Todd White - God Brings Increase to Supernatural Seed ( Praying for Pretzel Employees )

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so we went to Stu get some soft pretzels went to talk to the laid the counter and I had a word about her back being really bad and about sciatic nerve damage going down her leg do you have any trouble with your back you have pain you do yeah yes I just had a word about her having pain in her back Sam Lukesh max you see I'm Lucas Madison yes and it goes in your leg when see feelings in the binding and yeah yeah yeah on your right leg back the spine [Music] when she's at home she has to put her legs up and yeah it's good for her I'm gonna combine the left leg I'm going to I'm going to pray at that door I don't want to interrupt yes they have four people we talked to her she said yes we went to the side and prayed and she was overwhelmed she said I've never met anybody like you every bit of pain let go in Jesus name [Music] ask her what she feels check and see see bend that's good yeah no pain Hey she kept touching my face and now and I know what it is it's Jesus it's Christ it not the hope of glory so it's so important that when someone starts to praise you it's very important that you know that it's Jesus that it's not you and never ever take glory away from Jesus is he's so powerful and if someone thinks you just give it to him when you're alone here Lord this belongs to you so awesome has she ever given her life to Jesus I'm see a mighty baby Jesus Jesus [Music] she's Catholic and every Sunday she's goes into okay so we pray first she got completely healed shared the gospel with her she's Catholic she goes to Catholic Mass but has no idea what it means to have relationship he would like to come and make his home inside of you who emerged again India green and labor through the Holy Spirit we've been hiding guys yes would you pray with me mistress to meet me a babe right now ain't nothin and so we shared the gospel with her and she got born again gave her life to Jesus I'm asking you to forgive my sin this to me - soon he forgives and come and make your home inside of my heart in mine health I give my life to you David iam and live in Jesus and she said I've never met anybody like you I just want to thank you so much and kept doing this [Music] we're actually sending someone back to the booth tomorrow because that girl needs plugged into the local church yeah she never met someone like you in her life but right now Jesus has come loose excu the Holy Spirit looked in handy guys he healed her back there'll be no more pain this kinda schmear huh but today he has come to make his home inside of you I'm Heidi Zaki common yet the set s end to housing in the amount of income and he'll never leave you when everything even us and he'll never let you go she kept touching my face saying I've never seen anybody never met anybody like you that's amazing because all I am was a Christian then we started to walk away and as we walked away from the stand I really heard in my heart that that guy has a problem in that his knee and ankle in his foot area I gotta ask this guy real quick as it appears proper to this nation it is full of me Giannini probably these ankle pants for different left mine on another food it's a it's a real spirit ask him if it's about sperm actually yeah it's it's like sticky it's like it's about sperm yeah okay okay it's uh this this one this one it's okay just let me see what father I thank you in the name of Jesus I command this bone spur to disappear right now in Jesus name isn't let him go nothing in Jesus name check it will be his house [Music] spike right so fast movers any pain Stefan it's time to step on it in the name of Jesus I command this to disappear now bone spur get out in Jesus name right now let go in Jesus name in years enough step tell them to stomp on it oh yeah big faced off stomp step on you are you a Christian I am Muslim you must love you don't practice but we prayed for him and three times we prayed and it completely disappeared he was slamming his foot down on the ground checking yet which was awesome so I was a drug addict for 22 years fans on together and 14 years ago young I didn't believe anything we have on God nice kick out I was an atheist and I was with my girlfriend for nine years no findings has had a seven and a half year old daughter have any semen I'm getting it though and I went out and stole from the wrong drug dealer help you store infinitum equation and he was in my car kibosh I met him out though he shot at me another scene and I had an encounter then it became known with Jesus Jesus I didn't believe you have anything out ha ha can't fix your foot and then whose knee billion jesus jesus healed your foot it's not about religion give me some Willetta cure me there's a god that loves you that gives an angle 30 feet and he wants your heart he wants your whole life everything God says leave would you give your life to Him mrs. to find Liam unfuck oh look at me shall become he's the one that helped you today it's not about religion give me the millennium it's about Jesus it amuses it's not about trying to be above people it's give me Jesus you you know him from birth as a as a prophet Jesus Kinston I know but today right there he came on your job Jan told me up mucus about your leg been loose so he could heal your foot I said that infants die because he gets your heart then you're not a practicing Muslim you don't know what you believe if I speak Alps but today God's come to give you peace peace so you can be have peace here because you don't have peace here the world like this God loves you buddy buddy would you give your life to Him makes us the badly I will pray with you yes yes shoes perhaps really good she is asleep various religious globalization Jesus I mean if inches as well young artists Putin to be feeling off on this roof we have run also in Quran we have 80% of things that Jesus is I know telling us I know I know guys there's a difference I know but with my life I mean my name name I didn't meet religion young people I met the one I think involved that died for me well I was as bad as bad could be what he suspected saying wanted initially as well I was like the Minj I was hurting people have mentioned Phillips I've threatened to kill my girlfriend Kevin and finding a vacancy to curtain people are dead because of my life it's that God he's a God that looked at me there mianga and said I love you in Kazakh believethey Allah is a lot of different things all right but love is not one of them I love Eve is anything and God so loved the world of society may forgive you that he said his son is an insult I need that love he prompted is it even so that I can see you and love you became her and not want anything from you needs from elected I'm asking you if you want eternal life I shared the gospel with him and he wasn't ready to give his life to Jesus but I planted much seed and shared about the peace and the I asked him when he felt when we prayed again and he said I feel really good inside all really just really good and I said that's the peace that only Jesus can give you you have to believe that the Holy Spirit is gonna be on that as seed and he's gonna want to that seed and and no matter what I believe there's more Christians that are going to encounter him ask him what he feels [Music] good good good really does give him very good feel it's called peace busy feeding only Jesus can give you peace he doesn't live in a church and live me in a killer he doesn't live in a mosque and evening in a net she he sits at the right hand of heaven and he died for you to have life are you sure you won't pray with me we're gonna send people back to their witness again so I believe that then and then next day or very soon that he's gonna give his life to Jesus remember to reach out and remember to step out and touch people because it's only a matter of time until people come to Jesus if you plant the seed and believe that that seed is gonna grow because when we sow seeds we sow in faith because that when I'm gonna sow a seed I don't want to just scatter it I want a direct hit from the Holy Spirit toward their hardest touch to where their lives are changed and he has to continue checking that he'll he'll go home tonight take his shoe off and check and see that it's really gone and he's gonna remember that guy that came that's in love with Jesus they talked about Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and I believe that Jesus will visit him as a matter of fact we just pray father thank you in Jesus name but you'd visit him and that he would come to you because you're the world you're the real eternal only one and true God Jesus Christ we love you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 104,055
Rating: 4.9607697 out of 5
Id: svbc6RqoVO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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