I Bought Abandoned VINTAGE Boxes PACKED FULL Top To Bottom Inside Storage Unit

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you guys ready this is gonna be a while [Music] [Music] [Music] boxing at the warehouse guys yeah it's a fight go through every single one we'll never get through this but I'm assuming this is classic cottage yeah I'm sure yeah so it's part of the scene yeah they close at 7:00 as Whitey's you know I think having an unveiling as we unbox them at the warehouse would be frying a big table yeah we did that in your dining room yeah yeah we'll do that at the warehouse suddenly fun every box will open right now we'll just show you a couple of like this guy like the world's best job plus we want him to fall home in perfect condition yeah he wrapped him in like two or three different layer protects is a third recommend - yeah that's tape yeah yeah he's very much protected it all right where to now everyone gone now I'm like what is that sugar shaker on it I hope it's a human I'm like what's in the next box so random oh who was it some of these are not cheap salt pepper sugar old-fashioned ice cream parlor type of sugar shaker yeah those will do welcome I like them with sugar and cinnamon and a true light reading lamps I'm assuming this those oh there's actually a picture now that I've never seen before I've never seen something I've never seen a box labeled with the actual picture I'll be really shocked if it is and it is look a there oh those are pretty yeah they're old looking aren't they yep flying dream laughs guys really nice they're not too old he did like green did you notice the wicker basket the tub and that's very breakable very breakable does that say I can't see what does it say ceramic birds well now we have our my mother doesn't like birds I get to find knife this was just that's justified oh he shredded his own paper oh my gosh oh my gosh okay that's a big bird we're not talking there don't put is that Sesame Street let's move sweet markzware oh my gosh i can't look ahead because they're so interesting right here there's so much money in this now as we made thousands we didn't have a clue either he has clues it's a real big bird yeah there's layers of tissue paper oh it's a goose it's not a bird it's some birds in a duck kind of looks like our belts on the bottom yeah it's the old-fashioned kind like from the 80s that used to be on everything I know I had it too in my kitchen on this level passion look at this there's just so many of them in here my fashion changes okay whooping - out of this time people are like oh I'll see more that a rabbit or a bird oh it's a bird I think that it's so cute it's a birdhouse it's a teapot birdhouse you notice how everything has no chips right it's all pristine condition that is unique to okay we we definitely have to help they're gonna go crazy if we don't do it at the office I'm gonna be there too this is a fritter oh it's just uh I don't know what that is it's for water oh oh yeah now I do know really good at the self I like my water binders very fragile I'm worried about those boxes that look like they're gonna fall right there at all wait be careful I know I joke around but oh my god buddy buddy buddy that's all this honey I don't know oh that's crap yarn and brows yeah that's needlepoint stuff Krabs what's this that's a rug kit look at this though it's what it is it's a Disney one yeah that's a rug punch or a rug kit I used to make them a long time ago I don't even remember what they are now I bet you somebody'd actually buy that off so everybody wants crap yeah boy oh I just keep looking and that's just like just I just don't even know what to change it's so packed like these picture frames yeah this want more picture frames thank you so big Ziploc bags for these and they're all brand new I want the bag really cared for this items I don't know if I've ever seen a unit this meticulous before I mean I have the following unit but this is different this is like oh yeah this is good stuff this is good stuff it's not a cereal boxes and bottles you guys can see down here it's just all picture frames and they're all brand new and there's no pictures in there Wow no pictures [Music] [Laughter] oh my gosh oh man this is just nuts Falls nuts nuts okay let's continue there's more in the truck stop the truck oh this looks fun that a margarita maker yeah is it well I'm sure you can make other things in it but it just looks like a margarita maker by the glass [Laughter] there's other recipes too you're so fast today it looks brand-new I would like that I mean to make all this yeah well it's all in it yeah they don't need a close-up on the box but it's all in there yeah cool I like that take a breath I love getting brand-new stuff it's a smoothie maker not a margarita maker I was just going by the picture I did read it I almost said something I could tell you we're trying to be secretive it's a coffeemaker with coffee cups yep all right though I'm interested in this that looks cool it's in there it's a steamer oh and it's brand-new oh I love that see Wade Wade the great cook it's all brand-new in here and you don't have a big nice dealer like that mail and it matches your set of hands it's all in there brand-new yeah that looks like some weight especially with your new diet you're working on yes he's going vegan steamed all your vegetables and after he goes vegan I'll have my steak in room look another juicer somebody was maybe healthy oh my gosh have you ever seen that no this is packed in 2011 he even puts the date he packs it Wow guys guys that's that's dedication if you're moving then you need this guy it's not new but it works no I got all its pieces what Haven has this course we're not going to he must save boxes I'm dying to see what's in that garbage can at every city every single box now I'm like what guys we made already at least a thousand on seashells alone yeah Wow guys okay oh I got here no that isn't marshmallows of it there it's something right here you got let's see what is it today um what is that place well I don't know it's odd shape it's all taped up starting line birdhouse oh it must be for outside I mean shoulda those say there candles orange Oh orange candles that's Halloween Oh fun this is gonna be gonna like this unit we're gonna have to unveil twice yeah yeah yeah I mean just everything in here I've never seen this is the hype guys I bought hundreds es I've never seen somebody this particular story look at this it's just oh I think the runner-up would be the bottle guy but oh that one tub lady that before we video please guys way worse than the ball a guy deep wine oh yeah wins he wins yeah he wins where's I knew his first name we've got to be on something oh I know what that says something pitcher oh I have to label soon yeah throw it you up it's a trickster box oh there's the real label right there oh it's another grit up those can be kind of spending so I don't I haven't checked the price on them but they can't be spending they may be at the top looks like it's folding in donut pumpkins frogs must be Halloween Pack 2011 and does a global wonder if my customers would mind some of his shredded paper in their packages oh my gosh what the heck guys I mean just at least that one has a zipper open not tape yeah taping things that's a pumpkin ain't it oh that's a pretty pumpkin that looks like for Michaels yeah I mean there's yeah must be a Halloween theme we're gonna have to go through this up the house at the at the warehouse warehouse because man that's incredible this is all people I like all breakable but some reason I like breakable things I thought it fell on the floor did it it's well we're learning a lot of trouble if we don't find the knife if all this tape yeah I know there's I heard something fall it's hard to show you guys cause I'm gonna well it's in a dish towels this time that's a garlic guy this is main Hong Kong this is an old one that's an old garlic container I like the dish towel wrappings those are the older dish towels - all over bottle this is pirates first up maybe he had a beach house or something then that'd be fun to have a beach house right this is it's over there any time you want and roam around on the beach it matches the other one that's cool okay I know big notes this side is top very fragile mm I wonder how long it took him to pack up his home well it's taken us a long time to unpacked so yeah and he put a lot more time in the back he had to shred the paper get a case of tape don't worry guys we will how am I supposed to go through all this right now it's impossible and I am also a little you know would love to see it all gold mesh open hanging heart well open one bag just for the joy we could make 20 videos on this one sergeant I know one box we're gonna make one bag it's gonna take an hour to unwrap some of this stuff that out at equator so it slides it's out of special wood I don't know what kind of wood but it oh it's coconut oh it's a coconut I don't know looks like it looks like a coconut but how'd they get to now that gets the top like that I don't know but it's like wait there's gonna be a lot of research and there yeah yeah this might be a year-long unit that's a plate I can tell oh my god what's this replay corselet treasure box okay whoa oh good I was worried he wasn't gonna open it the end not only did he tape it he used really good tape not that weak tape I sold two of mine this week oh my gosh I know but I'm just it's like this is some great treasure that you have to really work to see oh my god a lot bigger than that oh my god he used double boxes it was like oh it's a little dolphin isn't it oh and it's got all things really own a small dolphin I don't have to tell you I do love this I love that I wish I had a beach house to put it in that is so beautiful no looks quality to me yeah it does it's not like that cheap China that's why it was wrapped in like 50 different layers guys I apologize like I really want to open every single one and show you guys on this film right now but I think it's gonna be a whole nother video per box [Laughter] let's just say I will take I'm going to show you everything here but I'll take it home the wall you just got to they'll they'll revolt and we're gonna have to open it anyway so reminds well film went open any time to stop because this is so much stuff and we haven't made a dent in this I mean just take a quick oh my gosh mark with the shredded paper welcome to Micah fede world how am I supposed to go through all that 51 Darren pasta bags he ran out of baggies and had to use tape or he ran out of tape and had to use baggies I don't know whether there's one two okay that's so far been three layers here's four layers oh now with oh this is made in the United States its stone critters and it's a little these could be worth some money I bet you somebody out there knows stone critters and they're numbered yeah it's I I love it don't you yeah there's there's a lot who would have thought we'd have canned food tempura with toilet paper rocks and collectibles in one unit look to your right wave that box looks wobbly and no furniture huh I wouldn't be shocked if for me 20,000 on this unit she said she you can't even see back there I think we need to take pics oh my gosh this is all breakables and fragile this whole thing is this whole thing is fragile is fragile I I think we need to take this back to the warehouse and finish filming there they're just too much here can you take the camera he's wobbly Waveland wobbly worried for a minute okay oh you think we should just load it up and unveil it there it would save me a lot of time because this stuff is all and plus they'd have more enjoyment I they'll show you guys and yeah I think that's what we ought to do the reason I don't a lot of people will take their stuff that buy storage units will take it home and they'll film it I don't like to do that because I feel like people think I went through it already but I don't go through it when you guys see it I see it so that's all the reason I don't do it in the warehouses I was I was always afraid that people would be like well you already went through it and then filmed it and the surprise elements out of it but the thing is it's fun to unveil it at the unit because it's like they're here with us I just I feel really bad because I can't show you guys everything and I can at the warehouse because I can go for a box and open up every single one you know so I think that's what we're gonna do because if you look here I mean I got a and plus it will ship better if I don't have to take every single box up and plus we're an hour away from home so I think that's what we're gonna do cuz look at this stuff it's just it's just all fragile and it's just so much and I want to get this in the truck and get the travel good and unload it I mean I can't it would take me a year just to under Fizz wrapped up it's like holy this unit I wouldn't be shocked if we made twenty thousand on it before you even go through there because ever there's a there's money here guys look at this birds and ducks small wicker stuff I mean there's there's so much money here and right upstairs we bought two more units so this is this is a collector's unit anyway so let's do that we're gonna be I'm gonna load this all up get this in the truck and the next unit we do well maybe do you like the first 45 minutes in the unit and then we'll load the rest of that up because it's owned by the same person and then when I get to the warehouse I will do every single box and we'll do it there and me and Grandma will go through that each box and show you guys what we find because this will take just take too long and we're an hour away from home all right so that being said stay tuned don't worry we will be back we will we will definitely be back and we'll do halt because I bought three units and all three units were owned by the same person so you're gonna see a lot of footage guys stay tuned any last words what do you think about this unit I love it hello B unit right I was want I like the way we're gonna do it cuz I want I don't want them to miss out on one thing yeah I think we made a lot of money on this unit I just think it's fun yeah but even though the money held yes so alright guys I'll see you we'll see you soon next time you'll see us we'll be at the warehouse we're back day - somebody's hungry alright so I just want to kind of give you guys an update even though that we are going to go through this at the warehouse it doesn't look like we went through a lot yesterday but believe me it was a lot of stuff so we've got all this here and all this here but we still have a load probably two loads actually to finish this up and yeah so that's what we're gonna do there is just so much money here and guys there's two brand new a/c units here as well so that alone will do really well so we're gonna get through this I just want to give you guys an update even though we're not going through any boxes we're gonna load this up real quick ticket to the warehouse get the other two units will film a little bit of that get that to the warehouse and then we'll start doing our unboxing videos so look out for that before we basically go Fox through Fox you guys we've seen the same we're not opening a lot of these boxes so they're gonna stay sealed so they'll be like the same thing is working in the unit alright yes I am okay let's get working see ya Shh what are you doing you guys see that beautiful piece up there it's solid wood it's for a bathroom probably but skies we see the back finally this has been undertaking somebody had a lot of papers they had a lot of bills or something and this this sustained here this is all files and taxes but we finally got most of this done we have two more just like it's gonna be a long week yeah so we're gonna get this in the truck I just want to show you guys all the damage we did this is about two hours maybe two and half hours from the last clip that you seen so we're gonna go take this a warehouse unload it and then ride around 3 p.m. 4 p.m. Ashley's gonna help me come down here and get one more load so yeah and by that time the next stuff you'll see you'll be me and heard well hot we'll do this get this out of here and then we'll go to the new storage unit and start working on that storage unit and getting that out of here so all right guys talk to you soon and then we'll do unbox scenes at the warehouse don't worry you're gonna see every box and if you look here we didn't go through most of these boxes they're all taped up we do not so we do not know with you they're all tape you taped every single box so all right stay tuned update time so we unloaded that truck you know earlier today right and that was our second loan now we're gonna go pick up our third load and we brought the wife she's driving the truck guys read there she's driving the truck so we're gonna go pick up the third Laudrup quick I'll give you a little sneak peek we can teach you on and we're just getting dumped the first unit so our guys see it the unit all right look at this guys that's the beautiful lane cedar chest it's one of the first ones and yeah I'll have to show you guys that when we get in the warehouse oh my gosh that work with this one it was all the way up there right below the sprinkler system so that probably wouldn't have worked my gosh look at this those that say I don't care that's all personal stuff so I left the personal stuff I left a lot of it so he can get it back because this guy deserves to get his photos back and bills and all that maybe not the bills but all right so you think my work is done right this is one I bought three of them so let's go this other one we got the white be helping right over here and what do we get ourselves into this is ridiculous huh this is crazy and look you see the sprinkler system fairly it's like oh my gosh this is me know the three trips right here guys there's like an old desk thing right there see what that alright so I can't film we're gonna to take this to the warehouse and do unboxings there because it would take me a year and I've already gotten three trips this is my third trip and tomorrow I'm going with Grandma ventures to make the fourth trip so we'll just make this a vlog style show you guys our progress and then we'll do the unboxing videos at the warehouse so stay tuned I'll be back and let's get this going alright guys this is the next unit this is a sprinkler right here what do we get ourselves into honey what is that not a big doll right there is that I gotta figure out what the heck that is oh my gosh what is that okay let me see you hold the camera for a quick second actually can you come up here you come up here careful careful oh let me help you safety first okay aim it right there okay it's not even in there okay I will be back guys disappointment alright day three I feel like I live here to be honest I know every little hallway there is but so we have the morning crew this is the morning crew for Wade his morning crews not much help and let me show you when we've done so far so yesterday when we left off the last clip I was with Ashley and we finished up that one you know move got some stuff out of this unit so now we have still quite a lot in this you so today I'm gonna try to work on this and this and then later tonight when Ashley gets off work we're going to do the last portion there and we should get this unit cleared out today and then we just have one more 10 by 10 yes there's a lot of cool stuff we have one more 10 by 10 after this and then all the unveiling and then all the unveiling all the unboxing all right guys so stay tuned so we'll be back and we'll show you some more fragile there no no no no all right so we how many days are we on right now how many loads we've done I can't even count a lot a lot of full truck loads like it's busting at the seams right now yeah alright guys so this is the last and third storage unit down below I still have some furniture items I have to pick up for storage unit number two so one is complete two got some more furniture items but we'll get that tomorrow and this is the third one and it's packed ten by ten I mean it is packed I can't even put the camera up there you can see that that's the top and it's just loaded so there's some beautiful furniture items there oh this is gonna be amazing guys so remember you guys could see everything in here at the warehouse because we don't have time or an hour away from the house but boxes for days alright guys stay tuned stay tuned am I ready for what what are you doing yeah work it hard no I know a lot of money here guys really it was a lot of fun all right so we're gonna head out this is load or trip number five here so we're gonna head out basically our goal is head out unload this tomorrow I'm going to come back and finish both of the remaining units up that have furniture in them and call it a day so all right guys talk to you soon see ya all right day 500 muck this is crazy guys Wow 410 by tens in the storage unit this whole cubby hole completely full I know it looks like a chaos in here and probably is but oh wow this place is nuts right now look Easy's look at this oh my gosh okay let me show you up top so tomorrow we have one last truckload that would be the sixth load and then we're done for 410 by tens oh I'm crazy look at that Wow Wow we're working hard we'll keep you updated tomorrow stay tuned where do you come see you guys oh it's going on what sure are you worried weights measures oh my gosh okay we brought the muscle today guys the wifey all right so j5 got to be really quick I think Monday they're blocking everything down in Oregon so yeah we got a lot of work to do so we're gonna hustle just want to give you an update this is day five got to get the remaining stuff out of here a little bit downstairs and then we are done with three ten by tens this was a massive undertaking probably wouldn't the stuff was crazy good and we're gonna go through that but wow this is a big undertaking so sorry for the quick clips day five let's go get out all right so this is storage locker number two cleared out floor swept looking amazing and that's the personal items so a lot of personal items I'm giving back on this unit but we're onto the last unit it's been forever it's been forever so I'll keep you guys updated I'm gonna bring this in the truck hopefully we have enough room to grab the stuff in the other unit we shall see how good of a Packer I am and told her right back with you unit number two down go to number three and we are done we are done Wow guys This Is It this is another ten by ten what do you think Ashley now we're gonna make some money here yeah guys these are all full brand new stamps look at this well I have three or four thousand dollars for the brand-new stamps not just here but all those other boxes you guys are eventually gonna see so all these are brand new stamps they've got like eight fifteen dollars price tag on them all these are brand new stamps then we have another probably twenty buckets full of brand new stamps so we're excited all right guys this is it this is it this was one hell of a crazy six days partly it took so long this because it's an hour and 10 minutes away from our house so it's a long ways away from the house so it takes two hours they're back and then you got three ten by tens which was stacked all the way to the top you guys seen that so as it was crazy I've been at this for day and night for the last five days and I'm gonna spend tomorrow on probably the next week for recovery and so and hunkering down but this was cool it's a beautiful facility and a really cool unit you can see it's got natural light up there so dude everything's swept and ready to go alright that being said this is it any last words Ashley she's keeping all the Disney right alright guys talk to you soon see ya and hit the thumbs up and look out for unboxing videos for the next month we're going to unboxing videos for these three storage units so make sure you look out for those so you can see what's in every single box with me examine ventures I guess yeah thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left [Music]
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 36,698
Rating: 4.9480238 out of 5
Keywords: I Bought Abandoned Boxes, Storage Unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage wars, storage lockers, treasure hunting, storage unit auction, storage wars full episode, auction hunters, mystery boxes, storage hunters, self storage, storage unit finds, storage wars fight, real auction, Boxes, Abandoned, 2020, 2020 auctions, 2020 storage units, storage facility, storage facility business, storage facility living, storage facility auction, storage, unit, locker, buy, sell, vintage
Id: 0qfuqyrngDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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