what they say is true see you can still follow and be a good citizen at the government system without conceding without giving into their propaganda that they're cr that they're cramming down your throats so in that sense we're against the governments of this world that you have to watch out for so notice that we're a total minority and not only that this is something that some people don't understand it's your fellow christians now the idea is this is that fellow christians if we look at a case at the book of thessalonians there might be a brother that we don't count as an enemy but we still have to separate ourselves from that brother there are plenty of passages romans 16 and then corinthians where it talks about say brethren that we have to separate from why because christians have fallen into this system you see that that's why we can't really think as the individual as the person as our real enemy i mean think about it there's a lot of false pastors out there that i kick and expose who are saved some some onliners might be shocked about that there are some false pastors out there that i can give the benefit of the doubt that our saved people might not be a lot so i'll take back on what i just said about that one but there is a good amount you'd be surprised why they just compromise that's their problem so because they compromise i have to battle their system by the way some people don't know this but the system that i battle against the most is not this one it's actually one i believe this is the number one uh group of people that the devil has used their system to mess up our world you might say why because if these people didn't mess up we could have had a fighting chance but because they messed up that's uh the greatest uh enemy that i see as a system is the neo-evangelical movement non-denominational movement that charismatic movement that much that's my number one enemy because uh they've because they produces weak sheep and that's why these guys were able to eat them up see how many of their people were eaten up by this system now it's true it's inevitable in every church that you're going to lose some people to the devil's system because no one's perfect but if you look at the false churches they're way more they more than triple the amount compared to bible believing churches okay so this is a big world that's the reason why some of these uh preachers names they could even preach good stuff but i don't condone them why because of their system some of them are tied to calvinists so then you get like i mean sure i appreciate the deeds of john macarthur for example during the time of last year but uh he ain't my best friend and i ain't gonna recommend his stuff why because of the system he's involved with what modern bible versions galvanism john piper's the same rc spro is the same and uh ray comfort he doesn't uh he doesn't uh agree with fully with calvinism but he's uh very sympathetic toward them todd friel from wretched etc paul washer oh paul washer is bad paul washer is really bad now going back to our main text otherwise i will not finish ephesians so let's finish this quickly so this is a huge system we're battling against verse 13 wherefore so paul says that's why take unto you the whole armor of god he repeated it twice 11 and 13. why you're not looking at this wicked system we're battling this is a huge system do you realize how small we are and do you realize how much work there is to do that's one of the reasons why i went online one of the reasons why i went online is because i have to spread something that can attack this we could system all around our world it's really huge the enemies around us and it's the spiritual warfare so that's why you have to be fully armed san jose bible baptist church there's going to be uh i've your pastor told you this several times but remember that satan is currently trying to find a weak spot in us and then we've been through a lot of battles and some of you are going through personal sufferings together but it's because we're up against a huge system we've uh we've grabbed the lion's tail so to speed so obviously the lion's gonna bite back uh continuing reading on that ye may be able withstand in the evil day that way you can withstand that way you can be able to hold it out and stand during the evil day so remember we are in evil times these are evil days so we that's why we have to be fully armed now the bible repeats again and having done all so after you do everything you could to a stand against the enemy what do you do relax no to stand stand so notice here that verse 13 says you have to stand in the evil day and after you do everything you could then after that stand again and then notice that it says stand again at verse 11. see that and paul just won't shut up at verse 13 after he says after you do everything then stand again and verse 14 stand therefore now this is your problem christians is that uh your problem is it's not that i need more blessing i need more grace i need god to intervene more no you need to stand more that is your problem is your weakness we live in a very sissified generation the bible has repeated approximately four times as we have seen that we have to stand why because if you don't stand then the enemy is going to consume you you have to stand when's the last time you stood or you just want to get a piggy back from jesus all the time you have to stand it's not that the lord jesus christ he can't uplift your uh he can't give you grace or help you through the trial or even relieve you of your burden he can but a lot of times the lord jesus christ is saying look you do have the strength and the ability to be able to stand and if you don't ever stand at all you're never gonna walk baby child i mean you're gonna let a baby be uh crippled for life so to speak i guess never walk no there's a time where even a baby christian has to practice walking and standing on his or her own two feet stand it is so important to stand you know there was a story that dr utman said that would put a person under conviction but there was a english soldier during world war ii who was afraid of the battle because the the uh battle of world war ii was just bloody and horrendous uh if you look at world war one it was much worse but world war ii was still nevertheless a time of filled with horror so at a time filled with horror the english soldier ran for the bushes and hid himself and then he waited and waited and then he saw this nazi soldier just screaming and bleeding and then fighting for his life and then he fell down at the ground dying and then the english soldier just stayed there the the nazi soldier just stayed there lying and bleeding and dying and then you know what happened that nazi soldier he just picked himself back up again out of delirium or something reported his name rank and number and then he gave a siege heil like that and then he fell down again and died now what what's that supposed to mean that shows that a person who's an unbeliever who's part of the devil's system one of the worst systems that you can think of during that time period that he was able to stand for his master that's right you can't do yours getting quiet in here okay let's continue on let's i put people under conviction at verse 14 at verse 14 so you have to stand having your loins gird about with truth so uh when you stand for the lord here are several parts of the armor that you want to know the first one is the belt of truth the belt the belt of truth so this is found at verse 14 obviously so let's look at which parts in your armor have chinks in it or which parts of your armor that you need to that you need to strengthen even more the belt of truth why because the strength of a man is obviously in his loins so that's where the strength of a man's lie a strength of a man lies if you attack that one then the man just goes to put so to speak but the idea is this greater strength would lie within a frank honest person who is filled with dependability the idea is this is that how can god trust a person if a person lives his life not as a frank honest person a person always makes excuses for example right well lord i can't do this for you because of blah blah blah blah no you're just not you're just being dishonest you know deep down inside your heart you can do that thing for the lord that you can face that battle but you're just making up a dis you're just being dishonest and then giving an excuse to god if you're being truly honest about it there is something in there that you can conquer the trial and that you can do for the lord so stop making excuses that you can't read your bible you can't pray you can't come to church you can't win a soul and etc etc now look i don't want to beat down people sometimes people can be overtly sensitive as the generation pass by i have to explain even more and waste more time in bible study and i can't continue onwards so there are sometimes people who are genuinely sick and then bedridden there's nothing you can do about it so you know what i mean all right sometimes people have legitimate excuses but if you look if you start being truly honest with yourself see that you're being truly truthful to yourself then you know there's something that you could have done better perhaps the next one is the breastplate of righteousness if you look at verse 14. it says and having on the breastplate of righteousness so you have to put on righteousness and that's your breastplate now if you might recall we're going to look at some passages here if we return to ephesians chapter 4 ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 ephesians chapter 4 verse 24 notice what the bible says because the reason why is we're putting on the old man quite often even though we shouldn't the old man the flesh is dead to us we should be putting on rather than sin but unrighteousness so you have righteousness within your spiritual nature you do have it but do you put it on it's like you have your clothes but do you put it on that's the idea so do you put on do you actually put it on yourself no a lot of times you have righteousness but a lot of times you try to put on the world don't you or the flesh notice that the bible says at verse 24 and that he put on the new man which after god has created in righteousness and true holiness that's what you've got to be doing all right going to ephesians again ephesians chapter 6 and then we'll look at verse 15 ephesians chapter 6 and then we'll read verse 15. it says and your feet shod so what is the word shot shot is basically putting on your shoes so believe it or not shot is easier to use than the word putting on your shoes if you go put him on your shoes that's several words but if you go a shod then that automatically means putting on your shoes you didn't know that right that word is specifically used for putting on shoes actually so all you have to do is tell your child shod and then they'll go all right you don't have to say put on your shoes you know you just waste you just waste time and energy with this one sometimes the king james bible language is easier than modern versions isn't it and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace go to romans 10 romans 10 so then you have to have your feet putting on shaw the gospel of peace shoes or what they call gospel shoes gospel shoes why is that it says in preparation you know that in preparation when you use the gospel because basically everywhere your feet goes you're going to encounter souls that you have to be ready on the spot to witness to souls that's why we do soul winning classes right that's why our church practice is so winning classes i'm very proud where about a third of you have an idea how to do soul winning now or can do so winning this makes your pastor very happy you got to realize a lot of bible believing churches don't have that kind of benefit so a third of the members doing that uh makes me very happy and why is that because your pastor can't be next to you if you encounter a family or a loved one who's dying right beside you at that moment and you're gonna have to be the one that at that moment at that time instantly wherever you're going you're ready to give the gospel to that person notice that the word of god says in romans chapter 10 and then we'll read verse 15 and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace see that everywhere you go your shoes gotta uh you gotta be ready to give the gospel all right going back to ephesians chapter six the next part is the shield of faith shield of faith why is that the reason why is because what helps you through the storms is basically where you have faith you believe in god right when you go through trials what helps you quite often believing right believing that the lord will make a way believing romans 8 28 is true believing that the lord will turn the trial for good believing that god's way is better than your way that's why you give up your plans you give up your abandonment of your own ways you give up your worries and burdens and you dump it all to the lord why that's complete faith when the devil attacks you go to ephesians chapter 6 again and then notice at verse 16 above all now isn't that important so notice that above so it seems to imply that above everything in your armor there's something that's extremely important taking the shield of faith why because this is your only defensive weapon the most effective defensive weapon against the attacks from the enemy it reflects it off taking the shield of faith wherewith he shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked meaning that this shield of faith wherewith that in which what it can do you will be able to stop quench all the fiery darts so there are darts that satan throws at you i don't know if you knew that you might say why is that because he sees a weak area that's hard to see that you're having a hard time seeing and then he it's like a game of darts that he has to hit that bullseye and he's been doing it for what 6 000 years so he's a pretty good shot i think so you got to realize that this is the kind of warfare that you're facing and that you have to be ready you have to be ready and prepared so that it can stop the fiery darts of the wicked so that it don't hit you once you get hit by that then guess what you burn and when you burn some some of the people are gonna go how can you be deceived by that false pastor out there how did you end up where uh you don't attend a bible believing church anymore you used to be the one winning souls you used to be the one with the stellar church attendance you know why i mean church some of you have seen these kind of people in church and you wonder what happened how that's um that's impossible how would that happen you know why because satan got them somewhere where they didn't have faith where he was trying to hit their weak area that they didn't see themselves all right going back the bible says and take the helmet of salvation so you have to have a helmet protecting your head and it's got to be salvation you might say why because if you lose your leg or arm in battle you can still survive but not your head not your head now there are uh two possible applications to this meaning here so some people might say is the helmet of salvation referring to our salvation it could be referring to if you get saved in the lord jesus christ then you are protecting yourself why because the head now remember who's the head of the body of christ jesus christ right so in order for the body of christ to function the head has to be protected so with salvation basically with salvation in jesus christ the body of christ can still function so the the devil can't destroy that he can't kill the whole body he might cut off arms and legs and try to injure them and slow it down but the head once that's out and there is no body it cannot function so that could be one it could be one but it seems like that paul is saying that saved christians have to put this on so in other words these are already saved christians and they have to have the practice of putting it on so does that mean that they get saved again no it doesn't mean that they get saved again because salvation means to be simply saved from if you look at it's like the same thing with condemnation judgment damnation not all the time do those words refer to burning in heaven if the words simply means as it says the bible makes it that simple it's not complicated what does judgment mean to burn in hell no it means to judge you like to punish you same thing with condemned it doesn't mean to burn in hell condemn means to uh the condemned means is to punish you to find you guilty of something that you did wrong and that you pay for it same thing with salvation what does it mean oh that i go to heaven that i get saved from hell no it just simply means to be saved from to be saved from so it could be in the sense that see the idea is then this is more important than you think the helmet of salvation is basically if that's what that means then if you don't put on your helmet satan he sees that weak spots which is your head and all it takes is one shot right in your head and then you just kill your whole christian life and christian testimony cannot be picked up again cr uh ministers who went through a dark scandal pretty much permanent they can't pick that up again they ruin it see so that's the reason why you have to put on that helmet that saves you from ruining your whole work and testimony for the lord jesus christ it could be in that sense so there are two possible applications second part uh verse 17 of verse 17 the second part and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god so the last part that you want to have in your armor is the sword of the spirit what is the sword of the spirit it says which is the word of god so the idea is we have to realize how important it is which people take it lightly is having a perfect bible in your hand how can you have 200 plus bibles not believing that every word is perfect and then you have no offensive weapon against your enemy it's no wonder that modern version scholars and proponents like dan walnuts and john anklebomb and judas white and all these wicked evil people who try to make you deny a perfect bible in your hands that these people and the pastors and churches who who don't teach a perfect bible in your hands no wonder they can't attack the gates of hell they're not the ones we can depend upon right it's us the bible believers why because we believe a perfect word of god in our hands we're the only ones only ones with the only offensive weapon look at your whole armor here that's the only offensive weapon everything is protection that's your only offensive weapon to attack this you're only one the bible the bible is more than sufficient what have you learned uh if there's one thing you better have learned from your pastor so far is that everything that you've learned in bible class in preaching in soul winning training and everything is from the bible that's everything rich even the as i cover current events or even history or i use science to defend christian beliefs it all have to be based on the bible if it's not based on bible all of that is just entertainment and fluff okay going back verse 18. praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit so the bible says you have to pray always not sometimes every single time with every prayer that you can and every supplication so supplication is obviously to give your request to the lord and where the lord answers it and that's all done in the spirit this is all done through the power of the holy spirit so in prayer life this is one of the greatest verses in prayer in spiritual warfare okay so one of the important things that you want to know concerning about spiritual warfare is that prayer is a must prayer is a must prayer in spiritual warfare is so important because prayer is one of those important things that is powerful against the gates of hell why because it's not relying on your own strength it's god's right here you're relying on god here to overpower the gates of hell and when you're going against all the entirety of his evil system you need to not just pray you need to do all prayer now some of you are going through a spiritual battle right now then are you doing all prayer and not just praying are you doing all prayer i mean are you looking at every weak area that the darts are aiming towards did you really self-reflect did you really look at the situation and not just yourself other people around you the weak areas that the devil is throwing darts and by praying on those weak areas then perhaps you can see your life improving after that or the trials uh becoming uh more relieved after that so you have to do all prayer you have to a lot of times even when i go through trials and sufferings nearly every time i would always change my prayer it's not the same it would always change i would use the same things that worked or has helped me in my life but i was i would always change you know why because there's always something that the lord's teaching me or wants me to do so you have to do all prayer uh with all prayer and supplication i get see that's the same thing i'm giving my request to the lord everything that i can request from the father look if there's anything that i need from god it's anything he has in heaven i want it oh i just need a little bit no i want everything that he's got all right i'm that selfish so any am any treasure house of grace mercy uh or god uh teaching me a lesson or whatever i need it i need that i'm not i'm not that strong even though you might think you're strong i'm not that strong i need all of him not nothing of myself now understanding that uh we have to be praying then this shows that there's no armor for the knees notice this is shoes of gospel and then belt of truth but there's so much of a weak area on your knees why is that why is that open space there because you're kneeling on the ground when you're kneeling on the ground then so to speak when you're kneeling on the ground that's why there's no armor there so that you can kneel and that when the devil is shooting those darts at you that's when you better dodge even lower and you better dodge lower and then you i mean you're at that desperation right that you you've seen those desperate prayers you're just flat on the ground like that and you're crying i mean that's what you need to do you need to go so low that way it's harder for that enemy to find you to find an open space especially when you're surrounded through prayer it's harder it's harder but there is spiritual warfare in prayer you gotta understand that when you're praying satan is going to prevent the answer he's going to try to uh hinder you so go to the book of daniel go to the book of daniel it is a spiritual warfare and you have to fight look at the book of daniel and then we'll look at chapter 10 daniel chapter 10. daniel chapter 10. now notice that daniel as he was praying he was praying for three whole weeks and it seemed like that there was no intercession no answer but the angelic being told him that no i did hear your prayer but i was battling against satan so the prince of persia was stood me so daniel chapter 10 verse 3 the bible says i ain't no pleasant bread neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth neither did i anoint myself at all till three whole weeks were fulfilled now go down at verse 12 then said he the angelic being unto me fear not daniel for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy god thy words were heard and i am come for thy words but the prince of the kingdom of persia was stood me see it was satan okay going back uh actually turn your other hands to matthew chapter 27 matthew chapter 27 while you're turning to matthew 27 let me read the next part of ephesians 6 and verse 18. the next part reads and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints notice that what accompanies prayer is watching you have to be watchful you have to be observant that's why i mentioned about you in prayer you're self reflecting and not just self reflecting on your own weak areas watching and observing your own weak areas taking notice but other people too notices watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints it's for everybody else too you have to pray for your pastor you have to pray for the pastor's wife the pastor's children you have to pray for the leaders who are teaching in the pastor's church you have to pray for the newcomers who come to the church et cetera et cetera you have to pray for all notice it says all saints not people who you like okay not for people who you like that's and if it's the person that you don't like that the devil will attack obviously then why to build up that dissension even more obviously that might preach a little bit but going to verse 18 it says that when you're doing the watching it's done with all perseverance so you have to persevere and you have to use every ounce of your perseverance and strength and being see it's it is perseverance when you pray all perseverance and supplication again you have to give every supplication every request that you can give to the lord for yourself and for everybody so watching and praying go hand in hand in spiritual warfare that is so important if you pray and you don't watch then a lot of the prayers is just probably even vain repetition sometimes you have to ask yourself that and then if you're watching but not praying you're going to be a paranoid freak all right go to matthew chapter 27. uh matthew 26 excuse me matthew chapter 26 verse 41 watch and pray that he enter not into temptation see satan was the one that let get them to fall the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak okay going back ephesians 6 19 ephesians 6 19. and for me so paul is continuing on prayer at verse 18 right for me i want you to pray for me on what that utterance may be given to me so that he can utter so that he can speak he can have the speech given to him from god on what that i may open my mouth boldly so that he can open his mouth boldly not be afraid why because he's in prison in trains and he has to be bold when he speaks out against the governmental leaders on his faith i mean the jews want to kill him keep reading to make known the mystery of the gospel see that so he he wants to proclaim the gospel not compromise he wants to make known the gospel now notice it says mystery of the gospel why is that because obviously uh paul was given the mystery we've read that at chapter three we read that at chapter three so the gospel is a mystery so this was given to paul so paul he had to be bold and speaking out about that so it doesn't matter how many anti-dispensationalists or people who want to tie you to the mosaic law and sabbath and they try to bad mouth paul i mean muslims do that too they'll leave jesus alone but they bad mouth paul because they know paul's doctrines fully contradict theirs so despite of how many people my bad mouth about paul uh the lor we have to be bold about paul's gospel it is the right gospel uh you don't go to any other passages in the scripture that contradict you have to be bold about it all right verse 20 for which i am an ambassador in bonds see that's because he's in bonds he's in prison uh that's why he has to be bold but he's an ambassador the gospel when you're when you're showing the gospel you're an ambassador go to second corinthians 5. go to the book of second corinthians chapter 5. so it doesn't matter who you are man woman and child you are already an ambassador for heaven now if ambassadors in this secular world take their job so seriously in their dressing and how they appear in the eyes of the world in their demeanor and how they represent their own country and their leader it's a crying shame how christians do that in today's churches so that's the reason why we have to be serious ambassadors when you're do you not realize when you're giving out a track you're actually being an ambassador for jesus when you're mentioned about jesus or when you pray even when you pray baxter and christians i know some of them would even pray before thee even when you're praying i mean you're representing you're showing jesus christ to the world when you're giving the gospel to people you're automatically considered an ambassador take that seriously second corinthians chapter five notice what the bible says at verse 19 to it that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them have committed unto us the word of reconciliation see we have that word of the reconciling gospel now then we are ambassadors for christ we pray you and christ said be reconciled to god see that all right go to ephesians chapter six so you're automatically considered an ambassador when you give them the gospel about hey be reconciled to jesus christ the bible says uh at the last part of verse 20 that therein i may speak boldly so he so that he can speak boldly despite of being in chains as i ought to speak as he ought to speak ah so uh you know when you're giving the gospel like joel esteem does you're doing it wrong oh he gives gospel when he does the prayer at the end do you know how many people have no idea and they just repeat the prayer and they have no idea at all when joel steen does that ray comfort is one of the worst people he tries to give the gospel so clearly and carefully and that he doesn't even give them the opportunity to the sinner's prayer and let them go i mean i don't know what's worse you know so the point is this is that it's uh when you're doing the gospel it's got to be done right you got to speak it the way it ought to be spoke doing it ray comfort's way is uh that is a waste of time because when you're giving the gospel you can't just give the gospel it's got to be done the way you ought to speak uh some of these street preachers who are actually big jerks you know they try to attract attention through shock messages so then they'll have like a sign q-u-e-e-r-s and then i'll be honest you know when you read that you kind of laugh at that because you're just fleshy and you're just full you know you're just full of flesh you know but then uh they use that to attract and garner attention so that what they can preach their gospel to these people no that's not how it's done it's got to be done ought to speak what is it that you ought to speak is through the word of god it's done through the word of god faith cometh by hearing right and hearing by the what word of god romans 10 17. now look there are certain ways that you can build up a crowd and i do the same thing too in soul winning and hey let's be honest even on line two but the idea is this is that when you give the gospel it's got to be done the way that you ought to speak it's got to be done in that manner if the gospel is not presented rightly all right you can use any tactic you want to present the gospel rightly but don't use any tactic that you want where it presents the gospel wrongly that's the idea you have to preach about hell where did joel steen mention about that and give them the opportunity to confess it be for the lord don't just talk about hell and repentance ray comfort i mean see that's the idea you get about a total off balance of both worlds you got to uh speak it the way you ought to be spoken the gospel so when you do street preaching check your hearts are you doing the way it ought to be spoken when you're knocking on doors are you seeing the way you ought to be spoken and when you preach on the pulpit don't you dare compromise are you preaching the way it ought to be spoken that's the idea okay going back going back our missionaries amen are they going to give the gospel as it ought to be spoken amen that's all what it's about the whole idea of missions churches and even the individual people is to give the gospel to the people and it's got to be done the right uh rightly okay let's look at uh ephesians uh chapter six and then we'll look at verse 21 but that he also may know my affairs and so paul says uh when he talks about himself in prison status in bonds he says i'm also trying to let you know about my affair my status right now so it's like reading missionary reports right that's the idea so if there's a scripture verse you want to use about uh give me a verse in the bible that missionary or portal right or biblical you can use this one okay so notice that as an ambassador right 20 as an ambassador that's the idea same thing with missionaries so so that you may know my affairs and how i do so that the people can know how he's doing tychicus a beloved brother and faithful minister in the lord so there's a beloved brother and this minister and this guy is faithful ministering for the lord so it's not just paul's affairs titicaca's affairs shall make known to you all things so then paul sends out titicus where he makes sure that he makes known to the church everything that he's doing uh it is important to be quite honest i think it is biblical it is a biblical and it is important where members know about the status of the people important people delivering the gospel you might say why is that important that way they can know what's going on and that way they can follow along verse 18 and 19. why were they able to pray for that missionary paul why were they able to pray for him on that specific request that he wanted because he gave them his missionary report so to speak does that make sense so see that's why this is important so it is important where you give reports to the people this pastor would too sometimes to onliners or more so to this church because more more of it is private to our church but i would tell you right some of you even heard some of the stuff that i held for a long time and i had to give it to you at the right timing why because it's important that way i could use your prayers and we can be in warfare together we know what to do okay reading onward verse 22 whom i have sent unto you for the same purpose that ye might know our affairs so paul repeats again that that's why he sent out tychicus to them based on that same purpose that they can know his affairs and that he might comfort your heart so that he might comfort them usually reports should be comforting to the people as well sometimes i remember pastor donovan would mention at baptist missions and that's usually the nightmare of uh missionaries is like or people when they give out a testimony or report to bible baptist church is that okay here's an example of a bad missionary letter here's a good example of a good missionary letter i go oh my i was like oh my word i'm not sending a missionary letter to bio baptist church you know so then he was mentioned i'm not gonna mention the names either you know i feel bad for those brothers you know uh but he uh but you see usually the bad letters that he mentioned are missionaries who describe their sorrow their depression and their misery and then all about me me me and then the the pastor donovan goes that is not a good missionary letter and he's like this this is not what people want to hear and then he says people want to hear about what you're accomplishing what you're actually doing for the lord now it's important that people know your struggles so we know what to pray for right but at the same time it's got to when paul mentions about his struggle he says it's done to what at the last part of verse 22 comfort their hearts it's to comfort them isn't it comforting to know about what we've been praying for about a missionary struggle's been finally answered or the lord's been making ways for them especially during the coronavirus time it's so difficult all right let's finish this off verse 23 peace be to the brethren all right so usually paul's closing of salutation after hammering them is just like your preacher during preaching and then at fellowship peace be unto you salutations lord bless you how are you doing oh we missed you at church you know you know during preaching it's like where were you at church and then uh at salutation time oh we missed you at church it's kind of like that right so uh always end in peace right in salutation so peace be to the brethren paul ends out is a lot of his epistles giving them peace to the brethren and love with faith now that's important uh love with faith love with faith so he's giving he's not only uh bestowing peace upon them but he also wants them to have love uh with faith love with faith you might say why is that because it is important that a church survives based on love now if you look at revelation 2 which we won't turn to for time's sake but we've looked at that passage quite often so i'm not going to do it again in revelation chapter 2 the church of ephesus zealous for the lord did great works but they uh missed out their first love they lacked love you might say why is that important because it's through love and you remember at ephesians i taught that the root what is the root the starting point of everything knowing blue-blooded aliens no it's dispensationalism it's important but surprisingly no and believe it or not it's not the infallibility of the king james bible either what starts the root of everything is love why because if you have a love for the lord then you're gonna love truth then you're gonna easily more condone the infallibility of the king james bible issue and dispensationalism and yes even a hard doctrine like blue-blooded angels or something like that i'm not i mean uh that's a little bit uh i might be a little bit joking but i'm actually being serious too no matter if the doctrine is weak or strong or deep or simple the point is is that you're going to condone everything that book says once you really love the lord so that's the root of everything and i'm not going to get into that because i already emphasized so much on that in the previous chapters of ephesian but the idea i want to hit is faith here love with faith you cannot love when there's no faith you might say really yeah you try uh not believing in god anymore during your trial and see if you really love him no then uh usually people who lost their faith in god that means they're bitter against god right like the atheist some people who became atheists for example god forbid that they were saved christian to begin with who knows uh not only that it's the same thing with loving brethren if you say well i really love the brother no if you really love the brother you trust them on something that's faith you know relying on them on something see if you really trust the person then the love would be much easier isn't it uh if you get married you know what i'm talking about you might say that you love your husband you might love your wife but actually when there are some trust issues the love becomes much more difficult but then when you start to learn to accept and trust each other a little bit more a little bit more then love becomes more mature than complete okay continuing on now this peace and love with faith comes from obviously god the father and the lord jesus christ now that's important so there are uh notice uh there's uh these are two attacks against modalism what is modalism modalism basically it's a false teaching that basically that god is only one person who takes on three different roles so basically this one person god says okay i'm going to become the son right here and then i'm going to become the father right here and i'm going to become the holy spirit right there no there there are many cases like the baptism of jesus the three you see the three persons already presented there the holy spirit jesus christ getting baptized the holy spirit has a dub and god the father speaking to him from heaven see that so we don't believe in modalism uh there's this uh numbskull that we had who was singing acts 238 in our church and he was a full-blown modalist and then he says what is god's real name i don't know if you ever heard that before but modalist lying says what is god's real name and i go uh uh i am that i am you go no it's the lord jesus christ and he showed me this billboard i was like whoa this guy is batty but he pointed out see one person named lord jesus christ but it has uh the father the son and the holy ghost lord is representing the father jesus is representing the son and christ which means anointed is the spirit now he's right it's a beautiful picture confirming the trinity trinity not modalism but look at this one if he wants to insist that way then he's got a problem at verse 23 god the father and the what all all three beings over there the lord jesus christ then who's god the father satan's grandma who is god the father then oh my goodness all right verse 24 i always like to close it like this grace be with all them that love our lord jesus christ in sincerity and all god's people said amen self-explanatory uh grace be to all the people who love god who love the lord jesus christ but when you love him you don't just say i love him like a bunch of false churches a lot of false churches love jesus but is it done in sincerity insincerity sincerity means truth do they have truth or do they have error in doctrine all right let's we finished ephesians all right uh next verse by verse bible study it'll be a surprise all right let's close with the word of prayer i pray today's teachings were a blessing to the hearers dismiss us now with your blessing and i also want to pray heavenly father that uh the people will be blessed by the next uh services and they'll be uh have attentive ears and open hearts and that your holy spirit will move and that everything we learned from ephesians which so important lord one of the most important books for christian doctrine today that we'll apply it and actually practice him in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 22,603
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: tY5r2cpFSgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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