Money Everywhere In A Hoarder Storage Unit! Found Cash And Gold For 3 Days Straight!

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alright alright so here we are digging in this box see that that is brand new Chanel if I know yep what's this what's this what's going on guys Jason thrift trader coming to you with another video we are here at the t.j.maxx hoarders unit and pawpaws with us again today this is day three here if you haven't seen the prior videos where we found a bunch of cash some gold definitely check those out the video links will be below in the description if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe we do this all the time we're always flowing through storage units that we buy an auction today we are gonna focus on the big unit and try and make a little headway down the center aisle I'll show you what I'm talking about take a look okay so aside from the trash here and this stuff we've kind of been through I'll show you a couple of things you need to see that book that book is very interesting I'll show that to you but we're gonna get everything off of this shelf here and get the Shelf pulled out and try to make in there stuff in both of these little sections here that we need to get out as well like all those boxes we got to get up we got to start making a little room going this way and that's what we're gonna work on today as well we're trying to get this truck fully loaded it's probably about halfway there at this point so that's what we're gonna be working on as well I don't see any dates alright guys so this book we found on write-up on this shelf here and we took a look at it yesterday and I want to show this to you guys it is really old but what's crazy is they turned it into a scrapbook let me get to the here we go this is where it starts getting fancy just really old paper products what it is see this it's really really old you know what if this was hers as a kid she aspired to be a dressmaker aspired to be a fashionista I guess is what you would call it or however you would say it alright guys so just an update we got this top shelf empty this one empty check this out brand-new old school edge a sketch man I used to play with these as a kid what else we get we got a brand-new Calphalon roasting rack brand new acrylic bread slicer nine piece of coal and ER set tons of brand new socks in there brand spanking new socks let's see just some more random tools in here tons of new clothing we're finding like brand new old stock Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren it's crazy it's crazy but I wanted to show you guys what's happening right now all right guys so we keep going through stuff here and down here check this out California Raisins this is sealed don't know why there's a hole in the top of it there's that this is an old USPS snapback don't know if that's worth anything all right so we're finding tons of brand-new shoes in both of these units this is a pair of juniors Reeboks I have no idea how old they are but they look really nice now the issue is with rubber soled shoes the longer they sit especially in elements like an unclimbed controlled storage unit the soles can deteriorate and with these you can see that deterioration has started there still good and solid so I might be able to just scrub that I think it's some type of mold or maybe just I don't know it's hard to explain but sometimes it'll be so bad to wear like if you just press on it it falls apart but these are brand spanking new the soles do look fine there is a little bit of that on it but we'll see if we can't get rid of it Mike what's that you would you do he's been doing that all morning thank goodness it doesn't stink all right so we are going through this and we found this and we already know when you see something like this the odds of there being money in it are fairly great thus far so I'm gonna hand the camera to pop off we're gonna go through it we're gonna go through this see if we can't find any money these are just planners guys yeah you need to be quick about it too cuz we've got a foot or two left in this place I know all right I'll go quick yes sir if I can get it apart that's the problem see these are just planners and they just stored everything in here including money [Applause] I'm gonna keep this those old pins you can lock them up and get a lot of good money out of them all right sorry to cut the video short but my wife was calling and I had to answer it so long story short there was no money in that planner so we'll keep looking okay so Papa just brought it to my attention that I needed to look into this envelope and I just kind of thumb through it and there's cash right there so let's go through this well when you told me that I needed to go through it [Applause] dollars of dollars a dollar needles old no way so bad no but you know you got it pick and choose what you gonna keep you keep their old dollars well that's already made us money there's dollar I'll take it that's going to be about it for this little for this drag folks off in here did you tell them about that money we found yesterday that was wrapped up a little bitty wad well here I'll let you tell him so what we what we find last night late last night it was a brand deal paper we knew there was quarters in there because he could feel the quarter so I just held on to it and then the purse was a rolled-up looked like somebody was smoking something with the dollar bill and it was there we didn't get to it until later and we found several dollars in that purse but at the end we decided when I rolled up that little bitty real finally rolled dollar and there was another bigger bill I don't remember what it was there's a five five or ten yeah but did that little wadded thing that we was going to open up with the quarter out of it was wrapped in a five-dollar bill yeah so you just don't know in this year that purse that's craps gonna be stashed it I could just see it was late late last night that purse gave us 54 or four dollars yeah I think it was fifty four dollars in that one little purse we're we're almost a $300 in cash money already changed and I counted yesterday I counted tape to $40 or what pity yeah we got more after that yeah that's crazy all right let's see this Saints pump Oh Lord I'm just missing her head I don't know baby but I I'm trying to get this thing open it's full okay wait wait wait in Sesame to be something in there she would be glued shut sitting in here cooking in this building let's start with this start with that well our daddy I see bunts it bunch of change in there okay well there's changed nearly falling out okay so there's change set that there what they leads to another there's what you big bucks are up baby hit off back it down in there nope not there keep all that worthless paper for right there pull the quarter a little closer okay and I'll have to take a look because some of these could possibly be silver quarters since I haven't been in circulation wait she must have been a smoker she had matches love is very Giada smoke no no I haven't seen anything like that what's that key a key chain key back key chain that's pretty neat wow that's a big old chain USA hold that big old kick a big old case you got on it candy in there we struck out on cash money on this one we got some change oh nothing did you look at at first I said it's crap because it's so nasty on the inside we bite it nasty austin designs made in korea it's whatever I probably eat it though I get it I understand ride brand-new perfume here den of you brand new perfume here only by Julio Iglesias Julio you've a son Loreen I'm saying that wrong okay I'm trying brand new submarine you know submarine yeah Monte L what's brand new this looks hardly used it's only by Julio Iglesias that is trash Givenchy gentlemen now this might might be worth something I'm not sure let's look hmm here's this one these these things sell like hotcakes in my foot store we got here packaged in a pattern there's another pattern some fabric and another pattern so that's good more pattern stuff I think yeah right here patterns there are so many patterns that is a universal tool new socks Barnes and Noble thing $10 gift certificate can't use it now barbell bar no more no they are but it's it's it's personalized to somebody Oh Oh too bad you can't use that stuff that's the way gift certificates used to be made they didn't cover their cards and that's pretty much it for this box alright guys so I am actually looking up these perfumes on eBay real quick check this out so this right here is $60 on eBay all day long this one is like new I don't think you need any of its been used but since its open box it's $30 it's the same as this this guy's right here there's one there's two that have sold brand new since this is new one of them sold for a hundred and seventy five bucks and the other one sold for roughly two hundred and fifty dollars but it had the plastic still on it since the plastic is gone this is probably roughly 175 to 200 dollars right here well I mean it just I don't know so I still got these to look up and if they're of any value I'll let you know okay and this is roughly $30 this is $50 used it's about 80% full and this one ended up being roughly about $20 this is one that I definitely stick in my store couldn't find this one so that's all the perfume and fragrances that we've got so far popo's ran across something it must be missing something down here I don't know that's right and in the cleaning compound what we got first these are real furs obviously she bought them from a thrift store yeah she was using them as crass but that's real the real deal man that is real pelts it promised earlier as this advert yeah per scrap or whatever real love he goes all the way down what is that that's a big button that's cool asparagus pot here brand-spanking-new from gourmet standard cool all right we're gonna keep going alright alright so here we are digging in this box see that that is brand new Chanel if I know yep brand new Chanel number five perfume this is gonna be money I guarantee it I gotta set this right here what's this what's this oh really [Laughter] maybe this can be saved but I see green from here I see here I don't eat that toilet tissue maybe diapers or whatever Wow Porter of cash go through everything all right 1985 two three four five six seven I'll tell you what it'd be nice to see some red notes or star notes or something like that or blue notes in here I'll be sad it's just six hundred dollar bills in there oh yeah right Wow lievable is that for that's kind of nice that's nothing how to be a great beauty I might want to keep that with this box this box might be worth something what are you suppose is in here I'd say that's it I suppose we ought to keep that might be good for something some box or something I don't know we might run across the box looking here there's an old stamp four cent stamp I don't need it what do you have okay can't find her the campfire candy sale it's not sterling let's just jump really okay it's this picture since 1977 there's a we D yeah alright let's keep digging this is likely junk actually it goes with the set here I wouldn't throw it away yet I'll move it in there that's what we do designer originals what is this now that's just ten but it's neat looking somebody's perfume kind of built that yeah I think somebody just put that thing together wait a second you read it yeah says 14k and that has a P back behind that I don't think the P means plated it doesn't look plated to me to be honest I think the P is the maker's mark so I think I'm pretty sure that's 14 karat oh it's heavy yeah it's pretty heavy it looks good to me yeah this is what they consider a woman's nugget ring it's good to see [Applause] little things that have to be looked at well we'll get through it one way or another I know see what's down here what what quarters I'll be darned if this is gold does this heavy heavy but I doubt it is I'm looking look all the clasp yeah I'm about to I just wanted to see if it was costume probably yeah that's coffee all right well we found this I don't know about anything else nothing else jumps out at me but this is definitely gold oh that's cool we'll take it all right just to give you guys an update on the price here this brand new is roughly 50 to 60 dollars it's not as much as I expected but shoot you cannot complain 50 to 60 bucks it'll sell quick I'll take it I guess so in the same tote we found Gucci perfume here this is roughly $60 used and the tuxedo Ralph Lauren two-ounce is brand new it's some cologne for men and that's roughly $80 and I have all of these right here that we pulled out as well that we haven't looked at so we don't have the time to look at anymore we got to keep going well pop off drug out a old clutch so time for him to calm it it's clutch purse yeah let's make sure that that stays shut if we're gonna dig on one side so we're not ooh yeah you gotta be careful with the with this stuff nothing in there whoa that's a five Center the Bill of Rights won't sit Oh set those aside another portion of it this what portion at a time Oh another portion here get in there oh I think it's on the other side is there anything else down there yeah that's a screen snap a bobby pin that's the cash dividend we deep it'sh check stamp one set wow this is nice maybe that that tape easier another speaking bobby pin you want well what's it feel like with hair Oh cute I'm contaminated all right go to this with it see what sit here I'm digging through this while you dig through that that's a silver Walking Liberty yeah it is 1944 why is it green from the copper miss with well there's silver that's well there's more oh wow 65 silver Kennedy that's silver yeah what is it 60 percent or 40 percent silver I can't I think there's a 90% that maybe one of the second ones that was I don't know there's one year there they were high-powered and next couple of years they worked how can I taste it why am i tasting something because you're trying to cheer hey I just got a different for the stuffing right here unzip this thing I think we're crazy go to all this trouble if this recluse bite or something way that what you were feeling it's all over nice we got some silver we'll take it that thing's old-school yeah just it's had it oh yeah specially after the rummage papa I wonder how much cash we've actually thrown away what do you got there yeah we've been we've been kind of light on the cash today so far yeah what years at 1970 something I think right that's awesome well you just ran across something else didn't you why she bought it Valarie to me what's the deal maybe I will what year is that 1982 so that's not anything special why's it in here I don't know why is everything in here okay couple bucks no weird we're gonna keep digging okay so just to give you guys an idea of how far we've gotten today it's silly like three o'clock so we got some time look good lord it's just four foot high all the way back I'm excited about getting into this now right there and that is an old post office what do you call it I guess drawer set he knows who knows Wow this goes on for days come in there sure enough look at that Wow old clip-on earrings beautiful ones - I'm gonna have to look at those crazy yeah remember those no let's put it in the machine and boot like that yeah just kind of went through this right here alright pop Oh what happened what'd you do there was a bunch of crap over the floor this here it is right here all this stuff so what I started going through it I saw something lie to be of a dollar okay here we go it's a five yeah a 100 Oh that's not Marge just 1995 okay fix but the one that I like was this was here ones are fifty nice just laying in the floor don't worry about it fifty seven bucks on the floor no big deal crap this is crazy we're trying to get to this thing right here I want to look inside of it let you know if we find anything all right guys we are calling it a night and man was it an awesome day in total guys we found here I'll make sure to show you one hundred and thirty seven dollars cash and on top of that that's not including any of the coins that we found we found a Walking Liberty silver was a silver dollar those I was half dollar I'm I'm an idiot Walking Liberty half dollar and we also found some gold I looked into that ring it says 14k 14k P the P means plumb which means it's no more or no less it's exactly 14-karat so it is definitely a 14-karat gold ring something else that we found and I want to show you this real quick before we go is potentially gold I don't know there's no markings but that is typical for really really old jewelry take a look at this alright so it we we found it in this little bitty really old clutch and I think that it's gold it's got that luster to it now again I could be wrong this is something that we're gonna have to take my hands are extremely dirty but we're gonna have to take this and have it looked at by Ferguson our jeweler but I think you can see it you can see the dull luster to it and that's why I think it's gold but we're not so sure yeah it's broke I think it's just scrap and I think that's why they saved it is because it was gold you know potentially I think so but we also found this right here these are all silver they're stamped sterling these are heavy but I think there's concrete or something inside of the base here to keep to give it weight so if we scrap this we'll have to get rid of whatever's inside there this is silver plate this thing right here has plum full of coins and you guys saw this this right here is most definitely gold it's not gonna focus there it is it's just a women's nugget ring then of course all the coins in here we found and all of I'm telling you there is a lot of money here and in just perfume and there's a bunch of coins in here too anyways guys that is it for today we've got to get this truck loaded up we've got a bunch of stuff to do still and then we'll see you again see ya Monday we'll see you again Monday it's Saturday today sorry we're gonna take a day off so I can unload the truck in the shop and kind of sort things a little bit better and we'll be back here in two days [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 411,435
Rating: 4.8282132 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Hoarders, Found Money, Found Gold, Abandoned Storage Units, Storage Unit Finds, Found Cash, Real Storage Wars, Storage Wars, Storage Auction, Storage Finds, I Found, Thrift Trader, Hawt Saucee
Id: LG1Znk26mGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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