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what is up everybody welcome to the video we are down here at this unit again um the last video was moving this unit i'm pretty sure it's like all this stuff that i moved in one truckload and then i've got the trailer full i'm gonna organize some of this box up all these shoes and all this stuff over here that needs to go home for ebay try to make this place a little more organized because it's a mess i need to move stuff over to my unit the big one um and then i also need to organize that place because that's a mess too i need to go to the scrap yard bad which will probably be done this week like all this stuff here is flea market here over there and then there's more bigger items over here that are flea market too that need to go over to the other unit and then i need to organize this one too i don't want this unit but at this point i kind of need it because the other one's packed full so i'm gonna get the box and some of this stuff up and then we'll get into going through that stuff over there all right about 45 minutes later done some organizing here got this area opened up moved some of this stuff around cleaned up my scrap metal pile still got a few things laying over there but that's not that big of a deal and uh yeah so now we're gonna get into going through this stuff here these boxes and those bags that's all i have in here everything else is in the trailer packed up stacked up all the clothes there so let's get to it gotten through a few boxes here a lot of it's been like personals and i just went through one that had like cleaning stuff in it just got done with that onto another one a polaroid camera i don't know what what's a little trimmer looks like we might have some tools paperwork pittsburgh little pliers not too bad stick to this paperwork let's see i think yeah that one's the food nice that's um just random stuff pictures and toys i don't know what's in there let me get through this paperwork and go to the next box still finish up the same box seems like we made a discovery of a bunch of coins and a whole bunch of money down there and a bunch of razor blades mixed in so that'll be fun but let me get through all this stuff yeah not bad i like finding money there we go just gotta pull all the coins out and here's what we have not too bad a few quarters a lot of dimes and nickels and then pennies so that's not a bad box and then i still have my coin container up here i might transfer it into this one but i guess we're going to move on to i guess the food box and we're on to another box these are kind of neat new era i think they're like hat containers let's look at them in a minute looks like most of this is hats that's old veneers pants don't see anything too crazy a lot of beanies let's see if i can open these so this one's empty and we have a couple beanies in there these are still kind of neat i don't know if they'll sell or not but we'll have to find out there's another thing in there too but we've got a little bit more to go the weather the sky is looking pretty sketchy does not look too happy over there so let's just get to work just pulled this bag out and i saw that down there looks like and there is i'm gonna put this aside is there anything else interesting a little camera looks like another necklace back there in that corner sorry there's a camera there i think there's another camera right here looks like maybe a little more jewelry down in the corners let me finish this up and then i'll go through this guy right there all right we've got that box done just at a glance i'm not going to look at it real close yet that looks that bracelet kind of looks gold that ring looks gold that kind of looks golden earring this earring kind of looks gold i'm not sure about that stuff this little pendant looks gold looks like that's about it i'm just glancing at it so let me take a peek through all this so here's a good little up close of what we've got a little spider pretty sure let's go pretty sure that might be too not sure about those or that let me take a look and i'll see what we got all right i moved out here to the truck because the um lighting out here was a little better none of this stuff seems to be real it could be anything this ring has a marking on it but the closer i look i don't think it's gold i'm not sure that stone might be real i have to test it these are all marked 10 carat here and then this is um silver 925 right there it's usually got some nice stones in it and then i'm pretty sure these would more than likely be rubies in there and then those might be diamonds i'm not sure would have to test them and then this little pendant too not bad a little bit of gold and silver can't really complain about that quick little update right after the other one had this little thing that had all these earrings on it none of them looked to be real i don't think but i'll take a closer look at him with the other stuff so smart little idea to put the earrings on there all right so i've finished everything in this unit that i had in here to go through got it all done didn't take me that long actually here's some of the stuff that i found today a little harley davidson zipper later i'm just gonna try this on ebay start putting it at auction started like a dollar a little garmin gps couple cell phones a couple hats thought i had another one but i guess not this polaroid that you've seen these uh military hats two of them um this chemical guys brush and this cleaning solution this is more like 15 free shipping or 10 plus shipping or something around there the brush was like seven or eight bucks um i haven't really looked anything else up did find this vintage virginia tech hoodie right there seems to be in pretty nice shape actually and it's made in the us which is nice there we go made in the u.s a couple cds in the box um let's see what else did we find this thing i still got to look up don't know exactly anything about it yet the jewelry which we've seen i gotta look these hat carriers up i found these what to expect books i think they were like for the three of them maybe like 10 bucks for those this camera don't have a charger for it quite yet so i'm just gonna leave it here and that's really it for today plus the gold it's in my pocket but we finished everything back here it's not too shabby all right guys that about wraps it up for this video i did look up those hat carriers and they go for it was like 25 dollars a piece used so that ain't too bad but that's about it for this one wasn't bad to start out the unit that was just one truckload i still have the whole trailer full if you go back and watch the other video that was the one before this so that's about it um just want to say thank you guys so much for watching i really do appreciate it drop a comment if you want to subscribe if you want to leave a like if you want to that's about it but um i appreciate it guys we'll see you next time
Channel: Corey Woods
Views: 160
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, buying storage units, storage auctions, storage wars, flea market, storage locker finds, storage finds, storage unit auctions, finding gold, storage auction finds, abandoned storage units, storage unit finds guns, dumpster diving, storage unit guns, storageauctionpirate, storage pirate, gold find, abandoned storage unit, corey woods, storage unit hunter, found money, storage unit finds money, Found tools, nba signature, signed basketball, gold, silver
Id: CD9sFPmtLDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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