Kids don't want Mom's ABANDONED Storage Unit after she PASSES AWAY, WHY? Mystery Locker Unboxing?

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oh yes yes yes oh my gosh look [Music] oh wow i like this one right here look at all these cds that's one thing i never thought would be worth money with cbs i would have never guessed and this shelf is loaded with good looking radios how we doing today everybody auctioneer extraordinaire here robert zaba with silent shane and man birmingham has been treating us well we're out here at the storage unit i paid 750 dollars for it's been full of all kind of surprises and there's so much more to go through i mean we found everything from jewelry we found coins we found weapons we even found vintage toys always near dear to my heart once again guys if you haven't subscribed just subscribe hit the bell get all your notifications you never know what you're gonna see and you might find something like this an empty laundry basket that's right who else is going to show you stuff we will and uh but right here got an exciting shame look at this i already see it in the busting scene you can actually buy this stuff at that's it but look at this a guitar hero that's a fancy one fancy is right wow is it in there you know what's in there shane you even have to ask that question here here you look at me like your dog machine so i'm just going to prove you wrong and all the people out there it's not in there shane oh man [Music] thanks shane ruined my whole good day i was starting to have a good day now well at least i can go voteboarding and this is kind of like a boogie board i used to have in florida guys i used to live down to miami for two years and uh i'd be one of those guys out there and uh when the hurricanes would come in it's tropical storms they tell you get out of the water that's the time when the waves come and there's one time i think we're catching up to 15 foot waves ladies and gentlemen you want to talk about we got a 15 foot wave on a boogie board yeah life gets a little crazy look at this oh pitchers pitchers and pitchers but what's behind there saying right there look at this oh man this is awesome and i know it's gotta worth some money wow holy crap cyborg assault look at this craziness oh man that that circle part on the top picture three looks like the one we found earlier oh that is part of it so we have to make sure it looks like it's complete because it's just all these pieces down here like there's one the hands so wow that is cool i might not have i can't show that one to my son he's got enough hot wheels stuff it looks like a fun play set though smoke looks like all books cooking books [Music] magazines i might give this to you shane the ab roller or you can look like me oh yeah we got more pictures say pictures to proof that there's pictures in there a lot of old pictures like this [Music] i'm going back don't try this at home there it is that's what's in there the roaster wow [Music] all of our pitchers are in here so that's why you when you find units like this you know they got their personal pictures in there they're going to have other personal items their jewelry their heirlooms you just don't know and that's why you can score big if you buy the right kind of units and this unit you know to me looked like it was a ladies unit an older lady and i assumed and it was right that the lady probably passed away and in this business unfortunately some of the best units you get are from you know my buddy used to call it the ds you know the death divorce you know so man so much more to go through we got to move some stuff i'm getting buried alive in here and uh chucky can be here for a little bit man so much stuff i had to get some of the stuff out of the way and uh there's boxes behind her obviously we got this giant christmas tree box but it's buried under boxes so we gotta get some of this stuff let's see what's in here okay let's go this way [Music] let's say we got a magazines cookbooks oh my gosh oh disgusting oh yeah i'm looking pretty good i might have to shave though look at this this is like cigar rolling tray or something clean tray it's just nasty though it's a harmonica i know i usually blow in the harmonicas but i think i might pass on this one ladies and gentlemen there's money in here oh there's a pennies cigarettes this thing what else is in this a nice uh milk glass cake tray plate and uh that matches the lamp yeah that's these are usually pretty good money oh yes first i see money in there so that always gives me excitement we got earrings need to clean their teeth a lighter hey it works oh wow there's one in here [Music] i'm starting to see some silver in there there's definitely nickels dimes quarters i'm not gonna make a big mess right now but anytime you find money i mean it's like finding money yeah so we definitely got a change in here [Music] halloween life a tie you know how tired do you know how to tie a tie shane i did for the one dance and that's it for the one dance yep oh well i went to private school and um i had a thai tie so i do know how to tie time i learned for two hours and forgot so i guess the saying doesn't hold true teach a man how to tie a tie you could tie it motorcycle clown in unit we got more pitchers in here these are these hodgepodge ones you just don't know you got a birthday candle i just don't know you gotta look through every little thing so this was in the laundry basket this is how people are storing stuff with a cigarette rolling tree on top oh the box is just so bad oh first the whole thing is just loaded purses now we have to check every purse see listen hear that oh yeah making money back already that's just one person we pull out so what happens if every purchase has changed or money even better so like we usually go through all this stuff and our building land gentlemen stuff that you guys don't always get to see but we have to search and hook because we found gold rings in the bottom of garbage bags before there's no rhyme or reason in this business this has brand new candles in here candles and then what's this a micro cd system that's what it says but i don't think it's in there because xmas lights oh yeah the bells they play songs [Music] oh right there look at that longing burger basket this is signed right here in 1998 and the company's closed down is located in ohio these are world famous baskets and size matters and baskets and this is a nice basket this is a really nice basket some of their baskets can be worth over a hundred dollars i'm sure even thousands of those the right ones pencil sharpener more change film cases you always gotta check film cases that people put jewelry in them sometimes they put change money this is just all film in here and the long burger basket so wow i'm so excited what's that is it a massage this is for the car right there that was one for the car let's drive home with this today it makes you feel human again is it in there shane that's the question of the day is it in there i should get a t-shirt is it in there oh baby let's go you could put that in the car man i don't think i got a pay chain today because i can give him this massage thing and i mean think about this game how much would it cost you to go get a massage now a lifetime of massages bam life is good so wow there's so much more to go through and i get to unbury myself see what else we find it's a dirty dusty filthy business but i love it guys it's like treasure hunting it's like birthday it's like whatever you want to say the only thing is you gotta be able to sell the stuff you gotta be able to move the stuff and you gotta be able to get rid of the junk so just remember that if you're gonna buy storages it's always easier to buy than sell and store people's lives apple peeler we got the salad shooter they're both in the box well these are always good zip ties fix anything baby monitor this looks like it's all like clothes and a little nastiness like why are you even packing to put in a storage unit it's a big world atlas holy atlas you could frame that i live right here guys cleveland yeah if you look really really close a little closer you will see me in there i'm just so that's pretty cool man now i'm interested that's in the box huh blue mason jar number two so that's worth a few bucks i wish all the mason jars are in here blue we got a pasta maker it's in there we got electric burners two of these they're in there another question is this in there hopefully not you want something better big box you put a lot of jewelry in there that's true cut it open shane don't try this at home [Music] that's not that chain that's for sure oh it's halloween decorations some cool ones though decorate the shop this year yeah for a halloween target did i tell you my idea about the halloween party no oh i'll tell you that later i love it and uh man so much more to go through guys all right let's get this halloween box [Music] anything else oh yes yes yes oh my gosh look see what that is you know that is right is that a dresser that's a barrister bookcase guys this is sections okay each one of those you can take apart you can configure them all different ways usually each section and right now by looking at it it looks like it's three piece section with a top and a bottom probably usually each piece of glass i usually get at least a hundred bucks so that's at least a three four hundred dollar piece right there with the washer and dryer i might get my money almost back on this unit everything else profit wow so now the question is is there a name in there turn that flashlight on there shane i'm gonna go in close oh yeah right there it says macy something see if i turn the light off and it looks better i can't open it now but these are nice pieces ladies and gentlemen i've been thinking about buying one so yeah who knows man we got so many more boxes so much more to go through i don't know what else we're gonna find but man that is a great great find right there barrister bookcases guys look them up online different companies made them but the top the glass opens up slide and they're basically for books but you can people use them to display all kind of antiques collectibles and just don't know i mean so much more to go through i i keep saying that but it was a 10 by 15 guys and when you get here when i first opened the door i'm like man there's not as much as i thought was here but now i'm going through it i'm like there's more than i thought so that's awesome and when you find good stuff it makes life a lot better i didn't really notice this before but this looks like it's like a little pie cooling that's what they used to put the pies in back in the day it's actually pretty nice yeah it's pretty nice oh i'm stuffing down here too oh you always like to see the year the newspapers 94. you know i mean this thing was wrapped up in 94 i don't know when this stuff was put into storage you know it's a good name by corningware these big platters and there's a bunch of these big old pieces over here so once again they do have value ladies gentlemen everything has values just a question what do you want to sell if you can sell it what is this that's a christmas ribbon this is interesting oh not that interesting forty dollar piece got some body works yeah it looked a lot older because i saw this next to it first i thought it was an old you know it's made in italy it's a little wash basin does anything in the drawers ah this is a french provincial furniture set nope that'll destroy uh oh there's something in there that's just blocking it i can't get in there i see stuff though the chair is black and we'll have to get today another day all right what's in here [Music] wallpaper and looks like a beer mug and it says l on it so if you guys know al out there tell al i got his bear mug you can have it back go to he can bid on it and uh yeah i'm here to help people so we'll get we got another box and who knows oh look at the little girl sailor outfit 24 month old [Music] my face looks pretty nice with the mouse proof if you take the mouse poop off it would be a little bit better and like getting storage units so if you ever have a storage unit make sure you put your stuff in toast don't put food in your unit or anything that might be office products phone cord maybe you do get some of the biggest squares off them if you don't want to deal with them that's true what is this oh my gosh you want me to show you how i can knife through trickle let me show you how i can juggle you never know shane there's so much stuff in here those guys who do the sword swallowing yeah wow wow wow it's been unbelievable i'm gonna try to get this box out right here shane i don't think it's gonna happen sounds like glass there's something here that's a dresser is it a radio i can't really tell it might be a desk another desk it's old though and it's just mason jars and so much more once again if you haven't subscribed subscribe we subscribe vintage goodness and we found glass who knows what we'll find next gentlemen i am here claire thrifts the legend is at the hoarder house he's going to take all of the scrap and some good stuff to sell holy scrap hola another beautiful day bikes i like this has this little box on it oh that's just a ballast so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's just the beginning just the beginning ladies and gentlemen there's still many more so jesse from clear thirst everybody check out his channel at clear thrifts here and uh question for you [Applause] have you ever seen a house like this close not this bad is there any money stacked up in here so oh there's wood too look at this he actually made a path and the raccoon poop infested i uncovered the hood kinda oh my gosh look at this so what year is it a 50 something yes 50s 57 53 four i'm thinking late 40s early 50s bomb banner they say sanford said oh my gosh you can walk everywhere oh yeah you're making some progress the only word i could say you ready holy strap take a look at this old oil can or gas i guess it's probably gas it's got the fuel gauge on there yeah it actually has tells you how full it is the only thing you're missing is the lid you have to find the old lid for it huh oh yeah anything good out there claire thrifts oh a ton of junk that's for sure any scrap lots of it there might be one treasure up there maybe maybe two he's got all the movies i mean all the stuff up their tvs brand new exhaust i told there's one good tv up there looked good but most of them garbage all right look at the couple things that claire just found here this old motorola tube piece right here frequency module later here or something pretty cool we got that awesome gas can and of course this melt this crate so we got some cool things look at this load holy smoke just the tip of the iceberg making away see it in there yeah there's probably a few things i'll take a look so stuff going on in here i still got to go through this stuff on this side a lot of the stuff on this shelf my brothers want keeping a lot of that and the radios on this side right now they want to look at my brother jim took one for my dad's funeral okay i don't know what he did to it but he used the original speaker that was in it and he hooked it up so he could hook it up to his ipod and dude the sound that came out of that thing was golden man really it was amazing that's cool i don't know what he had some little thing on top that was some kind of little red and green glow and it looked like a radio tube and there were two of them up there going up and down and he was like yeah i just hooked this in ran it through this put this in there re-adapted this i'm like i know what you're talking about but it was my my younger brother would know about that kind of that sound was amazing i see a few good things no balance these motors just a couple of them some of the green ones the yellow one here i've sold a bunch of them oh wow i like this one right here look at all these cds that's one thing i never thought would be worth money with cbs i would have never guessed and this shelf is loaded with good looking radios that's pretty much all that's on these shelves oh some more neons yep there's uh four more up in there yet i think bob you are a work horse i gotta keep up with you man i'm gonna when i move to florida you gonna come work with me man oh yeah cause i'm gonna be moving to florida one day i just gotta wait for my kids to get a little older i don't know if you wanted this one because the bottom's going on but you get a lot of cotton club ones yeah that's cool some people might like it because it's withered you know i'm saying they might make it like a planter for outside in their yard these bad boys i'm saving because my brothers want to take a look at them look at that look at that little wire yeah projector projector what i want to show you though that's really cool that i was ready to sell right off the beat bill wants that one my brother bill wants this one this guy's just like just taking out my dad's horn look at the inside of this all right read that wow how about that that is unbelievable my brother jim unfortunately wants it if it works but i understand these are the these ones they just said they might be interested in so i had to save it this speaker actually goes with this radio look at that bad boy that's gorgeous the radiola i think about taking a small one for myself and just putting something modern in it yeah i'm missing one tube it's probably here somewhere other than it looks like it's complete the little one's down there as well i even open the little one yet oh you know what look there's a tube right there oh there you go just laying there might be the tube but it is let's try let's load it up yeah see if we can get it in there now i'll tell you what trade me you do the tube i'll take this all right i'm not over here let's see what the floor i think it is the tube nice sweet so i was gonna say it looked like there should have been two there because it wasn't dusty i probably knocked it out when i was moving around oh i see this is the bigger pin this way there you go boom complete speaker i had no idea those were metal that's tight that is cool that ain't gonna work at all but i'm thinking about taking this one for myself and putting my mp3 player inside of it that'd be cool all right with the big dials on it yep wow and then let me know when you're ready to play around i suck but i play you know they got is a oh look at that little pincher i know this one's gonna go to you my niece wants it she remembers playing with it when she was a kid that's awesome man i'm glad because every other that's the kitty kennel that's good memories for you know that's it she's like that and there's any pink cards you find your pop-up got those all for me i'm like all right
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 6,380
Rating: 4.9771428 out of 5
Keywords: Kids didn't want Mom's ABANDONED Storage Unit after she PASSES AWAY WHY, mystery storage unit unboxing video, 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio, Robert Zjaba Auctioneer Extraordinaire, Unboxing Video hidden treasures vintage finds, what the Hales What the Hale$, hoarder house scrap metal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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