Top 10 Famous Christian YouTubes You Must Delete! | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] top 10 top 10 internet channels that are popular you should delete top 10 internet channels that are popular but you should delete all right what should you delete now I know that there are plenty of Christian channels out there and they can be larger than the ones that I'm giving but what I'm talking about is the popular not the number of subscribers but the popularity because you can have approximately 500,000 subscribers a lot of people in the community don't know who you are so I'm covering internet sites so this is not just YouTube internet in general that are extremely popular but you should delete this crowd I'm noticing they're rising and now they're my almost my public enemy number one but I see them they were rising now and this all ties to dispensationalism again but now it's turning to the King James Bible issue all right so we're gonna start out with number 9 what about 10 we'll go to 10 later okay but we're gonna start out with 9 so here's 10 here's 9 9 is Jeff Durban Jeff Durban he's getting unpopular because he's he's now catching the trend on YouTube with the titles so he's catching it now he's also catching it where he has to do conversations with people and people are interested in debates through that a lot of people get fooled by him trying to defend traditional Christianity against different cults out there which is good don't get me wrong about that but he is a Calvinist he is anti King James only and he is not a dispensationalist so apologia Studios approximately one hundred seventy six thousand subscribers and 129 so he is getting popular he is the one who is becoming the protege of James White later on which is where number 8 comes in is James white James White is not a popular is not too much of a popular YouTube channel but if you look at his videos he has a large amount of views another thing is that if you do type him on the internet he is popular for his debates so it doesn't have to necessarily be his channel he is famous in his debates against the King James Bible issue that is one of his specialties which is why modern version scholars because they are weak they are frail they don't know how to argue against the King James Bible issue they turn to a guy who is a quote/unquote doctorate but they have to turn to this guy for debating against the King James Bible issue even though he is not in the prestigious doctorate level as the other modern version scholars and the other doctorates why cuz he has a gift of gab compared to them but not only that if you're arguing for modern versions it's a really hard argument so you need the gift of gab guy to do it Jeff Durbin learns a lot from James White he is number eight in his sermon odd if you go to sermon the top the top thirty or top fifty sermons that you will look up one of them is James white skype show from tuckson that's the title of a sermon one the world and that has twenty six thousand five hundred and ten sermon audio com Calvinists dominate the Internet the other one is Matt slick number seven is Matt slick this is a slickest guy you'll ever meet just you want to see the two biggest jerks on debating is Matt slick and James White two of the biggest church together Jeff Durbin he's just learning how to be a jerk from James White he's got to avoid him if he wants to debate better but anyway Matt slick the reason why is because if you type down a Bible question online you probably saw this website it is see a RM dot-org otherwise known as christian apologetics and research ministry he has also to my knowledge he has also done a debate against Jessie Morrell one of those street preachers so he's the only Calvinists that I know of who actually did a formal debate against those street preachers what did they both share in common though lordship salvation there's no difference between them one is more of you have to use freewill effort on it the other one is God will do it now the other one is Michael human I think that's how you pronounce his last name Michael human who is he if you type the reason why he's higher in number six is when you type down a Bible question online his site pops out most of the time it's called got questions org type down a Bible question he pops out this man he is not five-point but he is four point Calvinist now do you know a recent do you notice a trend right here what I'm getting at right here Calvinist Calvinist that's my first word for the publisher Calvinists are the ones who are dominating the internet you should avoid them some of you people are like oh my goodness what did I miss out top ten popular internet pages that you should delete and you should keep track but we have all this in archive video so if you missed it live don't worry about that but you're just gonna have to wait patiently till the archived video comes out the other one is Todd Friel who is Todd Friel Todd Friel you probably saw this YouTube channel now I want all of you who are watching look at your subscription list you probably had no idea but you accidentally subscribe to them the reason why is because these YouTube videos pop out very commonly when you type down a search question on google these are the guys that pop out most commonly I knew that they were going to become more popular as time passed by Todd Friel his YouTube account is called wretched so if you see some skinny guy up there with the roof car in our accent you know like really smooth and then he acts and a little entertaining and funny and then he's got like several screens around him and so that guy is actually Todd Friel so he's been famous because it's been interest he's caught the trend on YouTube as well with the titles not only that he's very entertaining but he also caught cover apologetics like Jeff Durban people who want to study more on debate issues and arguments it is the Calvinists that dominated the other one is Ray Comfort Ray Comfort you might say why Ray Comfort now Ray Comfort actually he should be on a higher plane but I'm gonna put him as number four because he's not really a Calvinist his YouTube channel you should look at is called living waters you should unsubscribe from this now Ray Comfort he is not a Calvinist as a matter of fact I have some Bible believers and I'm not going to name the situation of friends but I have some Bible believers who are from our crowd who actually been in touch with them and he's very sympathetic toward us you know why because he's the one that's most sincere in heart and does a lot of evangelism work when you do that you're gonna get more sympathetic toward us well why can't he separate it because he one of connections too he's heavy into apologetics who are the one who have all the power of connections in apologetics it's not Bible believers we know a lot of the Bible but we don't have the power and the connection and popularity it's the Calvinists so Ray Comfort how we know this is because the gospel that he preaches is there is what he learned from all these Calvinists right here but not only that his style of debates and all that it is from these guys right here so he he takes a lot of arguments from the Calvinists you can tell he learned from them all you have to do is look up these Calvinist big names and see Ray Comfort had connections with them especially through Kirk Cameron Kirk hammer and his partner alright so number three but he's now becoming old news paul Washer paul Washer as a matter of fact Ray Comfort as I go back over here his subscribers is three hundred seventy five thousand over three hundred seventy five thousand subscribers for Ray Comfort the top thirty or top fifty sermons it includes Ray Comfort sermon thirty four thousand three hundred seventy hits on sermon audio com it's called hell's best-kept secret number three is paul Washer the number one sermon hit on sermon audio comm is paul Washer his sermon number one it's called shocking youth message stuns here's over two hundred seventy three thousand two hundred twenty hits paul Washer this guy is the most scary guy you will ever hear concerning the salvation gospel more than any other person he will make you doubt your salvation tenfold questioning the real sincerity of your salvation number two is john macarthur john macarthur the title of his youtube channel which i'm sure most of you who are watching me online have subscribed to by accident or probably deliberately it's called grace to you now I'm really serious look at your subscription list if you see any of these please unsubscribe don't contribute to this heresy that's growing right here the Calvinists are dominating the Internet John MacArthur's YouTube channel is over two hundred forty thousand two hundred forty thousand sermon audio calm his sermon is hit number three most important we witness if we don't know what the gospel is now you notice with all these most popular sermons it has to do with scaring your salvation questioning if you really repent it this is a lordship salvation Calvinist trend his the hits on his sermon is one hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred and forty on sermon number one this is the drumroll noise okay number one can some of you probably guess maybe and he's a big shot Calvinist preacher John Piper John Piper his channel is called desiring God and I've had some people who accidentally subscribe from that and they actually unsubscribe when I mentioned it his subscription is over actually he has the largest subscription on YouTube out of all these people three hundred and eighty thousand subscribers desiring God John Piper he is very famous he is number one number ten which we have dropped but I will return to why did you do this pastor because I want to include all of the other names who are not mentioned but you would have saw this before sigh ten brueggen gate he's been very popular with his debates against atheists and I'll be honest with you some of his good but when you when they actually caught him on his tactic method and they pointed him out on that especially his debate with Aaron raw that was like oh my goodness it was horrible it was a horrible debate seitan brueggen gate yeah I know I don't like him either brother RC sprawl he's dead now but he was one of the early people before MacArthur and he was a guy who laid down the heaviness of Calvinism his YouTube is still out there and a lot of bigshot Calvinists they all still look up to his ministry Ligon ear ministries the other one is Steve Lawson now there are other Calvinist names that you're gonna find out so that's number ten so what's my point my point is is that these guys are going to dominate YouTube and these guys do not believe the King James Bible only is perfect so they're gonna cast doubt on the viewers number two when you want to defend your Christian faith it's not Bible believers it will turn to these Calvinists number three the heresy of Calvinism will then sneak in and influence all the onliners number four they are not dispensationalist so you can find errors with their teachings by the way do you know what the enemy camp of dispensationalism is you don't know this it's Calvinists in theological studies the main branch that's against dispensationalism is Calvinists those who claim to be IFB King James only and they're against dispensationalism they're a weird cultic fringe they have no idea but they're joining this Calvinist camp and that camp is called covenant theology which I will cover to you later on but majority but a lot fundamentalist pastors they're joining this Calvinist doctrine called covenant of grace which is against dispensational salvations this is a top-10 you should avoid now I know conspiracies and all that is popular but what do you think YouTube is doing they're filtering it right if you go by ads and if you're a popular pastor then who and if you are knowledgeable in the Bible then who's the next group that's gonna dominate the Internet Calvinists they're dominating the internet now so it's changing the conspiracy trend is changing now it's turning toward the Calvinist trend the time the end times thing it's still mighty popular still but the Calvinists reign they're gonna rise now watch out for them Church amen alright alright I've warned people online to please don't contribute to the growth of their ministries they are dangerous because I'm King James only dispensationalism Calvinists right now are on my site and I will keep exposing it without apology to rescue as many souls as possible by the grace of God you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 159,026
Rating: 3.8079958 out of 5
Keywords: The Vigilant Christian, Israeli News Live, BP Earth Watch, Paul Begley, RichieFromBoston, Robert Breaker, The Watchman, conspiracy, End Times Production, SoulJa Of GOD, J.D. Farag, Acts17Apologetics, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, Rob Skiba, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Steve Cioccolanti, King James, Mark Dice, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: ftplDKFQpl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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