How kids learn Personal Responsibilty in Japan

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hello and welcome to an amazing event in Hibiya Park one of many that they have here one of my favorite places to come how you doing greetings everybody we're gonna be talking in this livestream about how Japanese learn about personal responsibilities and why it is important and why the way that Japanese do it is not necessary for all people to do it we just have a way here in Japan this event is pretty cool do you have the flyer it's it's called like farm and kids and it's a way where kids can learn that the food that's in the supermarket is not it doesn't actually come from the supermarket so where where kids can get connected with the food that they eat and it's pretty interesting that they do something like this because I've never seen anything like it however the city of Tokyo and the Government of Japan does these kind of programs to familiarize kids with with what is actually around them in their environment like the food that they eat is not come in a cellophane package it's actually it comes from a farm so we're gonna meet a lot of farmers around here and see how kids interact with that but we're also gonna be talking about our personal experience this is your pan and how we've been shaped by this G koseki name write the words called g KO ii ii ii means responsibility g KO is self yeah so this is a big concept in japan and it's a part of japanese culture that i think if you're gonna be living here you have to know but if you're gonna be a guest and a visitor and a tourist you don't have to know it but it's good to know it and understand what's going on around you so let's walk around a little bit and show you the the thumbnail was of a son i who is a he sounds like konai son i son is not here she left she was a mascot you see the kids are learning about tractors because they've never ridden one in in tokyo right so now they get a chance to do it which is so cute so they can understand you know it actually is a hard job to make the food that's in the supermarket to make the spinach or the onions or the potatoes it requires a lot of effort that's the purpose of this festival and also to eat because we got a ton of street food look at that there's some meat and and some some corn that's grilling on the on the barbecue over there they're farmers right it's local people now in the city and of Tokyo to educate people my own personal experience it could best be highlighted with I guess Japanese personal responsibility can best be highlighted with the World Cup in Rio de Janeiro in 2014 do you guys remember that they had the stadium jeff japan had played in the soccer games the football games in the stadium and after the games javelin he's cleaned up the trash that was right in front of them and it made worldwide news and we in japan were pretty like curious like why is that big news this is what we normally do we take our trash home with us and people went so far as to start cleaning everybody else's trash that's just because we feel that we not Linda - oh oh there's another mascot so connect why why do you think Japanese cleaned the stadiums in Rio do you remember is it like they feel guilty if they don't do it or [Music] why yeah none dinero I think it's because people when they see something in front of them they want to clean it because if they if they leave it behind they feel bad about that yeah so he we are thinking and we're learning if you don't feel bad if you don't feel good you don't need to do to the other person I think I do but I think if you left the mess that was in front of you you would feel bad about that so if you clean it up and maybe is a little bit extra work but you feel good about what you just did and you can sleep a lot better at night but that just but why do people feel like that yeah attend to someone we did it yes thank somehow meet enemies so if nobody there somebody look at you there's an expression yeah I'm gonna be doing this in a main Channel episode but there's an expression why people are so honest why people are are honest I get this it is pretty crappy Pilar so the why Japanese are the way that they are in this respect it's very interesting but it's also a good concept now check you alright I just have to show you this because everyone's coming around the the utakata Japanese mascot let's go check him out if we go a little bit around this festival we're gonna see some of the stuff that they're doing on the farm and introducing it to kids it's pretty interesting this is elephant [Music] [Laughter] you read an a I don't know what he is what's his name he's got a tag yo DS all this one is called yo diesel hey he's moving his nose did you see that I love Japanese mascots who came up with that idea do it again do it again beauties up beauties Oh beauties oh it's awesome okay when this when there's kids and adults like me you're gonna want to have utakata around personal responsibility in Japan is something that you learned in schools as a kid so we cannot expect Japanese companies don't expect American workers to have the same values and vice-versa but like one of the things that I think the challenges that Japanese companies have and why they're hesitant to hire Westerners is because that they don't have the same values which is team that the team spirit so person at the G Co second also as part of the team spirit you have a person responsibility not just to clean up after you after yourself and around you but also to put the community before self sometimes and you learn that in school it's something that's really deep and engrained inside of you and we don't have that talked to us in America it's more about the self which is not a bad thing but I I think that Westers Americans and this is my own experience we can do really well in Japanese companies if we know what's expected of us and that's Japan is doing a better job Japanese companies up giving the expectations to Western workers and companies and that's helping them see why they need to do something with the team and to have that G koseki name so if your Japanese company is not doing that they're probably not doing a good job the best way to get Westerners to have that same spirit is to explain to them what is expected of them and I think it's happening more and more this is pretty cool like that hat I'm talking about can I get one of those it's awesome right yeah what I was saying is the assumption that Western workers cannot that's a rice that's awesome alright let's go where one of these that just because you're a westerner does not mean that you can't learn the same values as Japanese you just Japanese companies have to do a good job of explaining the expectations of what it is that they need and then I know that for example myself has done a pretty good job I think of being a team player and working for the community Steven theis for the snacks Thank You Steven we got to Steven give us some snack money Thank You Steven all right I want to wear a rice hat it's so cute yes I do tonight you want to wear a rice hat I want to get my picture with the rice hey you guys I'm a big kid I totally want to get a rice rice picture can I can you do it or should I do it you guys take a screenshot okay it gets like a screenshot [Music] you're gonna do this I this is so cute can adults do it too oh is this a quote um with that game get spit I got a kid spear here hold the camera I want a rice picture kids are waiting I know [Music] it is sharp I like either gonna take his had like bad [Music] [Music] kunai shy so he was telling me that farmers will hold that rice and it's up to 60 kilograms that they're holding it and they'll hold two so that's like a hundred and twenty kilograms probably on the end of a stick or something that's crazy so yeah farmers deserve a lot of respect for what they do I like this that the kids can come and learn about that mr. das is in the house you guys look Andy Bri ated just I I get his jokes David you wanna have something good thank you David good eyes here all right I'm gonna well we've taking a look at more kids and we're gonna keep it really we're not gonna zoom in on anybody I just want to give you a feeling of what's going on here they're learning about onions here and that's pretty cool shopping for onions yeah these are the little teeny what is it oh these are for tulips I thought they were little onions so they're picking out of the basket little tulips that they can grow into stop that's really cool and they're doing it with their parents I love this Laur bulbs no nosh Wrightson thank you hit this get one for 400 yen should we get one I don't know look I used to teach kids so I get in that spirit I took kids for seven years and the kids would always share with me and I would share with them so I feel like a big kid this guy's which is sometimes a little creepy all right I guess my intentions are good um check it out Ringo L MIDI Tenaya name I'm not gonna I'm not gonna vote in gutter oh so now you know sweets the apples in them in Nagano are so big okey John okay delicious they've got such big ones these are called Jonah Gold's Jonagold zoki nan don't Ringo juice some water yeah look at this you want to trace some Ringo juice tonight let's try some all right let's get one and these are bags of rice here amano me message nama ringo juice alright this looks so good very nice look at that it's man that looks so good what's this one me cutting an engine that's carrot juice there it's carrot juice there satellite DNA - oh hi Tina no it's so sweet am I pushy Wow that's why I love to come to these kinds of events I started I learned so much about Japan I learned so much about Japan from coming to these events and talking with people that come they come from all over Japan to come to the spot to teach about their local areas as well I saw like kids are milking a cow over there so then they understand that the milk which is genius I want to find that they learned that the milk does not come from a carton it actually comes from a real cow and if and if you if you'd never go through school and actually milk a cow I think you don't connect with nature in the way that they do here in Japan that's so important to learn about the food that you eat and the ingredients that you are putting in your butter oh it's not a cow that's a goat or sheep what is it animals in Tokyo roaming free it's crazy I look at that little guy look at this little little baby in the car the stroller what is that are you doing kid which how old are you look at the little she gate Kern he was born Umar a on November 4th so he's one years old he's a year old what what kind of animal she get is a yogi a cow that's a little baby cow hmm I wanted she get couldn't wake up he just feels maybe scared because there's a lot of people yeah mrs. mommy yeah mm-hmm maybe his mom had made this mmm the kids looking for the cow that was me mmm kids freaked out sorry kid oh look how happy the Sheep is getting stroked by the little girl they're brushing him and look how happy the Sheep is I love this hey sheep oh look he's getting some love over there by the kid looking look at this the goat getting some massive love over there oh that's so precious look at that I love this look at his smile look at this sheep smiling it was classic that was way too awesome well if you came face-to-face if you came face-to-face with AK with a goat and you never seen one before and it's real and moving I'd be freaked out too if I was like three that you can't this is so precious [Music] just it's just a way for kids to learn about learn about school I like the festival here is set up across the way they're a stage and they've had teachers and instructors with the kids come up on stage and learn about things and what they do it on stage they teach everybody who's watching as well so it's pretty neat that they've set this up pretty well very well extremely well mr. das that apple juice was a little strong oh goody city it's from Chiba how do I know because Chiba Khun is right there that's the mascot for Chiba Prefecture oh so this is like jams and stuff so the kids can come here and make it how cool is that they're making a comb a what's that [Music] yeah like Jo can make like dough from rice and what do they make from that they just eat it made by from the ground yeah oh look at that so here's a nice oh wow what a man under spa Mina Tabata a toffee night table and I okay interesting arigato hai Chiba Cara Chewbacca meeting okay I'm very cool that's it let's keep let's keep on moving take a look at what else I got here we're learning oh this is a rice cleaner check this out so they've gotten the rice harvest here do you see that this is rice and it's Rasta form and how he's showing the kids how to do how to get the rice off of the tree I've never seen this before this is old school this is so interesting and you see the rice on the end of the sticks here the kid is putting putting it into this machine where he's working it by his foot it's a foot pedal and they're doing it together and the rice is coming on the other end [Music] and then he shows he shows the the kid how much rice e took that's so interesting can I do this - cannot you do it can i you do it Oh one child sorry it's only four kids how old are you can i 3 2 going on 5 that's how old I am 45 going on 5 all right let me show you what rice looks like in its rawest form so this is rice check it out [Music] and after it's been dried like this in the Sun and this is the time when they harvest at the end you can see the kernels on there that's right so that's again my which is brown rice yeah you can see down here yeah and that's that's put into the machine and then a race polisher will polish it down so then you can get to the white rice usually I would polish it down to 10% or 15% for sake all the way down to 50% is just thrown away they just want the starch so this is again my after it's been you know after the machine that they show you have you ever seen that machine can I know right it's extraordinary here's another like tutorial he's teaching the kids about spinach I wondered him up spinach [Music] learning about spinach from the farmer directly that's so cool [Music] and here's the experience so kids can go out to the farm and learn about it this is a Nagano Prefecture actually right there now gonna I love that that the farmers are coming to Tokyo to do this thank you [Music] porty under pocket G oh yeah we need this for can we eat I crave for dinner could I alright can I ads in tofu in her Thai curry which is really delicious yes tonight curly Tina they're harvesting it this is the best view I can give you guys of two legs [Music] Archy I love coriander actually there's a pocket see boom now in Japan over the last two years you couldn't find it in any of the stores now everyone is growing it smells so good coriander oh this is the what is that strawberries huh salmon persons look Oh cocky this is kaki look at that that's so cool so learning to peel it I mean they can do that at home but it's it's also learning about where it comes from from a tree so there's a lot of stuff that kids you just don't get that experience in in in the city so that's cool that everybody's coming here so Kenai when you were in when you were in elementary school like these kids going back a couple of tickets so like what what did you study in school for G koseki name yeah what did you study did cleanup and we need solving the lunch cuckoo and yeah normally we have it some few chains in the club so so we we have to decide it you have to decide leader in a sub leader at the group then when we gonna we have we we eat lunch so one group it's having good fun grip grip so we each group has responsibilities low-tech no-tech and then rotate rotate yeah then after after the lunge we have I don't know school is same no but my my hazard pudding cleanup time after the lunch so one group it's going to hunger lip cream up the classroom our group clean up a bathroom one clip clean up other highest room right then we do then we after finishing up we can't have play you don't do your job you can't go outside in play kids are watching is that fair if your parents if you think that's fair click the look click the thumb the like button right now if you think we need this in Institute it in other countries click the like button basically there's a there's a wheel right in the classroom a wheel that did change the wheel and then your group yeah right yeah I know this because I went to a couple of university to elementary schools in Japan you can see the wheel and then the groups know what the responsibility is for that day because the wheel has changed and it shows your job is to clean the bathrooms your job is to serve the food yeah your job is to clean this area or or wash the floors or something and then from this kids learn responsibility that like if one of these jobs goes unfulfilled the kids won't eat the bathrooms will be dirty things you'll you'll blame each other for not doing your responsibilities it starts at such a young age once I caught on how old were you when when you started to learn this you got it this is a like button click for this preschool yeah Wow so that's like go side you'll young say go say like four three years old you start to learn personal responsibility yeah my my sister is walking up school teachers kid so after you could change the clothes yeah you have to you have to fold your clothes I didn't have to do that then put your bag my mom was really easy on me then but it seems that sometimes the kids I don't know the flip side of this on the outside it looks like when kids are out out of the home they can do whatever they want non God that like the kids are just running around sickening gone.i it seems like so not sometimes it's maybe it's parent by parent I don't know sometimes parents so teach it's not like a general thing but most parents are pretty good with teaching responsibilities and then some kids will be running around like crazy I don't know but I think we don't see everything that's behind the scenes basically we don't see what it's like at home actually and Japanese parents are quite PVC we're your parents key be she I like my mom mama sighs that's right I have a scene goddess I have confidence and courage yeah because of her mom yeah that's why our house is so clean because she gives tonight gives me in motivation to clean up more just look at her eyes sometimes yeah so I don't know why you do yeah you you ask me why you do cleanup why you do this I don't know why it's enough for needs so it seems weird that I asked that question at all like why would you do this it seems weird it's its usual yeah it's not weird at all I'm walking across the bridge look at kit should be doing that Hey she'll let the kids do it I'll do it you guys need some help yeah personal responsibility probably volunteers a lot about vampire code oh yes like teamwork it's a bunny how do you say that word against anticodon t don t is team hold on don t code or you could say make sure the line so at the in a class we have to make lion yeah very straight what happens if you don't do it what happens if your line you have just make space from like this next two possums yeah it's a small feeling my aha you had to learn how to line up properly in school chontal not on the harness I didn't learn that in school but I don't know do you think maybe people are two key B she it's like such a small thing no is that important for Japan might be too sweet about that even you know Japan is very clean everywhere that's a good good point yeah that's why there's no trash cans people will take their trash home with them and separate it in their house all right imagine you got to carry a trash bag to take it home with you sometimes and you can't find a trash can now that there's a there's a dark side to this let's walk this way this seems like just food hey mr. das I think I found something you might like thank you I might have to you know get something cuz you know mr. das very powerful all right let's take a look here there's a beer factory with meat it smells good this is natural farming yeah they're calling us over all right I guess we gonna have to go over but we'll come back here I just want to talk about the dark side you know like we raised the we raised the beef we raised a chicken but sometimes they have to make a sacrifice for all of us which I've introduced in some of the other videos all right let's put that to the side talk about the dark side of the ji koseki Deen sometimes there's a dark side like and you can tell that the Sun has gone away and your hair looks great by the way yeah gqo sickening is also sometimes an excuse for bullying EGM a watery hito like sometimes use that like oh you did it and do it you're not one of us yeah and it seems like they can they will bully you so that's the kind of a dark side it happens too often and kids kids need to be monitored with this team thing too because sometimes that you can feel like you are not a part of the team anymore just because of one mistake and they don't yeah and then they des cannot recover because kids are kids so that's a dark side of this some teachers have to do a good job of monitoring the G koseki Neen and make sure it's not abused too because we also have to look out for the individual that's why I think I'm really fortunate because I I was come from America but I've lived it for twenty years because I have a I can understand both sides I can understand how gqo sick eating can be a bad thing and a good thing and how this works well and also works has some flaws where sometimes you have to think of the self in the American Way because it makes us stronger and sometimes you have to think about the team which makes our community stronger I think it's a good balance that's why when globalization takes place and we learn from each other and not just focus on ourselves but on how we can get better the system works better so I think I got it I got a pretty good I got a pretty good formula Society yeah were you ever bullied as a kid yeah really who to give me their names addresses phone numbers I don't care if was thirty years ago take them down now country important for teamwork but some people can't do it yeah Scott economist katanas overnight but some of people can't do it but right that one person can't do it do it do it other people say [Music] feel like very lonely and you know have so it's not bad part yeah this is and this is the dark side everybody I think and this is where America I think is really good because America is I I like to believe that we pick up the people nothing the government does it is but we as a society pick up people that are in need and we have a lot of heart in the United's we help a lot of countries around the world you might not agree with me this is just coming from me my opinion and because we cut focus on the self we also focus on other people as well and that way not just always looking at the community but case-by-case more whereas in Japan we'll look at the community I don't know that's just this is my opinion but I like that part about America and I love that about the support especially hearing that in the comments you can see people are very supportive of kanai's as you can do it you can do it and then Japanese probably will be critical like why don't you speak English better and why are you representing Japan right who picked you I'm serious so Japanese can be very critical and also Americans can be more forgiving and I think that that's also a very important quality that's also another reason why we have a lot of hard Americans do hi I believe in it I believe in it we need a balance yes vote for me 2020 I'm gonna talk like this get a beer yeah to tell you bombshells she's on your side can I she loves your hair and says also you are the Japanese bombshell kanai's beautiful example of a jet pit of a beautiful of a Japanese woman exactly very strong kadai your inspiration is chica by linger oh yeah I like Ginga yeah you can say about anything you want I'm country I'm fighting attitude car yeah the YouTube did she has a YouTube channel I love what a long from her travel yeah I'd love to meet miss chica I'm a big fan too I learned from her about you so chica incredible youtuber who teaches about a lot of stuff probably has a lot to say about this too very passionate but people who bullied cannae you go down take them down show yourselves come out from these trees and present yourself in front of me no you will not farewell my wrath too much that was I did I went too far so here's to see this live stream I'm still have you guys if you want to see so street food now I'm not gonna start a live stream we're just gonna eat some food for the next like 15 minutes or so so if you'd like to see this true substrate food let's get to 350 likes right here I'm gonna hold you ransom I don't know they have your pork over there con I that looks really good beer pork does that mean that you can't eat it she can't drink alcohol his allergy tell you get a beer pork yeah it's just a big deal okay you want to get one I can't go close you either you go or I go because I can't go cuz of the music yes she's like she's like saying come to me but I can't take the camera because they have copyrighted music so either you can go or I can go okay rucks is his paper the Rex is his paper no cos a bully you know girl youtuber peoples all the viewers are bullying me last time at Cal go away they said why do you always make can I go and I said well then she's got to hold the stick and entertain you so it's either me or her so this time for all the pulleys on me I didn't do anything wrong we're gonna do rock scissors paper ready all right if the winner wait does the winner go or the winner stays to cut that up a coup or no quote it looks you so the winner gets to stay all right Rach Rex is a paper go scissors a junk end Paul okay Joey took it before me Hey done again oh hey I win I stay now it's democracy all right she's got to go it's democracy all right can I you go I I don't know let's let's I gotta go cause he gets all right let's go together now I give up all right we'll go all right let's get it let's get a drink so I'll take oh I'll take em size M size Pale Ale is pale good or session IPA and then you can get some of the beer pork just get whatever you like it's on mr. das this is the mr. Todd's so I just like volunteered up gonna say she's ready good I was actually at the camera say I just sorry I put it out there mystery guys into something because he already gave us super shots so it's alright we're gonna get you're gonna get something I know miss we it's not a psyche though I hope it's okay you guys are so kind to Kate for some food food mood funny thing we're gonna get more than this there's so much food over there and actually I like to come here because we're not just supporting like a chain when we eat here we're supporting local businesses and this is this is why I'm buying the food here because one I'm hungry and two like we are farmers making barley by natural farming I love that they're here that's a small stand and we I feel like we're supporting our local community and that's really good some I'm not drinking for me I'm drinking for her to the community because the community needs me to drink beer kinda you're holding that beer like you know what you're doing this is great I've support my local business howdy got the all all right you all you got the pork stick all right so this is good locally sourced organic pork Thank You Pig we say eat the duck keymaster yeah this is like the same we had a beer and a pork stick last week at Cal go if you did not see that late livestream was awesome that was a great livestream it's that fermented pork Seana rock really this is locally sourced pork stuff just happens in a live stream that was let's go let's go figure out what they did all right try the pork I'll try the beer at the same time three two one that's good that's so good you want some of my beer I have to offer because it skies can we get speech this is so good I don't want to share that's good it's based off it's called natural farming or even more farms [Music] all right thank you I love the logo on it woman oh why did they explode what it what exploded oh it's this machine oh that's like popcorn what are they doing it's like oh they exploded in and all the rice explodes and then you can eat it this is rice made by children oh look at this so they put it in there and they exploded it look that's what we heard before and he's alert he's loading it up for another one that's awesome it smells so good it smells like like burnt popcorn but not overly burned just burned enough that's great yep that's what we heard this is a what is it like a blowtorch or something I don't know it's pressurized popcorn I saw this on the food Ranger he went to like deep China and they did it like by exploding it alright we'll come back later that's your part you can eat the pork you'd know you could a rock scissor paper Rock scissor paper John Kampong okay you get it yeah it's okay she said Mel C LC book good that's for Dani our friend in beer pork rib master dreads in fear pork and then mr. das alright this one we're putting a hit out on the bullies you got it Dani is one of our friends we met in Montreal and and he said Massey little Canadian Quebec for the French said our watching that was french-canadian everybody all right let's go I've asked them where they're from where is the paradise for your factoring is it in Chiba is it in you ask them where it's from try to get amazed because we want to support them I love my local business it's fun fun being at an event man the great thing about oh she got she got a pamphlet [Music] let's get some more food all right tell us so all about this place paradise beer factory from costume up where's that Kashima I see McCaskill chiba-chiba okay that's great and they have like also tells you it takes two hours to get there from Tokyo Station and they have a stand out there and they have freshly made meat and food in a farm that's awesome and a restaurant sorry Oh II bataki okay I'll cut you out okay any Bucky yeah I got it wonderful I love Ibaraki I've got three live streams including a sushi drive-through sushi episode I said drived it twice because it was probably the success success of that video is because the drive-through girl more than the sushi and the driving I don't know it she was really good she's really good all right so here we're learning about learning about pigs it's very nice and then here is oh wow can you hold my whiskey I can't hey there's Dani we love Dani oh look at this and down there actually this is a good way to learn about me they have here the parts of the pig the head the ham the loin the belly the ribs and the reality is that yeah the meat does not come from the supermarket you have to cut up the pig and kids got to learn that I think what you get at the supermarket is not exactly what it's not just me didn't wrapper it's a living it was a living creature kids should learn that and the line Monday night so no koe Nanaia this line is huge can I look at this line what is it for they can get pork this is the pork area whoa this is t-shirt we love Japanese pork hey don't go to a boot that is egg cooker Wow nationwide Wow and kids can learn about pork here very cool arigato thank you all right we got some tissues breaking okay in Russian sub if we should be yeah very serious not to bring oh great this is important information yes yes do we have about 1000 people watching don't bring pork products into Japan it's three years in prison Oh anyone want a service yeah yeah from the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry fisheries in Japan so please be careful do not bring meat products into Japan thank you yeah it's a good message um amina dokoni can we just walk here Oh what is guy no way I could I can you dress like this you just like this is only in Japan only in Japan oh this is great look at the way he's just like a superhero [Music] I was like how long can you do how long can you say boo is he timing her he's heavy how long could say that boo is what Pig say right yeah can I try is there an age limit it doesn't know for kids sorry I would totally win I'm I'm very competitive look do you look America you have Marvel and Superman and Aquaman and all those people with muscles that are adults that look on manly and stuff not in Japan our superheroes are right there okay these are our superheroes and we love them even more pork man he's gotta put four this is asking what but it's your favorite what is your favorite food we got pork man eating she's gonna say pork she's on the spot [Music] oh she gets a boot how long huh five six seven eight nine eight point five nine seconds nine seconds well boot Amman is generous boots a man is generous we love you boo - man he's strong he is strong I like he's a nice guy all right let's buy some food I'm getting all this talk of pork get making us hungry I love that we shut it out a message to the forestry Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries we love you hello you found us you're on a live stream we love pork it's just it's very confusing how are you where where are you from okay welcome it's a long trip it's a long trip old is your third time a wonderful so how long have you been in Japan and on this trip six days what have you see that's how you do high five that's how you do Japan trip I was we're still a little bit hungover from last night I had come to a street food festival I like that yeah oh thank you are you staying near here okay okay wow that took like 20 minutes to come here right 20 30 minutes that's why I streamed for one hour my friend lives in hoax fat Ben I love ya okay yeah it's so far away I one of my best friends lives in hook strata and we've traveled around for years and years 20 years ago so I might when I go to Belgium we go to he had he had a supermarket chain called Jana Breeden's John John his grandfather's chained but he's sold I just had to sell them heaven mostly and I was from Holland but they're all over hoax trapped in as well I don't know we don't know look for Yan Yan bruisings BR u J something Yan right he's a character he's he's looking for guy yeah you guys want a beer or something yeah let's go find some I ha I beat you there's one over there we're going back into the middle here so let's go learn about let's learn about Japanese farms and personal responsibilities do you have in Belgium do you learn about personal responsibility in school like if you see some trash in front of you you should clean it up or we do it yeah it's not something we learn so I'm glad that it's not just it's not just the USA who doesn't who doesn't learn about that at a young age that's okay I guess everybody has their own family values so we all we learned that from our family I believe there's this so the other foods on the other side pretty much like a hook on a there we have any other foods in this area a Frankfurt's do they have any beer oh yeah boy you can get a beer here they make it in Ibaraki local brewed yeah about it a two hours north yeah up in the farm and what else did they have here they had strawberries something right I don't know I'm looking for another beer place to support local local businesses over there there's a bunch in the front to the front yeah let's go into the front I just feels bad because now I'm drinking I'm drinking beer and I can't should do share I don't know I like this beer let's cross the bridge and learn some more I want to find the milking cow find the milking cow [Music] this is rare to have such a warm day in November I think I think as the Sun is out it'll be pretty cold tonight but we we dress in layers in November yeah cuz he gets if it's sunny gets hot what's it like in Belgium right now yeah people get people a little bit more conservative they don't want to be cold they'd rather be a little warmer oh there's some more rice that's from Nagaoka in Niigata but it's only for kids which stinks do you guys want to wear the rice hat oh I can I know the place the one that we had in eh go use our okay who said on go yeah that's so good let's get some kusa dango [Music] fukusa dango hey clip this is the least I could do to support you guys I'm glad to be witnessing this journey with all of you thanks cliff you are with us brother it's like we're we're all together our whole communities in here thanks for joining us alright let's get some stuff alright this is cheese look they got some cheese over here the cheese girls it's the apple juice friends others amazake look at the rice from Chiba Wow brand-new rice the rice harvest just ended about a week ago a couple weeks ago we went down Kona and I went down to Fukui to harvest the rice and it was pretty cool to do that that experience and and then we ate the rice which was even cooler look the line is so long now for the the rice hat I got to yeah I did I did it it was this is no rice hat for you guys no no baby no okay next time it's that for everybody today you have to be a big boy it's a lot of responsibility to where the rice hat you must have courage beyond oh did you go last night oh we wanted to go Tonino Ichi is the festival that livestream got like 400,000 views last last year it was crazy all right let's get some beer for the for our friends here i-i-i smelled beer on in this direction yeah so this area usually Hibiya has amazing festivals I'm gonna be back here next week believe it or not there's a one of my favorite festivals is here in this park next week and I'll try to do another livestream I did I did election there last year if you want to see that you can go and do it I'm just gonna do it again because it's so delicious but there was a lot that I did not introduce in last year's live stream someone oh look they got like egg pudding and they make such this is a heel heel goes on from where don't go no no go no time ago oh oh boy today time ago cockade a ricer yeah from Okayama is very famous yeah just taking a raw egg Japanese eggs are so fresh and so good the chickens have eating really good food so the yolk is orange it's not yellow it's orange in Japan and I'm not exactly sure why but I know that they need really good food and the eggs are so fresh that they will just crack an egg on top of rice and we call them Tomiko caca Gohan Tomiko caca a Gohan is so good did we know you didn't go to Hulk strata in that time we met in we met Jana and aunt orphan I think yeah we met Jana and Torben but we went we went past hulks Ratan yeah Kenai and I went to Europe about four years ago on another train trip and we met our friend yan just good do you see the beer they had beer here they did I swear they had beer I think they got it somewhere straight ahead is Yoshino Yan Yoshino Yi is here to kind of to learn about meat I know that they had beer here as soil I saw beer here I know I saw I hear some beer yeah odo Kenobi do disco dope gonna be a Ibaraki can Wow Ibaraki bitter yeah Wow yeah which one is good here they have a blueberry beer Oh wiesen beer caetera beer all sick it's all $5 that's pretty good which ones do you want okay oh yeah do you have yeah we'll treat you guys [Music] yeah I'm okay I have enough beer this is this mr. mr. das approved I don't know thank you yeah I think you're supposed to drink the craft beer by cup I think yeah oh this is wrinkled wrinkled is there a Rincon season ye modest by ma pop customers asterisk our sushi Cara so no tie Kennedy mascot I can what does a youtuber is a knows if I drink on showcase tie this man also discard because someone asked me encanta : aunty you know ah lotus lotus root lotus root we say link all in Japanese you guys got beer good it's nice it's kind of business mode for main channel [Music] notice yellow dress food they have a deep-fried a daughter I want to do that sorry I used my nose to turn around I want to go and show lotus roots which is pretty unique vegetable so I give him my business card I want to get in that too I want to get in there too look at the loot girl she's inside the tractor posing I want to see her why don't they teach you how to turn the ignition button on push the button it's so cute so how is your beer you got the blueberry what's that taste like a little touch of blueberry very good and this one is the the wiesen yeah that one's got a little sweet yeah mister mister dust this is this is all a mr. das whatever our supporters here he's saying to go for round two we love you mr. das we will might I might do that actually in order to do that we'll have to get to 500 lights that - it's dangerous this is participation of the community because again personal responsibility is you need to encourage us it's your responsibility because that is having any sense let's go could I let's go look at this Yoshino yeah let's look at this Yoshino yeah it's nice you get oh sorry what are your names I didn't get you today my name is Jon Natalie Natalie and Thomas and that's Kenai yeah Natalie and Thomas from Belgium very nice to meet you I'm sorry that's my bad so this is called the Yoshino yeah orange dream and guess what is that like then Yoshino your mascot what no what is this mascot I love this mascot the kids are pulling on its nose ring that's kind of cruel that's kind of nut it's kind of tough that's so cute look at that look at the yeah this is Yoshi Noah's utakata you guys want a picture okay all right Natalija Thomas are going in to pose with the Yoshi no yeah hey you want to get the Yoshi no your truck in there all right I'll get in on it it's moving what is this is Austin this is the greatest thing ever [Music] all right we took a picture it's moving look like today [Music] yo yo Petey your patottie got da I've never seen the yoshino yes mascot how cute is that an e at the opee yo p is the Yoshinori a mascots name I've never seen that before yo pitch on look how big he is that's a lot of meat in there he's appealing I've met mascots that were not happy and I would say mascot appeal and they have to appeal or else they're not doing a job mascots should be fun there are also human mascots like half mascot half human like this man here he is now he's happy he's he's he's half mascot for Yoshino yeah like there could be the beard talking so there you go this is the experience I hope that you enjoyed it I'm really happy that Natalie and Thomas Katrina Szish muscle so thanks guys for joining us on this livestream welcome to Japan we keep you fully inebriated the best try to get over a hangover for karaoke is to drink more beer everybody knows that mr. das yeah and thank you cut an eye for sharing your insight learning about personal responsibility and sharing that knowledge is very important miss the rest of the world globalization starts here with only in Japan Co click that subscribe button if you like what you see click that like button if you want to encourage us to do more you can make a difference spinette put it out there the last 20 seconds is of this amazing crowd as we learn personal responsibility through food have a great day great night everybody see in the next live stream that was final [Music]
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 23,329
Rating: 4.9313307 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, personal, responsibility, jikosekinin, tokyo, street food, festival, why, school, children, learn, food, nutrition, kids and farm, hibiya park, hibiya, event
Id: -QDN32lz6os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 6sec (4206 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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