Todd White - Interview - Christians Who Think Evangelism Isn't Their Gift

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I love it because there there is a five fold gift that that is that the body of Christ denotes pastors apostles prophets teachers evangelists there's the fivefold gifting where someone's called to actually have the office of a prophet or called to have the office of a pastor I mean that's probably the easiest one for people to relate to like are you a pastor or are you not it's pretty easy to figure that one out a pastor's like duties are are extreme like my pastor personally he's amazing but my pastor is on the phone for like six thousand seven thousand minutes a month so he's at the church doing things at the church but he's also counseling on a constant basis but he's like he's got a gift of being a pastor there are people that don't have the gift for being a pastor they try it they burn out see grace empowers you to walk out the gift on your life when it comes to the fivefold there's the office of evangelist but if you look at it if I have the office of evangelist which I believe I do I believe that I do have that office it's not for the equipping of evangelist it's for the equipping of the Saints so if I'm a believer all right if I'm a believer regardless of what office I'm called to and there's this thing in the body of Christ called a believer priesthood where we've all become a royal priesthood we've all become a chosen generation we were all chosen and we're become royalty and if we see that we're that we're kings and queens Jesus is the king of kings and the Lord of lords if we see that then we won't worry about so much that if I'm called to evangelism or not people have boiled evangelism down to to sharing the gospel with anybody it says that we're supposed to preach the good news to everyone everybody alive every believer is supposed to tell all creation it says that all creation is groaning for the sons of God to be made manifest and the Bible calls girls sons and I know that's weird but if I can be a bride then girls can be a son so either way five going to wear a wedding dress you can be a son it's okay the body of Christ is called to be believers before they're called to do anything else so a believer it says that these signs will follow them that believe says that they'll lay hands on the sick and the sickle recover says that believers will actually cast out devils which is scary for a lot of the church because they think well that's that's got to be a profit job you know Paul said when it comes to the office of a prophet Paul said I desire that you all prophesy so every believer has the ability to prophesy is it going to be your office might it might not be but everybody gets to prophesy I've prophesied I do it all the time because God lives in me and he wants to speak to people and God knows every thought about every person that you encounter so if I just have relationship with God but all of a sudden God would reveal a thought about a person because he knows that I'm just going to reveal God to that person so it's it's our believer priesthood that we stepped into that enables us to talk to people about Jesus and not be called to the office of evangelist we've boiled down evangelism to people tell people about Jesus if they're an evangelist and so we've become silent in the body of Christ because we believe it's not our gift well my question is to you are you a believer if you are what are you doing with your belief are you just believing enough that one day you're going to get out of here are you praying for Jesus to rescue you away and get you out because honestly the rapture is not a rescue mission it's to pick up for a wedding date it's an awesome way to look at it but there are many people I tell the church all the time because I do equipping conferences and in the ministry has called lifestyle Christianity because every Christian can live a lifestyle of being a Christian and all I am is a full-time normal Christian really that's what I believe I am but I equip people to be able to be normal that means like if you're going to get coffee and and you're going to buy coffee and there's a lot of people there are you concerned that people could be going to hell or not if you're not you need to read the Bible because the reality of it is is that everybody you look at is headed to Eternity they're either going to hell or they're going to heaven there is no in-between there's no fence you're either for him or against him so if you're a believer are you for him or are you against him you either gather to him or you scatter away from him like Jesus didn't ever give a medium he didn't say here you can hang out in the middle man I heard this story of this guy he was he was an atheist and he had this dream one night and he didn't choose Jesus and he didn't choose the devil and he's going to he's going to bed an atheist and in the dream he sees this fence and he sees this huge open space there on one side he saw what he believed to be the devil the devil doesn't look like a have pointy ears in a pointy tail and a pitchfork like we've painted him to be it actually doesn't say that at all in the Bible so so the devils over here he knows it's not Jesus because he can see somebody that he believes to be Jesus over here so one side of the fence you have the devil you have all these people that are with him that willingly served him then you have Jesus you have all these people over here this guy like sees this fence and he jumps up on the fence this is legit real dream he jumps up on the fence and all of a sudden people the devil disappear and the people with Jesus disappear and the devil comes back into the picture and he says there you are I was looking for you and he says hey I didn't choose him and I definitely didn't choose you and he said sure you did the fence is mine and so as Christians we think that there's a gray area but that fence belongs to the devil and one day you're going to stand before the Father if you have people in your life that you know that don't need Jesus one day one day you're going to stand before the king and there's going to be a sheep line and a goat line I'm standing in the Sheep line you will see all the people that you are afraid to talk to you that everybody was afraid to talk to you you'll see all these people and I guarantee you on that day I can only picture them saying why don't you tell me why didn't you what were you afraid of oh that right there that moves my heart not evangelism it's love it's the love of God for him it's the love of God for myself because I see who he created me to be and it's the love of God for people I can't stand the thought of someone going to hell I can't hold God back from somebody no I was 34 years old before anybody talked to me about Jesus my whole life nobody told me about God everybody was afraid man it was mercy that kept me alive because I should have died since his drug addict for 22 years man I should have died many times over so many times I thought of suicide so many times if a Christian would just know who God was if they would have known they could have saved 10 years 20 years off of my life as as a demonically obsessed drug addict atheist that hated Christians if one person had a right word just man if someone came up to me and say hey I just want to tell you that Jesus is real man he's amazing he loves you and has a plan for your life no one even told me that my life like it you could tell somebody somewhere that God loves him so much I mean get over the fear of people because honestly you're not supposed to have fear if you call yourself a Christian then it says in 2nd Timothy 1:7 that God did not give us a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind if he gave us love and power and a sound mind we need to tap into the truth of who he created us to be this isn't about evangelism so to speak this is about Christians waking up to the reality of Christ him crucified resurrected waking up to the reality that God chose them he wants to live inside of you and he wants to touch the world around you you know I have little girls I have a we have an 18 year old an 8 year old and a 4 year old they're like precious it's just amazing but we have this prayer we pray and it says Holy Ghost angels of God warrior angels we welcome you to we give you our heart our mind and our ears and help us to understand how wide and how high and how deep and how strong the love of God in Christ Jesus is and then I chase them around the room it's pretty awesome then we say I'd give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying and give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you God and cover us with the blood of Jesus and peace Jesus name and watch over then we name a whole bunch of and like they name the puppies and just awesome this great amen then we all say Amen but it's it's the truth it's it's Holy Ghost cover us and fill us and flow through us and touch the world around us I mean just those little things like teaching your kids that this is the reality of the gospel you have little kids that they're not evangelists man I mean I don't know what their office is gonna be I have a four year old that like she sees people in wheelchair she sees people and crutches she's like daddy look we need to pray she just dead focus like it my eight year old were at the beach last year just on a family vacation and a guy walks by with a neck brace on she's eight years old seven years old at the time almost eight the guy walks by on the beach with a neck brace on he's just walking down so he goes dad look I go I see she goes come on I could you go pray for him she goes she runs after this guy she's about 100 yards away or 100 meters away around she goes she pulls on his hand and I know what she's saying cuz I've taught him she says what what's wrong with your neck he goes he's just talking to her explaining whatever it is she goes can I pray for you he goes all okay thank you and he goes walking my daughter stops him she says no right now he goes okay she goes in the name of Jesus she's just swinging on his arm and Jesus named neck be healed right now Jesus name check it that's what she says my eight year old check it and the guy moves his neck around and I see him not his head so he goes jesus loves you so much he's like thank you and I could see him thumbs up I know what she's saying that I don't have to even read her lips I spend time with them this is what they see in my life on a constant basis so if your kids see it as a parent then your kids will be in the same thing your kids will just follow suit I mean if we would walk out with what we call it evangelism right and let's say your let's say your Christian mom or you're a Christian dad and you don't model what it looks like for a Christian to walk in front of your kids yet you go to church on Sunday but you never do anything with it there's so many kids that don't want anything to do with that they're tired of just going to a building they want to actually become the building so that they can when they go to the building it's like a bunch of buildings coming together actually the Bible says that you being built together as living stones into a spiritual house that's awesome I love it like like living stones like living rocks that walk around that that helped to build God's house God temple we are the temple of the Holy Ghost like this guy comes walking back up the beach and he says to me I said I said hey I want you to know I didn't tell my daughter to go pray for you he goes yeah that was really weird I go what he goes when she pray for me my neck got warm I said what does it feel like he goes it actually feels better I just had surgery I'm like oh my gosh I when someone has neck surgery I don't say move it check it but so he doesn't know any better she just like check it out he started moving it around he goes I'm going back to the doctors in like a week to get checked something's happening in there we said are you a Christian he goes I am I never had a little kid come up and pray for me I actually never had anybody come up and pray for me I said isn't that awesome what if we started this with our children he goes well done man to Zoey's like she's off in the waves she's just playing she's just a kid she just wants that fun we picture of Angela zhim like going up to somebody giving them a track pointing out the the reasons why they need Jesus and telling them that they're a sinner and that they need to repent I agree that people are sinners outside of Jesus they need to be saved Jesus did things different Jesus walked and the mercy and love of God flowed through him on such an amazing way that people that were prostitutes liars thieves like bandits like the worst of the worst they're like we gotta hang out with this guy and they followed him everywhere and they just wanted to listen to him and it was like Jesus he was the word of God but when he spoke it created life Peter said you have the words where else should we go he said you do you guys want to go to do you want to go away after he started he gave the sermon on eating my flesh and drink my blood and which freaked out everybody and and lots of people turned away but his his disciples didn't you know he still have the twelve disciples at that point right there and Peter says where else would we go you have the words of eternal life and like I'm so amazing cuz Jesus spoke in life was created and so we as Christians have the ability to speak life to people man we have the ability to shift somebody's future we have the ability to have somebody like switch eternity 'he's like what a privilege like i see people on airplanes and everywhere I go I see people come to Jesus because like I didn't learn it as like try to headlock someone into praying my prayer or talk them into how bad they are anybody that hears me preach you don't hear me preach about how twisted a sinner you are although sin is twisted whence people see and wake up to the reality that God is good and and they're they're valuable before the father all of a sudden their life before them they see oh my gosh my life isn't wrap this is too good to be true then all of a sudden it capsizes their heart and people want to surrender to a god that's like that and it's so amazing this thing's not hard all we need to do is see God created us to be so that we can see others for who God created them to be it's amazing what an opportunity we have don't miss the opportunity because of excuses don't miss the opportunity don't we have like this short of a time in in the frame of eternity we have this little window of opportunity to represent heaven we have just a little tiny bit of time whether it's a hundred years or it's twenty or it's ten you have an opportunity a window of time to represent Jesus don't miss the opportunity you'll never get to do it once you get there only place you can do it is here don't miss the opportunity you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 97,556
Rating: 4.9398761 out of 5
Id: JlZKIPO136c
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Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2015
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