Harajuku Station has changed — a lot!

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greetings everybody welcome to Harajuku this is an exciting episode where we're gonna be talking about what you see right there in the center of your screen that is the brand-new hot ajikko station and I've been wanting to come here for a while it opened in March of 2020 not too long ago right behind it you can see the old hunter JUCO station I believe opened in 1906 we're not sure what's gonna be happening to it whether it's gonna be demolished or not behind that is Shinjuku you could see the DoCoMo tower in the distance and that's where we are right now how you doing everybody it's a beautiful hot sunny day this is summer in Japan that's the map behind me let's take a quick look at where we are before we cross the street we're right here and there's the station and if you go this way you go towards Shinjuku Station this way towards Shibuya and we're gonna be just exploring this station area right over there if you do come to how did you gue you will see I'm remember a memorial not a memorial but a remembrance of the 1964 Olympics this bridge right in front of the the Yoyogi national stadium it's pretty interesting all right we've got a green light let's cross and head over towards this brand-new how did you go station now I'm gonna be wearing a mask in there because we just want to take any chances but when you're in an open area outside there's nobody around you you're okay I'm so excited to see what's inside here if you do go this way you have a multi sandow everybody knows that right that is the intersection there were a lot of people like to take pictures the Tokyo department store the really wacky building a lot of mirrors somebody's got busted hey everybody nice to see you welcome to Tokyo it's been a while since I've been in how-to juku the last four four months or so have been pretty tough for everybody in fact instead of crossing the street here which is Meiji bridge this is right in front of Meiji Shrine a little bit of hot Asuka right there this is the youth center this is a place where you'll find goth fashion a lot of I don't know subculture here a lot of fashion designers have satellite shops here they they try out their their stuff before they take it national I'm walking this way for two reasons one I want to get a closer look from across the street of the hot ajikko station sign so you can feel what it's like and then get another look at that old station the contrast between the two we were here last year and on a rainy day and I believe there's another John who found me from from the UK but I I did a last like a one more trip inside of there because I knew that it was going to close and now you can see it it really is that's kind of a sad thing right goth fashion is quite big here although you can see I think not a lot of people just dress up and come here everybody thinks that Japan is have a free-for-all those people are unique but it's not the norm in Japan to just dress in golf although it's not anything bad either just not normal which is good Wow that is for my initial impressions hey pal pal from Arizona my initial impressions are that this is a pretty cool building I like all the glass all the light that's coming in there there's a cafe on the top left we're gonna go outside and take a quick look we might even have to go inside of the station like inside and get a ticket I do miss I do miss the old station as well I think it had a lot of character but it was just too old to renovate and the reason why I closed is because it is kind of a hazard it's a danger we had a strong earthquake in Tokyo in Tokyo a couple of days a few days ago and it's those kinds of situations if you have a very highly traffic in traffic place and something like that happens and there could be a real major disaster and this station was built for the 1906 population it was not built for 2020 population and sometimes the queue to get out of the old station was was real like when I say real it was long by the way across the street let me just identify there's a new Ikea or akia as we say in Japanese that's something that's was under construction the last time oh we better cross that was something that was under construction last time as you're looking directly at the at the front gate and the old clock of how did you go now I have to touch this it's real I'll touch it up high when maybe nobody else touched oh oh it's real it's closed what that is so that's so sad so I'm standing in front of the old house education doesn't feel like doesn't feel real real to me because I have been through here since I came to Japan almost 23 years ago across the street let me just show you what's there we have an Ikea or a Kia and a Uniqlo I didn't know that there's a unique look gonna be there and then there's some other shops like a pan down there but what is more impressive is are these apartments up there that can't be apartments cuz whoever lives up there please please invite me I will be happy to hang out and look down on the station that's insane those look like apartments I wonder how much the rent is it cannot be cheap and is it furnished by IKEA that I want to know look at that let that fill your TV screen hey Jennifer Sierra in the late 80s all the kids and how did you get dressed in punk hi John they did when I came here in the late 90s they did two Austral burn here's a super chat for something to drink thank you it is so hot today it is like thirty it's well over thirty but the humidity is here now you can see I'm sweating I came by bicycles over there I'm finely chopped as well not only did can I do a good job I also went to the barber a few days ago and he did that he did the rest he did the rest yeah thanks guys we are done celebrate the new channel thank you so much yeah it's great fragile studio I'm sorry to see the the old channel disappear that channel is called wow do only in Japan I do not know what they're going to do with it I'm not in contact with them I can tell you this channel is going to be continuing as I said in the message nothing changes except that I'm not uploading over there so I hope that that is clear to everybody and eventually over time I might take some questions on this but everything is still is pretty new let the ship get a little bit away from the shore let me get some content out on that channel and then we'll discuss things like this by the way this is speaking to me how cool is that do you see those speakers inside there they tell you in English they look turned red that is so cool alright guys like a bandit about to rob a bank let's go inside and thank you to the 18,000 people that have subscribed in 24 hours on the new channel I'm so happy it took me to get a thousand subscribers a long time and it's nice to have this kind of support and community means everything hey Tom Burns is here sending good vibes and cooler weather please from Australia please please Fitz Reyes is a traveler and Craig Kawaguchi thank you let's go inside just so you know jr harajuku station is naturally connected with what's called meiji jingu my and for a long time if tourists came here they did not know that meiji jingu my station was actually connected to harajuku station which is jr but they put in here parenthesis and i guess that makes it okay Chioda and the fukutoshin line connect up here and you can get to the subway to Harajuku or you can just go on the hans Amman line to a multi sandow which is the purple line and then there you can walk about ten minutes to get the Harajuku station Wow okay we're going inside now of the steps everything really is brand new here Eugene Herbert thank you you are awesome - whoa this is not the old station from from before you can feel it I like this design let's have a good long look inside here Newsday's I believe as a convenience store run and operated by jr. oh this is so cool so you can go through the station and then get to Meiji Shrine let's do that on the other side and I've had bad signal problems walking down this to Meiji Shrine you get that a look at that big torii gate behind how to Jukka station that's what makes this this really cool this station it is right in front of history look at this what a beautiful day I'm just gonna come out here and look at this big wooden torii gate I know a lot of you that have been to Japan have been to Tokyo you have taken pictures here I know that you have because it's such a popular sight never walk down the center like this guy don't follow him he's filming something but when you walk in underneath the gate say the left or the right it's the centers reserved for Kamisama it's just something that the locals know and don't worry I've made that mistake before - back in the day on the weekends and Jennifer Jennifer knows this - this bridge was the place where all the goth girls would hang out but I guess it was about ten years ago they kind of got rid of that and no longer do you see the amazing fashion show of really cool-looking people and they were always pretty friendly - you could take pictures with them that's all gone no bicycles allowed to had the park quite a ways away all right let's go back into the station this back entrance is pretty cool for those that don't know the old hot azúcar station had a special entry point for the Emperor and I don't think we can see it maybe we'll go inside and see if we can take a look at it but it opens straight up into Meiji Shrine so if the Emperor was coming in by train he could go right in to Meiji Shrine that's that's kind of a little piece of information so if you're joining us you're alive we alive in Harajuku station in the center of Tokyo this station opened up it's been under construction for about a year so a little bit more than a year but it opened up in March 2020 at the height of a lot of problems you can see if there's a train rolling by that would be the a cycle line I think [Music] whoa so I got it okay that you're looking at is the old hot rod jakku station so what they've done is the new that just a building has changed and the platform is pretty much the same look at that above it is that big IKEA and Uniqlo with apartment buildings that are empty because it's probably really expensive but I would love to live there there we go here comes the Yamanote they line in coming in hot hey Cheryl Philips mom and I are watching and happy to see the changes you're very welcome John Kim wanna get something cold you got it John nice to see a lot of our our friends watching a beautiful hot day I'm gonna buy a ticket and take you into the platform but first I want to I want to show you a little bit around here and I'm gonna go up to the second floor with you this is an elevator so I like this there's access for disabled if you're coming on from the subway you can easily get up to the top by elevator that's something that's good and you can take this down because of the the escalator here on the right you can take this down to the steps so I think it'll stop in in all the places to make it convenient for you that's so cool it's for kids they can color the trains that's nice son but parents are picking that up for son for kids something for kids to do and then here's maps of the jr. Network as you can see in Tokyo the jr. network is extensive it's almost confusing studying it before you come actually will help it help you a lot there's a stamp rally here in fact let's get one of these and I'm gonna show you let's get one and show you let's see what see how does yuku stamp is like let's go I like this it's a cute design when you see these stamp rallies what you see is a piece of history and I highly recommend if you're if you're going around this one for Shibuya station there's one for Shinagawa station there's shin-okubo Tamachi station there's a lot of these these places have have them and this one is how does you cuz it's it's a piece of history so it is it's kind of cool to to collect it so if you come to Japan come with a book that you can use and collect the stamps we go right here I'll bring this to for Kenai she's gonna be like what do you want me to do with it there you go there's the old hunter Dooku stationed on that stamp how cool is that that's pretty cool somebody else is using it I'm gonna I'm gonna put this back I don't I don't want to waste the paper all right I'll come back for it I'll come back for it remember I said to somebody please keep a low profile all right that person knows who I'm talking to Sutter tahi co coffee anybody heard of this company let's go upstairs and take a quick look-see whoever they are they got a pretty good location look at the way that these these steps are kind of made to look like wood I think this is the same kind of wood that's used at the Takanawa gateway station that we went to last week which is brand-new as well that one is super high-tech with robot assistants in there whoa that is a pretty sweet looking Cafe look how you so you can't come in here like Starbucks you have to be like wait to be seated I think let's take a look-see yeah some pretty good-looking sandwiches here and the prices are reasonable 280 lat a is 490 n and Fatah pay is it's about a little bit cheaper than Starbucks I'd say interesting you can get you can get here by elevator and let me pan around from here get a quick look-see of how to jakku from the news station look at the roof look at the roof is it grass well more and more buildings are trying to do these kind of echo thing it kind of keeps it cool in the summer or keeps the air-conditioning cooler inside and warmer in the winter it's gonna be pretty cool wonderful trees gonna sprout out of there would that be pretty neat to see all right let's go down onto the platform just to take a quick look we came here to do a station tour and that's what we're gonna be doing the complete Harajuku station tour hey Beth Barclays here just a little tough up for a snack thank you after we go through the station maybe we'll walk around a little bit I got to get back to my bicycle anyways alright I'm gonna buy a ticket although I can use my Suika the thing is if I exit exit at the same station with a sweet guy it's kind of a pain in the neck so let's take a look nobody really uses these tickets anymore but you can change the languages Korean Chinese English Japanese there's no Thai that's so embarrassing they love to like really say it loudly in oh that's interesting the Haneda Airport monorail ticket and if you see here on the very bottom it says a platform ticket and you can get one of these even for the Shinkansen which allows you in [Music] everybody everybody and I mean everybody's wearing a mask just if you're coming to Japan I know it's really hot if you're in the station taking public transportation whatever you're doing just wear a mask okay all right this is what a platform ticket looks like the ticket and this is kind of cool if your collector it just says cut a jacuz station on there that's pretty cool right it's pretty pretty cool all right the reason why I wanted to come in here is because if you compare this to the old station there's no comparison because the old station was so narrow and old this walkway is so new it's so wide it can accommodate a lot of people moving through from one place to the other but on the right side what makes this so unique is that we do have that old view you can take in the old station and this is a reason why maybe they should not demolish it it just really is kind of neat to see the abandoned building here I know that this is like a very expensive real estate in it jr. is probably gonna want to do something with it maybe they can turn this into a museum I'm hopeful that they can I think a lot of people are because we don't want to see the history of Tokyo we lose that even more you can see how I think it was made of copper do you see on the top there we did a video on on the copper buildings and in the beginning of the 20th century a lot of the buildings in the skee G area have copper on it because of it of weatherproofing it after the fires so they made a lot of cut they put a lot of copper on the buildings and you can see the green color as a result of it that copper has I guess melted or the oxidation has come onto the roof there if you're scientist and know about that you can tell me what that is don't tell me it's a hundred thousand pigeons coming to visit how to do crustacean one last time the wind arrow does seem to work although it's not a windy day today all right let's go down to the platform so the restrooms are neat they have done a really good job of making multi-purpose restrooms for all different kinds of situations whether you're disabled or you have a child or you're expecting they they put not just one but two because they know that how much traffic is here so it's good to use these if you're not disabled try not to juice those I know that they might even be cleaner and you feel like a king inside of there make sure that they're open so somebody who doesn't eat it can use it especially if it's an emergency now this is the other entrance we came in through the one closest to the to the subway this looks like they're kind of connected it with the old one this is interesting so now this is the old this looks like the old part of the station that was built later on in the 20th century let's just take a look in and and see it's only one way to find out yeah this is an older building so they're still using it that's interesting down here this will take you to the platform let's go take a look and see what what kind of a view we have over there hey WRX turbo thank you welcome ravenson 10:03 jr. will rebuild in the same style as the old building I hope this news is true enjoy drink on this hot day thank you Anthony's here like the new station can't wait to see it when I go back someday and also can't wait to see the videos in your channel thank you I might be doing a Q&A because it seems like a lot of people still have a multitude of questions about it we had a pretty good weekend and I'll discuss that it at another time but I'm really happy to to say that there's a video channel in town [Music] this is an old platform on the other side is a new platform you can see it looks like either new or or they're starting to do something with it the the cinder blocks behind there looking like a wall let's go to the end of this old platform and see what has really changed Cullen for food here's for future travels on all channels and for an iced coffee today yes ice totally need that iced coffee oh my gosh it's so hot [Music] does anybody know what train light that is is that the shinjuku is shown in line the Saikyo line it's a lot of possibilities I didn't give up God didn't give up coffee just yet because I'm so busy I'm still doing coffee but I will definitely be reducing the amount of coffee I drink just because I know this I'm getting hooked on stuff all right so we still have that classic view of Rakesh the street we're gonna get a look now this Yamanote they line passes us we'll get a quick look at down tuckus the street and you can see how busy it is then we're gonna we're gonna walk over to the other platform for a second [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Irvine here's something for a late lunch I was gonna I was gonna pick some pick up some takeout for kanai's well so we're gonna eat that on the balcony for lunch thank you so much I gotta bring something home I can't gonna come home empty-handed [Music] oh this stuff is good the pond super pudding good sparkling this is sparkling super creamy ah put it together it's sparkling this all right slice to see the Turkish the duty just to point it out everyone looks like ma there's some good social distancing happening and not overcrowded like like I've seen before on the weekends this is really really crowded but just a little bit of a note the majority of the of the infections in Tokyo right now from the corona virus are from younger people that are coming together thinking that this is over and and they're spreading it within that group so that that's not a good thing but it's I'm glad that the older generation is staying safe do not lean over important message all right let's go back up it looks like that they've that this this this platform here might have been the one for the emperor but I guess I'm not sure what the gate is but there was a gate that led into Meiji Shrine and they used it only on new years and I don't know if that gate is still open so that's something that we'll want to look into over time but that new that gate was open for the Emperor and for new years and now I'm not quite sure [Music] [Music] I want that team let's see if we can find something else maybe that was the entrance sure [Music] [Music] that's pretty crazy that the escalator talks everything talks in Tokyo it's a way for you to communicate and they do it in English and Japanese now so it's pretty neat Tokyo was so ready for the Olympics here's something that I want to show and this is something for all of you on the trains I want you to look out for people that are have this this tag on their bags these are people that are either pregnant or they're they have children and they have priority seating and people won't ask you if they can sit down what they'll do is they just stand next to you and if you see somebody with this tag get up and give them your chair your seat because that's the polite thing to do in Japan people and here's here's what the tag looks like there and then a lot of people know about these tags but if you are an expecting mother you can get one of these when you when you come to Japan and that allows people will really get up and give them give you their seat and I think that's a great thing but a lot of expecting mothers are a little bit embarrassed by that and they don't want special privileges I guess so they won't ask but the tag speaks for them alright there's the bridge that would lead over to the old station no longer open let's see if the if we can yeah we can't take the left over to that bridge anymore it's closed we used to go this way remember [Music] [Music] this is this passage is closed all right for those joining us we're at Harajuku station this is the new station and over there on the left that you see is the old station built in 1906 and its fate is not quite decided but sometimes business business wins and they might destroy it I'm not sure or but I do hope they make it into the museum there's the passage and you remember this is the where the queue was there was always a lot of people in the lines it's a very narrow passageway to get out of the central exit of the old Harajuku station what's up there I might have to take a quick look-see on the other side of the road [Music] oh hey there yes I can hi okay how you doing your gig yeah been a big fan of you for years thank ya what do you think of this station beautiful it is this moved here in January and walking around a lot it's beautiful station yeah yes pretty cool oh you moved here in January I got married my definition so my work a Japanese that must have been hard moving here and during that was just before right yep just be before I came in and I was gonna start work right away and everything stopped still oh man that's really tough yeah man yeah it's nice to be out and about and I have something for you aye vote thank you it's it's nice to be able to give these out oh that's my business I think I have something for you I don't gonna have to IOU how long you here for okay I thought I had some oh man well then I sometimes have a backup in here do you live nearby yeah okay that's not too far away oh really all right well I'm gonna have I didn't expect anybody to come I'm sorry I think I'll give you an IOU I owe you yeah where you going today okay all very cool yeah so I think I'm gonna take I'm gonna take people have you been in that building over there no yeah I think I might take a quick look over there see what they have yeah looks like we gonna have a hot one today which what's your name you want to tell everybody Alexis Alexis everybody from Puerto Rico and then we drifted America for over 15 years now in Japan hey have you been I have some viewers getting postcards in Puerto Rico is a male getting there and yeah but all my family moved out and before my family listen mistakes now and some I was worried about that because I don't know if the postcards are actually getting not just to America and then they got to get to Porto Rico because of after the hurricane if things are maybe still not perfect yeah my friend then how to earthquake not too long some things myself when I lived it's been pretty tough year for everybody it did it suck the air very cool like it Lexus right yes it's very nice to meet you yeah I guess you get to that the elbow bomb there you go yes sure all right cool I'll probably see you around the summer when things get better right yeah that's nice alright now we bought this ticket about ten minutes ago and this is how we're gonna be getting out of there but only this one takes tickets all right we're out so that costs 140 yen you can get a platform ticket it's pretty cool let's get a quick overview of of this flashing electronic map here it's flashing because of the frequency so yeah this isn't pretty interesting we've taken you all over the hot Ojukwu station and down the platform we're taking a look at the outside I started right here on this corner from this corner this is a secret point because you get an amazing view looking down the street this way from the new and the old station and it looks all the way towards Shinjuku right here the DoCoMo Tower is right there so it's pretty neat you can walk from Shinjuku Tejada jakku in about 30 minutes and you can get onto all the way to Shibuya station in 45 minutes I usually walk through the Meiji Shrine which is a little shortcut from your yogi station you can walk through Meiji Shrine to get to HUD ajikko you can either go this way but you keep going straight this way to huts to Shibuya station it's a little inside information I think I've done that walk before is a livestream plus he faced uh welcome traveler oh wow this is a new map they went like dark mode they went dark mode from here you get a better view now you can see how to Jukka station right there and if you if you pan right you can see it's not that far away to get the Shibuya station a lot of people will ride the train please realize that the stations can be just 5 minutes walking between each of them sometimes and you don't need to actually do changes from station to station my friends at Tokyo cheapo had a guide of the walking time between the stations and that's a pretty cool thing so this radius is a 500 meter radius which is about oh I'd say like I don't know 4 tenths of a mile maybe all right what an amazing view so it's kind of neat to take a look at the new higher education we're gonna cross the street here I'm gonna show you something new because I'm curious just like all of you yeah it's nice to see the new members here fuzzy-face dog well command and everybody else I I mix up some of the emoji as well so every every couple of live streams you might find a new one in there the more members we have the more emoji and this months we have two more days but all of the membership fees from this month is going to NP Oh Florence which helps disadvantaged children and parents that are struggling with who have kids with disabilities so we're gonna find out from them that I think Kanaya are trying to get them to talk with us a little bit so we can understand a little bit more about their charity Wow so there really isn't IKEA that's crazy how do they put something bits so big in something so expensive this area is really really expensive this is interesting here do you see they have staff with alcohol pumps and they're also taking temperature inside of there so then they can see if you have a fever or not before you enter and this this reduces the amount of infections I think that's a really good thing it's gonna be hard for me to go inside because I need both hands to rub the alcohol alright let's pass up that building I'm intimidated by the staff typically when I go in my stream I like to have permission to do that just like how does Yuka Station they did change the station so how did you crustacean the old one 1906 the new on 2020 right before the Olympics and then that was canceled and now we have to wait another year I think it's about 13 months before the Olympics starts I think we're under 400 days now right yeah did you see that this is hilarious alright watch this guys this is funny this is some really good marketing here the new and the old traditional versus the modern I like it I remember a couple of years ago when they were pitching the ideas different ad agencies were fighting to get the contract with the city to to make all of the video content and I was working I was consulting the the one of the agencies that didn't win the contract it's interesting but these more to the point these these little information centers are also Wi-Fi points right so as the station is now new so are these right here and it gives you the password for logging in you have the QR codes right there you have NFC touch scan the York RC code or NFC tag and your smartphone access for tourist information not sure what that means there's a touch map I'm kind of afraid to touch it yeah it does work well that's so cool Wow so you can find your way around and you can change it to English I believe there you go great cool [Music] oh wow so they made the map even bigger look it's doubled the size now whoa that's so cool oh no it made two Maps sorry I thought it was like whoa they did split-screen now that is awesome and let me wipe down my I have alcohol wipes here can I says that I have to be I have to I can't take any chances alright we're gonna get a quick look down tuckus the street and this creators got to go home and do some editing I have clean again you got it you got us you got to love the grunge of how did you cook all of these stickers the graffiti that image it's gonna be hard for them to maintain it with the Olympics coming the presence of security is everywhere now in this area so those punks they're gonna have to do a better job of trying to get their stickers on here I think Thursday's here train-related episodes are my favorite try not to melt under the Sun it is really hard not to melt man I gotta be honest with you this shirt is I'm wearing black shirts because they're drenched I wonder what business is gonna come here now the old entrance here the tackiest a dirty exit has not been renovated it looks like it's pretty much the same most people will be exiting from the main the central exit but tuckus the street today a lot of people really wanted to come here their flights were canceled and the trips are canceled for March April May June July looks like July I'm gonna give a tourist travel update in a couple of days July first I think first or second as more information comes in but you can see this is what what you'd be coming to if you were here it's Alexis who lives here can enjoy it kind of not very crowded tourist area hey if he wants to all right very very wonderful day so this is the part where I asked you tell me who are you watching from this is your first time watching you already participate if you're watching this live you can ask me questions I'm now looking at them if you if you're not sure what you want to write just you get just right in where you're watching from but definitely participate hit that like button if you liked these station tours if you don't encourage me to do them I tend to not do them anymore so a little bit light on the likes but yeah Wow Hawaii New Zealand California Oakland south australia melbourne right some around there good wine over there NYC Germany Venezuela Mexico Philippines hey how cool International Space Station really Paraguay Peru awesome we have some some viewers from South America you can see the security has face shields on the days that we live in so here's a last look at the old hot ajikko station next to the new one they close this down in March March three months ago it's permanently closed and the new station is permanently open its readily open but there's a nice cafe in there it's reasonably priced if you have some time to kill it's a nice place to go in there and enjoy with your friends I guess you'll be able to go up to the top floor maybe I don't know how that works used to be a Snoopy shop here this building is to be a Snoopy shop but they moved it the businesses in this area of the city they change so fast it is crazy how quickly something is here today gone tomorrow another shout out here to shout out here to the phone booths phone booths now have turned into Wi-Fi stations as well you have place you boo you free as the password it's kind of neat you might not want to go in there but you might want to hang out there if you want some free Wi-Fi there's the National Stadium on the other side very iconic looking structure for this part of the city built for the 1964 Olympics let's cross the street here maybe not let's let's jump into this convenience store I really need to get a cold drink welcome to long sigh traveler nirvan some help with the Adobe Premiere subscription how do you know about that yeah this things are cheap thanks man thank you so much that's funny I usually pay for the annual one but they somehow they renewed me for monthly so that's actually kind of helpful all right let's go get it get a cold drink in here everybody let's see if I get some coins I tend to get get the coins out real quickly you know I'll pay by I'll pay by Suika [Music] hey my sweet guy touched then it's a paperless well there's only one stand which left look how lonely it is see what can we find here well what is that the Asahi gold that's new they've come out some with some really unique drinks well [Music] should I all right let's try this I know I'm gonna regret it should I know I don't know okay let's do it this is just weird alright I'm gonna do it [Music] hey Mouse all right I don't know what I just did but this looks rancid why do I keep doing this why do I always get this weird drinks I already know I'm gonna hate it I already know I already know that this is gonna be bad all right as an encore to say thank you for all of us and I'll probably do an insider livestream if you guys are insiders I probably do a little extra aft after I end this but I'm gonna drink this right here with you guys I'm gonna thank you if you're an insider all the way down to the end of the street so you get a chance to look at the intersection and a little bit of a multi Sandow walk around that area in a very short livestream Oh I talk gross on my teeth and stop can I sell this on eBay all right first of all Oh what did i do i wanted something refreshing first of all I don't taste any orange I just taste a vanilla this is a vanilla coke and I don't maybe there's a little orange I whatever but I don't taste any orange maybe a hint ah - combination sub that should not be together oh all right I'm gonna have to get something better on the way home all right look if you're gonna do it don't do it don't get this this Cole okay just say no say no to orange vanilla sorry coke you this is no salty watermelon which is my favorite Pepsi of all time oh how do I get rid of this taste I got out like lick the ground or something don't do that all right so there you have it everybody we're gonna end right here with a really nice eyeful of the two stations and Shinjuku Station shouldn't the dogon tower and the distance over there this is so great Wow Benjamin from Chile how you doing came here in Tokyo to study in 2016 it's great to hear from you Benjamin over there we don't we don't get too many I don't get too many messages from people in South America so it's so cool is to hear from somebody on the other side of the world this planet is a globe we'd like if we dig a hole I think we get the chilly that's how far away it is on the other side of the Pacific it's probably not true but it's all right thanks so much I was in Chile in 2003 actually I flew in from poppy update to to Easter Island and stayed on Easter Island for ten days that I flew into Santiago and then went up women North but I never saw the south of Chile so I gotta get it get over there so I want to say thanks everybody this has been a great experience a shout-out to postcard club members we have four new ones tomorrow is the last day to get the the sumo cards right here this is going in the mailbox here on how to tjuku everybody this is going out to Andrew and Marcie Garrett in Vista California and Tony in Fremont and Rebecca Ortiz in San Antonio so these are going out to you guys from here and how to tjuku so you know exactly where it is in fact I'm gonna put in the mailbox right there as I say goodbye there's a mailbox across the street how cool is that thank you so much for the support and the next month's postcards is gonna be pretty cool too all announced that in a couple of days it might be kind of our definitely hit that subscribe button if you don't know by now go over and check out the new channel I made an announcement the only channel that is affected is the channel known as wow to you only in Japan I will not be uploading any videos anymore they're letters international mail that would be this one there you guys go it's on the way from Harajuku awesome right across the street from the station I've got a long trip to make to the US so the news station looks pretty cool I'm happy that we got a chance to take a look at it and get inside leave me a comment down below if you have anything you wanted to add some memories that you had when you were here at how to Jukka station the comments are always really interesting but I do appreciate the support guys it's gonna be really hard to build a new channel but I'm pretty sure I'm up to the task I've been making videos now about Japan since 2003 and it's it's what three years before YouTube was even in existence so I'll be just fine but it's through the support of the community that I can maintain all this traveling and going around looking for amazing stories for you thank you all to each and every one of you that are watching you expect lots of good content for me in the future and yeah hopefully we get through this and I can see all of you back here in Japan really really soon update in a couple of days I'll probably do another livestream tomorrow and I'll be back on Twitch as well because yeah I kind of like like like that platform as well have a good day guys see you on the insider channel in about five minutes Cobra bebop thanks a lot don't miss that and Vic Vic from Canada Simon cool stream stay hydrated thanks Simon and fuzzy face dog thank you all have a good day
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 67,193
Rating: 4.9246831 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, Tokyo, Harajuku, Harajuku Station, street view, view, inside, John Daub, train, train station, Japanese Trains, tickets, how to buy train tickets, new harajuku station, takeshita
Id: _xT29z3NxHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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