FEAR 2021 | Dr. Gene Kim

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all right testing one two three testing one two three all right blow off funds are still ongoing so i just want you all to know that blowout funds are still ongoing and we'll see how the lord provides for that one for those of you who want to give online uh i first want to say this that way i'm sure it's just simply enemies or people who ate our ministry uh but people have been criticizing oh so first thing as soon as the video comes out is begging for money so uh if those are the enemies i don't care about you uh who cares less you said worse things to me uh people who are genuinely concerned which i kind of doubt but just in case um if you don't want to give don't give it that's it don't give okay i'm not here for your pocketbooks the reason why i do that is because out of consideration for you onliners because we get too many phone calls and emails saying how do i give how do i give so uh this is to let you all know how to do that out of politeness and courtesy so just go to www.bbcenglish.org once you're on that link at the front page you'll see a donation button click on that donate button and you'll find our specific ministry to support if online makes you uncomfortable you can mail it to san jose bible baptist church p.o box 97 santa clara california 95050 and uh again please do not ask us for receipts we cannot keep track of thousands of phone calls emails and everything that's going on the money giving so we don't keep received so if you usually pay online it'll keep the receipt for you and you will have proof of that through paypal okay we only keep track of the people in our church okay so i would like to ask brother daniel to open up the offering with the word of prayer please god my father i just want to thank you lord for everything you've done this past year from this church lord for everybody here father god that all the all the prayer requests you've answered all the souls you've saved all lord all the right doctrine that you've been getting out lord your pastor and other bible believers lord thank you lord for protecting all these ministries lord and protecting pastor lord and i just pray lord that as we move into this new year lord that um that we continue to do your work to continue to do your will lord and that your will be done in each one of our lives lord that you fill everybody up with your holy spirit lord and i want to pray for the for the offering lord that you bless your lord that um he would give what they they feel led to give lord that people give generously lord as their heart desires lord thank you lord for all the blessings you've done in our lives amen i love that uh proverbs 10 please all right proverbs chapter 10 sorry i had to get my notes proverbs chapter 10 and we'll read verse 18 proverbs chapter 10 verse 18 as we start off a new year the lord i guess he has a little bit sense of humor and this is not a typical sermon to start off the new year but i think it would be a good sermon to start off the new year proverbs chapter 10 verse 18. in 2021 there is so much fear and there is so much of a pantemic situation as they would call it and the pandemic situation is more of a mental thing rather than a physical literal thing so a spiritual thing i would dare say spiritual so that turns out to be the greatest fear among people and they're wondering about what happens in 2021 now the funny thing is and uh when when the vaccines came out and uh this is from i've heard from uh one of the people who i'm very close with but the person had this loved one who did the vaccine thing and then still got coveted after that so i was just going ah so so you know i was like uh go figure so the thing is is that it's same thing with flu shots right you know so but i mean uh i'm not uh i'm not condemning vaccines or anything like that but i just laugh off with you know how the system runs that's it but in 2021 there is so much fear and maybe some my fear like if the vaccine doesn't work then i'll still take i'll still have kovitz so what's going to happen and people are panicking as churches what is the government going to do against us a lot of people are fearing the coming reign of the antichrist and there's just a lot of fear in 2021 and i want to encourage this church that you should be afraid and you should be scared and you should fear [Laughter] you're like wow this ain't the sermon i'm looking for yes you should be afraid and why is that an encouragement well uh let's look at proverbs chapter 10 verse 18. so this is yeah i know it's already funny uh notice that the word of god uh reads that proverbs chapter 10 and verse 18 and actually that is the wrong chapter so that's the wrong chapter is it verse 8 no i don't know why i wrote the wrong chapter and verse but uh anyways i guess i'll uh we can start off at verse 10 we can go at verse 10 so that verse will do that verse will do proverbs chapter 9 verse 10. the bible says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding verse 11 for by me thy day shall be multiplied and the years of thy life shall be increased okay actually that is verse 11. so chapter 9 verse 11 i don't know how i typed 10 18. i was in la la land it was a good one to preach too yeah yeah 9 11 right nine maybe i was afraid of that number 911 so all right yeah 10 18 is good too but proverbs chapter 9 verse 11 the point is is that if you're going to look at not just next year to make resolutions right or this year excuse me and the next coming years of your life the way to survive and to live is actually fear believe it or not it is by fear and i just find it really much of a coincidence 9 11 and fear associated with this one but the reason why fear should be an encouragement to you is because when you have the fear of the lord nothing should go wrong when you have the fear of the lord then you are in the safest area ever and the title of my sermon today is fear 20 21 let's pray father god please fill within me the power of your holy spirit wash away my sins with your precious and most holy blood i'll need to preach that will glorify you and protect our church protect our people and uh i pray that your name will be manifested above everything else in jesus name amen all right look at my first point look at the book of exodus chapter 20 exodus chapter 20. so god says that you should be afraid so that you don't be afraid does that make any sense no that doesn't make any sense one person a couple of you might say amen because you get the notion right you get the idea look at the book of exodus chapter 20. look at verse 20 exodus chapter 20 and verse 20. coincidence again 2020 2020 if we went by the fear of the lord then we wouldn't be afraid at 20 20. the bible says and moses said unto the people fear not so it says don't be afraid right for god has come to prove you and that his fear may be before your faces that he sin not well that's the total contradiction in scripture if you ever saw it well actually no the reason why is this the point is is that if you fear the lord then what happens is you don't have the sin of fear you don't fear the wrong things that's the idea you got to realize this church worrying is a sin being scared and you can't and you go through sleepless nights is a sin being pressured and stressed out because there's something in you that's fearful is a sin being afraid to stand up for the name of jesus is a sin but what will help you immensely to overcome the fear a lot of times we want peace right we want someone to calm our fears but what helps you a lot is fearing god amen and when you fear god that casts out the wrong fear and i'm a witness of that uh what helped me so immensely as a pastor to make the right decisions for the church where it's protected where we can keep serving god and do great things for him is not to have the fear of man and the fear of all the things that are going on it's to have the fear of the lord amen and when i fear god immediately the fear of man diminished because when i fear god i get afraid of the lord what i would do if i went against his command if i opposed his will if i went my own way rather than god's way if i did that i would be much more afraid so the thing that will help you immensely is do you fear your family do you fear uh what's going on in this world do you fear health issues is your money running out and you're afraid are you afraid what the government might do to pull up tighter restrictions are you afraid as a church that you're spiritually dying out the devil a lot of people are afraid of satanic attacks and they want victory they're scared of themselves because they know how capable their flesh is and they're depressed they're fearful and they feel like they let god down and they fear the flesh they fear the world they fear the devil but guess what if you fear god then you will not fear those things fearing god is so important because when you have the fear of the lord then you immediately the fear of man goes away greater fear casts out the lighter fear because if your problem is is that the flesh it just wants to fear no matter how much you calm it down right yeah no matter how much positive thinking how much peace you put into it how much assurance or calm that you give to your flesh the flesh doesn't want to change it's so stubborn and it just wants to be afraid that's one thing i learned about this wicked flesh is that no matter how many positive things you give to it and you count your many blessings and then you start to be happy uh the flesh just still wants to worry that's right so then if you're so hey flesh if you just want to worry then you might as well worry why don't you worry about god huh and when i do that man that helps so much so the flesh starts to worry about the right things gets afraid about the right things and that helps me a lot to appease the worry in the world so fear 20 21 why because you should have the fear of the lord within you you should have the fear of the lord within you throughout the entire 2021 and then it will cast out any other fear during 2021. coronavirus uh church is closing down the government the vaccines the antichrist coming disagreements and problems within people within the church especially during the uh political situation that's becoming more tense there's more division than ever so despite of all this uh the riots you know that just had to be added on top of the virus thing just to make things worse so that all these things these fear the fear is cast out when you have the fear of the lord so that's my first point is that you have the fear of the lord so that why you don't fear fear the lord so that you don't fear and that helped me immensely i can't thank god enough man who says the fear of the lord is a curse that that's a negative thing that's actually a great thing because the flesh uh look as much as we want our flesh to be uh happy and to be calm and to not worry guess what that don't work yeah the flesh just wants to be afraid so the lord's like helping out so if you want to be afraid why don't you just be afraid be afraid of the right things wicked evil flesh amen all right exodus chapter 14 verse 31 exodus chapter 14 verse 31 you know what's also encouraging on the fear of the lord my second point is that you got to fear god why because of his mighty power on what he's done for you all the mighty miracles that he's done for you that's why you you should fear the lord exodus chapter 14 verse 31 when i see how god keeps protecting the church and we're able to have soul saved nevertheless where the church is still able to produce fruit nevertheless uh despite of how many satanic attacks and people trying to attack the church and then ruin the ministry god's church still marches on and he got gets miracle after miracle of this fruit and that fruit prayers answered troubling situations that always happen every time and god just solves it it's so amazing and because of miracle after miracle that's why i fear god because he's done too much look at exodus chapter 14 verse 31. and israel saw that great work which the lord did upon the egyptians and the people feared the lord and believed the lord and his servant moses so notice that in this text that the people fear god why because of all the great miracles that he provided after miracle after miracle after miracle miracle especially drowning out the egyptians the people they were in awe they were thankful that their enemies were crushed by the hand of god and when they had that you know what they did at the same time they rejoiced they were happy but at the same time they had fear that fear you know i remember some of my members they would tell me after one of our enem after every time an enemy attacks our ministry it's funny some of you brethren know the lord just protects the church does a miracle and conquers our enemy and i'm like whoa and you know what the right response from my members was the right response from my members was actually not owed to joy about somebody's downfall but rather that man i fear god pastor i'd be afraid i'm surprised that person doesn't fear god hey you wicked people trying to uh prevent god's churches from marching on guess what you better fear god that's right before you post something that's right before you try to shut down churches before you cite something before you arrest people you better be afraid of god man i'm surprised they have zero fear of god if god's miracle keep put pouring upon the church and the ministry i how can you not fear god people who attack this ministry you got to realize this look you could probably shut down everything in like church and you can even shut me out maybe you can even kill me but guess what this is god's ministry not mine and one way or another even after i die he'll have some kind of rock inanimate object to cry out in my place probably look you're you don't you're messing with god it's not you're messing with gene kim you're messing with god so to the enemies who attack the church and the ministry i want you to be encouraged that the lord's miracle is upon us do you really remember how many times he answered your prayers already did you see the troubling situations that he pulled you out of time and time again do you recall the time that he's done so much mighty acts and mighty powers that during life-threatening situations that you thought that you would have died that it was impossible that there was absolutely no way out he pulled you through he pulled you through and he will do it again and that should make you fear god it should make you fear god that man if he's done this much for me that much for me i don't take what i have lightly why should i give up now yeah why should i turn back now after all the miracles he's done for me i'm too afraid of god that's good that's why you should be that's what you should be doing too that's what you should be doing too is that you should be afraid of god every time that he's done something wonderful for you so why should you mess up into the world and into sin and do your own thing how can you do that after all the miracles god did for you i'll tell you what the children of israel did forget didn't they they were ungrateful weren't they they were so much filled with their own fear weren't they do you think god took that lightly he didn't he cast them out of the promised land he made them wander the wilderness for 40 years eventually gave them up to babylon i fear god that's the fear you should have at 2021. proverbs chapter 29 please proverbs chapter 29 and i want you to go to amos chapter 3. please turn to proverbs chapter 29 and then we'll go to amos chapter 3. look at proverbs chapter 29 and then we'll turn to amos chapter 3. the third point that i want to cover is that the reason why i have fear of the lord is because i have to keep preaching when you have the fear of the lord you have no choice but to preach but to speak for his name and i mean that look at proverbs chapter 29 and verse 25 the bible says the fear of man what bringeth the snare but whoso put it this trust in the lord what shall be safe you're safe in god's hand but when you fear man that's when you're gonna get into trouble so you should not fear man if god tells you to preach you should preach look at amos chapter three i love this verse i wanted to make this my text look at amos chapter three notice that verse eight the lion hath roared who will not fear the lord god has spoken who can but prophesy that's a great verse man i could park it right there you know if god is the one who gives out a mighty roar and wants the whole world to hear guess what you better fear god and because god has given me a command to give a roar and because i'm afraid of him guess what i've got no choice i have to preach shut up preach and i want to shut you down i want to shut your ministry down i can't man the lion hath roared who can but prophesy i have to prophesy i have to preach his word i have to preach the gospel on the street i have to tell people how to get saved i have to preach to the people online so that they can be ministered unto the people in my church minister to them in some way in some form despite of the restrictions that hold us back i cannot i cannot stop the lion that roared who can but prophesy i must preach i have to preach jesus christ i have to kick every sin out there i have to kick the globalists out there despite how unpopular it is i have to kick the false preachers out there despite of how many of you might love those big preachers name i have to call out sin out on the carpet despite of people within the church who may not like it no matter what my i have no choice friend when god gives me a sermon whether you like it or not and people around the world likes it or not or people out in public like it or not guess what the lion hath roared who can but prophesy i have to preach you know why because i fear god and when god man my friend do you know why the book opens up like this it's a mouth that's opening up the lion hath roared and the words that come out you better fear the lord when i preach his word there are so many times i mean some of you know what i mean when you preach there's a fear when you preach because you're preaching his word and you feel unworthy every single time i felt so unworthy that i don't deserve to preach on this pulpit and i mean that i don't know why the lord will give me fruit but he did but i told the lord that despite of me being a broken vessel and that i could be such a better person or a better preacher or a better teacher i'll just give the best that i've got to him and that's the promise that i gave to the lord and i can't and i have to because i gave him a promise even if all of you leave because of something that i do as a pastor sorry the lion hath roared who can but prophesy i have a calling i have a duty and i have to preach no matter what even if it's someone within my own loved one in my own household i cannot and i will not compromise what god told me even if other preachers around me who are older and might misunderstand me on the things that i do i cannot and i will not stop because god he gave me a command and i fear god more than the big shot so and so whoever that the pastor may be or the member in my church or even in my own household i fear god more and if god told me something and he gave me the authority to preach i will never ever dismantle weaken or corrupt that authority as many thousands of pastors have done i cannot weaken that authority that authority every word is pure i'm gonna treat it as pure amen every scholar and every preacher and every mouth that tries to correct that book i will kick them and i will kick them and i i don't care if they bleed i will still kick them because this is the authority this is the authority and the lionheart roar and who can but prophesy i fear god i fear god too much not people's feelings people have so much feelings and they're like i'm afraid of hurting so-and-so preacher or what that person might think and you know what that happens in the ministry that happens within every pastor because you're trying to consider other people and you just don't want to hurt their feelings or step on their toes but the thing is this is that when god gave me a command to preach his word then i have to preach his word no matter what no matter how people feel no matter how people feel let's look at the next point here you know why i should fear god because i'm not going to give you verses because all you have to do is look it up yourself look up all the time when it talks about the fear of the lord and my fourth point is when you mistreat god's people or the people that he put in authority over your life then you better fear god when you mistreat god's people and others around you you better fear god here's another here's one example you mistreat the widows god says i heard their cries that night you better be afraid i'm gonna pay them when christians uh even at the powers that be yeah even the government that i'm preaching again if god set the the ones in government the powers that be where they are doing things for the protection of keeping the laws of the land unless it contradicts the bible obviously i fear god more than them but when it doesn't oppose god or the bible then everything the government says i should fear god and i'm not going to act like some kind of rebel onliner and always complaining about everything that's going on in the government when you hardly complain about yourself and then you just act like a selfish little rebel rogue see i fear god too much that i would fear the government and that he set an authority now maybe the government should think twice about that before they think against this church in any other way or form we believe in fearing the government when god sets them in authority the only time we cross the line is when it crosses that word of god when it crosses that word of god when the holy spirit lays a conviction in our heart we have to do what's right no matter what but it also shows when you mistreat god's people the government mistreating god's people you've seen all these other governments around the world that mistreated god's people you know what god did he sent lions to teach the assyrian government a lesson and the assyrians had the fear of the lord and they're like look we don't worship the lord but at least we know not to mess with god's people let's get off that land and leave that part of the land alone so see it's people so it's not just the people who have to uh who can't mistreat the government the government can't mistreat the people either and it's not just that it's toward one another as well you know the bible says that we are to submit to not just the ones in authority in the government but those who are in authority and that includes that if you have a position of authority that the lord has given to you if you're under submission to that person you should have fear why because you should fear god that is so important that is so important you know it's easy for a child to rebel against the parent or the wife to rebel against the husband and maybe even a member to rebel against the pastor especially in america because we live in that kind of culture but you got to realize this one thing that has helped me immensely in my life is that look uh everyone is imperfect and everyone's a sinner and maybe the decision they make i would disagree with but here's the thing is that the lord if uh if i'm the one that's right and that person is in the wrong the lord should have put me in charge not that person if the lord said that other person in charge guess what you would probably make just as much mistakes if not even more and the thing is is that the lord set the person up in your life to be in authority over you why because god did it it's not by your plan and it's not by that person's plan either who's in charge of you it's by god's plan and so whatever god has planned it out you better fear god and guess what i fear god amen amen you know help me be in submission under my pastors before i had my own ministry my ministry is totally different from those other pastors i came out of and there are some things i disagree with and i run my church differently but when i was in their church and tried to do things my way guess what it became worse and i realized look the lord set that person for his own way of doing things and i just gotta realize that and submit to that authority that's right so children submit to your parents as unto the lord why submit to your husbands as unto the lord and members submit unto the ministry leaders that the lord put over your life as unto the lord why because you fear god not mommy and daddy not the husband so and so usually the husbands are afraid of the wise and not because of pastor so and so it's because of god you should fear god amen one thing i'll tell you what man just don't touch what god put in authority that's good brother don't touch don't go there it's scary fear god and when you do that you'll be thankful because you'll grow up because then you'll be grown more spiritually and you'll live more happily too even though that's so hard to believe people think you find happiness when you do things your own way now when you go in your own way it's chaos just like genesis 6. every man just did what in the imagination of their heart that's right if you look at proverbs chapter 8 and verse 13 look at proverbs chapter 8 and verse 13 and 2nd corinthians chapter 7 and verse second corinthians chapter seven and verse one when looking at these two passages it brings up to my fifth point you gotta fear in doing what's right and you gotta fear when you commit sin fear to do what's right and fear when you're doing wrong look at the book of proverbs chapter 8 and verse 13. the fear of the lord is to hate evil pride and arrogancy and the evil way and the forward mouth do i hate look at second corinthians 7 1 having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of god amen you know why i come out street preaching you know why i come out in a way any way or form uh where i can find some legal ground nowadays in this year to try to win a soul it's because i fear god you ever thought about that you ever thought about that in the cold of the weather who wants to do any form of witnessing who wants to witness to their loved one when you're afraid of your loved one when you're afraid of your friend guess what i fear god more than that you know why i try to keep church going and minister to people through an online format because i fear god i just don't shut down everything and then uh go out with a clean conscience i fear god too much so i have to keep church running in some way or form no matter how many things they might shut down and we're not able to do but i will keep it running one way or another some way or form i fear when uh when you commit sin when you fall into temptation when you skip your spiritual duty is there fear there is fear you know one thing that i've learned as i start to grow more in my christian walk is that the reason why people fall into temptation and to sin again is because of one thing they fear of losing the taste of sin more than fearing the lord did you all hear that thou preach you fear losing the taste of sin more than you fear god so before you make some kind of worldly decision in your life or something that would just please the flesh you better ask yourself that do i fear losing the joys temporary temporary vain joys of the flesh more than i fear god fear god why should you read the bible why should you pray why should you avoid sin why should we be so legalistic why should we kick against it why should we stand for right doctrine and be called arrogant narrow minded you know i fear god not you i fear god too much so because i have the fear of the lord i cannot have sin in this church and i cannot compromise with the world or hold hands hold hands to make ends meet because i fear god too much how about you before you pick up that uh drunken bottle ask yourself this do i fear god fear of the or do you fear losing the taste and the edge and the joys temporary joys of sin six point job chapter 28 28 please job chapter 28 and verse 28. the sixth point the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom that's what you got to understand some people don't understand that look at job 28 28 and proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 proverbs chapter 1 verse 7. if fear is the beginning of wisdom why would that be the case some of you don't understand this but the reason why it is is because the reason why people uh commit so much sin or i don't want to say this but it is true facts are fact would commit crime or end up in the prison that they're in a lot of people will end up in poverty or in uh addictions and in miserable states is because a lot of them tend to not be smart people i don't now that might be politically incorrect or something like that but guess what i attended liberal schools and they'll even admit that you know there's a low iq and we should put more education more education blah blah blah so there is a truth to that is that people aren't really smart you know why they don't like thinking they like to feel feel do something that pleases them they don't like thinking you know why kids get into trouble teenagers do reckless acts because they don't think they just do they just want to do something to please their friends and look cool and to feel good usually when you commit sin or crimes or something like that you're not really thinking straight you're being a dummy those tend to not be really smart people you ever seen some smart people kind of acting like little neat freaks or a little paranoia why because they're overthinking they're overthinking look at proverbs chapter one and verse seven the bible says here in proverbs chapter one and verse seven the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and destruction that's why they do reckless acts is because they don't even have knowledge to begin with they don't think about the consequences look at proverb uh not proverbs job 28 28 and unto man he said behold the fear of the lord that is wisdom so it's amazing the thing is this is that a lot you don't need a phd phds are stupid people too do you know that phd people can be very stupid people there are some people who end up in prison who commit crime who had phd before you'd be surprised why because they're not thinking straight the point to wisdom is where you don't go to public school and gain higher education the point to wisdom is having fear of the lord because if you have rocks for brains that you're going to burn in hell forever so you'd be a not to receive christ for your salvation especially if it's 15 seconds or less then guess what happens you're pretty smart person to make that move that's a smart move to make a really dumb decision on your part is you reject a 15 second prayer to the lord trusting christ for your salvation when it's that simple that is the dumbest move you'll ever make and you deserve hell fire and i don't mean that in a mean way either fact is fact you are a dummy and that includes every phd professor who's which is 90 probably 90 of them going to hell see a lot of them are incredibly stupid people so but if you have fear of god no matter how much low in education you are you have you have some brains in you you have some smarts in you and then you choose to make right decisions in your life that is so important to understand do you have the fear of the lord if you have that then you'll become smarter you might say how so well if you have fear of the lord to begin with you will stay away from bad situations you will try to study well in school kids you will try to memorize your scripture read the word you will study up into defending your faith you will try to be a good testimony in the workplace why because you have the fear of the lord enough you're a man fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom so if you have a brain trouble the easiest answer is this just fear god fear god and see what happens from there and they'll start growing look at uh proverbs chapter 15 and verse 16 proverbs chapter 15 and uh we'll read verse 16. notice that the reason why uh my seventh point is guess what when you have fear of the lord and you only get little things in life that is far better than having so much things in life without the fear of the lord so don't be conscious of the wicked who have no fear of the lord and they have more than you look at proverbs 15 16 the bible says better is little with the fear of the lord than great treasure and what trouble there with look at uh proverbs chapter 23 verse 17 proverbs chapter 23 and verse 17. you know why because even if you have much in life guess what you're gonna also get much trouble in your life you're gonna get much trouble rich people have more things in life you'd be surprised they're the ones who have a lot more fear too sometimes you'd be very surprised always looking at the stocks looking at the presidency and then who to elect for and then what can we do in my business place and with the riots going on oh their business is dropping coronavirus their business is dropping see look at proverbs chapter 23 and verse 17 let not thine heart envy sinners but be thou in the fear of the lord all the day long look don't look at the wicked out there who have zero fear of the lord and they have much many more things than you do by doing that you're asking for trouble because those same people that you're envying you're only looking at their good side and you don't know all the bad things that they're going through in their private lives or deep down what they're feeling in their heart and that is really good advice if you envy and you want to reject the fear of the lord my friend you're just you're going to live in fear the rest of your life you're going to live in fear the rest of your life you can't you can't i mean even the riches uh i mean amazon i mean that guy he might be making so much money despite of the pandemic situation but guess what he's going to he he fears too why because the government's getting onto his case so you got to realize this it doesn't matter how much money or power or businesses you own i mean it just takes a little situation like the coronavirus which is not a problem to the lord and then everyone just falls apart you lose it all you lose it all if you have just little and you fear god you're gonna be far much better amen if you fear god guess what you're going to keep doing what's right you're going to put your faith in the lord to take care of you not trust in your own weak flesh because if you fear god too much you're not going to do things your own wrong way of doing things if you have just little look you are in a far better state you are in a far better state as long as you have the fear of the lord just for your god and when you have a little bit trust me that little bit might save your life compared to the much that might just ask for more trouble amazon just asked for more trouble now because he just had too much isaiah chapter 33 verse 6 isaiah chapter 33 verse 6 i hope this sermon is helping you about the fear of the lord there's a lot of good tips it's rich about fear of the lord and i'm only gonna cover some of it i encourage every one of you to go home in your spare time and look up the fear of the lord and see all these things that will help you in the fear of the lord i am i can only cover up to ten the fear of the lord is great treasure my friend it's great treasure isaiah chapter 33 verse 6 and wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times and strength of salvation the fear of the lord is what is his treasure you might say it's not a treasure to me okay then uh use your brains okay if you have absolute zero fear of the lord imagine where you would be without it then where would you be some of you probably be in prison some of you would probably be dead by now some of you probably would miss out too many blessings from god by now some of you would be probably with the struggling with the old things that are hard to overcome because you just delve deeper into sin without fear of the lord it's good that you stopped early before you dig deeper right imagine what you'd be without it you'd probably be homeless you'd probably be an addict you'd probably be dead that's right if it wasn't for the fear of the lord that's why it's your treasure because the fear of the lord is what helped you to be scared of the consequences of sin the world and your own decisions what you want to make that is wrong amen that's why the fear of the lord is great treasure in your life and you should hold it and you should treasure the fear of the lord not despise the fear of the lord because it is great treasure and the greatest proof is second corinthians 5 10. knowing therefore the terror of the lord we persuade men the judgment seat of christ i don't get it why does fearing god at the judgment seat of god christ why is that great treasure because if you fear god and you feared the judgment seat of christ you'd have way more treasure at the judgment seat of christ all the treasure gold silver precious stones that you want at the judgment seat of christ comes when you fear the judgment seat of christ that's why paul says knowing therefore the terror of the lord we persuade man amen look at isaiah chapter 11 and verse 2 isaiah chapter 11 and verse 2 and then i want you to go to proverbs chapter 15. proverbs 15 and isaiah chapter 11. isaiah chapter 11 and proverbs chapter 15. if you look at these two passages there's another point to the message concerning fear fear of the lord is spirit power it is spirit power when you fear god then it's a sign that you're filled with the holy spirit can i say that again some of you want to be filled with the holy spirit so much power you hear about these great stories of great men of god throughout the great awakening revivals who literally got like thousands saved preaching just gets the hundreds if not thousands on the altar i mean how do you do something like that that's a total calculation that they did in their revival meeting it's because they had the fear of the lord to begin with when you fear god guess what there is spirit power look at jonathan edwards he preached sinners in the hands of an angry god by manifesting the fear of the lord the holy spirit power was all over the place and they held an all-night prayer meeting look at isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 it says and the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and what of the fear of the lord a lot of people like about you know the seven different spirits and i want to be filled with all that for spirit power you mentioned verse two but then you gotta think about the fear of the lord that's a part of it when you fear god you get holy spirit power so if you want to be greatly used by god guess what you cannot when you don't have fear of the lord remember that you will never you will god will never climb you higher god will never use you greater god cannot use you greatly if you have no fear of the lord he cannot anoint you with spirit power no matter how many times you pray and beg and try to yield to the holy spirit and you follow all the tips from the revivalists on how to get spirit power all comes to nothing without the fear of the lord look at proverbs chapter 15 and verse 33 the fear of the lord is the instruction of wisdom and before honor is what humility you know a lot of people become great preachers and then you know they become my disgusting radar after that son a lot of these preachers i admire and then they and then i put them in the disgusting radar after that because they have so much talent so much gift it looks like the holy spirit power is within them but their problem is this is that they don't have the fear of the lord so then they compromise in something or they let their pride get to them and then belittle other people and uh they put all this fake pretensions model asset of loving people and then just spoiling them rotten and then you know that kind of heils jack kyle's mentality becomes a disgusting thing to me i know the lord mightily used him and he preached a great message on spirit power but he did have pride issues and that's all say about that so the problem with people who get great honor and they boast about these great men the problem is is that if you want great honor there comes humility first if i want to be great and the lord use me greatly and the fruits that i get i cannot build it on something wrong i have to build it on something right i cannot build it out of pride i have to build it out of humility i have to remember where gene kim came from and how the lord pulled me through and how many times that uh i have to fear god and be careful otherwise my honor falls apart you heard about uh i don't know if some of you heard this you heard about ravi zacharias now his own organization confessed that he did have that sexual scandal his own organization daughter fessed up sad heils i can't say it is or not but the daughter mentioned about that with kyle's case 14th largest church king james only independent fundamental baptist pastor hillsong you know with the powerful organization carl lens making friends with all the hollywood stars caught with the sexual scandal see that the problem with all that is that they have no fear of the lord and that is extremely extremely dangerous and you have to be careful you have to be humble you always have to be humble you have to tremble you have to tremble and say lord i'm you have to protect me because i know that at myself and my own best is flesh and i can't keep the ministry going my last point jonah chapter one and we'll close it here thank you so much for your patience i will dismiss it here jonah chapter one there are so many things about the fear of the lord that can help you look at the book of jonah in new year's we always make resolutions right and some people might make vows i don't want you to make vows that you can't keep the lord condemns that actually don't make a vow that you can't keep and then you get it fall into condemnation however there is a vow or a promise in a sense where you can say to the lord this is that i cannot guarantee that i would dedicate a hundred percent but i make a vow here by your grace by your grace because i'm flesh and i can fall but by your grace that i will dedicate to do this for you lord and i will cast off this sin for you lord and i will do even more for the church look at yourself the past year as we've always here in every year when we come to the end of the year and enter a new year what kind of resolutions have you made what kind of vows have you made that you want to dedicate that you want to do better are you really satisfied with last year are you really truly satisfied last year what you did for the lord what can you do better you know why you should make vows because of the fear of the lord look at jonah chapter one verse nine jonah chapter one verse nine jonah said i am in hebrew and i fear the lord the god of heaven which hath made the sea and the dry land now there's one thing out of this message that you say man pastor i fear the lord i fear the lord jonah said the same thing too at verse nine but guess what he he didn't really mean it i'm sure he meant it i fear the lord but deep down inside his hearts of hearts he didn't fear the lord you might say why because this is verse nine did you read verse 1 through 3 what did jonah do did he fear the lord no he disobeyed the lord he tried to run away from the lord he didn't fear god you know what we are we live in a day and age of bible believers who hear preaching and make resolution to do something and say i fear the lord so i'm going to make a resolution but it's a fake fear you know who did the real fear to make vows the sailors verse 16 the sailors not the prophet it was the sailors verse 16 then the men feared the lord exceedingly and offered a sacrifice unto the lord and made vows that's real fear real fear not just saying oh after this message i fear the lord pastor and then you you live a fake life you make a fake altar call no real feel fear of the lord as you come down on the altar and you make a vow and say lord no more of this no more of that i'm gonna do this for you and the reason why you should do that and i encourage you to do that is because just like these sailors you should fear god these sailors fear god so much that they start to make vows god didn't even ask them to make vows but they did you know why because that's how much fearful god is i hope that today out of this message that you fear what you've done in the past year and you want to dedicate and make a vow and say 20 21 lord i'm gonna have your fear and i'm gonna do better can you fall can you mess up can you break a promise sure because we're all flesh and sinners but if you just simply say lord i make a vow here by your grace and my flesh is weak and those times that i will fall and i know that but i make a vow that i'm not going to do this by your grace i'm going to do this more for you by your grace and when i fall heavenly father pick me back up again can can you have the guts to do that if you can't even make a vow then it's probably you don't have fear of the lord you fear instead yourself rather than fearing god every head bow and every eye shut the altar call is open i want to encourage you to fear god today and make a vow before him do you have enough fear to tremble before the throne of glory and make a vow this is a fresh new year start something fresh today for the lord catch up it's probably just even simple as catching up your bible reading trying to keep up with your prayer list this time this time try to come to church more often try to participate in any soul-winning opportunity some of you want to win souls but you just don't know how make a vow and dedicate that i'm going to learn from pastor kim this time for you onliners i'm going to watch the beginner's discipleship try to practice my soulmate if you're not saved in the lord jesus christ you should fear god i'm always going to say this that way everyone can understand look um if you fear god then you should fear hell and you should fear your eternity and you should get saved i'm not trying to make people doubt their salvation here if you're saved you're saved no matter what don't let anyone throw doubt in you but if you don't know of a specific time and place or situation of how you got saved if i can't hear if you can't give a clear story or testimony out of that then you should have fear and you should double check your salvation for onliners who are probably wondering it could be it's pretty simple it's not tough to do that because some people think that they're saved but they can't even tell a specific time day and situation all it is is just head knowledge you just know but you never actually did it if you truly got saved then you did it how for a typical onliner maybe that i watched you pastor kim preach on this subject about hell and you offered the sinner's prayer at the end and i didn't trust in the prayer i trusted what jesus did on the cross to save me and i repeat it after you in the prayer and i got saved like that i can tell you time and place situation that i got saved simple i was six years old i heard i want to get saved talk to my dad my dad took a deacon deacon took me aside to a room showed me how to get saved i'm too young i don't remember everything but i know time place and situation and i got saved six years old because i didn't have a good memory i want to make sure because i had fear of the lord so i want to make sure my salvation so at the age of nine even though i was a pastor son i want to make sure my salvation went inside with my dad at the living room knelt on the ground with him he told me you know how to get saved you know the routine and then i got saved right then and there can you say something like that was this someone who specifically told you how to get saved and you got then in there it's not something gradual you hear one thing and then you hear a different preacher and then a third preacher and then that's how you start to know more about salvation salvation is never a process salvation is not a process salvation is instantaneous at once right then and there that's what it is now you might understand more about salvation or the gospel that happens but salvation is but the gospel and salvation is not throughout that whole entire process knowledge is so different from your heart even after i got saved my knowledge grew on what real salvation is and understanding why works is truly condemned and etc and i knew all the theological terms and concepts knowledge grows in times but my heart right then and there was a six and nine how about you do you have a time placement situation if not now is a good time to get saved if you're watching online now's the time to ask and please get saved in the lord jesus christ you can email us at sjbc bbcinternational.org lord god i pray today's preaching has convicted people and changed lives and also got some souls saved if they're not saved and help us to live 2021 in fear but not the fear of the world fear of the virus fear of all things in life but to have the fear of the lord in jesus name we pray amen amen god bless you everybody
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 26,740
Rating: 4.9153094 out of 5
Id: dqpHxtM7Iao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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