Top 10 Most Shocking Religious Scandals

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hold this kick behold the Atheist nightmare these were the moments that rocked some religions to their very core the banana and the hand op perfectly made one for the other welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten religious scandals for this list will be ranking high-profile and widespread scandals that had some serious repercussions within their respective religious institutions number 10 Jim and Tammy Faye Baker rape and fraud scandals for a scandal about this televangelism has proven popular and lucrative since the 1950s with a number of high-profile preachers like Rex Humbert and W V grant achieving massive financial success Jim and Tammy Faye Baker were even more popular running their praise the Lord or PTL Club ministry / TV show from the 70s to the 1980s scandal arose when Jim was alleged to have raped his church secretary Jessica Hahn the PTL ran into further problems when the Baker's were accused of defrauding their flock of donations for heritage USA a Christian theme park allegedly the Baker's pocketed the excess funds and promised hotel stays that could not be fulfilled Jim was sentenced to 45 years in prison serving only five while Tammy Faye divorced him during his incarceration number nine Mother Teresa's motivations and charity scandal to her the convent and the Catechism matter more than the clinic Albanian Indian nun and missionary mother Teresa founded the missionaries of charity and did a large part of her work in India where her organization ran hospices and assistance programs for the poor and sick in 2015 however Mohan Bhagwat the head of a Hindu nationalist group criticized Teresa's legacy citing suspected ulterior motives to convert those she helped to Christianity journalist Christopher Hitchens had expressed similar denunciations saying that Teresa's perceived altruism was in fact a ruse he alleged that she wished to advocate suffering and not to save people from the hardships of poverty others held mother Teresa accountable for misusing and delivering poor medical assistance accusations that fail to impact your declaration of sainthood by the back end in 2016 why are you not boiling water and sterilizing your needles says there's no point number 8 Gilbert day at child abduction and trafficking scandal this kenyan evangelist ran into controversy soon after establishing his gilbert Deum ministries in the united kingdom in the late 1990s daya who refers to himself as the archbishop of Pecha has made many claims over the course of his career for example he sold olive oil by suggesting it had the infused holy power to combat cancer and HIV the most serious allegations against daya and his wife mary daya however were those involving child trafficking and abduction tied to his ministries promised to assist infertile couples Mary Dayle was arrested in 2004 and bishop daya was apprehended two years later after it was revealed that they had stolen children from a Nairobi Maternity Hospital and presented them as miracle babies number 6 but Zizzi foot a herpe scandal the practice of male circumcision is an ancient covenant of the Jewish faith dating back to the religions foundation Medici Pope a is a traditional form of circumcision that became newsworthy in the early 2000s when a number of Israeli and New York City infants were diagnosed with herpes critics claimed the virus was transmitted by the moil during this process this is due largely to the fact that Madiba pay involves Lamoille sucking the blood from the circumcision before bandaging the area New York's Department of Health later responded by passing a regulation requiring that all parents recognize the health risks associated with Madiba pay and sign a consent form before proceeding with the ritual number 6 prep low-dollar Gulfstream jet and domestic violence scandals truth is that a family conversation with our youngest daughter got emotional in 2014 the Atlanta based evangelist creflo dollar came under fire when he asked for donations to purchase a 6 million-dollar Gulfstream jet which he stated he would use to spread the ministry of his non-denominational world changers church international prior to that in 2012 a more serious accusation of domestic violence was made against the minister by his teenage daughter dollar was arrested for battery after his daughter claimed she was choked and punched by her father at their home the altercation actually stems from an argument over the 15 year old attending a party the charge was later dropped after dollar who maintained that he was innocent completed a required anger management course I should have never been arrested number 5 mount Cashel orphanage child sex abuse scandal the mount Cashel orphanage was a home for Ward's of the state located in Saint John's Newfoundland which took in young children for decades starting in the 1950s unfortunately the orphanage is largely remembered for the scandal that eventually forced it to close its doors in 1990 it was revealed that over 300 residents had been abused by staff members of the Christian Brothers of Ireland in Canada during their time at Mount Cashel this sex abuse scandal was the largest in Canadian history and one of the largest worldwide it was made all the more troubling given the fact that many religious and local authorities knew of the abuse and had paid off several victims in my opinion we've just scratched the surface I mean there's a lot of people out there that haven't even come forward there's a lot of people out there that have settled already and are still living with this because you never shake this number for Bishop Eddie Long sex scandal because men are being feminized and women are becoming masculine in 2010 the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in DeKalb County Georgia became a center for scandal multiple male parishioner stepped forward with lawsuits claiming that new births Bishop Eddie Long a crusader against gay marriage during his ministries had pressured them into sexual relations when they were in their teens I don't trust nobody I will not trust anybody I'm have to go through a lot of therapy sessions I know I will the lawsuits detailed that long had plied young boys with presents and trips in exchange for sex long denied the claims via his attorney and in prepared statements he eventually resolved out-of-court with the plaintiffs though details remain confidential why did you settle the case the old gambling song had no one to hold it no when to fold it know when to walk away number three Jimmy Swaggart sex scandal Jimmy Lee swagger was a well-known televangelist in the 1980s and a minister of the Pentecostal Christian denomination known as the Assemblies of God Swigert success and notoriety came under fire in the public eye however when the preacher became involved in a sex scandal with a prostitute this ultimately led the Assembly to strip him of his ability to practice religious ordinances Swaggart's struggled during the scandal reached its peak when in 1988 he addressed his wife and congregation in a choked up confession it was watched on television by millions and served as one of the most memorable moments of the 80's televangelist boom number two the Vatican leaks scandal the Vatican leaks scandal or vatileaks received significant public attention when a book by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi entitled his holiness the secret papers of benedict xvi was released the book contained letters between pope benedict xvi and his personal secretary that exposed stories of financial corruption including bribery further fuel was added to the fire when an internal vatican investigation revealed the church outsiders had blackmailed homosexual clergymen ultimately Pope Benedict resigned his position in February of 2013 the first time in almost 600 years that a pope had done so before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions La Cosa Nostra SOC sent a ray a token tostado Malo stay so Roberto Calvi persona capacitive nakata-sensei scruple Mike Jones is standing by his stunning allegations that Reverend Haggard paid him for sex about once a month for three years as well as for methamphetamines that is God penetrating your heart it's burning on the inside of you and you need to make a vow of faith of $1,000 number one the Boston sexual abuse scandal Cardinal law and the Boston archdiocese are defendants in 25 of those lawsuits accused of negligence for not properly supervising Gagan the Academy award-winning 2015 film spotlight takes inspiration from this series of news reports first published in 2002 by journalists at the Boston Globe we've got two stories here we've got a story about the generate' clergy and we've got a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry the articles brought to light accusations by a number of plaintiffs of sexual abuse against Catholic priests in the Archdiocese of Boston some of whom said their tales of abuse went all the way back to their childhood that abuse was happening during the time that I was growing up in discovering Who I am as a person this series of articles assured in even more claims as more alleged victims came forward perhaps most notable was the criticism that landed at the feet of the church itself the institution was accused of covering up these crimes having reappointed the incriminating pastors to other parishes in order to protect its reputation now that glow of investigation into court documents revealed that the church knew a great deal about Gagan and his offenses at the time they were committed do you agree with our list which religious scandals shocked you the most for more controversial top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to we've seen midgets grow we've seen arms and legs that stopped going because the grow cells that stopped man that about sutta make this stuff up you
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Views: 4,912,450
Rating: 4.6994181 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, list, top 5, religious scandals, religion, scandals, controversies, sex scandals, church scandals, Mother Teresa, Vatican Leaks, Jim Bakker, Tammy Faye Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Matzizah B’Peh, Creflo Dollar, Gilbert Deya, Eddie Long, Mount Cashel Orphanage, fraud, circumcision, Pope Benedict XVI, Christianity, Catholic church, islam, Judaism, problems with religion, controversial topics, televangelist, televangelist exposed, jimmy swaggart
Id: mZGtr8EN2dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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