Tokyo Midnight Snack Run | Beyond Sushi Bentos

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welcome to tokyo at midnight how you doing everybody if there was ever a test of this gimbal in the rain and to see if it was waterproof it would be tonight because it's raining and the weather has quickly and this is very very interesting and i want to point this out to everybody i'm in tokyo japan september 1st almost like clockwork autumn just seems to come i'm in a jacket the weather has been so hot and humid over the last two and a half months two months like it's it's unbearable and then all of a sudden september first comes the weather turns to fall it is so bizarre how the four seasons are so clockwork here in japan um i'm outside because i've been promising everybody a midnight snack run for quite a long time and i thought that this would be a good place then we're going to take a little walk about around around this neighborhood um i don't live too far away from the cemetery river there's some really nice bridges but before i move on to the next convenience store in the rain this is how much i love you guys i'm going to take you in and get a get mr das his his long-awaited asahi he's paid me many times in advance for one it's time to get one ourselves so this is bento beyond sushi basically i'm not i'm not getting any bento so follow me as we go inside and get a beer so the selections are oh they got the fall beers out already wow it's the autumn beers already it's still got the olympic logo on there that looks pretty good why does this wrapper have a different color on it ground chicken and egg interesting the baguettes just aren't as popular and then we have all of the noodle dishes down here we're gonna we're gonna try something at 7-eleven i think there's soba oh i love a good soba but at this time of night very few onigiri very few onigiri all right let's get let's get a beer and get out of here oh they just [Music] the jingles are pretty cool aren't they jay all right guys um we're gonna do a quick camp pi and then i'm gonna take you on a walkabout my bicycle's right here in front of this store i do have an umbrella in case in case things turn bad it is midnight what bad things could happen in this area i mean would you walk around your neighborhood at midnight in the middle of a city only in tokyo is this possible and i'm in the center of tokyo this is uh chuoku which is one of the 23 wards been living here for quite a while oh look at this little vending machine it's so compact they literally designed the vending machines to fit in certain sizes so they can they can fit the vending machine in any kind of size and they found in order to fit in this little spot that is a very very uh custom made vending machine for that spot all right let's go up here to my favorite spot another favorite spot instead of a vending machine i'm gonna plant myself that's a bridge in front of us i don't know how good the iphone 11 pros low light capabilities are we rarely test it at night but the osmo mobile the osmo mobile 4 or dji om4 is doing a pretty good job with the stabilization it's so quiet oh there's a 24-hour supermarket that's better than a convenience store all right let's do a little compi right here at the bridge there's a 7-eleven across this bridge some of you might recognize this this is the hachio body area victor lim hello from melbourne hey and jay's in the house treat yourself to a strawberry sando an emergency umbrella i got the umbrella covered brother we're gonna go across the river across the bridge here um i do like this area and i did look for an apartment here but it is quite pricey this bridge going back to oh i don't know like it's a very old bridge i think it was like night the uh early 20th century this bridge was made and it's still in operation they really knew how to do it you can tell by the rivets i mean how good is this camera do you see the rivets in the bridge they don't make rivets like they used to sounds like a frog all right um i brought you here in the daytime before hachobori there is a little shrine here show your respects to the shrine it's kind of neat at night phillies fog welcome all right let's do a little comp by here in the light this is awesome this is an autumn beard you see this it says like uh aki aji this is the um taste of fall and it's it's september 1st it's so bizarre because because i told you when i started this every year september 1st the humidity just dies on matt like magic like like a magic and uh it is very true i i'm shocked i'll bring you over this way here i do have a tripod kampai everybody uh mr das this is an uh this is a keating i'm sorry just for the record i'm drinking activating i do have hold on a second i didn't come here i did come here with a light i i brought my camping some of you might remember this from my um indoor camping um i i don't know if this helps or hurts the live stream but kanpai everybody um only in japan can you well not in the united states you can't drink outside but in japan you can ah that is the thing with the the autumn beers in japan and they take it they take a note from germany on this i believe the autumn beers are so much higher in alcohol i'm i can taste it this is six percent so there's that this is this this helper hurt i don't know i don't know how you feel on the other side yeah ann dugan's here great night for a walk i've seen better nights but the thing with walking at night is that the streets are wet and and the glare from the street lights kind of makes it a little bit more mysterious and interesting and the asian nerd is here from hong kong first thing love your videos you are awesome second thing look behind you we're in the clear brother jennifer french is here all right and jake lugic lucik midnight live stream finally made it indeed little hanabi thank you anne and everybody much appreciated there all right we're going to be walking across this bridge but if you look on the other side it is a pretty nice view so i'm going to pan around here i put i put the dji osmo 4 on a slow pan so let's see how slow it is at full speed here we go it's full speed very cinematic it's kind of it's kind of too too fast maybe still just a little touch just a little touch and you can you can pan a little more if you just touch it right there oh there we go oh that's a beautiful pan look at that i love this little canal um right off of the samida river and they put some boats in here because it's a little safe harbor but in the daytime on the other side they have all these cherry blossoms and it's really pretty to be here over here what a summer this has been this has been an amazing summer in the sense that yeah we got um yeah i just released a video yesterday on the new channel nobody saw it because youtube's not suggesting it um it's humbling that a new release that it took me like a long time to edit and i i've been filming this for over a year uh only got about 10 000 views i only say only because there's a lot of youtubers who would be really happy with that but i'm somewhat spoiled having had a channel with 1.3 million subscribers every time i uploaded a video it got like 100 000 views in almost a day or something so it's humbling but yet i think that that shows me that i got a long way to go the video that i released is called um the uh like the story of the japanese drummer the kodo story which is the the most amazing taiko group of japan they travel around like cirque soleil which is this amazing circus group they do the same thing but for taiko and i think it's amazing that they bring japanese music with them all over the world they're quite famous in in europe and and some parts of the united states and they're growing oh don't do that it's dangerous i'm i'm i'm doubled my my college years now i could do that when i was 20 like 21. sorry again america i can't do that at 46. it's not the same tony pay thanks for cheering me on that doesn't help don't encourage don't encourage me all right let's get moving um let's wait for the wait for this guy to get by but it's it's a beautiful bridge um oh it's okay he's going the other way wow does somebody go on to pray at the temple over there that's really nice it's nice to see that at midnight oh that's me always like who's whose shadow is that that's mine no they don't play the christmas songs until a week before halloween so we still got another month i'm so happy that you guys are joining me for another midnight snack run these are epic and i never use this word in fact i i asked my my patreon supporters here tell me help me out with the name of help me out with the name of the next video and one person suggested that i write epic in the title and i said no i said whenever somebody puts epic in the title you know that it's not epic if you have to write epic in the title then it is absolutely not going to be an epic video nobody ever writes epic unless you're food ranger trevor and we love trevor trevor's epics are epics but very few other epics are epics trevor food ranger is awesome trevor food ranger is awesome all right do i take a right or a left i'm lost now i'm kind of lost i'm in the middle of the street if you go straight this way it takes you to ginza but i'm not going that far in some cities out in hokkaido and stuff the only light in the entire town is a vending machine like the entire town will be shut off at midnight except for the vending machine it's kind of a weird thing there's no street light sometimes in in the countryside they just have a vending machine that's it it's gonna be nice to take my a7s three out there in low light take a picture of just a vending machine the dark it's pretty cool all right there's a koban or a police station police box believe we hang a left here and the 711 should be on the right my goal is to finish this beer by the time we get to 7-eleven whoa hey gem defensor i miss so many live streams this is nice serene stream john take care thanks in philippines oh i remember this i wanted to come here and film it now the this shrine you can see the shrine at midnight it's so peaceful and quiet but this shrine is famous i believe in january they have this festival where people um challenge themselves and soak in a vat of ice they they literally um they have a a tub that looks like a children's pool and they fill it with water and they dump a lot of ice in it and then they put people people get in there and the last one out like wins or something and i tried to live stream it but i came too late i found out about it it's one of these weird festivals that isn't in any foreign guidebooks or anything but i found out about it scouting the japanese festivals and uh um the like the japanese pages and i got here too late and i wanted to go i want to go next year but i have a feeling that they're not going to be doing it next year just all of them are like canceled through through to 2021. if people are worried about the olympics taking place i think that it's going to be problematic too to have a ice festival in january people been asking me when the next time it's possible to come to japan and uh i don't know the answer but i will be giving a travel update sometime in the next week it's been a while hopefully we'll be able to answer some of your questions because a lot of people are trying to book trips to come here in the next uh next three months it's gonna be a little bit tough to do i don't see that 7-eleven no it was it was on the map i might have overshot it i think i overshot it all right let's hang a louie if there was gonna be a crime committed it would be down this street there's nobody here it's quiet so quiet when you're around residential areas after 10 pm in japan it's very important to try to be as quiet as possible i'm talking right next to the microphone so i sound like five times louder than i normally do i don't see anything here do you see nothing i just see tobacco vending machines and i believe yeah these require a tospo or a card for you to buy tobacco but i don't i don't smoke i don't smoke so i can't can't show you how these work however six percent six percent alcohol i don't know why it's this team's stronger autumn beer so if you're a patreon supporter i put i put one of these in your bag these are the um um they still sell these i don't know like i think they ban these in america these are these are candy cigarettes and the tobacco industry might be behind these i don't know get people to oh give some you know candy cigarettes to your to your son he puts it around walking around and everyone looks at all the other kids say you got a cigarette no no they don't really give those they don't i don't think they these are the bad boys smoke one of these this is cobra kai material all right this is a candy cigarette look at that because because geisha smoke in japan they do i saw one once are we gonna have one we're gonna have a we're gonna have a smoke in front of the machine it smells like menthol i've never smoked before it's a true story i've never put put a tobacco into my mouth you know why because i don't if you know why so i'm asking i said you know why all right doesn't really look like a cigarette i'm smoking in front of the front of the cigarette bending machine that was good i thought the cigarettes would last a lot longer oh that's so minty that does not go good with that beer i just drank all right i think on the map the 7-eleven should be around here and by the way don't don't don't smoke kids it's not not good for you you can eat you know pokey sticks that look like it but it's not good for you there's the famous chuobashi do you see that in the distance it's one of the beautiful bridges that crosses the samida river i thought about doing an episode on the bridges of tokyo it's really really pretty look at that old house here that old house kind of spooky at night oh there's another temple sorry that's a shrine there's a little shrine back here that is so cool i didn't know about this did anybody know about this i got a light here hold on look at this that's pretty cool i love just you know what i tell you everybody so many times when you come and you travel it doesn't have to be in tokyo or anywhere you travel in the world get lost well make sure you don't go in a bad neighborhood and get lost because we found the 7-eleven there but get lost a little bit especially in japan you're gonna find some pretty amazing things in the alleys like you don't know what's down there until you until you explore recycling in japan is very very very very um high the recycle everybody recycles eric fernandez thank you welcome getting lost in kabukicho is fine as well just uh take a friend maybe if anybody asks you to go into a shop just say no okay it's like ooh come in and take a massage just say no okay you know it's not it's not the right thing to do it's probably the wrong kind of massage in kabukicho all right here's a 7-eleven and we're going to go check out it maybe get a snack or something i'm kind of on the sweep side but we'll look give a quick look at the bentos and then try to get a a snack what do you guys think if if you want to go in there click the like button see if we can get to 500 likes this is pretty this is pretty weak i'm so unimpressed with you i'm i'm unimpressed with our audience we need to get at least a minimum of 500 likes 700 does it 500 i meant 700. no i'm kidding it's good okay we got past the threshold all right i can live with that live with that i can live with that all right let's go inside here don't smash it because somebody like broke their phone once got angry at me somebody said smash the smash the like button i said no man just click it all right let's go check it out [Music] i love the copy machines you can do bluetooth copying [Music] okay [Music] wow this is interesting that's a creamy creamy pasta never seen that before [Music] egg immigration cap i'll hear the bentos here here's mabonasu is it mabodofu curry rice oh there's an okonomiyaki down there i wonder if that's any good well there's a temp but a tendon that tendon looks interesting okay here's some bentos i might have to get a bento the unikitty look pretty good too oh wow that's that's egg salad sandwich is insane all right we're gonna have to try this this looks pretty crazy oh this one's got an egg in the middle that looks really good what else can i get to try what looks interesting here oh this is a naughty band like the regular regular run-of-the-mill bento there it's a hard call i will try this here let's try this ten dollars i think [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't get a mess [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] we did it we got a haul all right we got some stuff where should i eat it i think i can go back up here we'll go eat it by the bridge again thank you 7-eleven hey david kimoda's here get something for your get something nice for your wife david i will but i don't think 7-eleven is the place to do that i can maybe get some oh that midnight's hard she's already asleep so i'll go and get her something breakfast okay go i'll go to the bakery and get something nicer than what they sell there hey joel h is here for daniel larusso karate kid fan from ohio cobra kai forever and the los jonin good morning great to see a live stream as i get to work happy monday that's right it's now september 1st where we are and it's august 31st where you are now i'm taking my hall over to the bridge here because that's what we do we hunt we gather and we feast somebody does that i don't know who but somebody oh there's like a little little table area there in the creepy zone that's got the creepy zone right by the bridge interesting so you're joining me for dinner at midnight in tokyo right now um i showed you in the last live stream that i carry this extension pole and it's for times like this where i can um make make the gimbal go up just a little bit higher and these types of things are important don't worry it's dark now but i brought a light that's what we do i came prepared a midnight snack run without a light is just it's a midnight snack run without a light that's what it is okay i try to get creative with words sometimes it doesn't work okay oh that's wet oh that was wet me bum is wet you still there okay there you are all right let's see what we got here oh man it's soaked right through and i'm wearing the uniqlo airism ones you know the ones at least they dry fast that's a good thing all right i'm panning up for a reason because you can see that you can see the hall better with this light now okay all right now i know that um nosh and some of the others really like this egg salad and i thought it would take a bite of this to give you all some inside knowledge japan has somehow made an amazing egg salad sandwich so we're gonna just try this out i'm gonna take a bite save it for tomorrow morning you shouldn't be eating after midnight especially if you're a gremlin it's true okay it smells like egg it's actually good that's a good sign who else does the smell test i do the smell test with my food and and my laundry if it passes it can be worn again don't tell that to kanai she doesn't she knows i still do the small test it's okay oh man you if you've ever eaten it before you know what i'm eating is it an artificial egg i don't know it could be the ingredients don't say artificial egg but it does say amino which probably is msg so there's msg in in a lot of things i don't know if it's real or not all i know is it says egg salad that's an ingredient all right next up on the hit parade i i don't even know why i got this i'm only gonna just try one of these um a midnight snack is not midnight dinner all right and i'd be i'd happily send this around the world to somebody else who would rather eat this hold on there we go now when you get a tendon from a convenience store they put this pouch on here and see the tape here they the the reason for this tape is um they don't microwave this pouch and they put this on afterwards and this is the tare this is what you would put on top of the tempura and she asked me at the register and i said please heat it up and it's four dollars it's good until today always do the the expiration date even in japan always do the expiration date let's open it up hey david chavez i hope the postcards are getting down you down to you in okinawa brother i love sending him down i love sending david's postcards domestically because i know that he's going to get it in like two or three days oh oh this looks good with the head lamp looks better than me all right let's give this a try they have four massive shrimps in there david does this count if i i save the shrimp for kanai does that count as something really good oh wait okay no no no i gotta put the tate on there okay okay gotta do this right gotta do this right gotta do this right okay don't try to don't try to you know eat eat tempura without the tate it just it doesn't have that that sweetness see what we got here hey jimmy's here for a cheap can of beer since some of us are not allowed alcohol before noon yeah i know that i've heard that before all right with the today it looks like this it's different huh um this is a tendon tempura on rice don is d-o-n but we would say don which is in katakana don means like a rice bowl and tempura is ten so it's a tendon that's how you get to the reasoning behind the name of this and i'll go for the shrimp in the middle um well tempura is always so good and i always wondered how they get the shrimp so long does it come like this from the store i don't i don't know so anyways we're gonna try this out here just keep it down this is a neighborhood it's pretty good it's kind of rubbery though it's a little bit rubbery hmm you know what tendon is always good though i could have bad tendon i wouldn't mind getting sick the next day because i love eating it hmm these are just some carrots some vegetable tempura vegetable that's nice i like here they put just a little bit of seaweed on the rice it gives it just a little bit of color and flavoring with the sauce that i put on there hmm very good this shrimp is for you i could send this to david what i choose not to i don't think it would make the flight i is this still airmail if you send a package to the other side of japan do they do it by truck or air mail i always wondered about that what i love about tendon is when they put the sauce in there do you see that the sauce will soak into the rice a little bit and gives it that extra flavoring it's really nice tomo tea writes in it's dark john it's because it's midnight it's and i'm outside typically it's dark but right i'm gonna save the rest for later because that's what i do that was so good recycle your chopsticks always recycle your chopsticks ah that was good all right on on onwards onwards focus focus it's like a panasonic camera there we go welcome to tokyo midnight this is um not not that far away from where i live i brought you to this neighborhood before this is called hachio bori in chuoku which is one of the 20 23 wards of tokyo oh man is my belly full it's raining oh this is one of the the locks from the samida river you see there's um scoot on the other side scuda is the name of that neighborhood i gotta show you around that neighborhood it's beautiful some of the alleys there this is a lock from the river so if a typhoon or a tsunami ever came they closed these locks so the water won't rush into this land there's a siren on there as well don't you get any drink john sammy i had a beer already it was like six percent man in oklahoma i think that that counts as like two beers because somebody told me in oklahoma the beers are all three percent so i just drank like two beers equivalent in one so in oklahoma i heard that from a buddy of mine i don't know he said so people go across the state line to texas and the other states to get beer because oklahoma mandates like three percent so people just drink more that's what they told me i don't know i got some friends in oklahoma that's weird i wonder why something's happening over there a 3.2 rates and james thanks for that it's crazy right i think i wonder how old that law is if it goes all the way back to the like the cowboy era and the corrals people were getting plowed on the eight percent bruise so the sheriff changed the law maybe i don't know can i and i were actually going to rent a car in march and drive the west west side of the u.s but that got cancelled because of this so it's kind of sad i've never had an in-n-out burger i've never driven on route 66 things like that i know japan much much better than my own country in terms of travel so i gotta remedy that and show kanai a little bit of my a little bit of of america but pandemic hit what's this with this fleet of red cars that's pretty cool you don't you don't see red cars often in japan and the reason why is people don't want to stick out so somebody told me um after world war ii almost all of the cars were either black or white because they didn't have they didn't have the paint or something so all the cars are either black or white and then they eventually got other colors like gray somebody decided to mix the paint maybe there's a lot of little things about japanese culture after the war which i'm intrigued about and how people lived back then um and the and how the lifestyle has evolved from then to now is incredible back then people were were going duty in a banjo which is like an outhouse just a hole in the ground and now they have the most high-tech toilets in the entire world it's true amazing toilets here in japan um dr scott nick i just uploaded a vid two seconds from your sega akihabara live video whoa so here are your royalties thank you that's pretty cool you have any questions i'm going i got to go back home because tonight i'm doing a patreon uh q a with our supporters on that platform and uh um i gotta be there at 1am or so yeah actually i can i can walk you up to the bridge you guys want to go up to the bridge i can do that oh whoa check it out i left my bike unlocked i left my bike totally unlocked and it's still it's still okay only in japan it's crazy it's crazy all right yes to the bridge i'm just gonna take you to the bridge real quickly um if i go here just leave the bike there i'm not even gonna take the key the key out just leave it see if it's still back it's still there bridge is kind of neat it's uh i see a lot of tv dramas filmed here i like to go running onto this island and driving around here this will take you if you go straight eventually to um you got to take a right to kachidoki and then you get to odaiba whoa that car is kind of going a little bit too fast oh shane just wrote a question about the fan video i had a lot of supporters um do a video i wanted to do that for the 50 000 subscribers but we got to that so quickly shane if you're watching i'm gonna piece that together probably in the next week um and get that out there as a thank you to everybody shane's up there in north canada hey remy gaming's here welcome to the travelers all right now you can see it's an island that that island over there it's an island all these tall buildings i love coming up here too it's real nice you get a really good view of the city of tokyo all the buildings nobody's here at midnight so social distancing is quite easy that there is the point where my wife can i was dancing when i introduced her to the world it's a nice little point and on a clear day skytree is right there but skytree shuts off at like 11 p.m or something midnight and it's really cloudy so no skytree but this is the mighty sumida river at midnight and you can see it's kind of quiet i don't know it's kind of quiet no space boat for you tokyo tokyo tower is is just behind this building so you can see it if you ride your bicycle along this side i like to go over the other side or you can see on this side this is chioku and you can run by the way if you're running you can run along the samida river without a traffic light for i don't know like five or ten kilometers it's really nice run it's a great path so over the last uh 10 years or so tokyo has really changed into a running city meaning they've made paths and places for for runners and this is really good and i think the tokyo marathon had a big played a big part in that opening up tokyo to running uh the imperial palace has this amazing it's exactly five kilometers around the imperial palace and people are running that maybe two times you get 10k out of it it's pretty cool the wind's coming that means there's another there's some more rain coming but tokyo has become a pretty pretty good running city a lot of places to run for me you've seen me i ride my bike to the um bmx olympic venue two weeks ago and that's all perfect for running no very few traffic lights open space really really pretty okay i better get home if you haven't already definitely check out the new video on the on the new only in japan channel um because nobody saw it yet youtube's not suggesting it i feel bad and i love kodo i love that group the taiko group the performers they they've over the 40 years really innovated performance arts in japan and put taiko on the map so give them give them some love too because they live streamed their performances this year because they couldn't put on the performance and they've lost six months of revenue because of the coronavirus just every single artist i feel especially performing artists i feel pretty bad for them because it's hard to generate revenue so i have to support our local artists make sure they're they're okay after the pandemic make sure they still got something that can pay their rent kanye is a dancer so she's got friends that have been um hurting as well support our friends hey irvan's here irvan i think i'm i'm almost there but the 12 to 24 millimeter lens are you talking the 2.8 or the 4.0 because that for that 2.8 is like 3 000 but i think we're getting there we'll be fine i still the the the a7 s3 does not arrive until october 9th in japan now mind you sony makes the cameras here in japan puts them together but they're released in america in september and they don't come to japan the country where the company's from until october it's still weird you think they respect the domestic market but i'm not sony it's just a little weird i know the the sony lenses are pretty pricey for the grand the gm lenses the 2.8 ones but they don't have oss and i've been looking online for a long time to see if the sony cameras have some have some so-so ibis internal stabilization and the lenses some of them have oss which is optical steady shot or something but does the oss lenses work with the five axis ibis inside of it to give you seven stops of stability i don't know nobody has given any information on the internet about that because everybody just gets the most expensive lenses that's what i've learned about uh sony shooters they seem to be rich sure richer than micro four thirds i've been shooting micro four thirds all my all for like five years now i almost said all my life micro four thirds is convenient because it's cheaper and uh the lenses are smaller i can fit three lenses in my hand and just one of cannons for example all right guys there you go um that's a we had oh what are they doing this souffle pudding that is the best dessert in the history of desserts this is crazy all right you know what i'm gonna get one for i'm not gonna eat it with you i'm gonna get one for a patreon live stream hold on a second i just saw this it's not a pudding it is a pudding but it's not a pudding it's complicated get some money out of here and that's almost 1 a.m um what i do is i usually eat half and then leave it in the fridge for kanai i don't even know if they have it all right let's go take a look take a look [Music] oh no they're sold out they're sold out it's that good [Music] oh they're sold out sold out there's no no pudding souffle cheesecake that's a disappointment it's a big disappointment i am will i am getting a little chubby i i was i was i i was facetiming my mom and i went like this and i have a second chin but i i've been starting to exercise a little bit more and canai's was cooked nabe for dinner which is really healthy vegetables so i'm gonna i'll be back and i'll spring back into shape just haven't been able to run because it's my problem all right folks have a good day have a good night wherever you are in the world thanks for joining me for this midnight snack run um i'll do another one of these maybe um not as often because as will said uh johnny's getting a little chubby and um because of the pandemic we're taking it a little bit uh being careful all the places have vinyl sheets in front of the registers and stuff but we still have to be really careful i got alcohol wipes and all this other stuff so do take care of yourself i will see you in another live stream probably tomorrow as we welcome in september officially right now happy september everybody thanks uh and i'll see you i'll see hey bayless here buy some pepto for the post game on the 711 tempura side question did you get my reply on insta if not message me so i can reply bill and i went to college together uh ohio state greatest university entire world it's probably 90 of people who disagree it's your problem but bayla i did not get your instagram messages i i don't really i if you write me on facebook to my personal account don't expect any responses just a lot of people that are upset and uh if you want to to get in touch with me um go to maybe the website and then there's a contact form you're gonna jump through hurdles all right cool i'll check it out bayla it's nice to see ya i i could use that pepto at 1 am and you got it is he bringing souffle is he bringing souffle pudding maybe one will fall off the turnip truck no way i'm extending this there's no way i'm extending this he's carrying a card of souffle pudding that's what i wanted do you see that they put on top of a cup of pudding they put a a souffle cheesecake on top it's crazy right no say no just say no keep going diabetes no just take care of your health and you out there take care of your health too and start to exercise i'll see you patreon supporters in like 10 minutes okay bye everybody thanks nice nice to see you bayla gotta come here to japan buddy i'll see you i'll see you guys tomorrow or on the patreon stream and uh hey tojiro hi john looks like it rained it did grab something warm to drink i will tomorrow's live stream is gonna be a warm one because it's so cool here have a good day
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 157,369
Rating: 4.868104 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, Tokyo, bento, eat, midnight, night, safe, tokyo at night, egg sandwich, tendon, walk, street view, view
Id: YxQ6rClduP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.